Biological Behavior of Basis - Assignment

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Biological Behavior of Basis

 Explain the process of action potential and describe what are excitatory and
inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.

o Action potential: action potential is defined as an electric nerve impulse that travels
through a neuron's axon and when it is set off by a trigger changing the neuron's charge
from negative to positive. The resting state is the stage before stimulus present or before
neuron is triggered when it is negative electrical charge of about -70 millivolts. This is
before action potential takes place. During the process of action potential When a
message reaches neuron, gets along the cell membrane open briefly to allow positively
charged ions to rush in at rates as high as 100 million ions per second. The arrival of
these positive ions causes the difference within the part of cell to change immediately
from negative to positive. When positively charge ions reach the final level, the threshold
level it is triggered and an electrical impulse, which is known action potential travels
along the axon of the neuron. After an action potential passed through axon, in that
refractory period another action potential cannot take place. The cell membrane cannot
take positive ions for few milliseconds and neuron cannot fire again immediately even if
it receives high stimulation. Once after neurons returning to their resting potential another
action potential can occur and pass through axons.
Postsynaptic potential: when the ions in the membrane vary according to the
neurotransmitter it results in a change of ion diffusion this causes a change in electrical
potential throughout the membrane this change is called as postsynaptic potential.
When a neuron fires it releases chemical called neurotransmitter from presynaptic cell.
The neurotransmitter released travel through the synapsis and binds to the receptors on
the postsynaptic membrane. When they bind to the postsynaptic membrane they can
cause any one of the two changes in postsynaptic potential. They are: Excitatory
postsynaptic potential and Inhibitory postsynaptic potential.
Excitatory postsynaptic potential: depolarizing the receptors in the membrane
caused by the influx of positively charged ions. That causes decreasing in the
polarization of membrane potential. They are also called as excitatory
postsynaptic potential or EPSPs. They increase in the likelihood of action
potential. Sometimes it can also cause by the decreased efflux of cations.
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential: hyperpolarizing the receptor membrane caused
by the efflux of cations. This causes the increase in polarization of membrane
potential. They are also called as inhibitory postsynaptic potential or IPSPs. They
decrease the likelihood of action potential. Sometimes it can also cause by the
decreased influx of positively charged ions.
 Explain neuronal plasticity and its role in learning and memory.
o Neuronal plasticity: neuroplasticity is a two world. Neuro means nerves system and
plasticity means moldable. It is the brains capacity to change or add new neurons, new
connections between neurons and the reorganization of the neural pathways based on new
experience. Neuronal plasticity is also called as brain plasticity. Neuronal plasticity can
happen in different scale very small to large scale changes such as injury. The changes of
the structure function and organization of neurons is a response to new experience. Brain
plasticity has a high implication on memory, learning, development and recovery form
brain damage. This change happens from infancy stage till the adulthood. Changes takes
place every day, each when we learn something new changes takes place in the brain.
The new wire or neural pathways creates and they instruct us to do or learn. As same
when we forget something the neural pathway connected to it will discarded and change
happens. The healthy axons sprout new nerve endings which connect to the other
pathway in nervous system. This process is called as axonal sprouting. They help to
repair the damage parts of the nerves by repairing the damaged neural pathway. Neuro
plasticity occurs throughout life from beginning when brain starts maturing and
organizing itself, in the time of brain injury to repair the stricter and function and
throughout adulthood whenever we learn any new thing, memorize something and when
we forget something.
Learning and memory: learning is defined as an ability to acquire knowledge through
experience. The process in which information or knowledge is retained over a period
of time is known as memory. Neuronal plasticity has an important role in learning
and memory. The plasticity takes place in the brain through learning and memorizing.
It creates new pathways and connections when human learn and practices new things.
Classical condition can be an example for it. When we learn things and practice it in
times plasticity takes place in the brain and helps to do it efficiently and remember.
Example: learning to ride a bicycle. When we learn to ride a bicycle and we ride or
practice every day a new pathway or a connection created in the brain through
plasticity. This helps to retain the learning. Plasticity can also be seen in persons who
are bilingual. Some recent studies shows that learning some abstract information can
also cause some plastic changes in brain. Studies show that learning causes a change
in region of parietal cortex and hippocampus. These region of brain is involved in
memory retrieval and learning. At last recalling a memory, re doing activity and
reviewing the information or an activity that is learnt helps to improve and build more
strong connection in brain.

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