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Calculation For Triple Effect Evaporator Forward Feed


You are required to design a triple effect evaporator to concentrate 25000 kg/h of solution at
38 deg C, containing 10% solids to a product which contains 50% solids. Steam is available at
1.877kg/cm2 and the last efect will be assumed to be operated at vacuum of 66 cm Hg referred
to 66 cmhg barometer. Water is available at 29 deg C for use in barometric condenser. Assume
negligible BPE . average specific heats of 1 in all the effect. The condensate from each effect
leaving at its saturation temp egligible radiation losses, avg pressure drop equal in each effect
and ht and dia of each tube is 150 cm and 5 cm respectively. Find out the no of tubes required
for the purpose , heat consumption and evaporation per kg of steam, if U1,U2,U3 are 2930
,1220 and 610 kcal/hr.m2.deg C respectively.

Applying overall material balance
F = E + P3
component balance
F*XF = P1*Xp1
P2*XP2 = P3*Xp3
hence: F*Xf = P3 * Xp3
P3 = 5000
E = (F - P3)= 20000

Temperature distribution and calculation

∆ T = Ts - Tv3 -∑Bpr

∑Bpr = 0 (3*10)(Given data)

∆T 38.4

Enthalpy chart values (Kcal/Kg) reff(data book)

hf (feed enthalpy) 38 Table 7
he1(1st effect) 106.5 Table 7
he2(2nd effect) 90 Table 7
he3(3rd effect) 51.6 Table 7
Values obtained after suitable interploation techniques
latent heat enthalpy
Areas (Kcal/Kg) (λ) (Kcal/Kg)(E) Reff(Data book)
1st effect 534.8 641.5 Table 7
2nd effect 545.3 635.3 Table 7
3rd effect 568.1 619.6 Table 7
Steam 527.5 Table 7

S.λs + F.hf = E1.He1 + P1.H1 S(527.5)+(E2+E3)536=12412500

Material balance for 1st effect-

P1 = F- (E- E2- E3)
P1 = 10000 - (8250 - E2 - E3)
on solving
E2+E3= 13820

For 2nd effect :

p1.hp1 + E.λe1 = E2.HE2 + P2.Hp2


For 3rd effect :

P3 = 5000
P2.hp2 + E2.λE2 = E3.HE3 + P3.hp3

On furthur solving the amount steam required will be

S = 9488 kg/hr

Steam economy = (E/S) = 2.1709

Notations Description Formules Values Unit Reference
F Feed rate - 25000 Kg/hr given
E Overall Vapour streams E1 + E2 + E3 20000 Kg/hr
E1 Triple Effect Evaporator Forward FeedVapourEstream
- (E2 +atE3)
1st effect
6180 Kg/hr
E2 Vapour stream at 2nd effect - 6630 Kg/hr
E3 Vapour stream at 3rd effect - 7190 Kg/hr
P1 Product Stream 1st effect - 18820 Kg/hr
P2 Product Stream 2nd effect P2 = E3 + P3 12190 Kg/hr
P3 Product Stream 3rd effect - 5000 Kg/hr
Xf Solute composition in feed - 0.1 given
Xp3 Solute composition in product - 0.5 given
A1 Area of 1st effect A1 = A2 = A3 151.2 m
A2 Area of 2nd effect - 164 m2

A3 area of 3rd effect - 152.3 m2

Ps Steam pressure - 26.69 Psi
Ts Steam temperature - 117.8 C Table 7
Tw Water temperature - 29 C
Pv3 Pressure at last effect - 1.97 Psi
Tv3 temperature at last effect - 51.6 C Table 7
∆T1 - 11.3 C given
∆T2 - 16.5 C given
∆T3 - 38.4 C given
U1 Overall heat transfer coeff 1st effect 2930 Kcal/hr m C given
U2 Overall heat transfer coeff 2nd effect 1220 Kcal/hr m C given
U3 Overall heat transfer coeff 3rd effect 610 Kcal/hr m C given
Bpr for each 0 C

Temperature distribution table

Effect I II III

Steam Ts Te1 Te2

0 106.5 90

Liquid Tl1 (TE1-∆T2) (TE2-∆T3)

0 106.5 90

Vapour 0 106.5 90
Area Calculations
A1 S.λs / (U1.∆T1) 151.2
A2 E1.λe1/ (U2.∆T2) 164.2
A3 E2.λe2/ (U3.∆T3) 154.3

Mass flow rate calculation

E3.λe3 = m cp ∆T m = (E3.λe3)/(cp∆T) 178368.51


Number of Tubes (N)= (164.2/(3.14*5*1.5)*100


Evaporation/ kg Steam = E/S = 20000/9488 = 2.11


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