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PSYCH HX: dep (S I G E C A P S ) anxiety (gad asd ptsd oct panic)

mania (D I G F A S T) psychosis (SI HI VH AH)

Suicide attempts: How? Why? Plan? When? Hospital? RFs? (prev attempt/mood do/impulsive/agro/isolation) Tx? Trigger/stressors? Report?

Outpt hx: Current psych? Therapist? (who/loc/freq/last/changes) Inpt stays: Amt? Where? Why? How long?

Meds – current: Why(dx)? Still taking? Helps? AE’s? Past meds used:


Drugs: 1st/last use? Amt on avg? Hx of detox / rehab / dates? EtOH: CAGE. Sz hx? DTs? Use drugs to detox? Rehab/dates? Halluc. Tremor. Pain. Do an AWS report.

SOCIAL HX: Educ. level? Grades? Bullying? Work hx? income source , Support network?
(SSI=$770/intell dis, SSD=$1000/disabled, welfare $190)

Friendships / SO / married / kids / parents? Sexuality? Guns at home? Legal hx (arrest / jail / prohib / parole / warrants)?

FAM HX: Psych probs? Abuse / Neglect? Suicides / SA? ECT? Hospitalized? Sub abuse? Moving?

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