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: L3 Department :Mining Engineering

Field of study : Mine Exploitation. Name : lassoued mouafek billeh

English test

Task one :
1) Deposit : . A natural occurrence of a useful mineral in sufficient quantities for exploitation
2) Excavate : Remove soil and / or rock materials from one location and transport them to
3) Explore : Search for coal , mineral , or ore..
4) Extract : Remove coal or ore from a mine
5) Mineral : A natural resource from the earth for human use ,eg, ores, coal…..etc.
6) Mining : The science , technique , and business of mineral discovery and exploitation
7) Ore : The naturally occurring mineral from which a mineral or minerals of economic value
can be extracted
8) Prospect : Examine a territory for its mineral wealth
9) Quarry : An open or surface mineral working , usually for the extraction of building stone,
such as limestone.

Task two :
1.If these tests produce positive results , w’ll continue with clinical trials

2.If we ran an additional test , we would estimate the experimental error

3.If rubber is cooled to -200° C , it will become brittle and will break.

4.If safety measures had been followed, the accident would happen never

5.If you want to use this software package on more than one system , you had to get a site licence

6. If the oil field is productive, we should recover our exploration costs in short time

Task three :
1) Oil was formed in underground rocks millions of years ago . passive  was formed
2) We receive raw materials from our suppliers. Passive be given (is given to us )
3) The supervisor is checking the delivery. Active  was checked by
4) Our contractor has built a supporting wall . active  being built by
5) Last year we began a new study. active  was began
6) The performance of the air bags was assessed . passive  assessed
7) All goods are received at this depot . passive  gives

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