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Eur J Clin Pharmacol (1997) 52: 293±298 Ó Springer-Verlag 1997


T. S. Tracy á C. Marra á S. A. Wrighton á F. J. Gonzalez

K. R. Korzekwa

Involvement of multiple cytochrome P450 isoforms

in naproxen O-demethylation

Received: 16 September 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 20 December 1996

Abstract Objective: A series of studies was undertaken 1:6 lmol á l)1), warfarin (apparent Ki ˆ 27 lmol á l)1),
to determine the cytochrome P450 isoform(s) involved in piroxicam (apparent Ki ˆ 23 lmol á l)1) and tolbut-
naproxen demethylation and whether this included the amide (apparent Ki ˆ 128 lmol á l)1). No e€ect was
same isoforms reported to be involved in the metabolism observed when a-naphtho¯avone and troleandomycin
of other NSAIDs. were employed as inhibitors, but reaction with furafyl-
Methods: (S)-Naproxen was incubated with human liver line produced, on average, a maximum inhibition of
microsomes in the presence of a NADPH-generating 23%. At a naproxen concentration of 150 lmol á l)1,
system and the formation of desmethylnaproxen was formation of desmethylnaproxen was observed in cells
measured by high-performance liquid chromatography expressing P450 1A2, 2C8, 2C9 and its allelic variant
(HPLC). To further clarify the speci®c isoforms in- 2C9R144C. To further characterize these reactions,
volved, experiments were conducted with preparations saturation kinetics experiments were conducted for the
expressing only a single P450 isoform (vaccinia virus- P450s 1A2, 2C8 and 2C9. The kM and Vmax for P450
expressed cells and microsomes derived from a lymph- 1A2 were 189.5 lmol á l)1 and 7.3 pmol á min)1 á pmol)1
oblastoid cell line, each transfected with speci®c P450 P450, respectively. Likewise, estimates of kM and Vmax
cDNAs) as well as inhibition studies using human liver for P450 2C9 were 340.5 lmol á l)1 and 41.4 pmol á
microsomes and putative speci®c P450 inhibitors. min)1 á pmol)1 P450, respectively. Reliable estimates of
Results: In human liver microsomes (n ˆ 7), desmethyl- kM and Vmax could not be made for P450 2C8 due to the
naproxen formation was observed with a mean kM of 92 nonsaturable nature of the process over the concentra-
(21) lmol á l)1, Vmax of 538 pmol á min)1 á mg)1 protein tion range studied.
and Cint2 (re¯ective of a second binding site) of Conclusion: Multiple cytochrome P450 isoforms (P450
0.36 ll á min)1 á mg)1 protein. This Cint2 term was added 1A2, 2C8 and 2C9) appear to be involved in naproxen
since Eadie-Scatchard analysis suggested the involve- demethylation, although 2C9 appears to be the pre-
ment of more than one enzyme. Studies using putative dominant form.
speci®c P450 inhibitors demonstrated inhibition of
this reaction by sulfaphenazole, (apparent Ki ˆ Key words Naproxen, Cytochrome P450; human liver
microsomes, vaccinia virus, cDNA expression

T.S. Tracy (&) á C. Marra

Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Introduction
School of Pharmacy, West Virginia University,
HSN P.O. Box 9530, Morgantown, WV 26506, USA Naproxen [(S)-6-methoxy-a-methyl-2-naphthalene-ace-
Tel. +1-304-293-1474; fax +1-304-293-5483;
e-mail tic acid] has been widely prescribed for the treatment of
pain or in¯ammation for several years and recently was
S.A. Wrighton
Department of Drug Disposition, Eli Lilly and Co.,
approved for over-the-counter use in the United States.
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Naproxen is somewhat unique among the nonsteroidal
antiin¯ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in that, although it
F.J. Gonzalez
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, possesses a chiral center, it is only available commercially
Bethesda, Maryland, USA as the (S)-enantiomer. Furthermore, other than conju-
K.R. Korzekwa gative processes, naproxen is thought to undergo only a
Center for Clinical Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh, single oxidative biotransformation to form the demeth-
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA ylated metabolite, desmethylnaproxen [1]. Therefore,

assessment of naproxen in vivo pharmacokinetics and Board at the Medical College of Wisconsin or through the Liver
metabolic pro®le is much simpler than for NSAIDs ad- Tissue Procurement and Distribution System (LTPADS). All
samples of human liver tissue were obtained from liver donor
ministered as racemic mixtures. candidates who were not su€ering from any known hepatic diseases
Following administration of naproxen to humans, (e.g., cirrhosis). Based on chart review, none of the patients from
approximately 10% is recovered in the urine as napr- whom tissues were obtained was taking any medications known to
oxen itself, 40% as the glucuronide conjugate, 5% as inhibit or induce the P450s. Microsomal samples were prepared
according to established methods [7]. Protein content was measured
desmethylnaproxen, 12% as the glucuronide of desm- by the method of Lowry et al. [8] and P450 content by the method
ethylnaproxen, and approximately 30% as unknown of Omura and Sato [9].
conjugates of naproxen and desmethylnaproxen [1]. Microsomal preparations from transfected human B-lymph-
More recently, Kiang et al. [2] have reported the id- oblastoid cell lines coding for human P450 2A6, 2C19, and 2D6, or
enti®cation of a sulfate conjugate of desmethylnaproxen expressing only reductase were obtained from Gentest (Woburn,
Mass., USA). Vaccinia, virus-expressed P450s were obtained by
in plasma from both normal and uremic volunteers re- infecting human HepG2 cells with a recombinant vaccinia virus
ceiving usual doses of naproxen. Concerning the in- containing cDNAs for P450s 1A2, 2C8, 2C9, 2C9R144C, 2E1, and
volvement of speci®c P450 isoforms, Newlands et al. [3] 3A4. The details of construction of the viruses were published
have reported, in abstract form, the inhibition of previously [10]. Control cells were infected only with wild-type
vaccinia virus. The cells were harvested 1 day after infection and
desmethylnaproxen formation by sulfaphenazole, sug- stored frozen at )80 °C. Prior to use, the cells were thawed at 4 °C,
gesting the involvement of P450 2C9. Furthermore, they spun to remove the supernatant, and resuspended in 50 mM
did not observe any correlation between desmethyl- K2HPO4, pH 7.4. The cells were then sonicated with two 5-s bursts
naproxen formation and other P450 isoform activities prior to addition to the incubation mixture.
re¯ecting 1A, 3A and 2C19 as measured by correlation
with model substrate activities. More recently, two sep- Liver microsomal incubations
arate laboratories have reported that both P450 2C9 and
Liver microsomes (0.1 mg á ml)1 ®nal protein concentration) were
P450 1A2 were involved in naproxen demethylation but incubated in the presence of 1 mmol á l)1 b-NADP, 10 mmol á l)1
these reports di€ered on the relative contribution of each glucose-6-phosphate, 0.2 U glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,
isoform [4, 5]. and 100 mmol á l)1 K2HPO4, pH 7.4, in a total volume of 200 ll.
Since desmethylnaproxen and its conjugates may Reactions were carried out for 20 min at 37 °C over the naproxen
comprise between 17 and 47% (vide supra) of recovered concentration range of 5±1800 lmol á l)1. Experiments involving
cDNA-expressed P450s were carried out at 150 lmol á l)1 naproxen
drug following administration of naproxen, it seems concentrations (saturation kinetics experiments were conducted at
logical to determine the cytochrome P450 isoform(s) the same naproxen concentrations as used with liver microsomes)
responsible for the oxidation of naproxen to desmeth- under the same conditions, except that the bu€er was 50 mmol á l)1
ylnaproxen. We have recently shown cytochrome P450 K2HPO4, pH 7.4, 0.4 U glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was
added, and the total volume was 400 ll. In experiments using
2C9 to be the primary enzyme responsible for the oxi- CYP2A6, a Tris bu€er 50 mmol á l)1, pH 7.4, replaced the phos-
dative metabolism of the NSAID, ¯urbiprofen [6]. Thus, phate bu€er, because the phosphate bu€er inhibits the activity of
it is relevant to determine whether NSAIDs from dif- P450 2A6 in this microsomes preparation (Gentest, product in-
ferent chemical classes (e.g., ¯urbiprofen and naproxen) formation).
are primarily metabolized by P450 2C9, or, if other
isoforms are involved, the extent of their contribution. HPLC assay of desmethylnaproxen.
To this end, we undertook a series of studies involving
human liver microsomes, transfected cells expressing The measurement of desmethylnaproxen after incubation of
naproxen was carried out as follows. The microsomal incubation
speci®c P450 isoforms, and cytochrome P450 inhibitors reaction was terminated by the addition of 200 ll of acetonitrile.
to determine the enzymes involved in the oxidative me- To the samples, 480 ng of 2-¯uoro-4-biphenyl acetic acid (internal
tabolism of naproxen. standard) and 20 ll of H3PO4 were added. The samples were
centrifuged at 11 000 g for 4 min and 5±22 ll was directly injected
onto the HPLC system. The HPLC system consisted of a Waters
501 HPLC pump, a Waters 717 autosampler, and Waters 470 ¯u-
Materials and methods orescence detector set at an excitation wavelength of 230 nm and
an emission wavelength of 340 nm. The mobile phase consisted of
Chemicals and reagents (30:70) acetonitrile: 20 mmol á l)1 K2HPO4, pH 3, pumped at
1 ml á min)1 through a Brownlee Spheri-5 C18 4.6 ´ 100 mm col-
Acetonitrile and potassium phosphate were obtained from the umn. Inter- and intra-day coecients of variation for this assay
Fisher Co. (Pittsburgh, Pa., USA). Naproxen and desmethylnapr- were less than 6%.
oxen were a gift from Syntex Co. (Palo Alto, Calif., USA), 2-
¯uoro-4-biphenyl acetic acid was a gift from the Upjohn Co.
(Kalamazoo, Mich., USA), and furafylline was purchased from Data analysis
Research Biochemicals Inc. (Natick, Mass., USA). All other
chemicals were obtained from commercial sources and were of the Data on desmethylnaproxen formation in human liver microsomes
highest purity available. were analyzed by nonlinear regression (PCNONLIN, Statistical
Consultants, Lexington, Ky., USA) of the substrate concentration
versus velocity plots, according to the following equation,
Human liver tissue and cDNA -transfected cells m ˆ Vkmax
M ‡S
‡ …Cint2 xS†, which is a modi®cation of the Michaelis-
Menten equation to include a second intrinsic clearance (Cint2 ) term
Human liver tissue (n ˆ 7) for preparation of microsomes was for a nonsaturable component. This intrinsic clearance of the low-
obtained using protocols approved by the Institutional Review anity site termed Cint2 was included since the observed lack of

saturation and the Eadie-Scatchard plots suggested the possible Table 1 Kinetic parameter estimates for naproxen demethylation
involvement of more than one enzyme. The e€ects of sulfa- in human liver samples
phenazole, racemic-warfarin, piroxicam, and tolbutamide on the
formation of desmethylnaproxen were evaluated by estimating the Sample kM Vmax Cint2 a
apparent inhibition constant (Ki) for the inhibitors by Dixon plot (lmol á l)1) (pmol á min)1 á mg)1 protein)
analysis [11].
1 111 1411 0.31
2 70 271 0.31
3 97 302 0.29
Results 4 82 285 0.31
5 127 669 0.43
A representative example of desmethylnaproxen forma- 6 71 281 0.4
tion in human liver microsomes is shown in Fig. 1. It is of 7 88 546 0.48
Mean (SD) 92 (21) 538 (416) 0.36 (0.07)
note that, similar to those results observed in Fig. 1, none
of the other six liver samples tested showed enzyme sat- a
Intrinsic clearance in ll á min)1 á mg)1 protein
uration at substrate concentrations up to 1800 lmol á l)1.
Furthermore, no metabolite formation was noted in
negative controls, indicating that chemical breakdown of that seen with racemic-warfarin, with an estimated ap-
naproxen was not responsible for the nonsaturable parent Ki of 23 lmol á l)1 (Fig. 3b). Neither troleando-
component of metabolite formation. The apparent kM, mycin [16] (a putative P450 3A subfamily inhibitor) nor
Vmax and Cint2 estimates for each of the seven liver a-naphtho¯avone [17] (an inhibitor of the P450 1A
samples are listed in Table 1. subfamily) produced inhibition of desmethylnaproxen
Chemical inhibition studies, with putative speci®c formation (data not shown). However, furafylline (a
inhibitors of various P450 isoforms, were employed to putative speci®c P450 1A2 inhibitor) [18], when studied
determine the P450 isoform(s) involved in naproxen at concentrations of 0.2±100 lmol á l)1 (in incubations of
demethylation. Sulfaphenazole, a putative P450 2C9 either 50 or 150 lmol á l)1 naproxen), caused a maximum
inhibitor [12], substantially inhibited naproxen demeth- inhibition of 23% which was reached at 2 lmol á l)1
ylation with an estimated apparent Ki of 1.6 lmol á l)1 furafylline. Increasing concentrations of furafylline
(Fig. 2a). Racemic-warfarin, a substrate for both P450 above 2 lmol á l)1 did not result in further inhibition.
2C9 and P450 1A2 [13], produced inhibition of desm- Since the formation of desmethylnaproxen was not
ethylnaproxen formation with an estimated apparent Ki saturable at concentrations up to 1800 lmol á l)1, mul-
of 27 lmol á l)1 (Fig. 2b). Tolbutamide, which inhibits tiple enzyme involvement was suspected. Thus, an Ea-
both P450 2C8 and P450 2C9 to varying degrees [14], die-Scatchard plot was constructed (data not shown),
exhibited an estimated apparent Ki of 128 lmol á l)1 and this graphical analysis suggested the involvement of
(Fig. 3a). Piroxicam, another NSAID which would be at least two enzymes in naproxen demethylation, be-
predicted to be metabolized by similar enzymes [15], was cause of the nonlinear nature of the data [19].
also studied as an inhibitor. Piroxicam produced sub- To elucidate more conclusively the P450 forms in-
stantial inhibition of naproxen demethylation, similar to volved in desmethylnaproxen formation, we then un-
dertook studies using P450 cDNA-expressed cells as well
as microsomes derived from transfected lymphoblastoid
cell lines. Naproxen was incubated with cells expressing
either P450 1A2, 2A6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C9R144C, 2C19, 2D6,
2E1, 3A4 or control cells which had not been transfected
with P450 cDNAs. Demethylation of naproxen was
observed by cells expressing P450 1A2, 2C8, 2C9 and
2C9R144C (Fig. 4). To further characterize this oxida-
tive process, saturation kinetics experiments were con-
ducted using cells expressing P450 1A2, 2C8 and 2C9 to
estimate the kM and Vmax for each of these enzymes with
respect to this process (Fig. 5). The estimated kM and
Vmax for desmethylnaproxen formation by P450 1A2
were 189.5 lmol á l)1 and 7.3 pmol á min)1 á pmol)1 P450,
respectively. For P450 2C9, the estimate of kM was
340.5 lmol á l)1 and of Vmax, 41.4 pmol á min)1 á pmol)1
P450. Reliable estimates of kM and Vmax could not be
obtained for P450 2C8 due to the nonsaturable nature of
this reaction over the range of concentrations studied.
Fig. 1 Formation of desmethylnaproxen in a representative sample of
human liver microsomes (closed squares actual desmethylnaproxen
However, relative formation rates were substantially less
formation velocities, solid lines nonlinear regression ®ts of desmeth- than those observed for either P450 1A2 or P450 2C9, at
ylnaproxen formation data) all concentrations studied.

Fig. 2 Dixon plot representation of the inhibition of desmethylnapr- demethylation. Additionally, in contrast to ¯urbiprofen,
oxen formation by sulfaphenazole (a) and racemic-warfarin (b). cytochrome P450 1A2 was also involved in desmethyl-
Naproxen was incubated at either 25 lmol á l)1 or 150 lmol á l)1
concentration in the presence of either sulfaphenazole (0±1.6 lmo- naproxen formation resulting in a maximum velocity
l á l)1) or racemic-warfarin at concentrations ranging from 0 to approximately one-sixth of that observed with P450
100 lmol á l)1. The estimated apparent Ki value for inhibition of 2C9. Conversely, the estimated kM for this process by
desmethylnaproxen formation by sulfaphenazole was 1.5 lmol á l)1. P450 1A2 was approximately one-half of that observed
The estimated apparent Ki value for inhibition of desmethylnaproxen
formation by warfarin was 27 lmol á l)1
for P450 2C9. Taken together, these data suggest that
the anity of cytochrome P450 2C9 for naproxen is
substantially lower than that for ¯urbiprofen, and that
at naproxen concentrations achieved in vivo [20] the
Discussion velocity of this reaction would also be lower.
Due to its lower estimated kM, cytochrome P450 1A2
Previous studies have suggested that both cytochromes could play a substantial role in this reaction, though at
P450 2C9 and P450 1A2 contribute to naproxen de- concentrations approximately equal to kM (Fig. 5), the
methylation [3±5]. We have extended these studies by activity of P450 1A2 is approximately one-third that of
utilizing a larger number of P450 isoforms expressed in P450 2C9. If one uses the estimated kM and Vmax for this
cells transfected with cDNA of speci®c cytochromes process by P450 2C9 and 1A2 as parameters for the
P450, as well as a more sensitive assay to further char- Michaelis-Menten equation and inserts a therapeu-
acterize this process. Similar to the situation with ¯u- tically relevant plasma naproxen concentration (e.g. 50
rbiprofen [6], P450 2C9 was the major isoform involved lmol á l)1), the relative contribution of each isoform can
in naproxen demethylation. The estimated Vmax for this be estimated. Under these assumed conditions, it would
process by P450 2C9 was approximately equal to that be expected that the relative contribution of P450 2C9
observed for ¯urbiprofen hydroxylation [6] but the es- would be approximately four times higher than that of
timated kM was roughly 70-fold higher for naproxen 1A2. Furthermore, if one assumes that the relative

Fig. 3 Dixon plot representa-

tion of the inhibition of desm-
ethylnaproxen formation by
tolbutamide (a) and piroxicam
(b). Naproxen was incubated at
either 25 lmol á l)1 or 150
lmol á l)1 concentrations in the
presence of either piroxicam or
tolbutamide at concentrations
ranging from 0±100 lmol á l)1.
The estimated apparent Ki value
for inhibition of desmethylnapr-
oxen formation by piroxicam
was 23 lmol á l)1. The estimated
apparent Ki value for inhibition
of desmethylnaproxen forma-
tion by tolbutamide was
128 lmol á l)1

tion. Finally, in contrast to previous reports [4, 5], we

found that cytochrome P450 2C8 also plays a minor role
in the demethylation of naproxen but that the action of
this isoform does not appear to be saturable under the
conditions studied. This minor involvement of P450 2C8
is similar to that seen during the oxidation of ibuprofen
(S.D. Hall, personal communication).
Interestingly, our estimations for kM and Vmax in
human liver microsomes are very similar to those re-
ported previously [4, 5], but when one compares these
kinetic parameter estimates in expressed cells, our results
are only similar to those of Rodrigues et al. [4]. Both our
results and those of Rodrigues et al. estimate the kM and
Vmax for naproxen demethylation in expressed cells to be
higher than that observed in liver microsome prepara-
tions. It is unclear why the apparent anity of the en-
Fig. 4 Formation of desmethylnaproxen by vaccinia virus expressed zyme di€ers substantially between liver microsome
P450s or microsomes derived from a P450 cDNA-transfected preparations (92 lmol á l)1) and expressed cells (341 (32)
lymphoblastoid cell line. Data labeled 2C9v ˆ R144C variant of lmol á l)1 for P450 2C9 and 190 (37) lmol á l)1 for P450
P450 2C9. Naproxen substrate concentrations were 150 lmol á l)1 for 1A2), though di€erences in reductase levels, b5 levels,
all incubations
and lipid composition between expressed cells and liver
microsomes may be potential contributing factors to
amounts of P450 2C9 and 1A2 in the liver are roughly these di€erences.
equal [21], and that plasma concentration approximates Studies using putative speci®c inhibitors of cyto-
the substrate concentration at the enzyme site, then this chrome P450 isoforms corroborated the involvement of
prediction of relative contribution should hold true for at least cytochrome P450 2C9 in naproxen demethyla-
the in vivo situation. Thus, it would appear that under tion. Piroxicam, racemic-warfarin, and tolbutamide, all
normal in vivo conditions, the role of P450 1A2 in expected inhibitors of P450 2C9 [13±15], produced in-
naproxen demethylation should be relatively minor hibition of naproxen demethylation. As demonstrated
compared with P450 2C9. However, due to the ability of by their observed apparent Ki values, piroxicam and
cigarette smoking to increase liver cytochrome P450 1A racemic-warfarin were more e€ective at inhibiting this
activity as much as threefold [22], the participation of reaction than tolbutamide. This is expected since tol-
this isoform could be of increasing importance in pa- butamide has previously been shown to be a relatively
tients who smoke, potentially resulting in metabolic ac- weak inhibitor of NSAID metabolism [15, 22]. Inter-
tivities roughly equal to that exhibited by P450 2C9. estingly, P450 1A2 also plays a substantial role in the
Since the expression of both P450 1A2 and 2C9 is het- metabolism of (R)-warfarin [13] [whereas 2C9 is the
erogeneous within the population, one could envision predominantly active form toward (S)-warfarin], and
several scenarios wherein P450 1A2 induction could play thus both enantiomers of warfarin would be expected to
a major, if not dominant role in naproxen demethyla- inhibit desmethylnaproxen formation. The putative
P450 1A (and 2C9 at higher concentrations) inhibitor,
a-naphtho¯avone [23], produced no inhibition of this
reaction. It is unclear why no inhibition was observed
with a-naphtho¯avone; possibly, higher inhibitor con-
centrations might have had an e€ect. However, the se-
lective P450 1A2 inhibitor, furafylline [24], in
concentrations up to 100 lmol á l)1, did produce a slight
inhibition (23%) of naproxen demethylation, thus con-
®rming the role of P450 1A2 in this process.
This activity of cytochrome P450 2C9 toward napr-
oxen correlates well with the purported role of this iso-
form in the metabolism of other NSAIDs, such as
diclofenac [22], tenoxicam, and piroxicam [15], as well as
¯urbiprofen [6]. However, it does put into question the
utility of correlations of formation with previously de-
termined model reactions in determination of enzyme
involvement since a previous report [3], utilizing only
sulfaphenazole inhibition (a putative 2C9 inhibitor), and
Fig. 5 Michaelis-Menten kinetic analysis of desmethylnaproxen correlation with model reactions suggested the involve-
formation from cells or microsomes expressing P450 1A2 (squares), ment of only 2C9 in naproxen demethylation. However,

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