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Asset Set Up steps || KEEP THE STEPS HANDY

Sudipta Gorai Specialist.HR.Talent Development.Pune 1ld

Asset Set Up Steps Part 1
For loggingintothe asset remember it should be connected to internet.
Please use username as "<employee ID>" and Password as "your India domain password".
Kindly go to Setting Accounts- Access work or school TCSCOMPROD AZure Ad(info) Sync the

device(more than 3 times).

Kindly c h e c k a n d c o n f i r m if you are able access " company portal " in all programs.

(Note Kindly connect the laptop to Internet for more than 10 hours)
Ifstillcompany portal not installed, you can also try to downloqd company portal from Microsoft
Store manually and perform below steps.
Open Zscaler- More ->
Update policy) for 5 times.
Revertto in case of any issues with error screenshot, asset details,
Employee ID and attaching the ticket details. (Ticket is to be raised on TCS global heipdesk under IT
Services and others ticket under category: .SBWS and type: Software).
Asset Set Up Steps Part 2
For SBWS undertaking acceptance process to be done Only Once you receive the asset
1.First complete the associate acceptance process under below path
Ultimatix->Applications >Utilities & Infrastructure-> Inward Outward Material Movement Tracker ->
Associate acceptance
2.Then complete steps for SBWS utility app to show compliant:
SBWS utility app is to be downloaded from path as per windows of TCS asset.
Path:goto> Utilities-> Download the file "Windows System 2.0 (Non
EU geos)"
Run the .exe file, fill and save the below details in the
utility appp:
Emp ID, Asset type : TCS asset-> TCS SOE, Connectivity Type: User Machine -> TCS VPN -> TCS Base
3.Make sure your correct present address is updated under My profile on GESS.
If not, please update and wait for 24 hours for the changes to reflect.
4.Then Finally Accept the SBWS undertaking by below steps:
Go to ultimatix application -> employee services-> GESS ->
responsibilities -> iTalent
Responsibilities- My Worklist
Click edit button in the sbws undertaking tab
Click Iaccept & submit.
Asset Set Up Steps Part 3
Process to access to mails via TCS asset:
1.Set up the cisco Anyconnect app on your asset which will be pre-installed on the asset.
2.Once the application is successfully set up enter the server name:
3.Once the server name is successfully accepted login using ultimatix creds.
4.Post successful connection to TCS VPN
5.Go to browser and use the link:
Your India
6.Then For logging into exchange mail use Username as Your emp ID and Password as

Domain Password. For further details and assistance on configuration

on assets please raise a IT

services and tools ticket in Ultimatix under.SBWS category

and write mail to

( with raised ticket details.


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