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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 2 Marketing Essentials

Submission date October 16, 2020 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Hứa Thành Đat Student ID GCS190333

Class GBS0814 Assessor name Hồ Hữu Lực

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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Introdution ......................................................................................................................................... 4
P1 Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function. ................................................ 4
P2 Explain how roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to the wider organisational context. ....... 5
M1 Analyzes the role and responsibilities of marketing in the context of the marketing
environment. ...................................................................................................................................... 7
M2 Analyze the importance of the reciprocal relationship between marketing and other
functional units of an organization ....................................................................................................... 7
References .......................................................................................................................................... 7
For accomplishing business objectives, the organisation has to take help from different business functions such as
human resource management, finance, accounting, production, and marketing. Out of these functions, marketing
is most important because it helps the organisation in selling as well as promoting its business so that it can
accomplish competitiveness over a market. Toothpaste is an essential consumer product for every household and
individual, it plays an extremely important role for every nguwofi ever. With P&G and Unilever, these two
companies are definitely two "always present" competitors, with the appearance of Colgate, the battle this time
becomes even more attractive. Colgate's marketing strategy is one thing that helps the company gain a large
market share before the other two competitors. This report I will write about Colgate marketing

P1 Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function.

Marketing is a process that makes consumers interested in their products or services. This happens through
market research, analysis, thorough understanding of the desires and needs of consumers. Marketing involves all
aspects of a business, including product development, delivery, sales, and advertising.

Market research: This is the first and foremost responsibility of any marketing manager. To survive in a
competitive marketplace, managers must be accurately aware of customer needs and market trends. By
understanding customer needs, the organization can make changes in the current production function and
produce products or services that are highly responsive to customer needs. Marketing people first need to
understand customer behavior in terms of needs, wants, preferences, living conditions, income ... and the market
in terms of supply, demand, competition, suppliers. For example, Colgate needs to find out if customers use a lot
of toothpaste, what flavors they like like coconut, mint, blueberries, ... children need to reduce their spiciness,
learn how to work a competitor to best solution

Promotion and advertisement: It has become very much important for a marketing manager to keep knowledge
about different promotional and 'advertisement techniques so that it can promote its business products in a cost-
effective manner. Colgate marketing needs to plan reasonable discounts and advertise products to attract and
achieve customer wants. It is necessary to advertise so that people know the product and show customers the
benefits of the product, advertisements can not believe customers, there should be promotions, such as giving
free small toothpaste to everyone at parks, supermarkets, schools, ... for them to try it out and see it effective,
they will continue to use our products. In addition, most customers often want to buy one into two to be able to
donate a toothbrush when buying toothpaste and vice versa. So, both promotion and advertisement are essential
activities for marketing managers as it helps the organization in competing with market competitors and win a
large number of customers.

Brand management: In the present time, only those companies are surviving in a competitive marketplace that
has strong brand equity or which manage its brand image in an appropriate manner. For making your destination
a successful transportation organization it is important for its marketing manager to adopt those methods through
which he can manage as well as increase its brand equity in the marketplace.

Product development: Based on market research, marketing directors must improve their production processes in
order to be able to produce high quality products at a cost effective cost. In a nutshell, the marketing manager is
responsible for identifying market trends and implementing them within existing product functionality so that the
organization can provide high quality products to customers at a lower price. In addition, this step of the market
manager helps the organization gain a competitive advantage over competitors in the market.

Internal Communication: The most important role of the marketing manager is to build a good relationship
between all business divisions so that they can communicate and collaborate with each other, and they can also
help the team. leading business for high growth.

P2 Explain how roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to the wider

organisational context.
Determining the market potential: In order to survive in a competitive market, it is essential for a marketing
manager to identify current market trends as well as the growth opportunities that could bring their business. to a
high degree of success and growth. In the present moment, all companies strive to determine their market needs
and potential so that they can meet their target customers most effectively and systematically. Your destination-
related marketing manager focuses on the merging needs of the market that attracts the most customers. By
satisfying those needs, a Trucking Company can easily gain a competitive advantage.

Marketing planning: To fulfill the business goals, the marketing director of your destination comes up with
successful business plans that assist the organization in increasing its profitability and productivity. While planning
the marketing, the business manager must keep in mind various important aspects such as targeting,
segmentation, and positioning activities to lead the organization to business success. In the present time, business
entities invest heavily in their marketing plans as it helps them analyze current market positions (Chen, 2014). At
the same time, it provides the strategic direction for the company to be able to achieve the desired results

Business monitoring: The marketing director has a great responsibility to supervise business activities to improve
the efficiency as well as efficiency of business enterprises. The process of supervision helps the marketing
manager familiarize himself with the internal and external activities of your destination such as manufacturing,
purchasing and service delivery.

Launching a product: Before a product launch, the marketing director deeply analyzes the positives and negatives
of the product to be sure that the customer will not be harmed. After passing various tests, the business service
will reach the end customer.

The interrelationship between the marketing and other functional units are as follows

Marketing and Finance

The marketing strategies and related plans must have a specific budget. This includes considering the profitability
and cost margin of the brand, product line and product, etc. Colgate's financial function provides marketing with a
defined budget for the marketing department to have can execute their marketing campaign within a defined
cost. The finance department also provides the marketing department with information regarding costs that may
be included to perform marketing activities. Furthermore, Colgate's marketing department needs to contact
finance for the current financial position of the business in order to be able to undertake appropriate marketing

Marketing and Human Resource

The prime function of HR department is to work for the welfare of the employees and to recruit the right
candidate for the right job in the given budget. The marketing department of Colgate a is linked with the HR
department to ensure that the vacancies are filled on time and that the right candidates has been selected for
joining the marketing team. Also the marketing department co-ordinates with the HR department to ensure that
the candidates have been provided with the sufficient training opportunities that can help the candidates to
address the current challenging conditions of the market. The human resource of Colgate further provide the
employee performance feedback to the marketing department for evaluating the performance and for evaluating
whether the target has been achieved. Also human resource helps the marketing department to ensure that the
employees of marketing department are working in satisfactory conditions and that their individual goals are
adequately aligned with the organizational goals.

Marketing and IT

Marketing and IT work together to make sure that your marketing and organizational goals are achieved in the
best possible way. This department works with the marketing department to ensure that all functions of the
marketing department are equipped with recent technological advances and that all functions are working
according to the current needs of market. For example, IT will create software to control the items and quantity
sold by products

Marketing and Customer Service

Marketing and customer service are important functions of an organization. Both functions work together to
evaluate whether the customer is satisfied with the product or service. Colgate's customer service department
provides customer feedback to marketing to help develop new products. Customer service, for example, will
provide information in the customer service process, in order to give out the customer's wishes, requirements and
preferences for marketing . From there, marketers will offer new advertisements or services to attract customers.
In Colgate, both departments work together to build positive relationships with customers.
M1 Analyzes the role and responsibilities of marketing in the context of the
marketing environment.
Globalization is a major reason for increasing competition in all business sectors such as transportation and
manufacturing. The increasing competition of the market has a huge effect on your destination and its profit
margins. In this type of situation, it's important for marketing managers to show their roles and responsibilities in
the appropriate way so that the organization can achieve the desired results without any obstacles. To survive in a
marketing environment, it is essential that a marketing manager continually analyzes market trends and customer
needs to be able to bring better satisfaction to business customers. There are different marketing roles such as
business brand management, promotion, advertising and market research conducted by the marketing manager
so that the organization can achieve competitiveness against competitors in the market.

M2 Analyze the importance of the reciprocal relationship between

marketing and other functional units of an organization
The marketing functions work closely with other organizational functions. For example, the marketing department
works closely with the finance department. The marketing function often requires economic resources to execute
the planning, research, implementation of the marketing plan, and the marketing strategies to design a successful
marketing plan. This requires proper cooperation and coordination with finance and other departments to ensure
that all are working on a common goal to meet the goals of the organization. Marketing department requires
relevant and up-to-date product descriptions to come up with a marketing strategy for the target market. The
marketing department works with the HR department to hire the right talent that can assist the company in
making an effective and effective marketing plan.

2020. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 16 October 2020].

Marketing Admicro. 2020. Chiến Lược Marketing Của Colgate Trước Đối Thủ "Truyền Kiếp" P&G Và Unilever.
[online] Available at: <
kiep-pg-va-unilever/> [Accessed 16 October 2020]. 2020. P1 Explain The Key Roles And Responsibilities Of The Marketing Function.
[online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 16 October 2020]. 2020. Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Assignment Help - Unfolded Writers. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 16 October

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