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Khan Liaquat Ali Khan

On 25th March, 1949, Khan Liaquat Ali Khan moved in the Constituent Assembly a Resolution which is
called as the Objectives Resolution. If the Resolution had been moved in the lifetime of Quaid-i-Azam
and had been endorsed by him much of the confusion that appeared subsequently would have been
avoided. But Liaquat Ali Khan knew that the Quaid-i-Azam would not agree to any such Resolution as it
was directly opposed to the views be had publicly expressed more than once, and it was a complete
contradiction of his idea of a modern democratic secular state. After the Quaid-i-Azam's death Liaquat
Ali Khan waited for six months before he moved that Resolution which was unanimously passed by the
Muslim members, the Hindu members having boycotted the session.

When the terms of this Resolution are examined it is found to differ in all the basic points of the Quaid-i-
Azam's views e.g.

1. The Quaid-i-Azain had said that in the new state sovereignty would rest with the people. The
Resolution starts with the statement that sovereignty rests with Allah.

2. There is a reference to the protection of the minorities, of their right to worship and practice their
religion, whereas the Quaid-i-Azam had stated 'that there would be no minorities on the basis of

3. The distinction between religious majorities and minorities takes away from the minority the right of
equality which again is a basic idea of modern democracy.

4. The provision relating to Muslims being enabled to lead their life according to Islam is opposed to the
conception of a secular state.

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