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Upper Airways Reactions to Cold Air

Alvaro A. Cruz, MD, and Alkis Togias, MD

Corresponding author Cold air–induced rhinitis describes the develop-

Alkis Togias, MD
Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation, ment of nasal symptoms upon exposure to cold weather.
National Institutes of Health, 6610 Rockledge Drive, Room 3065, Symptoms are primarily rhinorrhea and nasal congestion,
Bethesda, MD 20817-6601, USA. frequently associated with a burning sensation inside the
E-mail: nose. This problem becomes accentuated in windy condi-
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2008, 8:111–117 tions. For example, rhinorrhea and nasal congestion are
Current Medicine Group LLC ISSN 1529-7322 common during skiing, a condition known as “skier’s
Copyright © 2008 by Current Medicine Group LLC
nose” [4]. Individuals who report cold-air sensitivity may
or may not be atopic. In some people, cold-air exposure
may be the only trigger of nasal symptoms.
Cold air–induced rhinitis is a common complaint of
The prevalence of cold air–induced rhinitis is not well
individuals with chronic allergic or nonallergic rhinitis
established. In a 1980 to 1981 survey of 912 police offi-
and those with no chronic nasal disease. It is char-
cers in Paris, France, 5.4% reported this problem [5]. In
acterized by rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, and nasal
a database of 206 individuals with perennial allergic rhi-
burning that appear within minutes of exposure to cold
nitis and 150 with seasonal allergic rhinitis between the
air and dissipate soon after exposure is terminated.
ages of 18 and 55, we recorded cold air as a stimulus for
The symptoms of cold-air rhinitis are reproduced
nasal symptoms in 55% and 28%, respectively [6]. This
experimentally with nasal cold-air provocation. This
finding suggests that cold-air rhinitis is more common in
procedure has shown that nasal mast cell activation
patients with other nasal disease.
and sensory nerve stimulation are associated with
Our hypothesis is that the nasal reaction to cold air
the development of nasal symptoms. Sensory nerve
represents the high end of a spectrum of compensatory
activation generates a cholinergic reflex that leads to
mechanisms activated to preserve the water/tempera-
rhinorrhea; therefore, anticholinergic agents are highly
ture homeostasis of the nasal mucosa. A corollary to
effective in treating cold-air rhinitis. Experimental data
this hypothesis is that individual sensitivity to cold air
suggest that individuals with nasal cold-air sensitivity
depends on the capacity to sustain mucosal water/tem-
may have reduced ability to compensate for the water
perature homeostasis.
loss that occurs during exposure to cold air. Therefore,
the symptoms of cold air–induced rhinitis may reflect
the activation of compensatory mechanisms to restore
The Nose as an Air Conditioner
mucosal homeostasis.
A major function of the nose is to warm and humidify
inhaled air. Many attempts have been made to monitor
Introduction the air-conditioning capacity of the nose. Most recently,
Interest in the reaction of the upper airways to cold air a probe was developed that can be inserted through one
derives not only from the clinical problem, but also from nostril to sense airstream temperature and relative humid-
the close relationship between upper and lower airways ity in the nasopharynx [7]. This probe has confirmed
and from the hypothesis that they share similar patho- the remarkable air-conditioning capacity of the human
physiology, reflecting structural and functional similarities nose and has produced a series of important observations
between the nasal and bronchial mucosa [1]. This makes [7]. When inhaling air through the nose at subfreezing
the nasal reaction to cold air a possible model to study temperatures and at high flow (20 L/min), the average air-
cold air–induced asthma and exercise-induced asthma, stream temperature in the nasopharynx is 26°C but can be
clinical phenomena that are almost ubiquitous in asthmatic as high as 30°C. This method has also documented that
patients [2]. Although no study has examined whether the the relative humidity of air in the nasopharynx is consis-
magnitude of nasal reactions to cold air correlates with tently around 100%, irrespective of the temperature and
that of cold air–induced lower airway reactions, one study flow of inhaled air. However, the temperature of air at the
has documented that, compared with those who have nasopharynx varies significantly, depending on the tem-
chronic rhinitis alone, individuals with asthma develop perature of the air entering the nostrils and the magnitude
stronger nasal responses when breathing cold air [3•]. of airflow. If relative humidity remains constant, variable
112 Rhinitis

temperature indicates variable absolute water content. generated at the epithelium’s apical surface. At basal
Subtracting the water content of the air entering the nos- conditions, during the inspiratory phase, small osmotic
trils from that in the nasopharynx yields a water gradient, gradients are probably generated by the movement of water
which is a measure of the air-conditioning capacity of the from the liquid into the vapor phase [16]. In this situation,
human nose. Water gradient does not correlate with nasal the epithelium does not generate an osmotic drive because
airway resistance, nasal volume, nasopharyngeal mucosal it predominantly absorbs sodium ions. If the rate of water
temperature, or body temperature. This suggests that the loss increases either by increased airflow or by inhalation
nasal mucosa possesses an intrinsic capacity to humidify of substantially colder air, the periciliary fluid becomes
inhaled air. Using a similar methodology, another group hypertonic, which can lead to reduced sodium absorption
has shown that most of the air conditioning occurs in the followed by induction of chloride secretion [17]. These
anterior segments of the nose [8]. changes will increase water transfer into the periciliary
As the nose warms and humidifies inhaled air, the fluid and restore homeostasis. Chloride secretion by the
mucosa loses heat and water. Heat is lost not only in epithelium is also increased by agents that induce cyclic
the warming process, but also in humidification because adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). These agents include
vaporization of water requires heat. At room temperature, B2- and C-adrenergic agonists and prostaglandins (PG) E1,
relative humidity, and normal ventilation rate, baseline E 2 , and F2a. A similar effect is produced by mediators such
mucosal functions provide for heat and water losses. as bradykinin, adenosine, eosinophil major basic protein,
When ambient temperature is significantly decreased, the substance P, and mast cell products [18,19]. Therefore,
absolute water content of inhaled air is also lower (eg, sympathetic and tachykinin-containing nerve activation
20°C air at 50% relative humidity contains much more and mucosal inflammation can increase chloride secre-
water than 0°C air at 100% relative humidity). Under this tion, resulting in water diffusion into the airway lumen.
circumstance, the nasal mucosa incurs much higher heat Methacholine-induced human nasal secretions are hyper-
and water losses in conditioning inhaled air and needs to osmolar (approximately 340 mOsm/kg H 2O) [20], and
activate compensatory mechanisms to maintain homeo- in vitro acetylcholine induces a large secretory flow of
stasis. Increased ventilation rates (eg, during outdoor sodium and chloride [17]; both observations suggest that
winter sports) significantly magnify heat and water losses cholinergic stimulation also results in the generation of an
and precipitate the compensatory process. osmotic drive to provide water to the airway surface.
The ability of the nasal mucosa to provide heat and Some in vivo observations possibly can be attributed to
water to inhaled air can be attributed largely to its structure the preceding information. Using the nasal air-conditioning
and function. The dense subepithelial capillary network, monitoring system described earlier, Assanasen et al. [21]
characterized by fenestrations that are directed toward the have shown that 24 hours after a nasal allergen provoca-
airway lumen [9], is probably the source of heat and water, tion, individuals with allergic rhinitis demonstrate increased
but the role of the fenestrae is not clear. In addition, the ability to provide water to inhaled air. This observation was
venous sinusoid system likely contributes to the air-con- subsequently confirmed in individuals with perennial aller-
ditioning capacity of the nose by allowing nasal mucosa gic rhinitis [22]. Inversely, another study has demonstrated
to engorge, expanding the heat- and water-exchange sur- that treatment of individuals with allergic rhinitis with
face [10]. Supporting this notion, studies have shown that nasal glucocorticosteroids for 2 weeks decreases the ability
topical vasoconstrictors decrease the surface temperature of the nose to humidify inhaled air [23]. The implications of
of the nasal mucosa [11] and the airstream temperature in this observation are unknown, but it would not be surpris-
the oropharynx [12]. The nasal mucosa contains a large ing if the reduction in the water gradient caused by topical
number of seromucous glands—approximately 45,000 glucocorticosteroid treatment was responsible for the devel-
according to Tos [13]—but their role in the humidifica- opment of epistaxis (a common side effect) during winter.
tion of inhaled air is unclear. More than 50 years ago,
Ingelstedt and Ivstam [14] demonstrated that the relative
humidity of inhaled air in the hypopharynx was reduced Experimental Cold-air Rhinitis:
after systemic injection of 1 mg of atropine. Recently, Pathophysiology of the Nasal Response
however, using the system previously described for moni- More than 20 years ago, we developed a model of cold,
toring temperature and relative humidity, Assanasen et al. dry air nasal provocation [24]. Individuals undergoing this
[15] showed that ipratropium bromide delivered locally procedure breathe air through the nose in a unidirectional
to the nasal mucosa improved the ability of the nose to manner (inhalation through the nose, exhalation through
warm and humidify cold air, even at high (20 L/min) flow. the mouth) at subfreezing temperatures at 26 L/min for 15
This occurred despite a measured decrease in the secretory minutes. Before and after cold-air breathing, they record
response after the end of cold air exposure. nasal symptoms in visual analog scales and undergo nasal
The most likely pathway through which water becomes lavage. Inflammatory mediators or biomarkers can be
available for humidification is passive transfer across measured in the returned lavage fluids. In addition, cel-
intraepithelial junctions in response to osmotic forces lular analyses and measurement of the osmolarity of the
Upper Airways Reactions to Cold Air Cruz and Togias 113

fluids can be performed. As a negative control, we have tachykinergic sensory nerves (c-fibers) [30]. In addition,
used nasal breathing of warm (37°C) and moist (100% anticholinergic agents can reduce rhinorrhea in skiers [4].
relative humidity) air under the same flow.
The nasal cold air–breathing model offers substantial
information on the pathophysiology of cold air–induced The Initiating Step in Cold-air Rhinitis:
rhinitis and shows clear differences between two subject Drying versus Cooling
groups. Subjects selected for a history of ambient cold Is heat loss or water loss the stimulus that elicits the nasal
air–induced nasal symptoms develop rhinorrhea, nasal mucosal reaction to cold air? Alternatively, could this
congestion, and a burning sensation when they undergo response reflect mechanical stimulation of the mucosa
experimental cold-air challenge. In contrast, subjects cho- by high airflow? The latter possibility is unlikely because
sen because they lack cold air–induced symptoms upon warm and moist air delivered at the same flow rate to the
natural exposure do not develop symptoms upon experi- nose of subjects who are sensitive to cold air causes mini-
mental nasal cold-air challenge. In the first group, nasal mal, if any, nasal symptoms.
lavage fluids obtained within 10 minutes after cold-air Based on the substantial loss of mucosal heat and
provocation demonstrate increased levels (compared with water during cold-air breathing, the obvious stimuli to be
baseline) of mast-cell activation markers, including hista- considered responsible for the nasal reaction to cold air
mine, PGD2 [24], and tryptase [25]. In addition, lavage should be cooling and hyperosmolarity. A debate is ongo-
fluids contain increased levels of biomarkers of glandular ing regarding the role of these stimuli in exercise-induced
activation and plasma extravasation (eg, lysozyme and asthma, where warm and moist air can attenuate the
albumin). No changes in the content of nasal lavage fluids bronchoconstrictive response and cold air can potentiate
were observed in the cold air–insensitive group. Breathing it [31,32]. Hyperventilation of cold air can induce bron-
warm, moist air caused no or minimal symptoms and did choconstriction even in the absence of exercise.
not lead to changes in the content of nasal lavage fluids. Heat and water loss are tightly related: heating the air
We have further observed that cold air inhalation stimu- in the nasal cavities cools the mucosa; at the same time,
lates sensory nerves and generates a cholinergic secretory water evaporates to humidify the air and mucosal water
response [26]. When the challenge is performed only through loss occurs, potentially creating a hyperosmolar environ-
one nostril, secretions are generated in both nostrils. When a ment. Water evaporation, which requires large amounts
local anesthetic is used in the challenged nostril, the contra- of heat, magnifies the cooling effect.
lateral response is reduced. The same result is obtained when The temperature of the nasal mucosa can decrease
the contralateral nostril is treated with atropine. Overall, substantially during cold-air breathing: the nasopharyn-
atropine reduces the cold air–induced rhinorrhea scores and geal mucosa is 32°C at baseline, but the temperature can
the levels of biomarkers of glandular activation, but does be reduced to approximately 23°C if cold air (-5°C) is
not reduce nasal congestion or the levels of markers of mast inhaled in a unidirectional manner (inhalation through
cell activation and plasma exudation [27], indicating that the nose, exhalation through the mouth) at a flow of 20
the cholinergic response is not the sole mechanism through L/min for 8 minutes [15]. Can cooling lead to the patho-
which the nasal reaction takes place. physiologic phenomena observed during experimental
The clinical significance of mast cell activation dur- nasal cold-air challenge?
ing the nasal reaction to cold air is not known. A topical Mast cells show reduced ability for activation when
antihistamine that had been shown previously to block operating at lower temperatures: optimal temperature is
allergen-induced symptoms and mast cell activation in 37°C for lung and intestinal and 32°C for skin mast cells
the human nose was not effective against the clinical [33]. Cooling, on the other hand, could activate nasal
response to nasal cold-air challenge [28]. Seven days sensory nerves. Cation channels that act as cold receptors
of treatment with a nasal glucocorticosteroid, which is have been identified and cloned [34–36]. These include
known to inhibit the symptoms and mediator release of the transient receptor potential (TRP) melastatin 8 (M8)
the acute allergic reaction in the nose, did not reduce receptor and the TRP ankyrin-like 1 (TRPA1) receptor,
nasal symptoms after cold-air challenge, although treat- the latter regarded as a nociceptor and the former as a
ment inhibited the cold air–induced increase in histamine gentle cooling and menthol-sensing receptor [37•]. These
levels in nasal fluids [29]. receptors have been identified on rodent trigeminal sen-
Therefore, the clinical response to cold air cannot be sory nerves; we do not know yet whether they are present
attributable to mast cell activation, but appears to be pri- in sensory nerve endings of the human nose. In rodents,
marily mediated by neural mechanisms with a sensory the TRPA1 receptor is closely associated with the heat-
element in the nasal mucosa and an effector element that and capsaicin-sensing receptor TRPV1 [38], which is
is mostly cholinergic. In support of this concept, cold-air probably present in human nasal mucosal sensory nerves.
responses can be reduced with repetitive application of intra- At the end of a nasal cold-air provocation, increased
nasal capsaicin, which results in the defunctionalization of osmolarity of nasal secretions can be detected; however,
114 Rhinitis

this has been observed only in cold air–sensitive individu- condensation is not possible because cold air is inhaled
als and not in cold air–insensitive controls [20,39]. through the nose and exhaled through the mouth.
Human lung mast cells become activated and release Individuals with cold air–induced rhinitis largely con-
mediators when exposed to a hyperosmolar medium in stitute two categories: those who report cold-air sensitivity
vitro [40]. Introduction of a hyperosmolar mannitol among many nasal complaints (ie, who suffer from chronic
solution in the human nose results in histamine and rhinitis), and those who report nasal cold-air sensitivity as
PGD2 release in nasal lavage fluids, indicating in vivo a single problem. Among individuals with chronic rhinitis,
mast cell activation [41]; however, mast cell tryptase more than 50% of those with perennial allergic disease
cannot be detected [25]. Evidence for mast-cell activa- report cold air as a symptom trigger [6], and cold-air chal-
tion has also been obtained when mannitol in powder lenges elicit stronger responses in these persons compared
form is inhaled in the lower airways. Compared with with healthy controls. Very interestingly, individuals with
individuals who deny any nasal sensitivity to cold air, asthma and allergic rhinitis are more responsive to nasal
those who develop nasal reactions to a cold-air challenge cold-air challenge, compared with individuals who have
also demonstrate a stronger response to nasal challenge only allergic rhinitis [3•]. The prevalence of cold-air sen-
with hyperosmolar mannitol [42]. sitivity in nonallergic chronic rhinitis is not known. Like
A hyperosmolar stimulus can certainly activate nasal patients with allergic rhinitis, those with chronic nonaller-
sensory nerves. Sanico et al. [43] applied 10-mm-diameter gic rhinitis have a stronger response to cold-air challenge
filter paper discs impregnated with 50 μL of 5.13M saline compared with healthy controls [47].
for 1 minute onto the septal mucosa of a single nostril. From the preceding observations, one could suggest
This resulted in a bilateral secretory response. Pretreat- that cold air–induced rhinitis reflects a nonspecific state
ment of the challenged nostril with lidocaine reduced the of nasal hyperresponsiveness whereby a relatively small
ipsilateral secretory response and almost completely abol- increase in osmolarity or a slight decrease in nasal mucosal
ished the contralateral response. A hypertonic stimulus temperature can generate a strong symptomatic mucosal
probably activates capsaicin-sensitive nociceptor nerves. It response. This response would rapidly restore mucosal
appears that the osmotic stimulus acts on the nonselective homeostasis and prevent epithelial damage. However,
cation channel TRPV1 [44], which is also the heat-sens- the nasal response to histamine, which is regarded as an
ing capsaicin receptor [45]. In support of this concept, acceptable measure of nasal hyperresponsiveness, does
hypertonic challenge in the human nose causes a burn- not differ between individuals with and without cold-
ing sensation and repetitive capsaicin application in the air nasal sensitivity [42]. This apparent discrepancy may
nasal mucosa down-regulates the response to hypertonic reflect different molecular targets. Histamine-1 receptors,
saline [43]. Sensory nerve stimulation by hyperosmolarity which mediate histamine-induced sneezing and vascular
not only leads to the generation of a central reflex (eg, a permeability in the human nose, are not present, at least
contralateral secretory response), but can also cause the in the guinea pig, on the same sensory nerves as TRPV1,
release of inflammatory neuropeptides by the same nerves. the capsaicin receptor, which may be important in the
Baraniuk et al. [46] clearly demonstrated that Substance cold-air reaction [48]. Stimuli that activate TRPV1, such
P is released in nasal secretions upon provocation with as capsaicin and possibly hypertonic stimuli, do generate
hyperosmolar saline. augmented responses in individuals with allergic rhinitis
Theoretically, both cooling and water loss/hypertonic- [43,49]. Therefore, some patients with allergic rhinitis
ity are good candidates as the primary stimulus for nasal may manifest nasal hyperresponsiveness because of up-
reactions to cold air. Yet, a stronger body of evidence regulation of TRPV1-driven pathways, whereas others
supports water loss/hypertonicity as the key stimulus. It respond because of histamine-1 pathways. Cold-air sensi-
is quite possible that the two stimuli may work in concert tivity would be categorized in the former group. A similar
or that the relative importance of each is a function of hypothesis of pathway-specific hyperresponsiveness could
individual susceptibility. explain the unique sensitivity to cold air in patients with
nonallergic, noninfectious rhinitis [47], but could also
apply to individuals without chronic rhinitis.
Mucosal Dysfunction Underlying Cold Several additional features characterize individu-
air–induced Rhinitis als with cold air–induced rhinitis, including 1) increased
Why does cold air–induced rhinitis primarily occur only responsiveness to hypertonic stimuli [42], 2) increased
in some humans and not universally? The common belief tonicity of nasal secretions at the end of a cold-air provo-
that “everybody’s nose runs in cold weather” probably cation [39], and 3) increased numbers of epithelial cells
reflects the fact that, when the temperature of ambient in nasal lavage fluids at the end of a cold-air provoca-
air is low, exhaled air rapidly cools and water vapor con- tion [50•]. Based on these characteristics, an alternative
denses, generating the perception of “runny nose.” This hypothesis could be proposed that cold air rhinitis reflects
is quite different from the nasal reaction that takes place a defect of the mucosa to compensate for the water loss
during an experimental cold-air challenge in which that occurs with nasal inhalation of cold air (Fig. 1). If
Upper Airways Reactions to Cold Air Cruz and Togias 115

Mucosal Sensorineural • Changes in epithelial

Heat loss Homeostasis
cooling stimulation ion transport
breathing • Increased blood flow
Increased Mast cell • Vascular engorgement Nasal symptoms
Water loss • Glandular activation
osmolarity activation (short duration)

Desiccation Clinical response

accentuated in the
In individuals with Epithelial shedding presence of an
reduced ability to inflammatory condition
condition air (eg, allergic rhinitis)
Long-term consequences
of mucosal dysfunction?
Increased antigen penetration?
Altered innate immunity?
Chronic inflammation?

Figure 1. A schematic of our hypothesis concerning the pathophysiology of upper airway reactions to cold air.

water loss is not readily replenished, a strongly hypertonic the development of chronic lower airways disease deserves
environment may develop rapidly in the luminal surface of examination. This hypothesis may be of particular value
nasal epithelium. This can have two consequences: first, given the plethora of reports of elite winter sport athletes
hypertonicity may stimulate sensory nerves and mast-cell developing asthma-like syndromes [53,54].
mediator release, leading to the symptoms of cold-air rhi-
nitis; and second, hypertonicity may injure the epithelium,
leading to increased epithelial cell numbers in lavage fluids Conclusions
after the end of cold-air exposure. One could argue that The reaction of the upper airways to cold air, which
the symptoms induced by cold air—rhinorrhea and nasal reflects a frequent clinical complaint, offers a unique
congestion—are meant to restore mucosal homeostasis. If opportunity to study nasal physiology and to understand
this hypothesis were correct, one would expect the water how the airway mucosa can maintain, lose, and subse-
content gradient between the air in the nasopharynx and quently restore heat and water homeostasis. In addition,
the air in the entrance of the nose to be lower in indi- the nasal reaction constitutes a prototype for the reaction
viduals with cold air–induced rhinitis compared with cold induced by cold air in the lower airways, which manifests
air–insensitive controls (who are less able to provide water with bronchoconstriction. Quite possibly, exercise-induced
to inhaled air). This postulate has not been tested. bronchoconstriction is another form of the same response.
A defect in the ability of the mucosa to compensate Cold air induces nasal sensory nerve and mast cell
for excessive water loss may be primary or acquired. A activation. However, the role of mast cell mediators in
recent publication suggests that the nasal air-conditioning generating nasal symptoms after challenge with cold air
capacity follows a familial aggregation pattern, support- is questionable. The mechanism through which sensory
ing the notion of a primary “defect” [51]. One should nerves and mast cells are activated is not clear, but more
also raise the question whether such a condition can pro- evidence points to an increase in the osmolarity of the epi-
duce negative long-term consequences, including chronic thelial surface milieu as opposed to mucosal cooling.
mucosal inflammation with increased antigen penetration Intriguing observations raise the hypothesis that the
and mucosal innate immunity dysfunction, leading to an clinical sensitivity of the nasal airways to cold air reflects
increase in infections. This question is also unanswered, but a “defect” in the ability of the mucosa to keep up with
some intriguing observations are worth mentioning. First, excessive water loss. The possibility also exists that this
Assanasen et al. [52] have reported that the air-condition- impairment is stronger in patients with asthma because
ing capacity of the nose of asthmatic patients with rhinitis their nasal responsiveness to cold air is more potent than
is lower than that of individuals with active allergic rhini- that of nonasthmatics. This may have implications in our
tis alone. Second, we have reported that asthmatic patients understanding of the genesis of asthma. We hope that
with rhinitis have stronger nasal responses to cold air, more effort will be devoted to this line of investigation in
compared with individuals with rhinitis alone [3•]. Third, the future.
a respiratory epidemiology study published two decades
ago reported that cold-air rhinitis is a risk factor for lower
forced expiratory volume in 1 second [5]. Although this Disclosures
line of thinking has several gaps, a hypothesis that a nasal No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article
air-conditioning “defect” may have a pathogenetic role in were reported.
116 Rhinitis

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