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Prepared By :
Muhammad Usman (IC-301
Ramsha Shamim (IC-012)
Rafia Himayel Siddiqui (IC-024)
Tehreem Sadaqat (IC-022)

Course Code : CY-414

Course Title : Pharmaceutical Chemistry

 Viruses are commit and obligate intracellular parasite .

 Their replication relies upon basically on synthetic

processes of the host cell.
 Effective anti-viral agents hinder virus-specific replicative
occasions or specially inhibit virus-directed rather than
host cell directed nucleic acid or protein synthesis.
What are Antiviral Drugs?

 Antiviral drugs are used to prevent or treat viral infections. They

are antimicrobial compounds, as are anti-biotics. However,
antiviral compounds do not have the same mode of action as
antibiotics. This is because most antibiotics rely on the ability of
the bacteria to grow and divide. Bacteria grow and divide

 In contrast, viruses must infect a host cell before they can exploit
the host cell's genetic machinery to manufacture the components of
new virus particles.

 Antibiotics are useless against viruses, both because viruses are

localized inside of another cell or tissue, and because viruses are
not alive in the absence of the host cell.
Structures of Some Medically Important Antiviral
Classification Based on Their Targets

Classification based on their therapeutic uses

Anti-Herpes Virus Drugs :

Drugs that are compelling against herpesviruses meddle with DNA


Anti-influenza Drugs :

These medications are inhibitors of neuraminidase, a glycoprotein on

the outside of the flu infection. Restraint of neuraminidase movement
diminishes the arrival of infection from contaminated cells, expands the
development of viral aggregates, and diminishes the spread of the
infection through the body.
Anti-HIV Drugs : HIV is treated with hostile to HIV prescriptions,
which work by halting the infection repeating in the body. This permits
the invulnerable framework to fix itself and forestall further harm.
Anti-RSV Drugs :Respiratory syncytial infection (RSV) causes a
conceivably lethal lower respiratory disease in children .Anti-RSV drugs
give latent immunity and should be given by intra-strong infusion once
every month during RSV season.


1. To treat chronic hepatitis B and C (complete disappearance is seen

in 30%)

2. Antiviral medications are the most common type of treatment for

Cytomegalovirus CMV infections .

3. To treat HZV infections in cancer patients .

4. Effective to treat Hairy cell leukemia.

5. antiviral vaccines induce antibodies specific for the surface

glycoproteins of enveloped viruses or the capsid proteins of non-
enveloped viruses.
Side Effects of Anti-Viral Drugs
1. Loss of Appetite
2. Lipodystrophy
3. Fatigue
4. Higher levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
5. Mood changes , depression and anxiety
6. Skin rash and blisters

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