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It is in our human nature to ask questions and find answers, to unravel the mysteries of the world

and find information that we don’t have. The curiosity that exists in us has shaped humanity to
advance to this point, and while the knowledge we achieved as a collective is massive, what truly
fascinates me is that it is only a small portion compared to the knowledge we have left to discover.
The human mind is intriguing because new discoveries appear constantly and there is evermore
territory for unexpected possibilities.

‘The privilege of a lifetime is to become who we truly are’ - Carl Gustav Jung. What drives humans
is to seek and achieve wholeness, to explore our inner individuality and understand ourselves. By
studying Psychology I would be able to open a path for myself to understand my own behaviour
and the people around me. 
I am a firm believer that the purpose we adopt in our life should ultimately bring us fulfilment. I have
been on a mission of going through different jobs and aspirations such as art and hospitality, and
while they were valuable experiences they never quite satisfied a desire I’ve always had. I came to
realise that my fulfilment comes from helping people. A career in Psychology would satisfy my
curiosity about the human behaviour and offer me opportunities of helping people who are in pain
and want to better their lives, whilst simultaneously granting me personal growth.

One of the best decisions my parents made was to send me to study to a Waldorf school in my
home country, Romania. Being a part of the Waldorf community and experiencing the influence of
an alternative and unique approach of pedagogy had a significant influence in the formation of my
being and behaviour. The emphasis on arts, drama and music, and philosophy has been a great
aid in my creative and thinking abilities. 

During high-school years I have had the chance to volunteer and work with elderly people and
children with disabilities. I’ve had the chance to peek into the mind of a person with Alzheimer
disease and children with autism who were abandoned by their loved ones. This experience has
humbled me and made me realise how much love and understanding people need.

Since an early age, I was interested and studied art and painting. Studying Game design and
concept art and has helped me gain valuable lessons such as working in a group of people and the
pressure of deadlines and responsibilities. While art has played a big part of my life I came to
realise that it played a therapeutic and eliberating role, allowing me to explore emotions and
challenge my creativity, rather than an ambition I felt the need to pursue.

Over the last 5 years I have had different jobs in hospitality, retail and customer service. While I
know this is not related to the subject I want to pursue, it has improved my communication skills
and taught me how to create a rapport with the people I interact with.
While I am interested in a few areas of psychology, such as cognitive, developmental and
abnormal psychology, one area that truly fascinates me is trans psychology and how spirituality
has such a fascinating effect on our psyche. My enthusiasm for mythology, religion and writers
such as Mircea Eliade and Rudolf Steiner make me curious about how we interpret our contact
with the unknown with the beliefs and stories we created throughout time and how they connect
with our consciousness. 

I spend my extra time doing activities such as painting ,playing games, going outdoors and reading
a range of books like science fiction, fantasy, non fiction,  as well as books that support my
academic studies.

I believe to be a suitable candidate for this course and the abilities I have gained until now will
allow me to start learning Psychology at a university level. I am looking forward to expanding my
knowledge on this subject.

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