TACATimes Mar-May 2011

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Mar/Apr/May 2011


E-mail the editor or president at:


Kids Club…6

Happy Hunters!
A very big thanks to all of those
who came out, and to those who
helped out with our annual TACA
Easter Egg Hunt. We had a great
turnout this year..

To see more photos from the egg

hunt (and in color!) head to our
neighborhood association blog:

2011 Lake Howell Road Ridge Drive
2157 Doan
Membership 5031 Campbell
5044 Sisk 2173 Mitchum
5073 Fritz
5097 Crosby Maywood Road
5146 Van Camp 1845 Shehee
The 2011 TACA membership drive is underway. The 5188 Hathcox 1863 Rusin
cost for an annual membership in TACA is only $10 5300 Morookian
per household. TACA is a nonprofit organization. All 5310 Myers Arla Court
of the money we collect goes to neighborhood pro- 5311 Lea 120 Telson
5322 Thompson 130 Raines
jects. Please consider joining our organization. Just
5334 Keegan
send a check for $10, made out to TACA, to the ad- 5431 Bazemore
dress below, or contact a board member. Magnolia Ave.
1932 Cubbedge
Linden Road
1819 Frame
Here’s what your membership in TACA get you: High Street
1824 Billingsley
2264 Wiley
 A bi-monthly newsletter to keep you informed. 1830 Crawford
2328 Perry
 Neighborhood watch program 1853 Wills
 Easter egg hunt and annual picnic / ice cream social with lots 1865 Lantigua
of door prizes 1901 Smart Ivy Lane
 Holiday lighting contest with cash prizes for the top 3 finish- 1911 Brown 1822 Wasson
ers. 1912 Wilson 2011 Powell
 Two (2) community yard sales per year, ads paid by TACA. 1918 Sterling
 A governing body to represent the community’s interests and
1923 Morris Willow Lane
 Yard of the month contest 1926 Devanna 1831 Kent
 Contributions to local charities. 1932 Karres 1863 Little
1938 Lowry 1825 Thompson
1944 Wesson
Mail your dues to: 1947 Dorsett Azalea Ave.
TACA, Inc. 1961 Morgan 1916 Leggatt
St. Richard’s Church 2014 Geniotto
5151 Lake Howell Road 2017 Tunstall/Ziajka
Winter Park, FL 32792 2024 Gardner Briarcliff Road
2036 Kalicak 1805 Rivera
2039 Forbes 1818 Wasson
2039 Mitchell 1824 Wasson
Attention All TACA Members: 2039 Forbes
2124 Royer Carrigan Ave.
We are interested in making our neighborhood more friendly
and welcoming, and one way we thought we could start was 2128 Boyer Dover Ave.
to revise our records and we need your help. Please call any 2184 DePadova Elsinore Ave.
board member or email us at at: tacaboard @gmail.com 2172 Bell Knoll Street
and include your name, name of your spouse and children 2180
Bremer If you’ve paid you dues for
with address, birthdays of each family member and your 2011 and you don’t see
wedding anniversary. We want to recognize these important 2181 Gann your name here please
times in the newsletter as accurately as possible. If you are email us at:
new to the area and would like to become a member please or call one of the board
call or email and we’ll be glad to help you join! members listed on page 5

Break-ins Design
We had two break-ins reported on Lake Howell
Road recently. It looks as though some of these Help
burglars don’t care whether or not anyone is
home. It’s a good idea to keep your doors Wanted
locked, even during the day while you are home.
And if you see any suspicious looking activity in We’ve decided it’s time for a bit of an overhaul
the neighborhood, don’t hesitate to call the Sem- of this newsletter. We’ve had the same cover art
inole County Sheriff’s Department. They have a for several years now. It looks great and has
great history of responding to our calls, and we served us well, but we think it’s time for a
can assure you that they will never suggest to makeover. Any artists, or graphic designers in
you that you are being a bother. They are in law the neighborhood who’d like to volunteer a lit-
enforcement for a reason; they like to catch the tle of their time to design a new front page look
bad guys. for us, please let us know. You can contact
Emergency: 911 Bruce Wiley at 407-678-5869 or email him at:
Non-Emergency: 407.665.6650 bruce.wiley@gmail.com

Seminole Sheriff’s Office Free Home Security Assessment

Upon request a Certified Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner will conduct a free and
confidential security check of your residence. We will assess all areas of your home, in-
cluding, but not limited to: lighting, alarm systems, locks, doors, windows, computer se-
curity, and landscaping. Recommendations will be discussed with you and you will be
given a written copy on how to make your home a harder target to the criminal. Residents
are provided information on the latest residential security hardware and safety recom-
mendations that will help deter the burglar. Certified Florida Crime Prevention Practition-
ers provide examples of security hardware for display. To schedule a home security as-
sessment of your home, please call Ernie Glass at (407) 665-6983 or send your request
to eglass@seminolesheriff.org.
To see a video sample of a residential security assessment go to the
TACATIMES BLOG: http://tacatimes.blogspot.com/

Your Gifts Do Help!
This was a letter provided to us by
one of our association members.
It’s a thank you for the family’s
generosity and help.
To find out more about the
“Healing Buddy” program, and to
donate, see page 3 of this newslet-

Casselberry Annexation Note

We’ve received several email enquiries concerning
the possibility of annexation by the City of Cassel-
berry. While there was a bit of noise from Cassel-
berry a few months back, we have heard of nothing
new recently. A check of their website shows no
mention of annexation in recent meeting notes. If
you hear any rumblings please let us know. We’re
in touch with other neighborhood groups who have
an interest in this issue and if anything does change
we will make you aware immediately.

Birthdays and Anniversaries: Belated and Yet-To-Come

March Birthdays April Birthdays May Birthdays

3/8 Christa Santiago 4/3 Travis Larson 5/2 Mike Kanady
3/9 Betty Boyer 4/7 Steven Morookian 5/3 Jill Balencie
3/11 Arleen Orloff 4/14 Paul Ziajka 5/4 James Graham
3/13 Rhea Royer 4/14 Leo Gardner 5/9 Andrew Kalicak
3/15 Mary Wilson 4/23 Briana Crawford 5/18 Robert Heina
3/16 Mac Kalicak 4/24 Ashley Westerfeld 5/19 Tori May Wells
3/16 Aeron Santiago 4/26 Leslie Stack 5/19 Gerri Gardner
3/19 Bruce Wiley 4/26 Justin Westerfeld 5/21 John Carpenter
3/19 Rosemary Fullam 4/27 Tom Little 5/21 Frances Dancel
3/19 Cara Fullam 5/25 Reece Richardson
3/22 Michele Stack 5/26 Rob Rusin
3/22 Timmy Larson April Anniversaries 5/28 Dick Telson
3/24 Margie Shortt 4/2 Leo & Gerri Gardner
3/25 Barbara Van Camp 4/21 Glen & Petrea Quilling
3/26 Robert Baechle May Anniversaries
3/27 Kim Crawford 5/19 Julia & Henry Sisk
5/27 Paul & Karen Morookian

March Anniversaries
1/1 Jerry & Lee Wells
1/8 Dennis & Barbara Larson
1/9 Robin & Tamera Coghlan

Yard 2238 High Street

Of The
Month April
5188 Lake Howell Rd.

Do you see a yard deserving of our Yard of the Month award? Let us know!

Connect the dots to see what it is.
(Hint: it’s something you might make
at the beach)

From: http://www.coloring.ws/

Cool Website of the Month

National Geographic Kids is a great website that lets you and your children explore nature, sci-
ence, even food...and there are games videos and much more that will keep everyone enter-
tained, and informed.

Charitable donations:
Healing Buddies for local Hospice and Hospitals
New and gently used (washed) STUFFED ANIMALS are needed as
“Healing Buddies” for local Hospitals and Hospice. Healing Bud- M EMBERS
dies become companions for patients and grieving children. They are M EMBERS
handed out as part of the healing drama/humor therapy program.
If you have donations, contact Kathy Clark at 407-671-9315 President…………………....Bruce Wiley
A Gift For Teaching & Vice President……………....Pat Telson
The Ronald McDonald House 407-671-4934
Secretary…………………....Jean Karres
Nell Keegan collects greeting cards, new and used, for A Gift For 407-671-4344
Teachers. And she needs soda pop tabs for The Ronald McDonald Treasurer/Membership…….Ava Tunstall
If you would like to make a donation, contact her at 407-671-4972. Editor………………………..Bruce Wiley
Newsletter Distribution…….Bruce Wiley
Services in your neighborhood: 407-678-5869
Stan Boyer - Licensed Electrician 407-657-1650 Goodwill……………………..Jean Karres
Art Gann - Local artist 407-733-0223 407-671-4344
Carol Gann - friendly neighborhood beauty consultant. Neighborhood Watch……….
James Bell - Repairs & Renovations LLC, certified roof- Board Members:
ing/residential contractor 407-383-0311 Stewart Fritz 407-671-5073
Services in your neighborhood is a complimentary advertising service provid- Dick Telson 407-671-4934
ed by TACA Times. To be listed you are required to pay your annual $10 Ava Tunstall 407-671-2147
dues. Mike Kanady 407-678-5332
When using any service you should make sure that those you are employing Stan Boyer 407-657-1650
are licensed, registered, and insured by a recognizable regulatory agency.
George Karres 407-671-4344
Nell Keegan 407-671-4972
Advertise With TACA
The TACA Times is an excellent place to get your name or your
company’s name and information out in our neighborhood.
Your ad is guaranteed to circulate to 350+ homes www.tacatimes.blogspot.com
To place an ad or for more information about rates and terms
Bruce Wiley at 407-678-5869/email: bruce.wiley@gmail.com E-MAIL TACA

TACA, Inc.
St. Richard’s Church
5151 Lake Howell Road
Winter Park, FL 32792

Their generosity helps to make
this newsletter possible!

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