Combining Industrial Symbiosis With Sustainable Supply Chain Management For The Development of Urban Communities

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Combining Industrial Symbiosis

With Sustainable Supply Chain
Management for the Development
of Urban Communities
—LEONARDO ROSADO Abstract—Growing urban population is putting pressure on the supply of
Associate Professor natural resources leading to global environmental impacts and calling for
Department of Architecture and Civil new ways to manage urban development. Circular economy strategies can
Engineering, Chalmers University of provide the means to both increase resource productivity and generate
Technology, Gothenburg 41296, Sweden new business opportunities. Industrial symbiosis is one such strategy.
We explore an industrial symbiosis application in this paper. While most
—YULIYA KALMYKOVA previous industrial symbiosis applications have been limited to eco-
Associate Professor industrial parks, here we propose an adaptation of the industrial symbiosis
Department of Architecture and Civil
and sustainable supply chain management concepts to urban areas in
Engineering, Chalmers University of
Technology, Gothenburg 41296, Sweden general. It is a way to develop economic clusters incorporating symbiotic
links between multiple products supply chains. A proposed iterative
facilitated industrial symbiosis method identifies an economic cluster
focus, stakeholders, opportunities for resource exchange, and sharing of
(Corresponding Author: Leonardo Rosado.) infrastructure, as well as other important elements. The method provides
systematic guidance for practitioners seeking ways to grow local industry
and economy, increase resource productivity, reduce wastes, and better
IEEE DOI 10.1109/EMR.2019.2911060 utilize local resources. Benefits of industrial symbiosis and barriers to its
implementation are also identified in the method. The method comprises
five phases, each illustrated on an example drawn from our application of
the method in an urban development in Gothenburg, a city in Sweden.

Key words: Sustainable supply chain management, circular economy,

industrial symbiosis, community economic development, urban planning,
green supply chain management.

1. INTRODUCTION been estimated that shift to CE by

2030 would increase resource
P OPULATION growth in urban areas, productivity by 30%, deliver GDP
increases by 1% and create 2 million
with 2.5 billion more people expected
to live in cities by 2050 (UN, 2014), is additional jobs (EC, 2014).
putting pressure on the supply of
natural resources. This situation is CE measures as eco-design and
leading to increased resource waste prevention are estimated to
scarcity and global environmental bring EUR 600 billion net savings for
impacts. It also affects the economy European Union (EU) businesses.
with price inflation (UNEP 2012). It is expected to also reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Recently,
The circular economy (CE) is one a global agenda for CE has been
approach that may help to solve this suggested (Geng et al., 2018).
challenge by increasing resource Although the CE concept has not yet
productivity while also simultaneously been consolidated, discussions on
stimulating economic growth and common definition and methodology
creating more job opportunities. It has for implementation are ongoing.

Examples of CE application exist for applications are no longer limited by industries (Jensen, 2016). Therefore
industrial parks, different goods flows, geographical co-location. There are we propose a new method that
product supply chains and selected multiple mechanisms to connect combines industrial symbiosis and
materials and substances partners and develop mutually SSCM by integrating multiple supply
(Kalmykova et al., 2018). beneficial relationships (Lombardi chains of different products through
and Laybourn, 2012). finding possible by-product
More experience needs to be exchanges and identifying
developed in CE implementation for a Focusing on technological infrastructures that can be shared to
range of geographic scales including development of resource sharing and gain economies of scale. The method
urban, regional, national and global on interorganisational relations uses a facilitated industrial symbiosis
scales. In this paper we introduce a development, IS does not explicitly framework (Paquin and Howard-
method for CE implementation consider the social dimension of Grenville, 2012). After outlining the
suitable for urban and regional sustainability. When using the method, we also exemplify its
scales. The method builds upon the sustainable supply chain (SSC) term, application in a case-study.
idea of economic clusters formation, the default perspective is an
providing a range of benefits for the environmental sustainability.
involved organizations and for the However, inclusion of other
region where they operate (Martin dimensions of corporate social
and Sunley, 2003; St. John and responsibility in SSC is occurring The proposed facilitated IS method
Pouder, 2006). (Sarkis, 2012). Because urban builds upon a closed loop supply
development should consider all chain (CLSC) that is a key principle
The clusters, which are three pillars of sustainability, social, shared by circular economy, industrial
agglomerations of interlinked environmental and economic, we use symbiosis and SSCM. CLSC stages
businesses and institutions, were the following SSCM definition: “the include sourcing, production,
shown to confer an economic strategic, transparent integration and logistics, consumption and end-of-life
advantage to its participants through achievement of an organization’s (EOL) (Figure 1).
external economies of scale and social, environmental, and economic
networking (Deutz and Gibbs 2008). goals in the systemic coordination of Unlike traditional forward supply
External economies of scale arise key interorganizational business chains that concludes with customer
from sharing factors of production, processes for improving the long-term consumption, CLSC includes return
value chains and supporting economic performance of the processes to capture additional
institutions (Bathelt 2005, Deutz and individual company and its supply value. These return processes also
Gibbs 2008). Networking leads to chains” (Carter and Rodgers, 2008). enable environmental benefits in
exchange in tacit knowledge and trust supply chain stages from raw material
formation among companies and IS and SSCM can be applied to CE extraction to final disposal of the
organizations (Morgan 2004). The development because they aspire to product. The return processes that
cluster development concept has the CE goal of improving loop the supply chain are: acquiring
attracted particular interest of policy- sustainability of resource use. Both products from end-users; reverse
makers concerned with urban concepts deal with interorganizational logistics to move the products from
development (Cumbers and relationships based on material and location of use to point of disposition;
Mackinnon, 2004). energy flows and also share the testing, sorting and disposition to
approach of closing material loops. assess products condition for
The novelty of our approach is in Yet, despite the common ground, the effective re-use; direct reuse, repair,
combining industrial symbiosis (IS) cross-pollination between the two remanufacture, recycle, disposal or
with sustainable supply chain concepts is still new (Liu et al., 2018). energy recovery; and re-marketing to
management (SSCM) concepts for sell and distribute repaired products
CE implementation. In IS, diverse The rare published studies aspiring to (Guide et al., 2003).
organizations are engaged with the IS integration in SSCM have
aim of reducing resource use, by encouraged interorganisational Once CLSC for different products are
sharing resources, using wastes for relationships amongst enterprises defined, possible interactions
secondary raw materials and through a single supply chain (Leight between supply chains can be
fostering eco-innovation (Lombardi and Li, 2015). Alternative, it has been explored to uncover IS opportunities
and Laybourn, 2012). While shown that resource pathways, and (Figure 2). The objective of the
previously applied only to therefore opportunities for IS, method is to maximize symbiosis
eco-industrial parks, recent IS increase with the diversity of through linkages among the chains.

Possible CLSC interactions are

(Figure 2):

Interactions by resource exchange

occurs when output resources of one
CLSC serves as an input for another.

Interactions by sharing infrastructure.

Infrastructure may include plant,
equipment and services like heat,
electricity, distribution and waste
treatment. In Figure 2, sharing
infrastructure is depicted by a two
headed arrow connecting the logistics
stages in supply chains A and B.

Interactions by own resources occurs

Figure 1. Closed loop supply chain. when a by-product is used as raw
material within the same supply
chain. In Figure 2, by-product from
production is used in the sourcing
inside supply chain B to produce the
same type of product.

In practice, details of supply chains

and possible interactions between
them are defined using a facilitated IS
framework that includes organized
involvement of stakeholders. Figure 3
presents the developed IS formation
facilitation method, which includes 5
phases: preparation; identification of
the focus for a potential cluster
(Focus); engagement with
stakeholders; synthesis of information
and addition of new links to the
cluster (Development); and
consolidation of supply chains and
stakeholders in the cluster

In the preparation phase,

characteristics and development
objectives, such as economic,
environmental or social goals, for a
local community are identified; the
relevant economic sectors and
stakeholders are also identified.

The information is obtained from

literature research and local
authorities. Also, databases of typical
resource consumption and waste
generation categorized by industries,
Figure 2. Interacting closed loop supply chains. and of possible waste exchanges are

being developed to assist in symbioses between stages of the of stakeholders. In this consolidation
identifying potential symbioses various CLSCs are identified. The phase, CLSCs for different products
(Patricio et al. 2019). following information is collected for are derived and varied interactions
each supply chain: are explored among the supply
In the following phase, the focus for chains (Figure 2).
potential cluster is defined, where the Sourcing: the goods needed during
drivers, relevant supply chains and production and the involved The objectives are to maintain closed
their stages are identified, and a list of stakeholders; individual supply chains while
existing infrastructures and maximizing the opportunities for
stakeholders is made in consultation Production: products and by-products resource and energy efficiency
with local authorities. The next phase occurring during the production through inter-linkages. The designed
involves engaging with the identified process; IS scheme can now be used as a
stakeholders using a workshop basis for community development
format. The first workshop is Logistics: the management and as a starting point in industrial
conducted in order to assess their processes that occur to the product symbiosis implementation. Iterating
interests and characterize their until it reaches the final consumer or through the method’s central loop
activities, along with equipment, to be used as an intermediate product (Figure 3) consisting of the focus,
infrastructures, materials and goods are identified. This may include engagement, development and
used. Special focus is given to additional processing such as consolidation phases, provides a
identification of specific barriers and refrigeration and storage. Also, systemic way to increase symbiotic
requirements, such as certification stakeholders and used resources are linkages.
processes. Examples of stakeholders identified;
include municipal and local
administrative offices, large, medium Consumption: possible customers, 3. CASE STUDY: BUILDING AN
and small-size companies, and non- final consumption of the product by
governmental organizations (NGO). customers; and
Enterprises are organized in stages CLUSTER IN GOTHENBURG
of closed loop supply chains. End-of-life: products after A case study for two districts in the
consumption, wastes, necessary northeast Gothenburg (Sweden) was
In the development phase, infrastructures and stakeholders. used to test and apply the proposed
information is gathered, stakeholders, facilitated method for IS and SSCM
resources and infrastructures are The next set of stakeholders that integration. The two district region
mapped and a list of requirements should be brought to the discussion is comprises a fourth of the
and barriers is created. Additional identified. This leads to a second municipalitys area and 20% (90,000)
potential stakeholders and possible workshop, which involves a larger set of its population. This part of

Figure 3. Facilitated industrial symbiosis method for developing local communities.


Gothenburg is characterized by high following main development homes (Environmental and Climate
unemployment. objectives for the area (according to Committee, 2014). The information
UNO): served as a basis for outlining, jointly
It is known that a significant  increase the production and end with UNO, the key stakeholders and
proportion of the population (around market for locally produced food opportunities for IS cooperation in the
75%), are represented by migrant products; area. The drivers and barriers that
mainly originating in foreign countries.  strengthen the network of small- might exist were identified.
This population has skills in farming scale producers; and
and food production that have not  bridge the gaps between cities Potential synergies between different
been utilized. The geographical area and suburbs. local actors, connected to food
of the study has a large and suitable production, distribution and sales, as
open land and rich natural resources Information from UNO and other local well as food tourism were
for agriculture. authorities was gathered to prepare established. Waste generation in
for engagement with stakeholders different stages of the product chains
The Utveckling Nordost (UNO) from the production sector. Results was also discussed. The key
municipal company, tasked by the city from relevant previous studies were stakeholders served as the starting
with promotion of economic analyzed, such as UNO’s pre-study point for determining the products
development of northeast containing mapped resources and supply chains. Four supply chains
Gothenburg, has provided a platform skills in urban farming and food were identified: lamb, beef, chicken,
for the facilitated industrial symbiosis production in the area (Melander and fruits and vegetables (Figure 4).
method in this area; they also provide 2013).
feedback regarding the method.
Possible contributions to other local 3.2. Phase 3—Engagement With
3.1. Phases 1 and 2—Preparation goals were taken into account, such Local Producers The first
and Establishing the Main as the Gothenburg municipality goal workshop attracted eleven actors
Focus of the Cluster In the to reduce the carbon footprint of their from northeast Gothenburg, mainly
preparation phase, the potential operations, including lower emissions producers and business developers.
cluster around a network of local food associated with the food being served The aim of the workshop was to
production is derived with the in schools, pre-schools and elderly introduce business representatives to

Figure 4. Main supply chains and key stakeholders for a food cluster in the northeast Gothenburg.

industrial symbiosis ideas and to start The public sector in Sweden is products. The main barrier to be
building symbiosis network. responsible for social institutions considered is that ecologically sound
such as schools, elderly care, and products are more expensive.
A mapping showing potential hospitals. It is the largest customer for
collaboration between the many products, including food. It was Restaurants are suitable end-markets
participants and other known local found, however, that local food for locally produced food since they
stakeholders was prepared producers could experience require smaller quantities of fresh and
beforehand. This map was further challenges in supplying public high quality products; they would like
developed in the workshop: existing establishments due to public to work in close contact with
collaborations, and the missing procurement regulations. producers to improve product flavor.
factors for the symbiosis network—
marketing, promoting food tourism to The existing Swedish law on public Distribution and logistics planning is
the area were identified. procurement (LOU 2007:1091) does important due to the small scale of
not allow public sector both producers and end markets, and
It was concluded that there is a large establishments to give preference to a potentially scattered network of
demand for ecologically sound food, local production (Konkurrensverket, customers. Given the identified
especially in the city centre. It was 2014). It requires a level tendering challenges, it was decided to exclude
also determined that the actors from process when sourcing. As a result, the public sector as an end market at
the consumer side, i.e., restaurants the public sector purchases cheaper this stage of cluster development; the
and grocery stores, would need to be imported commodities that may have focus became food retailers and
involved in the IS formation. been produced under regulations less restaurants. New stakeholders,
Ecological food certification and stringent than those in Sweden. Strict representing end markets and
logistics were identified as key Swedish regulations include items logistics, were identified (see
requirements. Visits were made to such as farm animal welfare, and Table 1).
their business locations for small limits on fertilizer and pesticides
businesses that could not attend the application. 3.4. Phase 5—Consolidation of the
workshop. Cluster The second workshop
Amendments to the current public involved representatives from
procurement law (SFS 2010:571) restaurants, a grocery store and a
3.3. Phase 4—Development of the would introduce additional criteria, logistics company in addition to
Food Production Cluster The such as farm animal welfare, for producers. The second facilitated
first workshop developed a set of broad sourcing. In this case, local workshop focused on developing
parameters for the food cluster. In producers will have a better chance concrete activities for strengthening
particular, the final products should for public sector sales. Certain planned and establishing new
be climate-smart and locally municipalities, including Gothenburg, symbiosis links. A map of identified
produced, with an option for allow serving exclusively ecologically stakeholders and supply chains
ecological certification. As defined sound meat in public establishments. diagram guided the consolidated
in the focus phase, the supply Having ecological certification, this cluster outline. Discussions about
chains include meat, fruits and increases local producers' chance to sharing human resources, energy
vegetables. be selected as providers given their and waste treatment were postponed
history of high quality production. until after the initial symbiotic
To identify additional stakeholders relationships were implemented.
and symbiosis links, the remaining Another possibility is to supply
stages of the value chain (Logistics, products to retail markets such as Table 1 summarizes a list and
Consumption and EOL) need to be shops, super markets or farmer description of the stakeholders
considered. The scenarios below markets hosting local producers. involved in the planning and
explore three end markets Customer inclination for locally development of the northeast
(Consumption) and logistics for the produced and ecological sound food Gothenburg food cluster.
locally produced food: public sector, is perceived as an opportunity.
retail market and restaurants. 3.5. The Outcome: An Industrial
The post-consumer waste from food The UNO started a dialog with ICA Symbiosis Design Using the
production (EOL) is managed by Na€ra, a Swedish retail chain, in facilitated IS development method, an
municipal service, having implications northeast Gothenburg regarding industrial symbiosis cluster was
for supply chains as explained in the possible distribution of locally formulated from the set of
Outcome below. produced ecologically sound stakeholders described in Table 1.

The initial IS design serves as a Figure 5 provides shows potential Resource exchange opportunities
baseline, with an option to enlarge resource exchanges among the initial were identified, such as using wastes
the network with more participants. set of participating stakeholders. In from chicken supply chain and the
Table 1 lists both existing and the example, lamb and beef supply organic residue from biogas
planned stakeholders along with chains are merged together due to €ljeredsga rd—a
production at Ha
corresponding supply chain phases. similar characteristics. production stage of the beef supply

Table 1. Stakeholders in supply chain phases identified for northeast Gothenburg


chain—as fertilizer for vegetable The external economies of scale can the supply chain sourcing and
production. be created in the cluster by sharing consumption stages can be involved.
the four supply chain infrastructures. EOL management of the post-
In the vegetable supply chain, Amongst these external partners consumer waste, the EOL of all
production stage waste can be includedthe distribution services of supply chains in the food production
used as fertilizer in sourcing— Eco-logistic and Gro €nsaks cluster, is managed by the municipal
interaction using their own companies, the meat processing service via food waste collection from
resources. A possible symbiosis service of Go €teborgs Fa r, marketing homes and restaurants for anaerobic
was devised in the vegetable platform of Lokalt Go€teborg, and retail digestion to produce biogas. The
production chain by using waste and development of food tourism residues from biogas production are
heat and space from ICA Na €ra food through Ha €ljeredsga rd. planned to be used as fertilizer in the
retailer for setting up and running a sourcing for vegetable production and
greenhouse—the logistics to For further cluster development, for animal fodder production; this step
sourcing link. additional stakeholders representing closes the supply chain loop.

Figure 5. Industrial symbiosis cluster for northeast Gothenburg.


4. DISCUSSION allows for easier adaptation of the introductions to businesses, the

production processes, for example to facilitator and the local partner - UNO
The suggested IS development
ecologically sound production. in the case study - should prepare
facilitation method, based on
background information.
combining IS with SSCM, contributes
Limitations identified included retailer
to CE development by closing the
chains such as ICA require food Background information should
loops of resources. CE creates new
products, especially vegetables, to include: (1) existing stakeholders;
business opportunities by more
conform to size and shape (2) types of used resources; (3)
efficient use of resources through
constraints. Limitation in production infrastructure and generated wastes;
resource exchange and infrastructure
volumes of small size producers is a (4) existing examples of innovations
constraint for public sector supply and in business models in the region area;
sales. Adjustments to the local cluster and (5) initial propositions of possible
The method provides insights into to make it more functional is needed. symbiotic links.
SSCM since it was specifically These adjustments include adding
developed for planning and design of businesses within logistic services Some of this information, especially
closed loop supply chain systems. and meat processing. general information about the types of
The method also advances IS with a business and their resource flows is
standardized methodology to identify available publicly. Information can be
IS opportunities and facilitate obtained from literature, the Internet
AND PRACTICAL or the local government business
development unit. Additional
Input-output matching principles for RECOMMENDATIONS information can be acquired from the
identifying IS opportunities, based on The case study implementation of a local partner.
identifying complementary resource facilitated IS and economic cluster
exchanges between different development process has brought up Utilize information for many
organizations, is applied (Grant et al., several considerations for those purposes. Apart from serving as a
2010). The communication method seeking to apply the method. starting point for the workshops,
for input-output matching is used background information can also
(e.g., via workshops), with three main Partnering with a connected local contributes in other ways. Building
types of actions: conversation, partner. Initially a good starting point databases containing typical
connection and co-creation (Paquin for a project on economic cluster resource flows in different supply
and Howard-Grenville, 2012). development is to find a local chains, possible resource exchanges,
partner—a local government, NGO, and examples of innovations in
Furthermore, we sought to expand IS business association, or a business models for future
to urban areas and communities in company—interested in or tasked development projects.
addition to the IS traditional focus on with the area’s development. This
industrial eco-parks. The method has partner requires knowledge of the Select a starting implementation
been applied to a case-study of area and is trusted by the local point. Identifying a stage in the supply
cluster development in Gothenburg. businesses. For the first meeting with chain that will serve as a starting point
A suitable cluster of food production a local partner we recommend for seeking symbiosis opportunities
was created based on the preparing materials containing needs to be determined before the
development goals for the area and illustration of possible benefits for initiating workshop. This adds
on the local resources, including creating an economic cluster and additional efficiency to the process
existing businesses, infrastructure, industrial symbiosis. Using an and meeting. This selection is
human and natural resources. existing or a hypothetical case and a completed using the development
brief description of the key principles objectives, existing industrial
Several strengths, constraints and and steps of the method should be infrastructure, or suggestions by
necessary adjustments are identified. included in the illustration. supply chain actors. For example,
For example, close contact between having production increase as an
local producers and restaurants was Do your homework, prepare objective in our case study, meaning
found to be a strength. Producers are materials. Efficient workshops are a the starting stage was chosen to be
able to customize their products for necessity. In order to maintain focus production. The consumption stage
the restaurants, which promotes on finding collaboration opportunities could have been chosen in a case
lasting customer relationships. Also, and solutions for closing loops where cluster development is
flexibility of small-scale production instead of spending time on demand-driven by consumers, such

as restaurants seeking specialty can be implemented with continued In partnership with municipal
products, or Gothenburg municipality facilitation by the local partner, as in developer UNO, the method has
requiring organic meat due to the our case study, or by a consulting been applied to a case of developing
adopted policy of 100% organic meat company providing facilitation on urban food production cluster in
served in public establishments. behalf of the agency driving area northeast part of Gothenburg,
development—local government, Sweden. Based on the development
Use partners to gather and NGOs, business associations or objectives, four key supply chains
disseminate information. Information companies. The post-workshop and potential resource and
about the initiating workshop is most activities included raising seed funds infrastructure sharing were identified.
efficiently disseminated by the local that can help in accelerating initial Working with the initial group of
partner to potential participants. cluster implementation based on the relevant stakeholders on formulating
E-mail or letters, with suggestion to developed industrial symbiosis the cluster, symbiosis opportunities,
forward to other possibly relevant and outline. additional stakeholders and missing
interested businesses, was infrastructure elements were jointly
encouraged. Having a map of the identified during the first workshop.
region’s industries during the 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
workshops is helpful for locating The potential new end-markets for the
supply chain elements. Existing and cluster were investigated, and
potential partners, infrastructure, and A method for planning and opportunities and challenges of
available underutilized resources– development of economic clusters industrial symbiosis implementation
land or infrastructure, should be based on industrial symbiosis and identified. Involving additional
identifed. To save time, the sustainable supply chain stakeholders, a more comprehensive
description of cluster development management concepts has been and complete cluster outline was
methods and industrial symbiosis presented. It identifies opportunities created during the second workshop.
concept can be omitted during the for resource exchange, sharing of Along with the cluster outline,
workshops. Instead, an illustration of infrastructure and stakeholders summarized in Figure 5 and Table 1,
existing innovations within business collaboration in five phases: a set of recommendations for future
models and resource management preparation; identification of the focus development was provided to UNO
are useful for motivation. for potential cluster; engagement with for its implementation of the industrial
stakeholders; synthesis of information symbiosis.
Provide flexibility and support for and addition of new links to the
smaller enterprises. Small and micro cluster, and consolidation of supply The recommendations include
enterprises (SME) are important to chains and stakeholders in cluster. adding more partners (from
local communities. These SME may Table 1) to the Logistics and
not have resources to attend the The method contributes to Consumer stages of supply chains,
workshops. They may provide input sustainable development of local applying more iterations of the
to cluster development through on- communities, strengthening them method (central loop in Figure 3)
site discussion as exemplified in the both economically and socially, to identify and add more partners
case study. In some cases, around a circular economy and shared resources to the
attendance of SME in the workshops perspective. In particular, the cluster, and creating new
can be financially supported by local expected value from industrial businesses to provide missing
governments, NGOs or business symbiosis is more efficient use of infrastructure (e.g., meat
associations. Additionally, companies local resources. This may lead to processing facility). Based on
with large or multiple by-product material and cost savings, improved application of the method, UNO
streams may sponsor cluster security of supply, potential new has obtained regional development
development while seeking businesses and employment funding from EU to implement the
opportunities to reduce the cost of opportunities, and reduced cluster as an integral part of
waste and by-product disposal, environmental pressures and North-East Gothenburg
valorize by-product streams and impacts. The big picture behind development.
improve their sustainability profile. developing the method was to
provide business developers, NGOs We believe that this process can help
The post-facilitation process should and local authorities with a practical urban planners and engineers with
be carefully planned. Based on the approach to urban and regional the necessary guidelines to initiate
industrial symbiosis outline development and to promote a important transformations to their
developed in this method, the cluster circular economy. communities.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Rydberg and Peter Carlsson from Communities,” a research project

Hifab, and the Utveckling Nordost financed by the European Institute of
We would also like to thank
representatives, Dan Melander and Innovation and Technology—Climate
the project employee
Susan Runste n. The work presented Knowledge Innovation Community
Madumita Sadagopan, and
in this paper arises from “IS-COM— (Climate-KIC).
€rn Wesling from
our partners Bjo
Industrial Symbiosis for Strong
Johanneberg Science Park, Stina

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UN, (2014) United Nations. World Urbanization Prospects. [Online]. Available:
Accessed: Jun. 2018.

Leonardo Rosado is currently an Associate Professor with the Architecture and Civil
Engineering Department, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, focusing on
the urban metabolism field, in particular using a holistic approach to develop methods to study all
resource flows of cities. He has developed a groundbreaking method to account for materials in
urban areas—the Urban Metabolism Analyst. The main goal is to study cities to provide valuable
information to stakeholders on different levels: circular economy, waste management, urban
planning, industry and households. Additionally, he was Chalmers’ representative and evaluator
at the Climate-KIC Industrial Symbiosis platform and has been involved in several projects that
aim at implementation of Industrial Symbiosis at regional level.

Yuliya Kalmykova is currently an Associate Professor and the founding director of the Urban
Metabolism Research Group, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. She
develops data-driven decision-making methods and solutions for sustainable cities, using
material flow analysis based models, LCA, system dynamics, and circular economy, and
industrial symbiosis tools created in her group. Working in close collaboration with industry and
municipalities on circular economy and industrial symbiosis implementation, she and her group
designed industrial symbiosis systems that have already been included in the development plans
for two Swedish towns, while another design is currently being applied for West Sweden region
biofuel industry development. As a board member of Environmental and Climate committee, she
advised Gothenburg Environment Department on the city’s environmental program, policies, and
urban planning. She serves on the editorial boards of Nature Scientific Data and Sustainability
journals, and in the grant proposals evaluation panels for the EU Commission and several
national research councils. Her research interests include identification, development, and
implementation of processes, technologies, and business models that enable circular economy
as well as in socioeconomic community development and finding ways of achieving the
sustainable development goals.

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