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1 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I’m really jealous ________ my little sister’s achievements.

1 Why is she nervous ________ the exam in June? I’m sure she’ll pass.
2 When I was younger, I was scared ________ dogs.
3 I feel guilty ________ not inviting you to the party.
4 Bob is confused ________ this exercise. He doesn’t understand it.
5 Jake was quite disappointed ________ his exam results last term.
6 She didn’t tell me the truth, and I still feel angry ________ that.
7 What mistake are you most ashamed ________ ?
8 Harry is fed up ________ his job and he wants to resign.

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2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. There is one verb that you do not need.
doubt memorise realise recall recognise remind solve
2 How long does it take you to ____________ a crossword puzzle?
9 John didn’t ____________ me yesterday. I used to have blonde hair but now my hair’s
10 She said she was going to call me, but I ____________ it. She didn’t ask me for my
11 Writing things down often helps you ____________ information more easily.
12 I was so sleepy this morning that I didn’t ____________ I was in the wrong classroom.
13 These photos will always ____________ me of our holiday together.

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3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
3 The film we saw was ____________ . We were really scared. (frighten)
14 Did they sell you this DVD for €30? I'm ____________ ! You should take it back! (shock)
15 What books do you find more ____________ ? Crime thrillers or sci-fi novels? (excite)
16 Parents are often ____________ about their children’s safety. (worry)
17 The directions we had given them were ____________ , so they got lost. (confuse)

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Use of English
4 Complete the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D.
When I was young, I 1____ be really into motorbikes, and one summer, a biker friend 2____ me if I
wanted to join him at a motorbike festival in Wales. He said that we could camp at the festival and that
he had plenty of room in his tent for me.
My friend turned 3____ early at my house on Saturday morning, and we got on our motorbikes for the
five-hour ride to Wales. My bike was going well at first. I 4____ the scenery as we rode along the
road, when suddenly my bike broke down. After about an hour, I managed to fix it, so I felt quite
proud 5____ myself! Then we continued on our long journey to the festival.
When we 6____ at the campsite near the festival, it was raining hard and really cold. So I was really
____ when I found out that my friend 8____ the tent! I was 9____ that I would have to spend the night
sleeping outside in the rain! 10____ , one of the other people at the campsite had brought an extra tent,
so we borrowed that, in the end!

4 A use B use to C used D used to

18 A asked B had asked C was asked D was asking
19 A up B into C out D down
20 A enjoyed B had enjoyed C enjoying D was enjoying
21 A about B at C of D with
22 A arrived B had arrived C arriving D were arriving
23 A ashamed B irritated C guilty D embarrassed
24 A forgot B had forgotten C was forgetting D was forgotten
25 A afraid B confused C relieved D satisfied
26 A Eventually B Finally C Fortunately D Suddenly

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