Lesson Plan: Anticipated Problems & Solutions

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Lesson Plan

Name of teacher: Tatiana Slonskaya Date: 21/09/17

Lesson Type: Video/Speaking/Listening/Revision Time 18.30-20.45
Level: B1+ Lesson length: 2-1/4hrs(3 ac.hrs)
Classroom : 1 Class type: adults

Main Aim(s): to improve Ss ability to follow and understand speech in a video extract
to enchance communicational skills
to foster cultural interest and social engagement

Subsidiary Aim: to revise language of unit1 in free communicative, personalized speaking


Personal Aim(s):to reduce TTT

to use error correcting techniques

Class profile: There’re 10 adult students of different ages(bw18-40).The group is more or

less homogenous. However,one student(Olga) is weaker than the others and it takes more
time to do some tasks.The Ss are active learners.They’re enthusiastic and motivated.the
atmosphere at the lessons is energetic,friendly,though the students feel natural and quite

Assumptions: Ss might have never heard about Peruvian weavers,so they’ll the
probably have difficulty in understanding the vocabulary .

Anticipated problems & solutions:

P1: one of the students may start asking to explain some material in Russian
S1: explain the material in a simple and understandable way
P2: stronger students will finish some activities earlier
S2:.provide them some extra material (handouts) according to the target vocabulary and

Target Language:Useful language for understanding video extracts, expressing your

opinions and giving reasons,starting and ending conversations

Materials & Aids:Coursebook Life B1+ ,DVD Life intermediate, photos and word cards
Photocopiable Test Unit 1 Teachers Book LifeB1+
Stage Procedure/Activity Aims Interaction Time

W-up T asks Ss how they are getting on To create a positive T-Ss 3’

nearly at the end of the working atmosphere in the
week:tired,well,bored,hungry,etc group,switch into English
speaking environment

Lead-in T shows a map of South America To arise Ss interest in the T-Ss 5’

and asks students to identify the topic(photos of South P/W
continent,guess information American countries)
about the countries,traditons and

Presentatio Ss discuss the photo in the book To motivate students to T-Ss 4’

n of the and answer the questions( SB predict information about G/W
task(DVD Ex1).T takes feedback from the Peruvian weavers
preview) class

Vocabulary T pre-teaches vocabulary To use guessing strategy to T-Ss 8’

presentati connected with the video on the overcome lexical problems,to G/W
on board by a match-up highlight sounds and stress
task(pictures and words-cards),
emphasise syllables and
stress,drills orally.

Vocabulary Ss complete the summary of the To consolidate vocabulary I/W 4’

practice video with the words from the
box( Ex 2,SB p19)

Watching Ss watch the DVD, check the To check understanding of the T-Ss 6’
for gist completed summary(Ex2,3SB video and vocabulary P/W
p19).T takes the feedback

Watching T explains the task,Ss watch the To check how Ss coped with T-Ss 10’
for video again and reorder the the task and explain mistakes I/W
ordering extracts,discuss the answers.(Ex (if there are any) P/W
4,SB p19)

Watching Ss read the questions,watch the To provide further speaking T-Ss 10’
for details video again,answer the I/W
questions,compare them in P/W
pairs.T takes the feedback from
different pairs.(Ex 5,SB p 19)

Functional Ss work in pairs,prepare To enable students to ask and T-C 20’

presentati questions and answers,then answer questions about the P/W
on roleplay the interview video ,consolidate new
(Ex6 SB p19) vocabulary
T asks Ss to read the quote and To share ideas T-Ss 5’
Free agree or disagree with it
speaking (Ex 7,SB p19)
T organizes Ss in groups to the To enable Ss to produce T-Ss 15’
discuss the questions,then report functional language accurately G/W
back the results to the rest of in context.
class. T monitors,notes
errors,corrects on the spot if
necessary.(Ex 8,SB p 19)

Focus on T encourages Ss to discuss To enable Ss to produce T-Ss 5’

speaking questions using Present Simple grammar forms accurately in P/W
and (Ex 1,Sb p20) the context
forms T sets the task.Ss complete the To provide and activate using T-Ss 8’
Review interview using correct grammar Present Simple,Present P/W
grammar forms,compare the answers and Continuous,stative verbs and
forms act out the interview(Ex 2,3,SB question forms accurately in
p20) the context

Focus on T explains the task.Ss prepare To enable Ss to give personal T-Ss 6’

Vocabulary and then discuss in pairs what information,ask and answer P/W
and they do or doing at the given follow up questions using
Grammar time(using the box with time appropriate vocabulary and
ReviewVoc expressions)(Ex 4,SB p20) language

Focus on Ss compete in pairs to write the To motivate Ss to review and T-Ss 5’

Lexis,Spel missing vowels ,compare the talk about the roles people I/W
ling and answers and think of both well- have P/W
Speaking known people and friends or
family who have the roles and
discuss. (Ex 5 SB p 20)

Functional T explains the task and divides To practice and use functional T-Ss 7’
Practice Ss into groups to choose a language for opening and G/W
role(from Ex 5) and act out a closing conversations
conversation (Ex6 SB p20)

Free T changes the pairs,Ss choose To enable Ss to produce T-Ss 10’

Speaking roles and then interview their functional language accurately P/W
partners about their success and in the context
career.(Ex 7 SB p20)

Feedback T highlights common errors at To encourage Ss and provide T-Ss 3’

the end of activities and elicits them with feedback
Home task TEST 1 Ss 1’
Lesson Plan Key:

TSs = Teacher to Students

SsT = Students to teacher
G/W = Groupwork
P/W = Pairwork
I/W = Individual work
You can also code it as SS (pair work) or SSS (team work or mingling activity)

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