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In the previous session, we discussed the attributes that are essential

for a believer, the attributes belong to the five spheres of human life.
Among five spheres of human life, in this chapter we will discuss about
.the faith and beliefs
Beliefs are basically ‘aqaid’, now the question is ‘’what is belief or
'Aqeedah'? According to Shari'ah, belief is related to religion which is
ingrained in the heart in such a way that one does not have the courage
to think or act against it. This belief can be both good and bad. For
example, there are many other religions besides Islam which have their
own beliefs and they adhere to those beliefs strictly and do not tolerate
.any comment or action against them
Belief in Tauheed
Let us discuss the basic tenets of Islam one by one. Knowing and
believing in the Almighty is a founding principle. For becoming Muslim
.it is mandatory to believe in monotheism
The paramount focus of all the teachings of Semitic religions is belief in
one Lord which is Tawhid. Instructions and commandments about this
principle are found in Quran and Sunnah pretty frequently. Allah
almighty states in Surah Ikhlas
.Say, “He is Allah, the One
.Allah, the Eternal
.He begets not, nor was He begotten
”.And there is none comparable to Him 
In this short surah, Allah states that Allah is One and Alone. There is no .
partner in His essence, nor is there any partner in His attributes. He is
.alone and alone is running the system of this universe
So, it means that, it is ignoble for creation not conform to the
commands, guidance, and instructions of his creator rather he should
spend every breath in conformance of what is being asked for. Thus,
.the belief of tawhid is the first and basic belief
Belief in Angels
The second of the beliefs of the Muslims is that they shall have firm
affirmation that the angels are the creatures of Allah Almighty who
were created by the light. Muslims believe that the God created human
and angles too, but angels only do what is ordered to them by God.
They do not infer on their own nor do they interfere in any of the
action. Nor do they violate the command of Allah Almighty. The real
number of angels is only in the knowledge of Allah Almighty, but the
names of some angels are mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith and at
the same time their responsibilities are also mentioned. Therefore, one
of these angels is Jibreel (AS) He is the one who brings revelation and
convey the messages of Allah almighty to the prophets. Israfil (AS) will
blow the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection. The third one is Mikaeel
(AS) who has been given the task to bring rain and supply provisions.
The fourth angel is Izrael who captures the souls of human beings. The
fifth and sixth angels are ‘Munkar’ & ‘Nakeer who are the ones
responsible for asking questions about faith and deeds after the demise
of humans. The (Kiraman Katibeen) are seventh and eighth angels
responsible for writing down every single deed of human beings. Malik
and Rizwan are angels who are guardians of Hell and Heaven
respectively. So this was the mention of some of the angels we find in
the Qur'an and Hadith
Belief in the Prophets
The third important belief of the Muslims is to believe in all the
prophets and messengers of Almighty Allah. The belief of the Muslims
is that all the prophets were chosen and obedient servants who
themselves were righteous and pious, they were selected to be the
guides of common men and stop them from treading the evil path. Also
keep in mind that the Prophet hood is the portfolio bestowed to them
by Allah Almighty, it is not possible to get it by personal doings. So all
the prophets chosen by Allah Almighty were to guide the people and to
apprise them about the purpose of their lives. The series of prophecies
continued and this series came to an end with the coming of the Holy
.Prophet who closed the door of Prophethood
The teachings of Prophet Muhammad are for all ages and all human
beings till the Day of Resurrection. For Allah Almighty only, those who
.hold fast to the Sunnah of the Prophet are successful
Belief in Books
Having belief in the heavenly books revealed by Allah Almighty is the
.fourth belief of the Muslims
The Muslims believe that God has revealed the holy books and
scriptures to various prophets before the last prophet Muhammad.
Allah revealed different scriptures to different prophets, but among
:those revealed scriptures, four are more famous
No. 1, the Torah which was revealed to Prophet Mosa.
No. 2, the bible which was revealed to prophet Issa.
No. 3, the Zaboor which was revealed to Prophet Dawood and
No. 4, the Holy Quran which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad.

Belief in fate:
Having belief in ‘Destiny’ is yet another of the beliefs of Muslims.
It encompasses that everything that happens in the world and
everything that a servant does, good or bad, is according to the
knowledge of Allah Almighty. Everything that is going to happen is in
the knowledge of Allah Almighty and is written.
But Allah Almighty has given His servants the liberty to act, it is not by
the virtue of compulsion to do that. For example, I am talking to you
because Allah Almighty has given me the power to speak and if I want I
can use this power to remain silent or use abusive language. Similarly, a
number of examples from our lives can be observed. Please give few
moments to yourself and ask this question, are you forced or free to
Though, Allah Almighty has written our destiny but He has also given us
the free option to adopt good deeds or evil deeds. People who do good
deeds with sincerity, for Allah Almighty they are beneficiaries of good
There can be individuals who are of the opinion that if destiny has
already been written, why are individuals persuaded to get involved in
doing good deeds?
Destiny is indeed written but not known, why should one miss the
opportunity to perform righteous deeds.
These are some basic beliefs that must be adhered to in totality and be
believed from the core of the heart. If a person denies even one of
these beliefs, he or she will not be construed as a Muslim. May Allah
Almighty grant us perfectness in our faith ..

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