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If you have an Archaeologist on a Site with Guardian you may overcome it.
1. Pay the Cost depicted on the bottom of the Guardian Tile.
2. Place the Guardian Tile faceup near your Player Board.

If you Pass you may no longer take any more Main Actions this Round.
The game is played over 5 Rounds. The game begins with the Start Player. You may take any number of Free Actions on the turn in which you choose to Pass.

On your turn you must perform 1 Main Action, and any number of Free Actions. FREE ACTIONS

If playing on the Snake Temple side of the Board: You may take any number of the following Free Actions on your turn as well as your 1 Main Action.
during Setup deal 1 Assistant per player to the Assistant Rescue Space.

MAIN ACTIONS 1. Move 1 Card WITH a from your Hand to your Play Area.
2. Activate the main effect on the bottom half of the Card.
1. Move 1 Card WITHOUT a from your Hand to your Play Area.
1. Move 1 Idol you’ve collected from a Discover Action to the
2. Activate the main effect on the bottom half of the Card.
leftmost available Idol Slot on your Player Board.
When you play an Artifact you also have to pay a Cost. 2. Gain any 1 of the 5 depicted Rewards.


1. Gain the Reward depicted in the top-right of a faceup Guardian in your Player Area.
2. Flip the Guardian Tile facedown.
1. Spend the number of depicted on the bottom-left of 1 blue Artifact Card
to the left of the Moon Staff. USE AN ASSISTANT
2. Move the Card to your Play Area, you may immediately resolve its main effect
1. Exhaust an available Assistant on your Player Board by turning it sideways.
without paying the Cost.
2. Gain the Reward depicted on the Tile.
3. Slide the Artifacts to the right to fill in the gap and draw a new Card.
1. Return all Archaeologists.
1. Spend the number of depicted on the bottom-left of 1 Card to the right of
2. If you take back from a Site with a Guardian, add 1 Fear Card to your Play Area.
the Moon Staff.
2. Place the Card facedown underneath your Deck. If it’s Round 5, now proceed to END GAME otherwise:
3. Slide the Items to the left to fill in the gap and draw a new Card.
3. All cards left in your Hand may either be discarded to your Play Area or kept.
4. Shuffle all Cards in your Play Area and place underneath your Deck.
5. Refresh all Assistants.
6. Trash the 2 Cards either side of the Moon Staff.
You may not Dig at an occupied Site, or a Site blocked in setup.
7. Move the Moon Staff 1 space to the right.
You may only Dig if you have an available Archaeologist on your Player Board.
8. Slide the Artifacts to the right to fill in the gap, then draw new Cards to fill the gaps.
1. Pay the Travel Cost depicted beneath a Discovered Site. 9. All players draw back up to 5 Cards in their Hand.
2. Move 1 Archaeologist from your Player Board to the Site. 10. Pass the Start Marker to the left.
3. Gain the Reward(s) depicted on the Site.
Travel Costs are paid by either discarding a number of relevant Cards,
using a relevant Guardian Boon you’ve collected, Score as follows:
or by discarding 2 Coins per Travel Icon. • Each Research Token scores based on its current Row.
• Gain VP from Temple Tiles.
• Gain 3 VP per each Idol.
• Gain VP from any empty Idol Slots
You may always pay a Cost by spending a higher Travel Value.
• Gain 5 VP from each overcome Guardian.
• Gain VP from each Item and Artifact Card.
• LOSE 1 VP for each Fear Card, and 2 VP for each Fear Tile.
1. Pay either 3 to Discover a Site, or 6 to Discover a Site. The player with the most VP wins.
2. Pay the Travel Cost depicted beneath an Undiscovered Site in that Region. Ties are broken by position on the Research Track.
3. Move 1 Archaeologist from your Player Board to the Site.
4. Take the Idol(s), gaining its reward if it is face-up.
Gain the indicated
5. Place gained Idols facedown near your Player Board. Make 1 of these trades: or
6. Place the top Tile from the stack matching the Site faceup in the space on the Board.
Resources are unlimited.
7. Gain the Reward(s) depicted on the Site Tile.
8. Place the top Guardian Tile from the stack faceup on the Site Tile. EXILE: Trash 1 Card (or 1 Fear Tile) from
Draw 1 Card from your Deck.
your Hand or Play Area from the game.
Add 1 Fear Card from the Board to
Move 1 Card from your Hand to your
Your Notebook can never move to a Space above your Magnifying Glass. your Play Area. If there are no Fear
Play Area.
Multiple Tokens can share the same Space. Cards left, gain 1 Fear Tile instead.

1. Choose 1 of your Tokens to move up 1 level on the Research Track to a Space connected Gain 1 Artifact for free. You may Gain 1 Item for free. Place it on the
to your current Space. immediately resolve its effect for free. bottom of your Deck.
2. Pay the Cost depicted underneath the new Space.
3. Move the Token to the new Space and gain the Row’s Reward according to the Token Buy 1 Item or Artifact with You may overcome 1 Guardian for free on
moved. If there is a Bonus Tile collect it and immediately gain its Reward, then discard it. the indicated discount. a Site where you have an Archaeologist.
(you may take either Reward in any order).
Upgrade 1 of your Assistants and
If you reach the Top of the Research Track with your Magnifying Glass (a Notebook may never Gain 1 Assistant.
refresh it.
reach the top Space) move your Token to the Space with the highest available score.
Then take the stack of Bonus Tiles and choose 1 before returning the others.
You may refresh 1 of your
Take a Dig or Discover Action.
Once you’re at the Top of the Research Track you can use a Research Action
to gain 1 Temple Tile. Each stack of Tiles has a particular combination of Rescue 1 Assistant from those on the Research Track.
Costs according to the Cost(s) that line up with the stack. The Assistant you gain is exhausted.

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