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Gregory the Great Community

Celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass

September 22, 2019

15th Sunday after Pentecost

Mass Schedule
Sunday: 10 am

Poor Souls


Tuesday: 6:30 pm


Fr. Jeffrey Robideau

Wednesday: 8 am

+ Harold Schulze

Address: Thursday:

St. Gregory the Great

219 Seymour Ave


Lansing, MI 48933


Phone: Next Sunday: Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel

Kathy Miles

First Sunday of each month:

Email: Social Hour after Mass.
All are welcome and encouraged to join us.

Website: Confession: Sunday 9-9:30 am

Tuesday 6-6:20 pm

For weddings, baptisms, first confession, first

New Website: Holy Communion, confirmation - please call Fr.
Robideau for further details.

Finances Counters Today

Jill Werner

Maraloy Thomas

Last Sunday’s Collection

# of Contributions - 17

$ ¢
Income - $ 1375

Counters Next Week

Capital Campaign - $ 493.66

Jesse Kabdebo

† Thank you for your generosity † John Schafer

Pastoral/Finance Council &

Building Committee
MEETING - This Tuesday at 7 pm
We are still at an impasse. The pole we took did not change anything. You
are still closely divided. With this, I have to believe that the community
would be also. For that reason. I have not made a decision yet.
I want to have this finalized by the end of this week so we can give final
approval to the builder.
With little notice, there will be a meeting this Tuesday night at 7 pm.
Everyone needs to be ready to share your thinking and reasoning for your
choice. I was everyone to hear what you have been sharing with me this
past week.

Parish Social Hour

I would like everyone to come to the parish social hour this Oct 6th. Not
just to show the altar, but because I have another activity in mind at the
social hour for everyone. I do not want to tell you now. But please plan on 2
hours for this important day.

Pastoral/Finance Council Security Council

Next meeting
Next meeting

None Scheduled None Scheduled

Please Pray For:
Kris Robertson Hal Schneider
Ron Albert Harry Coppernoll Sr.
Melissa Dorbeck Timothy McLin
JoAnn Brock Dean Lind
Jack Bowkus Rhoda Greenhoe
Chuck Campanella Larry Wade

Remod Update
All is looking good. This past week we finished cutting trees and limbs to
make the place look nice and keep your cars safe from falling limbs.
We also finished gutting the sanctuary, sacristies and choir loft.
We have added a coffee maker for the workers.
A table has been set up and community supplies added so we can have
meals together when we take a break for lunch.
With that…

Remod Work Bee

We will start work Monday morning at 8 am.
There is work to be done inside and out.
Sometime this week, Patrick Lind will need help loading the tree branches
we cut down. He will also need some help burning them. I you have a little
fire bug inside you and you want to help with that part, please let me know.

We will be woking much of the rest of the week (Tue. - Fri.). Please call me
using the parish phone number to see if we are currently working if you find
time to come up.
My direct number is: 810-348-0933

Men’s Group Women’s Group

Next meeting
Next meeting

Nov 21 October 5

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