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Name Name Name Name
upgrades upgrade upgrade upgrades
wounds SKILL wounds SKILL wounds SKILL wounds SKILL
4 2 2 4
Teammate Teammate Teammate LEADER PERILOUS
Name Name Name Name
upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrades
wounds SKILL wounds SKILL wounds SKILL wounds SKILL
2 2 2 4
Objective marker: Deploy a 30mm Idol marker If a heroic model makes a successful Interact Deploy a 30mm Idol marker within 6” of the centre Any heroic model that moves into contact
(or a suitably sized item of terrain) within 6” of action with a piece of terrain on the of the board, on the villainous half of the table and at with the villainous table edge may “Escape”.
the centre of the board, on the villainous half of villainous half of the table that has not yet least 3” from any other objective marker. Randomly At the end of the game, score 1 point for
the table and at least 3” from any other objective produced an Equipment token, place an select a threat marker and place it in contact with the
each model that has escaped, to a maximum
marker. Idol, and as close to the villainous board edge as
Equipment token next to the model. of 3 points.
During play, the Idol marker always counts as an During play, the Idol marker always counts an
unrevealed threat marker for the purposes of At the end of the game, for each Equipment unrevealed threat marker for the purposes of
villainous behaviour. token in the possession of a surviving or villainous behaviour.
The first time the Idol is successfully interacted escaped heroic model: score 1 point, to a
The Idol marker may be targeted by Hand-to-Hand
with each round, score 1 point, up to a maximum maximum of 3 points. and Dynamite attacks. All attacks against the Idol
of 3 points from this objective. marker have a minimum difficulty of 6. The Idol
marker has 10 wounds, after which it is destroyed
At the end of each round, if there is at least one and removed it from play.
villainous model within 3” of the Idol marker, or The first time in the game the heroes successfully
at least one heroic model was killed this round, attack the Idol marker: raise the Threat Level by 2. If
increase the current threat level by 1. the Idol has been destroyed score 3 points.
objective objective objective objective
At the end of the game: if the A heroic model with the Camera upgrade Deploy a Prisoner marker (ideally an At the end of the game, if your party killed
may take the following action: appropriate miniature) within 6” of the 3 Minions during this game, score 1 point.
heroes have successfully killed all middle of the far board edge, and at least 3” If you party killed 4 Minions, score 2 points
listed Villains, they score 3 (2) Take Photograph: Skill test. Range from any other objective marker. instead. If your party killed 5 or more
points. 6”. If a heroic model successful takes this Minions, score 3 points instead.
action against a master, place an Evidence
objective token next to the model. If the heroes can successfully interact with
the Prisoner marker twice, the prisoner is
The first time the Take Photograph action freed. Deploy a Thankful Prisoner model
is taken in the game, increase the current within 1” of the Prisoner marker and
threat level by 1. remove the Prisoner marker. The Thankful
At the end of the game, if at least one model Prisoner acts as a teammate from now on,
is alive and in possession of an Evidence with 6 Wounds and Skill 1.
objective token: score 3 points.
At the end of the game, if the Thankful
Prisoner is alive, score 3 points.
objective objective objective objective
Deploy three 30mm Switch markers: the Deploy a 30mm Radio marker (or a suitably sized Heroic models may interact within 1” of Before the game starts, take five playing cards
first must be within 6” of the middle of the item of terrain) anywhere with 9” of the villainous any piece of terrain in the villainous board from a standard pack, exactly one of which should
far board edge, the second must be within board edge, and at least 3” from any other half to place an Explosives marker within 1” be an Ace. Shuffle them to form the Search Deck.
9” of the far right-hand corner of the board, objective marker. of them and touching the terrain piece.
and the third must be within 9” of the far This Explosives marker may not be placed
left-hand corner of the board. Each Switch within 6” of another Explosives marker. If a heroic model makes a successful Interact
End Of Game Condition: If a heroic model
marker must be deployed at least 3” from action with a piece of terrain on the villainous
successfully interacts with the Radio marker, the
any other objective marker. A model with the Demolition Expert gains half of the table that has not already been
rescue has been called: Spawn two minions, each
+3 skill when interacting to place an searched, they search the terrain: reveal the top
exactly 5” from a random heroic model and as
Explosives marker. card of the Search Deck. If the revealed card is the
close to the villainous board edge as possible.
The first time each switch marker is Ace, the remove the Ace from the game and place
Note the current threat level. When the threat
successfully interacted with: score 1 point a Precious Object token in the possession of the
level reaches four higher than the noted value, or
and increase the current threat level by 1. End Of Game Condition: The game ends active model. Otherwise, discard the card.
10, the game ends.
on the round that the third Explosives
marker has been placed.
End Of Game Condition: The game ends at If the rescue was called: for each member of your At the end of the game, if there is a Precious
the end of the round on which the third party alive at the end of the game, score 1 point, At the end of the game, score 1 point for Object token in the possession of a surviving
switch was successfully interacted with. to a maximum of 3 points. each Explosives marker that has been placed. heroic model: score 3 points.
objective objective objective objective
Deploy three 30mm Switch markers: the
first must be within 6” of the middle of the
far board edge, the second must be within
9” of the far right-hand corner of the board,
and the third must be within 9” of the far
left-hand corner of the board. Each Switch
marker must be deployed at least 3” from
any other objective marker.
If all three Switch markers are interacted
with successfully during the same round,
score 3 points and increase the threat level
by 1.

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