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Rocky Mountain

Because Colorado is more than just a pretty face

December – January 2022 Volume 1

Vail Shenanigans . . . . . . . . . . 6
Welcome to Packy Land
By Randy Wyrick

Health & Wellness . . . . . . . . . 8

Are You Ready for Battle
By Chris Lindley

Business & Finance . . . . . . . 16

Vail Valley Celebrates
Small Business
By Chris Romer

The 3rd Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Why I spoke out against
By Dr. Martin Kulldorff

Education & Parenting . . . . 18

Spycraft at Home
By James van Beek

Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Building a Dream
By Sarah Schleper

Prioritizing Healthy Kids Photo by Bob Beauprez

By Heather Bergquist

Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Tribune
By Jacqueline Cartier, Publisher
Can Blockchain Be Backed
by Hard Assets?
By Corey Goodlander and
Michael Dunahay
BUNE is unique in its approach to
news and commentary, and a huge step
is its diversity. We have forgotten that it
includes diversity of thought and culture,
with a respect for individual heritage. De-
prehension. Some issues will include
Critical Race Theory (CRT), Vaccines,
Immigration, Identity Politics, Mask and
towards the civil discourse of controver- spite differences, we share the common other Mandates, Criminal Justice Re-
Hispanic Culture . . . . . . . . . . 24 sial topics. It is a monthly regional pub- values of freedom, on multiple levels, so form, and many more, as they develop.
The Road to University - lication, serving both the global and local amazingly detailed in our Constitution. All articles will include an element
Spanish / English readership that encompasses Vail Colo- We must not let the strife of earlier times, of uniqueness. Passion and reaffirm-
By Edgar Arroyo rado and its surrounding communities. derail us from the incredible country we ing existing points are welcome but they
We will offer varied writers, colum- have become, and the wonderful privilege must offer a different perspective, or
nists, and recognized experts, from we collectively share, of calling it home. new reference point, or a focus on how
across the spectrum, to deliver outstand- We will have familiar sections of interest it impacts individual communities, or an
ing perspectives on current events. like Business, Tech & Science, Health & original piece of research… something
We at the Rocky Mountain Tribune Wellness, Education, Fashion & Design, that can be attributed to your name and
respect the intellect of each American and Cooking & Entertainment, Humor, National will inspire a reader response of, “I hadn’t
ROCKY MOUNTAIN TRIBUNE their ability to form an independent, edu- & Foreign Policy, and others. However, our thought of that”. We value your input.
Jacqueline Cartier, Publisher
cated decision, on our most divisive issues, most impressive will be… The 3rd Rail.
202-271-4165 when presented with facts that encompass Here we will tackle the most sensitive Welcome home to the
111 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. x6027, multiple perspectives. We seek to repair the and controversial topics, that other me- Rocky Mountain Tribune!
Avon CO 81620 vacuum caused by only one opinion being dia outlets avoid. Our design will feature
considered, which is dividing this nation. opposing opinions on each side of the This inaugural issue has been underwritten
One of our nation’s greatest strengths page, for ease of comparison and com- by several anonymous contributors.

Building a Dream
by Sarah Schleper

2 022, welcome to the

future of the Olym-
pics. Digital passes,
the information released
is conflicting. I guess,
we must do what has
skiing fast, very fast, and
the sense of freedom
that comes with it. There
boundaries. We are all
the same, in competition.
I dream of creating a
and a special respect
for our bodies and the
environment. We remain
digital codes, chips in our been done by humankind are life lessons that come competitive Mexican Ski in awe at how mother
dogs. This is the Win- forever, trust your heart. from Olympic training. Team. I want to entice nature lets us play in
ter Olympic Games in Harmony and balance Pushing oneself past per- Mexican kids to challenge the magnificence of the
China, while the world come from within. Little ceived physical barriers; themselves beyond what outdoors, as we breathe
suffers from a virus. is achieved without it. handling the emotional they’ve ever experienced. in the universal energy
I am Sarah Schleper, Yet, I continue to disappointments when Life on the snow is com- that connects us all.
born in 1979, and young dream, for myself, for things don’t go according pletely different than any- Yes, it sounds mystical,
enough to have raced in those around me, and as to expectations, regard- thing they have known, but that’s because it is.
the Olympics five times, corny as it may sound, less of training; enduring yet there is a wholistic Racing is like taking what
having qualified again, I dream for a peaceful extreme temperatures, quality about it all. It’s we were born with and
for the sixth time! Yet, future for mankind and just to beat out our developing a respect and soaring through space as
this time around, things the planet we occupy. It competition, or even honor for our bodies and we make those jumps,
are distinctly different. doesn’t seem that hard, harder, our own timing, movement. It’s learning and fly past trees, with
The world has changed yet we are all struggling. within a fraction of a how to reach deep inside the sun glittering on the
and so have the Olym- My ability to dream second. The difference to find that something, snow, and the breeze
pics. They check my began when I was young. between a Gold Med- that takes you beyond reminding us of how
green pass to enter a Skiing became a world al and nothing, is less where you ever thought great it is to be alive.
train, a restaurant, a bar, where we could push our than 1-second in time. you could go, and generat- I dream of making this
and even on an airplane. limits and attain levels of I was a Vail Colorado ing an energy, which con- training center a place
I get PCR tested to ski achievement that we once gal who married and nects you to the universe. where kids can play,
race outdoors. I’m asked, thought were impossible. moved to Mexico. I now It’s a spiritual awakening learn, stay, sleep, and
how dare I dream, when I have been fortunate to ski race for the Mexico that truly transforms you. build the absolute best of
everything else in the have represented my coun- team. To some, that may When you reach that themselves. It would be
world is so unstable; try in the epitome of ath- seem odd, but athletes level, you understand a community of honor
they think it’s unfair. It letics, the Olympiad. Now, are athletes, regardless that it’s something and shared values. It
leaves me wondering, it’s time to train others. of which country they different, yet univer- would not be limited by
what the future holds for My dreams have represent. When you are sal. We are all born to economics. Currently,
athletes and for us all. expanded. I am deeply coming down that moun- reach beyond what we skiing is thought of as
Seeking external answers committed to teaching tain, it’s just you and see and into the world a rich person’s sport,
seems futile, as much of kids the exhilaration of mother nature, pushing of connected energy. leaving out so many
It’s a Zen-like approach others. This unique
to living life, and odd- training spot will be
ly enough, ski racing open to all the kids, who
helps you get there. were born to ski, and
I dream of taking a may not even know it.
small little ski area that There is an art to
I’ve located, untouched skiing, and I dream of
by corporate develop- sharing that art with kids
ment, and making it into from Mexico and else-
the training area of build- where. Building dreams
ing dreams. The dreams begins here and now.
of young people wanting
to experience the thrill Sarah Schleper has participated
of achievement, where a in 186 World Cup races. She has
sense of adventure takes achieved 4 podium finishes and one
over and connections, victory. Sarah is a dual citizen of
the United States and of Mexico,
build lifelong habits living in both Vail and Los Cabos.

Photo from


Home on the Range

Photo by Bob Beauprez

Oh, Give Me a Home

by Bob Beauprez
O h, give me a home,
where the buffalo
roam. The National
be like to have them
at our place. We had
those very large black
our livestock). It was as
natural to us as breathing.
Like many family farms
stead of managing cattle,
I managed real estate.
The sale of the land
Bison Legacy Act was and white dairy cattle on the Eastern Front enabled our family to
signed into law in May known as Holsteins. Range counties in Colo- diversify our interests.
2016, making bison They were the center of rado, ours was eventually My wife, Claudia, and
(buffalo) the USA’s our farming life. Still, I the target of growth. In I invested in a local
national mammal. Bison always dreamed of what 1990 we annexed to La- community bank, which
have long represented it would be like, raising fayette and sold the dairy I ran as President/CEO
our frontier roots and those amazing buffalo. cows. On behalf of my for 12-years. It enabled
we are fortunate to have For 40-years, we took parents and siblings, I us to help our neigh-
them in Colorado. care of our dairy herd learned the business of bors with their financial
I never anticipated that and were quite successful real estate development. needs, as the area was
I’d have the privilege at it. Prior to that, my Today the family farm changing and diversifi-
of working with these father and grandfather is part of a residential cation became part of
magnificent animals. My had been beef cattle golf course community. their reality, as well. I
first encounter happened ranchers – Herefords, While we miss seeing our later served in the United
about 35-years ago. A to be specific. Cattle animals on the horizon, a States Congress and ran
neighboring ranch served our family well, golf course now occu- twice for Governor.
raised a rather decent and each generation pies that space, and we But, all along the way,
sized herd, just north tried to be even better are quite proud of our Claudia and I never lost
of our dairy farm. I than the one prior… we land being used for such sight of our dream to
was fascinated by these loved excelling at “animal a wonderful community, get back to the land. To
huge beasts and often husbandry” (the proper where people live and again, own a place with
wondered what it would term for taking care of enjoy themselves. In- lots of elbow room

Let buffalo be buffalo,

that means survival of the fittest,
rules the herd

and hopefully answer 2007. Three weeks later parent’s heart to over- enced buffalo ranchers.
that lingering question, we had it under contract. flowing. He has bond- “You won’t be able to
“What would it be The dream was suddenly ed so closely with our build fences to hold ‘em.
like to raise bison?” becoming a reality. We buffalo that he usually They’ll head back home!”
The bank was sold in named it Eagle’s Wing can sort and move them Buffalo need to be
early 2007 and in seek- Ranch, after that famil- by himself. We only “conditioned” to their
ing our next adventure, iar religious hymn, “On half-jokingly call him the new environment we
we set out to satisfy that Eagles Wings”. I like “Buffalo Whisperer.” were also told. That
long-standing dream. to tell people that, “It Jim and Julie married in meant starting with
Thanks to Claudia’s may not be heaven, but 2014, and although she young ones that were
patient persistence, we I can see it from here.” was a city-girl, she slipped not so set in their old
found a very special Fortunately – maybe into the ranch life like a ways and surroundings.
place in Jackson County, it was providence – our hand into a glove. They Begin with them in small,
the sparsely populated second son, Jim, was made a great team! confined spaces with
high mountain ranching instantly as fascinated The first full year, plenty of good feed and
plateau along the Wyo- by our new adventure 2008, on the ranch was water. Let them accli-
ming border, commonly as I was. “What are you consumed with learn- mate for several weeks,
known as North Park. going to do with it?” he ing about the irrigation and then gradually turn
The ranch was original- asked. “Well, I’d like to system and harvesting them onto larger pas-
ly homesteaded in 1882 try to raise some buffa- our initial hay crop, and tures. Once they become
by a Civil War Veteran lo,” I answered. “You’re a plethora of renova- comfortable that this is
from Connecticut. His going to need some tions and construction. “home” and that every-
grandson was still ranch- help then, aren’t you?” Many miles of old fence thing they need is right
ing the place but was now Jim is a natural with were demolished, and there, all will be well.
in his mid-70s and none every species of ani- new sturdy fencing built, Our first calves arrived
of his kids had an inter- mals. Constantly at my which we hoped would as expected in the early
est in keeping the ranch- hip even as a very young be adequate for buffalo. spring of 2009, and that
ing legacy alive. So, he boy on the dairy farm, By that first fall, we whet our appetite for
faced the inevitable and it was obvious he had a were ready. We purchased more. We added three
put the place up for sale. gift with animals, which 16 pregnant two-year-old dozen more pregnant
I fell in love with the is more instinctive than cows and a couple dozen two-year-olds, and also
1300 acre ranch the learned. Jim embraced yearling heifers. “Don’t a large group of heifer
moment Claudia and the new ranch with a start with a bunch of old calves purchased from
I first pulled into the passion and pride of cows!” was the advice two highly regard-
driveway in September ownership that fills a we were given by experi- ed, established bison

way we let them live at as a way to starve the

Eagles Wing Ranch. Native Americans and
Another of the best solve the perceived “In-
bits of advice we re- dian problem.” It is not
ceived from established among the finest chapters
buffalo ranchers, who in American history.
were generous in mento- Thankfully, four
ring us, was “let buffalo cattlemen rounded up
be buffalo.” That means and protected a few of
that “survival of the the bison that survived
fittest” rules the herd. the slaughter. Otherwise,
It’s difficult to see the the species may well
occasional injured, weak, have vanished. Then
or sick one, not make it, conservationists includ-
Photo by Bob Beauprez but that’s nature’s way ing Teddy Roosevelt
ranchers in the region. trek from the Laramie of keeping the species and William Hornaday
Suddenly it seemed, Valley, into North Park to strong and thriving. built support for public
we had a real herd. gorge themselves full of Rather than all the sanctuaries like Yellow-
From there, we grew the lush spring and sum- medical and management stone, which provided
the herd from animals mer grass. They’d cross gyrations that happen in an opportunity for the
born on the ranch. the continental divide other species of live- species to recover. To-
Today, we have about on what today is called stock, buffalo ranchers day, there is an estimated
110 “mother cows.” Buffalo Pass Road, and understand that, what 500,000 buffalo in North
Each fall we harvest a into the Yampa Valley happens out there, within America, with about
group of 30-month old that now includes Steam- the herd, happens. That’s 30,000 of them living on
grass-finished animals boat Springs and Craig. why the buffalo did so public lands and the rest
through our website, As the seasons changed, very well for millennia on ranches like ours.
www.EaglesWingNatu- the migration pattern – at least until the early Whether you call We have would reverse. We still frontiersman came along. them bison (the prop-
shipped bison meat from discover old bison horns Within just a few years er biological name) or
Hawaii to Connecticut, on our ranch, from after the Civil War ended, buffalo, it’s the same
and Florida to Alaska. those many years ago. nearly ever buffalo on the animal that our family
There is growing My dad was the first continent was slaugh- has the privilege to be so
awareness that bison – to educate me on the tered; tens of millions up-close-and-personal
particularly grass-finished value of North Park hay. of them. Scientists with… a real American
- not grain-fed - is THE It’s absolutely legendary estimate that there may icon. We are honored
healthy red meat, which among cattlemen and have been only 300-400 to be part of a nascent
has generated tremen- horsemen. And, for the remaining in all of North group of bison ranchers,
dous demand. It’s very buffalo, it is the only America. And, it was committed to responsi-
lean, low in cholesterol, ingredient in their diet. all done for two pretty ble ranching, which will
high in protein and Ome- It’s a pretty amazing shameful reasons. First, continue to increase in
ga-3, and it tastes great! piece of the evolutionary the massive herds were a numbers, and preserve
We are fortunate that story of North Ameri- nuisance for the building their magnificent legacy.
North Park is native hab- ca’s largest mammal… of the railroad and for
itat for bison. Historical- that they can not only the farmers and ranchers Bob Beauprez is a Colorado
ly, some of the 30 million survive, but actually that were “settling the native. He’s been a dairy farmer,
West.” Secondly, politi- developer, banker, and Member
or so bison that migrated thrive, on just a single
of Congress. Today he operates
across the North Amer- dietary ingredient - grass. cians including President Eagles Wing Ranch in Colora-
ican Continent for thou- And, since that’s the way Grant, considered the do’s North Park with his wife,
sands of years, would they evolved, that’s the elimination of buffalo son, and daughter-in-law.

Vail Shenanigans
Welcome to Packy Land
Packy Walker’s World is a Weird, Wild, and Wonderful Place
by Randy Wyrick, RMT Reporter

W hen we think
of Vail she-
nanigans and their
hanging around Walker’s
condo decided that since
it was sunny and warm,
chief was found hand-
cuffed at the top of
Vail Pass, where he was
culprits, the Chairman they’d play strip poker. directed to go, by the bad
of the Board has got That day’s only on-du- guys pointing shotguns
to be, Packy Walker. ty Vail police officer at him. A couple of
As someone whose happened by and won- other hostages were
reputation precedes dered why everyone was released near Pueblo.
him, we had to ask, laughing and smiling. He In those days, Vail
“What do you think decided he’d join them. had no TV, no radio,
about all that stuff, Legend has it that he and no outside news-
during those years?” was a good cop but a bad papers. Locals had to
“Given enough years to poker player. Before long, entertain themselves.
think about those things, he was out of his gun Another time, 15
you’re bound to stum- belt and everything else. people were going to go
ble across something About the time a couple play war games with their
that works,” he said. of bad guys were burglar- brand-new paint gun
Douglas “Packy” izing Manor Vail Lodge. arsenal. Bart and Yeti’s,
Walker went to work in We know this may be Dan Mulrooney, decided
Packy dressed in a pink slip, and as a pink slip for an
the Vail hotel business difficult for young people he’d play golf instead.
appearance in Vail’s Fourth of July parade the year Vail
in 1966. Like so many to fathom, but there were If Mulrooney wasn’t Resorts laid off lots of people. Photo from Packy.
of us, he was headed no cell phones, pagers, coming to the war, they’d
somewhere else when or other miracles of take the war to Mul-
he landed here. Packy modern communication. rooney. They hid along President Gerald Ford plumbers and I were
left his native upstate Since Officer Moon- the Frontage Road and was a hole or two discussing a hole in the
New York for Haight beam was indisposed, the ambushed him, throwing back and surrounded roof and how to fix it.”
Ashbury, to be part of police chief at the time out two smoke bombs: by Secret Service and And then there was
whatever that was. was called to Manor Vail, one green and one red. local law enforcement, that time when the
“It was a good time “the scene of the crime.” Mulrooney ran and who took a dim view Lifthouse parking lot was
to be here, maybe the The story diverges at started screaming “Don’t of the whole thing. smooth and prepped with
best time,” Walker said. this point, but at least shoot, don’t shoot!” “We were stormed by gravel for paving the next
He retired from the one version claims the At the same time, Secret Service and all day. However, Jim Cun-
Lifthouse Lodge after kinds of cops,” Walker ningham parked his Jeep
the better part of five said. “The thing was, on it and wandered away.
decades. He says his staff they had real guns and When they towed out
made it all possible. looked like they were in the Jeep, it started rolling
“People think I worked a mood to use them.” backward toward the
hard all those years. The Speaking of guns, Treetops condominiums,
reason I was able to think both real and not, once crashing 25 feet down
up all those things, was during hunting season, a doublewide staircase,
because they were doing Packy and Bud Cravner where it lay demolished.
everything,” Walker said. started popping off A true friend, Bud
blanks at a couple of Cravener snuck down
Naked ambition eclipses local plumbers, who then before dawn, to put
blind justice returned fire with live his fingerprints all over
There was a time, ammunition, shooting everything, to maintain
young people, when you holes in windows. Cops Packy’s crystal clear
could not buy alcohol quickly stormed the reputation. Walker hid
on Sunday in Colorado building and were not in an owner’s Lifthouse
liquor stores. One warm amused when they finally unit the next day, ducking
autumn Sunday after- sorted out everything. a livid Cunningham.
noon, a group of people Packy told them, “The His entries in Vail’s

Packy grabbed this toilet seat from the Uptown Grill

because, he says, Princess Diana graced that throne. It
maintains a place of honor in his home. Photo from Packy.

Fourth of July parade laughing or scream- Sandstone 70 apartments the world’s most beloved
were legendary. One ing about that cover. and drove their Studebak- beings, was vacationing in
year he flounced down Back in the 1960s, Vail er buggy to Donovan’s Vail, and wandered into
Bridge Street in a pink was a rough and tumble in Vail – about a mile. the Uptown grill, wearing
slip after a round of town with dirt streets, When they ran out of a stunning one-piece ski
Vail Resorts corporate home to about 200 souls. money for Donovan’s suit. Her Ladyship made
layoffs. A year or so later Anyone missing was three-beers-for-a-buck, her way to the water
he dressed as a Scot- missed, and Packy had they drove the bug- closet where she stayed
tish golfer – positively been gone for five days. gy around looking for for several minutes.
resplendent in pink and He decided to see who tourists, charging $5 for a Packy reasoned that she
lavender plaid - carrying truly missed him, so he ride around Vail Village, must have employed a
a sign that read “Save faked his own funer- such as it was back then. particular toilet seat, so
the Links” at the height al. Mark Twain would This one was not he grabbed it, replacing
of the Blue Sky Basin have been so proud. He Packy’s idea, but he it with a new one from
upheaval over the lynx. borrowed a friend’s black decided it was a great the Lifthouse Lodge.
No sooner did he leave 1959 Chevy convert- one and was happy to The seat in question Packy didn’t get too far in
the Lifthouse than a Vail ible and built a coffin. help. Vail police used to now graces Packy’s wall, launched the Vail Pioneer that year’s Vail Fourth of
Weekends. This year’s July parade. He didn’t have a
cop told him he couldn’t He covered his face in leave their patrol cars framing a portrait of the
permit and the police wouldn’t
be in the parade because white powder, pulled on on Mill Creek Circle pensive Princess, with event might require a let him walk, even though he
he didn’t have a permit. a suit, and climbed into near the New Gnu. the headline, “Prin- $4,000 liquor deposit. insisted he was walking from
Packy insisted, he was the coffin. Everyone They built a concrete cess Diana’s visit, gives “I don’t know if Lionshead to Burger King in
strolling up the street knew he had “died” the block wall around the Vail a royal flush.” people our age can drink Vail Village for a burger.
Photo from Packy
for a burger. The cop day before the funeral car, where police found Packy loves to tell $4,000 worth of liquor,
threatened to put Packy and was to meet at the it the next morning. and hear tall tales, so he but it’s worth a shot.”
in jail if he kept walking. Crossroads Center for He also hotwired a
“Imagine, it’s Inde- the wake. Only the cops bulldozer in Lionshead
pendence Day and I’m weren’t in on it. They and decided to drive it
going to get put in jail for looked into the coffin to the village. He high
walking up the street to and saw a pale Packy centered it on a rock
get a burger,” Packy said. with a rubber duck on where he abandoned
Hunting season his chest and said, “Yup, it. It was still there
reminds us of the time he could have died that the next morning. It
Packy and Dave Garton way.” So of course, the had run out of fuel.
rolled a stretch limo into two police officers fired One of Vail’s first
the hunter checkpoint up their flashing lights attempts at mass transit
at the top of Vail Pass. and led the procession consisted of a single
Dave, wearing an elk through Vail. Mourners bus, with one of Packy’s
head, was strapped to the fell in behind, singing friends at the wheel.
hood of the limo. Packy, “We Shall Overcome.” Armed with Scotch and
was at the wheel wearing The service was at the toy guns, Packy and a
an Elmer Fudd outfit. Pig ‘n Whistle. It ended compatriot, climbed
A nearly nude Packy when Packy spotted two aboard and announced
graced the Vail Trail cov- enthusiastically thrifty that this was a hijack-
er on April 16, 1982. He friends trying to take ing. They hijacked it to
was wearing only a stra- advantage of his open Minturn for a couple of
tegically placed fig leaf bar. He sat bolt upright drinks, then brought it
in the spring Great Race like Dracula waking up back. No one missed it.
parade. You could follow and tossed them out. “I There are zillions
the Trail’s delivery prog- was paying for the drinks of Packy stories, but
ress through town by the after all”, Packy said. few like the one about
phone calls to the Trail’s Back in 1967, he and Lady Di’s derriere.
office from people either his roommate lived in the Lady Diana, among
Packy’s precariously placed fig leaf was all that separated him from …
something even more interesting. This shot from Vail’s Great Race parade
graced the cover of the Vail Trail.

Health & Wellness

Are You Ready for Battle?
by Chris Lindley

I n 2004, I learned that I

was going to be called
to Army active duty and
doctors would like. Is
this how you would
want to go into bat-
would soon be departing tle, out of shape and
to Iraq for a 12-month weak? In their attempt
combat deployment. My to limit COVID-19
wife was pregnant with transmission, our na-
our first child at the time, tional, state, and local
and knowing that I was response, runs counter
heading into battle, I to keeping us healthy.
took it upon myself to Yes, if you never leave
do everything I could to your house, you are less
prepare. I needed to re- likely to be exposed to
turn home healthy, both SARS-CoV-2 (the virus
physically and mentally, that causes COVID-19)
to support my family. but you are then, more
Today, we are all in a likely to be depressed,
similar situation and our lonely, gain weight, see
mission is to survive and your doctor less, ignore
thrive through the new other health symptoms,
reality of COVID-19, and therefore, are more
which will remain a likely to suffer psycho-
threat for our lifetime. logically and physically,
Every one of us is placing you at greater
going to get COVID-19 Photo courtesy of Chris Lingley risk of dying from this
at some point. I hope poor lifestyle, than you
we can all go to battle Vaccinations are our anticipate better body a guaranteed victory would of COVID-19.
with the best weapons first body armor. True, armor to come along, by any means. Viruses Locally, we have seen
available. Even if you they don’t prevent all this is the best we’ve got are tough, they mu- more community mem-
are not in one of the COVID-19 infections, for now, and it is helping. tate and are extremely bers admitted to our
high-risk groups, we nor does body armor Since our current body difficult to contain. We emergency department
have seen 50% of those provide 100% protection armor will not stop every must make sure that we for alcoholism and
who have tested positive in battle, but vaccina- bullet, our underlying are in the best shape mental health crisis than
with COVID, even if tions limit the likelihood health is going to be to fight this battle. we have for COVID-19.
not hospitalized, devel- you will get COVID-19. our best weapon. While When you look at Public Health Orders
op long-term mental Vaccines are extremely you can do everything the past two years, ask have a purpose, and
and physical impacts effective at reducing the right - follow local public yourself, am I health- when a variant is surg-
(i.e., “Long COVID”). severity of the disease health guidance, wear ier now than I was ing in a community and
We are still uncertain and preventing death. your mask when appro- before COVID-19? threatening to overwhelm
of all the long-term With the vaccination, you priate, stay up to date on Have I completed my our healthcare system,
impacts of this enemy. might become sick but your vaccinations - you annual health screenings then we must do every-
Rather than rolling when you do get sick, are still going to get and wellness exams? Are thing we can, to limit
the dice and hoping your outcome is going COVID-19. It is simply my diet, exercise routine, the spread, via social
that you're not going to be better than if you that contagious. We are and habits, the same now interactions. But these
to have severe illness were unvaccinated. Un- certainly seeing this with as before the pandemic? tools should only be used
complications or think- vaccinated Americans are the Omicron variant. Am I relying on sub- on a LIMITED basis
ing that you might not eight times more likely We can’t live inside our stance use? If we are be- and cannot realistically
be one of the 50% who to be hospitalized than homes forever. While ing honest, I think many become the new normal.
has long-term health those who are vaccinated. we have new treatments of us would say “no.” Two years ago, we
issues post a COVID-19 Vaccines save lives and available, such as mono- Our anxiety, weight, did not know how
illness, you best pre- keep patients stay out of clonal antibodies and and blood pressure are COVID-19 would
pare for the worst. our hospitals. While we antivirals, they are not higher than we and our impact different popu-

Cooking & Entertainment

Bananas Foster
lations. We had limited are depending on you, mation as we normally to train for, or set a goal As the holidays continue, there is always a
knowledge and ability to yet as they say on the do, thus creating different and ask a friend or loved quest to find special desserts. Here is one
rapidly detect, track, and airplane, you must put outcomes. It may be one to join you, and hold that was created by the famous Brennan’s
treat this new disease. on your oxygen mask subtle, but it shouldn’t you accountable. The Restaurant of New Orleans, in 1951.

But things are differ- first, or you may not go unchecked, as it can bottom line is that you
ent going into 2022. survive long enough become problematic. will go to battle with
We know that to help anyone else. Your mental health is COVID-19, at some
COVID-19 is a deadly Now that I’m down just as important as your point. Make sure you go
disease, particularly in 35-pounds, have my lip- physical health, and face arrive battle fit, healthy,
vulnerable populations, ids and liver enzymes in it, the last two years have and mentally strong.
and we are all vulnerable check, completed all my had a massive impact on • 1/2 stick butter (1/4 cup)
at different levels, how- annual screenings with all of us psychologically. Chris Lindley is Chief Population • 1 cup brown sugar
ever, it has its biggest im- my primary care pro- Get outside as much as Health Officer for Vail Health and • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
pact on the elderly, those vider, and have routine possible; fresh air, nature,
Executive Director of Eagle Valley • 1/4 cup banana liqueur
Behavioral Health. Lindley is a • 4 bananas, cut lengthwise,
with underlying health check-ins with my behav- and sunlight are extreme- Bronze Star recipient, has served
then halved
conditions, and those ioral health provider, I’m ly beneficial to both as Eagle County’s Public Health
• 1/4 cup dark rum
who are already health feeling more prepared. your physical and mental Director, and has been a health
and wellness entrepreneur for two • 4 scoops vanilla ice cream
compromised with diabe- I’m ready to enter the health. Exercise 60-min- decades. Lindley holds a Masters
tes, high blood pressure, arena, ready for battle. utes a day, preferably of Public Health, a Masters in
obesity, and other factors. What can you outdoors. It doesn’t have Epidemiology, and a Masters Combine butter, sugar, and
While some conditions do to prepare? to be a marathon, just get of Business Administration. cinnamon in a pan
are out of our control…
we can’t change our age, Stir in banana liqueur
and sometimes we are
dealt a bad hand and de-
velop chronic conditions,
Every one of us is going to get Add bananas and cook until soft

COVID-19 at some point.

Add rum
but there is a lot more
that is in our control than Then flambe and serve

… underlying health is going

we acknowledge. We can over ice cream
all improve our overall
health and that goes a
long way in keeping our
body armor strong.
Six months ago, I
to be our best weapon.
realized I wasn’t ready
for battle. After 18 Schedule a primary some physical movement
months of working on care appointment and going. You can begin
the COVID-19 response, ask for an annual well- slowly, with a neighbor-
I was overweight and ness exam. If you have hood walk, increasing the
ignoring my personal not checked in with a length and pace each day.
health. Having been behavioral health pro- You can also join a gym,
in public health, and fessional, now is a great CrossFit, yoga class, or
the exercise and fitness time to schedule a visit dance studio. Workouts
industry, my entire adult with a therapist, even if at home have become
life, I was embarrassed you have never felt the easy and economical.
that I was not modeling need to talk to someone There are fitness bikes,
the behavior I was asking before; sometimes we are workout apps, different
everyone else to follow. so busy being okay, that in-home equipment op-
It’s easy to get too busy we are totally unaware tions. And make it fun, it
for self-care, particu- that we aren’t. We may will keep you motivated.
larly during uncertain not be reacting the same As you increase your
times and when others way or processing infor- activity, find something


National Affairs
Comedy is Being Murdered… Save the Comedians!
by James Robbins

C an Americans still laugh at

themselves? The ability to
find humor in the challenges of
Observational comic Lenny
Bruce was censored back in the
1960s for violating blue laws against
Some comedians are pushing
back against the woke assault on
comedy. British humorists John
everyday life and the foibles of obscenities. By the more permis- Cleese and Ricky Gervais have
the establishment is a measure sive 1970s when speech became each made pleas for sanity in
of societal health. But in today’s freer, he was hailed as a liberal hero. assessing what can be allowed to
hypersensitive environment we However, Lenny’s frank takes on be funny. African American comic
are losing this strong element race and gender tend to trigger Dave Chappelle has been fighting
of American culture and grit. the woke generation, who lack the back humorously and unapolo-
The basic problem savvy to understand the points he getically against incensed critics
is that woke folks can’t was making in the context of his of his supposed “transphobic”
take a joke. Anything time. This hit peak irony when content. Even SNL, bereft of
that veers towards their Brandies University, home of the endless cheap-laugh anti-Trump
pet issues is triggering. Bruce papers, canceled a play about jokes, has been dipping a toe
And touching that third the comedian because irate campus in the vast, untapped pool of
rail means cancellation, leftists objected to how the play material mocking Joe Biden.
figuratively or literally. portrayed fictional irate campus left- The ultimate comedy gatekeep-
Some classic come- ists, protesting against Lenny Bruce. ers are not the woke scolds but the
dy of the past doesn’t Art imitates life, or vice versa. Poor audience that needs a laugh. Alter-
translate into the touchy Lenny, canceled by both extremes. native avenues for comedy content
present. “Blazing Comedy requires an element are growing, and people are notic-
Saddles” touched on of risk, but this necessary tension ing. Greg Gutfeld’s irreverent late-
every racial epithet and is blunted by the self-censorship night Fox talk show is burning up
trope imaginable, played imposed by cancel culture. Smug the ratings, challenging establish-
for laughs in a way progressives only allow jokes that ment stalwarts like Jimmy Kimmel
that would be impos- target those they oppose. They are and Jimmy Fallon. The Daily Wire
James Robbins
sible now. And as Mel more than willing to make fun of has moved into content produc-
Brooks observed, it was those they don’t approve of, often tion to provide opportunities for
impossible, even then. in the most hurtful, vulgar ways. those who refuse to toe the woke
But the point was to make a farce Left-wing comedy can only be so- line. Satirist Adam Carolla, who
of bias, and Brooks, working with cial criticism, and only if it advanc- recently signed a deal there, said
boundary-breaking black comic es their political and social agenda. that conservative networks are the
Richard Pryor, on the original This is why you will never see a “only people who will have you on,
script, got it done with a smile. list of “great Soviet comedians.” if you’re an independent thinker.”
Seventies humor was all about But progressive humor is nec- People need to laugh. It helps
killing sacred cows. George Carlin essarily bounded. They are too them get through hard times.
had a famous bit from 1972 about serious, too pretentious, and far And they know what is funny,
the seven words you can’t say on too insecure, to permit joking as they don’t need committees and
television. Today the vulgarities he a mode of self-mockery. And if pressure groups telling them what
called out, are commonplace, but any such joke slipped through, it they are allowed to chuckle at. The
they have been replaced by a new would have to be attended by a progressives set themselves up for
set of unutterable words. A comic 20-minute explanation of why it ridicule because targeting preten-
who recreated Carlin’s bit with is funny, and details of the ap- tions is the root of comedy, and
the new unmentionables would proved way of appreciating it. pretentions are really all the woke
not be hailed for edgy honesty, At the same time, the woke are establishment has. That’s a joke
but driven from the industry by impossible to satirize because on America, and not very funny.
an incensed mob with Twitter their excesses are so excessive.
torches and pitchforks. And, how Hence sites like “Not the Bab- James Robbins is an author/writer based in
could we forget All in the Fam- ylon Bee” with real news from Washington DC. He is a Political Analyst &
Commentator for USA Today; a Senior Fellow
ily’s Archie Bunker, so ground- progressive circles that reads
in National Security Affairs with the Amer-
breaking in its controversy, that like it must be a gag. It would ican Foreign Policy Council; and an Adjunct
it’s featured in the Smithsonian! be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Professor with the Institute of World Politics.

National Interest
We welcome Charles Lewis to RMT. Here is some background

Bringing Corruption to Light: Investigative Journalism

by Andreas Adriano

I nternational Mon-
etary Fund (IMF)
interview with Charles
a bumpy ride: while
there are more areas
to investigate, there
Integrity. Years later,
he founded the ICIJ.
Lewis helped found
federal budget increased
nearly twentyfold.
Tens of thousands
with access to substan-
tive information are the
highly educated elites.
Does it trouble you
that a lot of investiga-
tive journalism today
Lewis, Founder of two are fewer outlets to a few of the over 200 of journalists lost They will be subscrib- is based on hacking, a
Pulitzer Prize win- publish the results. nonprofit news organiza- their jobs in the Unit- ing and reading all the crime, compared with
ning organizations. The carnage of tions active in the United ed States. Most laws information from the whistle-blowers acting
In 1971, whistle-blower the traditional media States. Now a journalism here are passed at the leading media, and doing out of conscience (like
Daniel Ellsberg discov- around the world has professor and executive state level, but there are it partly to make money, Daniel Ellsberg and the
ered the so-called Pen- been well document- editor of the Investiga- one-third fewer journal- of course, while the rest Pentagon Papers)?
tagon Papers and spent ed. According to one tive Reporting Workshop ists in the state capitals. of the public, including First, on the Panama
countless nights photo- study, 1,800 local at American University in In Washington, nobody the educated public, are Papers, nobody really
copying over 7,000 pages newspapers have dis- Washington DC, Lewis is covering members of not reading or consuming knows who the source is.
before delivering them appeared, in the United sat down with the Inter- Congress for 27 states. news to the same extent. It may have been hack-
to the New York Times States alone since 2004. national Monetary Fund, There are also what I call There is this dichoto- ing, or it may have been
and the Washington Post. The internet and other Finance & Develop- “news deserts”—vast my between the haves an insider—like an embit-
Four decades later, when technologies offer new ment’s Andreas Adriano, areas of the country, and the have-nots, with tered employee or some-
an anonymous source platforms, but they have to talk about investigating lacking dedicated daily regard to reading material one who knew an insider.
gave German journal- muddied the waters issues, the bleak outlook news coverage, wheth- with actual substance. On the broader point,
ist Bastian Obermayer too. Many discoveries for news organizations, er by radio or local or Are nonprofit news there’s a grayness to it.
a flash drive with 11 are now the product of and the ethical implica- state newspapers. organizations mak- Some time ago, during an
million files taken from a hacking—as opposed tions of hackers as the Is it possible to ing up for the loss? investigative journalism
Panamanian law firm, de- to an insider acting new whistle-blowers. know what is not There are now 205 conference in Eu-
tailing shady dealings and out of conscience— Local newspapers are being covered? nonprofit investigative rope, the organizers
tax avoidance schemes which raises ethical all but extinct now. How No. There are over journalism organiza- intentionally sat me and
used by the rich and pow- and legal questions. does their disappear- 100 federal agencies in tions in America, and 27 other famous journal-
erful, it was too much for internationally. Philan- ists, like Seymour
even his entire newsroom thropic institutions and Hersh [investigative re-
to process. Obermayer
asked for help from the “Two organizations individuals have stepped
up and donated over a
porter for the New York-
er magazine], together

I founded… have
International Consortium billion dollars in recent with a group of hackers
of Investigative Journal- years to create cover- for a dinner. It was
ists (ICIJ), mobilizing 250 age in areas where the fascinating to hear from
reporters in 90 countries.
Published in April
2016, the Panama Papers
won Pulitzers” local newspapers can no
longer do it. It doesn’t
make up for the carnage
them. Some are hacking
precisely because they
believe there is some-
revealed a large, complex, and loss of jobs, but it thing wrong with society
and very well-hidden Charles (Chuck) Lewis ance affect investiga- Washington. The elite could have been even or an agency protecting a
corner of the global has seen the highs and tion at the local level? media—Washington worse. I estimate these company, so it’s the same
economy. The scandal lows of investigative I started in the sports Post, New York Times, nonprofits employ up as a government em-
resulted in the resigna- journalism throughout department of the and Wall Street Journal— to 3,000 journalists. ployee who starts leaking
tions of prime ministers his career. From Sen- Wilmington News-Jour- don’t cover all of them. Around 2008, when because they are offend-
and senior officials from ate intern during the nal newsroom in Del- You end up sometimes the Pulitzer Prize start- ed by what they see.
Iceland to Mongolia. Watergate scandal, to a aware in the early with obscure newsletters, ed losing applicants, This is a global prob-
From the Pentagon to stint with the legendary 1970s. It was one of thousands of them, cov- they allowed nonprofit lem. We need more
Panama, with other major Carl Bernstein at the the best of the small ering different industries, organizations to apply. discussion, report-
discoveries in between, ABC television network, and midsize papers. But and they may just rep- Two organizations that ing, understanding,
investigative journalism he eventually became everything went to hell. resent private interests. I founded, the ICIJ and and accountability.
has made major con- a senior investigative They went from 187 How does that af- the Center for Public
tributions in bringing producer for CBS’s 60 people to around 35 now. fect financial and eco- Integrity—have won Andreas Adriano is a senior
communications officer in the IMF’s
to light, what some Minutes. He quit the The number of report- nomics reporting? Pulitzers, and nonprofits
Communications Department.
would rather keep in the show in 1989 and found- ers today is the same My worry, to be blunt, like ProPublica have won
dark. But it has been ed the Center for Public as in 1972, while the is that the only people about a dozen so far.

Local Pulse
Cornerstone Christian in the County’s COVID Crosshairs
by Randy Wyrick, RMT Reporter

E agle County
sue Christian school
us wear don’t work very
well, that children are
at virtually no risk from
schools work with our
public health department
and consider them part-
building a database
with that information.
That’s a clear violation
Affairs against the ratchet
effect of government
regulations. That means
for failing to meet COVID, and that devel- ners. Unfortunately, Cor- of our right to privacy.” that while regulations
COVID protocols opmentally and emo- nerstone Christian has are easy to add, they’re
School counters tionally, wearing masks chosen a different path.” Contention reigns difficult to delete. A
that it’s about con- all day probably does A court hearing is The Commissioners vs. state of emergency such
stitutional rights more harm than good. scheduled for Janu- Cornerstone battle is so as the one surrounding
BASALT — Corner- In fact, Gov. Jared ary. The county’s mask contentious that during COVID-19 rarely ends.
stone’s in the crosshairs. Polis said the COVID-19 mandate may continue a Dec. 13 Eagle County Colorado Gov. Jared
through mid-January. If Commissioners’ meeting, Polis, however, might be
it’s dropped, then stu- an African American the rare exception when
dents can attend school woman and Cornerstone he declared that the
without masks, Treu said. stakeholder did not smile COVID crisis is “over,”
Tarr said that’s a tem- as she said the local adding that everyone
porary solution to the media has portrayed the who wants a COVID
permanent problem of Cornerstone family as vaccination has had
government overreach. being “white suprem- ample opportunity to get
Colorado’s legislative acists.” She paused one. He also said that
branch has given carte briefly letting the irony local governments’ mask
blanche to public health settle over the room, mandates can remain in
departments and other as the crowd laughed. place, if that’s what that
government agencies. “Since the beginning local government wants.
Because the legislature of the school year we “This is not about
gave them the man- have been living under public health, this is
date, they can enforce a threat,” Tarr said. He about control,” one Cor-
their regulations with then asked the com- nerstone parent told the
the force of law, Pastor missioners. “Have you Commissioners, in that
Cornerstone Christian School and Center are in the Eagle County part of Basalt, in Jim Tarr, director of ever stood up for some- Dec. 13 public hearing.
the Roaring Fork Valley. Photo from Cornerstone Cornerstone Christian School.
Cornerstone Christian thing under the threat “It seems that you’re
Center and Cornerstone of 18 months in jail?” using our children as
The Eagle County emergency is over, Christian School said. The fight has cost political pawns. I notice
commissioners threat- and the statewide “They can enter your Cornerstone about half none of you are wearing
ened Cornerstone’s stake- mask mandate expired building, quarantine its 60-member student masks this morning.”
holders with $5,000 fines Friday, Dec. 17. anyone they want, any body, Tarr said. Many A Cornerstone stake-
and up to 18 months in time they want,” Tarr parents say they cannot holder who called herself
jail if they don’t submit Why the county said. “As much as they afford to pay a $5,000 “secular,” said this has
to the COVID-19 mask pulled that trigger say they want to work fine or spend 18 months made her acutely aware
mandate. The Corner- Eagle County Attorney with us, they’ve shown in jail for this bit of civil of how precious and
stone Christian crowd Bryan Treu says Corner- no willingness to do so.” disobedience, Tarr said. precarious religious
made it clear, they’re stone Christian violated In the earliest emails freedom can be.
mad as hell and are not state public health orders Cornerstone received, Regulations can be eternal “When the mandate
gonna take it anymore! when the school did health department of- Pandemics have come to protect devolves
In public hearings, not report its COVID ficials threatened them and gone, Tarr said, but into punishment, that’s
the Cornerstone crowd cases. When public health with $5,000 fines and 18 government regulations where the line is crossed.
told the Eagle County officials tried to inspect months in jail, Tarr said. can often be as everlast- The mask mandate is
Commissioners, it’s a the school, they were “They say they our ing as heaven itself. He scheduled to end Fri-
matter of constitution- denied access, Treu said. students and staff must appears to have a valid day. Let it,” she said.
ally-guaranteed civil “The only way out get tested twice a week point in that regard. “Stop using my tax
liberties and religious of this pandemic is to by a private company in Government-reform dollars to bully a private
freedom, that the paper work with the schools. our area. The compa- advocate Philip K. How- school!” another said.
and cloth masks most of The vast majority of our ny’s website says they’re ard argues in National

Gov Jared Polis said the COVID-19 emergency is over and

the statewide mask mandate expired December 17.

Cornerstone’s COVID which they point out law in 1976, a Senate

conundrum is one of their consti- report warned that the
Cornerstone Christian’s tutional rights. Media president’s extraordi-
COVID conundrum reports claimed one of nary emergency powers,
started in early Novem- those in attendance, ordinarily exercised by
ber when the Colorado opened his comment Congress, could “affect
Department of Public period in prayer, ask- the lives of American
Health included the ing Jesus to help defeat citizens in a host of
school on its roster of COVID protocols. all-encompassing man-
active COVID outbreaks. At that meeting, the ners . . . without refer-
The health department Commissioners retreated ence to normal Con-
says it found eight into a private session. stitutional processes.”
COVID cases among They emerged to vote “Americans should not
the staff, including one unanimously to sue the lose sight of the fact that
The Eagle County commissioners sued Cornerstone Christian School for
death, and 10 student school in civil court. if emergency declarations what they say were violations of the Colorado public health department’s
cases. Eagle County says Many in the meeting are not terminated after COVID protocols. Photo from Cornerstone Cornerstone Christian School.
three were hospitalized. large crowd erupt- COVID-19, all 136 emer-
Tarr disputes that data. ed, shouting at Eagle gency powers will remain,
He says nine total tested County’s three Demo- as well as the possibility Hoover Institution restrictions imposed to “I have a bad feeling
of their abuse,” Zhong historian and author, protect the more vulner- that even if we succeed
wrote in that Merca- wrote in Bloomberg that able, older age groups. in containing the spread
tus Center report. since the novel corona- The hope was, the of SARS-CoV-2 — to
Of note: The eight virus began spreading, Hoover Institution’s the extent of bringing
presidents since Ameri- we’ve been subjected to Ferguson wrote, that we mortality rates back
ca’s bicentennial in 1976 regular health evaluations could put COVID in our down to normal levels
have declared 64 national (testing), and encouraged rearview mirror by Easter everywhere — we may be
emergencies, all under if not required to take 2021. “However, there unable to get rid of many
the cover of the Na- medication (vaccines). was a worse scenario, in of the pandemic-induced
tional Emergencies Act. And then there are the which we would spend constraints that now
Of those, 35 national lockdowns. The National years playing whack-a- restrict our freedoms.
emergencies remain in Bureau of Econom- mole with an endemic “When both clinical
effect today, according to ic Research strongly evolving SARS-CoV-2, trials and real-world data
research by the Mercatus suggests that lockdowns with no vaccine that point to high vaccine
Center’s Weifeng Zhong, did more harm than really worked and no efficacy, especially for
Pastor Jim Tarr says the commissioners, acting as the Eagle County Christos Makridis and good in developing immunity that really last- the Pfizer and Moder-
board of health, are violating Cornerstone’s constitutional rights, and James Diddams. The old- countries. Their research ed. By the standards of na vaccines, and when
vowed to fight. Photo from Cornerstone Cornerstone Christian School. argue that for those in past pandemics, this one governments are keen
est of those 35 is “Block-
ing Iranian Government low-income countries, “a might still be at an early to persuade people to
positive but showed only crat Commissioners. Property,” declared in lockdown can potentially stage — perhaps not get vaccinated, why on
mild cold-like symptoms. “It’s not the end and 1979, before most of lead to 1.76 children’s even at the end of the earth make the social
Tarr said he was receiving we’re not giving up,” Cornerstone Christian lives lost due to the first quarter,” Ferguson benefits of being vac-
treatment for his own Tarr told the crowd. School’s faculty and staff economic contraction wrote. “It turns out that cinated so negligible?
COVID infection when “We’re going to take were born. The point per each COVID-19 the vaccines (well, some “The answer is clear.
he learned of Eagle this all over the Unit- is, that even outdated fatality averted.” of them) work better Such restrictions persist
County’s plan for a public ed States,” he said as “emergencies” are still The National Bureau than I had dared to hope, not because they have
health meeting to discuss the crowd broke out in on the books and can be of Economic Research and the world economy any foundation in scien-
Cornerstone’s outbreak. thunderous applause. enforced again at-will. paper’s authors argue is indeed snapping back. tific research. They are
Several Cornerstone So, don’t expect COVID that in the developed And yet we may still be the products of one of
stakeholders assembled Regulations rarely mandates to vanish, and world, younger people languishing in the second history’s most powerful
for that meeting to get repealed understand that they suffered significant ed- quarter of this pandem- but often underestimated
address their grievances Before that National can be easily abused. ucational and economic ic — or maybe it’s early phenomena: bureaucratic
with the Commissioners, Emergencies Act became Niall Ferguson, a losses stemming from in the second half.” inertia,” Ferguson wrote.

The Third Rail: Where controversy meets consensus.

by Jacqueline Cartier, Publisher

C urrently, there is much dis-
course dividing America. It
is primarily driven by political
but nothing worth achieving was
ever accomplished without ventur-
ing outside those walls of security.
to complex problems. It is similar to
the scientific method, where discov-
eries are willingly submitted to the
parties and has become so emo- It is in the rough edges, that we professional community for scrutiny,
tional that close friends and are compelled to seek new ideas. seeking ways to dispel findings, in
families are splitting over dis- The 3rd Rail section of the order to fine-tune their research.
The agreements that should never Rocky Mountain Tribune reach- Those that survive the process, then
3rd cause that degree of turmoil. es out to opposing sides of proceed to the implementation phase

Rail In a country where free speech

is valued, it is understandable that
some might get offended by an-
hot-button topics and presents
them, side-by-side, to allow for
a fair representation of avail-
for viability, outside the confines of
a lab. This is the base of discovery.
Given the high cost of expression
other’s remarks. Yet, it is through able options, offered by those in these challenging times, we may
that uncomfortable process, that with expertise in their fields. be reprinting research and articles
we arrive at viable solutions It’s a process welcomed by by well-known authorities, to pro-
Consensus, however, cannot many, yet there is a fear of retri- vide the reader with multiple views
develop in isolation. It requires bution by those whose opinions from which to arrive at a conclusion
diversity of thought and free- might run counter to popular that makes sense to them, outside
dom of expression. Without beliefs. Innovation of thought of mere political talking points, and
these attributes, we limit cre- has historically been challenged to protect those who want a view-
ating sustainable solutions. by the establishment of the time. point expressed but fear blowback.
With emotionally charged issues, However, when a counterview is With that in mind, I am pleased
the natural inclination is to shut followed by personal and profes- to have Dr. Martin Kulldorff, dis-
off opposing thought, so as to sional threats, it silences those who cuss precisely this issue in the arti-
remain within our comfort zone… simply want to find viable solutions cle entitled, “Why I Spoke Out”.

Why I spoke out against lockdowns

by Martin Kulldorff
Reprinted from Spiked
had no choice but
to speak out against
lockdowns. As a pub-
in China, there was a
dramatic difference in
mortality by age, with
my surprise, I could not
interest any US media
in my thoughts, despite
spring wave, Sweden
kept daycare and schools
open for every one of its
ic. That is like evaluat-
ing a new drug while
ignoring data from the
lic-health scientist with over a thousand-fold my knowledge and 1.8million children aged placebo control group.
decades of experience difference between the experience with infec- between one and 15. And With difficulty pub-
working on infec- young and the old. That tious-disease outbreaks. it did so without sub- lishing, I decided to
tious-disease outbreaks, was a huge relief. I am I had more success in jecting them to testing, use my mostly dormant
I couldn’t stay silent. a single father with a my native Sweden, with masks, physical barriers Twitter account to get
Not when basic prin- teenager and five-year-old op-eds in the major daily or social distancing. This the word out. I searched
ciples of public health twins. Like most parents, newspapers, and, even- policy led to precisely for tweets about schools
are thrown out of the I care more about my tually, a piece in spiked. zero Covid deaths in and replied with a link
window. Not when the children than myself. Other like-minded scien- that age group, while to the Swedish study. A
working class is thrown Unlike the 1918 Spanish tists faced similar hurdles. teachers had a Covid risk few of these replies were
Photo from Brownstone Institute
under the bus. Not when Flu pandemic, children Instead of understand- similar to the average of retweeted, which gave
lockdown opponents had much less to fear ing the pandemic, we other professions. The the Swedish data some
were thrown to the from Covid than from were encouraged to fear Swedish Public Health attention. It also led to an
wolves. There was never annual influenza or traffic it. Instead of life, we got Agency reported these invitation to write for the
a scientific consensus for accidents. They could get lockdowns and death. We facts in mid-June, but Spectator. In August, I
lockdowns. That balloon on with life unharmed got delayed cancer diag- in the US lockdown finally broke into the US
had to be popped. — or so I thought. noses, worse cardiovas- proponents still pushed media with a CNN op-ed
Two key Covid facts For society at large, the cular-disease outcomes, for school closures. against school closures. I
were quickly obvious to conclusion was obvious. deteriorating mental In July, the New En- know Spanish, so I wrote
me. First, with the early We had to protect older, health, and a lot more gland Journal of Medi- a piece for CNN-Es-
outbreaks in Italy and high-risk people while collateral public-health cine published an article pañol. CNN-English
Iran, this was a severe younger low-risk adults damage from lockdown. on ‘reopening primary was not interested.
pandemic that would kept society moving. Children, the elderly, and schools during the pan- Something was clearly
eventually spread to But that didn’t happen. the working class were demic’. Shockingly, it did amiss with the media.
the rest of the world, Instead, schools closed the hardest hit by what not even mention the Among infectious-disease
resulting in many deaths. while nursing homes can only be described as evidence from the only epidemiology colleagues
That made me ner- went unprotected. Why? the biggest public-health major Western country that I know, most favour
vous. Second, based on It made no sense. So, fiasco in history. that kept schools open focused protection of
the data from Wuhan, I picked up a pen. To Throughout the 2020 throughout the pandem- high-risk groups in-

stead of lockdowns, nobody paid us a penny. istic and academic attacks were either friendly with should not be withheld alive today, together with
but the media made it Why such a vicious re- personally, however softball questions or hos- from older Americans. countless other people
sound like there was a sponse? The declaration vile – and most came tile with trick questions Twitter even locked around the world.
scientific consensus for was in line with the many from people I had never and ad hominem attacks. my account for writing Ultimately, lockdowns
general lockdowns. pandemic preparedness even heard of before. Journalists in most other this: “Naively fooled protected young low-risk
In September, I met plans produced years The attacks were not countries asked hard but to think that masks professionals working
Jeffrey Tucker at the earlier, but that was the primarily addressed at us relevant and fair ques- would protect them, from home – journalists,
American Institute for crux. With no good anyhow. We had already tions, exploring and criti- some older high-risk lawyers, scientists, and
Economic Research public-health arguments spoken out and would cally examining the Great people, did not socially bankers – on the backs
(AIER), an organisation against focused protec- continue to do so. Their Barrington Declaration. I distance properly, and of children, the working
I had never heard of tion, they had to resort main purpose was to think that is how jour- some died from Covid class and the poor. In
before the pandemic. To to mischaracterisation discourage other scien- nalism should be done. because of it. Tragic. the US, lockdowns are
help the media gain a and slander, or else admit tists from speaking out. While most govern- Public-health officials/ the biggest assault on
better understanding of they had made a terrible, In my twenties, I risked ments continued with scientists must always be workers since segregation
the pandemic, we decided deadly mistake in their my life in Guatema- their failed lockdown honest with the public.” and the Vietnam War.
to invite journalists to support of lockdowns. la working for a hu- policies, things have This increased pressure Except for war, there
meet with infectious-dis- Some lockdown pro- man-rights organisation moved in the right di- may seem counterintui- are few government
ease epidemiologists in ponents accused us of called Peace Brigades In- rection. More and more tive, but it is not. Had we actions during my life
Great Barrington, New raising a strawman, as ternational. We protected schools have reopened, been wrong, our scien- that have imposed more
England, to conduct lockdowns had worked farmers, unionised work- and Florida rejected tific colleagues might suffering and injustice
more in-depth interviews. and were no longer ers, students, religious lockdowns in favour of have taken pity on us and on such a large scale.
I invited two scientists to needed. Just a few weeks organisations, women’s focused protection, partly the media would have As an infectious-dis-
join me, Sunetra Gup- later, the same critics groups and human-rights based on our advice, gone back to ignoring ease epidemiologist, I
ta from the University lauded the reimposition defenders who were without the negative us. Being correct means had no choice. I had to
of Oxford, one of the of lockdowns during the threatened, murdered, consequences that the that we embarrassed speak up. If not, why be
world’s pre-eminent in- very predictable second and disappeared by lockdowners predicted. some immensely pow- a scientist? Many others
fectious-disease epidemi- who bravely spoke could
ologists, and Jay Bhat- comfortably have stayed
tacharya from Stanford silent. If they had, more
University, an expert on schools would still be
infectious diseases and closed, and the collateral
vulnerable populations. public-health damage
To the surprise of AIER, would have been great-
the three of us also de- Photo courtesy of Great Barrington Declaration er. I am aware of many
cided to write a declara- fantastic people fighting
tion arguing for focused wave. We were told that military death squads. With the lockdown erful people in politics, against these ineffective
protection instead of we had not specified While the courageous failures increasingly journalism, big tech, and and damaging lockdowns,
lockdowns. We called how to protect the old, Guatemalans I worked clear, attacks and cen- science. They are never writing articles, posting
it the Great Barrington even though we had with faced much more sorship have increased going to forgive us. on social media, mak-
Declaration (GBD). described ideas in detail danger, the death squads rather than decreased: That not what matters, ing videos, talking to
Opposition to lock- on our website and in did once throw a hand Google-owned YouTube though. The pandemic friends, speaking up at
downs had been deemed op-eds. We were accused grenade into our house. censored a video from a has been a great tragedy. school board meetings,
unscientific. When of advocating a ‘let it If I could do that work roundtable with Florida A 79-year-old friend of and protesting in the
scientists spoke out rip’ strategy, even though then, why should I not governor Ron DeSantis, mine died from Covid, streets. If you are one of
against lockdowns, they focused protection is its now take much smaller where my colleagues and and a few months later them, it has truly been an
were ignored, consid- very opposite. Ironically, risks for people here I stated that children do his wife died from cancer honor to work with you
ered a fringe voice, or lockdowns are a dragged- at home? When I was not need to wear masks; that was not detected on this effort together.
accused of not having out form of a let-it-rip falsely accused of being a Facebook closed the in time to initiate treat- I hope that we will one
proper credentials. We strategy, in which each Koch-funded right-wing- GBD account when we ment. While deaths day meet in person and
thought it would be age group is infected er, I just shrugged – typi- posted a pro-vaccine are inevitable during then, let’s dance togeth-
hard to ignore some- in the same proportion cal behaviour by both es- message arguing that old- a pandemic, the naive er. Danser encore!
thing authored by three as a let-it-rip strategy. tablishment servants and er people should be pri- but mistaken belief
senior infectious-disease When writing the armchair revolutionaries. oritised for vaccination; that lockdowns would
epidemiologists from declaration, we knew we After the Great Twitter censored a post protect the old meant Author: Martin Kulldorff, Senior
what were three respect- were exposing ourselves Barrington Declaration, when I said that chil- that governments did not Scientific Director of Brownstone
Institute, is an epidemiologist and
able universities. We to attacks. That can be there was no longer a lack dren and those already implement many stan-
biostatistician specializing in infec-
were right. All hell broke scary, but as Rosa Parks of media attention on infected do not need dard focused-protection tious disease outbreaks and vaccine
loose. That was good. said: ‘I have learned over focused protection as an to be vaccinated, and measures. The dragged- safety. He is the developer of Free
Some colleagues threw the years that when one’s alternative to lockdowns. the Centers for Disease out pandemic made it SaTScan, TreeScan, and RSequen-
epithets at us like ‘crazy’, mind is made up, this On the contrary, requests Control (CDC) removed harder for older people tial software. Most recently, he was
a Professor at the Harvard Medical
‘exorcist’, ‘mass murder- diminishes fear; knowing came from across the me from a vaccine-safety to protect themselves. School for ten years. Co-Author of
er’ or ‘Trumpian’. Some what must be done does globe. I noticed an inter- working group when I With a focused-protec- the Great Barrington Declaration.
accused us of taking a away with fear.’ Also, I esting contrast. In the US argued that the Johnson tion strategy, my friend
stand for money, though did not take the journal- and UK, media outlets & Johnson Covid vaccine and his wife might be

Business & Finance

Vail Valley Celebrates Small Business
by Chris Romer

T he Vail Valley offers a unique

mixture of small-town life, ru-
ral character, mountain living, and
and programs, that we pursue in the
implementation of this plan, should
aim to create outcomes that are
es, which are easy to navigate.
The Vail Valley is a cohesive natu-
ral trade-area, made up of indepen-
big-city amenities, which creates a economically viable, environmen- dent communities offering unique
“just right” quality of life balance tally sound, and socially acceptable. assets. This allows communities
that even Goldilocks would appre- As a community of business across Eagle County to leverage
ciate. But, our story is only a fairy leaders, we support one another the extensive brand awareness of
tale if that it includes real commu- and provide brand alignment to “Vail” for their own objectives, and
nities that offer genuine opportuni- those who choose to do busi- allows Eagle County to appeal to
ty for hard-working entrepreneurs, ness here. Your brand, after all, a broad cross-section of poten-
business owners, and employees, is not only the product or service tial businesses & entrepreneurs,
determined to live out their dreams you sell but also its perceived looking for different community
in the mountains of Colorado. image, which is greatly enhanced attributes, aligned with their focus.
Why the Vail Valley? Be- by individualized strategies. Our public-private partnerships
cause our mountain lifestyle Yet, developing an impressive work to support businesses, by
enhances personal wellbeing brand is really much more than providing exceptional service,
and business development. just features. More than a logo, responsiveness, skills-development,
There’s not much mystery success requires an emotional peer-to-peer collaboration, and
behind why people flock here, connection. Every business, or- corporate guidance, which serve to
but there is also a subtle mag- ganization, and community, wants attract and retain diverse organiza-
netism that contributes to the to be a customer's first choice. tions, and help to develop a solid
entire environment. The draw of How you design and manage your economic base for the entire region.
mountain life is enough to make brand, can play a significant part Numerous resources exist by
long workday hours seem like an in making that happen, both for which to help expand this envi-
adventurous climb—especially businesses and communities. ronment and support new en-
when you start your day, riding Here, we help businesses to trepreneurs.; These include the
to the top of the mountain. engage with customers, employees, Small Business Development
Vail is located in Eagle County, stakeholders, service providers, Center, Northwest Colorado
which is a unique collection of and the general public. Values and Council of Governments, Moun-
diverse and dynamic communities. reputation are reflected in customer, Vail Valley
Its high-alpine ecosystem pro- experiences. Those experienc- Young Professionals Association,
vides extraordinary economic and es create strong loyalties, which and Vail Valley Partnership.
social benefits, beginning with the motivate employees, increase sales, These efforts vary from pro-
ongoing health and beauty of our and generate fiscal sustainability. gramming to data; events to online
natural environment. Respecting In a competitive global economy, marketing; recurring meetings to
this heritage, our local govern- whether based in an urban area state and federal relationships;
ments and special districts, aim or nestled in the Rocky Moun- and together, they help create a
to strengthen our economy in tains, one’s brand is what creates a community brand, which attracts
distinct, collaborative, and sustain- business of pride and endurance… interest from across the globe.
able ways, which fit the particular much like the lifestyle chosen by We welcome you to celebrate
context of each community. living in Vail or in one of its excep- Vail as more than a place to
Eagle County’s business commu- tional, neighboring communities. visit; we welcome you to cel-
nity is founded on the guiding prin- Eagle County continues to grow ebrate Vail as a place to live,
ciple of “Community Sustainabili- as an attractive place to conduct work, and raise a family.
ty”, in the pursuit of our economic business. There are strong lines
development objectives, and busi- of communication between local Chris Romer is President & CEO of Vail Val-
ness support services. This principle governments and businesses, and ley Partnership, the regional chamber of commerce.
states that the decisions, policies, a network of support resourc- Learn more at


Business & Finance

Fulfilling Career Dreams – Entrepreneurship
by Steve Daniels

T he Rocky Mountains
are filled with ordi-
nary people accomplish-
jobs, Labor Depart-
ment data show
The appeal of entre-
those times that the
comfort and security of
working for a larger orga-
ing extraordinary things. preneurism is varied, but nization can be enticing,
We see it in sports, with increasingly it includes where they are the ones
our many Olympic ath- a search for work-life who absorb the daily
letes, but it is also in the balance, the flexibili- challenges of regulations,
overall spirit of our local ty to live and work in taxes, and industry issues.
communities. People desired places, and a In preparation for your
come to visit, then stay, growing weariness of new business venture,
because of our envi- large organizations. remember that costs may
ronment’s unique ability There are many suc- be considerably higher
to inspire and deliver. cessful stories of small than anticipated due to
People have brought businesses making a unforeseen events, cir-
with them, their hopes huge impact within their cumstances, or fees. Yet,
and dreams. Some, who industries, sometimes experience and passion
never thought it possible, beginning with very little can get you through
are becoming entrepre- capital, but driven by in- many of the challenges
neurs. The timing, with tense passion, innovation, you will face. Where GETTY

the pandemic and subse- and careful planning. there’s a will, there’s a regulatory tasks. • Establishing an online
quent economic influ- The rewards of owning way. Some of the great- • Establish a legally presence: website, so-
ences, has caused many a business are many, est successes have come recognized enterprise cial media, retail part-
to reconsider how they including financial inde- from those who were with the Colorado ners (eBay, PayPal, etc.)
conduct their business, pendence, bringing new on the verge of failure Secretary of State • Determining your
and has sparked that creativity to a personal but kept on moving • Apply for a Federal best marketing ap-
entrepreneurial spirit. endeavor, setting your past their hurdles. Employer Identi- proach (print, dig-
Last week, the Wall own schedule, con- As you contemplate fication Number ital, direct, etc.)
Street Journal dis- trolling the selection of your new venture, (“FEIN”) and state • Keep in mind, the
cussed this phenome- clients and colleagues, consider several im- sales tax number unique requirements
non on a national basis and developing the work portant questions… • Set up separate bank of your industry,
(“Workers Quit Jobs environment you desire. • Do I have the requisite accounts and business including associa-
in Droves” November There are also stories knowledge and expe- loans including cred- tion memberships
29, 2021). Several data of businesses that didn’t rience to organize and it card processing If you discover that
points from the arti- make it, due to various run this business? • Research potential you are not comfortable
cle are noteworthy: causes. Some undesirable • What financial resourc- eligibility for grants to doing these tasks on your
• The number of unin- results are avoidable, es are needed? Do I see if structuring your own, you may desire the
corporated self-em- such as global economic have access to them? venture in a particular services of a business
ployed workers has ris- factors, supply issues, or • Is the market for manner, will quality advisor, accountant, or
en by 500,000 since the even personal emergen- this product and • Select, lease or pur- lawyer. And, while these
start of the pandemic cies. Despite preparation, service large enough chase, physical operat- professionals would
• Entrepreneurs applied unexpected events do for sustainability? ing space or designing certainly make it easier,
for federal tax-iden- occur, which could have • What will be my a dedicated space they can also be quite
tification numbers a devastating effect on unique niche? within your home costly, yet, not as costly
to register 4.54 mil- your venture and result • Can I win market • Set-up an account- as making a mistake.
lion new businesses in unwanted changes to share from exist- ing system The Rocky Mountains
from January through your career and lifestyle. ing businesses? • Buy business insurance has provided generations
October this year, up The challenges of The essential ques- • Obtain appropriate with inspiration to fulfill
56% from the same entrepreneurship, also tion becomes, “can this licenses or permis- their dreams. It may
period of 2019 provides some of the new business serve a sions need (i.e., city, now be time for yours!
• Meanwhile, the per- thrill… successfully tack- need at a lower cost, or county, or regulatory.)
centage of U.S. work- ling the unknown (part provide greater value • Purchase essential Stephen Daniels is an adjunct
ers who are self-em- of our mountain lifestyle to customers, than the equipment (i.e., phone, instructor of business and a
ployed has risen to the DNA). However, the po- existing competitors”? copier, internet, cash strategic and financial consultant.
highest in 11-years tential for financial ruin is There are basics to register, vehicles, com- As a professional accountant, his
• In September, U.S. very real and sometimes starting any new busi- career has included assignments
puters, and software.) as a chief financial officer, and
workers resigned from the stress can be over- ness, including legal, • Setting up distri- head of corporate development for
a record 4.4 million whelming. It’s during administrative, and bution channels private and public companies.

Education & Parenting

Prioritizing Healthy Kids
by Heather Bergquist, teacher, mother, and child advocate

P arents want the

very best for their
children. They cart their
know what this question
is asking”, indicating that
the survey authors under-
because the survey was
anonymous, no recourse
or help could be provided
and engaged parents
are critical for a child’s
developing health.
teen, and have an in-
creased risk of poverty.
It is no wonder that the
children up and down the stood they were exposing to a child in harm’s way. When the true goal, state is concerned about
Vail Valley for story hour, children to issues that The Colorado Healthy is healthy children, the the alarming amount
ski school, camps, sports, were not age-appropriate. Kids Survey was ad- clear emphasis and of mental, physical, and
hiking, and birthday par- A perceptive eye ministered through the funding should include psychological concerns
ties. They buckle their ba- would observe the lead- method of passive con- the valuing, resourc- facing our children. No
bies in with 5-point har- ing language of Ques- sent. Sending a typical ing, and strengthening, matter how well-inten-
nesses, hold their hands tion 71, which didn’t school email to parents of the nuclear family, tioned, or well-funded,
when crossing the street, ask children if they that contained the casual
teach them not to talk have engaged in sexual mention of the health
to strangers, peek over behavior, rather, it asked survey, was all that was
their shoulders when children as young as required for schools to
they are on social media, 11-years-old, when they assume parental consent
and make sure they are first engaged in sexual and expose their children
eating healthy meals. behavior. Question 73 to sensitive, personal,
The heart of a loving led children again, asking and even illegal issues.
parent is giving their whether they used a con- Using this method, par-
children everything dom the last time they ents were removed from
conceivable to facilitate had sex, and Question the critical decision-mak-
success and protecting 72 asks whether alco- ing process because
them from anything that hol was consumed the they were never given
might hinder them in life. last time they had sex. full disclosure of the
Parents strive to develop Questions 18 and 19 contents of the survey.
healthy children: physical- ask a child whether they Most parents wouldn’t
ly, mentally, emotionally, have ever been raped, or consider opting-out their
spiritually, financially, and whether they have ever child from answering
relationally. So, when raped another person. questions about nvu- which has historical- there isn’t a replacement
they received a typical However, sexual trition and exercise. ly been shown to be a for strong families in
school email, noting questions are not the Had appropriate active child’s greatest support the ultimate health and
an upcoming Healthy only concern. Question consent been required, for a successful life. success of children.
Kids Colorado Survey 35 asks, “Have you ever parents would have had According to US Cen- Healthy families are
to be administered to made a plan about how the opportunity to review sus Bureau Data, only not only central to the
children in grades 6-12, you would kill your- the survey and make 18% of US families are growth and development
they might naturally self ?”. For a child who decisions aligned with currently intact, down of healthy children, but
assume that it was related has never thought about their family values. It is from 40% in the 1970s. they are the building
to things like exercise, suicide, they are suddenly difficult to protect a child When families are weak, blocks of a thriving
diet, sleep patterns, considering a preferred from unknown influenc- it negatively impacts society. While schools
and study habits. method to take their own es, particularly when pro- children, putting them are integral partners in
As expected, the life. Research and data vided by trusted sources. at higher risk for many the education of our
survey addressed many abound which discuss the Some would say that unhealthy and harmful youth, a commitment to
of these topics, but power of leading lan- the type of data collected behaviors. These children healthy children needs
woven throughout were guage and suggestibility, from this survey allows become more susceptible to affirm the rights and
questions addressing particularly in children. the state of Colorado to abuse and neglect, use responsibilities of each
more intimate and sexual Illegal activities that to fund areas of health of drugs and alcohol, parent, and the integral
content. For example, are addressed in this concerns for children. eating disorders, crim- and critical role families
Questions 4 and 5 asked survey, such as physical While that may be a inal activity, and other play in the health of
children about their abuse, rape, drug use, and noble cause, this premise heartbreaking actions. the next generation.
perceived gender and inappropriate gun access, eliminates key players They are more likely to
sexual identity, allowing should be reported to in this scenario, the drop out of high school, Heather Bergquist is a teach-
an answer of “I don’t law enforcement. Yet, parents. Strong families become pregnant as a er in the Vail Valley.

Education & Parenting DRUG


Spycraft at Home
by James van Beek, Eagle County Sheriff Opioids: Codeine - Captain
Cody, Cody, Lean, Schoolboy,
Sizzurp, Purple Drank.

Fentanyl (Actiq®,
Duragesic®, Sublimaze®)

H ow are your spycraft

skills? Can you deci-
pher the following code?
As parents must balance respect
of privacy, with the responsibili-
ty of keeping children safe in an
shortcuts, and methods of de-
livery that will send your IBM
Selectric into panic. https://
Apache, China Girl, China
White, Dance Fever, Friend,
Goodfella, Jackpot, Murder
8, Tango and Cash, TNT.
*** Teen cryptology: DQ- increasingly global environment.
MOT, @TEOTD, AH with my The world of today’s youth textmessageabbreviations.asp Morphine (Duramorph®,
BFFLNMW, we begin BF2 and includes many people they may For street names of commonly MS Contin®) M, Miss Emma,
Monkey, White Stuff
expecting others to CLAB, and never have met. Social media has used drugs, a decoder can be found
hoping they CRAFT, while CMAP expanded horizons in good ways, on the NIH website: https:// Oxycodone (OxyContin®,
(wife), who’ll think, WTM while but it’s also added elements of Percodan®, Percocet®,
she ROTFL, and reminds me that danger, previously unimagined. commonly-abused-drugs-charts and others) O.C.,
BF2 is a WOMBAT (interpreta- Strangers enter your child’s bed- Some frequently used texting Oxycet, Oxycotton, Oxy,
Hillbilly Heroin, Percs
tion below). We’ve entered a world room and accompany them to codes include P911 or CD9: Code
of all things shaken, not stirred, school, their friend’s homes, in the 9 Parent Alert / LGH: Let’s Get Oxymorphone (Opana®)
where tuxedos and sequined attire car, as they eat breakfast… basi- High / CTN: Can’t talk Now / Biscuits, Blue Heaven,
are worn daily, and your hangouts cally everywhere their phone goes, D46: Down for Sex / E: Ecstasy. Blues, Mrs. O, O Bomb,
Octagons, Stop Signs
are glamorous casinos and cryp- and parents have little knowledge With an opioid crisis spread-
tic castles, and preferred mode or control over the intent of these ing across the country, we LSD: Acid, Blotter, Blue
of transport is a speed boat, or nameless entities. Most are harm- must also be aware of some Heaven, Cubes, Microdot,
a military tank disguised as an less, but all have an influence, and ii street names for drugs. Yellow Sunshine
Italian sports car, and exploding only takes one nefarious contact to This is only a partial listing,
Barbiturates: pentobarbital
sticks of gum that can take down cause a potentially tragic situation. as an intro into a world that (Nembutal®) Barbs,
a building. Where sinister guys As any good spy would say may improve your digital con- Phennies, Red Birds,
possess equipment envied by the (before they killed you), you versations but also remove Reds, Tooies, Yellow
NSA and are members of interna- must develop stealth methods of the cloud of secrecy that may Jackets, Yellows
tional cartels with names designed communication. Parents know the endanger those you love. Benzodiazepines: alprazolam
to make superheroes jealous. Or exciting appeal of strangers, and Learning digital shortcuts opens (Xanax®), chlorodiazepoxide
perhaps you’ve simply entered how it frequently supersedes the levels of communication that will (Librium®), diazepam
TEXT MESSAGE the world of your average teen. boring interests of family. When expand your world, while also (Valium®), lorazepam
ABBREVIATIONS Any typical household includes you are young and impressionable, enabling you to become more (Ativan®), triazolam
(Halicon®) Candy, Downers,
elements of spycraft, utilized by that “appeal” may not have your acutely aware of the daily stress Sleeping Pills, Tranks
residing members, but instead of child’s best interest at heart. in your child’s life. How you
world domination, it is to orga- Parents must become fluent choose to use this information is Marijuana: pot, weed, reefer,
nize meetings, allow shortcuts in the stealth language of tex- a matter of parental decision. dope, ganja, grass, herb,
bud, green, trees, skunk,
to detailed conversations, plan ting, drugs, and online commu- Learn a new language, teen smoke and sinsemilla
surprises both good and not so nications. There are websites to cryptology! By increasing
much, or simply to have a degree introduce the elderly (anyone your spycraft skills, you in- Cocaine: candy, snow,
of privacy in close living quarters. over 30) to the world of digital crease your family’s safety. rock, flake, blow, toot, C,
coke, bump, and Charlie
*** Deciphered Text (from opening paragraph): Don’t quote me on
P911 or CD9: this, at the end of the day, at home, we begin Battlefield 4 expecting Methamphetamines: meth,
Code 9 Parent Alert ice, crank, speed, jibb,
LGH: Let’s Get High
others to cry like a baby, and hoping they can't remember a *frickin* tina, glass, fire, chalk and
CTN: Can’t talk Now thing, while I cover my “A” partner, hoping she’ll think “who’s the man”, crystal or crystal meth
D46: Down for Sex while she rolls on the floor laughing, and reminds me that Battlefield 4 is
E: Ecstasy. a waste of money, brains, and time. Heroin: brown sugar, smack,
horse, dope, H or Big H,
junk, skag, skunk, white
horse, or China white

Mountains of Inspiration
Because everyone needs a little happy in their lives.

The Magic of Belief and Unstoppable Pursuit

by Jacqueline Cartier, RMT Publisher

I t’s that time of year

again, like a politician
bribing for your vote, we
Yet, while in pursuit,
you must anticipate that
you will get knocked
mind, that if it were easy,
then everyone would
have accomplished it.
Who else has faced
similar challenges? Well,
we can start with a huge
bargain with the future down, and no matter Don’t let others’ low failure, now called Post-it
by promising a ton of what happens, or how expectations deter you Notes. Proof that just
things that rarely make it because you had an un-
past January. It’s called anticipated result, doesn’t
the New Year’s Resolu- mean the outcome is a
tion. failure. Originally testing

All things splendid

How do we make this for a new glue, it became
year different? Taking apparent that this sub-
a dream (thoughts) and stance, only slightly tacky,
making it into an achiev- would not hold anything.
able goal (action). What Rather than focusing on
are the steps? How do
we begin? What makes
this different than other
have been achieved by what went wrong, they
began asking themselves,
what else could we do
resolutions of the past? with this? By reframing
First, we must begin
with vision. Without
vision, you have no
those who dared believe the question, it changed
the outcome. This
“failure” became one
direction; it’s your GPS of the company’s most

that something inside

to the future. Vision successful products.
is more than what you THOMAS EDISON’S
see; it’s often something teachers told him that he
not yet materialized, but was too stupid to learn

them was superior

that you, personally, can anything yet, he went on
experience in great detail. to hold more than 1,000
Next, you must have patents and invented
undoubting belief. Belief, some world-changing
that despite others’ lack devices, like the pho-
of vision, and perhaps
that it’s never been done
before, that you absolute-
to circumstance. nograph and the movie
camera. When asked
about his failures in creat-
ly know, you can make ing the light bulb, he said,
it happen. That doesn’t
mean that you are blind
to the challenges, but
- Bruce Barton. “Why would I feel like a
failure…? I now know
definitively, over 9,000
you can see the path ways that an electric light
beyond it and you’re bulb will not work. I am
up for the adventure. not discouraged, because
Then, there is the un- every wrong attempt
stoppable pursuit. This often it all falls apart, you from your success and discarded, is another step
is the tough one because must get up, dust off, remember, past cir- forward. Success is al-
there is no time limit, adjust your compass, and cumstance does not most in my grasp.” Soon,
nor any boundary to the keep on going… never, determine future poten- after over 10,000 tries,
intensity of what’s ahead. ever, giving up. Keep in tial. You can do this! Edison created the incan-

descent bulb. How many charge, in exchange for world was introduced four-minute mile was im-
of us would have given a payment of a few pen- to Rocky Balboa. possible, that one would
up at perhaps the 100th nies per piece of chicken DR. SEUSS’ first chil- die in the attempt. Thus,
or even 10th attempt? sold, which would give dren’s, book was rejected when I got up from the
What Edison exhibited him a regular income, by 27 publishers. The track after collapsing at
was belief… in his talent, and allow the restaurants 28th publisher sold the finish line, I figured
his vision, and his ability to pay him from prof- 6 million copies! I was dead”. Bannister
to affect the future. its earned; how could WALT DISNEY was fired broke the barrier of
Belief is powerful; they lose? Yet, he spent by a newspaper editor self-imposed limitation,
it accompanies expec- 2-years living in his car, because he “lacked imag- and hundreds subse-
tation. Unlike hope, with his only meals being ination”. He was turned quently followed in his
which is passive, when in samples of chicken he down 302 times before steps. How did that
the mindset of “expec- made for restaurateurs. someone financed his happen? Subsequent
tation”, we focus on His family and friends idea of “The Happiest runners removed that
achievement. We see considered him to be a Place on Earth”. What if psychological barrier of
possibilities, we might homeless, crazy old man. he gave up at 300 or 50? defeat, allowing the body
otherwise miss, if fixated After 1009 rejections, When MICHAEL JOR- and brain to figure out a
on past “failures”. How someone finally said, DAN was asked how he way to make it happen.
many rejections would yes, and 10-years later, succeeded so well on the What these people had
you consider acceptable, he became a millionaire. court, he said, “I have in common, was that they
before giving up? Suc- The difference between missed more than 9000 kept on going, against all
cess is a process, not 1009 and 1010 presenta- shots in my career. I odds! Don’t let others’
an endgame. It pushes tions, was the difference have lost almost 300 limitations become your
us beyond possibility between poverty and games. On 26 occasions, own. Break the barriers
and into the realm of becoming an interna- I have been entrusted to of your current environ-
incredible! It’s what tional fast-food icon. take the game’s win- ment and step into a new
we commonly refer Belief, commitment, ning shot and missed. world of possibilities.
to as the journey. adaptation to changing I have failed over and This new journey may
At 65, KFC’s COL. results, and hard work, over again in my life … be scary but remember
SANDERS, was in financial all came together! that is why I succeed”. that courage is not the
ruins, living alone, broke, SYLVESTER STALLONE’S ROGER BANNISTER absence of fear, but the
on a monthly social secu- script was rejected over broke the 4-minute mile. mastery of it. Churchill
rity check of only $106. 1500 times. The week People had tried for cen- said, “Fear is a reaction;
The only thing he owned before it sold, he was turies, but determined, courage is a decision”.
was a popular chicken so desperate for food it was humanly impos- When doubt creeps in,
recipe. Rather than sell that a tearful Stallone sible. Against all logic, change your focus and
the recipe, which would sold his beloved dog for Bannister kept trying. At ask yourself, “But if
give him a nominal one- $50. The next week, the finish, Bannister said, it were possible, what
time payout, he decided he bought his dog “Doctors and scientists would I do next?”
to provide it free of back for $3000 and the said that breaking the

2022 is a new year...

begin a new adventure!

Fashion & Design

Happily Ever After Often Begins with the Perfect Ring
by Jenny Hetei

“I love you” can be

expressed in many
ways. When you find
think you are supposed
to want. There are many
to choose from and
Another excellent
option is a Moissanite.
They are a lab-grown
yellow tint to it, so it is
generally rhodium plated
to increase its white-
that special someone, just as with diamonds, stone from a crystal ness. You will notice the
you want to present there are quality grades, found in nature. It was yellow tint return as the
them with something which can give you discovered in 1892 by plating wears off, but it
as special as they are. even greater flexibility. Henry Moissan and he can easily be re-plated.
Navigating that land- However, if your heart received a Nobel Prize Rose gold is beauti-
scape can be confusing is set on a diamond, there in chemistry for his ful and is alloyed with
and even intimidating. are some things you will discovery. Moissanite copper to give it that
It doesn’t have to be. want to consider. Select has a hardness close to a beautiful pink color.
The first thing to real- the shape that you like diamond (9.25), with in- However, copper is a
ize is that when shopping and that looks best on credible brilliance, similar soft metal, which you
for something special, it your finger, not simply to a diamond, at 1/10 may want to consider
doesn’t have to be eco- the latest fad. Just as the price. When using when purchasing.
nomically stressful; there in clothing, the hottest a diamond tester, Mois- Regardless of which-
are many options avail- style may not be one that sanite tests “diamond”. ever stone and metal you
able at all price points. you prefer, and you are The other part of the choose, the way to keep
When selecting a ring, looking for something ring is the metal. With it looking beautiful, like
you have great flexibili- that will look beautiful on this, you also have many everything else, is by tak-
ty. To put it simply, you you specifically, for years choices. A less expensive ing care of it. No type
have variations with both to come. You will want precious metal is silver. of jewelry that has stones
the metal and the stone. to evaluate cut and color. When a silver ring is rho- set in it, is invincible. It is
Also, in selecting these The most popular dium plated, it can have wise to take rings off be-
options, understand that stone setting is a solitaire, the look of white gold fore gardening or engag-
you can always change but there are also halo but is much more fragile. ing in active sports like
a stone or ring setting, and cluster rings, con- On the other end of mountain biking. Be sure
so if you want some- sisting of several small- the spectrum is platinum. to get your ring cleaned
thing that’s currently er-sized stones designed It is a pricy option be- and prongs examined,
out of your budget, together. It’s really your cause it is a dense metal at least once a year for
don’t feel pressured into preference. Both are and therefore costs about natural wear and tear. Just
overspending. A good beautiful, and sometimes 3-times the price of gold. like a car, your jewelry
jeweler will collaborate a cluster ring will be even It is also a fairly soft met- needs maintenance.
with you, to create a more brilliant, and often, al, making it a riskier op- Find a jeweler that will
piece that is precisely more cost-efficient. tion for a ring. It is also show you all of your
what you want… you There are also lab- more delicate, scratching options and not just the
don’t have to settle or grown diamonds. The easily and becoming priciest, because there
add extra pressure on only difference between dull rather quickly. are beautiful options
yourself financially. a natural and lab-grown Gold is the standard available at every price
Regarding the stone. diamond is where they choice for engagement point. You want this
While a diamond is tra- originate… natural and wedding rings. Most match to be as good as
ditional, there are many diamonds are grown in rings are 10, 14, or 18 the person you plan on
colored stones that are the ground; a lab dia- karats. The lower the spending the rest of your
magnificent. You are mond simulates those number, the more alloyed life with. Enjoy the ex-
not limited to one. A fa- conditions in a lab. It is metals it contains, which citement of selecting the
mous example was Lady difficult for even a jewel- also makes it stronger. perfect reflection of your
Diana’s sapphire engage- er to tell the difference, Gold also retains its shine love for one another.
ment ring; it was dupli- but the price difference better than platinum.
cated all over the world. is substantial. If you are Yellow gold is in its Jenny Hetei, Owner of Porto-
Having your favorite concerned about “blood natural state, so its beauty fino Jewelry in Avon CO
stone is more important diamonds” then a lab one stands on its own. White
than something that you is your perfect choice. gold naturally has a slight


Can Blockchain Be Backed by Hard Assets?
by Corey Goodlander, CEO ChainRaise,
Michael Dunahay, Director of Development ChainRaise,

I nvestopedia describes
Blockchain as follows:
“A blockchain is a dis-
powerful of an innova-
tion, that it has gotten
the eye of many central
liquidity to previously il-
liquid assets. You see, the
tokenized investments
Aspen has tokenized a
percentage of owner-
ship of the hotel and
tributed database that is banks around the world, can be listed on an ATS offers token holders
shared among the nodes now exploring releasing (Alternative Trading Sys- additional benefits such
of a computer network. digital dollars on the tem), giving them an ex- as discounts on accom-
As a database, a block- blockchain. If a central change to trade on. Here modations. Think about
chain stores information bank likes the technology, is a real-world example. how fun that can get
electronically in digital there must be some- A real estate develop- when it’s a restaurant or
format. Blockchains are thing solid behind it. er goes out and raises winery being tokenized!
best known for their The second answer, capital from friends and “What will the regula-
crucial role in cryptocur- is Security Tokens, also family for an exciting tors think about this?”
rency systems, such as known as Asset-Backed new project that will That’s a question
Bitcoin, for maintaining Crypto. For a lot of us, it bring much-needed hous- asked a million
a secure and decentral- was difficult to put seri- ing to the Vail Valley! times over
ized record of transac- ous money into cryptos The capital needed is and for
tions. The innovation without having some- $10M to secure the land good rea-
with a blockchain is that thing behind it. That and debt from the bank, son. The
it guarantees the fidelity is no longer the case. to begin the project. simple
and security of a record ChainRaise, is taking Joe, a friend of the answer is,
of data and generates the power of the block- developer, likes the they rec-
trust without the need chain and combining it project and wants to ognize and
for a trusted third party.” with real-world assets, in invest $500k. He re- appreciate
Everybody knows that a process called Toke- ceives his tokens in a the compliance
person who made a ton nization. This allows digital wallet, has a login that gets automat-
of money investing in the equity holders in and interface, where he ically programmed into
Bitcoin. They told you private assets, such as can track the project the Security Tokens.
about it years ago, and real estate or private and receive updates. Everything from KYC
to your amazement, the businesses, to receive Upon completion of (know your customer),
price has skyrocketed. their investments in the the project, Joe wants to to AML (anti-money
What felt like a cra- form of tradable tokens. sell some of his tokens to laundering) processes
zy idea, is now being This is much differ- recoup his initial invest- are built into the tokens.
adopted and bought ent than common stock ment. Well because Joe For those of you
into, by traditional shares traded on a stock invested in a tokenized that can remember the
institutions. What felt exchange, like the NYSE. real estate development, beginning of the internet,
like something backed And much different than he can bring his tokens in the ‘90s, and thought
by nothing, is currently NFTs (Non-Fungible to an ATS and access “what is this all about?”.
sitting near a market cap Tokens), which have liquidity there! The inno- Blockchain and toke-
of $1 trillion USD! The also become a craze in vation doesn’t stop there! nization are on a faster
question worth asking, is the blockchain world. Tokenization is comput- growth trajectory, in terms
how did people have the By tokenizing the asset, ing code. Blockchain is of adoption rates, and
conviction to invest in we are harnessing the also code. The world it is poised for explosive
Bitcoin, in the early days? power of blockchain to of digital exchange is growth in the near future.
And what comes next? bring privately held assets all based on code.
The first answer lies to liquidity Markets. The developer can By Corey Goodlander,
in the underlying tech- The blockchain offers offer incentives to those CEO ChainRaise
nology. The blockchain. many benefits, but at the that invest! For exam- and Michael Dunahay, Director
The blockchain is so top of the list, is bringing ple, the St. Regis in of Development ChainRaise

Hispanic Culture
El camino a la Universidad... no es tan difícil como parece
by Edgar Arroyo

M uchas veces nos

¿podrán estudiar nuestros
Edad Cantidad a
invertir por año para
alcanzar $1,000,000
en constante búsqueda
del compromiso de los
padres de familia y solo
de cuáles asignaturas o
proyectos están faltando
y por qué tiene una F mi
muchos comienzan a
decepcionarse. Las hor-
monas y la adolescencia
hijos e hijas una carrera 18 $2,100 o $175 por mes unos pocos acuden al hijo o hija en ¿educación no hacen las cosas sencil-
universitaria?, el sueño 19 $2,292 o $191 por mes llamado. La única manera física? Todo al alcance las tampoco, pero afor-
se ve tan difícil, el precio 20 $2,250 o $210 por mes de participar en la carrera de nuestros dedos, es tunadamente podemos
de la universidad es 21 $2,772 o $231 por mes educativa de nuestros cuestión de preguntar- acudir a diferentes recur-
carísimo y muchos otros Obviamente dependi- hijos es estar presentes le a la maestra cómo sos que pueden solventar
obstáculos que hacen el endo de nuestras posibili- sabiendo lo que están ‘conectarse’ a la clase. todos estos obstáculos.
camino más difícil. Estos dades económicas y nues- estudiando, ¿cuál es el
paradigmas también tra libertad financiera, correo electrónico de su Borrón y cuenta nueva Programa AVID,
afectan los sueños de pero seamos sinceros, maestra?, ¿qué día se en- (Erase the Slate) mejor que una beca
miles de estudiantes que con una cantidad así de tregan las tareas?, ¿cuán- Si bien los 5 años de Como sus siglas nos
desean un mejor futuro. generosas se abren mu- do son las conferencias primaria son un ensayo dicen, es un programa
chas posibilidades para de padres y maestros? y la tanto para familias como para avanzar por la vía de
¿Cuándo comien- cualquier universidad y información más impor- para los mismos estudi- la determinación, nada
za el camino a la bolsillo. Siendo la falta de tante de todas: ¿Cuándo antes, no se puede tomar más, nada menos, lo que
universidad? recursos una de las prin- es el ‘ice cream social’? esa etapa a la ligera ya se siembra se cosecha.
Aunque parezca in- cipales causas por la que Por lo menos serían que muestra las bases Las horas que se le
creíble podría decir que estudiantes de preparato- 10 días por ciclo es- sólidas de la lectura y inviertan a este programa
comienza desde el útero. ria abandonan sus sueños colar los que tenemos noción matemática que son horas de vuelo para
Desde que el bebé de seguir estudiando, po- que estar presentes en serán de extrema im- un piloto que busca su
comienza la gestación demos ver que con una la escuela de nuestros

Las tareas se hacen

podemos comenzar un pequeña pero oportuna hijos, no es grande el
modesto ahorro ban- inversión podemos lograr compromiso ¿o sí?
cario que a la postre de que cumplan esos sueños. Sí, ya existe una
18 años dejará muchos
dividendos. Se estima
que el costo promedio
¿Cómo lograr esa beca?
(Full ride vs No ride)
aplicación para eso
(School Apps)
Quizá nuestras labores
mas dificiles, ya not
de una carrera de 4 años
oscila entre 40,000 y
Suponiendo que nuestra
economía no nos per-
cotidianas nos impiden
estar en cada evento hay mas Dr Seuss
50,000 dependiendo mita retirar 175 dólares escolar que se presenta.
de la universidad, y por mes por 18 años, Los avances de la tec- portancia para la sigui- licencia comercial, para
esto no incluye gastos existen otras vías para nología han hecho que la ente etapa educativa: La el atleta que busca llegar
personales, únicamente lograr el camino a la clase legue hasta nosotros educación secundaria. a las grandes ligas o para
colegiaturas, dormitorio universidad y que son en forma de aplicaciones Las tareas se hacen más el músico que desea
y gastos de la escuela, relativamente fáciles en nuestros teléfonos difíciles, ya no hay más algún día llegar a sosten-
todavía falta considerar y sencillas de lograr, móviles. Ya en su gran Dr. Seuss, ahora estamos er ese Grammy y dar su
comidas, ropa, libros pero requieren nuestro mayoría maestros y mae- aprendiendo de la Guerra discurso de aceptación.
y útiles escolares. absoluto compromiso. stras de todos los niveles Civil, el discurso del Dr. La determinación es lo
No podemos confiar Reuniones de pa- educativos comparten de Martin Luther King Jr. que hace la diferencia.
en que nuestros hijos dres de familia manera creativa lo que y las repercusiones del AVID es un programa
e hijas obtendrán una Desde preescolar hasta ocurre en la clase por capitalismo en el mundo gratuito que busca
“beca completa” ya que el último año de prepara- medio de blogs, bole- occidental, capitales de cambiar la manera en
son muy competitivas, toria se debe mostrar ese tines, mensajes de textos los países y no hablemos que estudiamos, nos
es mejor llevar un Plan compromiso. A muy tem- a la clase y obviamente, del examen sorpresa ayuda a lograr obtener las
B o hasta C en cues- prana edad nuestros hijos las boletas de califica- del viernes en álgebra. mejoras notas de la clase,
tiones de educación. comienzan ir a la escuela ciones. Aplicaciones Aquí en esta etapa es nos organiza en tareas y
TheCollegeInves- y nuestro ejemplo los como Schoology, Class donde debemos agudizar en tiempo, habilidades sugiere la motiva (o desalienta) para Dojo o Powerschool nos nuestros sentidos porque que no son innatas en el
siguiente tabla para seguir estudiando. Los ayudan a mantenernos el camino se hace más estudiante de secundaria.
invertir a futuro: maestros y maestras están alertas e informados estrecho y es donde El programa es gratuito,

pero (siempre hay un la preparatoria el estudi- filtros y terminar con una

pero) no es un programa ante ya lleva créditos de entrevista de salida donde
para todos, los maestros ventaja en comparación el candidato tiene que
identifican a esos can- de sus compañeros. Es demostrar sus habilidades
didatos que tienen el importante revisar con en ambos idiomas.
potencial de seguir más el departamento de
allá de la preparatoria, el consejería si los créditos La opción a la vuelta
programa es demandante cursados son aceptados de la esquina (Com-
por lo tal, exige un perfil en la universidad a la munity Colleges)
muy definido. Muchos que se desea ingresar. Si las opciones de asistir a
logran entrar, pero no una universidad de cuatro
todos terminan con lo Career X/Career Wise años parecen remotas y
que empezaron. Activo No todo es estudiar y se está llegando la hora
en 7,000 escuelas en toda salir con calificaciones de graduación, siempre
la nación y actualmente excelentes de la pre- existe la opción de la
ayudando a 2 millones de paratoria si no se lleva carrera corta o Asso-
estudiantes a que logren esa experiencia laboral ciate’s Degree. Estas presupuesto mensual o turno antes de graduarse
entrar a la universidad. de la mano o lo que carreras cortas se pueden simplemente el extrañar genera independencia y
AVID no es una beca, se piensa estudiar. Los cursas en los Colegios la rica comida hogareña cierta habilidad para las
pero como si lo fuera, el programas de Career X y comunitarios ya sea de de mamá. Es por eso que finanzas, sobre todo si se
estudiante AVID tiene Career Wise ofrecen a los manera local o en la zona desisten sus estudios y abre una cuenta bancar-
más herramientas y mejor estudiantes la oportuni- metropolitana. La ventaja optan por regresar a casa ia donde el estudiante
ética profesional que un dad de explorar carreras, de cursar en estas insti- en el primer o segundo aprenda a girar cheques,
estudiante promedio. conocer el campo que tuciones es que el costo semestre, sin importar controlar sus gastos y
Se gradúa con mejores se desea estudiar o ser de la colegiatura es suma- que tenían beca o los vigilar su presupuesto
promedios y va me- un aprendiz para tener mente reducido en com- recursos para pagar no mensual con la super-
jor preparado para no la certeza que esa es la paración de las grandes solo uno si no los 4 años visión de los padres.
abandonar sus estudios carrera u oficio que se universidades. Otra de universidad. ¿Cómo
post-secundarios. piensa estudiar por cua- ventaja es que si el estudi- se puede combatir esto? El as bajo la manga (If
tro largos años. Existen ante decide quedarse en Estudiar un año de inter- everything else fails)
Advanced Placement/ aprendices que inclusive el valle se ahorra con- cambio sería lo ideal, en USATODAY en un artí-
Dual Enrollment obtienen remuneración siderablemente el costo un ambiente controlado culo publicado en línea
Muchos padres de familia por su tiempo invertido de vivienda, otro de los y en un país lejano, pero reportó que, en 2018, los
navegan en los últimos y obviamente un crédito obstáculos que desanima lamentablemente sola- ingresos promedio de tra-
años en la preparatoria a favor de su diploma. a la familia o al estudiante mente una minoría acude bajadores que solo tenían
sin saber que existen a seguir estudiando. a esta opción. Si tener a diploma de preparatoria
clases que ayudan a sus El valor de ser bilingüe los hijos a 100 millas de fueron de $ 730 por
hijos a avanzar con los (Seal of Biliteracy) Factor de ansiedad aquí les resulta difícil aún semana, según la Oficina
requisitos de créditos Un profesionista bilingüe (Parents and students) más sería mandarlos al de Estadísticas Laborales
universitarios. Las clases tiene muchas más opor- Si por fin pudimos otro lado del Atlántico. de EE. UU. Para aquellos
de Ubicación Avanza- tunidades profesionales esquivar cada uno de los La preparación psi- con una licenciatura, era
da (AP) y las clases de que los que no lo son. El obstáculos durante los cológica empieza desde de $ 1,200, mientras que
Inscripción Dual (DE) sello bilingüe va impre- 12 años educativos del temprana edad, desde aquellos con una maestría
son de contenido y so en los diplomas de estudiante, aún que- que el niño tiene uso de generalmente ganaban
exigencias universitarias aquellos graduados que da solventar el último razón y no importando $ 1,400 por semana.
desde la comodidad de pasaron por un programa obstáculo que no tiene que los padres hayan ido Los números no
su preparatoria local, les de requisitos que los nada que ver con el o no a la universidad. La mienten, y siempre será
otorgan créditos tanto avala como estudiantes dinero o la capacidad idea se debe exponer, lo el mejor argumento para
para graduarse de pre- competentes en dos idio- académica: la nostalgia. más pronto mejor, una buscar y caminar por
paratoria como crédito mas. El proceso comien- Muchos estudiantes vista al campus aligera esa ruta que algunos
universitario, esto quiere za desde quinto grado no logran superar el la ansiedad, el conseguir toman y muy pocos
decir que al graduarse de hasta llegar por todos los vivir solos, el manejar un un empleo de medio terminan: la universidad.

Hispanic Culture
The Road to University
by Edgar Arroyo

W e often wonder,
can our children
attend a university? The
One of the main rea-
sons high schoolers aban-
don their dreams of con-
of our children, is to be
present, knowing what
they are studying and
an extremely import-
ant time. These are the
years to a build solid
hold that Grammy and
give their acceptance
speech. Determination
traditional college dream tinuing their education, is helping where we can. foundations of language, carries you through the
may look too difficult the lack of resources. A We should know, the reading, and mathemat- tough times and makes
to attain; the price is small, but timely invest- teacher’s email, when ics, which are critical for all the difference in the
very expensive, and ment can help them homework is due, dates the next stages of their world. It’s one of life’s
other obstacles make the fulfill their dreams. for parent-teacher con- education: middle-school most important lessons.
road more challenging. www.TheCollegeIn- ferences, and attending and high-school. AVID is a free pro-
These paradigms affect suggests all classroom/school-re- As they progress, the gram that seeks to
the dreams of thou- the following table to lated events, beginning tasks become more chal- change the way students
sands of students who invest in the future: with the opening day lenging. We go from Dr. study. It helps them
want a better future. “ice cream social”. Seuss to topics like the achieve the best grades
How to get that Volunteering is es- Civil War, and prominent in class and instills orga-
When does the road scholarship? (Full- sential. There’s a simple speeches like those of nizational practices for
to college begin? ride vs No-ride) application to complete. Dr. Martin Luther King. homework; skills that are
Although it may seem Assuming that your A target amount of We study world cultures, not innate in the average
incredible, planning for income does not allow time would be 10- comparing differences student. The program is
college starts from the you to save $175 per days a year, which can and similarities, and be- free, but (there is always
moment you know you month for 18-years, there easily be accomplished gin understanding things a but) it is not a program
are having a baby. A are other ways to achieve by most families. like capitalism in the for everyone. Teachers
Perhaps your daily Western World. We ex- identify candidates who
work prevents you from perience the distinctions have the potential to
being at every school between social studies continue beyond high
event. Advances in tech- and the sciences. Those school, and the program

Volunteering is essential. nology have made partic-

ipation accessible via cell
phone apps and Zoom.
pop quizzes in Algebra,
teach much more than
numbers. Hormones
is demanding. Many
manage to enter, but not
everyone graduates from
A vast majority of and adolescence do not the program. AVID is
teachers share classroom make things any easier. active in 7,000 schools
experiences through However, we have across the nation and
modest savings account a path to university that is blogs, newsletters, text many resources to help currently helps 2 mil-
can result in substantial relatively easy and simple messages, and through students and fami- lion students, get into
dividends after 18 years. to achieve but requires an traditional forms like lies achieve success. college. AVID is not a
It is estimated that the absolute commitment. report cards. Applica- The AVID Program scholarship but equips
average cost of a 4-year tions like Class Dojo or (Advancement via Indi- students with tools and
college is over $50,000 Parent Involvement PowerSchool help us vidual Determination) is professional work ethics.
for tuition, plus dorm, From preschool to the stay alert and informed better than a Scholarship. They graduate with high-
meals, and miscellaneous last year of high school, of what subjects or As the name suggests, er grade point averages
school expenses. There we as parents must show projects are missing it is a program to move and are better pre-
are also books, school a commitment. At a very and what an “F” actu- forward through individ- pared to complete their
supplies, travel, clothing, young age, our children ally means, and how to ual determination, what post-secondary studies.
and other expenses. start school, and our correct it. Just ask the is sown, is harvested.
Full scholarships example motivates (or teacher for the best way The hours spent in this Advanced Placement
are available, but very discourages) them to to connect to the class. program are like flight / Dual Enrollment
competitive, and while continue their studies. hours for a pilot seeking Many parents have nav-
your child should try to Teachers are constantly Erase the slate his commercial license, igated high school in re-
earn what financial aid seeking the commitment Although the first five or practice hours for cent years without know-
they can, you must have of parents, and only a years (six, including the athlete who seeks ing that there are classes
a Plan B or even C, when few answer the call. The preschool) are a fun and to reach the big leagues, available, which meet
it comes to paying for only way to participate exciting time for parents or for the musician who college credit require-
a college education. in the academic career and students, it’s also wishes to one day, get to ments. Attaining these

credits in high school In the rapidly globalizing is always the option of ey or academic ability, it’s that may include at-
means that you won’t workforce, a bilingual an Associate Degree. the nostalgia for home. tending college sporting
have to pay to take them professional has many Associate Degrees can Many students fail to events, or other activities
in college. Advanced more career opportu- be earned in community overcome the fear of open to the community.
Placement (AP) and nities than their mono- colleges either locally living alone, managing a It then becomes a wel-
Dual Enrollment (DE) lingual counterparts. or in the metropolitan monthly budget or they coming and fun place to
classes are college-level The bilingual stamp is area. The advantage of simply miss their moth- be. Getting a part-time
courses, which allow printed on the diplomas studying in these institu- er's rich home cooking. job before graduating,
students to complete of those graduates who tions is that the cost of That is why they give up generates indepen-
college requirements went through a pro- tuition is greatly reduced, their studies and choose dence, plus additional
from the comfort of gram of requirements compared to large to return home in the financial resources. If a
their local high school. that endorses them universities. Another first or second semester, bank account is opened
Those who pass the AP as competent in two advantage is that if the regardless of whether while the student is in
exam or DE course, languages. The process student decides to stay they had a scholarship high school, parents
graduate with joint starts in fifth grade and in the valley, they can or the resources to pay can monitor and teach
high school and college finishes with an exit generally eliminate the for any length of their the basics of balancing
credits. This gives them interview in high school, cost of housing, which college. This tempta- a budget and meeting
a distinct advantage where the candidate can provide a substantial tion can be overcome. obligations, while still
over their classmates for must demonstrate their saving, making the ideal Psychological prepa- allowing for fun.
admission and scholar- skills in both languages. of a college education a ration begins at an early A college degree
ships. It’s important to more attainable reality. age. The idea of college is attainable and can
check with the school The Option around Most universities provide should be introduced place your child on
counselor to verify the Corner (Com- transfer options, upon to students early on, the path of success.
that the credits will be munity Colleges) successful completion of whether their parents
accepted at your pre- If the opportunity of at- their Associate Degree. have gone to college or Edgar Arroyo, District Trans-
ferred college/university. tending a four-year uni- Anxiety Factor (Par- not. Scheduling a visit to lator/Interpreter at Berry
versity degree, seems un- ents and Students) view a college campus Creek Middle School. Contact:
Work 970-328-3956,
Career-X / CareerWise realistic and graduation The last obstacle has relieves anxiety about Cell 970-376-8140
It’s not just about good is approaching, there nothing to do with mon- the new environment;
grades. Students should
also begin exploring
what they want to do
with their futures. The
Career X and Career-
Wise programs offer
students the opportu-
nity to explore various
opportunities, learn
about the field they want
to pursue, or to enter an
apprentice program or
internship to earn trade
certifications. Some
of these things can
start while still in high
school. Upon comple-
tion, they receive credit
towards their diploma.

The Value of be-

ing Bilingual (Seal
of Biliteracy)


Holiday Dreams
Is Santa real?
by Jacqueline Cartier, RMT Publisher

W ho is Santa? Some
would say he is
a cheerful person who
a time filled with parties,
great food, fun songs,
and sentimental mem-
Who is Santa? Why
is the story so relatively
consistent around the
cial visit that you’ve been
too busy to arrange, or
the little something that
come-true. Why does
a child of age 10, who
clearly knows that a fat
visits once a year and ories. While different world? What is the you know someone has man in a red suit doesn’t
doesn’t overstay his religions celebrate this common thread? Why always wanted and you really come down the
welcome. He leaves his time of year in their does the spirit and image are finally able to give it chimney every year, still
pets outside, and always own unique way, oth- of Santa continue from to them but keep forget- look so brokenhearted
arrives with presents. In ers consider it simply generation to generation? ting. What about that at the thought that Santa
short, the perfect guest! a day to relax and Thoughts of hope, charity, which inspires might not be real?
A version of Santa has recover from a month- compassion, generosi- such passion in you, yet Maybe it’s because, in
survived the test of time long shopping spree. ty, happiness, tradition, it slips your mind to do every child’s heart, they
recognition of good something? December know that the spirit of
deeds, the inspiration for becomes your reminder. Santa lives eternally. It’s
the future … Santa sees Christmas is the ulti- not about the bearded
it all. And doesn’t it feel mate deadline for all the man in a red suit, or fly-
wonderful, to be recog- nice things we’ve meant ing deer, or elves making
nized for the good we to do. It allows us a very toys … what Christmas
do throughout the year? specific time, for show- represents, whether
Isn’t it nice to think that ing our appreciation for religious or secular, is
those acts of kindness everything we have, both love shared with fam-
won’t go unnoticed? physically and spiritually. ily, friends, and those
That family and friends It’s also an opportunity in need; and faith that
are spending their days to share that happiness wishes really can come
thinking of something with those we love, and true. It is a reset button
special to do, just for us? others who we deeply on what we’ve come
Christmas provides the care about. Our atten- to expect of ourselves
perfect moment to share tion is also brought to and others. It’s a global
your love with those the plight of so many, celebration of goodness.
who make the rest of within our community, A reminder of times
the year so significant. who struggle everyday past, with the excitement
The knowledge that with very little. While of what’s yet to come.
even during the darkest we can’t do everything Santa is a hero to mil-
GETTY time of year, there is a for everyone, we can lions of people because
in nearly every culture Symbolic of the holi- bright spot, a sense of certainly do something he represents the good
across the globe. In the day spirit is that cheerful security that everything for some, and Christmas we strive for; the desire
United Kingdom, there’s old soul named, Santa. will be OK … that provides that inspiration. to bring joy to other’s
Father Christmas. In It- Every year, parents are someone notices your Yes, Christmastime lives; the opportunity
aly, there’s Babbo Natale. faced with the challenge sacrifices and rewards provides the space to to show our apprecia-
In France, there’s Pere of trying to explain the you for them… that all stop and notice… a time tion to those we love.
Noel. In Russia, there’s existence of Santa. Is the family squabbles are for gratitude and recog- Santa exists to remind
Ded Moroz. In Chile, he real? It is never an temporarily set aside, nition of our blessings, us of our better selves.
there’s Viejo Pascuero. easy task. Why? What replaced by love, appre- and the power we have, Santa lives in each and
The names are different, does the idea of no Santa ciation, and generosity. to bring happiness to every one of us. And
but the spirit is the same. mean to children? Why Of course, family and others; it’s known as the the next time you hear
For many, the tradi- is it such a sad conversa- friends love you all year, magic of Christmas. someone say that there
tions of Christmas are tion? The presents would and receiving presents Why does Santa live is no Santa, just smile,
religious, for others it is still come. The tree and is always fun, but how on? Because hope lives and remember that they
cultural. Regardless of lights would remain. often do we intend to do on. If we tell a child simply haven’t recog-
one’s personal beliefs The happy songs would something meaningful there is no Santa, for nized the magic within
about the holiday, nearly continue. Why then, is for someone, and time many, it’s like saying themselves, the Santa
everyone welcomes the it so upsetting? And is it just slips away, and it nev- there is no hope, no that lives in us all.
mid-winter break. It is true? No Santa, really? er gets done? That spe- miracles, no dreams-

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