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Sep 2021


Publisher: Dire Wolf (2020)

Page 1: Rules summary front

Page 2: Rules summary back
Page 3: Play reference front x2
Page 4: Play reference back x2

These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference. Universal
Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not benefit financially
from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This
PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.

If you need exceptional quality graphic design Peter ‘Universal Head’ Gifford
for your next project, visit The Esoteric Order of Gamers
Once you’ve taken a reveal turn, your turns are skipped for the REVEAL TURN 2. RESOLVE COMBAT
rest of the phase, while other players finish taking their turns. Rewards from the conflict card are given to players based on their
When you have no more agents for agent turns (or you choose not
Once all players have taken a reveal turn, this phase ends. strength, as shown on the combat track.
to use any agents you have remaining), you take a reveal turn by
You may play any plot intrigue cards you have during this phase, performing these steps in order: The player with the highest strength wins the conflict and gains
at any point during one of your own agent or reveal turns. the top reward on the conflict card. The player with the second
SETUP Reveal all cards remaining in your hand, placing them faceup
highest strength gains the second reward. In a 4 player game
AGENT TURN (only), the player with the third highest strength receives the third
Place the game board in your play area, then place the Mentat in play in front of you. Keep them separate from other cards you reward. A player with 0 strength does not receive any reward.
In an agent turn, you play 1 card from your hand faceup in front of played previously on agent turns.
on its side in the mentat space, and the 4 alliance tokens on the
you, using it to send an agent from your leader to an unoccupied Once all rewards have been given, each player takes their troops
marked areas of the faction’s influence tracks (Emperor, Spacing
Guild, Bene Gesserit, and Fremen).
space on the board. This space must have an icon in its upper left 2. RESOLVE REVEAL EFFECTS from the conflict and puts them in their supply (not their garrison).
corner matching one of the agent icons on the card. You now gain the effects in the reveal boxes (bottom box) of all Reset all combat markers to 0 on the combat track.
Separate the conflict cards by their backs (I, II, and III) and the cards you just revealed (but not those of any cards you played
You must choose only 1 agent icon on your card; one card can’t On a tie for first place, no one wins. The tied players each receive
shuffle each deck. Place the 4 conflict III cards facedown in the during agent turns earlier in the round).
send multiple agents. the second reward. In a 4 player game, if 2 players tie for first
marked area of the board, deal 5 conflict II cards facedown on top
of them, then deal one conflict I card facedown on top of them. You may resolve reveal effects in any order you like. You may also place, the other 2 players still compete for the third reward.
You can’t send an agent to a board space that already has one.
This final 10 card deck is the conflict deck. Return the unused may use persuasion you’ve gained to acquire new cards for
The board space you choose may have a cost or requirements. If When players tie for second place, they each receive the third
conflict cards to the box without looking at them. your deck before, between, or after your reveal effects.
you can’t pay the cost immediately (before resolving any effects of reward. Players tying for third place receive nothing.
Shuffle the intrigue deck and place it facedown next to the board. You may acquire any of the 5 cards in the imperium row, or Arrakis
the space or the card you played), you can’t send your agent there.
Shuffle the imperium deck and place it facedown next to the Liaison or The Spice Must Flow from the reserve (Foldspace is 4. MAKERS
board. From it, deal 5 cards face up to form an imperium row. Sietch Tabr has a unique requirement: to send an agent there, acquired at the board space of the same name). The cost to
you must have 2 or more influence with the Fremen. acquire a card is shown at the top right of that card. Check each of the 3 board spaces with a Maker icon: The Great
Next to this, place the reserve cards in 3 stacks: one for Arrakis Flat, Hagga Basin, and Imperial Basin. If the space does not have
Liaison, one for The Spice Must Flow, and one for Foldspace. The agent box (top box) of the card you played may provide an You may acquire as many cards as you like, as long as you have an agent, place 1 spice from the bank on that space (in the spot
effect when you play it on an agent turn (ignore the reveal box of enough persuasion to spend. You may pool persuasion from
Each player takes a leader and places it in front of them (choose designated for bonus spice). This is added to any bonus spice that
the card during agent turns). multiple sources (cards and board spaces) to acquire 1 card,
or select at random). Leaders with more icons after their names may already be there from previous rounds.
If a card does not have any agent icons on it, you may not play it and may split persuasion from a single source to pay for different
are more strategically complex. cards. Any persuasion you don’t use during your reveal turn is lost.
during an agent turn; it may only be revealed during a reveal turn. 5. RECALL
Each player takes a 10 card starting deck, shuffles it, and places When you acquire a card, place it in your discard pile (faceup to
it facedown in their supply to the left of their leader. Each player When you play a card and send an agent to a board space, If any player is at 10 or more victory point (VPs) on the score
you gain the effects of the board space as well as the effects the right of your leader).
takes 1 water and places it in their supply. track, or if the conflict deck is empty, the endgame is triggered.
contained in the card's agent box. If the board space belongs to Whenever the imperium row does not have 5 cards, replace If no one has won, prepare the next round:
Create a bank next to the board containing the solari, spice, and one of the factions, you also move your cube 1 space up on its missing cards from the top of the imperium deck. Therefore, after
remaining water tokens. These are not limited; if you run out and Return the Mentat to its designated space in the Landsraad
influence track. You may carry out all these effects in any order. you acquire a card, you may then acquire the card that replaces it
need more, use any convenient substitute. (if it’s not already there). Players recall their agents, returning
Arrows ( ) indicate that there is a cost (left of the arrow, or (if you have enough persuasion). them to their leaders.
Each player chooses a color and takes all of its components. Place above it) you must pay to get the effect (right of the arrow, or 3. SET STRENGTH Finally, pass the first player marker clockwise to the next player,
2 of your agents on your leader, and your third (swordmaster) next below it). You are never forced to pay such a cost, but if don’t, you Total your strength for the combat this round. Each troop you and begin a new round.
to the board. Place one of your 2 discs on the score track. In a 4 do not gain the effect. have in the conflict is worth 2 strength (troops in your garrison or
player game, place it on the 1 space. Otherwise, place it on the
DEPLOYING TROOPS TO THE CONFLICT supply contribute nothing). Each sword you revealed during your OTHER RULES
0 space. Place your combat marker (sword side faceup) on the 0
Whenever the cube icon appears on a card or board space, you reveal turn is worth 1 strength.
space of the combat track. LEADERS
recruit 1 troop. Take a troop from your supply and place it in your You must have at least 1 troop in the conflict to have any strength.
Place 4 cubes, one each, on the bottom spaces of the influence Each Leader has 2 unique abilities: the ability on the left is used
garrison on the board. If you run out of troops in your supply, you If your last troop is removed, your strength is 0, and can’t be
tracks of the 4 factions. The other 12 cubes are your troops: place during play as described. The ability on the right (marked by the
can’t recruit more until some return. increased by any means, including swords on cards you revealed.
3 in one of the 4 circular garrisons on the board (each player signet ring icon, is activated when you play your Signet Ring card
taking the one closest to them). When you send an agent to a combat space (a desert illustration When you’ve totaled your strength, announce it to your opponents on one of your agent turns.
Place remaining components in your supply, in view of all players. and crossed swords), you may deploy troops to the conflict area and move your combat marker to the corresponding space on the
of the board. You may deploy any or all troops recruited during combat track. If your strength is over 20, flip the combat marker
Determine a first player randomly to take the first player marker.
your current turn (from both the board space and the card you to the +20 side and start again from the beginning of the track. Whenever you acquire a new imperium or reserve card, place it
played), plus up to 2 more troops from your garrison. Any troops in your discard pile. If at any time you’re unable to draw a card
ROUND STRUCTURE you recruit but choose not to deploy to the conflict are placed in 4. CLEAN UP because your deck is empty, reshuffle your discard pile to form a
The game is played in a sequence of rounds. Each round consists your garrison as usual. Remove all the cards from in front of you (from your agent and new deck, then continue to draw as needed.
of 5 phases, played in order. reveal turns) and put them in your discard pile.
Some conflict cards reward you with control over one of 3 spaces: You send agents to spaces on the game board, sometimes
1. ROUND START 3. COMBAT gathering resources, sometimes paying resources to advance your
Arrakeen, Carthag, or Imperial Basin (based on the card’s title).
Reveal a new conflict card from the top of the conflict deck If you win such a conflict, take a control marker from your supply strategy. You can’t send an agent to a board space without first
and place it faceup in the space next to the deck (on top of any and place it on the flag below the appropriate board space. playing a card that allows it.
Starting with the player who has the first player marker and going
conflict cards from previous rounds). clockwise, each player with at least 1 troop in the conflict may The Mentat is a special freelance agent that you can temporarily
While your control marker is on one of these spaces, you receive
Each player then draws 5 cards from their own deck, forming their the bonus shown whenever any player (yourself included) sends play any number of combat intrigue cards, or may pass. add to your roster of agents for 1 round.
hand for the round. an agent there. The bonus is 1 solari for Arrakeen or Carthag, and You are not required to pass just because you passed earlier FACTIONS
1 spice for Imperial Basin. in the combat phase. Once all players involved in combat pass When you send an agent to a faction’s board space, gain 1
2. PLAYER TURNS When a conflict card is revealed for a space that you already consecutively, you then resolve the combat. influence with that faction by advancing your cube 1 space on its
Starting with the player with the first player marker and going control, you receive a defensive bonus: you may deploy 1 troop If a card changes the number of troops a player has in the conflict influence track. Other game effects can also move your cube up
clockwise, players take 1 turn at a time. from your supply to the conflict. (or otherwise alters their strength), they adjust their combat and down the track.

HARVESTING SPICE marker accordingly on the combat track (if you have no troops in When you reach 2 influence with a faction, you gain a VP. If you
On your turn, take either an agent turn or a reveal turn. Generally,
the conflict, your strength is 0). drop back below 2 influence, you lose that VP.
you take agent turns until you run out of agents to place, then you There are 3 board spaces with a Maker icon, where you may
take a reveal turn. Agent turns are optional. If you wish, you can harvest spice: The Great Flat, Hagga Basin, and Imperial Basin. If an intrigue cards says you do something “when you win a When you reach 4 influence, gain the bonus on that space of the
take a reveal turn while you still have agents instead of taking an When you send an agent to one, you gain the base value of spice conflict,” you must wait until you’ve won the conflict before track. If you drop back below 4 influence, you do not give back the
agent turn. shown, plus any bonus spice that has accumulated there. playing the card. bonus (you may earn the same bonus more than once).
The first player to reach 4 influence with a faction also earns an 2 PLAYER GAMES COMBAT HARDY WARRIORS
alliance with that faction. They take the alliance token from the Rivals gain first and second place rewards from conflicts, even Agent icon: Fremen Cost: 1 water
House Hagal competes against you and your opponent. It doesn’t
track, put it in their supply and gain the VP shown on the alliance things they otherwise don’t take from board spaces: they gain Combat space. Gain 1 influence with the Fremen. Recruit 2 troops.
collect resources, build a deck, earn rewards, or score VPs, but it
token. If they are ever passed by an opponent rising to a higher VPs, and influence with factions. They gain solari, spice, water,
does use the House Hagal cards, sending agents to occupy board HEIGHLINER
space on the track, they must give the alliance token to that and intrigue cards (keep these in the rival’s supply). They win
spaces and competing in conflicts.
opponent; they lose that VP and the opponent gains it. control of board spaces, placing a control marker on the flag Agent icon: Spacing Guild Cost: 6 spice
SETUP below it. On future turns, they get the control bonus whenever you Combat space. Gain 2 influence with the Spacing Guild. Recruit 5
INTRIGUE CARDS troops and gain 2 water.
Choose a color for House Hagal. Place one of its cubes on each of or a rival sends an agent there. They also receive the defensive
You receive intrigue cards primarily from these board spaces: the bottom spaces beneath the influence tracks of the 4 factions. bonus of 1 troop if a conflict over that board space is later
Carthag, Conspire, and Secrets. They are kept facedown, separate Put the rest of its cubes in its supply. It starts with no troops in HIGH COUNCIL
revealed. They gain the Mentat, and use it as an agent during the
from your deck, and you may look at them at any time. Reveal its garrison. Remove from the House Hagal deck the 3 Arrakeen Agent icon: Landsraad Cost: 5 Solari
next round.
them only when you play them. Once an intrigue card is played cards marked 1P in the upper right corner. Shuffle the remaining You may send an agent here once per game. Place your councilor
and resolved, place it faceup in a discard pile next to the deck. cards and place them and House Hagal’s 3 agents near its supply. ADDITIONAL RULES token on an unoccupied council seat (to the right of the space).
Plot: play any time during one of your agent or reveal turns. Swordmasters: When you reveal the conflict card above the rival For the rest of the game, during each of your reveal turns, gain 2
GAMEPLAY swordmasters, your rivals each immediately receive their third persuasion.
Combat: play only during combat. After each of the first player’s agent turns, House Hagal acts, agents; they will use them in the current round and for the rest of
Endgame: play only at the end of the game. as long as it has an agent remaining in its supply. The number of the game.
turns that House Hagal takes each round varies because it acts Agent icon: Spice Trade
Choices: Whenever a rival has a choice about gaining influence, Combat space. Gain 1 spice, plus any bonus spice accumulated
ENDGAME after the first player.
they choose the faction in which they have the least. On a tie (or here on the Maker icon. Imperial Basin’s controller gains 1 spice.
First, you may play and resolve any endgame intrigue cards you Because House Hagal can’t collect rewards from a conflict, it can when there is a choice not involving influence), you decide.
have. Then whoever has the most VPs is the winner. On a tie, never claim control of a board space. However, if it wins a conflict MENTAT
Corner the market: For the purposes of this intrigue card, treat
tiebreakers are, in order: amount of spice, solari, water, and for a board space currently controlled by another player, remove Agent icon: Landsraad Cost: 2 Solari
each rival as though they have 2 The Spice Must Flow cards (you’ll
garrisoned troops. that player’s control marker. Draw a card. If the Mentat is here, take it and place it on your
need 3 yourself to get 2 VPs).
leader; this round, you may use it as one of your agents to take an
HOUSE HAGAL SOLO GAMES Expert troop deployment: When playing at expert difficulty, your agent turn. During Phase 5: Recall, return it here.
You face off against 2 rivals; if either reaches 10 or more VPs, they rivals are more selective about deploying troops to a conflict.
House Hagal cards are used to control automated opponents will trigger the end of the game (and they may defeat you). When fighting for a conflict I or II card, a rival won’t deploy troops RALLY TROOPS
(rivals) who compete against you in solo and 2 player games. if it is already leading by 2 or more troops (saving them in its Agent icon: Landsraad Cost: 4 Solari
These opponents send agents to occupy board spaces and
garrison instead). For a critical conflict III card, a rival will resume Recruit 4 troops.
contest conflicts by recruiting and deploying troops. Select a difficulty level: Mercenary Sardaukar Mentat
deploying all the troops it can at every opportunity.
Novice Veteran Expert RESEARCH STATION
Rivals are affected by cards and board spaces that affect
‘opponents/players’ if they have the specified resources. Your extra starting resources 1 solari – – SPENDING RESOURCES Agent icon: City Cost: 2 water
1 spice At any time, when a rival has the following resources, they’ll spend Combat space. Draw 3 cards.
Agents them to earn a VP.
During Phase 2: Player Turns, a rival will take agent turns but it 5 solari token on Mentat space No Yes Yes SECRETS
1 VP = 3 intrigue cards / 3 water / 7 intrigue / 7 spice. Agent icon: Bene Gesserit
will not take reveal turns. Rival starting garrisoned troops – 3 3
Gain 1 influence with the Bene Gesserit. Draw an intrigue card.
When a rival takes an agent turn, reveal the top card of the House Conflict cards above BOARD SPACES Each opponent who has 4 or more intrigue cards must give you
Hagal deck; this will send an agent to the revealed board space, rival swordmasters 5 4 3 one of them (selected at random).
as long as it is unoccupied. If it is occupied, ignore the card and ARRAKEEN
continue revealing cards until you reveal an unoccupied space. Rival extra starting resources – 1 intrigue 1 intrigue Agent icon: City SECURE CONTRACT
card card Combat space. Recruit a troop and draw a card. Arrakeen’s Agent icon: Spice Trade
If the House Hagal deck is ever empty (or if the reshuffle card is
Kwisatz Haderach (Expert+): You also can’t gain a swordmaster. controller gains 1 solari. Gain 3 Solari.
revealed), immediately reshuffle the cards to form a new deck.
Choose 2 leaders, one for each rival. These rivals will use only the CARTHAG SELECTIVE BREEDING
When a rival sends an agent to a board space, ignore all normal
Signet Ring ability on their leaders, ignoring the ability on the left. Agent icon: City Agent icon: Bene Gesserit Cost: 2 spice
costs and effects of that space. Instead, it gets only the effects
Your opponents can’t play Paul Atreides or Helena Richese. Combat space. Recruit a troop and draw an intrigue card. Gain 1 Influence with the Bene Gesserit. Trash 1 card to draw 2
indicated on its revealed card:
For each rival, choose a color. Place one of their cubes on each of Carthag’s controller gains 1 solari. cards.
The rival advances on the the bottom spaces beneath the influence tracks of the 4 factions.
indicated influence track. CONSPIRE SELL MELANGE
Put the number of troops in their garrison for your chosen Agent icon: Emperor Cost: 4 spice Agent icon: Spice Trade Cost: 2 to 5 spice.
It earns no bonuses from an influence track, but it will take difficulty, and the rest in their supply. Place 2 of their agents in
a faction alliance if able. Gain 1 influence with the Emperor. Gain 5 solari, recruit 2 troops, Gain the amount of solari shown based on the cost you paid. You
their supply, and insert the swordmasters (third agents) for both and draw an intrigue card. can’t make multiple exchanges on a single turn.
The rival uses the Signet Ring ability on its leader rivals into the conflict deck, putting exactly the number of cards
on top of them as indicated for your difficulty. FOLDSPACE SIETCH TABR
(solo play only).
Remove from the House Hagal deck all cards marked 2P in the Agent icon: Spacing Guild Agent icon: City
The rival recruits 1 troop from its supply for each such
upper right corner (the Reshuffle card and 3 Arrakeen cards). Gain 1 Influence with the Spacing Guild. Acquire a Foldspace card Requirement: You must have 2 or more influence with the Fremen.
icon. If the revealed card is a combat space, deploy them
to the conflict. Otherwise, put the troops in its garrison. Shuffle the remaining cards and place the deck near your rivals. from the reserve. Combat space. Recruit a troop and gain 1 water.

Any time a rival sends an agent to a combat space, it also deploys If your difficulty calls for it, place a 5 solari token on the Mentat THE GREAT FLAT STILLSUITS
up to 2 troops from its garrison (if available) to the conflict. Do space: for this game, this board space costs 5 solari instead Agent icon: Spice Trade Cost: 2 water Agent icon: Fremen
this even if the card itself recruited no troops. of 2. You and your rivals each start with 1 water, plus the extra Combat space. Gain 3 spice, plus any bonus spice accumulated Combat space. Gain 1 influence with the Fremen. Gain 1 water.
resources indicated for your chosen difficulty. The rival on your here on the Maker icon.
left takes the first player marker. HAGGA BASIN
When Phase 3: Combat begins, each rival that has at least 1 troop Agent icon: Landsraad Cost: 8 Solari
in the conflict gets a combat bonus. In turn order, reveal the top RIVALS’ TURNS Agent icon: Spice Trade Cost: 1 water You may send an agent here once per game. Gain your
card of the House Hagal deck. If you reveal the reshuffle card, During Phase 2: Player Turns, your rivals each take agent turns Combat space. Gain 2 spice, plus any bonus spice accumulated swordmaster (your third agent that was placed next to the board
reshuffle the deck and reveal again. Ignore everything on the in sequence with you, as long as they have an agent remaining in here on the Maker icon. during setup). Place it on your leader. For the rest of the game
revealed card except for the sword icons at the bottom. their supply. (including this round) you have 3 agents.
Advance the opponent’s combat marker on the combat track by When a rival uses harvest spice to send an agent to a board Agent icon: Landsraad WEALTH
the number of swords revealed. Players may then play combat space, it gains all spice there (base and bonus). Place any Recruit a troop. During your Reveal turn, gain 1 persuasion if you Agent icon: Emperor
intrigue cards before resolving combat. accumulated resources in the rival’s supply. have an agent here. Gain 1 influence with the Emperor. Gain 2 solari.
When you acquire a card, place it in your discard pile. When you acquire a card, place it in your discard pile.
Whenever the imperium row does not have 5 cards, replace Whenever the imperium row does not have 5 cards, replace
missing cards from the top of the imperium deck. missing cards from the top of the imperium deck.


Total your strength. Each troop you have in the conflict is worth Total your strength. Each troop you have in the conflict is worth
1. ROUND START 2 strength. Each sword you revealed during your reveal turn is 1. ROUND START 2 strength. Each sword you revealed during your reveal turn is
Reveal a new conflict card. worth 1 strength. You must have at least 1 troop in the conflict Reveal a new conflict card. worth 1 strength. You must have at least 1 troop in the conflict
Each player then draws 5 cards from their own deck. to have any strength. Each player then draws 5 cards from their own deck. to have any strength.
Announce your total strength to your opponents and move Announce your total strength to your opponents and move
2. PLAYER TURNS your combat marker to the corresponding space. 2. PLAYER TURNS your combat marker to the corresponding space.
Starting with the first player and going clockwise, players take 4. CLEAN UP Starting with the first player and going clockwise, players take 4. CLEAN UP
1 turn at a time. On your turn, take either an agent turn or a Remove all the cards from in front of you (from your agent and 1 turn at a time. On your turn, take either an agent turn or a Remove all the cards from in front of you (from your agent and
reveal turn (commonly, you take agent turns until you run out reveal turns) and put them in your discard pile. reveal turn (commonly, you take agent turns until you run out reveal turns) and put them in your discard pile.
of agents, then you take a reveal turn). Once you’ve taken a of agents, then you take a reveal turn). Once you’ve taken a
reveal turn, your turns are skipped for the rest of the phase. reveal turn, your turns are skipped for the rest of the phase.
Once all players have taken a reveal turn, this phase ends.
3. COMBAT Once all players have taken a reveal turn, this phase ends.
You may play any plot intrigue cards at any point during one of 1. COMBAT INTRIGUE CARDS You may play any plot intrigue cards at any point during one of 1. COMBAT INTRIGUE CARDS
your own agent or reveal turns. Starting with the player who has the first player marker and your own agent or reveal turns. Starting with the player who has the first player marker and
going clockwise, each player with at least 1 troop in the going clockwise, each player with at least 1 troop in the
AGENT TURN conflict may play any number of combat intrigue cards, or AGENT TURN conflict may play any number of combat intrigue cards, or
may pass. may pass.
Play 1 card from your hand, using it to send an agent to an Play 1 card from your hand, using it to send an agent to an
unoccupied space. This space must have an icon in its upper You are not required to pass just because you passed earlier unoccupied space. This space must have an icon in its upper You are not required to pass just because you passed earlier
left corner matching one of the agent icons on the card.Pay in the combat phase. Once all players involved in combat pass left corner matching one of the agent icons on the card.Pay in the combat phase. Once all players involved in combat pass
any cost or requirement of the space. consecutively, you then resolve the combat. any cost or requirement of the space. consecutively, you then resolve the combat.
Gain the effects of the board space and the effects in the If a card changes the number of troops a player has in the Gain the effects of the board space and the effects in the If a card changes the number of troops a player has in the
card's agent box. If the board space belongs to one of the conflict (or otherwise alters their strength), they adjust their card's agent box. If the board space belongs to one of the conflict (or otherwise alters their strength), they adjust their
factions, move your cube 1 space up on its influence track. combat marker accordingly on the combat track (if you have factions, move your cube 1 space up on its influence track. combat marker accordingly on the combat track (if you have
no troops in the conflict, your strength is 0). no troops in the conflict, your strength is 0).
Arrows ( ) indicate there is a cost to pay to get the effect. Arrows ( ) indicate there is a cost to pay to get the effect.
If an intrigue cards says you do something “when you win a If an intrigue cards says you do something “when you win a
DEPLOYING TROOPS TO THE CONFLICT conflict,” you must wait until you’ve won the conflict before DEPLOYING TROOPS TO THE CONFLICT conflict,” you must wait until you’ve won the conflict before
Whenever the cube icon appears on a card or board space, playing the card. Whenever the cube icon appears on a card or board space, playing the card.
recruit 1 troop, placing it in your garrison. recruit 1 troop, placing it in your garrison.
When you send an agent to a combat space, you may deploy When you send an agent to a combat space, you may deploy
Rewards from the conflict card are given to players based on Rewards from the conflict card are given to players based on
any or all troops recruited during your current turn, plus up to any or all troops recruited during your current turn, plus up to
their strength, as shown on the combat track. their strength, as shown on the combat track.
2 more from your garrison. 2 more from your garrison.
The player with the highest strength wins the conflict and gains The player with the highest strength wins the conflict and gains
CONTROL BONUSES the top reward on the conflict card. The player with the second CONTROL BONUSES the top reward on the conflict card. The player with the second
Some conflict cards reward you with control over Arrakeen, highest strength gains the second reward. In a 4 player game Some conflict cards reward you with control over Arrakeen, highest strength gains the second reward. In a 4 player game
Carthag, or Imperial Basin. If you win such a conflict, place a (only), the player with the third highest strength receives the Carthag, or Imperial Basin. If you win such a conflict, place a (only), the player with the third highest strength receives the
control marker on the flag below the space. third reward. A player with 0 strength does not receive any control marker on the flag below the space. third reward. A player with 0 strength does not receive any
You receive the bonus shown whenever any player (yourself reward. You receive the bonus shown whenever any player (yourself reward.
included) sends an agent there (1 solari for Arrakeen or Once all rewards have been given, each player takes their included) sends an agent there (1 solari for Arrakeen or Once all rewards have been given, each player takes their
Carthag, and 1 spice for Imperial Basin). troops from the conflict and puts them in their supply (not their Carthag, and 1 spice for Imperial Basin). troops from the conflict and puts them in their supply (not their
When a conflict card is revealed for a space that you already garrison). Reset all combat markers to 0 on the combat track. When a conflict card is revealed for a space that you already garrison). Reset all combat markers to 0 on the combat track.
control, you receive a defensive bonus: you may deploy 1 troop On a tie for first place, no one wins. The tied players each control, you receive a defensive bonus: you may deploy 1 troop On a tie for first place, no one wins. The tied players each
from your supply to the conflict. receive the second reward. In a 4 player game, if 2 players tie from your supply to the conflict. receive the second reward. In a 4 player game, if 2 players tie
HARVESTING SPICE for first, the other 2 players still compete for the third reward. HARVESTING SPICE for first, the other 2 players still compete for the third reward.
When you send an agent to a space with a Maker icon (The When players tie for second place, they each receive the third When you send an agent to a space with a Maker icon (The When players tie for second place, they each receive the third
Great Flat, Hagga Basin, and Imperial Basin), you gain the base reward. Players tying for third place receive nothing. Great Flat, Hagga Basin, and Imperial Basin), you gain the base reward. Players tying for third place receive nothing.
value of spice shown, plus any bonus spice there. value of spice shown, plus any bonus spice there.
Check each of the 3 board spaces with a Maker icon: The Check each of the 3 board spaces with a Maker icon: The
1. REVEAL CARDS Great Flat, Hagga Basin, and Imperial Basin. If the space does 1. REVEAL CARDS Great Flat, Hagga Basin, and Imperial Basin. If the space does
Reveal all cards remaining in your hand. not have an agent, place 1 spice from the bank on that space Reveal all cards remaining in your hand. not have an agent, place 1 spice from the bank on that space
(added to any bonus spice from previous rounds). (added to any bonus spice from previous rounds).
Gain the effects in the reveal boxes (bottom box) of all the Gain the effects in the reveal boxes (bottom box) of all the
cards you just revealed. You may also may use persuasion 5. RECALL cards you just revealed. You may also may use persuasion 5. RECALL
you’ve gained to acquire new cards for your deck. You may If any player is at 10+ VPs, or if the conflict deck is empty, the you’ve gained to acquire new cards for your deck. You may If any player is at 10+ VPs, or if the conflict deck is empty, the
acquire any of the 5 cards in the imperium row, or Arrakis endgame is triggered. acquire any of the 5 cards in the imperium row, or Arrakis endgame is triggered.
Liaison or The Spice Must Flow from the reserve. Liaison or The Spice Must Flow from the reserve.
If no one has won, prepare the next round: return the Mentat If no one has won, prepare the next round: return the Mentat
You may acquire as many cards as you like, as long as you have to its Landsraad space. Players recall their agents. Finally, pass You may acquire as many cards as you like, as long as you have to its Landsraad space. Players recall their agents. Finally, pass
enough persuasion to spend. Any persuasion you don’t use the first player marker clockwise to the next player, and begin enough persuasion to spend. Any persuasion you don’t use the first player marker clockwise to the next player, and begin
during your reveal turn is lost. a new round. during your reveal turn is lost. a new round.
Some cards have a special acquire box, shown Take the mentat from its space on the board Some cards have a special acquire box, shown Take the mentat from its space on the board
underneath their cost. You gain the effect here one (if it’s there; you can’t take it from another player underneath their cost. You gain the effect here one (if it’s there; you can’t take it from another player
time, at the moment you acquire the card (and not
or another space). time, at the moment you acquire the card (and not
or another space).
later, when you play it from your hand). later, when you play it from your hand).

Place it on your leader; you may use it as one of your agents
Place it on your leader; you may use it as one of your agents
to take an agent turn. When you take the mentat as a conflict to take an agent turn. When you take the mentat as a conflict
ACQUIRE A FOLDSPACE CARD reward, keep it as an agent for next round and don’t return it to ACQUIRE A FOLDSPACE CARD reward, keep it as an agent for next round and don’t return it to
from the reserve. the board at the end of this one. from the reserve. the board at the end of this one.

Indicates a cost (left of the arrow, or above it) Indicates a cost (left of the arrow, or above it)
From the swordmaster space, you can gain your third From the swordmaster space, you can gain your third
and an effect (right of the arrow, or below it). and an effect (right of the arrow, or below it).
agent (that was placed next to the board during setup agent (that was placed next to the board during setup
of the game), then use it for the rest of the game. If you don’t pay the cost, you don’t get the effect. You are never of the game), then use it for the rest of the game. If you don’t pay the cost, you don’t get the effect. You are never
forced to pay such a cost on a card. forced to pay such a cost on a card.
You may use this effect only if you have the alliance token of PERSUASION You may use this effect only if you have the alliance token of PERSUASION
the faction shown. the faction shown.
You receive persuasion mainly from the reveal boxes You receive persuasion mainly from the reveal boxes
on cards, and use it to acquire imperium or reserve on cards, and use it to acquire imperium or reserve
CONTROL cards, paying the cost shown in their top right corner. CONTROL cards, paying the cost shown in their top right corner.
If you win a conflict with a control reward (Arrakeen, If you win a conflict with a control reward (Arrakeen,
Carthag, or Imperial Basin), place your control marker RECALL Carthag, or Imperial Basin), place your control marker RECALL
on the flag below that space (replacing any opponent’s When you recall one of your agents, put it back on your leader. on the flag below that space (replacing any opponent’s When you recall one of your agents, put it back on your leader.
marker there). When a conflict card is revealed for a You may use it again on another agent turn in the same round. marker there). When a conflict card is revealed for a You may use it again on another agent turn in the same round.
space that you already control, you may deploy one space that you already control, you may deploy one
troop from your supply to the conflict. RESOURCES troop from your supply to the conflict. RESOURCES
Solari, spice, water. Solari, spice, water.
DRAW A CARD from your deck. If your deck is When you gain a resource or pay one as a cost, it’s taken from
DRAW A CARD from your deck. If your deck is When you gain a resource or pay one as a cost, it’s taken from
empty, reshuffle the discard pile in your supply to form empty, reshuffle the discard pile in your supply to form
or returned to the bank. For solari and spice, gain or pay the or returned to the bank. For solari and spice, gain or pay the
a new deck, then continue to draw. a new deck, then continue to draw.
amount shown. amount shown.
deck. Keep it facedown until you play it. You may look deck. Keep it facedown until you play it. You may look
When you retreat a troop, move it from the conflict back to When you retreat a troop, move it from the conflict back to
at it at any time. at it at any time.
your garrison. your garrison.


You may use this effect if you have one or more other Fremen When you play your signet ring card on an agent turn, You may use this effect if you have one or more other Fremen When you play your signet ring card on an agent turn,
cards in play. Two cards with Fremen bond can activate one you use the signet ring ability (with the corresponding cards in play. Two cards with Fremen bond can activate one you use the signet ring ability (with the corresponding
another, regardless of order played. icon) on your leader. another, regardless of order played. icon) on your leader.


Cards you play on agent turns and reveal during your reveal Each opponent who has 4 or more intrigue cards must Cards you play on agent turns and reveal during your reveal Each opponent who has 4 or more intrigue cards must
turn remain faceup and in play until you clean up at the end of give you one of them (selected at random). turn remain faceup and in play until you clean up at the end of give you one of them (selected at random).
your reveal turn (unless they are trashed first). your reveal turn (unless they are trashed first).
INFLUENCE Each sword adds 1 strength to your strength total in a INFLUENCE Each sword adds 1 strength to your strength total in a
You may use this effect only if you have at least the amount of conflict. You may use this effect only if you have at least the amount of conflict.
influence indicated with the given faction. influence indicated with the given faction.
TRASH 1 CARD from your hand, discard pile, or in TRASH 1 CARD from your hand, discard pile, or in
GAIN INFLUENCE play. Return it to the box; it won’t be used for the rest GAIN INFLUENCE play. Return it to the box; it won’t be used for the rest
with the faction shown: of the game (return reserve cards to their stack in the with the faction shown: of the game (return reserve cards to their stack in the
Emperor, Spacing Guild, reserve instead). Emperor, Spacing Guild, reserve instead).
Bene Gesserit, or Fremen. Bene Gesserit, or Fremen.
Trashing is optional unless it’s paying a cost, or if a Trashing is optional unless it’s paying a cost, or if a
GAIN 1, GAIN 2, card directs you to trash itself. GAIN 1, GAIN 2, card directs you to trash itself.
Choose any one of the 4 factions. TROOP Choose any one of the 4 factions. TROOP
If gaining 2 influence, you cannot choose 2 different factions. Recruit 1 troop; take it from your supply and put it in If gaining 2 influence, you cannot choose 2 different factions. Recruit 1 troop; take it from your supply and put it in
your garrison on the game board. If you recruited the your garrison on the game board. If you recruited the
LOSE A TROOP troop while sending an agent to a combat space, you LOSE A TROOP troop while sending an agent to a combat space, you
When you lose a troop, return it to your supply (not your may deploy it to the conflict. When you lose a troop, return it to your supply (not your may deploy it to the conflict.
garrison). garrison).
MAKER When you gain a VP, move your score marker one MAKER When you gain a VP, move your score marker one
space up on the score track. When you lose one, move space up on the score track. When you lose one, move
The 3 board spaces with the maker icon each gain your score marker one space down.
The 3 board spaces with the maker icon each gain your score marker one space down.
1 bonus spice during Phase 4: Makers if no agent 1 bonus spice during Phase 4: Makers if no agent
is present. When you send an agent to one of these is present. When you send an agent to one of these
board spaces, you also gain all bonus spice there. board spaces, you also gain all bonus spice there.

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