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Vol. 17, No. 17 Monday, May 2, 2011 - Sunday, May 8, 2011 of this issue

Smer's court case
Ice hockey
MPs from Smer, the
largest opposition party,
recently brought a Consti-
takes over
tutional Court case against
the new law requiring on-
line publication of public
pg 2
Spectator staff
‘No one’ leads in poll
A recent survey found that
more than one third of Slov- SLOVAK flags filled the country in the
aks do not trust any politi- days leading up to the start of the
cian. Trust in Smer leader biggest international sporting event in
Robert Fico fell compared to the history of independent Slovakia, the
last year, while trust in the 2011 Ice Hockey World Championship.
prime minister rose. As The Slovak Spectator went to print
pg 3 (on April 28), Slovakia was counting
down the hours until the tournament’s
first face-offs.
OPINION Despite initial hesitation and contro-
versies about the costs of reconstructing
Bratislava’s ice hockey stadium and cri-
First impressions
ticism of the country’s level of prepared-
Ice hockey visitors are
ness for such a big event, euphoria has
likely to judge Slovakia on
Slovaks are burning with enthusiasm for the 2011 Ice Hockey World Championship which began in Bratislava and gradually risen among Slovaks.
whether taxi drivers cheat
them or waiters smile or Košice on April 29 and will climax on May 15. It is the biggest-ever sporting event the country has hosted. Photo: TASR
See ICE pg 9
glare. Let's hope we handle
this chance for internation-
al promotion with grace.

pg 5
One more secret vote Lottery saga
Tapping MICE tourism
Though Slovakia is an al-
most ideal tourist destina-
tion the country is failing to
for top prosecutor continues
Finance minister calls
lawsuit ‘a fraud’
take a bigger bite of the op- DOBROSLAV Trnka, whose term as used to select the general prosec-
portunities available to host the country’s general prosecutor utor into a recorded vote. But the
large meetings and confer- elapsed on February 2, is still fight-
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ Constitutional Court, in a decision
Spectator staff BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
ences. ing to regain the powerful posi- published on April 20, turned back Spectator staff
pg 6 tion, posing severe problems for the clock. In response to a suit
the ruling coalition led by Iveta tion, even going so far as to prom- brought by Trnka, it ruled that his
Radičová. Parliament tried and ise that she would resign if it were constitutional rights had been vi- IT IS NOT any exceptionally high jackpot
Trade fairs recovering failed four times last year to select to happen. olated during two of the parlia- that has been bringing media attention to
2008 was a successful year a new general prosecutor and The ruling coalition has since mentary votes last year. Tipos, the state-owned lottery company,
for trade shows in Slovakia. Radičová expressed strong opposi- gone to considerable lengths to but rather a long-standing legal case in-
While business has since tion to Trnka’s eventual re-selec- turn the previously secret ballot See VOTE pg 2 volving a Cyprus-based firm named
dipped, shows and fairs re- Lemikon that wants to collect €14 million
main a valuable way to from Tipos based on a recent ruling by
build contacts, and com-
panies are now exhibiting
The ESM: To join or not to join Slovakia’s Supreme Court. Tipos, however,
is not planning to quickly wire money to
Cyprus and will challenge the decision of
pg 7 to replace the existing European with the ESM as well. Prime Minis- the court with an appeal to the Constitu-
Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) from ter Iveta Radičová wants the ESM to tional Court. The lottery company also told
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ the media that it is in good financial shape
Spectator staff 2013. On April 26 SaS party boss clear parliament and says she is
CULTURE Richard Sulík even went so far as to ready to hold talks with each politic- and that the legal wrangling would in no
call the ESM a fraud committed on al party until the very last moment. way threaten it from paying out winning
Veronese masterpiece THOUGH the new eurozone bailout European taxpayers. Opposition leader Robert Fico tickets.
Bratislavans have a rare op- instrument, the European Stability Aside from SaS, the four deputies criticised SaS and said that his Slovak Finance Minister Ivan Mikloš
portunity to see a signific- Mechanism (ESM), is still a work in of the Civic Conservative Party party, Smer, would not tolerate said that although he respects the ruling of
ant work of the Italian progress, one of Slovakia’s ruling (OKS), which sits within the ruling statements through which political appellate senate of the Supreme Court he
Renaissance at the Bratis- parties, Freedom and Solidarity coalition Most-Híd party caucus in parties might try to pick some fundamentally disagrees with the basis of
lava City Gallery: Portrait of (SaS), has already agreed that its parliament, may also refuse to back “cheap political gains”. the lawsuit, calling it a fraud.
a Man by Paolo Veronese. deputies will not back Slovakia’s par- the mechanism. Faction leader Peter
pg 11 ticipation in it. The ESM is supposed Zajac said they might have “issues” See NET pg 4 See BET pg 3


benchmark as of April 28

The online version of our publication SPECTACULAR SLOVAKIA

2 May 2 – 8, 2011 NEWS

Smer MPs end court case

MPs FOR the largest opposi- used in political quarrels”,
tion party, Smer, have re- Smer boss Robert Fico stated.
Slovak soldier aids EU’s Libya op cently questioned the consti- Since the law came into
tutionality of a new law and effect over 2,200 contracts
THE FIRST Slovak soldier to of issuing invitations and on the division of power in par- have been published on the
participate in the EU-led op- the basis of responses to pre- liament. In a complaint filed Central Register of Con-
eration focused on providing pare a command structure with the Constitutional Court tracts, a website where state
humanitarian aid to Libya database as well as aid in in early April a group of Smer ministries, their budgetary
and helping refugees fleeing mission planning. MPs sought to challenge the organisations and public-
the country is Maroš Gonos, Gonos will be based in law which requires that state, service institutions publish
who was deployed to Rome Rome and will not be dis- regional and municipal bod- their contracts, according to
on April 10 at the request of patched to Libya, Galko said, ies publish all their contracts, Justice Ministry spokesper-
the EU commander. adding that he will serve four paid invoices and orders on- son Peter Bubla.
"Since the beginning of months in the post and if the line – a measure which has Regional and municipal
this operation we’ve said that operation continues beyond been effective since January 1 authorities are required to
we fully support the steps to then, another soldier will this year and which trans- publish contracts on their
promote peace in a country take over his post for another parency watchdogs have own websites. Smaller muni-
where a mad dictator lets his four months. called the strongest anti-cor- cipalities without websites
own people be killed,” De- “This is a contribution to ruption measure taken by the must publish their contracts
fence Minister Ľubomír the humanitarian action, not current government. The The Constitutional Court in Košice. Photo: Tibor Stanko on the website of the Business
Galko stated, as quoted by the the military action,” Galko MPs have since withdrawn Bulletin, which has so far pos-
SITA newswire. told SITA. He did not rule out their complaint. “We fully support the any further control or sanc- ted 720 contracts.
According to Galko, the that there might be further The Smer MPs, represen- obligatory publishing of con- tions for those who violate the
Slovak solider will be in requests from the command- ted by the party’s shadow tracts on the web as governed law, and that the motivation Smer questions committees
charge of human resources ers of the NATO operation in justice minister Róbert Madej, by the current info-law,” for all concerned parties to
for the mission with the task Libya in the future. requested that the Constitu- Smer spokesperson Silvia publish contracts is incorpor- Smer also doubts the con-
tional Court evaluate the con- Glendová stated. The so- ated directly into the law. stitutionality of the division
stitutionality of the provision called “info-law” – the law on Žitňanská also noted she did of power in parliamentary
New details on Turkish truck incident in the law according to which public access to information not encounter any complaints committees. After the 2010
only contracts that are pub- – was passed in 2000 by the about possible unconstitu- parliamentary elections,
AN INTERNATIONAL crime international gang from a lished online are valid. The first government of Mikuláš tionality during the process of when the newly-created
group based in Slovenia op- factory in Europe and could government says this is ne- Dzurinda. passing the law. committees took shape, Smer
erating in several EU coun- have been used to produce cessary to make the law en- “This provision [i.e. in- Smer did not publicise its MPs announced that they
tries, which arranged the some 400 kilograms of forceable. Smer maintains validity without online pub- complaint and soon after the would challenge the composi-
transport of acetic anhydride heroine, which the gang was that such a provision might lication] is the basis of the Constitutional Court pub- tion of the committees which
to Turkey at the end of 2010, planning to sell back to drug cause insecurity in legal rela- whole law,” Justice Minister lished its list of signatories they believe deformed the di-
was planning to use the users across Europe, includ- tions, particularly in transac- Lucia Žitňanská told the Sme and the media reported who vision of power in parliament.
chemical to produce heroine ing Slovakia. The ministry tions such as the transfer of daily, adding that it is import- they were, the MPs withdrew
and then use money from the said 400 kilograms of heroine real estate. ant that there is no need for it, “so that it doesn’t get mis- See LAW pg 5
sale of the drug in Europe to would constitute around 10
buy weapons that would be million doses, enough to
sold to the IRA and ETA ter-
rorist organisations, Slovak
Police Corps President
supply 10,000 drug users for
a year. The street price of the
final heroine was estimated
VOTE: Coalition to try once more on GP
Jaroslav Spišiak told a press at about €16.6 million. Continued from pg 1 secret ballot, which he did not consider As for the chances of Trnka’s reselec-
conference on April 27. Spišiak said the police an appropriate or democratic reason. tion, Kusý said that he does have some
The story of the Czech sting operation was meant to According to the court, the violation MPs are expected to override his veto. chance, but that those who now vote for
truck driver who spent expose the entire operation happened when deputies revealed how him will indirectly support the fall of the
Christmas 2010 in a Turkish but it ended prematurely. they had voted in the secret ballot, by The tricky vote and possible resignation ruling coalition.
prison after he unwittingly “We had the whole crim- photographing their ballots or openly “There is no doubt that the president
became a part of an interna- inal gang under watch, but declaring who they had supported. In Radičová responded on April 20 to the will assign the chairman of the strongest
tional anti-drug sting the Turkish part was doing so, the deputies violated the basic Constitutional Court ruling by saying political party to form the government,
launched on December 10, marred,” Spišiak said, as principles of the secret ballot and thus that the secret ballot to select the general which is Fico; and it is very probable that
began when he set off from a quoted by the Sme daily. He Trnka’s rights, the court found. prosecutor would be re-run so that the Fico would be able to form the government
warehouse in Dunajská stated that the operation had The Constitutional Court thereby proceedings of parliamentary deputies and get a confidence vote from
Streda, loaded with what the to be halted because the life cancelled the results of a vote on Decem- cannot in any way be doubted. parliament,” Kusý added.
driver believed were 17 of a man who had organised ber 2 as well as that on December 7, the Nevertheless, Radičová repeated her Political scientist Juraj Marušiak said
tonnes of disinfectant, but the whole transport in Slov- SITA newswire reported. promise that if Trnka were to be reselected that Radičová has frequently used the
which was actually acetic akia was in danger. Complications around the secret bal- she would quit as prime minister, again threat of resignation but it is unclear
anhydride, a chemical used “They were controlling lot emerged after the ruling coalition raising the political stakes. Political sci- whether she knows how she would pro-
to refine morphine into him, saying that if the action failed on December 2 to have its candid- entist Miroslav Kusý said that she could ceed if she actually had to resign in order to
heroin. The driver was arres- was marred or revealed they ate, Jozef Čentéš, selected as general hardly have taken any other attitude. save face.
ted upon his arrival at an would kill him,” Spišiak said. prosecutor after at least six coalition “It was not very fortunate that right Marušiak suggested that the prime
Istanbul warehouse on The gangsters holding deputies used the anonymity of the at the beginning she pushed the situation minister may even be seeking to establish
December 24 and was only re- the man, two Slovenians, secret ballot to vote with the opposition to the margin: me or Trnka,” Kusý told a personal powerbase for herself.
leased after several days, were subsequently detained Smer party to reselect Trnka. Trnka The Slovak Spectator. “He wasn’t such a “It is evident that she is not certain
once the true circumstances in Slovakia, Spišiak said and missed out on reselection by just one significant person for her to have framed about her own standing in the camp of the
were clarified. Sme reported that another vote, and the coalition MPs’ disloyalty the situation in that way. Nevertheless, it ruling parties, but so far it is not clear to
According to Slovakia’s six people were detained in opened the door to speculation about has now become a question of prestige what degree she is willing to build her own
Interior Ministry, the acetic March in Slovakia and three plots to unseat the prime minister. and she could hardly back out because political powerbase, though the high
anhydride was stolen by the more in Slovenia in April. On April 5 MPs agreed to change the then she would publicly trample on prom- number of non-party appointees in leading
parliamentary rules for selecting the ises confirmed several times.” positions at the Cabinet Office could signal
general prosecutor, judges of the Consti- This nevertheless makes selection of such tendencies,” he told The Slovak Spec-
MPs' immunity to be debated again tutional Court and the chairs and deputy the prosecutor a litmus test for the ruling tator.
chairs of the Supreme Audit Office (NKÚ), coalition, Kusý added, suggesting that Marušiak added that currently no one
A LAW to abolish the im- to limit MPs’ immunity was Slovakia’s public administration and right now the ruling coalition does not in the ruling coalition or Radičová’s own
munity of MPs for misde- advanced by Prime Minister procurement watchdog. Instead of being have any other choice but to hold a secret party, the Slovak Democratic and Christi-
meanour offences will be de- Iveta Radičová in autumn chosen by a secret ballot they will hence- ballot and this time to get it right. an Union (SDKÚ), would benefit from her
bated in parliament at its 2010. It would have limited forth be selected in a public vote, with “Any attempt at manipulation or ob- resignation, given the high popularity of
regular session in May, MPs’ immunity only to votes each MP’s preference being recorded. struction would be unacceptable and Smer.
Speaker of Parliament and statements made in par- Smer leader Robert Fico denounced would send the vote again to the Consti- Based on article 116 of the 5th para-
Richard Sulík said, as repor- liament and judges’ im- the move, branding the idea of an open tutional Court,” Kusý said. “The ruling graph of the constitution, along with
ted by the SITA newswire. munity only to decision- vote in parliament as “undemocratic” coalition simply cannot afford this.” Radičová, the whole government would
Such a change, in con- making while in court. and calling it one of the most shameful For the political scientist the situ- have to resign, which would require ruling
trast with abolishing the The measure failed after decisions in the history of the Slovak ation within the ruling coalition does not coalition talks, and these might fail, thus
immunity of MPs for crimin- only 75 MPs voted in favour Parliament. seem any different from the situation threatening early elections, Marušiak said.
al offences, does not require a of the constitutional Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič ve- during the vote in December. “This widens Radičová’s room for
change in the constitution amendment. toed the law on April 21, arguing that the “There is still the phenomenon of six manoeuvre,” he concluded.
and hence a three-fifths vote ruling coalition had decided to change or four deputies of the ruling coalition
of all MPs. Compiled by Spectator staff the law as a result of its deputies’ failure who voted for Trnka and this could be Michaela Terenzani
The most recent attempt from press reports to select a new general prosecutor in a repeated,” Kusý said. contributed to this report
NEWS May 2 – 8, 2011 3

‘No one’ leads in poll BET: Ministers

trade barbs
of trustworthiness Continued from pg 1

“I consider this whole

case a fraud from its very be-
That application was
turned down by the court
for what it called a failure to
observe requirements pre-
More than one ginning, based on which scribed by law. TASR wrote
speculators want to strip the that Tipos has been seeking
third of Slovaks state of billions of Slovak to restructure the company
do not trust any crowns,” Mikloš stated, as in order to gain protection
quoted by the SITA news- from creditors whose
politician wire. “The Finance Ministry claims, Tipos asserts, are
as shareholder [of Tipos] will questionable.
do its best and use all legal The current Finance
BY MICHAELA means at its disposal to pro- Ministry blamed the previ-
TERENZANI tect the money of taxpayers.” ous management of Tipos
Spectator staff The legal dispute in- and the ministry for the re-
volving Tipos arose in Janu- cent developments. Former
ary 2000 when another lot- finance minister Ján
tery company, Športka from Počiatek rejected the
“POLITICIANS are working the Czech Republic, sued charges that the ministry
very intensively on losing Slovakia's state-run Tipos under his management did
trust among the people,” said over what it called unau- not protect the public in-
political analyst Miroslav thorised use of lottery terest.
Kusý in his comments on a re- trademarks as well as tech- “Always when Mikloš
cent survey which showed nical know-how. The com- has some problems, which
that more than one third of panies also litigated the is- he is now obviously having,
Slovak citizens do not trust One political analyst called Radičová a 'good-news messenger'. Photo: Sme - Vladimír Šimíček sue of appropriated business he blames the previous
any of the politicians on the practices and lost profit to management of the
Slovak political scene. In fact, Fico remained the most Only Ivan Mikloš of the The poll was carried out Športka, with the Czech firm ministry,” Počiatek stated,
the numbers suggest that dis- trusted politician, although SDKÚ and Richard Sulík, the before Fico broke the scandal demanding Sk300 million as quoted by SITA.
trust exists on both sides, the number of people who leader of Freedom and Solidar- about the Tax Directorate from Tipos in 2000. Počiatek responded that
among ruling coalition and trusted him dropped from 31 ity (SaS) kept their scores from building lease, which promp- A Cyprus-based firm, the Finance Ministry under
opposition supporters alike. percent in 2010 to only 23 per- 2010. Mikloš ranked sixth, ted several questions about Lemikon Limited, which is his direction had acted as
The ranking of politicians, cent in March 2011. He is fol- with 6 percent, and Sulík Radičová’s independence and associated with business- permitted by law and that
based on a survey conducted lowed by the current prime ended eighth, with 3 percent the strength of her position man Radovan Vitek, pur- his effort was to assure that
by the Institute for Public Af- minister, Iveta Radičová, who of respondents saying they within the SDKÚ. chased Športka’s legal claim Tipos, as one of the most
fairs (IVO) in the first week of had the trust of 17 percent of trusted him. According to Kusý, the re- in October 2008. That same lucrative state firms, was
March 2010, changed signific- the respondents. Smer’s cent developments might year Tipos paid roughly €16 not brought to its knees.
antly from a similar survey deputy chairman and former Radičová adds to even have strengthened her million to Lemikon’s ac- Mikloš asserted that in
carried out in February 2010. interior minister under Fico, her trustworthiness position, because in the end count. Tipos now, however, 2008 the Finance Ministry
Perhaps most significantly, Robert Kaliňák, ranked third, she came out of the contro- said it expects Lemikon to signed an out-of-court set-
the highest percentage of re- with 9 percent of respondents Prime Minister Iveta versy the winner. pay back around €1.9 million tlement with Lemikon in a
spondents did not express saying they trust him (as op- Radičová was the only prom- “There is this strong feel- as the payment made in 2008 somewhat secretive manner
trust in former prime minis- posed to the 16 percent he re- inent politician to see her ing of wrongdoing that the was that much more than under which Lemikon was
ter and opposition Smer party ceived a year ago). trustworthiness rise from last public is so sensitive to,” Kusý the damages awarded by the to receive €66 million from
leader Robert Fico, who led According to political ana- year, since in February 2010 told The Slovak Spectator. Supreme Court. the Slovak state, TASR
the previous poll. Instead, a lyst Juraj Marušiak of the In- she was trusted by 14 percent “Mikloš and Dzurinda wanted Tipos said it will also file wrote, and that an initial
plurality, 37 percent, said they stitute of Political Sciences of of the respondents. to face her with a ready-made an appeal in the next few payment of €16 million was
trust nobody on the Slovak the Slovak Academy of Sci- Marušiak suggested that partisan decision, but it turned days on the grounds that its made to Lemikon even be-
political scene, a steep rise ences, one of the reasons for this might also be because into her advantage. Although right to court protection, fore changes in legislation
from 24 percent a year ago. Fico’s decline in popularity Radičová is still seen by the hers wasn’t a clear decision particularly the constitu- made it possible for then-
The authors reporting on the might be the fact that he and public as a new face in Slovak that she would claim from the tionally-guaranteed right to general prosecutor
survey, Zora Bútorová and his party have been critical of politics and her name is not very beginning, she reached it fair court proceedings, was Dobroslav Trnka to seek a
Oľga Gyarfášová of IVO, ex- the anti-corruption measures connected with the previous gradually – [realising] that she infringed. postponement in the en-
plained the increase by point- passed by the current gov- establishment and its past needed to act decisively. And “This right also includes forcement of court rulings.
ing to an overall change in the ernment, such as the re- political and corruption con- that turned out to be a factor in the right to a high-quality ra- The former state secret-
country’s political climate: quirement to publish all state troversies. her success.” tionale behind a court ary (deputy minister) of the
the pre-election mobilisation contracts online, and have “Either knowingly or un- According to the survey, ruling,” said Tipos general Finance Ministry, Peter
of early 2010 was replaced by a opposed limiting the im- wittingly she has accepted the Radičová is not only number director Miloš Ronec, stating Kažimír, told the media on
decrease in interest in politics munity of MPs. role of the good-news one among supporters of her that the Supreme Court’s April 26 that Mikloš has al-
and disappointment about re- “Meanwhile, neither messenger,” Marušiak said, own party. She is also the reasoning spans only four ways preferred to see Tipos
cent political developments, Smer nor its leader offers any explaining that Radičová is second most trusted politi- pages out of a ruling of more go into bankruptcy to re-
they suggested. positive alternative, which in critical of some measures of cian in the eyes of the sup- than 100 pages, the TASR solve the whole issue,
Kusý agreed that politi- the end leads to a kind of fa- the ruling coalition when it porters of all the other ruling newswire wrote. adding that he thought
cians very cynically have for- tigue among his voters,” comes to their adverse social coalition parties – her pop- Ronec also told the me- some private financial entit-
gotten about their pre-elec- Marušiak told The Slovak consequences, something ularity thus extends well bey- dia that Tipos has filed an- ies would probably welcome
tion promises and have been Spectator. which helps her popularity ond the SDKÚ electorate. other proposal to restructure it if the state-run lottery
surrounded by scandals that Slovak President Ivan even on the frequent occasions The trustworthiness of the company after a similar company went bust so they
add to their falling trustwor- Gašparovič came in fourth, when she is not able to push politicians as perceived by proposal was rejected by could take over its position
thiness. Another aspect that with 8 percent of respondents through a concrete result. supporters of their respective Bratislava I District Court in the Slovak market, TASR
he said plays a part in lower- saying they trusted him, four Marušiak noted that the prime parties has also dropped signi- last week. reported.
ing trust in politicians is that percentage points down from minister is also often critical ficantly in comparison with
they hurl blame at each other 2010. towards political controver- 2010. The largest portions of
publicly, through the media, Most leading politicians sies within the ruling respondents who said they do
“and the voter is open to ac- in the ruling coalition parties coalition,and is willing to not trust any politician were
cept their mutual invectives saw voters’ trust in them enter into conflicts with other found among those who voted
as true from both sides”. drop, according to the results coalition politicians, even for SaS and Smer (both 29 per-
of the IVO survey. The leader those within her own party. cent) and the KDH (27 percent).
Fico still the most trusted of Most-Híd, Béla Bugár, who In fact, Radičová also rep- Trust in specific leaders of
ranked fifth with 7 percent of resented the only exception to political parties has declined
The overall decrease in people trusting him, and the rule that the leaders of too, particularly in the case of
the perceived trustworthi- Christian Democratic Move- political parties were the most Smer, where only 57 percent of
ness of politicians was reflec- ment (KDH) leader Ján Figeľ, trusted politicians within the party’s supporters said
ted in the numbers for most tenth with 3 percent, both re- their respective parties. The they trusted Robert Fico, com-
of those who appeared in the ceived four percentage points majority – 65 percent – of SDKÚ pared with 83 percent in 2010.
ranking, composed by the less than in February 2010. supporters saw her as the most It was a similar tale for Most-
IVO analysts from the results Mikuláš Dzurinda, the leader trustworthy politician in her Híd, whose leader Béla Bugár
of a survey in which respond- of the Slovak Democratic and party, while Dzurinda, the was trusted by 54 percent of
ents were asked to name no Christian Union (SDKÚ) and chairman, ranked only third the party’s supporters in
more than three politicians Daniel Lipšic of KDH also (on 17 percent), after deputy March 2011, as opposed to 81
they trust. dropped to 3 percent in 2011. leader Mikloš (32 percent). percent in February 2010. Tipos is still waiting for a win in the Športka case. Photo: Sme
4 May 2 – 8, 2011 BUSINESS
NET: Divisions re-emerge over ESM
Continued from pg 1 “An adequate solution
would be a directed restructur-
Fico, whose party could ing of the debts of problem
play a crucial role in the event countries with the imposition
Public debt reaches 40 percent of GDP that SaS refuses to vote for the of part of the losses on in-
ESM in parliament, added vestors and subsequent sup-
SLOVAKIA’S public debt as a is a result of shrinking that he expects the govern- port for systematically im-
percentage of GDP has in- budgetary revenues ment to support the ESM un- portant financial institutions
creased by over 13 percent- without adequate cuts in ambiguously. negatively affected by this step
age points since 2008, with expenditures over the past SaS’s partners in the ruling from the public funds of their
the total debt growing from two years,” Eduard Hagara, coalition have expressed re- home countries,” Karpiš said.
27.79 percent of GDP in 2008 an analyst with ING Bank, servations about the way it has Some have expressed con-
to 35.42 percent in 2009 and told SITA. chosen to communicate its cern that Slovakia’s eventual
to last year’s 40.97 percent, Analyst Michal Mušák stance. SaS has retorted that it refusal to support the ESM
the SITA newswire repor- of Slovenská Sporiteľňa is the only parliamentary might somehow impact the
ted, adding that large shared a similar opinion. party that will not succumb to country’s position in relation
budget deficits recorded in “The state implemented what it calls false solidarity. to the future EU budget. But
the past two years are hardly any measures to “We haven’t forgotten Karpiš argued that acceptance
primarily to blame. curb the deficit in 2009 and that first and foremost we are or rejection of changes to the
In 2009 the public budget 2010 and launched the defi- here for the people of Slovakia, Lisbon Treaty, necessary to le-
deficit was 7.96 percent of cit reduction process as late to represent their interests, gitimise the existence of the
GDP and it was only slightly as this year,” he said, as not the interests of foreign Richard Sulík says SaS will vote against the ESM. Photo: Sme ESM, should be left up to
less last year, at 7.90 percent quoted by SITA. banks, which for a long time member countries and shared
of GDP, according to Mušák added that this have been earning from high 5-million-strong Slovakia, but influential financial institu- EU sources should not be used
Slovakia’s Statistics Office. year's consolidation of public interest rates on loans given to the stability of the 331-million- tions to shift their losses and to influence this decision.
SITA wrote that the global finances that are projected to irresponsible countries,” Sulík person eurozone and the cred- risks to the taxpayers of other “Despite this, it would be
economic crisis that caused cut the deficit this year to 4.9 said on April 20, as quoted by ibility of the euro, the second countries, which strengthens still worth Slovakia exiting
Slovakia’s economic decline percent of GDP must be even the TASR newswire. most important global reserve the moral hazard in the monet- the ESM even under threat of
in 2009 can be blamed to a more radical. Sulík added that it is a currency,” Volksbank chief ary union and might lead to reduced European transfers,”
certain degree for the higher “As for this year, I cannot matter of principle for Slov- analyst Vladimír Vaňo told The growing tension between par- he said.
budget deficits but that the see any signs of the deficit akia and that he is aware that Slovak Spectator. ticular member countries or to
failure of the state to reign in significantly deviating from politicians in Brussels “won’t The creation of the EFSF nationalistic tendencies.” Solidarity?
spending was another factor. the [budget] plan but it is still be enthusiastic, but we have was subject to criticism, as According to Karpiš, the
“The bad budgetary situ- too soon to evaluate the to live with that”. well as bold statements ahead ESM and its credit sources are Nevertheless, advocates
ation over the past two years whole year,” Mušák said. Most-Híd party boss Béla of the general election last siphoning resources away of the European safety net
Bugár said that SaS was using summer, but in fact Slovak from the private sector, in- stress that it is an expres-
the topic simply to differenti- participation in it was suppor- creasing the cost of refinan- sion of European solidarity,
Banks object to more taxes ate itself from the rest of the ted in an August 2010 parlia- cing and thus decreasing fu- one of the pillars of the
ruling coalition at any price. mentary vote by 140 out of 142 ture economic growth. European Union.
BANKS paid €266.90 million told the TASR newswire. As for the OKS, Zajac said MPs present, Vaňo noted. The ESM can be viewed as Karpiš rejected this in-
in direct and indirect taxes “The higher the sector's that he and his colleagues “Participation in the EFSF the European version of the terpretation, however: “The
to Slovakia last year, the profits, the higher the taxes had serious doubts about the as well as in its planned con- International Monetary Fund ESM is not an expression of
Slovak Banking Association we pay into the budget. So, ESM but would explain how tinuation, the ESM, are benefi- (IMF), i.e. a safety net for ex- solidarity.”
(SBA) stated on April 26, say- we don't understand Finance they intended to vote in a cial for Slovakia in raising its treme situations, Vaňo said. He added that thanks to
ing that €173.40 million was Minister Ivan Mikloš's initi- week or two. credibility in bond markets “It is neither a panacea nor the safety net it is possible to
paid in income tax and the ative to introduce another and hence lowering the cost of a replacement for necessary pass losses that came as a con-
rest came from indirect special tax on banks.“ The safety net servicing its public debt, fiscal consolidation and sequence of bad decisions
taxes, non-deductible taxes The idea of levying a which has jumped from less healthy long-term fiscal made by commercial financial
and VAT. special tax on banks begin- Eurozone leaders agreed than 28 percent of GDP in 2008 policies,” Vaňo said. “As in the institutions or politicians onto
“This money ends up in ning in 2012 is included in on the rules of the ESM, which to over 45 percent of GDP, as case of the IMF, the use of this the shoulders of taxpayers, of-
the state budget as available the Slovak government’s should begin operating from forecast, next year,” Vaňo said. safety net is associated with ten in other countries. Accord-
income,” Ladislav Unčovský, Stability Programme for July 2013, at meeting in Brus- As for the impact that fierce restrictive measures ing to Karpiš, the safety net is
the SBA’s executive director 2011-2014. sels in March. The bailout Slovakia’s refusal might have and de facto temporary loss of taking its toll on socially
mechanism must be ratified on the functioning of the a major part of national sover- weaker groups through tax
by the national parliaments of eurozone, Vaňo said that ag- eignty with regards to man- hikes and cuts to subsidies
Custom offices get radiation detectors individual member states. It gravation of the turbulence on agement of public finances.” from the social system.
will be backed by €80 billion in eurozone debt markets might The example of Ireland “Considering the state of
SLOVAKIA’s customs admin- US Ambassador cash, paid in directly by mem- in the worst case affect the re- suggests that voters are not the public finances of some
istration has received five Theodore Sedgwick said he ber states, plus €620 billion in covery of the real economy. happy to see decisions about European countries, which are
hand-held IDENTIFIER GR- hoped that the portable de- capital that can be called on “Such a scenario might public finances being taken drawing or in the future will
135 Plus radioactive isotope tection devices would in- when a lending requirement mean a risk of repeated reces- over by an external multina- draw assistance from the ESM,
detection devices from the crease the overall safety of emerges. Its effective lending sion, with all its consequences tional creditor, be it the IMF or there is a real possibility, that
United States government, Slovak citizens. capacity will be €500 billion; not only for the biggest eco- the ESM, he added. they will not be able to pay
the SITA newswire reported. The spokeswoman for the extra €200 billion is being nomies like Germany, but also “A safety net is associated these obligations and part of
The devices will make the Customs Directorate, raised in order to provide the for their trading partners, like with conditions that don’t these costs, via guarantees,
possible better monitoring, Miroslava Slemenská, said fund with a premium credit Slovakia,” said Vaňo. make it such an alluring, or will fall on Slovak taxpayers,”
identifying, measuring, and the highly sensitive rating. The €80 billion should Listing other risks, Vaňo palatable option to seek, but Karpiš told The Slovak Spectat-
localising of the presence of devices can detect gamma be collected within three said that a potential loss of rather one to avoid,” Vaňo told or. “Such a scenario, consider-
ionising radiation, along with and neutron radiation and years, with €40 billion avail- credibility for the euro as the The Slovak Spectator. ing the low living standards in
easier identification of the ac- can be used as well to de- able from launch and the rest second most important reserve Slovakia compared to the
tual radioactive material. tect extremely low levels of received by 2016. currency might curtail the de- Alternatives countries that have been
The devices were radiation or trafficking of Slovakia’s share should mand of global central banks profiting from the existence of
provided by US embassy rep- camouflaged nuclear ma- amount to 0.824 percent of the for the sovereign debt of euro- In terms of an alternative the EFSF and the fact that Slov-
resentatives on April 27. terials. total fund, as opposed to the zone member countries and to the ESM, Vaňo said that this akia, from its own resources,
0.99 percent which is the that this would mean a higher amounts to the same as was has carried out a costly re-
country’s contribution to the cost of borrowing for virtually the case for Hungary in Octo- structuring of the banking sec-
800 new jobs to come to Trnava existing EFSF. The reduction all eurozone members. ber 2008: international assist- tor and consolidation of its
came as a result of a com- The consequences of ance through the IMF. public finances, is undesirable
EXPANSION of a production nounced that it plans to in- promise proposed by Estonia Slovakia’s refusal to support “The biggest contributor to and indefensible.”
hall at the Fine DNC Slov- crease its production area which allows smaller coun- the ESM would depend on the IMF is the USA, and such Karpiš added that higher
akia company, a supplier of from 6,300 square meters to tries like Slovakia, Slovenia whether other and larger an alternative would hence taxes flowing from the need to
components to Samsung, 7,800 square meters and to and Estonia itself to contrib- countries were to follow equal nothing more than a cover the expenses of eurozone
operating in the Voderady more than double its storage ute around 17 percent less in Slovakia’s lead, or whether the public admission that even 60 guarantees would decrease
industrial park near Trnava, area, with the additional contributions than they cur- ESM could be constructed years after the Marshall Plan, Slovakia’s competitiveness and
is expected to bring 800 capacity to be used for pro- rently do to the EFSF. without Slovakia, said Juraj Europe is not able to stand on of those firms operating in
new jobs, the SITA news- duction, storage and hand- Karpiš, an analyst with the In- its own and resolve its internal Slovakia compared to other
wire reported. ling of its LCD components. Outside politics stitute of Economic and Social crises and turbulences without new member countries, which
The company currently The company did not Studies (INESS). the external assistance of the have not yet introduced the
produces LCD components disclose the amount it was “I would not rush in with Nevertheless, Karpiš told world’s biggest economy,” euro and thus also the eco-
for producers of white and planning to invest. excessively fast or sensation- The Slovak Spectator that “the Vaňo concluded. nomic growth and the pace
black goods and employs seeking conclusions, espe- existence of the ESM will make Karpiš, however, identi- with which Slovakia catches
400 people. Compiled by Spectator staff cially when the subject of dis- it possible for countries with ir- fied another alternative: debt up with the living standard of
The company an- from press reports cussion concerns not only responsible fiscal policies and restructuring. older member countries.
OPINION / NEWS May 2 – 8, 2011 5
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “It is basically a fraud [committed] on the taxpayers of the EU.” First impressions count
SaS leader Richard Sulík on the European Stability Mechanism, THE ARENAS open on April ing Slovakia to their friends for longer than the two
a permanent mechanism designed to safeguard the stability of the eurozone 29, giving the masses their and families – or simply be- weeks of the ice hockey
ice rink gladiators and some ing inspired to return be- championship.
long-awaited entertainment, cause they liked it here. Such international
Goooly shared euphoria and, for
some, even shared grief. En-
tertainment it is, but the Ice
But the frail beauty of
wooden churches,
charm of small towns and
events always evoke a sud-
den rush of national pride in
politicians and public fig-
of insufficient sanitary facilit- Hockey World Champion- the majesty of the Tatra ures, with most of them try-
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD ies in the fan zones. Visitors
should remember that
ship can also be an import-
ant tool of diplomacy and
ing to get a bite of the cake.
There are, of course, the
Special to the Spectator
McDonald’s or shopping malls international promotion – if notorious ones who want to
are always a good option. But handled skilfully. make sure that their “pride”
NAMING the championship if those are full as well? Sports do help to tran- is more than visible. The
mascot after testicles (in Brit- 4. Theft will thrive. The scend cultural differences, leader of the Slovak National
ish slang) was an unconven- fact that even before the start provided the very purpose of Party (SNS), Ján Slota, and
tional move. But “Goooly” was of the tournament someone a football match, for in- Vincent Lukáč, an MP for
perhaps not the last surprise broke into star center Pavol stance, is not to provide the party – a man whose
the local organisers of the Ice Demitra’s room in the Bratis- shaven-headed men fuelled qualities can be judged ac-
Hockey World Champion- lava hotel where the Slovak by hate an opportunity to let cording to his recent state-
ships have prepared. Here is a team is staying was not a good off steam and lash out at ment that he would stand
brief list of all the things that sign. But many worry that whatever or whoever is de- behind Slota until the day he
can still go wrong: fans’ wallets will be cleaned fenceless and easily to hand. dies since Slota is “a god” for
1. Ice will melt. The Brat- out not only by old-school Foreign diplomats, who him – have appeared on bill-
islava arena was finished just thieves but also by taxi could be forgiven for having boards all around Bratislava
weeks ahead of the event. drivers, pub owners and hotel grown tired of political wearing the outfit of the na-
After early preliminary result? Dozens of posters and managers massively over- small talk or of trying to ex- tional ice hockey team.
matches, players complained last-minute graffiti designed charging for their services. tract any meaningful inter- Fortunately, most for-
that the stadium was hot. to cover-up the mess. Let’s hope none of these pretation from statements eign visitors will have no
“The ice was decent maybe for 3. There will be too few concerns will materialise. by Slovak politicians who clue about the identity of
the first half of the first third; toilets. Bratislava is notorious And the world will not re- are themselves less than these grinning figures, or
then it was worse. But guys for its lack of public re- member Slovakia as a country sure about what they want the meaning of the slogan
said that it was still much bet- strooms. There is already talk of goolies. to say, have been relieved to BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ (in Slovak) “SNS trusts our
ter than before,” said goalie have the subject of ice Spectator staff boys”. Fortunately, most for-
Jaroslav Halák a week before hockey to fall back on. eign visitors will also not
the start of the tournament, Diplomats, especially give a damn about another
when he played his first those whose home countries clone of the nationalist SNS
match for the national team. have some ice hockey tradi- Mountains will not be the that is now emerging, estab-
2. Posters will peel off. tion, now have an escape first thing that a foreign vis- lished by Anna Belousovová,
Ever since Slovakia got the route to avoid chatting itor encounters when arriv- Slota’s former colleague and
chance to host the event, city about yet another fruitcake ing in Bratislava. arch-enemy.
councils, government offi- politician announcing the The most run-down They will care very little
cials, and local entrepreneurs establishment of yet another parts of the city have been about Slovakia’s politics at
started talking about all the political party. cleaned up or, where it was all and are unlikely to sub-
reconstruction work that One story in the Slovak not possible to obscure the merge themselves in the tor-
would have to be done. The Goooly is anxious to present Slovakia to the world. Photo: SITA press on April 28 reported decay with billboards and tured details of the selection
that “in Russia the champi- plastic or overspray it with of Slovakia’s next general
onship is helping to renew a artistic graffiti, simply left prosecutor or the ruling

LAW: Court case withdrawn direct air link between Brat-

islava and Moscow”. More
specifically, Slovakia’s
alone in the hope that tour-
ists will simply not go there.
The better informed vis-
coalition’s attempt to get it-
self out the latest, related
Continued from pg 2 Smer MP Miroslav Číž claims that such an chargé d’affaires to Moscow itors might deliberately seek Of course, the visitors
arrangement is unconstitutional and argues told the daily that the out the forget-me-not sym- are not coming to under-
This is despite the fact that the opposition that during the previous, Smer-led govern- championship is a very good bol awarded to services and stand Slovak politics or to
had supported the share of MPs in parliament- ment, each MP sat on only one committee. Číž argument for this effort by businesses that have comprehend the depth – or
ary committees in a parliamentary vote. said he is ready to file a complaint about the ar- Slovakia. pledged to smile and be perhaps shallowness – of the
While the ruling coalition only has the rangement but admitted that his party does Tourism industry profes- pleasant to customers – national pride and national
support of 79 MPs in parliament, it effectively not see it as a priority at the moment as it sionals say that the event is something which is by no frustrations of Slovaks.
has 83 votes in parliamentary committees, could overshadow actual political topics. a huge chance for this small means guaranteed in Slov- Rather, they are more likely
since five ruling coalition MPs sit on two “I suppose we will get back to that at some central European country to akia, no matter how much to judge Slovakia based
committees. Without such an arrangement point in May,” Číž said, as quoted by the Sme implant its name into the you pay. Locals can only solely on whether the taxi
the coalition would not have a majority in daily. consciousness of hundreds hope that the lessons taxi driver cheats them or
some committees and would be unable to pass of thousands of potential drivers and restaurateurs whether their waiter smiles
some laws through committees to their second By Michaela Terenzani tourists as a result of ice learn from the fair-play or glares at them when they
reading in parliament. with press reports hockey visitors recommend- game will stick with them ask for an extra napkin.


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6 May 2 – 8, 2011

Visitors and exhibitors look for BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
more value from trade shows

New Hilton hotel opens next to

Bratislava's ice hockey stadium OUTSOURCING

Tapping MICE tourism Institutions involved in tourism

-Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional
-Slovak Tourist Board (SACR),
lieve that its activities will -Slovak Convention Bureau,
Slovakia is bear fruit very soon.” -Slovak Association of Commerce and Tourism,
looking for ways On the other hand, he be-
lieves that bigger activity -Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Slovakia
to attract more from regions and hotels with (ZHR SR),
proper capacities themselves -Slovak Association of Travel Agencies,
may help development of -Association of Tourism (ZCR) – launched in January
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ MICE tourism in Slovakia too. 2011
Spectator staff “It is not enough that only -Historic Hotels of Slovakia,
Liptov klaster [a local group-
ing of entities active in tour-
ism], Bratislava Region and
SLOVAKIA is an almost ideal the High Tatras are active,” Exhibition and fair premises
tourist destination: it boasts said Orgonáš. “Slovakia has in Slovakia
every possible natural and his- everything that creates tour-
torical advantage, if one over- ism except the sea, i.e. caves, Agrokomplex-Výstavníctvo Nitra
looks the absence of a coastline. spas, and so on up to MICE Fairground area: 143 ha
But the country is currently tourism.” Total capacity of exhibition halls and open areas (roofed
failing to tap all its opportunit- and open exhibition space): 90,906 m2; including 40,906
ies and take a bigger bite of the The Slovak m2 of indoor and 50,000 m2 of outdoor exhibition area.
incentive tourism cake. The High Tatras are a great venue for MICE tourism. Photo: Sme Convention Bureau
“Slovakia has great pro-
spects in incentive tourism, tourist destination. Another told The Slovak Spectator that To support MICE tourism, Expo Center, Trenčín
but this segment has not been hindrance is the lack of a prop- its activities have intensified SACR launched the non-profit Fairground area: 35,000 m2
satisfactorily tapped so far,” er congress centre able to hold, since the government of Iveta Slovak Convention Bureau Total exhibition area: 17,000 m2; including 7,000 m2 of
Jozef Orgonáš, general secret- for example, a congress with Radičová replaced the previous (SCB) in October 2010. indoor and 10,000 m2 of outdoor exhibition area.
ary of the Association of Trade 2,000 participants. However, management in the fall of 2010. “The main aim of the SCB
and Tourism (ZOCR), told The the range of smaller venues “But, since what is at is- is to actively promote Slovakia
Slovak Spectator. “Even Bratis- able to hold events with sue is conceptual work and as a MICE destination, to in- Incheba Expo Bratislava
lava, which is predestined for 300-600 participants has in- long-term activities, results crease the number of MICE Total exhibition area: 100,000 m2; including 60,000 m2 of
such tourism, does not organ- creased over the last few years may arrive only in five to ten events held in Slovakia and to indoor and 40,000 m2 of outdoor exhibition area.
ise any special events to sup- as new hotels with conference years,” said Orgonáš, adding support tourism in the regions
port incentive tourism.” facilities have mushroomed in that SACR has all the precon- in this way,” Jaroslava
What organisations and Bratislava and beyond. ditions to present Slovakia Čujková from the incentive Hotel Centrum Dom Techniky ZSVTS, Košice
entities active in tourism in According to Orgonáš, it is positively as a MICE (Meet- tourism department at SACR Total indoor exhibition area: 1,800 m2.
Slovakia say they lack is better the duty of the Slovak Tourist ings, Incentives, Conferences told The Slovak Spectator.,
and more comprehensive Board (SACR) to promote Slov- and Exhibitions) destination. Compiled by Spectator staff
promotion of the country as a akia as a tourist destination. He “It is doing this and we be- See SCB pg 8

MICE market shows signs of revival

the space where the programme is held,
i.e. it should be large enough and air-con-
TSS: How is usage of technologies,
for example teleconferencing, affect-
ditioned in the summer, with sufficient ing your business?

Spectator staff
restaurant capacity if the event is linked JD: I do not see any visible impact
to accommodation. All the premises on conference events. This kind of
THE ECONOMIC crisis has affected the should be at a proper level – three and communication has better justification
organisers of MICE (Meetings, Incentive, four-star hotels are preferred. in the case of smaller ‘chamber’ events,
Conferences and Exhibitions) tourism which are more expert and highly spe-
events, with companies and organisa- TSS: How has the economic crisis af- cialised meetings.
tions now spending a lot longer ponder- fected the requirements of your cli- KB: We do not detect higher in-
ing whether each conference and meet- ents? terest in such services. But there are
ing is really necessary and how much JD: Put simply, the requirements specific events, whose number is not
they want to invest in holding it. But the changed in the direction of ‘more music very high, where there is a requirement
situation is now improving – as Jozef required for less money’. Nevertheless, also to hold a teleconference. Mostly
Deák, executive officer of Congress Mar- requirements remained unchanged as this involves some specialised medical
ket, and Katarína Bilá, managing director people like to combine work with a pleas- fields, for example transplant surgery.
of Farmi Profi, told The Slovak Spectator. ant stay, quality services and accompany-
ing activities. TSS: From which sector of business
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): What are KB: Clients are increasingly ponder- or society do you register the biggest
the latest trends in organising confer- ing the intention to hold an event. They interest in your services? Have you
ences, educational events, meetings equally analyse costs in more detail. They notices any change recently?
and other MICE tourism events within are re-assessing a number of projects and JD: Interest is reviving, particu-
Slovakia? Do they differ from abroad? lowering the budgets of official medical larly from pharmaceutical firms and SP90552/1
Jozef Deák (JD): The development in congresses and conferences, for instance. companies in the banking and finan-
the business sector has, of course, been cial sector which have distributors or
reflected in behaviour of clients. Auster- TSS: What is the current interest in or- representatives across the whole coun-
ity measures led to limits in terms of ganising conferences, educational try. With regards to the changes, com-
what companies are willing to invest in meetings, and other events within petition among business hotels has in-
such events and this affects not only the MICE tourism? tensified in terms of their offers and
price but also the category of the accom- JD: The situation is improving client care.
modation facility. slightly, with a revival apparent. KB: Because we specialise in the
Katarína Bilá (KB): Certainly, organ- Companies are slowly lifting the strict medical and health-care sector, we re-
ising of such events requires an attract- economic requirements and this trend gister most interest from the side of
ive location within Slovakia, i.e. a hotel is visible in a higher number of com- specialised medical organisations and
with quality services and good accessib- pany events organised this year com- pharmaceutical companies. Interest
ility by car. pared to 2010. has decreased, but this could also be
With regards to abroad, I do not think KB: Clients are still interested in linked to greater competition in this
that the trends differ. The stress is laid on such events. sector.
BUSINESS FOCUS May 2 – 8, 2011 7

Visitors look for more

from trade shows
Some specialised
events report a
drop in visitors

Spectator staff

THE TRADE fair and exhibi-

tion sector now recalls 2008
with some nostalgia as a re-
cord year. But while business
has since dipped, shows and
exhibitions remain a tradi-
tional marketing instrument
for establishing and develop-
ing contacts between compan-
ies and potential clients. Slov-
akia is no exception, though
local conveners of fairs and
trade shows are reporting that
exhibitors as well as visitors
are now focusing more on 'Hobby' fairs like flower shows are increasingly popular in Slovakia. Photo: SITA
costs and on what they can get
from attending a fair. “All our exhibitions [in making process is quite enough for the client to show
2008 was a successful year eastern Slovakia] have re- simple here – a normal visitor the price list on a notebook
for companies that organise gistered an increase in the looks for furniture and at a fair [computer],” said Baluška.
trade shows: they reported number of exhibitors in spite he compares and orders.” “The internet, social net-
sound numbers of exhibitors of the economic situation,” In the case of B2B events works, or virtual exhibitions
as well as visitors, the Trend Hrudál told The Slovak Spec- there are more goals, ex- extend possibilities for com-
economic weekly wrote in tator. “But in the case of spe- plained Baluška, adding that munication with target
December 2010. But in the first cialised exhibitions the num- such an event is the tradition- groups before the fair, during
half of 2009 the global eco- ber of visitors decreased. Vis- al international engineering it, as well as after it. Thus the
nomic crisis hit, and the sec- itors are choosing which ex- fair held in Nitra. This kind of communication media are
tor reported a drastic fall in hibition they will visit.” event provides the opportun- important, as tools to get re-
business in Slovakia and Hrudál specified that the ity to get new information action and feedback from ex-
around the globe. Some fairs complicated situation in about possible solutions to isting as well as potential cli-
or exhibitions were even can- North Africa has affected the problems, or to hear about or ents. Blogs enable specialised
celled or had their regularity organisation of tourism fairs. view new trends. The de- discussions of certain topics.”
reduced. Hopes that 2010 On the other hand, the num- cision-making process for
would bring a revival were ber of visitors to ‘hobby’ exhib- purchase of products or tech- Plans for 2011
vindicated, but only late in the itions has increased. nologies is more complicated
year. Trend reported that, es- “‘Hobby’ fairs and exhibi- and usually there are also Agrokomplex expects that
pecially in the case of fairs de- tions focusing, for example, more people involved in such the number of exhibitors and
signed for the general public, on gardening, hunting, fish- a process. A decision to buy visitors will remain stable
entertainment has become an ing and so on are still may be reached as late as sev- during 2011. So far this year it
important element and that popular,” said Hrudál, adding eral months after the fair, ac- has organised a national pi-
visitors arrive at shows to en- that during the last few years cording to Baluška. geon exhibition, its furniture
joy the atmosphere and not his company has registered In Nitra they have not re- fair, the Agrosalon agriculture
only to see products and ser- increasing interest from ex- gistered any fundamental machinery fair and exhibi-
vices presented or to collect hibitors abroad. “The personal changes in requirements tions covering gardening,
information, as they take the contact of the buyer with the from exhibitors. bonsai and products made by
latter for granted. seller is irreplaceable. A lot of “They have to trust the or- secondary school and con-
“Also for us, just as for people in our region still don’t ganisers to attract an adequate struction students.
most fair and exhibition com- use the internet or don’t trust target group of clients,” said “This was the most de-
panies, 2008 was the most internet sales and prefer to Baluška, who added that pre- manding spring season in our
successful year,” Alexander purchase goods directly.” event administration is now history,” said Baluška, adding
Rozin Jr from Incheba Expo According to Marek largely conducted by electron- that all the events were very
Bratislava told the Trend Baluška, marketing manager ic means. “Clients are very de- successful. “Along with this
weekly. “Even though it was at Agrokomplex-Výstavníctvo liberately choosing only those we managed to create a large
expected that the sector Nitra, current trends include fairs and exhibitions that are congress hall in the K pavilion
would revive along with the shortening of fairs and exhibi- high quality from the point of and two smaller conference
economy in 2010, we re- tions as well as their opening view of infrastructure, ser- rooms through which we in-
gistered an increase compared hours, maximum rationalisa- vices and visit rate.” tend to improve conditions
to the previous year only in tion during planning, simpler The economic crisis has for exhibitors and visitors. We
the third quarter; and we did and lighter construction ma- meant that exhibitors are se- are now preparing for the in-
not get close to the positive terials, active preparation lecting the events they attend ternational engineering fair
figures from 2008.” from the side of exhibitors, more carefully according to in late May and then
According to Rozin Jr, the and usage of all means of quality, said Baluška. They Agrokomplex and the Autos-
B2B (business-to-business) communications both before compare events and choose alon Nitra car show… At the
fairs and exhibitions sector and during a fair. He thinks only the best ones. Some end of 2011 we expect to report
was particularly badly af- that these trends do not differ companies are judging 3,000 exhibitors and 400,000
fected, while the B2C (busi- from those abroad. whether it is effective for visitors.”
ness-to-consumer) sector, “The role of exhibitions them to participate at an ex- In Košice, HCDT ZSVTS be-
which is more oriented to- and fairs in Slovakia depends hibition each year or whether lieves that everything de-
wards end-customers, fared on their concept,” Baluška it is enough to take part every pends on the economic situ-
better. told The Slovak Spectator. “In second year. ation in Slovakia.
This was also the experi- the case of events focusing on New technologies have “We want to try to renew
ence of Viliam Hrudál, direct- the end-user, for example our also changed the business. the tradition of food fairs and
or of the exhibitions depart- furniture fair, the main goal of “The internet helps exhib- to launch a new fair of a type
ment at HCDT ZSVTS, the most exhibitors is to support iting companies to sell, saves so far missing in our region –
main organiser of fairs and sales, and orders are closed costs as it is not necessary to with a focus on IT,” said
exhibitions in Košice. during the fair. The decision- print so many materials – it is Hrudál.
8 May 2 – 8, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

SCB: Bureau aims to promote Slovakia

Continued from pg 6 months as well as to use its sees historical and spa towns sphere, something that no
FOCUS shorts
website to convey informa- or centres in the mountains new building can offer. Walls
Čujková specified that the tion about unique aspects of as being ideal. which ‘breathe’ history
SCB’s goals include carrying Slovakia’s MICE offering. “For the time being the provide added value and can Destination manager wanted
out activities to promote in- Pavol Kašuba, the secret- bigger stress in incentive create a pleasant environ-
centive tourism in Slovakia, ary general of the Association tourism is being laid on the ment with a positive effect on BRATISLAVA City Council is Ftáčnik told the TASR
to create a system to present of Hotels and Restaurants of uniqueness of programmes the final results of business inviting applications for the newswire. The head of the
and promote Slovakia, and to Slovakia (ZHR SR), thinks that that include culture, enter- meetings, educational post of head of its tourism department of tourism and
support and promote existing it is too early to assess the tainment, family-oriented events, company celebra- and destination manage- destination management
and new incentive tourism activities of the SCB. But he elements, an individual ap- tions, conferences and so on. ment department. Those in- will deal with creation of
products. believes that, apart from the proach to dining and to selec- Thanks to these, interest in terested in the job can apply projects and programmes in
“A precondition for more absence of a proper congress tion of quality restaurants, holding MICE events in his- by May 2, Ľubomír An- the segment of tourism and
effective operation of the SCB centre, Bratislava as well as private visits to attractions, toric buildings is high. drassy, spokesperson of destination management
is more significant interest the rest of Slovakia lacks an shops and museums,” said “To hold a successful Bratislava Mayor Milan for the city council.
from relevant subjects in adequate range of leisure Čujková. “All these Slovakia event, conference or training
membership,” Čujková said, activities and that this is can offer.” session requires a stress on
adding that for now the SCB where Bratislava and Slovakia With regards to accom- details, which is exactly what Agrokomplex boss fired
has 10 members. These in- lag behind popular incentive modation capacities Orgonáš historic hotels provide,”
clude hotels, travel agencies, destinations like Vienna, said that even though there Michal Čuridlo, secretary AGRICULTURE Minister Zsolt violations.
Incheba, the City of Bratis- Prague and Budapest. may be some regional differ- general of the Association of Simon sacked Ľubomír Mar- Simon told the agricul-
lava, and others. Čujková agrees, saying ences, in general Slovakia has Historic Hotels of Slovakia tinka as head of Agrokom- tural weekly Roľnícke Noviny
The SCB acts as a central that in order to become an at- more capacity than it actually (HHS), which clusters nine plex, one of the three biggest earlier in April that
representative of its members tractive and competitive con- needs and that it has hotels located in castles, fair and exhibition premises Agrokomplex under Martinka
and conveys the require- gress and MICE destination everything from pensions up mansions and historic build- in Slovakia in early April. “took a bad direction”.
ments of foreign clients to Slovakia needs to build spe- to five-star hotels. ings in Slovakia, told The While Simon says that he did The new director of
them. It participates in spe- cialised congress centres, im- Orgonáš believes that Slovak Spectator. so because Martinka had not Agrokomplex should emerge
cialised fairs, organises famil- prove infrastructure, focus on satellite events held in Slov- The historic hotels differ fulfilled his tasks, the former from a competition for which
iarisation tours and press details and constantly in- akia and accompanying in size as well as amenities Agrokomplex boss said polit- candidates could apply up to
trips, searches for usable con- crease its quality of service. events in Vienna would help and not all of them have large ics were behind his dismissal, April 27. Jozef Bučka is cur-
tacts and cooperates with in- Here she pointed to develop- to develop tourism in Slov- conference halls at their dis- the Sme daily wrote. rently the organisation’s act-
ternational associations. It ment projects which are in akia, but it would be better to posal. According to Čuridlo, Martinka led Agrokom- ing head. Martinka replaced
has is own website and is now the pipeline, for example the draw congresses and MICE instead they have small or plex-Výstavníctvo Nitra, the Miloslav Pisár, who had been
preparing promotional ma- project to construct a special- events directly to Slovakia. medium-sized convention state-owned convener of fairs appointed by the previous
terials. ised congress centre in Čujková added that such premises. This factor is often and tradeshows focusing on government, after winning a
According to SACR re- Košice, which is the number satellite congress events have balanced by the possibility of agriculture, for just over selection competition for the
search, no universal model for two MICE destination after already been held in Bratis- extending an event into adja- three months. Sme reported post in late 2010. He did not
such an organisation exists, Bratislava. In the capital, ac- lava, for example last year’s cent historical gardens and that he planned to lay off four meet the formal education
but experience shows that en- cording to her, the newly re- International Press Institute parks. employees and claimed to requirements, but is a teacher
tities operating in incentive constructed ice hockey stadi- congress. With regards to their cli- have uncovered some legal by profession.
tourism directly or indirectly um may also serve for some “Neighbouring cities and entele, historical hotels are a
as suppliers are strongly in- congress events. countries with developed in- desired venue for a wide port-
terested in the functioning of “Of course, the capital, frastructure and facilities be- folio of customers ranging New Hilton opens in Bratislava
such organisations. The SCB’s Bratislava, has the best condi- long among the strong play- from pharmaceutical com-
model of operation is based on tions for development of ers in incentive tourism,” panies to car importers, and BRATISLAVA got another and started as an illegal struc-
clustering the finances of MICE, followed by Košice and said Čujková. “Slovakia faces Čuridlo does not see any sec- conference venue in late ture after construction began
private entities and the re- the High Tatras mountain a difficult task to change the toral limitations. April with the opening of a without the necessary per-
sources of municipal, region- region,” said Čujková. “Over traditional flows of events.” “The interest in present- new DoubleTree by Hilton mits, according to the Sme
al and state budgets. recent years new hotels of the ing companies at a high level hotel in Bratislava. It is loc- daily. Rudolf Kusý, the mayor
So far the SCB has parti- highest categories have also Historical venues and in an original way is ated just next to the re- of Bratislava’s Nové Mesto
cipated in a number of exhibi- been built outside Bratislava, high,” he said, adding that in vamped stadium that hosts district, told Sme that this in-
tions and fairs focusing on for example in the High While Slovakia still does the case of companies with the Ice Hockey World Cham- fringement resulted in the
MICE tourism in the Czech Tatras, Košice, Žilina and not have a full-size congress foreign capital it is possible to pionship. The hotel is cur- investor being fined €45,000.
Republic and Great Britain – Trnava. The latter are also in- centre, it is full of historical see a difference in interest be- rently hosting Slovak nation- The hotel has 120 rooms
where it attended the most teresting for incentive tour- buildings which no longer cause historic hotels abroad al team players who, along and what it claims is the
prestigious business-to-busi- ism as it is possible to link serve their original purposes. have a greater tradition than with their Czech peers, are capital’s biggest conference
ness fair, WTM, in London – MICE events and tourist Many of them have been in Slovakia and thus company the first guests of the four- room, at 600 square metres.
as well in Spain and Germany. attractions.” turned into hotels and cultur- managers are more inclined star hotel. The hotel is a
It wants to continue in such For smaller events, sem- al sites which lure visitors to select a historic hotel as a project by businessman Juraj Compiled by Spectator staff
activities in the coming inars and training courses she with their unique atmo- venue for such an event. Široký's Tehelné Pole firm from press reports


NEWS May 2 – 8, 2011 9

ICE: Championship starts hk}ly{pzltlu{

Continued from pg 1
Database Administrator
Apart from some of the $(! *#  ,01 
$7 0
world’s leading hockey stars & 0 -  0 &/


who will appear on the ice in
Bratislava and Košice, Slovakia Project Engineer
was also expecting several & *+(' 0 0  
prominent guests and thou- & 0 -  0 &/

sands of regular hockey fans to %

fill the streets of its two biggest
cities. Networking Pricing Manager
 #  ,01 
& 0 -  0 &/

Politicians take to %

the stadiums too
Regional Channel Manager
German Chancellor Angela + ,3 #  ,01 
& 0 -  0 &/

Merkel, whom Slovak Prime %

Minister Iveta Radičová invited
to see the match between Slov- Process Engineer
akia and Germany on May 1, 0 + 2  #$7 0
will not make it to Bratislava. & 0 -  0 &/

But Prince Albert of Monaco is %

expected to visit Slovakia dur-
Strategic Sourcing Specialist/Junior
ing the championship, as is " 0 + 20 #  
Finland’s President Tarja & 0 -  0 &/

Halonen, the Sme daily repor- %

The ice hockey matches Goooly, the championship mascot, in action. Photo: ČTK Senior General Procurement Manager
%+ 2 #  ,01 
will thus become a partly dip- & 0 -  0 &/

lomatic event. Speaker of Par- %

liament Richard Sulík said he
wanted to use the occasion to Advanced C/C++ Software developer
meet his counterparts from * + 2 #  ,01 
Slovenia and Russia, and pos- & 0 -  0 01 /


sibly also the Czech Republic.
The first match involving HR Specialist - Recruiter
the Slovak national team on #&#  + 0#  ,01 

April 29, against Slovenia, was   
due to be attended by Slovakia’s & 0 -  0 &/


10+ 2 32
three highest constitutional
representatives: Radičová, Senior Design Engineer for HVAC
Sulík and President Ivan +"' # * % ,*#+%(.$#3  0 0  

Gašparovič. Radičová and   
Gašparovič were reported to be & 0 -  0 &/

planning to attend all %

Slovakia’s other matches.
ERP specialist
,#" + 2 3  #80
Extra security in force & 0 -  0 01 /

The bronze, gold and silver championship medals. Photo: TASR

The streets of Bratislava
will be patrolled by between “Locations where the The volunteers, mostly Zuzana Janošová. The aver- Supply Controller
700 and 1,000 police officers greatest concentration of for- students and retirees, will age age of the volunteers, % + 2 (1#  )0 % 0
every day during the champi- eign visitors is expected will be also provide assistance at who aside from Slovakia & 0 -  0 &/


onship, which ends on May 15. covered by policemen who airports as well as at stadi- come from countries such as
The number will depend on the speak at least one foreign ums in Bratislava and Canada, Poland, Hungary ERP Functional Consultant (Invoicing)
assessed risk related to the language,” Faragó said, as Košice. They will inform and the Czech Republic, is 25. 00#  ,01 
matches being played each day. quoted by the TASR newswire. hockey fans about, for ex- Women account for one & 0 -  0 &/

According to Csaba Faragó A total of 550 volunteers ample, items that can or third of the volunteers. %

of the Bratislava Regional Po- clad in yellow jackets and wear- cannot be brought into For more information about
lice Directorate, there will be ing caps of the same colour will hockey arenas. the championship, including
about 670 regular police of- help with press accreditation, “Many high-quality practical hints and tips, see The   
ficers, 130 traffic police, 60 accommodation, manning people have applied and they Slovak Spectator’s Hockey Fan
railway police, 130 special op- help-desks, and handling lo- are all well-versed in terms Guide, available at information
erations officers, 16 explosives gistics during the champion- of foreign languages,” said stands, hotels and online at
specialists, and others. ship, TASR reported on April 26. the volunteers’ manager,


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10 May 2 – 8, 2011 CULTURE

Sweet product of the East Western SLOVAKIA

l TANGO MUSIC: Koncert Trio
Tango – This concert by Ursula
Fiedler (vocals and violin),
Thomas Kirsten (cello) and
Christian Heitler (piano and
arrangements) comes with
works reflecting early Mod-
ernism in music. “Tango
Nuevo” by Astor Piazolla will
be performed with works by
Silesian late-Romantic com-
poser Conrad Ansorge.
Starts: May 5, 18:00; Moz-
art Hall of the Austrian Em-
bassy, Ventúrska 10. Admis-
sion: free. Tel: 02/5930-1533;
GASP 3 – The dance-rhythmic-
al show prepared by the Slovak A TRADITIONAL spring exhibition of naive art is currently tak-
Dance Theatre / Slovenské di- ing place at the Typo & Ars Gallery, Roľnícka 349 in the Vajnory
THIS precious postcard, dat- The beekeeping tradition duty was to supply their lords vadlo tanca bears the typical district of Bratislava. It is dedicated to Slovak artists from the
ing back to before World War goes back to the Middle Ages: with honey. traces of choreographer Ján mainly Slovak village of Kovačica in the Vojvodina region of Ser-
I, depicts the bee- In the 12th cen- Ďurovčík, this time including bia, and ranges from older masters like Zuzana Chalupová and

house of beekeeper tury, trade in honey a combination of classical and Ján Kňazovic, to contemporary oil paintings. The exhibition In-
Lajos Retzman. began and it is inter- less traditional forms, a touch
sita z Kovačice is open daily until May 22, but please contact the
He kept bees in esting that it was of humour and folklore.
Starts: May 5, 19:00; Hei- owner/manager at 0903/477-074 or check to
the village of Bačka mostly exported confirm opening hours. Photo: Courtesy of TAG
in the Zemplín re- from the eastern part neken Tower Stage. Admis-
sion: €16-€19. Tel: 02/5293-
gion and was photographed as early as in the 10th to 11th of Europe to western Europe. 3321; sion: free. Tel: 02/5443-3244 – 6; Krútňava / The Whirlpool – The
standing by his bee-house centuries, extensive produc- Until the 19th century, honey most performed opera by a
with his family. tion of honey has been con- was the only sweetener avail- Bratislava Slovak composer is based on
In Slovakia, beekeeping firmed on the territories in- able and only members of the l CLASSICAL MUSIC: Nitra Milo Urban’s short novel. The
was frequent near mining habited by Slavs. In the medi- upper classes could afford to Jubilujúci velikáni hudby / l GASTRONOMY: Akadémia story of love and hatred ending
towns, as well as in eastern eval royal and ducal courts include it in their diet. Great Musicians Celebrating kávy - zdravá káva / Academy in a drama of consciousness is
regions. there were servants whose By Branislav Chovan Anniversaries – The Opera of of Coffee - Healthy Coffee – For set in a folk environment after
the Slovak National Theatre anyone wanting to learn more World War I.
has prepared a special concert about choosing, preparing and Starts: May 3, 19:00; Sta–
commemorating the an- serving coffee, the Academy of te Opera, Národná 11. Admis-
Nitra Theatre Festival aims niversaries of some renowned
central European composers:
Ján Cikker, Gustav Mahler and
Coffee offers lessons, work-
shops and tasting sessions.
Starts: May 7, 13:00-17:00;
sion: €4-€6. Tel: 048/
2457- 123-4, 048/2457-120;
to honour its volunteers Antonín Dvořák. The cast in-
cludes, among others, A.
Kohútková, P. Mikuláš and
Coffee Shop, Mostná 7. Admis-
sion: €45 (including snack and
tasting of coffee). Tel: 02/5293
l CIRCUS: In front of the HM
Ilya Silchukov (Belarus). -3321; Tesco Turiec, circus perform-
Starts: May 6, 19:00; SND ances will be offered for free
new building, Pribinova 17. Trnava during the whole weekend, in-
Admission: €3-€10. Tel: 02/ l THAI BOXING: Hanuman cluding acrobats, a magician,
2047-2299; Cup 9 - A series of professional juggler, clown, and more.
Thai boxing matches under K1 Starts: May 6 (14:00, 15:30
Bratislava rules culminate in a duel and 17:00), May 7 and May 8
l EXHIBITION: Lentilky – This between Slovakia's Michal (10:30, 14:00 and 16:00), shop-
exhibition offers a thorough Halada and Ukrainian Cup ping centre Turiec 1. Admis-
view of the small-format winner Ivan Schevchenko. sion: free. More info:
works of Dávid Baffi. Small Starts: May 6, 19:00; Town
formats, known as Lentilky (a Sports Hall, Rybnikova 15.
Slovak brand of chocolate Admission: €10 (in advance) Eastern SLOVAKIA
sweets similar to Smarties or or €13 (on the door). Tel:
M&Ms), are combination of 02/ 5293-3321, 0905/647-192; Vranov nad Topľou
studies, essays and archives www., www. l LIVE MUSIC: IMT Smile Ak-
documenting the research ustik Tour 2011 – Very popular
process. Slovak bands have set off on an
Open: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri Central SLOVAKIA “unplugged” tour, introducing
8:00-19:00, Wed 12:00-19:00 young and emerging musi-
until May 13; Artotéka, City Banská Bystrica cians like Xindl X, Samo
Library, Kapucínska 1. Admis- l OPERA: Eugen Suchoň - Tomeček, LeRa, Peter
Červenka, and Noc a deň.
Starts: May 5, 19:00; EKG
Night Club, U Boženy Něm-
Many volunteers helped the festival. Were you among them? Photo: Collavino, Courtesy of DN covej 1134. Admission: €12.
Tel: 0907/256-274; 02/5293-3321;
THIS YEAR the Divadelná Ni- plete a simple form and then festival and the cultural mi-
tra Theatre Festival is celeb- be listed in the festival’s lieu of any community – as Košice
rating its 20th anniversary forthcoming publication en- well as giving personal satis- l LIVE MUSIC & DJS: DAT Polit-
and over the years it has titled 20 rokov dobrovoľníctva faction to volunteers. ics + The Uniques + Chunk-Foo
drawn on the help of more na Divadelnej Nitre (Twenty The authors noted that Fighters – The French elec-
troglitch band DAT Politics has
than 120 volunteers every Years of Volunteering at the volunteer work can build joined forces with two Slovak
year. With 2011 being the Nitra Theatre Festival) which young people’s willingness to groups, the post-punk The
European Year of Volunteer- will highlight past years of help their communities, Uniques and DJs Chunk-Foo
ing, festival organisers are the festival and, by naming draw them closer to cultural Fighters who are breathing
asking all people who have them, pay tribute to all the vo- life and promote volunteer- fresh air into the electro-house
volunteered for various jobs lunteers who have helped. ing as a tool of personal devel- and bass-line scene.
in previous years to contact The authors of the pub- opment. The EC designated Starts: May 6, 22:00;
them via their webpage, lication not only want to 2011 as the European Year of The United States Air Forces in Europe Band gives a series of Kasárne Kulturpark, Kuku-, and check thank the volunteers for Volunteering. concerts in Slovakia in the beginning of May. It will perform on čínova 2. Admission: €8
(in advance) or €10 (on
whether their name is on the their past cooperation but May 7 at 19:00 in the Štiavničky Sports Hall in Banská Bystrica.
the door). Tel: 055/6854-299;
list of volunteers. also publicise the value of vo- Compiled by Spectator staff Tickets can be purchased through the Information Centre in SNP www.
If not, one can easily com- lunteering, which helps the from press reports Square 1 (tel. 048/4155-085). Photo: Courtesy of US Embassy By Zuzana Vilikovská
N A M E D A Y M A Y 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Îigmund Galina Florián Lesana Hermína Monika Ingrida
can now be found at
May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE May 2 – 8, 2011 11

Veronese masterpiece visits Bratislava

1560-1565, the period when The portrait is painted in works come to Slovakia only
Bratislava City Italian Mannerism art, such a way that the man’s gaze once in decades,” Jančár told
Gallery continues which evolved during the follows the viewer when look- The Slovak Spectator. “One
later years of the Italian High ing at the painting from either excellent painting alone can
to bring top art Renaissance, was in its full side. As Bisceglia explained to be better than a good exhibi-
to Bratislava bloom. This was toward the The Slovak Spectator, this is tion. This painting may give
end of the Renaissance and something that people can ex- visitors an impetus to get to
the beginning of the natural- perience when seeing a great know more about Veronese or
ism movement of the 17th painting, one in which the the Renaissance. It is an as-
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ century. Veronese, along artist knows how to create this tonishing emotional experi-
Spectator staff with Titian and Tintoretto, is perspective and in which the ence to see this painting. It
one of the pre-eminent subject of the portrait is was so even for me, though I
painters of the Venetian brought to life. have visited many art galler-
EVEN the best reproduction Renaissance. The painting was pur- ies around the world.”
cannot replace the emotional The identity of the man chased by Leopoldo de’ Medici, According to Jančár, the
experience of viewing an ori- in the painting has never an Italian cardinal, scholar and insurance of the painting also
ginal masterpiece of art. That been absolutely confirmed patron of the arts, about one proves its rareness.
is why people keep visiting even though many art critics hundred years after Veronese "The painting is insured
art galleries rather than ad- have identified him as painted it. Bisceglia explained for the sum of €15 million,
miring works of art only in Daniele Barbaro, a Venetian that de’ Medici commissioned which is the 30-year budget of
books or on the internet. aristocrat. a beautiful and richly decor- our gallery," said Jančár as
Now, Bratislavans have a rare “Even though many ated frame for the painting quoted by TASR. "This is the
opportunity to see a signific- doubt this identity, we be- between 1650 and 1660. For this highest insurance for a piece
ant work of art from the late lieve and are convinced even occasion the Italian gallery of art ever brought to Slov-
Italian Renaissance at the today that the painting de- loaned the painting in its his- akia."
Bratislava City Gallery (GMB): picts this extraordinary torical frame, something that Jančár said Bratislavans
Portrait of a Man by Paolo personality,” said Bisceglia, is usually not done for security can look forward to more ex-
Veronese. describing Veronese’s excep- reasons. hilarating solo shows.
On the occasion of the tional technical abilities “In October we will bring
150th anniversary of the uni- demonstrated by the paint- Top artworks at GMB another great painting, this
fication of Italy and the 50th ing. “When looking at the one by Italian artist
anniversary of the GMB, the painting, you see that the This is not the first time Bassano,” Jančár said.
Palatine Gallery of Florence artwork is created from just GMB has shown just a single
loaned this masterpiece to Paolo Veronese: Portrait of a Man Photo: Courtesy of GMB three colours: white, black piece of Italian art in an ex- What: Paolo Veronese: Por-
the GMB. The exhibition is and flesh colour. Veronese’s hibit. Three years ago, it ex- trait of a Man
another success flowing from us this astonishing painting,” The masterpiece is by use of light is also very im- hibited a treasured panting Where: GMB, Mirbach
the fruitful cooperation said Ivan Jančár, GMB’s dir- Paolo Cagliari (Caliari), an portant. It comes from the by Tintoretto, Christ and the Palace, Františkánske Square 11
between the Italian Cultural ector, at the ceremonial open- Italian Renaissance artist back and in this way it cre- Woman Taken in Adultery. When: Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00,
Institute in Bratislava and ing of the exhibition on April who later became known as ates a monumental architec- Jančár believes that such solo until June 30
the gallery. 15. “This masterpiece is one of ‘Paolo Veronese’ after his tonic structure for the work, exhibitions are significant. Tickets: €3.50 (for all the ex-
“I’m very glad that curat- the top works the Palatine birthplace in Verona. The from which the portrait of “This is of great import- hibitions in Mirbach Palace)
or Anna Bisceglia has brought Gallery has in its collections.” painting dates back to the man emerges.” ance because such exclusive

Artworks from waste bottles

IN HIS first solo exhibition, Slovak artist Karol
Karolčík presents his works created from
produce waste, we also have to reduce it,” the
artist said.
waste materials. Visitors can see his artwork at Apart from three polyester objects, The
the BCPB Gallery, Vysoká 17 in Bratislava, from Walking Lady, Red Figurine and Blue Figurine,
April 18 to May 8. The artist symbolically and several of his paintings are in the show – the
optimistically called his show “How I Have biggest one being All Together with a Package
Not Stopped Believing in Dreams”. of Measures, 171 x 140 centimetres in size,
“Most often I use plastic bottles. They have made by combined techniques on waste wood.
beautiful fractures – that is what is interesting “I like to analyse human nature, to show
for me about them,” the young artist told the people the mirror image,” the artist said, char-
TASR newswire, adding that he likes plastic acterising his works.
bottles because they are the cheapest and best Karol Karolčík was born in Bratislava in
material available. But he is not happy that 1978, studied at the Comprehensive Secondary

they lie everywhere and pollute the natural School of Scenic Arts and since 1997 has been a

€ 6p.e5r
environment. freelance artist.
“It is a very durable material, with a long He has received awards in Italy and has
lifespan. It is not able to decompose by itself so also restored several cultural monuments in

I recycle it at least in this way. We cannot just Slovakia and abroad.

Chinese dance in Bratislava

IN ADDITION to “Western-style” dance with its In modern times, its training was system-
multiple forms there are several “exotic” dance atised to include elements like barre and
styles that are rarely seen by central European centre work. This dance has three combined
or Slovak audiences. They include Chinese main components: form, bearing and tech-
dance, with its two main forms: ethnic or folk nique. In addition to presenting classical
dance and classical dance. Ethnic or folk dance Chinese dance, Shen Yun will offer ethnic and
refers to the different regional and ethnic styles folklore dances from northern parts of China,
that have been passed down through the cen- as far as Mongolia, and from southern parts of
turies. Classical Chinese dance is different and Yunnan province. One of the performance’s
on May 7 and 8, a renowned ensemble, Shen
Yun Performing Arts, will show off this dance
organisers, Marek Tatarko, told the SITA
newswire, “The dances which draw from IgVkZahidg^Zhhijcc^c\e]didh
form in Bratislava.
Performances by the Shen Yun troupe
primarily comprise classical Chinese dance that
more than twenty dynasties and fifty ethnic
groups revive ancient legends about famous
characters and heroes and also current stories
requires extensive training. It basically carries
the essence of Chinese cultural expression in its
from recent China.”
Shen Yun, which was founded in New York,
movements, postures and aesthetics. In its early has performed at numerous prestigious stages
years, classical Chinese dance was passed down and now comes to the new building of the Slov-
primarily through the imperial court and as part ak National Theatre in Bratislava. ;dgbdgZ^c[dgbVi^dck^h^illl#heZXiVidg#h`$egdYjXih
of ancient theatre, according to the ensemble’s
website, Compiled by Spectator staff
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12 May 2 – 8, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

A PUB in the

village of
Brehy in
Bystrica Re-
gion will

Region pays €1m remain decorated with a

1.5-metre whip woven from
willow branches until East-

for Warhol prints er 2012. These kinds of

whips are used on Easter
Monday to symbolically
AMONG the ceived two other offers, one ‘whip’ Slovak women and

world's lead- from the Barbara Gillman Gal- girls – in one of the
ing modern lery in Florida (€138,000 for country’s strangest tradi-
artists, Andy the complete portfolio) and tions, at least to foreigners.
Warhol is per- also one from Coskum Fine Art STU's Istrobot competition, a warm-up for international matches. Photo: Új Szó, Tibor Somogyi The whip to be displayed in
haps closest to in London (€170,000) but that the local pub won a compet-
Slovak hearts: his parents these were for so-called “main ition on April 16 as the
moved to America from from
the village of Miková near the
town of Medzilaborce in east-
prints”. The “author’s prints”,
those offered by Gališin, are
estimated to be worth around
Slovak-made robot wins longest whip made this
year in Brehy.
“In our village a big
ern Slovakia. The Andy War-
hol Museum in Medzilaborce
was founded only two years
€400,000, SITA wrote.
Parliamentarians from
the Smer and Movement for a
international competition whip used to be woven be-
fore Easter and on Easter
Sunday young lads went
after the first Warhol mu- Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) A SLOVAK university team of This year the winning “Their robots managed to around the houses in the vil-
seum in Pittsburgh, the SITA parties are the main pro- robotics experts repeated a Slovak team re-designed push robotic wrestlers from lage and asked girls for
newswire wrote. But the ponents of consummating the previous victory and claimed mechanical aspects of their Britain, Ireland and Ro- braids. The whip was then
Medzilaborce museum and a deal with Gališin and have ar- another gold medal at the Ro- robot, using more effective mania out of the ring,” Ba- hung in the pub and stayed
set of Warhol prints are now at gued that these particular botchallenge international motors and replacing some logh reported. A final medal there until the next Easter.
the core of a political dispute. prints are signed and foliated competition held in Vienna, plastic parts with metal ones. brought home to Slovakia That was our tradition,”
The museum borrowed a by Warhol himself. The pres- Richard Balogh of the Slovak “The robot became much was captured by Ján Bačík of Mária Fialová, one of the or-
set of 26 Warhol prints out of a ident of Prešov Region, Peter University of Technology in faster and it was generally the Prometheus project for ganisers, told the TASR
total of 30 in a series from a Chudík, pressed hard for the Bratislava (STU) told the TASR more resistant to hits by autonomous control of mod- newswire.
private collector, Eugen purchase, arguing that the newswire. rivals,” said Škultéty, one of el helicopters. Slovaks She added that the win-
Gališin. The set is titled Ten works signed by Warhol are “Moreover, secondary the designers and a graduate placed second in the overall ning whip this year is not
Portrayals of Jews of the 20th held in higher esteem and school students from Liptovský from STU’s Faculty of Elec- competition behind teams very long. “This year the
century which Gališin re- would improve the museum’s Mikuláš joined us and brought trical Engineering and In- from Poland. willow tree lost its blooms
ceived from Warhol’s brother reputation, the TASR news- home some more medals from formation Technology. The eighth year of the very quickly and the
under the condition that he wire wrote. this renowned international Altogether 18 teams from Robotchallenge competi- branches were hard so the
lend the set to the museum for In February some mem- event,” Balogh said. nine European countries tion was held over the last whip is relatively short,”
20 years. Now, however, bers of the regional parlia- Jozef Škultéty, Michal competed in this particular weekend of March at the she said. In addition to the
Gališin has offered to sell ment, among them Štefan Beňo, Ján Maláč and Peter category. Balogh said the Austrian Academy of Sci- competition for the longest
them to the museum for an Kužma of the Slovak Demo- Mihál were the designers of technical quality of the robots ences and Slovak-designed whip, local artisans presen-
asking price of €1 million. The cratic and Christian Union the winning robot, called this year improved dramatic- robots competed in several ted other traditional crafts.
museum is owned by the (SDKÚ), proposed the cancel- J2MP #99, that beat competit- ally compared to last year. categories including Aficionados of pottery,
Prešov Region government lation of the deal in order to ors from across Europe. “They In a new category called ‘Driving the Line’, the Le- hand-decorated Easter eggs,
and the regional parliament seek more information about managed to beat their com- LegoSumo, students from a goSumo contest as well as in wreaths and willow whips
failed to approve a deal to pur- the current market value of petitors again in the most secondary school in puck collecting. More than could admire these hand-
chase the prints in February Warhol’s works so that as demanding discipline – in Liptovský Mikuláš placed 1,000 robots were involved crafts as well as feast on tra-
by a single vote. In mid April, a many as possible could be ‘Puck Collect’,” Balogh said. first and second. in the competition. ditional home-made meals.
second vote was held that was bought for €1 million.
approved by 30 representat- Part of the recently ap-
ives, with 23 against and 4 ab-
The discussion before the
proved deal with Gališin, as
adopted by the Prešov Region
parliament, is for the private
Košice mayor baptises zoo animals
vote was long and turbulent collector to lend an additional AN INTEREST- Erich Kočner, the director

with primarily right-wing 27 Warhol works to the mu- ING event took of Košice Zoo, was pleased that
parliamentarians speaking seum. place at the spring was welcomed in such
against the deal, arguing that But the deal's opponents Košice Zoo on an exceptional way this year.
the price was too high. The are not happy. “We find the March 19 as “Our zoo has been breeding
chairman of the right-wing price exaggerated,” said Mayor Richard llamas since 1997 when we
caucus, Juraj Hurný, told SITA Hurný, as quoted by TASR. Raši and his family ceremoni- bought a breeding couple from
that the price was unilaterally “We will file a motion with the ally baptised five animals re- the zoo of Spišská Nová Ves.
set by the owner of the prints Prosecutor’s Office to invest- cently born at the zoo. A new We enjoyed the birth of the
and that the commission au- igate the economy and man- llama was baptised by Raši first offspring in 2001. It was a
thorised to approve the deal agement of public finances by himself and the mayor’s wife female – coincidentally she is
had no information about the regional representatives. and three daughters baptised the mother of the newest off-
prices of comparable Warhol And we will also file a motion four Cameroon sheep and spring – a female born on Au-
works. Hurný added that his with the Public Procurement Pygmy goats. The zoo com- gust 18, 2010. The father came
caucus made inquiries about Office to look into whether all bined the symbolic baptising, to Košice from Bojnice Zoo in
the price for other Warhol necessary requirements were in which godparents became April 2008. Our llamas are a
prints of the series and had re- fulfilled here.” sponsors of the animals, with domesticated form of guanaco
a welcome to spring. llama (Lama guanicoe), a
The traditions of spring camelid that comes from Latin
were evident in a performance America where it is bred
by the Štrbianček Children’s mainly for its fur and milk.
Folklore Ensemble from Košice Zoo has bred 10 domest-
Tatranská Štrba as well as icated llamas so far. We have
demonstrations of trained been breeding Cameroon
birds of prey by the Falconers sheep and Pygmy goats since
of St Bavon from Banská the zoo was founded,” Kočner
Medzilaborce's Andy Warhol Museum. Photo: Jana Liptáková Štiavnica. told the TASR newswire. A furry llama enchants a child at Košice Zoo. Photo: SITA

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