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Courtesy in education

As a student, it’s your obligation and must thing to be appreciative and polite to your
teachers. There are multiple doors to be a courtesy student to not just your teachers, but also
to other people such as your parents, siblings, old residents, colleagues and also animals.
Most importantly, all living creatures in this world. These ways you could gain not only
forgiveness from Almighty God but also got appreciated by others. First and foremost, the
easiest aspect and thing to do is to smile. It is because, smiling may sounds odd to some
people, but it helps strengthening people’s life and moods. For instance, if a person has been
through an awful day, and he walks passing you, then you give him a bright and pleasing
smile, that is definitely will helps his day to be better. On top of that, it is significant to say
“thank you” when someone is helping you, especially your teachers and parents. It is
considered to be rude if you do not say “thank you” to others. In case you missed it, citizens
in Japan constantly say “Arigatōgozaimashita” which represents “thank you” in English. On
the other hand, you have to always regret and apologize when you do something wrong. As
an example, when you didn’t finish your assignment, you have to apologize and say “sorry, I
promise I will not do it again” to your tutor and you obviously have to give a good excuse for
it. Plus, If you did something bad, it is easy to make peace with your opponent by saying “I
am sorry, I hope this thing ends here” to settle things down. Moreover, when someone is
having a dialogue, do not interrupt or hesitate. To make things clear, when your mother or
your father is chatting with her or his friend, it is undoubtedly not to ask questions or jump
into the conversation because it is very sensitive and you may interrupt their discussion and
that action counts as disrespectful. Also moreover, you unquestionably have to respect the
needs of others in the school community. Do not talk obnoxiously or loudly in class. Be
aware of your surroundings and the people in the vicinity and also use your cell phone in a
private place. Always be respectful towards the people that serve you especially your teacher.
Plus, it’s a decent action not to smoke in school because it may intrude on other pupils and it
carries a bad image to school and your family. In addition, it is favourable to never embarrass
other students or teachers in school. It is not polite to embarrass someone. In fact, it’s rude
and mean and only serves to portray you as a bully. If you don’t have anything nice to say,
then don’t say anything. Additionally, you should always show some respect to the elderly.
You should always be polite to adults and treat them with respect. Go out of your way to help
elderly people and hold the door open for them. Consider having a conversation with them
because that may put a smile on their face. Treat others like you would like them to treat your
‘mother’ or your ‘grandmother’. Additionally, you should always respect other people’s
property including your friends, classmates, teachers, school’s property and siblings. Treat
other people’s possessions like they were your own. If you lose or ruin something that
belongs to someone else, fix or replace it. As well as the courtesy, when you rewrite your
plans, let others know. You should always honour and marks your word. If you commit to
plans, make sure you show up. If something comes up such as sickness, family business, you
get into an accident or something else, make sure you contact others immediately. Last but
not least, it is promising to be honest with others when you make a mistake. You can not keep
it a secret for yourself and do not give a false compliment because it will harm you and you
have to be trustworthy and responsible for what you have done. It is important for you to
learn how to be honest with one another and with ourselves. When we are honest, we are able
to build trusting relationships with those around us. Learning to be honest with ourselves
teaches us to address more complicated emotions that we are feeling or admit to mistakes.
Being honest with yourself can make life easier and less complicated. You become less
dependent on others and more dependent on yourself. You start loving yourself with all your
flaws, and that’s the turning point toward contentment and inner peace. To put it in a nutshell,
all of the courtesy are super vital, but don’t push yourself too much because honesty is the
best policies.

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