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Ratul, a software consultant, receives a request from the HR business head Sanjana asking for a

solution that all the employees can use to share and brainstorm innovative ideas. Ratul gets back to
Sanjana and asks clarification questions about the type of solution she’s looking for, the need for
such a solution, its intended impact, and so on.
After being reasonably clear about the requirement, he then explores how he can go about the
request. He explores existing solutions and talks to his team’s project manager to determine the effort
and timeline estimates. After doing a thorough analysis, he thinks an app would be the way to go
He needs to run his proposal by Sanjana, and sets up a call with her. He explains, in detail, how the
app is built and the various features it has. He also speaks about some of the limitations. Then he
details how the app would work to solve different aspects of her request. He cites examples of how
other clients have used the app and what problems they could resolve. At the end of the call, Sanjana
feels overwhelmed by all the information and does not feel confident enough to proceed.
How should Ratul have approached the aspect of presenting the solution to Sanjana?
Select one:

He should have done a presentation instead of a call.

He should have shared links to some of the apps his team had created.

He should have shared client recommendations that would have helped make his case stronger.

He should have focused his message such that it would give Sanjana just about enough information
to make a decision.
Ajay is planning to conduct an open session on techniques that will help reduce stress quickly in the
work place. He expects a good number of people to sign up. Ajay wants to convince the audience
that de-stressing does not need to be a long procedure and can be applied at the workplace on a day-
to-day basis. During the session, he needs to ensure that he is calm and is in a de-stressed state of
mind. How can he achieve this?
Select one:

He should ask audience members to share their thoughts on how one can de-stress.

He should take a few moments before the session to practice deep breathing.
Ajay should practice delivering the session multiple times.

He should show a video at the beginning of the session showing procedures of de-stressing.
Martha, a seller, is working on an urgent client presentation. Her manager, Christian wants the
presentation to be ready in three days as the kick-off meeting with the client is on day four. He
knows that the presentation is crucial to clinch the deal. 
What would be the best way for him to find out Martha’s progress on the presentation?
Select one:

Keeping in mind the significance of the presentation, he should set up one status call daily.

He should check with Martha and determine what will work for them.

Christian trusts Martha with her work, so he should set up a status call on day three.

He knows he’s responsible for the success of the presentation, so he should schedule two status calls
a day.

In three days, Mia needs to make an important presentation to a client on the success of the
Employee Engagement portal. She’s done with her research and is ready with all the data to support
her presentation. She decides to make a mock presentation to her internal team first.
After the presentation to the internal team, her manager Charlie suggests that she work on her
presentation to make it visually engaging. He remarks that the current presentation slides are
overloaded with information. He asks her to revise the presentation before the client call, due in three
days. While she understands the value of Charlie’s suggestion, she does not know how to go about
making slides visually engaging.
Given the time Mia has before the client call, how should she go about working on Charlie’s request?
Select one:
Mia can seek help from colleagues who have experience with making visually engaging

Given the short timeline, she can suggest to Charlie that they use the current presentation for the
upcoming client meeting with a disclaimer that the presentation is content-heavy.

She can work with Charlie to identify crucial areas that need to be reworked and focus on them.

She can look up the Internet for tips and best practices on creating visually engaging presentations

Alnoor is the training lead for a telecom portfolio. Her team curates training material on the telecom
sector for new employees. The team already has a website that houses all this material.
Alnoor now would like to make sure that the material is also easily accessible on mobile devices. She
reaches out to Chris, a learning consultant, to help her with this. Chris’s team has worked on creating
learning apps before. So, he thinks that a learning app will be the most appropriate solution here. He
writes to Alnoor asking clarification questions about the number of training resources that need to be
moved over, the format of the resources, and so on.
He needs this information to determine compatibility with the solution he is recommending. Chris
also reaches out to one of the project managers in his team to work out a cost, time, and effort
estimate; he shares these details with Alnoor.
Do you think Chris’s approach to work on Alnoor’s request was the right approach?
Select one:

Yes, he consulted other people before responding. He reached out to the project manager to work out

No, he should have done additional research and recommended more options that Alnoor could
consider for her requirement.

No, he could have created a prototype of the learning app to help Alnoor understand the solution he
was recommending.
Yes, he didn’t jump straight to executing the task. He asked clarification questions before working on
Alnoor’s request.

Akinobu is a senior programmer who has architected and built solutions for many of his
organisation’s prestigious clients. Based out of New York, he wants to establish himself as a thought
leader in his domain. He wants to share his expertise and engage with like-minded professionals
across his organisation. Akinobu believes that by sharing his accumulated knowledge, he can benefit
his organisation and its people. How can he achieve this?
Select one:

Akinobu should train young programmers by registering himself as a coach within the organisation..

He should share his experience through blogs and whitepapers and share these on the organisations
social media platform.

He should share his expertise and experience through webinars and video conferences.

He should set up and conduct knowledge sharing face-to-face sessions for others in his organisation.

Sundar, a project manager, was working on a proposal that he needed to share with the client within
three days. While working on it, he realized that he would require inputs from a software architect to
complete the proposal. He reached out to Vipin, a senior architect and frequent collaborator on
Sundar’s projects, but Vipin was on leave. Next he contacted Riya, another architect from Sundar’s
department; she was busy working on a deliverable and had no time. Sundar’s last resort is now
Ramesh with whom he has never worked. How do you think he should approach Ramesh and request
him for help in a compelling manner?
Select one:

He should send a meeting invite to Ramesh to discuss the proposal work.
He should call Ramesh, provide a brief overview of the task, and mention that it needs to be
completed within a day.

He should email Ramesh stating his requirement, along with the deadline, and copy Ramesh’s

He should ping Ramesh, state the requirement, mention the deadline, and request for his help.

During a team lunch, Amy, the team lead of the SAP team, remarks that she is impressed with the
way another company’s -ABC Security’s, business unit was able to cut down costs considerably by
adopting digital promotion. She turns to Rokia, her direct report, and wonders if their team should
consider doing something similar.
Back at work, Rokia thinks that the strategy is worth considering. So, she sets up a meeting with
Mila, who was driving the initiative at the ABC Security to confirm if they really have been able to
cut down costs. After her meeting with Mila, Rokia writes to Amy suggesting that they should
implement a similar strategy.
What was wrong with Rokia’s approach?
Select one:

She was proactive and didn’t wait for an official request to get started.

Her research was superficial; it was limited to validating what Amy suggested.

She should have probed further to find out more about the strategy that ABC Security team

She confirmed the information with the ABC Security team before making a recommendation to A
Ravi, an architect, is working on a mobile application development project, along with Pooja, the
project lead. Pooja is known to be a stickler for perfection, and Ravi likes to try out new ideas.
Of late, Ravi’s been noticing that Pooja keeps questioning his ideas and asks him to make revisions
to the app. Ravi feels that making enhancements and going the extra mile will delight clients;
however, Pooja feels that sticking to the requirements is essential to meet timelines. 
Pooja is reviewing one of the features on the app, and is wondering how she should approach sharing
her feedback with Ravi. Which of her thoughts would be appropriate in this case?
Select one:

I’ll share my concerns with Ravi and explain why I’m asking for revisions.

I don’t want to compromise on quality and upset the client. I’m going to push Ravi to stick to the
client-specified guidelines.

I’ll request Neha to make these revisions. She has some free time, and she’s worked on a similar app.
She should be able to easily make these revisions.

It may look like I’m nitpicking details, but it’s okay. I’m doing this so we can push the product out
and meet the deadline.

Abhinav and Mark, two learning consultants, worked hard for the past three months to close a deal
with a client. During client calls, Abhinav did most of the talking and enjoyed a good rapport with
the client. However, Mark’s contribution was equally important. He had worked on the requirement
analysis and conducted extensive research for this deal to be a success. When the deal was closed, the
client congratulated Abhinav during a call, and Abhinav didn’t mention Mark’s contribution. Mark
felt disheartened due to this and wanted to report this incident to his manager.
How should Mark describe this incident to his manager?
Select one:

Abhinav is not a good team player. He never gives me a chance to talk during client calls.

Abhinav forgot to call out my contributions to the project in the closure call with the client.
Abhinav takes all credit for the work and never acknowledges my contribution.

Abhinav is not a team player and seems to be focused on individual goals rather than the project

Reena works in the HR talent team. Her manager Roma is concerned about the percentage of early
professional hires (EPH) leaving the organization within the first two years. She requests Reena to
provide the statistics for the EPH turnover for the last four quarters, along with the reasons for the
While working on the request, Reena realizes that she does not have access to the exit interview
database for China. She reaches out to Xiang, her counterpart in China, for access. Xiang is on a
week-long leave. Reena informs Roma about the situation. She also informs her that she has China-
specific data for the first two quarters, which she had received from Xiang for a different request
before she went on leave.
What could she have done differently?
Select one:

She could have connected with Xiang’s manager and figured out a way to access the database.

She could have identified a technical specialist who could have tried to retrieve the data she needed

She could have computed average values for the last two quarters based on the first two.

Reena could have moved ahead with the request, and sent in the reports for the other BUs. 

Sameen and Harold are graphic designers. Samantha, their manager, has asked them to design posters
for an Artificial Intelligence (AI) project. The posters will be displayed at a trade show in New York.
Sameen and Harold have strong points of view regarding design. Sameen prefers a realistic design in
which components represent their real-life counterparts. Harold, on the other hand, favors a flat or
minimalist design approach that is modern, trendy, and colorful. While working on the posters, this
conflict in design approach is creating tensions between them. Sameen and Harold need to find a way
to resolve this conflict and come up with a design that fulfils project requirements. What should they
Select one:

They should reach out to Samantha individually and try to convince her to opt for their design

They should decide to opt for one design approach for the posters and let go of the other.

They should identify elements from both design approaches that are compatible and can be combined
to create posters that are suitable for the project.

They should reach out to Samantha and request her to assign other designers to the project to
complete the work.

Tasha manages an applications migration project. The project requires managing teams handling
various technologies. She needs to present project updates to the leadership team every Friday
evening. She’s asked all the teams working on the project to send in their status reports by the end of
Thursday, every week. It’s Friday morning and she has not yet received the Database team’s report.
When she checks with them, they inform her that they had to handle a high-priority issue and have
not worked on the status report.
Which would be a good problem statement to describe Tasha’s problem?
Select one:

Tasha needs to present updates from all the project teams to the leadership every week. It’s Friday
morning and the Database team’s report is not ready.

Tasha needs to present updates from all the project teams to the leadership every Friday evening. The
Database team has not shared their status report as they had to handle a high-priority issue. They
should’ve planned for such events.

All teams except the Database team have shared their status reports with Tasha by Friday morning.
They need to assign one person in their team to send this on time every week, irrespective of other

Tasha needs to present updates from all the project teams to the leadership every Friday evening. She
has asked all the teams involved to send in their status reports by the end of Thursday. It’s Friday
morning and the Database team’s report is not ready.

Juan has been promoted recently as the sales lead for the SAP solutions team. After joining as the
sales lead, he increased the team’s quarterly target by 20%. He took this decision after reviewing the
sales data of teams working in the same domain and existing industry standards. This decision has
led to a negative reaction from the sales team. Maria, a seasoned sales executive, feels that the target
is far too ambitious and doesn’t consider practical issues. She also feels that the target will be too
steep for junior sales executives. So, she has scheduled a meeting with Juan to discuss the revised
target. What is the right approach for her to communicate her point of view to Juan?
Select one:

Maria should present her quarterly sales data to prove that the target set by Juan is difficult to

She should share the quarterly sales data of the team, explain the revised target is difficult to achieve,
and suggest a reasonable target.

She should mention that the entire sales team is unhappy with Juan’s decision, and they will be
demotivated to work because of this decision.

She should use the weight of her experience to question Juan’s decision and recommend to him to
reduce the target as soon as possible.
Jordon, a senior software developer, is working on a project that is due end of this month. He is part
of a team of five developers. Due to a major financial loss at the client’s end, the budget on this
project had to be curtailed. The client has now requested to complete the project a couple of weeks
earlier than planned. Kavya, the project manager, understands the client’s problem and wants to
speed up development. She has already communicated this to her team. Jordon doesn’t agree with
this request as there are five modules where coding is incomplete. Also, there are no additional
resources available to work on the project. What should he do?
Select one:

He should share his frustrations regarding the state of the project and question whether the project
will be completed in time.

He should wait for other developers to voice their opinions regarding the change in timeline.

Jordon should share his concerns as changing the timeline will impact the quality of the product.

He should agree with the request and decide to ignore certain issues in the product to meet the
changed deadline

Robert is a learning consultant and his role is to gather requirements from the clients, suggest a
solution based on the requirements, and develop and deploy the suggested solution. He has been
asked to conduct a knowledge-sharing session for fellow consultants on interviewing clients for
relevant information.
Select one:

He should time the presentation.

He should ensure that the slides are not disjointed.

He should practice presenting the slides.
He should practice some probable questions for the Q&A session.

Rajesh is a senior project manager who is conducting a virtual session on managing agile projects.
Right from the beginning of the session, he’s been observing that one participant has been
continuously interrupting the presentation with random and irrelevant questions. Initially, Rajesh
tries to answer the questions. But it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to do so. What should
Rajesh do to tackle this situation?
Select one:

He should disable the person’s microphone.

He should have a one-on-one conversation with the person during the session to clarify doubts

Rajesh should politely request the person to ask questions during the Q&A session.

He should ignore the questions and continue presenting.

The customer service section of the Asset Analyzer portal is due for release in two weeks. Jim, a
usability engineer, receives a request from his manager Roxy to review the customer service section,
considering customer usage patterns and trends.
Roxy asks him to submit his recommendations to the development team, so that they can be
incorporated before the clients begin their review. Jim remembers a similar review he’s done in the
past. So, he feels confident about what needs to be done. He immediately performs a thorough review
and submits his recommendations to the development team. The next day Roxy tells him that the
team could not implement any of his suggestions because they were beyond the scope of his review
and unfeasible given the time the team had.
What should Jim have done differently when he approached this task?
Select one:

He should have commenced work only after being absolutely clear about what was needed.

He should have consulted his notes on the previous project before starting work.

He should have sent an email to the development team asking them what kind of changes would be
possible in the timeline decided.

Jim should have emailed Roxy with some preliminary questions.
Your team has been working together for a couple of months now, and team members have managed
to iron out differences. However, you all still have things to work out. You can’t complete your
current assignment because your teammate Koji hasn’t chosen and purchased a software tool that you
require. Koji is very busy and hasn’t had time to accomplish this, and he might also be annoyed with
you because you’re doing work that Koji wanted assigned to himself. 

Based on the six collaborative behaviors, which action or actions do you think would help your team
move successfully through the Norming stage?
Select one:

Offer to help Koji with other parts of his assignment in exchange for his completing the software

Build trust with Koji by suggesting to the team lead that your assignments be adjusted to suit each of
you better.

Complete the procurement yourself so that work is not stalled.

Offer feedback to Koji about how his behavior is affecting your ability to complete the assignment.

Malcom, a subject matter expert, is delivering a presentation on leadership. At the end of his
presentation, he begins his Q&A session by saying, "Before I give my closing remarks, I’ll take a
few questions." To his surprise, no one is asking any question. What do you think Malcom should do
to tackle this situation?
Select one:
He should state a couple of questions that are frequently asked and answer them.

Malcom should call on an audience member and ask if that person has a question.

He should assume that since there are no questions, his closing remarks are not necessary.

He should move on to his closing remarks without wasting time.

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