Routines Then I Go Straight To The Bathroom For Ablution and After That I Pray Dika

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Dika: Hi Bro,good afternoon, Where do you want to go?long time no see.

You always seem so


Rian: Hi Dik.good afternoon. I want go to exercise I'm just staying at home
during this pandemic

Dika: So, what are your daily routines when you are at home?

Rian: Well, I usually get up around 5:00 a.m and  then I go straight to the bathroom for
ablution and after that I pray

Dika: Why do you get up so early?

Rian: because I sleep at 10.00 pm, and it's a normal sleeping time hahaha.How about
you Dika?

Dika:every morning I wake up at 6 am,then i take a shower and after that i have
breakfast.and you,what time do you have breakfast and take a shower?

Rian: usually after I exercise in the morning around 07.00 a.m

Dika: and what do you do during the day Rian?

Rian: during the day I usually take a nap until 03.00 pm,after that i played with my
sister. and in the afternoon I go to play soccer or bike around the house. how about
you dika? what are you doing at that hour?

Dika: Same with you, I usually take a nap but in the afternoon I spend more time for
playing games, at night usually i study and do my homework after that i can relax.
usually i watch movies or listen to music or have dinner and i sleep at 11.00
about you Bro?

Rian: At night I usually have dinner first after that I read books and do assignments just like you. If I
have time I usually watch movies or play games because I have to sleep at 10.00 pm Dik

Dika: Oh like that huh

Rian: Yes Dik, I'm sorry Dik but I have to go now

Dika:Oh yes,no problem,be careful

Rian:Ok thank you,See you later

Dika See You Later

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