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The Grand Grimoire Chopeer I ‘This book ts 20 rare & sought ofter tm our country it hes beea called, by our Rabbis, the tree Great Work. They Were the ones who eft us this precious original that many charlatans uselcssly wanted to counterfeit, attempting to imitate the trath that they newer found, in order em swindle ingenuous {ndividuels who have faith tn initio encounters without seeking their cue Source, ‘This mannstript has deen copled from the sarious writings of the great Bing Solomon. This great king spent all of his daps in the most difficult search & in the most obscure & unexpected of secrets, Jn the end he succeeded in all his cndequors && he reached fis goat of penetrating the Most profound dovelling of the spirits, whom he obtiged to beg him bp the pawer of fits calisman, the clavicle, since who dae but this powerful genius mould have dared bring to fight the thundering words chat he made wae of to constrain the ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, tebe! spirits to obey his will, having penecatad up to the coaestil beings to Irarn moce thoruughlg the secrets é the ‘powerfol words that have the force of a tereiale aud respected Goi Chis great Bing disconered the secrets of which the ‘Gat Pivinity mode use, & then enabled vs co understand ‘the infleence ofthe stars, the constellation of the planets. Co [prepare the friminating (ar Conjurer’) rod, wich ies effects ‘hich make the spire tremble & af which God made ose of ‘warm the angel who cxpelied Adam & Zoe ftom the Garden of Bien; with which God struck dour the Rebel Angels, ‘Precipitating their pride {or baughtiness) into the most ‘horrendass abyss. With the power of this red clouds are formed, harricancs are dispensed & one can take them fal on ‘the pattof the earth that one destes. ‘Shaper 1 ‘Deak raen & mutate: Tremble at pour temerity cohen ou blindly think that you posuess such a profound science. ‘Bou are cating pout apt bepond its apheres, eam from the that before mndetcing chis mark it Ws necessarg to be ‘steadfast, constant & most careful to observe exactty, potat ‘by point, mergtting that 3 will cell you (enithowt which) eceruthing would rebound to pour diseduantage, confusion & ‘tel fogs. BF, to the contrary, pov Comply exactly that wich ‘200 onl have fall success in Gil of poor enterprises. @) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, Shem yourselves then with tatepiacion, prudence fe ‘irevosicy i order to succeed at this gent fe tna tas, at bic 2 awe spent 67 pears mening day & nigh. La succeed at this great goo if nessa to do exact that ‘ahi 3 wl ced indicate. —Solomon Proce ‘Bou will pass a quar of month abstaining from the Campeng oF the apposite sex, 20 as not t fall inte impurign. Begin chs quarcer of a month by powmising eo the great ‘AAdoway, coho is the leader of all of the spirits to have toro ‘meois @ dap emery 24 hows of the abacementioned quarter ‘month, daving which pou wit eat or midday é& midnight, ar ot seven in the moring & seeen in the evening, reciting the following prager befhre ding fur this entire periad, ‘Whe manner in which one cen mee any sort of sptrt ‘appear, reciting the grec iaocation chat ow el find eis book. Sa olso, the truc method of preparation, Brave “Fimploe you, © great & power Bnap, head of all the spines. 3 implore you © Blohie 3 inpote poo © 3ehova, © great Bing Bdonag,condescnd tobe fanoaie, ‘Boi shall be. Ben” ‘Then cat your mes, & don't undtess, & seep as (3) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE Iietle as possible for the prescribed quarter of a manch, ‘continoelly cinking of pour undertaking & petting all of pout feith & hape in che infiite good ofthe Great annoy, ‘The second dap of this perad, pou wil bog @ blood ‘stone called marie ftom the droggist & pox will akwaps ‘cary it mith pou & it will preseroe pou from all fears & Worries since the spirit that pou intend to bring tntm yoor servieude mili do all that he con oo dissuade you from post ‘underteking, belicsing with thase means to berate himself & therehg break the cnnes of the wet thot you begin co fasten tonnd him, This project must be undertaken oxi by ont ‘cher pecsam, including she Barcist, the ove who must speak ‘tm the spirit, keeping in his hand the folminacing word. 3 is casential 1 choose a solitary location for this ‘eration, eich is far fom eng npr, so that te operator {snoc interrupted, following ths, now wil bup a poang virgin ‘ed, that on the third doy of the quorter pou coll adorn cith ‘gariand of neroain (or the sacted herb) which you aril attach ‘0 fos head wvieh a green ribbon. When poo evil cranspore ic to ‘the place that fas been chosen for pour operation; pour right ‘orm ol be bar ta the shoulder, armed mith 2 blade af pore ‘steel, a fire of mite wood aril be tit, vou will recite the Falkowoing wards with hope & resnoe. ‘fost Oferag “Sofie youths victim, © grat Bdonay, Bokin, Set ‘ Jehao, this the ono, glory & pore of our superar (4) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ———_—_——_—_==x**__ tengs & co all fhe spre, deign, © great Shdonap, os 10 ‘accept ft, amen” Following this you vill skin che kid fe take its skin, (utting the rest of it tm the fie une ic ts reduced co ashes, ‘which poo wil gather & throm co the rising Sun promouncing the following words: “Bt is for the honor, glory power of oor name, © Atonen, Blohim, Arie! & Fehowa, thet J -shed the blood of this victim, eign to wecept these ashes, © great Admap,” ‘While tae sacrifte buens, rete inthe honor & glang of the great Adanoy, Ebi, Ariel & Jehovs toking care to ‘unstrue the kid's skin in order oo make the round, or the grand caboistic cele within which ye wil stand the day of the great ondertaking, Dope OL Containing the rae composition of the mysterious ot falminating mand as it ts depicted here: > ©n the eve of the great undeaking pou will search for a tod or mand from 2 wild haze! ceee that hes not pet born fiuit, at che highest point af the saxghtafter branch there ‘should be a second little branch in the form ofa Fork coieh cna ends; its lengeh should be nineteen & a half inches. ‘After having found a branch of this shape, oniy gaze at ‘it tue abstain from raocting ft, oaicng forthe following day, adgg destined for action, i cohich nou wil go $e cut it precisely at sunrise, & then denude it of tx (eas & small opigs, Gs) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘here are ang of these & mith the same blade that mas uscd ‘0 skin the sacriicr, wich wil stil be tainted with ics blood; pou wil cut it oben che Sun starts co break forth on this hhemégphere, pronouncing the fallaming words: “B beseech pou, © great Adonay, Elohim, Ariel & Sehova to be Fasarable & to gior this rod that 9 am cucting ‘the strength of Fach & the virtuc of Moses & that of ce Great Gost; & 3 beseech you, © great Adanap, Elohim, ‘Ariel & Jehona to impart in this tod all the pooner of Samson, the rightcons cage of Emmanuel & the Thunderbolt of ‘Zariamatmick, who will avenge man's affeonts on the great dag of judgment.” ‘After having pronounced these great & terrible words, Feeping your eyes turned tooatd the rising sim, cu te branch ‘& (aie it ta your room; then tate apiece of mond that is of ‘the same thickness as the two ends of the rad & cake it t0 a smith co cap the too ends of che Fork eich the sted blade that ‘was used to skin the sacrifice, ensuring that the te blades ‘are sharp & ashen thep are fitted to the coo pieres af mood, tae chem home, putting the te ows on rhe tre od youself, then tate o “Lodestone, neat it in the fie to maguerize the ‘points af the red pronouncing the folloming words: “By the power of the great Adonap, loti, Snel & Sehova, 3 bescech now to wate (or draoo together) all of the matersis that 3 desire bp the power of the great Adonay, ‘Dlohim, Ariel & Schova, 3 command pox op che incorewpe- iility of mater & fice, to separate all of the materials as they, (Were separated the dap of the creation of the mocid, Amen,” (6) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE Aotlousing whiss 3 assure you (by the honor of the great ‘donay) chat yoo will possess che greatest Wreasure af the ‘Light, The follecsing evening take your rod, the hd skin, the ‘Bloodstone, the two gariends of eeroain, then also, the tore condieholders & two pounds of vingin wax that hene beet blessed; take also a fadestone & smo strooth fintetones to light the fire alse a half bottle of wine spirits & a portion of blessed incense mixed mith same camphor & four sails thot ‘were used in the coffin of a child who has recencin died. Then ‘take pouraelf to the place where you have to do the «reat ‘Work, doing prectsety the following, executing potae- op paint ‘the great Babbahscic Cieele im the manner frere indicaced, ‘Chapter LV ‘Cancaining the true mance ‘of conscructing the S.abbaistic Cite ‘Start ty fring a circle with che id kta which pow ol secure to the ground th the four nails, then with the ‘Bloodstone paul make etrengie ste ofthe ce, starting, fiam the direction of the rising sor; make also wich the Bloodstone the four letters that are writen oucsife of the cide, $0 also che safrtly name of Sesus i ehls manner: TSH between cwo crosses, so that the spirits can't harm ou om the behind, Following ths, che Barcit (wats th operam) cil lets associates inca the Wriangle & he wi elso enter @ ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE. ‘wichoat tetting himself become frightened by anp noise that the might hear, putting tie two candicholders ite che too ‘Satlonds of wervain co the right & to the teft of che ineernat ‘rlangie. Thot done, light the ton condles & pot a new vase {infront of yuu, that ts, in front of che Barcse, fillet with the ‘ash of the Wulow wood that pow have burned cartier that ssime dap. ‘The Aartst cil ight it pouring in pore ofthe spits ‘& part of the inemnse & camphor, conserving the remaining ‘art (0 maintain @ continuous flame chat will suffice for the centre eperation. ‘Aattig dove eoerpthing exactly as has been desobed ‘then gow promunce the following words, “3 present you, © great Adonap, this ineense as che ‘most pore: atthe same cine 3 presen you with chest ashes ‘which come ftom the finest cmad. 3 offer them to pov, © ‘Great Adonay, Hlohim, Ariel & Fehooa, with atl my Heart & spit, Condesend, © greoe Adanag, co acerpe them, dine” ‘Bay attention not co have any impure metal on pour ‘etson but onta some gald or ster coins faded ina piece of ‘ape to throm at the spirit so that he cannot harm poa when the presents himself to pou before the crete. “hile he takes the coin you will begin the following praper, arming yourself ‘ith courage, strength & prudence, Je careful that onlg the Barcist, or @perator, speaks; the others most remain silent, eoen if the sprit Intewngares er theatens them, (8) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE Fast Craton “© gat fing God, the only & same person, the Father, the Son & the Rely Ghost, 3 adore you with che ‘moat profound cespect & 3 submit mse to pout sont & worthy custody with full fetch, 3 sincereip believe that yoo art mg Mreatoe, mg benefactor S& mp support & master; declare to you that 3 howe no other orish but that of belonging ‘ta pou for ctereity, So it shat! be, Amen.” Second Oration “© great ining Gad, who created man ta be bap fe ‘thi ie & who seated exerything for our needs, & wo said ‘that everpehiag shall be dependent on man; be onorable & do ot perit that the rebel spires possess the treasures that ‘ore formed by voor hands far man’s certhig necis, (ioe ne, © great God, the faculty co possess them op the pawerfai ‘& tentble words of the Ciavicle: Adonag, Baki, Sic, Jehovs, Cagle, Hatton. ‘Be fovorwble. So it shall be.” ‘Be careful to mata oor flame arth the spits of ‘one, inane camphor ond then mate the fltowing ofering, "3 offer gou this icenst as the pucest that 3 could find, © great Adonap, Elohim, Ariel & Geoua; eign o accept it. © great Adonap wae your power to be fauorable & enable ‘me tm sucted ia this reat undertaking, So it shall be. nen” (9) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE first Invocation to the Zmperor Locifer “Emperor Lucifer, prince & master of che rebel spirits, J implore pov to abandon pour dweling, in whatcoer part of ‘He world it should be, to come & speak to me, 3 command & ‘atreat yoo by the authority of the great tiving God, the Father, the Son e the holy Spit, to come notselessly & ‘otthout gixing off ony offensioe scenes, tm answer me in a (ed & tntetigible voice, aticte for artice, enerathing hot 3 ask pea, othemist you will be obliged bp the power of the ‘great Aionay, Blehim, Arici, Fehova, Tagia & Mathon ‘© all ofthe other superior spirits ton will compet gow against owe will. Come, comer Sebwirictlor Lacifage; or go & se ‘ccereally tormented by the pawer of the blasting od?” ‘Stoond Bnoacaton w the Znperot Lacer “B command & entrat you, Enpewt Lact, bp the ‘anthatty ofthe great ling ad, by the pacer of Zane! fis en, you onty master & mine, & bp orcs of is precious fod which he sited co Mberace man fom hs chins, 3 cde Jou to abandon your dceing in whatener part ofthe world i shouldbe, soaring to you that 3 will wat give pow a moment fest, but that you come to speak to me immediatly with an Ineligible voice or, if you cannot come in person, send me four messenger Astaroth in human guise ‘moigelessly & ‘ithovt fol scents ocherase 3 wil stite you & pave entire $ind mith the blasting mad as fr asthe bottum ofthe abgsses (a9) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, ttl be with te pore ofthese great words of the Cane, by Adonay, Hlohim, Ariel, Fchosa, Cagle, Mather, Alone, Arias, Pitona, Magers, Srighe, Tobots, Solanadre, Gromus, Tere, Calls, Godlns, Aqua; Warning ‘Prior co the reading of the third tneocotion, tf che spiett docan't appear, read the Clavice as folloms, & strike all of ‘the spitits, putting che coo ends of the fork of your ted fs the (ire, At this poiet do wot be frightened by the hacribie cries that pom mt hear becouse al of the spt wl appear, Beltre ‘reading the Clavicle, while the noise continues, read again the ‘third moocation. ‘Wind Ansocation “B command goo, Zmpent Later, bp the great Ung ‘God, bis dear son & the Holy Chast & by the pacocr of the eat Adonag, Bishi, Ariel & Showa, co appear now ot ‘send me govt Astaroth, 3 command pow to abandon pout doeliing in whatever part of the world it sheuld be, declaring 0 gou Chet fps dav appear immediaetp, 3 al crite po 4 allof pour cohores gon wich rhe blasting red ofthe great ‘Adonag, Ariel, Blahim & Gedova.” Sf the apt stl has noc appeared pot che a ends of pour ‘tod the fire & read che following mands of Solomon's Cavite. a) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, ‘Grand Inoocavion of the Great Kabbala “Z mupplicate you, © spirit, co appear now by the power of the great Adora, by iokin, Ariel & Fehona, Agta, ‘Tagla, Mathon, Carios, Amovzin, Arios, Menbrat, ‘Patios, Pichon, Maguts, Splpher, Tadots, Solamanire, ‘Tabors, Grom, Tere, Cziis, Godens, Aqua, Guingra, Jonna, Ecienanos, Zaratnatmick, &e, Aw a Ao T ®H8Ts Me0e4sAs Ms VepsM SSeLe Se TaGaTeQeGaAwGuy SEEZ8 kc" her haning twice eegested ese great & yore ‘words yoo car be sore that the spire wll appear ia the following emer, ‘The Appercon of the Spite “there 3am, what wit pou ask me2 Dy do npw torment 1g pate Best fom arn meagan wh hat ue me Query to the Spiric “tad pou appeared when 3 called pou, 3 movld not hane ‘struck pou: consider that if yan do not onfer upon me chat ‘which 3 ast, 3 wil eternally tooment yoo” —Salonon (a) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘Response of the Spirit “Do not bother or disturs me farther. Tell me ‘enmediatelp what poo want.” —Lucifige Rofacate Quen w the Spire “2 command poo to come & speak co me ouice dail during the night, sr co those whe hane the book aihich pow ‘will opprose & sign. 3 will eave ft co pou to choose which times are the most comnenient to poa, ipo do not want to approae the fllontg times hereby indicated, that ie: ‘Plonday at geo & ot mldnight, ‘Tresag at r0:00 & at one o'clock. ‘Wednesday at 11:00 & at two e'clock, ‘Whwsdey at s:00 & at tn o'clock, Friday at {00 in the enening & at midnight. Saturday at geo i the enening & at eleven o'clock, loreourr, 3 command pou eo gioe me the nearest treasure & 3 promise pou es recompense the first gold or siloee coin that 3 take all he fest dogs of every month, there ‘smhat 3 ask af you.” —Solonan ‘Response of the Spirit “3 comot grat that tick pou ask of me, f wt o tis (3) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE Condition & none other; that poo ge tu me wow & forthe ext 50 years pour body & spit for me ta use ax 3 shall Query to the Spit “Bam going tw strike you & ell of your coborts 85 che power ofthe great donag ifgou do not irmediately grant 20 ‘me that mich 3 ast of you” —Solomon warning ‘Pot the ton rds ofthe blasting rod inthe fre agate; rereing the great tnoraton ofthe Covi, unt the spc sabi to pour wishes. ‘Response & Covenant with the Spite “Bo not strike me angmore: 3 promise to do cnergehing that pou want. Too hovrs at nighttime coer day of che eek, that is, Monday at ten & at midnight; Tuesday at ‘enen & at ont; Wednesday at might & et ro; Tharsdoy at eight & at ctewen; Friday at mine In the evening & ot ‘midnight; Saturday at ten & at one, “3 also opprove pour Sook & & give my signature fn parchment which 3 well acach ro chis book so that pow con (4) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘use tt for Your needs; 3 also submit myself te appear before ou whenexer 3 am called & when pou open the book & are purified & hone ce cerribie blasting rod & haoe composed ‘the great Rabbolistic circle. Pronvuncing the Rafcale moceo J promise to appear & treat poo, & these whe have this ‘nook which nl bear mp signature, conslderatey in fend ‘oaonet as long as gou shall tall ine to onder as soon as BOO hane need of me, 3 shall olsa induer myself to gine pow the Creasurt for which pou hace asked, provided that you beep the ‘setret forcuer; chat pou shall be charitable tmmards the poor 4 that gos ge mea gold or stiver coin all the frst daga of coery month, 3f you neglect to da these things non shell be ‘wine foreuer” —Lacinge Roforale, Approved ° The signacae: eve ‘Response to the Splrte “3 adhere mm pour demand” Salonen ‘Orders of the Spirit follow me & yoo will come to identify the treasure.” —Avcifage Roforale (as) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘Then the Bareist, oxmad wich the Slasting red & che JBlondstone, will ave the cine towards the place where the ‘treasure is Located, & will follow che spirit; the others shalt ‘ot uae fram their plac tthe cre & shall remain there too ft, dep the satel ea om ‘ision that thep sec. ‘Whe spitit wil chew take the Rarcist to the entrance of the treasure & it might be that the Rarcist will see something ike a big dog with a endl thot shiees like the Sun that mil block che entrance; chs isthe gonme that pou will dtoe amap fram poe by presenting him with the forked part af che mé, ‘then he Gill also walk tomards the treasure. on will fallow tim & having arrfoed at the crasure, you cil be svrprised te ate the person who originally hid it, who will maet to chrono ‘tinself over it homeoer he wri uot be able to approach tt. 3t ‘6 necessary to be armed mich a sheet of oirgin parchment on ‘hich pou onl have written the great conjaration ofthe CXlavicte ‘whitch you wilt throw over the treasure. Sc the same cme, take 0 coin asa token & fo grcicnde, ‘& throwing first one of youts thet pou have bitten & withdraming backwards, that te, with pour shoulders back, ‘aking coith pov all of the coins that pou can from the treasure. “Whe rest on not disappear considering the precantions that ‘hae been taken, 6c carefu! uot to turn back despite any noise ‘dou might heae sine at che tne i wil seem to pow that all of ‘the meuntatns of the wend cre Falling on pour head. Beis necessary om arm gaurself with intrepiditn & wot to ‘becorne frightened, bat tw remain reseluce wtilet the Spirit (i) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘andaces pou bac nthe entrance ofthe ce. Che Barc (il Segin to rend the Reroning ofthe Spin, as otis. Bareacng & Receaig ofthe Spit © Prince Lanier, 3 am satished with yew at present; J coll Jeane pou fa peace & 2 will permit you tm rerice to ‘wherever pou pirase, without making ang notse sr leaving bad odors; think of our promise, sine tf you fail for enen a moment ‘to fulfill pour duties uno cou be carta that 3 ol strike you ‘temally with the folminating tnd of che great Sdenap, Zoim, ‘Arid & Zehova, Amen, ‘Rendaing Thoaks © great God, ou oho have crea all things for the service & uti of man, we render pou humble thanks ira of yout generosity nbc has enerahemed tonight & forall ‘mou precioosfanows & fr that which yon hane granted us, futfling all of oe desires. ic present, great Gad, ae hane ome ro kusw the extent af te power af poor great promises ‘ahen you said “seck & pox shai find", “enack & the door shall be spened”, since pou bave reconmended ther xe fp tthe poor; me promise by the great Adonay, Eiohim, Ariel s Seto to be charitable & to spread over chem the raps ofthe Sun of which hese for posers hane come so rover ts. Se (t shall be. Armen. OD EE'”C THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, 8 Camm Regan = Conjuring Lacifer Lacie, Sra, Kameron, Aliscor, ‘MRondosemini, ‘Porn, Orie, Madugruse, Parinascon, Bari, Damegon, ‘Booarenr, Casmtel, Hungas, feb, *Boneon, 2i, Socieno, ‘Ptatn, Come, Lecter. Amen. The Promise of the Spite Fest Ancide 3, Lacier, am the extremely powerfil Emperor, supreme ‘ tadependen, fee absolute rir of che ence sebteranean ngdom, despotic iord over all of ma jurisdiction, 3, the formidable, varie, mast noble, role eoergthing in the most {egular fashion, moving & governing the fortunes & nisfortunes of my subjects with absolute power, wise & sagacioes, endowed with the most sublime & luminous Garacte, am the dominator of Europe & of all misforcunes, ‘in general, Second Arties A promise ‘& sure, inthe name ofthe ad ofthe iving, obulieace, promptitude & submission to che omncr of this book; signed & soar, in the name of the ‘andersigned & of (as) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE aforementioned subjects, & by che victue of the oath & sia ale a hat wl pe en of thés book. ‘Whird Acide ‘Additonal as for onc of my ome subjects cha eadng ‘iy surmans fom ehe fst arte mag cause chen to agpeat stom eas hnaee pg re eh ‘agpearonce without making any uproar or thse that night canse my mast to be ofended or fighene, to respond tethfaly & clearp, without duptceg, t0 is interrogations & to fulfil thar mbich is commended of me, ‘ich complete lagelty & sinricy,withoxe spreading sorts ang other magical invocations, actions ot ceremonies bet Cather to appear fnstantancousty ready to execute wour ‘commends, Fourth Articie ‘ABithout in these occasions coer, coer, coer damaging the countryside or anything else that springs from the earth 3 ool accomplich mp service & then teane at once without ‘causing emp, commetion, Fifth Aricte ‘Addtcionatip, 3 prumise & siear tn the afvresatd: (9) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE -serainode of all mp subjects to the oumer of this book without ‘differentiation in tank, dignity or ang other diviafon but any ‘te, nang weather, season, yer, Month, weet, dag, haat ot quarter, that at ehe moraent mg izvoraion ts reed to peoude ‘amy of mg subjects to appear in the form of @ handsome young. ‘man to che service of the euner of this book & not to leant ‘nlees 3 or mop subjects giuen license with the simple ferrmule, ‘ther ftom mascif or from others, Sixth Aetide ‘Murenne, 3 promise & soeat that 3 & mp subjects in ‘he name af God a of other mpstrions dispositions wil practic secrecy & Invincible loyalty mtthowt coer failing t {uf my oath & promises, Seventh Artie i pret & defend te omer ofthis took fom all misfortunes, dangers & other natural & accidental occwrrences, & for hatener he might want when 3 am called to assist him with engeting tht height ne, thug i trata ha bok. ‘Plethod of Bisisal ‘tein pace a lacy anstra x pax inte bos, redtuarae quo ‘es tonecopera nome pati, ec Ai et pias sancti, Amen, (9) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, % The Second Book ‘Seenud Book conring the Sanctum ‘Reguum ofthe ‘Clwicle or the tre manner of making pacts, with the names powers & talents of all of the great supertor Spirits & ‘alse the manner of making them appear bp tic peer of the great invocations of the chapter of the pacts of the Clavtcie. ‘that forces them tu obey in whatever operation one wishes i exeant. ‘Following other Mhagick Secrets ‘Whe ve mamner of making pacts with anp spricntchot ‘them being able to é8 pou ang harm. ‘The crue Soctum ‘Regaum of the great Elevide orherise referred to os acta Consents Dezrmonincum which ‘has alteady been caiked about for a ong cile, is a neceasare thing for the understanding of those who mont to farce the spits &e oho da not have the capacity mo pepe the blasting ‘od or the cabalistic cre that were discussed in che preceding book. ‘The individuals cannot arrive at their gual of forcteg ‘any spirit ta appear if they don’t do cxactip that chic 3 will hereby, describe, coneeming the manner ef making pacts with ‘np apiit, whether ix ws for guining treasures or far the ctjonment of some earthly pleasure, or whateuer favor one ‘Wonld desire or in order to discover che most hidden (well. ‘eept) secrets ofall of the courts & cabinets of the word; be. Qy) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE. ft to reveal the most impenetrable thoughts to mute or ‘constrain a spit to work at night-time at whateocr sash; to ‘make fc hall or storm wherever ft pleases poo & pou see fit; ‘to vender yourself inuisible; to have yourself cransyorted to ‘ang pace of the earth; to open all of the fgtales & see ‘caergthing that aceon the Honses of others; sn also c gain nderstanding of necramancp ot 20 gain glorg, re know alt af ‘the quelities & nirtues of all the minerals, vegetables & all af the animals, yore & inure, & to do mang very surpraing ‘things. ‘There iF no man coho does not become astonished at the discovery that tn making a pact with a spirit one can onoel) uature’s greatest secrets that have remained hidden from the ‘ges of all men & bg means of the grest ing Solmren's ‘Glevicle che rue manner of making pacts has teen discovered -& that he himself made use of ft to acquire mang riches & co ‘enjoy mang women & to know the mast impenetrable secrets of nature ohich one con do ang sort of good deed oie evotding ‘ang kind of ent, Finaltp, at least ore will begin by tsting the names of te principe spice along with their zeapectine strengths & powers; illowing which xe ot expain the pacts demenioum, ‘which conteins the manner of making pacts with enp spirits, ‘ith the names ofthe three princile spirits: ‘Lacter, Emperor Belzxbuth, Prince ‘Astoroth, Grand Boke ‘Then come the superior spirits who are beneath the (2) ‘Sargetanas, Aicbites, Camp flarshal ‘Whe fest sewn superior spirits that 3 oil mame direct their pomer aver al of the intemal pomexs & hawt at reir seule ye ater spirits that are beneath chem, that is: 1, Bael 1 Bor 5, Loray 2. Agares 8, Gus 14, Balefor 5. Marbas 9, Batis 15, Sarat ‘4. Bowsls 10, Bathim 16, Ayperns 5. damon 11, funsem— 47. Raberas 6, Barbas §— 12. Hiigat 18. Glosialabolas ‘After having indicated to you the aboue names of the 18 splries wha are inferior to the first atx already mentioned, it ts ‘necessamy to understand the follaning, chat te: ‘Lecifage commands the fest three wha are called Bae, ‘Spares & Siarbas. ‘Satanathla over Prusias, Bamon & Barbatos. ‘Agagiareyt over Burr, Cusgen & Betis. Pierviey over Bathin, Fersan & igor. Sangatanas over Larag, Walefor & are. FAthirns over Apperos, Rberus & Glesialabaias, ‘Aichough there are witions of spirits that are all wferioe ‘those aboee, it would be useless to describe them becouse (3) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE they are emploged by the superior ones, ‘x cork im theit place al of hese teferorspfrtts ore employed as frhep were ‘workers or slaves. on then, ‘a making & pact with one of the first principle ‘spirits, of which ou anill hewe neod, ic eown’t matter cich spite seracs you, nonetheless olmays ask for the one with ‘which you have made the pact, whether ic ts one of the three principte ones, or one of ther subjects hich serve pou. ‘row you come kaw the pooner, science, art & talents of ail the subject spirits, so that he who gou mould tthe to ‘make a pact can find in each one of the stx superior spirits the power that he wail nee, ‘Tae first is che great Lacifage Rofocale, the infernal ‘Prine Minister who possesses the yower that gave him ‘over all worldly riches # treasures. #e fas beneath him Bac, ‘Agares & Mlarbas alang with thovsands of other demons or spits ho are his subordtnaes, ‘Whe second is the great Satanacha, the Great General ‘oho has the power to make ell uoung or ald. Women submit ‘ hi; he commands a steeng legion of pitts é has beneath him Brest, Soman & WBarbatas. ‘Agatiarept, Generel, has the power to wncuver the most ‘celliiden secrets of all of the courts & cabinets of the mortd & reveals se greatest mpsteries; he commands the second legion. of spirits & has Guer, Gusayn & Boris é&c. under his command. Hlearéry, Liewrmant General, has the power to do Cobateoer thing one could want ac night-time, Be makes hal (a) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE —$— rn fall wherever he deigus & comonds a considerabin body of spitits & has Bathim, Human & Zligor &c. beneath hm, ‘Sargatunas, Brigadier, has the pacer to render one ‘snulsible & to transport pou sapuere, to open all of the egholes & to fet pou see what is goiag on tn othr hosses & 0 teach pou Fecromancy. $e commands ether brigades of spirits & has beneath him ‘Lorap, *Batefar & -farel, ft. ‘Faberus, Fidd Hlarshal, ar Inspector General, has ‘the power an da call to whomever fe pleases & enables ane to find the ‘and af Cory & reaches the qualities of minerals, ‘begetables & of alt of the animats, pore & impure, possesses the art of foretelling che foture, being one of the best ‘Aecromancers of all of the Snfemal Spicits. He can go ampmohere & inspects all of the Snfernal Wilitias & hos beneath him Aypems, Raberus & Giosialaboles, &c. Danuing, 2@Ohen gos want to make pone pact with owe of the principle spirits tat 3 have nora, begin the dap befoe he coc af the pact cating a branch of wild haz! that has net tioomed with a nem tade that hes never been used, Inthe sme manner that 3 habe decried the frst bok, precise ‘at the moment that the Suu appears on the horizon. ‘Then proce a Bloodstone & vo candles that have ben blessed f choose 0 lae that nskodp can dsarb peo 2 pact fa @ room chat ts far from curmail (5) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE cr in sowne hamlet of an old, ruined castie 50 that the spirit has the poor tm rrangport that treasare where he pleases. ‘Raving recamed to the opportune plac, drew a criangle ‘with the Bisodstone & you onty need ts do this operation the ‘frst tine the pact i made, ‘Ther por the Two blessed candles on the sides of che ‘langle, as is described im the triangle of the pacts, making ‘the saintly name of Sess behind, 50 that the spicics can not do pou ang harm. Following this, gu to the center of the triangle with the smystcrigns rad & the great (ovecation of the spirit, the (Clavie, the petition, the pact thar pou hone tn mie to make ‘with the spirit, & the sending back of the spirit as wii here ‘be explained, 3f mat has been explained op tm this potat is executed wich exacticode then start om recite the folloasing Inuocation mich hope & steadfast firms. Great Suvocacion co Summon the Spirtt with oham one ‘wishes to make the part excerpted frum The Greac Chaoicie “Baperst Locter, master ofall the rebel spirits, J ask (poo to be fanorabie in mm suMMONS Of nour Creat Miniter Lacifage Rofocale, since 3 wish to make a pact with hina, 3 ‘also request that you, Prince Belzeduth, procect me tn ma undertaking; © Count Astarothe be prupitions & mavre that the great acifoge eppeats to me tonight in hwinan guise $e ‘without emitting foul ndons $ chat ke grant me ax per the ‘pact that B wil present to fim, al of che riches which 3 (8) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE. A require. © great Locifuge, 3 request that you abandon pour deocting, in whateoer pert of the world it should be, co come ‘& speak with me, Ccheraise, 3 wl force por bp the power ‘of the great lioing God & his dear Son & the Zaly Spirit: ‘ober now, ae 3 will etermalty torent yon by the auchority of ‘the powerful words of Soloman's great Clavicle of which he ‘made ose to oblige the rebel Spirits te recewe his pact; therefore, appear as quickly as possible or 3 will continually ‘ment pou by the authority af the pomerfe! cards of the Clavicle: Agion, Tetagram, voachesn, stimalamathan, ‘expharts, cetrogrammathon, cloeran, icion esition exiatien ‘mg onera erasyn mon mexstans soter Zmmance sabsoth ‘Adonag, te adoro ct inuaco. Amen.” ‘Bou cam be certain chat befare having finished reading these above mentioned powerful words the spirit will appeat & cil tell pou the ftiocing. ‘Apparition of the Spicit “fuere Fam, ‘What would poo ask of me? Who do you torment mp rest. Stuer re.” —Lucfage BRafocale ‘Reqoest tothe Spirit 2 mag ask you co make a pac th me se that you make ‘ne rch ax soon as pessble, ochre 3 wl torment pou by the power! words of te Clarice. —AR a ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘Response ef the Spit J GaN not graut pour request exept on che condition ‘that po gine pounself to ner for the next 20 years #0 that 3 (Can use pour bady & soul as 3 see fit. — Lodge Roforale ‘Ther you wil thro him gour pact, which mast be tn ‘Bout handeriting on a sheet of virgin parchment, etich mill Consist of these few words, mich your signatere onricern in our blood. Here is the pact: “2 promise tn eepay the great. ‘Locitoge in 20 pears far oil of che ceewures thet he will give ‘me. Gu mg keane” 3 sign this im good fetch. AR. “B can noc grant your request.” —Locifage Rofocate Second Appear ofthe Spett Chen, in oder co force the spiett to obey pou, reread the great invocation of the terrible movds of the Clavicie, antl the spit appears Se cells pon the fetoning: “hp do pou torment ine more & more? 3f poo tape sein pee, 3 al gine on che nearest ereasare onthe condition ‘that pow consecrate a coin» me af! af the Mondays af romp ‘month & that you wilt call me one dag energ week, from ten in ‘the enening muti! tro in the morning. Wake pour pact which 3 (4) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE. have signed; & if poo do uot matntoim your word gue will be ‘ie i 20 peas.” —Loothage Rofocale ‘Rexpunse to the Spirit 3 adhere» pout dennis, on the condition thar pov noble me to hane the nearest treasure & that 3 can take tt ‘with me right away. ‘Response of the Spirit “Follow me & cake the treaswre that 3 am going to sham yoo.” ‘Then follow the spirit an the pach wo the creasure that ‘will be indicated (6c the trongte) coithowe taking Fight é& ‘them the signed pact over che teasre & touching tt wich ‘the md take as much of tt as pou can, Chen return inside the ‘rangle, malig certain co malt bachnards, mere poo wi deposit ‘gor Creeaure in tant of pounsel, dleréasing the spit os folloms: ‘The Canjorng & Dismissal of the Spite wich wham che oct is made © pret Lactige, 3 am satished ath you at present: 3 coll leone you in peace & permit pou to rete to mbereuer (you wish without making ang noise or teasing amy bed adars, ‘Think, thee, abmat pour duty vegodtng mg pact: sc, Fr (9) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘one instant pou shirk your obligation pou con be sure that 3 ill torment you eternally wich the great & pomerful words Of the great Clavicte of the great Bing Solomon with whic ‘he foceed all of the rebel spirits to obey Ahm. ‘Prager mo the Snmiporenr in Thanksgiving God, henpenly fate, who created all things for the service & nse of man, 3 hambip thank pow, that in out great goodness & that pon hove permitted chet 3 could make a pact mith a spirit that is a tebel of yeur authority & subdue i eo obey mein ful all ofan needs. 3 thank you, © ommiporent God, for the good that you have done me ‘Tonight t have shoo maself to be werthy to hane granted to it, miserable creator, pout precious ors & zo present, ‘great (God, now that J have come to know the force & pomer of nour great promises, whes pou sald: “seck & you sholl find”, “knock & the door shall be opened” es you have ‘Tweamamended to raise the poor, condescend © great God to ‘nspice me the cue sentiment of cherite 80 that 3 can spread ith this Great Wark a great partion of the possessions ‘out great dint permitted that 3 contd receiae. et it be, © great Gad, that 3 cen enjoy these great riches chat 3 possess, wit cranqullicg do nac pericarp rebel spirit co harm mp enjoyment of these precious treasures aver which ou permit mae co oom, Snspire fm me, also, © great Ged, the necessary sentiment to wubind me fro the grips of the deait & all of the moteficient spirits, 3 trust, © great Ged, (30) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE in the father, the Son & the Foly Ghost & in poor saintiy protection, Amen. ‘Cnation tm Provect Oneself from Bail Spirits © onmipaone farher; © Mother, the mast toder of all onthes; © edible exp ofthe sentiments, © Sen, © flower of al sons, soul, spt, harrony, & wane ofall ce, raw, pane, geo & te im. © Ciatia Pradictoran Spicicm 1 Bhi quem uolursspircom,tajus nomen e offic supra tognosces: imprimis aucem ab omni peilacione miner Cres ‘vel quatuar dies mundus eto in prima citatione, sic et sptriras ‘Posten ebsequentiores ert; fac et crcutom, et voce spiticam, ‘tom malta intentione primar vere angiem in many contivetue: ‘ne bane recta beneiccionem too momine et soci, si pracsca fertt et ffeccum tet inticottsortieris, nec detrimentum ¢ spiiibus serves ima twae arimac perditionem. rm x momine damnin| nostri Jesus Chvisti, Pacris et Fill et Sprites Sancti: sancta Crintas et inseparabls woitas oy THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘te fnwoco, ¥¢ aie mitt sales ct defensio ct protectia corporis et ‘urine reeae et orméom rerum mearum., er vicetem Sancta Crucis et per vrcucem passions tuae deprecor te Bonne _Sesu Chat, per merta beaissimae Marae rg et mans ‘har aque ommium sercoorem tuocum, ut mihi concedas gratia et parse diinam soper mes nalignas spc, ut. ‘quascumqse nominibes inoocavero, statin cx omel parte ‘onpeniant, ct nolutatem mean yerfecte adimpleant quod mihi ‘wil nocentes, reque tinnorem ferences, sed potens cbetiences ec introns, tua distincte irre pracipiente, mandata ‘nee perficiant, Amen, Pancees, anctes, dominos Weus saboat, qui vencuras ot dicate vias ct mortuos: te qui ex prinms et navtsstmas, tex tegum et dominom dominantiom Soth, Agladabrach, ‘Babiel, anarchi enetiel emaz im sedomel gapes tol ma cas (echfeo argadatasy mas heft messias por hac tue sancta nowins, ‘CC pet ora alia troocare et obsecro te Borinc Gesu Christe, per quem satiitacem per baptismem coum, pet passionem et ‘Ecucem tuam, per estensionem tusm per eduentom Spiritus ‘Sancti paracleti, per amaritudiae anime toae quando exiol de ‘orpore tuo per quingae vuinera toa, per senguinem et equam ‘uae exierant fe corpure tuo, per virtutem tuam, ger Ssacramentom quod defistt descipait vi pridie quam passus fhisti, per sanctam Grisicatem, per individoam wnitacem, per beatam Mariam, macrem tuam, per Angelos, ct Arcangelo, ‘er prophetas et yatrarchas, et per omnes sanctns tons et ‘er omata gacromenta quae fiant im honore two; adore ct te ‘obseer, te Benedicto cio, ct rogo ut accepts oraciones has et (2) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, ‘conjratones ct prt ris mei; qubus wi volun peto amine Seq Crise: éa mint oteacem et potestaen mam super ‘onmes Angeles tuos, qui de cla cjecti sunt ed decipieadem ‘grus homanua; ad attrefendem cos, ad constringendas, ad {igondom eos partter et solvendom; et ad congregandem eas ‘Coram me; quae pasaut, faciant ct verba mea wocem que eam. ‘nolo mode contemmat, sed mitt et dictis meis sbodigne, et me ttneant per homanttatem et misecordiam ct gratiam toam deprecor et penm et Adonay amray howe widegora mtg het ssrnag syota y fesy, et per ommia nomina tua ssncte, per ‘nes santos x santos Cons, per Angelas et Archangees, potestates, domintiones et vitutes, et per itd nomen per ‘quod Salomo costringrbat daemwne ct conclusit tpsa. 2th ‘Torebant hraglé goth join athin venoh aubrut et pet cramiar toe, nonina quae scipta sunt tz hoc fibrum et per virtatem esrundem, quaremus mne podrarem faciat congregare costringere ‘ines vas spiritus a colo depulsos et mihi venacier de ‘ornibus meis interrogatis de quibos quaram respoasianem veracem tribuant ct omits ris mandatis ist faciont ‘Sine lacsione corporis ct acimae meae, et omeibus ad me pertinextiom, per dominsm nostrem Jesom Shristura ftom ‘hum, qu cecum oui e regnat in unitate spiritus sancti Beas, ‘pet ona saecola, m1 © Pater onmipotens: o Fill sapiens, o Spiritus Seonctus corda hominem ihstrans: 0 oo tes tn persons cra (5) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘eo deftas to substantia qul Som ct aan peccaiaeorom Derperctatis et propter earum yeccata mortem sndjest cu ili Tarplssima in l\gnoque sencte Crucis sustinoist 8 riendssine quando ad team confugio misericordiam, ct ‘apptco mods omnis qubespossar ger baer nana soaca ot ll sciler A et et per amma alla sue ania, (yeatemusconcrdas mii wietuten et potestaeem tua, ut vale {a spr qo de cto ject aunt, ante me citar, et vip tmecom loqaantar, et mandate mea pefiiont statin et fine (Weta Com corum wolontate, sine one foesione corgoris anima 4 bonorem mearom, ine. Iv © samima et ecma vires alten: qu te etaporente, As judicio vocatis vepcheon prinale metun ez phores rer Pagramatrs ofiaromesitio existionertona ontra breagm messi, other emmane! satanth Qanag, te adoro, te incoca, ting ‘mentis oftbos meis, implore, quaemas per te procsentes orationes Et coneeerationes somsequentur sitet, et wbicomgue anaign!spirtus a ote tvaram domnnum sunt oocai, tt ‘oluntatemn mei exorcisacares dtigenter ‘adimpleant flat, fae, fiant, Simen, ‘The Magick Secret or ‘Che Bt of Speaking withthe Bead or this operation it ts necessary to attend midnight OH) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE Mass at Christmas & at midnight precisely cm hove a ‘Conversation with che inbabitants OF the ather orld fe at the Wement that the Priest lifts the Hest, bow down & with @ Aaok & severe aol sog “ame merc tac meet,” ‘2 somes go aoe promuned these ix ons i reese {0 goto the cemetery & at the ft com thet meets pour eae ‘offer this prager: “defer poo, poocato bring the crt i the uve, borden your chscare deling ‘& go eetire eo the other side of the River Sem” ‘Then remain there fora moment in stener, “Af pou hae 2 paver, he or she chat merests me, 3 supptcate pon in ‘he name ofthe Bing of ings ta mate him eppea before me ¢ the boat & moment that 3 wil inicare wou” ‘Aft ahis ceromanp, ich is indispensable co cary oxt, {ate a sal of earth & spread (tas one spreads grin tn 3 Ald, saying in @ Jom votee: “Sie who Is in dust amate from ‘is tomb Se lane his ashes fe ansener the questions that 3 ‘bose him in the name of the father of ail men.” Chea bend a bree co the ground, cumtag pour eges'ta the Bast & when nou see that the doaos of the Sua are ‘going to open, arm neue with the tow bones of the dead ‘ma Chat poe wl pot ia sattoar (ar the cross of St Andrew), ‘Then throw them straight aman gt the frst ‘temple ar church thet offers tact co pour epes, ‘Fiing wellesecoted the eforesaid, set out ina westem ‘drection & when pow haae taken 5,900 steps (ap ponrself eam to seep on the gud no eongated pasta, alding 6s) THE GRAND GRIMOIRE the palns of pour hand egainst pour thighs, & your qpes co ste shy towards the Moon & in this position, call he or she ‘whom wou wish to ate, when pou see the specter appear & sellcit their presence wich the following mords: “gs sum te pen, ex widere quea.” ‘eatter these words & pont epes wil be satisfied tw see the abject that is dearest to goo & gave goo the most pleasurable delight. When you Hane obtained ftom the shadows the which ‘pou have tnuoted that hich pou believe to be the most 0 your satisfaction, seni tt amay in chis manner: “Retwrn to the Ringdom of tee elect, 3 am content with you ‘poor presen.” ‘The, picking noutself up, return m the sane com oohere ou mode the fot proper abowe witch pou need tm make & ‘uss with the end of pour blade which you tll be holiieg in ‘por fet hand, ‘The reader should mot neglect any of che prescribed ceremonies otherwise he covlé incor seme tisk. Secrets of the Hlagick Arr ‘@haerue that thest secrets cat not be emaptoged by those ‘who have not done ail that s described tn Chapters 11, VOL & LV of the first beok of this volume, ‘To make the Pivining Rod & make it com ‘At the moment that the Sun appears on ove horizon, (6) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE —————— ‘wich yooe Aft hand ae a ing french af ord @Mataat ot iin, cat it nek pour right hand in thee stmkes sang: "3 am tating pou fn the name of Biotin, *tiracon, Stianoy & Semipturas, oo thot you tave the anes. of ee ee ance ct kee” it mort, son mile holding ic frig tn lous ints ase ee me “2 commend gou tn the name of Zlohor, Microom, ‘SAdoway & Serviphoras to reneal to me, &.” ‘Co Rachant Firearns Say: “God having a pare & the evil made it go ave” ‘& before firing, cross your legs with tire (eft ane over the to sig “eno mse 3esom Gon tam. ‘To be Susensibte to Corcure ‘Write chese lines on a sinall piece of paper, which poo ‘ill then swsatloor; 2 pros mers, a pendent eorpora roi, Dismas ct gestas domnater ponestas. Dismas ct geotas danmator, ‘Ad astra (eoater, ‘AWihven you hone to be tortured sap “This mpe is 29 Sang st aHi, e he Sola e's twas tae 2) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘The Composition of Beach, ot, ofthe Philowpher's Stone ‘Cake o sal yok & puto pond of eeghe copper in it & ‘wo cups of Agua fortis, boil tt for half an hour; then add ‘thre ounces of gree copper fect boll far on hour; then add ‘too & one buf ounces of exsenic which wil boll fat anncher bof an hour; then add three ounces of ©ak bark in a fine onder which oil bot for avother half an hove nth a half cap of mse water; ofter (¢ has een botied far tom mines add theee ounces of soot, chen let ft bil enc the composition is ‘goed. on will banc prof of ris when poe inf @ natn i: ic adheres w the pote that it has boiled enough, it ie ‘hom the fe, ect de nox earthewwore coneatner aver intense ‘eae, chen reduce tt a fine poder by potting i¢ through sie, ‘Chen put i i a crucible wich a pound of pure sitoer, ‘The crocible must be welsealed & clase; then pot ic over an intensely hot fie for on boot & fet it mele & once the ‘peration i fished it will produce o pound Se a half of fine gold that has covet fie times the natu of what it cost yo mate it. ‘To Commaricate with the Spirits 1m the Boe of St Salm the Baptist Ga seand bya Fern after 1) a che evening wncil midnight ‘& say “F pay God that che spite wich whom 3 wish to ‘speak, appear at preciseig quarter to one.” Os) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘Then sag these fee aurds; “Bar, Rirebar, Ali, Ala, ‘Tetragramaton.” ‘To Order to Dance completeig Rared On the cot of Saint John the Bepcist, at midnight, gather three leancs of @ Walnut tree, three sepect marjoran plants, three myrtle plants, three others of veriain; tet ‘coengching dry in the shade, Reduce t to a powder & wen ‘pou want co make use of It, thou tt fu the ait be a pinch of ‘tobacro in che room where poo oxant ts make merry. ‘To Render Oneself Fnvisible ‘Wake a black cat & boy a new kettle, a merer, a steel, 2 Flincstone with & coal, making sure to get por spacer From a fountain at precisely midnight. ‘Afr wow light dour re, pt the cat nthe mete & had ‘the tid doam with pour left hand & don’t move mo matter ‘what raise pou tear from behind yew: after you haw let 1¢ batt for 24 hours put it on a net plate, ‘Throw the meat coer your eft shooter, soning: “Age ‘quod tibi do et nihil maptius.” ‘When pat the bones, one dp ove, under the teeth to the ‘eft while Looking at powrself in the mirror & when thep are ot good thaw them away, reciting the same words ntl you fave found tt & right map you wil wet ste yourself n the ‘mirror anpmere, Withdrem, walking backwards, saying (9) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, “pate i anus tous commend spam mean” & this all 4 the bone that pom mast hep. ‘To Render Oneself Favorabic wo Gudges ‘Sapo seeng them, sa these ours; “Plog, halon, ‘Phalop: preside i mp for, tt por poser spurl, Hake mehaypn” To be Imperoions to White Acs Wich the head of a uredie mice these three mecds on pour acm: Ales } Wales + Colas j. Then put che needle to ‘the middie creas, ftom cahich wo blond will law, Solomon's Flier ‘ow co Make Solomon's Minor ® Jn nomine Bombal. mew, 3 ‘The menace wpsn which the Cabbuist Scholars relied to mate the minor of Solomon, aot’ son, who bod the ‘ft of wisdom & the aca acencr; this mimmr is made tn Soreyeight daps, starting fom the Rew Mloon ont the folaoryg full oc, 3900 wl se (6 this mire) all oF the Hidden things that you dese the name of the Lard First, abscan from ang carnal action ar thought forthe ratte ofirmencoaed tine & meanobile do wang pious & Compassionate deeds. (#) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘Toke a shing 4 wellcieaned place of steel & write in the four corners these precise mords in the slead of a White ‘Due: Jehwva, Zlohin, Micrachon, Adonap, Then pot the ‘steel plate in a piece af nem wise clack & when pos abserne the Rem toon ore hove after the sun has set go to the window & gazing at the sky & the moon sop with devotion: “© vex etema Bens: creator ineffabils, que cuncta as hominis santootem men grata, et acco jodicieceesti rexpice me (A.A), indlgnissimum seroam ceum, ec ad fntentionern ‘eam, et mittere mihi dignare angele Stmat, in specetom ‘stad, qui mandet, et tuspiret ec jubeat com soctis suis, et -subdttis nontris nx fn nomine tuo qui fuist, es et eis potens, et jus, fod, jodicent ett quecomaue ab fis exposcam:” ‘Take some ashes made from Laurel wood & edd some ‘pesfurne into it in three shots saging: “Sn hoc, per hoc, et cum ‘hoc, quod effondo ance conspectom coum, ews mews, crinas ‘Cun benedictus et per excisns qo vides super heron et Sevephia et ventarus est judlcere secolum per ignem” ‘Recite this preyer cheec tinwes, blow on the mirror & ‘then callout this truncation: “ent Aneel, et eb! complaccat (ase per sorins tv08 mecom, tn nomine patris potencisstin, in ‘amine fio sapiencissima, in nomine spititus amabitissimi. ‘Beni Bradt in rnin terbiis Jehoua; vent nae m oeace mmortais Bom; vent nae! in beach omnipotensis ‘Witrraton; nent nad! in potentia secratissimt Adonay; orni ‘ad me (1R.3A.) in ispeccla taro, ec judeat sobditis ois ot com ‘amore gandie et pace ostendot wiht accuita im ucutis micis, “Amen” (a) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE. ‘Chis said, raise poor eyes ta the shy & san: “Bernini Bens amigotens, cvjas wate oranie mavencer, exavdl dqrecaconem meom ct desideriom mam bt complocat, ‘espice comin specatom istod, et benedice it ut Aneel, naws c subditis fuisse sistat in flla com soctis et natisfaciat mint famoia ron (R.AA.), cot viois et regnas benedsctus et excrisus, ia saccola saccoloran, Amen.” . ‘Sfter the aftrementioned prayer, cross yourself & che ‘mira, & this poo oll do ever for as long as it tabs co ‘make the mirror, 3n the end, the ange Anael will appeac in the guise of a most handsome young man will greet you ‘command his companions to obey pou, He auare thet 48 daps are not always necessary to obtoin coat pou intend; often. ppears after 14 days, that depends on the intention & deaotion of the pesto. ‘Ba hen the spe appenes a pou, as him evernching that pou mish & request chat he appeer co you whencocr pou ‘call him to sartsth qour requests, ‘Ther poo will see eoergehing gow wish to see withost reciting the preceding oration; bot having anointed him with ‘scemt (the scent of Anael is Saffron) say the following: ‘Ontion “Beni Auael, vent cibi complacrat ease per soctos twos ‘mecom, i nomini mecurn, in nemini ZPecris pocencissim’, tn womint FI6i saplentissimi, tn nomine Spiritus Sancti amabthesint; ent nce, in urtucisirmortols Elohim; ent (9) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, ‘Auael, in brachio ommipocentis Micraton; vent Arael, i potenti saratesral dena; ent od me AA.) tn spate (eto, et jobeas subéiis tus, ut com amore, gandio et pace ‘astendom mihi occulta ia ocults meis. mee, ame” ‘After you bane rected this oration he wil appear 20 nou ‘& satisfy oll of our desires, ‘Wethod of taking Leawe of the angel Sane! “Gratios tibi aga SAnael quod ventsti, ec petition! meae ‘satisfecsti bi pace ex placeat tit vere quando to pacanero.” (Cmax yourself & the micrar, ‘Table of Auspictous & Snavspicious Bays 4618, 2, 51. Jom 3,5. 1818. Feorvary 2, 10, 17, 2. 89,12, 4,16, larch 13,14, 25, 28 3. ‘April ‘16, 20, 29, 39. 12,4,6,9)0% ‘lay 9,1%,20. 3518, 2. Sane 40. 2, 6,10, 25, 30. Sup 5.152 5,110, 14, 19. Bagot 2,15,27, 9. 6, 18,15, 18, 30. September 12, 16, 2, 4. 15, 16, 25, 31. Ccaer 5,927. 3,15, 25, 30. Rovenber 6,25. 10, 20, 29, Barmber 15, 28, 3. THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘@bseration ‘Alony cise mex beliene this table was crated e0 ‘Abeba bn on ange & that it determine ts actions: he ‘ther saced no cansplanted capt on auspicious dans & far this reason euerpehing meat marvelously for him, . 2 yor plone dd kenge thee ped aoa raid ‘increase. Hecret of the Black Hea The famous secret of the Black Hen, @ secret wiehwe ‘hich one cam not count on the success of anp cabale, was {ost for a long cine: after mock tapestigation me have soccredad {in finding it & the tests which we hane carted out, to assure ‘ourselves that it seas positiocly that which we sought, exact! matched our expectations, Therefore we are completely ‘satisfied, Jt is to share sur happiness wich all these oho have the courage to fitate us that we have written it cut, ‘The Black ea ‘Tate a black en that has neoer bee aid eggs & that fas uever been approached by roaster & in tang her make tain that she does nat erp oot 80 that poe will have eo ds ‘ts at even at vight, when she is sleeping, Take hee neck -& close her throat so that she can not scream, (#) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘Chon go where to streets farm a cuss & at idight ‘pretscig make @ cele with @ Cuprus branch, gn imma the Inde of the cel cu che en's body inte to parts uctring ‘te follaing words thee times: Elohim, asain, search & ‘then turn pour gaze tomad the Bart, kneel & recite the ‘oper an page 50 &e then che great inocatian on page 26. At that moment the fool sprit wll appear, dressed tn a scarlet contft with braids, a pellnm stint, green pants, fis head ‘esembtes that of 0 deg, he has the cans of an as with coo ‘horns egs fee tite hele, ae wil ask pon pow demande; oo gine them a5 you think test sinc he wil mt be able ‘ionbep wou & he con make Wow ome Df the richest & therefore the happiest of men. ‘Before you do what has been explained yoo ned tomate ‘oor deans, Sap pour propers & be aboneteproat; this {so essential chat m doing the opposite pou could end up at the spirits’ command, instead of him being at yours, Other Magick Secrets ‘Ts Prevent a Honan from Concting ‘To prevent a woman, with mhom pow are having Teations, ftom having heen, take a sponge the sizeof 8 nutmeg & sank i wth pare rail mized wich atte fn al ‘ot it in her let hand & coal aeoog from her & coer. time ‘that pou do this gou shall be certain to have good results. (45) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘Go Fiat out whether a Woman can have Cikdren ‘Wake the fat of @ hare, melt t ta hot water; the woman ‘should drink icon an empey stomach & afterwards toke a hat ‘bath; ls ses tere ber sama tr ete ildren, atherarise not. ‘The Band of the Traneler ‘To Fable one to Tranel twenty miles on awe Buy a young wolf $ slanghter Kim on che hoor of lars pronouncing these words: Abumalis, Fades, ambulavic in Foetitude ob ing; then cnc his skin nto bonds the ster of hum, Arte the aforementioned wards an it, the wt leter ‘atth poor blood, the second with the emis blood & so on vat the end. ‘Biter having wricem the words, fet rhe bond dra $e cover it by orapping ft im a shite cloth, then attach to biolet Hbbons ot the too ends tn te it under pour keee, be carefal nt 1s fet anp woman see this & take care also to take {cof gou crass anp recs, ochermise ft wil lose is pooper. other Searee ‘To Frable pou co Ron wore Cickiy ‘Toke coo ownces of heman fat, ane owner of nerve ol, ‘one ounce of Laurel, one ounce of stag fat & ane auact of a naturally preserved raurnmy & two glasses of wine spirits & (#) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE ‘stan pernain leouts. Boil alt na new eorthemmare pot eet is refoced ts fr es woe ets he form of a ottment which poe all spread on 9 new piece (of wolf skin) e wien pon hase pot it ‘over your spleen pou iil go Faster then the wind, ‘Bu order not tm fll in after the wogage bathe pour Feet hie ae, ‘Ea note three Bowng Latics, or rather heee Spirits, come into pour room after dtmer ‘Preparavon ‘Eat nether meet nor etry Pods er thee days; an the fowrth day cle your room as se0n os gor hove ersen fram ‘ed, fat for the entre dog & ensee that no one ents the roomat dag & that theres nohing hang on the wells, nether ‘Clethes, nor hats, nor bird cages, nor curcains on the cnindows tron te bed & abone al put feship woshed tite ens an tebed. Ceremony ‘Biter dinner, go secretly tm the room that gov hase perpared ight « guod fire, pot a clean white lah on che rable 4 three chairs around the table & three loaves of tread & tee glasses of dear fresh mater at each place, then put a techiner ot chait beside peur bed & get inn bod. (a) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE. nce i bed, recite the following imocation. “sBestictum consolatio veniad nee wertat xeon, Creon, Coeon, cantor laudem gatencis et urn commentur, tat super carm ben tavdem omntestra prion da montem ‘tininions mens o pensttantis bis ex iti dances que passim fieri sincisibus.” ‘pon entering the room the three peneons wel seat ‘thanseloes hestde the fire & taking reftestimens & chonk he ‘or she oho has recelocd them, since, (Fit is @ man wiko makes ‘the ceremony theee ladies etl come, & if t 1s a women three re colt come & the thee spirits wil choose lots among ‘themselves to determine who coll remain seated m the chair ‘besiie pour bed a comerse wth pou outl midnight, ‘Bt midnight she will eape with hee companions antthout ‘wou having to ask her to take her leaoe; as for the other exo, ‘fhe col remain by the fre bile the acher counerses with poo beside post bed & nou wil beable to ask her about ong art ot scence thet yoo desive d she mill immediatelp answer pour ‘uoves; non can ask her the location of the nearest hidden treasure & sive will reveal ro you the mast apgortame time & ‘place to recone it & she will also be there accompanied br ‘her two companions to peotect yox fom ang infra spirit ‘who could be in possession of the treasure & in leaving nov, she cil gnc ou @ ving which will mate poo fuckin sm game ‘hes pou wear it & fF you plac it on a poung matd's finger a con mate ber pout wife, ‘Rote: Leane the windaw open xo that they map enter & pou con pest this uperation & make them come 98 mem, (#) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, times ass pas wish, ‘To be Lodky in eoery Enterprise ‘Take a green frog, cat off tts head & his fur feet. ‘Ther, on o Fridan with a Fall Hoon pot chem in elder tree ail & keey chem there for tarentg-one days, removing them on. the tamenty-frst day at precisely mideigit. ‘When hae chem exposed to che light of the mesn for thee nighcs & oftermard lc them drg ina carthenare pot ‘that bas never been used. hence mix (m equal quantities) ‘the ashes with earth that has been taken from a cemetery, possible from near the grace of somenue tn pout farily $& ‘amy it with poo as i ni lp gos succeed in any wadertaking. Wo make a Woman disciose all of her Secrets ‘Take the heart of a pigeon & che bead afc frog & faving ried them race them to 8 powder or pot them a & tele purse, rendering ther fragrane mich a bic of mss. Then pac the purse onder the woman's ee whe she seeping & she, fifteen minors tater, coll unoeil all of her secrets, ake censin to remooe the pote & few minates after she bas stepped speaking ochenmise she coold fal ito ‘erin, (9) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE. ‘To see $ do the Supereatoral ‘Put a gold studded plate onder your tongue, 3t showld te half he size ofa thumb. ‘nder gor feet put the borer of moctnary sheet (or Her) & hold gata ter branch n oot ‘hand, Abstain from hasing sexual relations for thirty fine daps,- fe cre eis the womber Chat pus newer the protection of fvarable constellations & sotcey & vc tia necet wut condo prodigions dees, os 68 Fanasu, ho wich this secret bd spec tings, ‘To make Everything in an Apartment appear Black ‘ook the wick ofthe lang used to ight the aparcment in well‘eaten sea fear, adding to the lomp oil same sulfur & ‘change, in equal parts, 4 all those who enter the room will appear drunk & dts, ‘Giue wo attach Crystals ‘Tate some wine spits gum, the whitest & claret, ‘& Hque teh the spt, heat wp the to broken pieces in ‘the fire, then with a fete brush apply the aftremencioned gine ‘tm the to pieces; oftrmands attach the coo pers, holding hem togetes wat! thea fase ood. (90) ‘THE GRAND GRIMOIRE (ive co Repate Porcelain "Bases ‘Toke twa fresh egg whines, mix chen cagerher, add @ fete quicktime, Put @ lice af cis méxtare on the broken Dleces, hold them together for no ot tee mixutes. ‘Chen tod shem with wit te cracks mill become tonite, The Seerets of Looe ‘©f reciprocal fone between a Hian & a Woman ‘Since cher marhing move natoral to man chan fooing e being loved; without having to innoke “Bens or Cai, ‘whe are the tno dominant distuities, regarding chis noble passion of man, Every day prodoes materiel subseancs that are fauorable co suctes in lout, ©ie often finds on the forehead of a wemig bor fal, a lice piece of flesh that has marnelous virtue i fue, Srp i in-a new pot & wear it, especially on

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