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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Bhopal Region

Pre -Term 1 Examination 2021-22

English Core

Maximum Marks: 40 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.
2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
3. Section B-WRITING SKILLS has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.
I. Read the passage given below.
Question No. 1 to 10 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the
It’s been said countless times that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.
But not many people seem convinced. Some school- children and office –goers are still
leaving home without it and weight- watchers are still giving breakfast a miss. “I am not
hungry in the morning” is the commonest explanation. Even if you don’t recognize it as
hunger, the body does give out signals that it is low on fuel. For instance, studies of
school-children (aged 9-11) show that those who skip breakfast have a slower reaction
time and more muscle fatigue in school sports. The average scores are lower on written
tests, compared to breakfast eaters. To the teacher, such children could look listless,
which they maybe because they haven’t had the protein that really wakes up the brain.
(After an overnight fast, the blood sugar level drops. Strangely it takes protein, not sugar,
to build it up again.)
Office workers who skip breakfast are usually big consumers of office tea and
coffee- a means of staying alert and suppressing hunger. Adult breakfast skippers may
have trouble concentrating on work and show lower work output. They are also likelier
to be irritable and impatient at work. Clock – watching frequently for the lunch-hour.
Fatigue, anxiety, forgetfulness, confusion, and indecision-all these have been linked to
low blood sugar levels, usually caused by hunger. If any of that sounds familiar,
maybe what you need is breakfast.
Some nutrients like protein and calcium are better absorbed if they are taken in small
quantities several times a day. A packed lunch and a big dinner cannot make up for
nutrition missed in the ‘a.m.’ What goes into a good breakfast? Protein for mental
alertness and carbohydrates to give the body some get-up and go. Small amounts of fat
and sugar are okay but just enough to tempt the appetite.

1. What consequence do adult breakfast-skippers not face?

a. High work output
b. Low concentration on work
c. High temper
d. Become irritable
2. What happens when you are hungry?
a. You feel extremely tired
b. Your blood-sugar levels drop

c. You feel anxious
d. You are easily confused
3. Find a word in the passage similar in meaning to "extreme tiredness".
a. Drop
b. Fatigue
c. Low on fuel
d. Signals
4. Find a word in the passage opposite in meaning to "comfortable".
a. Indecisive
b. Impatient
c. Anxious
d. Irritable
5. Two nutrients that are better absorbed if taken in small quantities are:
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Calcium
D. Sugar
a. Only B and D
b. Only A and D
c. Only A and C
d. Only A and B
6. The most common explanation for skipping breakfast is:
a. One must not take a heavy breakfast
b. One must not eat in the morning
c. Who is hungry in the morning?
d. Who eats in the morning?
7. Office – Workers drink lots of coffee or tea in order to:
a. Stay Hungry
b. Suppress Appetite
c. Stay Awake
d. Skip food
8. Children who do not take breakfast have reaction time and suffer from
muscle fatigue.
a. Slow, less
b. Fast, more
c. Faster, less
d. Slower, more
9. Which is the most important meal of the day?
a. Snacks
b. Lunch
c. Dinner
d. Breakfast
10. When blood sugar level drops, one must have:
a. Proteins
b. Sugars
c. Calcium
d. Vitamins

II. Read the passage given below.

Question No. 11 to 18 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the
The National Policy on states that a large proportion of the students currently enrolled
in elementary school have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy (the ability

to read and understand the basic text, and carry out basic addition and subtraction). It
recommends that every child should attain foundational literacy and numeracy by grade
The table highlights the results of the National Achievement Survey 2017 on the learning
levels of students at Grade 3 in language and mathematics. The results of the survey
suggest that only 57% of students in Grade 3 are able to solve basic numeracy skills
related to addition and subtraction.
Table: NAS results on the learning level of Grade-3 students
Learning level (Grade 3) ge of
Ability to read small texts with comprehension (Language) 68%
Ability to read printed scripts on classroom walls such as
poems, posters (Language) 65%
Solving simple daily life addition and subtraction problems
with 3 digits (Mathematics) 57%
Analyses and applies the appropriate number of
operations in a situation (Mathematics) 59%

Sources: National Achievement Survey (2017)

To achieve universal foundational literacy and numeracy, the Policy recommends setting
up a National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy under the MHRD. All state
governments must prepare implementation plans to achieve these goals by 2025. A
national repository of high-quality resources on foundational literacy and numeracy will be
made available on the government’s e-learning platform (DIKSHA). Other measures to be
taken in this regard include: (i) filling teacher vacancies at the earliest,
(ii) ensuring a pupil to teacher ratio of 30:1 for effective teaching, and (iii) training teachers
to impart foundational literacy and numeracy.

Comparison of R&D expenditure in India with other countries (2017)

Sources: S&T Indicators Table 2019-20, Ministry of Science and Technology, March 2020

To boost research, the NEP recommends setting up an independent National Research

Foundation (NRF) for funding and facilitating quality research in India. The Foundation
will act as a liaison between researchers and relevant branches of government as well
as industry. Specialised institutions that currently fund research, such as the
Department of Science and Technology, and the Indian Council of Medical Research, will

continue to fund independent projects. The Foundation will collaborate with such
agencies to avoid duplication.

11.Which of the following statement is NOT substantiated by any information from

the passage:
a. Pakistan has a higher R & D expenditure than India.
b. South Korea has the highest R & D expenditure.
c. India and the U.S have the same R & D expenditure.
d. Japan has the third-highest R & D expenditure.
12.A national repository of high-quality resources on foundational literacy and
numeracy will:
a. Contain study resources for students from Grade 6 ahead.
b. Help students to solve problems easily.
c. Allow international teachers to access learning materials.
d. Help the country to achieve higher foundational literacy and numeracy.
13.Arrange the order of the countries based on their R & D expenditure:
A. South Korea
B. India
C. South Africa
D. Germany
a. B, D, C, A
b. A, D, C, B
c. A, C, B, D
d. C, D, A, B
14.According to the passage, one of the measures to be taken for increasing
foundational literacy and numeracy rate is:
a. Training teachers to impart foundational literacy and numeracy
b. Filling teacher vacancies gradually
c. Training students at special centres
d. Ensuring a pupil to teacher ratio of 60:1 for effective teaching

15.Pick the options that list the statements that are NOT TRUE according to the passage:
i. To boost research, the NEP recommends setting up an independent National
Research Foundation (NRF).
ii. All state governments do not need to prepare implementation plans to achieve
these goals.
iii. To achieve universal foundational literacy and numeracy, the Policy
recommends setting up a National Mission on Foundational Literacy and
Numeracy under the MHRD.
iv. The National Policy on states that a large proportion of the students
currently enrolled in elementary school have attained foundational
literacy and numeracy
a. i and iii
b. i and ii
c. Only i
d. ii and iv
16. The word foundational literacy from the passage means the same as:
a. The ability to read and understand the basic text
b. The ability to solve mathematical problems
c. The ability to learn new ideas
d. The inability to read and write
17.Based on the passage choose the option that correctly represents the
learning level and the percentage of pupil:

a. Image A
b. Image D
c. Image B
d. Image C

18. "…a large proportion of the students currently enrolled in elementary school
have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy." What does the statement
a. Several children in elementary schools are below the average age accepted.
b. Several children in elementary schools are solving problems beyond their age.
c. Several children enrolled in elementary schools are unable to access
educational materials.
d. Several children enrolled in elementary schools do not have basic educational

III. Answer any four out of the five questions given, with reference to the context below.
Question No. 19 to 23 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the
Your pet dog ‘Buddy’ is missing. Answer the following in context with the
advertisement regarding this in a newspaper.
19.What kind of advertisement should be preferred for this purpose?
a. Classified
b. Display
c. None of these
d. Both display and classified
20.Which of the following information is/are required for this advertisement?
i. Physical appearance
ii. Details about dog's breed
iii. Unique feature of the Buddy (if any)
iv. If Buddy was wearing any cloth, belt, leash, etc)
a. ii, iii, iv
b. i, iii, iv
c. i, ii, iii
d. All of these
21.Choose the most irrelevant information from the following in context of this
a. Contact address and phone number
b. Your own details
c. Reward offered
d. Since when/from where missing
22. In an advertisement like this, mentioning of------must be avoided?
a. Phone number
b. Physical features

c. Character traits
d. None of these
23. Which of the following words is the ideal to begin this advertisement?
a. My favourite pet
b. A pet dog
c. Missing
d. buddy, my pet

IV. Answer any six of the seven questions given, with reference to the context below.
Question No. 24 to 30 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the
While writing a Letter to the Editor for creating awareness towards health and hygiene
among rural people, points you will take into account would be:
24.What would be the correct way of opening your letter?
a. Asking the recipient if he is hale and hearty
b. Asking how well the players in the Olympics performed
c. Informing the recipient why you are writing the letter
d. Discussing how good the weather is in your city
25.Things you will not follow while writing the letter:
a. A proper introduction
b. Adhere to the format
c. Purpose of writing
d. Beating around the bush
26. Which of the following would you avoid:
a. using formal style
b. using informal language
c. complete in all respects
d. give relevant information
27.What do you aim in your letter?
a. Targeting rural people for being a negligent attitude towards sanitation
b. Reprimanding rural people for their careless habit
c. Requesting government to organize health and awareness camp
d. Requesting the editor to write an article about this issue
28.Which of the following will your letter feature?
a. relevant content
b. formal language
c. keeping to the point
d. all of these
29.Points that you can use in your letter?
a. Issue of open defecation
b. Construction of personal toilet
c. Frequent health check-ups
d. All of these
30.Which part of the letter will include the introduction of the writer?
a. address
b. Heading
c. Body
d. Postscript

This section has sub-sections: V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. There are a total of 30 questions in the section.
Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.

V. Read the given extract to answer the questions that follow:
“Together they have imposed the baggage on the child that he cannot put down.
Before he is aware, he accepts it as naturally as his father. To do anything else
would mean to dare”.

31.Together they have imposed the baggage on the child that he cannot put down.
Who do they refer to?
a. Middleman
b. Policeman
c. Sahukars
d. All of these
32.Who has imposed the baggage on the child?
a. The bureaucrats
b. The middlemen
c. The politicians
d. All of these
33.Which baggage is being referred to?
a. Baggage with laptops
b. Baggage with sports gear
c. Baggage of groceries
d. Baggage of working for the bangle industry
34.Like whom did he accept the baggage?
a. His teacher
b. His mother
c. His father
d. His friend
35.What hazard is associated with working for the bangle industry?
a. Having twisted hands
b. Becoming deaf
c. Losing eyesight
d. Scaling and numbness of skin

VI. Read the given extract to answer the questions that follow:
“My breath was gone. I was frightened. Father laughed, but there was terror in
my heart at the overpowering force of the waves. My introduction to the Y.M.CA.
swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears. But in a
little while I gathered confidence. I paddled with my new water wings, watching
the other boys and trying to learn by aping them. I did this two or three times on
different days and was just beginning to feel at ease in the water when the
misadventure happened.”

36. What does the word Revived mean?

a. Given fresh life
b. Restored to consciousness
c. Resuscitated
d. All of these
37.Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
Statement 1: The author’s father laughed to mock his son’s inability to swim.
Statement 2: The author wanted to swim just to prove to his father that he can swim.
a. Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.
b. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 cannot be inferred.
c. Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is true.
d. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 can be inferred.

38.My introduction to the Y.M.CA. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories
and stirred childish fears. It can be inferred that this was a clear case of
a. depression
b. repression
c. suppression
d. oppression
39.The misadventure that took place right after the author felt comfortable was that
a. his coach forgot to teach him how to handle deep water
b. his father couldn’t help him from drowning into the water
c. a bully tossed him into the pool for the sake of fun
d. the author slipped and fell into the swimming pool

40.Choose the option that describes the equipment used by the author while

learning to swim.
a. Option (4)
b. Option (2)
c. Option (1)
d. Option (3)

VII. Read the given extract to answer the questions that follow:
On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head,
Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities.
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-handed map
Awarding the world its world. And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future’s painted with a fog,

41.What does the expression - sour cream walls – suggest?

a. A poor choice of paint for walls.
b. Display of donated artifacts on the walls.
c. Badly maintained walls.
d. Wall-to-wall furniture.
42.The map of the world in the classroom symbolizes
a. a world that is unconnected to the children.
b. hopes and aspirations of the children.
c. interconnectivity within the world. plans of the school authorities.
43.The expression, Shakespeare’s head is an example of:
a. satire
b. irony
c. pun
d. parody
44.In the extract, future’s painted with a fog suggests that the:
a. classroom is as foggy as the paint on the walls.
b. life ahead for the slum children is as unclear and hazy as fog.
c. beautiful valleys are not a part of the children’s future.
d. fog often finds itself in the classrooms through broken windows.
45.The Poetic device present in the expression ‘Future’s painted with fog”is--?
a. simile
b. Metaphor
c. Pun
d. Alliteration
VIII. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow:
“The corridor I was in began angling left and slanting downward and I thought that was
wrong, but I kept on walking. All I could hear was the empty sound of my own footsteps and
I didn’t pass a soul. Then I heard that sort of hollow roar ahead that means open space and
people talking.”
46.Who is I referred to here?
a. Sam
b. Charley
c. Louisa
d. Jack Finney
47.The corridor takes I to:
a. Third Level, Grand Central Station
b. Second level, Grand Central Station
c. Times Square
d. Vanderbilt Avenue
48.The narrator lost in the Grand Central while ---- ?
a. looking for a refuse against problems of real life.
b. going to Galesburg with Sam
c. going to his office
d. None of these.
49.Why did I think that he was wrong?
a. Many times, he had missed the way
b. It was complete silence.
c. Had never seen that place
d. He could hear only footsteps of people passing through.
50.Find the synonym of roar.
a. spectacular
b. din
c. placid
d. All of these
IX. Answer the following:
51.Who would look at his hurt hands? (Keeping Quiet)
a. Rag pickers
b. Salt gatherers
c. Peasants
d. Road dwellers
52.How did M. Hamel describe the French language?
a. It is a dreadful language
b. It is the most beautiful language in the world
c. It is difficult to learn
d. world None of these

53.In the prose Lost Spring, what is the city of Firozabad famous for
a. Fabric for cloth
b. Bangles of glass
c. Spices for food
d. Wood for furniture
54.What was the fear in Douglas' mind?
a. To be defeated
b. To be pushed
c. drowning
d. None of these
55.What was inherited by the slum children in the poem, An Elementary School
Classroom in a Slum?
a. Diseases
b. Despair
c. Poverty
d. All of these
56.Where was Dr. Sadao's house situated?
a. Far from the beach
b. On rocks beside the narrow beach
c. On rocks above a narrow beach
d. In front of the beach
57.What did the narrator claim to be true about the Grand Central Station in the
prose titled The Third Level?
a. The existence of a fourth level
b. The existence of a third level
c. The existence of a fifth level
d. The existence of a second level
58.The poet asked the reader not to speak . (Keeping Quiet)
a. In English
b. Loudly
c. In any language
d. Softly
59.What help did Dr. Sadao seek from Hana while operating on the wounded man?
a. To give medicines on time
b. To clean the wounds regularly
c. To bring the towels and give anesthesia to the patient
d. To give food to the patient
60.Why did the poet (My Mother at Sixty-Six) look outside the moving car?
a. To put away the thoughts of her mind
b. To judge the speed of the moving car
c. To behold green cornfields
d. To see farmers working in the fields.


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