Level 1 Exam Unit 9 and 10

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Name ______________________ Class______________________

Level 1

Use going to or will and the words to make predictions and ask about the future.
Example: More people / own self-driving cars. (going to) More people are going to own self-
driving cars.
1 Flights / get shorter. (going to)
2 Ordinary people / be able to travel to the moon. (will)
3 Our weather / get hotter in the next ten years? (going to)
4 Everybody / have robots in their homes? (will)
5 There / not be / travel agents in 100 years’ time. (will)

3 Choose the correct articles. (–) means no article is needed.

Example: Mr Lee is going to give a / the / – talk about the future of food.

1 One day, I’ll go to a / the / – moon.

2 We’re going to a / the / – Spain next week.
3 I’m going to get a / the / – part-time job in the summer.
4 My parents are going to buy me a / the / – new laptop.
5 We saw robots at the exhibition. Most of a / the / – robots were on the second floor.
6 I’m going to start college on a / the / – Monday!
7 My cousin is graduating next week. He is going to be a / the / – doctor.
8 I’m going to learn how to make a / the / – movies at college.
9 Hugo is going to be a(n) / the / – actor.
10. We have an electric car and a normal car. I prefer driving a / the / – electric car.


1 Read the web article and comments. Match the headings to the paragraphs. The first
one is done for you.

How drones are saving lives

1 ___________________

Many people are wary of drones and worry that they could be dangerous. They worry that
drones cause accidents in the air and on the ground. Others say that people use drones to spy
or look at other people without them knowing. But, it seems that drones are here to stay and in
fact, we are already using them in many positive ways.

2 __________________

In Australia, a drone recently saved the lives of two teenage swimmers. The sea took the boys a
long way from the beach. They were exhausted and had no energy to swim back. The
lifeguards at the beach used a drone to find them. The drone dropped a lifesaving ‘pod’, like a
long plastic snake down to the boys. The boys held on to this and safely got back to the beach.

3 __________________

Drones are also saving people’s lives in other parts of the world. In California in the United
States, firefighters are using drones to check on fires. The cameras on the drones tell them how
serious a fire is. They can also use drones to see how many people are in a burning building
and work out how to save them.
What’s your opinion of drones? Post your comments below.

4 __________________

Samuel Wow! That’s so cool that drones are saving lives. I’m going to buy one when I have
enough money! I believe that drones will be used for so many different things in the future!
Maybe they will even replace cars! Imagine traveling everywhere by drone!

5 __________________

Adyan I think it’s good that firefighters and lifeguards are using drones. But, I do worry that
there’ll be too many drones in the future. They could cause planes to have accidents. In my
opinion, we should only have a few drones and use them for important things like saving lives.

6 __________________

Cecilie Drones are dangerous! We need to have more rules for them! People use them in my
local park all the time. I hate them because I worry they will fall on my head and hurt me!

Paragraph heading Paragraph number

Drones are amazing!
Drones save teens in the sea
A drone could hurt me!
People’s worries about drones 1
A few drones are okay – but not too many!
Drones help fight fires

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Example: He is swimming more slowly than usual.
more slowly slowly
1 Every Monday I go running with my friends. I run ____________ than most of them, so I like to
run at the front.
faster more fast
2 Lilien sang ____________ at yesterday’s performance than the one on Tuesday.
more well better
3 I stopped playing tennis because I was ____________ in golf than tennis.
more interested most interested
4 The tickets for the second and third performances sold ____________ than the others.
better well
5 He climbed ____________ mountain in Africa.
the most highly the highest
Use the adjectives in bold and the cues in parentheses to rewrite the sentences.
Example: I’m less healthy than my brother. (not as…as)
I’m not as healthy as my brother.

1 The weekend performances are more expensive than those on weekdays. (less)
The weekday performances are ____________________ those on the weekend.
2 The blue and the green shoes are more comfortable than the orange ones.
The orange shoes are ____________________. (least)
3 I think basketball and tennis are both the same. They are both fun.
I think basketball is ____________________ tennis. (as…as)
4 Tom’s film is more interesting than Andrew’s. (not as…as)
Andrew’s film is ____________________ Andrew’s.
5 The theater wasn’t as attractive as the one in my town. (less)
The theater was ____________________ the one in my town.


Would you rather be at a sports event or watch it on TV? Write a short blog with your
opinion. Check your writing for spelling errors. Answer these questions. (100–150
• Why do you have this opinion?
• What is fun / not fun about being at a sports event?
• Why do you prefer / not prefer watching a sports event on TV?

Title: __________________________

I would rather…

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