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One day in the blue sea live a fish with colorful also beatiful “blink-blink” shell called Rainbow Fish.
She likes swim around while show off her shell to the other fish.

Nemo fish : “hey rainbow fish. How can you look so awesome and pretty everyday., I really want to
be like you!”. “owh Nemo, of course I am awesome and pretty. Not like you an ordinary fish. How
dare you talking to me! i just swim away!”. Said Rainbow fish arrogantly.

In that time, Nemo feels very sad and dissapointed with Rainbow fish attitude. Day by day, the news
about how arrogant Rainbow Fish has spread to the entire ocean.

Until the sunny afternoon, when rainbow fish is swimming around and intending to play ith other
fish, one by one her friends swim away, leaving rainbow fish. “ I am confuse . what happened with
them, I just want to play with them.” Asking rainbow fish with herself.

In the middle of her way, she meets starfish named Patrick. “ hello Rainbow fish, what brings you
here alone?” I hink you have many friends, because you are so beautiful with that shell”, said Patrick
to Rainbow Fish. Rainbow Fish replied, “ hello too Patrick. Yes, you are right. but I am confuse about
what happend with my friends”. “What happend with your friends?” asked Patrick. “ I dont know
they dissapear, they swimming away from me. they say they do not want to play with me again,
because I am arrogant with my pretty shell. But I just telling the truth about how pretty my shell is.
“Do you think I was wrong starfish?” explain rainbow fish to starfish. “ I do not know rainbow fish.
How if you ask Octopus withc in the dark cave, I think he is the bet answerer for your confuse. And
be careful many shark there”. Said starfish.

Without thinking too fast rainbow fish swim to the cave. Suddenly there is shark following her and
trying to eat her. “help me !!” help me !!” , screamed rainbow fish.

Finally rainbow fish arrive in the cave and meet Octopus witch . “ hello rainbow fish, I have heard
about how beautiful you are. What are you doing in my cave?”, asked Octopus witch. “ I dont know
with my friends. They swim away when I want to play with them and now I feel alone.” Replied
rainbow fish. “you are beautiful fish but you are arrogant with other friends. That attitude is bad.
That is why you friends swim away leaving you alone dont want to play with you anymore. My
suggestion is be kind and give your beautiful shell to the other fish. Believe me you will be happy if
you give others”, answered Octopus witch. “Okay thank you octopuswotch for your suggestion that
you given to me. I will do it”, said rainbow fish.

In the half, rainbow fish meet nemo fish in her.

Rainbow: nemo, where will you go?

Nemo fish: I dont want to play anymore with you, because you are arrogant!

Rainbow: no nemo.. please dont be angry with me if you want to my shells I can give it to you.

Nemo: really? Are you serious? So, I can be beautiful fish like you?

Rainbow: yes, of course nemo..

In the end, Rainbow fish became an ordinary fish with only one “blink-blink” shell left on her body.
But, she also become the happiest fish in the entire ocean because she gives to others and now has
many friends to play.

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