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Bloom’s Taxonomy – Chart 2

Cognitive Level Capability Verbs Instructional Prompts

Knowledge: Recall data or Define, describe, identify, label, list, Where, what, who is _____?
information. match, name, outline, recall, Where, what, who did _____?
recognize, select, state Where, what, who was _____?
When did _____?
How many _____?
Locate in the story …..
Point to the…..
List, label, name the……..
Comprehension: Understand the Comprehend, convert, distinguish, Tell me in your own words…..
meaning, translation, and estimate, explain, extend, Give me an example of …..
interpretation of text and generalize, give examples, interpret, Describe what…..
problems. paraphrase, predict, reproduce, Illustrate the part of the story
summarize, translate that…..
Give me another meaning…..
What occurs next______?
Application: Use a concept in a Apply, change, compute, construct, What would happen if…..
new situation or reason to explain demonstrate, discover, manipulate, Would you have done the same
abstract ideas. modify, operate, predict, prepare, as…..
produce relate, show, solve If you were there, would
How would you solve the problem?
Show me the steps you would take
when you…..
What would you do differently?
How would you do _____?
Analysis: Separate material or Analyze, break down, compare, What things will you use to solve a
concepts into parts to decipher contrast, diagram, deconstruct, problem?
meaning or break apart concepts differentiate, discriminate, What other ways could you
and ideas to work out the distinguish, illustrate, infer, relate have_____?
meaning. What things are similar/different?
What part of the story was most
What things could have occurred in
real life?
What kind of person is…..
What caused ____ to act the way
he/she did?
How would you create picture to
show the relationships among
If this occurs, the what happens
Synthesis: Build a structure or Categorize, combine, compile, What would it be like if _____?
pattern from concepts, facts compose, create, devise, design, Design a ……..
and/or ideas. Put parts together to generate, modify, organize, plan, Tell the story from _____’s point of
form a whole, with emphasis on rearrange, reconstruct, relate, view?
creating a new meaning or reorganize, revise, summarize, tell What would have happened
structure. if______?
Revise the ending to tell a different
Rearrange the ___
Devise a plan to solve ____
Evaluation: Apply a process to Appraise, compare, contrast, Would you recommend ____? Why
judge the value and/or quality of conclude, criticize, critique, defend, or why not?
ideas, sources or resources. discriminate, evaluate, justify, Select the best. Why is it the best?
support What do you think will happen to
Is the problem solved correctly?
Why or why not?
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____ says the event was
outstanding. Do you agree?
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