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11/21/20 Lebanon Valley College Page 1

Academic Evaluation
Student............: Mr. Evan P. Winslow (1663837)
Program............: Bachelor of Music - Music Recording Technology Major (BM_MUSIC.RT)
Catalog............: 2013
Ant Completion Date: 05/13/17
E-Mail Address.....:

Program Status: Complete

Current.......... Anticipated(*).......
Required Earned Remaining Additional Remaining
Institutional Credits: 30.00 128.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Institutional GPA....: 2.000 3.385 Met
Combined Credits: 120.00 148.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Combined GPA....: 3.385 Met

(*) Anticipates completion of in-progress and registered courses

Statuses: W=Waived, C=Complete, I=In progress, N=Not started
P=Pending completion of unfinished activity
C) 1: General Education Requirements
Credits: 46
Complete all 8 subrequirements:
C) A: English Communicat'n
> English Communications Requirements:
Credits: 6
C) Take ENG 111, FYS 100, or FYE 111
ENG-111 English Communications I... 13/FA S 3 *NE
C) Take ENG 112 or FYE 112
ENG-112 English Communications II.. 16/FA A 3

C) B: Writing Process
> Take 3 courses from an approved list of Writing Process
> courses.
Credits: 9
PHL-210 Ethics..................... 14/FA B+ 3
MBS-371 Intro. to the Music Busines 15/FA A 3
MSC-201 Music of the United States. 16/SP B+ 3

C) C: Liberal Studies
> Take 1 course from each of the 6 Liberal Studies areas:
Credits: 19
C) Take 1 course from the History Area (L1)
L1-ELE Lib. Studies Area 1 Elective 13/FA S 3 *NE
C) Take 1 course from the Social Science Area (L2)
SOC-110 Introduction to Sociology.. 16/SP A 3
C) Take 1 course from the Natural Science Area (L3)
PHY-101 Fundamentals of Physics I.. 13/FA B- 3
(See note "*1" for related courses)
C) Take 1 course from the Mathematics Area (L4)
MAS-161 Calculus I................. 16/SUN T 4 *TE
C) Take 1 course from the Literature & Fine
> Arts Area (L5)
MSC-242 Hist. & Lit. of Music II... 15/SP A 3
C) Take 1 course from the Religion & Philosophy
> Area (L6)

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PHL-210 Ethics..................... 14/FA B+ 3

C) D: Liberal Studies Elec

> Take a second liberal studies course in 2
> additional areas:
Credits: 12
C) History Area (L1)
Credits: 6
L1-ELE Lib. Studies Area 1 Elective 13/FA S 3 *NE
HIS-103 The Ancient World.......... 13/FA S 3 *NE
C) Natural Science Area (L3)
Credits: 6
PHY-101 Fundamentals of Physics I.. 13/FA B- 3
PHY-102 Fundamentals of Physics II. 14/SP B- 3
(See note "*2" for related courses)

C) E: Language
> Meet 1 of the following conditions:
Credits: 6
C) Take 2 sequential courses in a language
> based on placement information
Credits: 6
GMN-201 Intermediate German I...... 13/FA A- 3
GMN-202 Intermediate German II..... 14/SP B+ 3

C) F: Intercultural Divers
> Intercultural Diversity Requirement (formerly Foreign
> Studies) Meet one of the following conditions:
Credits: 6
C) Or, complete the Language requirement
> through the 200-level or higher (AP credits earned
> at this level will not meet the Intercultural
> Diversity requirement)
Credits: 6
GMN-201 Intermediate German I...... 13/FA A- 3
GMN-202 Intermediate German II..... 14/SP B+ 3

C) G: Amer. Soc. Diversity

> American Social Diversity Studies Requirement:
> Take 1 course from an approved list of American Social
> Diversity courses.
MSC-201 Music of the United States. 16/SP B+ 3

C) H: Disciplinary Persp.
> Disciplinary Perspective Requirement:
> Take 1 course from an approved list of Disciplinary
> Perspective courses.
DSP-348 Atomic Bomb: Hist, Sci, & C 15/FA B+ 3
C) 2: Music Recording Technology Major 2009
Credits: 100
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.397 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
C) A: Music Recording Tech
> Requirements:
Credits: 95
C) Take 8 semesters of MUS 099

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!! Exception
1 semester waived for internship (4/26/17)

Credits: 0
MSC-099 Recital Attendance......... 13/FA S 0
MSC-099 Recital Attendance......... 14/SP S 0
MSC-099 Recital Attendance......... 14/FA S 0
MSC-099 Recital Attendance......... 15/SP S 0
MSC-099 Recital Attendance......... 15/FA S 0
MSC-099 Recital Attendance......... 16/SP S 0
MSC-099 Recital Attendance......... 16/FA S 0
C) Take MSC 115, 116, 117, 118, 215, 216, 217, 241,
> 246. 328
Credits: 22
MSC-115 Music Theory I............. 13/FA A- 2
MSC-116 Music Theory II............ 14/SP B 2
MSC-117 Aural Theory I............. 13/FA C 2
MSC-118 Aural Theory II............ 14/SP B- 2
MSC-215 Music Theory III........... 14/FA B+ 2
MSC-216 Music Theory IV............ 15/SP B+ 2
MSC-217 Aural Theory III........... 14/FA C+ 2
MSC-241 History & Lit. of Music I.. 14/FA A 3
MSC-242 Hist. & Lit. of Music II... 15/SP A 3
MSC-246 Principles of Conducting... 15/SP B 2
C) Take 8 semesters of private lessons (MSC 530 OR 540)
Credits: 12
MSC-530 Individual Instruction: Gui 13/FA A 1
MSC-530 Ind. Instruct: Jazz Stu-Gui 14/SP A 1
MSC-530 Individual Instruction: Gui 14/SP A 1
MSC-530 Individual Instruction: Gui 14/FA A 1
MSC-530 Individual Instruction: Voi 14/FA A- 1
MSC-530 Individual Instruction:Guit 15/SP A- 1
MSC-530 Individual Instruction:Voic 15/SP B+ 1
MSC-530 Individual Instruction: Voi 15/FA A- 1
MSC-530 Individual Instruction:Guit 15/FA A 1 *E
MSC-530 Individual Instruction: Gui 16/SP A- 1 *E
MSC-530 Individual Instruction: Voi 16/SP A 1 *E
MUI-154 Ind. Instr.: Guitar........ 16/FA A- 1 *E
C) Take 8 semesters of music ensembles (MSC 601, 602,
> 603, 604, 606 - up to 12 credits will be accepted)
!! Exception
1 semester waived for internship (4/26/17)

Credits: 7
MSC-606 College Choir.............. 13/FA A 1
MSC-606 College Choir.............. 14/SP A 1
MSC-606 College Choir.............. 14/FA A 1
MSC-606 College Choir.............. 15/SP A 1
MSC-606 College Choir.............. 15/FA A 1
MSC-606 College Choir.............. 16/SP A 1
MUE-106 College Choir.............. 16/FA A 1
C) Take MRT 177, 277, 278, 279, 373, 374, 377, 474;
> MBS 371; PHY 101, 102, 203, 212, 350
Credits: 38
MRT-177 The Recording Industry..... 13/FA A 1
MRT-277 Recording Engineering I.... 14/FA A 3
MRT-278 Recording Engineering II... 15/SP A- 3

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AMP-251 Tonmeister Recording....... 16/SP A 1
AMP-352 Electronic Music........... 16/SP B- 3
MRT-374 Digital Audio.............. 16/SP C 3
MRT-377 Mastering Audio............ 15/FA B 3
AMP-453 Music Production & Engineer 16/FA B 3
MBS-371 Intro. to the Music Busines 15/FA A 3
PHY-101 Fundamentals of Physics I.. 13/FA B- 3
PHY-102 Fundamentals of Physics II. 14/SP B- 3
MRT-473 Architectural Acoustics.... 15/FA A 3
PHY-212 Introduction to Electronics 15/SP B+ 3
PHY-350 Audio Electronics.......... 15/FA A 3
C) Take MAS 102 or 161
MAS-161 Calculus I................. 16/SUN T 4 *TE
C) Take MRT 400 or AMP 400
AMP-400 Internship................. 17/SP A- 12

C) B: Piano/Voice Req.
> Requirements:
Credits: 5
C) Take the following courses toward piano proficiency:
> MSC 510, 511, 512, 513
Credits: 4
MSC-510 Class Piano Instruction I.. 13/FA B 1 *E
MSC-511 Class Piano Instruction II. 14/SP C- 1 *E
MSC-512 Class Piano Instruction III 14/FA C+ 1 *E
MSC-513 Class Piano Instruction IV. 15/SP C+ 1 *E
C) Achieve piano proficiency by completing MSC 513
> with a C- or better or by earning a satisfactory
> grade in MSC 088
MSC-513 Class Piano Instruction IV. 15/SP C+ 1
C) Achieve voice proficiency by completing MSC 520 or
> by earning a satisfactory grade in MSC 089
Credits: 1
MSC-089 Voice Proficiency.......... 14/SP S 0
MSC-520 Class Voice Instruction.... 14/SP B+ 1 *E
(See note "*3" for related courses)
OTHER COURSES: Registered Earned
Credits Credits
BIO-103............. 13/FA S 3.00 3.00 *NE
BIO-103L............ 13/FA S 1.00 1.00 *NE
MSC-630............. 13/FA A 0.50 0.50
PHY-101L............ 13/FA B- 1.00 1.00
MSC-520............. 13/FA C- 1.00 0.00
PHY-102L............ 14/SP B- 1.00 1.00
ART-223............. 14/FA B+ 3.00 3.00
PHY-212L............ 15/SP B+ 1.00 1.00
MSC-630............. 15/FA A 0.50 0.50
MSC-626............. 16/SP A 0.50 0.50
MSC-630............. 16/SP A 0.50 0.50
CSC-144............. 16/SUN T 3.00 3.00 *TE
CDS-121............. 16/FA B 3.00 3.00
CDS-241............. 16/FA W 3.00 0.00 *S(D)
CDS-180............. 16/FA F 1.00 0.00
CDS-285............. 16/FA W 1.00 0.00 *S(D)
(Credits in parentheses are anticipated earned)

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*1 The following are related to the block, but not applied:

PHY-101L Fundamentals of Physics I 13/FA B- 1 *E
*2 The following are related to the block, but not applied:
PHY-102L Fundamentals of Physics II 14/SP B- 1 *E
PHY-101L Fundamentals of Physics I 13/FA B- 1 *E
*3 The following are related to the block, but not applied:
MSC-520 Class Voice Instruction.... 13/FA C- 0 *R

*E Extra - Either this course is not needed to complete this

requirement, or else applying it would not have contributed anything
toward the requirement's completion
*NE Non-course Equivalency
*R Replaced - This instance of the course has been replaced
*S Status - Items with this status may not be applied to the program
*TE Transfer Equivalency

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