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Personal Virtual Assistant


A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who provides administrative services to

clients while operating outside of the client's office. A virtual assistant typically operates from a
home office but can access the necessary planning documents, such as shared calendars,

People employed as virtual assistants often have several years of experience as an

administrative assistant or office manager. New opportunities are opening up for virtual
assistants who are skilled in social media, content management, blog post writing, graphic
design, and Internet marketing. As working from home has become more accepted for both
workers and employers, the demand for skilled virtual assistants is expected to grow.

The specific duties of a virtual assistant vary according to the needs of the client and the
terms of the contract. Some virtual assistants handle clerical and bookkeeping tasks, while others
may post regular updates to social media or write articles for a blog. A well-rounded virtual
assistant may also handle travel arrangements, appointment scheduling, data entry, and online
file storage.

Keywords— Personal Assistant, Java application, Web application

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Personal Virtual Assistant


Main modules in training placement cells are:

 Assistant Module
 Employer Module
 Assistant Module:
 Student of the college is the user of this application.
 Assistant need login with username and password.
 Registered assistant can login using unique username and password.
 Assistant can update profile information.
 Assistant can change his or her password.
 Assistant can update his /her documents.
 Employer Module:
 Empolyer also needs login password and username to login.
 Employer can update its profile.
 Employer can obtain further details with the help of assistant.

1.1 Present Available System

A virtual assistant is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative

services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office.

Typical tasks a virtual assistant might perform include scheduling appointments, making
phone calls, making travel arrangements, and managing email accounts. You can't simply choose
when you want to work and hope that clients will fit in with you.

A virtual assistant needs to work both smarter and harder if they are looking to build a
successful via business and lifestyle.

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Personal Virtual Assistant

1.2 Need of New System

Personal assistants have always worked closely with their employer, both literally and
geographically. With the rise of a global economy, shared workspaces and technology such as
Skype and the Cloud, it’s no longer always necessary or practical for employees to work in-
house. As most business operations and interactions are done online, a virtual PA is fast
becoming a valuable resource for companies of all shapes and sizes.

Virtual assistants work in a similar way to their onsite predecessors, but instead of being
constrained in your office, they can work for your business from anywhere in the world.

Alternatively, you might run an early-stage business that does not yet have enough
budget to commit to the costs of a full-time employee. Therefore, a virtual PA can be an
effective option to support your business as it grows.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

When going through a growth period, it can often feel as if you have hundreds of tasks to
complete, from operational changes to staffing. A virtual assistant can support your business by
completing the non-essential tasks. This will allow you to focus your time on the crucial areas to
help grow your business successfully. The types of tasks a virtual PA can help with include:


The main Objectives of this System are as

 Call handling

 Diary and calendar management

 Travel plans

 Event management and coordination

 Bookkeeping

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Personal Virtual Assistant

 Meetings

 Research

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Personal Virtual Assistant


With the increasing number of freelance contractors who work from home, the
employment market has seen a proliferation of Web-based companies that serve as
intermediaries between prospective employers and contractors. Some freelancer sites have
enormous work pools made up of individuals across the globe with a wide range of experience
and expertise.

On these sites, clients can post details about the type of tasks they need the virtual assistant to
perform and the maximum rate they are willing to pay. Freelance workers may then bid on the
job and give the client samples of their work for review. In some cases, the client can set up
a video conference to interview the applicants and to more thoroughly assess their qualifications.

To overcome to this problem, we develop an online application for we use java

programming language. Java is perfectly acceptable and workable for web development and
actually better than .net and Python. Java is a general Programming language. It is an Object
Oriented, static type language. From his experience if we use the right web development tool
then java is definitely a great language for web development.

Java is perfectly fine for small website, you can get JSP pages working very quickly with
a Java Web Server such as Tomcat. The main reason for large company choosing Java over other
solution is because it is considered to be much more secured.

Features of Java

 Java is truly platform independent programming language that support many operating
system as well as type of hardware.
 Java is highly scalable programming language.
 Java is an open source language, which means it is available free of cost.

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Personal Virtual Assistant


System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problem
and using the fact to improve the system. System specifies what system should do. A system is a
set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose.

 Identifying the drawback of the existing system.

 Perform feasibility study

3.1 Proposed System Work

Feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and documents a projects

viability. The purpose of feasibility study is not to solve the problem, but to determine the
problem is worth solving. The term feasibility study is also used to refer to the resulting
document. These results of this study are used to make a decision whether to proceed with the
project or table it. If it indeed leads to a project being approved, it will – before the real work of
the proposed project starts – be used to ascertain the likelihood of the project success. It is an
analysis of possible alternative solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best
alternatives. The Feasibility Study concentrates on the following, such as Operational Feasibility,
Technical Feasibility.

It is to find out whether the current work practices and procedures support a new system.
Operational Feasibility study tests the operational scope of the software to be developed.

Also, Social factors i.e. how the organizational changes will affect the working lives of
those affected by the system.

This involves questions such as whether the technology needed for the system exists, how
difficult it will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experiences using this technology.
The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirement in terms of Input, Processes,
Output, Fields, Program and Procedures. Technical Feasibility study compares the level of

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Personal Virtual Assistant

technology available in the software development and the level of technology required for the
development of the product.

Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and principle for the
purpose of defining a device process or system in sufficient detail to permit its physical
realization. System design is the process of defining architecture, components, module and data
for system to satisfy specified requirements. System design could be seen as the application of a
system theory to product development.

The system design document is a required document for every project. It should include a
high-level description of why the system design document has been created, provide what the
new system is intended for or is intended to replace and contain detailed descriptions of the
architecture and system components.

Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the software design
involves three technical activities – design, coding and implementation and testing that are
required to build and verify the software.

The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this activity
decision ultimately affecting the success of the software implementation and its ease of
maintenance are made. This decision has the final bearing upon reliability and main ability of the
system. Design is the only way to accurately translate the customers requirement into finished
software or a system.

Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is a process
through which requirements are translated into a representation of software. Software design is
conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of requirements
into data.


A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical tool used to describe and analyze the movement of
data through a system by depicting the flow of data, storage of data, source or destination of data
and the processes that respond to change in data. The DFD is one of the most important tools
used by the system analysts to model system components.

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Personal Virtual Assistant

 DFD For Employer

New User Username

Studen Employer
Existing Password
user iii

 DFD For Assistant


Update/ Verify password


Change password
and Events

Government Polytechnic, Arvi Page 8 Dept. of Computer Engineering

Personal Virtual Assistant Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a graphical tool to express the overall structure
of a database. An entity is a place, person, thing or event of interest to the organist ion and about
which data are captured, stored or processes. The attribute are various kinds of data that describe
an entity. An association of several entities in an, Entity Relationship model is called

An ERD consists of the following major component’s

a. Rectangle:

Used for representing entity types.

b. Ellipse:

Used for representing attribute.

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Personal Virtual Assistant

c. Diamond:

Used for representing relationship types

d. Lines:

Used for linking attributes to entity type

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Personal Virtual Assistant

 E-R DIAGRAM Description


Meeting Time

Name Add meeting


Username ASSISTANT Password


Name Desc


Meeting info Time


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Personal Virtual Assistant


4.1 Hardware and Software Requirement

 Hardware Requirement

Hardware: Processor Intel

Operating System: Windows 10

Browser: Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox

Database: My Access


Processor: Intel Pentium

 Software Requirement

MS Access: Microsoft Access is an information management tool that helps

you store information for reference, reporting and analysis. Microsoft Access helps you to
analyze large amount of information and manage related data more efficiently than Microsoft
Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Databases provide a central location to store, secure and
control your data. Microsoft Access includes the ability to encrypt and password protect database
files. Microsoft Access works in the same manner any database does, by storing related
information together and letting you create connection between two different things in MS
Access can be very simple or complex.

 Apache Tomcat web Server


 Back End: MySQL, JAVA

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Personal Virtual Assistant

4.2 Testing
Testing is the stage of implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the system works
accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. The logical design and physical
design are thoroughly and continually examining on paper to ensure that they will work when

Thus, the system test in implementation was a confirmation that all is correct and
opportunities to show the user that the system work.

Testing of the online classified system was performed in three stages which are as

 Unit Testing
 Integration Testing
 System Testing

Unit Testing:

Unit testing is under taken when a module has been coded and successfully reviewed.
This can be done by two methods:

a) Black Box Testing

b) Equivalence class Partitioning

Black Box Testing

Black box testing is referred as behavioral testing. Black box testing is mainly related to
functional requirement of the software.

Black box testing focus on information domain and deliberately ignores control structure.
Back box testing is performed during or in latter stage of software program.

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Personal Virtual Assistant

Equivalence class partitioning

The domain of the input values to a program is partitioned into a set of equivalence
classes. This partitioning is done on such way that the behavior of the program is similar to every
boundary value analysis. Boundary value analysis leads to section of the test case at the
boundaries of the different equivalence classes.

In our project particularly, first we create the login form and then by running the form we
conclude and tested that whether it runs properly or not. So, such a way we perform the unit
testing and, in this way, we have done the testing to the all forms.

Integration Testing
During integration testing different modules of the system are integrated using integration
plan. The integration plan specifies the steps and the order in which modules are combined to
realize the full system.


 To test whether the module performs its intended task.

 Once all the modules have been integrated and tested, system testing can start.

System Testing:
System testing are designed to validate a fully developed system with a view to assuring
that it meets its requirement. There are three types of system testing which are as follows.

 Alpha Testing
 Beta Testing
 Test case Design

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Personal Virtual Assistant


5.1 Screenshots:

 In this page assistant can login by using user name password.

Fig. Assistant Login Page

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Personal Virtual Assistant

 In which employee can login by using username and password

Fig. Employer Login Page

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Personal Virtual Assistant

 In this page Employee can view company information entered by Assistant

Fig. Meeting Information Page

 In this page Assistant can update Event information

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Personal Virtual Assistant

Fig. Event Information Page

 In this page assistant can view its personal information

Fig. My profile Page

 This page is home page which includes information about the application

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Personal Virtual Assistant

Fig. Employer side Assistant Page

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Personal Virtual Assistant


Virtual assistants are quickly evolving to provide more capabilities and

value to users. Virtual assistant providers also maintain privacy policies, which
define how each company uses and shares personal information. In most cases,
companies do not share customer-identifiable information without a customer's

While there are no hard-and-fast educational requirements to become a

virtual assistant, many clients will look for virtual assistants who have some
higher-level education or specialized training. A few online companies and
community colleges offer courses and certification for virtual assistant skills.

A virtual assistant should be tech-savvy, having a wide range of computer

skills and a high level of proficiency with commonly used software and business
programs. A virtual assistant who specializes in bookkeeping should be adept at
basic accounting tasks, such as account reconciliations and double-entry

For the client, one advantage of hiring a virtual assistant is the flexibility to
contract for just the services they need. Depending on the terms of the agreement,
some virtual assistants may be paid by the task rather than by the hour. In contrast,
employees in a traditional office setting usually must be paid for a fixed number of
hours per day.

For small business owners, hiring a virtual assistant can help them free up
valuable hours to focus on growing the business and generating revenue. It can be

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Personal Virtual Assistant

easier and more cost-effective to outsource tasks that are tedious and time-
consuming to someone who is skilled at them.


The project is easily extensible and can be improved by further incremental releases of
the same. New module can be easily added as it requires only an addition of a new package on
button click. Our project has a big scope to do.

Though our project is itself matured enough but still betterment is always an open door.
In this case also we can add some features to this software to make this software more reliable.
The project performs its intended functions with required precision, hence is very reliable. The
project is very flexible and any modification can be made to the existing system to suit changes
that can take place in future. The online processing of the project is very simple following the
existing method without any changes and suitable validation are provided for easy and correct
access to user.

The forms are design in such a way that any end user easily understand less effort is
required to learn, operates. Security is the most important features of the proposed system.

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Personal Virtual Assistant


 "Unattributed (2002). "Real work in virtual offices". International Journal of

Productivity and Performance Management. 51 (4/5): 266–268. ISSN 1741-0401.
 ^ Starks, Misty (July–August 2006). "Helping Entrepreneurs, Virtually" (PDF). D-
MARS. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-09-21. Retrieved 2008-07-27.
 ^ Finkelstein, Brad (February–March 2005). "Virtual Assistants A Reality". Broker
Magazine. 7 (1): 44–46. ISSN 1540-0824.
 ^ "Outsourcing Comes of Age: The Rise of Collaborative
Partnering" (PDF). PricewaterhouseCoopers. Retrieved 2008-07-27.
 ^ Rose, Barbara (2005-12-21). "Personal Assistants Get a High-tech Makeover". The
Standard-Times. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
 ^ Meyer, Ann (2006-05-22). "Technology links virtual businesses: Advances spur rise in
collaborative work". Chicago Tribune (reprint)|format= requires |url= (help).
 ^ Johnson, Tory (2007-07-23). "Work-From-Home Tips: Job Opportunities for
Everyone". ABC News. Retrieved 2008-07-28.
 ^ Ferriss, Timothy The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New
Rich' Crown (2007)
 ^ Maney, Kevin (October 7, 2007). "Tim Ferriss Wants You To Get a Life". Portfolio.
Retrieved 2008-03-21. "..if you have a virtual assistant, let them go through your email
and respond when necessary"

Government Polytechnic, Arvi Page 22 Dept. of Computer Engineering

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