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There are three fundamental types of heat transfer

1. Conduction: It is the transfer of
heat from one body to another in
physical contact with it without
displacement of particles of the body.
2. Convection: It is the transfer of heat
by mixing one portion of fluid with
Natural convection: Motion of fluid is
entirely the result of differences in
density resulting from the
temperature difference.
Forced convection: The motion is produced by mechanical means.
3. Radiation: The transfer of heat from one body to another not in
contact with it, by means of wave motion through space.

 Heat Exchangers: HEs are the equipment in which heat is
transferred from a hot fluid to cold fluid either by direct
contact of the fluid or through the wall separating them.
 Depending on the nature of heat exchange- Direct Contact
heat exchangers (Cooling towers) and Indirect HEs
 Mechanical construction : Double pipe H.E, Shell and Tube
H.E, Plate H.E, Spiral H.E, Finned tube H.E
 Flow Paths: Co current, Counter current, Cross flow
 Material of Construction: Metallic, non-metallic, graphite etc.,
 Function: Process function such as re boiler, condenser,
cooler, heat recovery, steam generators
 Depending on the number of pass: Single and Multi pass HEs
 Double pipe & Shell and Tube heat exchangers are commonly
 These Exchangers are used when the flow rates are low and
when the temperature range is relatively high.
 In this type one fluid flows inside a pipe, while second fluid
flows either co current or counter currently in the annulus
between a larger pipe.
 To get substantial Heat transfer area from double pipe H.E, it
must be long. The result is
i. High pressure drop
ii. Increased pumping cost
iii. Large amounts of metal and Occupied more space.
It is only suitable for heat transfer area , 20m2
The terminal point temperature difference are called
approach (ΔT1 & ΔT2).
The change in temperature of the fluid Tcb-Tca (or) Tha-Thb
are called temperature range or range.
ΔTLN = (ΔT1 - ΔT2)/ ln(ΔT1/ΔT2)
If (ΔT1/ΔT2) < 2, Then ΔTM = (ΔT1+ΔT2)/ 2


 SHELL and TUBE H.E  LMTD adjusted by means of
correction Factor is used
• Energy Balance in Exchangers:
In H.exs PE and KE are small in comparison with other terms in the energy.
Thus for one stream through the exchangers
q= m (Hb-Ha)
m= mass flow rate of stream
q= rate of H.T
Ha and Hb enthlpies/unit mass of stream at entrance and exit
For the hot fluid qh= mh (Hhb-Hha)
For the cold fluid qc= mc (Hcb-Hca)
The sign of qh is ‘–ve’ and qc‘+ve’. Because hot fluid losses rather than gaining
heat. qc = - qh
mc (Hcb-Hca) = mh (Hha-Hhb)
If only sensible heat is transferred, constant sp. Heats are assumed, then
overall energy balance becomes
mc Cpc(Tcb-Tca) = mh Cph(Tha-Thb)
Cph, CpC Sp. Heats of hot and cold fluid respectively.
• Most commonly used in industries for
liquid/liquid heat exchange
• TEMA (Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers
Association) publishes standards defining how
shell and tube exchanger should be built.
Hot fluid Cold Fluid U (W/m2°C)
Water Water 800-1500
Gases Gases 10-50
Gases Water 20-300
Steam Water 1500-4000
Water Brine 600-1200
• Selection:
If several double pipes are used in parallel, the weight of the metal required
for the outer tubes becomes so large. In such case shell and tube
construction is more economical where one shell serves for many tubes.
• It is essentially consist of shell to which tube sheets are welded at each
• There are nozzles on both tubes and shell side for inlet and outlet of two
• In 1-2 HE, channel divided by pass partition plate.
Shell and baffles
• Shells up to 23” diameter is fixed.
• Baffles are installed in shell in order to induce turbulence and promote
cross flow thereby increasing the velocity of the fluid.
• In common practice, baffles having a height of ¼ th of i/s diameter of shell
used. Such baffles are called 25%baffles
• The centre to centre distance between baffles is called baffle spacing. It
should not be <1/5th of diameter of shell.
• Tube and tube sheet
• Tube diameter generally used are ½”, ¾”,1”,1.25”,1.5”
• Tube length 8,12,16 an 20ft.
• Tubes are drawn and fixed to tube sheets.
• Tubes are arranged either in triangular or rectangular pitch.
• Pitch: Centre to centre distance between adjacent tubes

• Clearance is the distance between outer diameter of adjacent tubes.

• Operating range
• It can operate at pressure < 20 atm
• The maximum operating temperature is 425◦K
• Maximum HT area is 450 m2
Y is the heating effectiveness
Z Ratio of the fall in temperature of hot fluid to the
rise in temperature of the cold fluid
1. Assume Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
Hot fluid Cold Fluid U (W/m2°C

Water Water 800-1500

Gases Gases 10-50

Gases Water 20-300
Steam Water 1500-4000

Water Brine 600-1200

2. Fix: m, D, L, cp, µ, ρ, K
Thi Tho
Tco=? Tci
Calculate Q
Energy Balance Q=m Cp dT
Heat given by hot fluid : Q=m Cp (Thi –Tho )
Heat taken by cold fluid: Q=m Cp (Tco –Tci )
3. Area can be find out by
We know Q, U (assumed Value)
A=∏ D L N
Where D, L are assumed Values
N Number of tubes
4. For forced convection in tubes, the film
coefficient for heat transfer is calculated by
Dittus Boeltier Equation

Nu=0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 0r 0.3

0.4 for Heating; 0.3 for cooling
In general
Nu=0.023 Re 0.8 Pr 0.33 (Whether heating or cooling)
hD/K = 0.023 ((D V ρ) / µ)0.8 (Cp µ/K)0.33
In case of Laminar flow, Sieder Tate Equation is
Nu=0.027 Re 0.8 Pr0.33(μ/μw)0.14
μ, μw  Fluid viscosity at bulk and wall
temperatures respectively
U is find out using
1 1 ro ro 1 ro
  ln 
Uo ho Kw ri hi ri

UoOverall Heat Transfer Coefficient based on

outside area of tube
After a period of operation, scale formation will
be there, that can be overcome by
1 1 ro ro 1 ro 1 1 ro
  ln   
U o ho K w r i h i r i h do h di r i
hdo, hdi outside and inside dirt film coefficient
5. Compare this overall heat transfer coefficient
with assumed overall heat transfer coefficient
if (Uo,calculated – U o, assumed)/ U o, assumed <30, then
accept design else, start from the step 1 again
by assuming another U value, change
diameter and length.
Logarithmic mean temperature difference.
Heat flux: Rate of HT/Unit area
Heat flux is directly proportional to temperature difference.
If Th=Temp of hot fluid
Tc=Temp of cold fluid
The heat flux is given as
The quantity U is the proportionality factor, is called the local
overall H.T.coeff.
To find the rate of H.T, the equation has to be integrated.
The overall coeff. is constant.
Sp.heat of hot and cold fluid is constant.
Flow is steady
• Assumptions implies that if Th and Tc plotted against q, st. lines are
• Since Th and Tc varies linearly q, ∆T does likewise.
• Hence Slope of the graph ∆T vs q is constant.
d (∆ T)/dq = ∆T2- ∆T1/qT
d (∆ T)/UdA ∆ T = ∆T2- ∆T1/qT
Separate the variable
d (∆ T)/∆ T= (U (∆T2- ∆T1)/qT) dA
ln (∆ T2/ ∆ T1)= (U AT(∆T2- ∆T1 )/qT)
qT =(U AT(∆T2- ∆T1))/ln (∆ T2/ ∆ T1)
qT =U AT ∆Tln
∆Tln = (∆T2- ∆T1))/ln (∆ T2/ ∆ T1), logarithmic mean temperature difference.
Heat Exchanger Performance
• The performance of heat exchangers
operating under forced flow conditions is
defined by the amount of heat transferred
between the two fluid streams and is
characterized by the UA value or the
dimensionless factors: the effectiveness,ε,
or number of transfer units (NTU’s), and
the capacity ratio,Cr,
UA –Value & LMTD
• The unit’s overall conductance or UA value
is defined as the product of the overall heat
transfer coefficient and the heat transfer
area. For counter-flow applications, the
heat transfer rate is defined as the product
of overall conductance and the log-mean
temperature difference,
• LMTD, i.e., Q=UA LMTD
• The heat exchanger effectiveness, ε, is defined
as the ratio of the rate of heat transfer in the
exchanger, Q, to the maximum theoretical rate
of heat transfer, Qmax , i.e.,
ε= Q/Qmax
• The maximum theoretical rate of heat transfer
is limited by the fluid stream with the smallest
heat capacity rate.
• Where (m Cp )min is the smaller of (m Cp )hot or
(m Cp )cold .
• The number of transfer units (NTU) is an
indicator of the actual heat-transfer area or
physical size of the heat exchanger. It is
defined as,

• NTU=
(mCp ) min
Capacity Ratio
• The capacity ratio, Cr, is representative of the
operational condition of a given heat
exchanger and will vary depending on the
geometry and flow configuration (parallelflow,
counterflow, cross flow, etc.) of the exchanger.
This value is defined as the minimum heat
(mCp ) min
(mCp ) max

capacity rate divided by the maximum

capacity rate, i.e.,

(mCp ) min
• Cr=
(mCp ) max
1.Crude oil flows at the rate of 10,000 kg/hr
through the inside pipe of a Double pipe H.E
and is heated from 32˚C to 90˚C. The heat is
supplied by a petroleum fraction initially at
230˚C. If the temperature of the heating fluid
falls down to 100˚C inside the H.E, compare
the performances of parallel and counter
current exchanges with respect to overall H.T
coefficient is 400 Kcal/hr m2 ˚C. Specific heats
of crude oil and petroleum fraction are 0.56
and 0.6 Kcal/kg ˚C respectively.
2.Methyl Alcohol flowing in the inner pipe of a
Double pipe H.E is cooled with water flowing in
the outer pipe. The inside and outside diameter of
the inner pipe, are 2.6 cm and 3.5 cm respectivley.
K steel is 26 cal/hr cm ˚C. the individual film
coefficients and fouling factors are:
Alcohol coefficient = 180 Kcal/hr m2 ˚C
Water coefficient = 300 Kcal/hr m2 ˚C
Inside fouling factor = 1000 Kcal/hr m2 ˚C
Outside fouling factor= 500 Kcal/hr m2 ˚C
Calculate overall coefficient based on outside area
of inner pipe.
3.In a water to water H.E with counter flow
arrangement and having a heating surface of
2m2, the inlet temperature and flow rate of
heating water were 85˚C and 2000 kg/hr. The
flow rate and inlet temperature of the water
being heated were 1500 kg/hr and 25 ˚C.
Calculate rate of heat transfer from the hot to
the cold water and give their final
temperature. If U= 1200 Kcal/hr m2 ˚C.
4.Water is flowing at the rate of 10,000 kg/hr
through the tubes of a water- water H.E and is
heated from 25 ˚C to 75 ˚C. Hot water at 90 ˚C
is available, but the minimum discharge
temperature of this water has to be 76 ˚C. The
overall H.T coefficient based on the inside
diameter of 25mm tubes in a shell and tube
H.E is 900Kcal/hr m2 C. If the hot water makes
one shell pass and the design water velocity in
the tubes is 0.45 m/sec. Calculate the number
of tubes and length of the heat exchanger.
Assume correction fraction for LMTD as 0.86.

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