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2017 Idaho Content Standards K-12

Information and Communication Technology


Goal 1:
Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating
competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.1.a With ICT.3-5.1.a Students ICT.6-8.1.a Students ICT.9-12.1.a

guidance from an develop learning articulate personal Students articulate
educator, students goals in learning goals, select and set personal
consider and set collaboration with and manage learning goals,
personal learning an educator, select appropriate develop strategies
goals and utilize the technology tools technologies to leveraging
appropriate to achieve them, achieve them, and technology to
technologies that and reflect on and reflect on their achieve them and
will demonstrate revise the learning successes and areas reflect on the
knowledge and process as needed of improvement in learning process
reflection of the to achieve goals. working toward itself to improve
process. their goals. learning outcomes.

ICT.K-2.1.b With ICT.3-5.1.b With the ICT.6-8.1.b Students ICT.9-12.1.b

guidance from an oversight and identify and develop Students build
educator, students support of an online networks networks and
learn about various educator, Students within school policy, customize their
technologies that build a network of and customize their learning
can be used to experts and peers learning environments in
connect to others or within school policy, environments in ways that support
make their leaning and customize their ways that support their individualized
environments environments to their learning, in learning process.
personal and select enhance their collaboration with
resources from learning. an educator.
those available to
enhance their

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K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.1.c With ICT.3-5.1.c Students ICT.6-8.1.c Students ICT.9-12.1.c

guidance from an seek feedback from actively seek Students use
educator, students both people and performance technology to seek
recognize features embedded feedback from feedback that
performance in digital tools, and people, including informs and
feedback from use age-appropriate teachers, and from improves their
digital tools, make technology to share functionalities practice and to
adjustments based learning. embedded in digital demonstrate their
on that feedback tools to improve learning in a variety
and use age- their learning of ways.
appropriate process, and they
technology to share select technology to
learning. demonstrate their
learning in a variety
of ways.
ICT.K-2.1.d With ICT.3-5.1.d Students ICT.6-8.1.d Students
Students understand
guidance from an explore age- are able to navigate
the fundamental
educator, students appropriate a variety of
concepts of
explore a variety of technologies and technologies and
technologies that begin to transfer transfer their
will help them in their learning to knowledge and skills
demonstrate the
their learning and different tools or to learn how to use
ability to choose,
begin to learning new technologies.
use and
demonstrate an environments.
troubleshoot current
understanding of
technologies and are
how knowledge can
able to transfer their
be transferred
knowledge to
between tools.
explore emerging

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Goal 2:
Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working
in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and

K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.2.a Students ICT.3-5.2.a Students ICT.6-8.2.a Students ICT.9-12.2.a

practice responsible demonstrate an manage their digital Students cultivate
use of technology understanding of identities and and manage their
through teacher- the role an online reputations within digital identity and
guided online identity plays in the school policy, reputation and are
activities and digital world and including aware of the
interactions to learn the demonstrating an permanence of their
understand how the permanence of their understanding of actions in the digital
digital space impacts decisions when how digital actions world.
their life. interacting online. are never fully

ICT.K-2.2.b With ICT.3-5.2.b With ICT.6-8.2.b Students ICT.9-12.2.b

guidance from an guidance from an demonstrate and Students engage in
educator, students educator, students advocate for positive, safe, legal
understand how to practice and positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior
be careful when encourage others in and ethical habits when using
using devices and safe, legal and when using technology,
how to be safe ethical behavior technology and including social
online, follow safety when using when interacting interactions online
rules when using the technology and with others online. or when using
internet and interacting online. networked devices.
collaborate with

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K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.2.c With ICT.3-5.2.c Students ICT.6-8.2.c Students ICT.9-12.2.c

guidance from an learn about, demonstrate and Students
educator, students demonstrate and advocate for an demonstrate an
learn about encourage respect understanding of understanding of
ownership and for intellectual intellectual property and respect for the
sharing of property with both with both print and rights and
information, and print and digital digital media— obligations of using
how to respect the media when using including copyright, and sharing
work of others. and sharing the permission and fair intellectual
work of others. use—by creating a property.
variety of media
products that
include appropriate
citation and

ICT.K-2.2.d With ICT.3-5.2.d Students ICT.6-8.2.d Students ICT.9-12.2.d

guidance from an demonstrate an demonstrate an Students manage
educator, students understanding of understanding of their personal data
demonstrate an what personal data what personal data to maintain digital
understanding that is, how to keep it is and how to keep it privacy and security
technology is all private and how it private and secure, and are aware of
around them and might be shared including the data collection
the importance of online. awareness of terms technology used to
keeping their such as encryption, track their
information private. HTTPS, password, navigation online.
cookies and
computer viruses;
they also
understand the
limitations of data
management and
how data-collection
technologies work.

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Goal 3:
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge,
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and

K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.3.a With ICT.3-5.3.a Students ICT.6-8.3.a Students ICT.9-12.3.a

guidance from an collaborate with a demonstrate and Students plan and
educator, students teacher to employ practice the ability employ effective
use digital tools and appropriate to effectively utilize research strategies
resources, contained research techniques research strategies to locate
within a classroom to locate digital to locate information and
platform or resources that will appropriate digital other resources for
otherwise provided help them in their resources in support their intellectual or
by the teacher, to learning process. of their learning. creative pursuits.
find information on
topics of interest.

ICT.K-2.3.b With ICT.3-5.3.b Students ICT.6-8.3.b Students ICT.9-12.3.b

guidance from an learn how to practice and Students evaluate
educator, students evaluate sources for demonstrate the the accuracy,
become familiar accuracy, ability to evaluate perspective,
with age- perspective, resources for credibility and
appropriate criteria credibility and accuracy, relevance of
for evaluating digital relevance. perspective, information, media,
content. credibility and data or other
relevance. resources.

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K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.3.c With ICT.3-5.3.c Using a ICT.6-8.3.c Students ICT.9-12.3.c

guidance from an variety of strategies, locate and collect Students curate
educator, students students organize resources from a information from
explore a variety of information and variety of sources digital resources
teacher-selected make meaningful and organize assets using a variety of
tools to organize connections into collections for a tools and methods
information and between resources. wide range of to create collections
make connections to projects and of artifacts that
their learning. purposes. demonstrate
connections or

ICT.K-2.3.d With ICT.3-5.3.d Students ICT.6-8.3.d Students ICT.9-12.3.d

guidance from an explore real-world explore real-world Students build
educator, students problems and issues issues and problems knowledge by
explore real-world and collaborate with and actively pursue actively exploring
issues and problems others to find an understanding of real-world issues
and share their ideas answers or them and solutions and problems,
about them with solutions. for them. developing ideas
others. and theories and
pursuing answers
and solutions.

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Goal 4:
Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by
creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.4.a With ICT.3-5.4.a Students ICT.6-8.4.a Students ICT.9-12.4.a

guidance from an explore and practice engage in a design Students know and
educator, students how a design process and employ use a deliberate
ask questions, process works to it to generate ideas, design process for
suggest solutions, generate ideas, create innovative generating ideas,
test ideas to solve consider solutions, products or solve testing theories,
problems and share plan to solve a authentic problems. creating innovative
their learning. problem or create artifacts or solving
innovative products authentic problems.
that are shared with

ICT.K-2.4.b Students ICT.3-5.4.b Students ICT.6-8.4.b Students ICT.9-12.4.b

use age-appropriate use digital and non- select and use digital Students select and
digital and non- digital tools to plan tools to support a use digital tools to
digital tools to and manage a design process and plan and manage a
design something design process. expand their design process that
and are aware of the understanding to considers design
step-by-step process identify constraints constraints and
of designing. and trade-offs and calculated risks.
to weigh risks.

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K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.4.c Students ICT.3-5.4.c Students ICT.6-8.4.c Students ICT.9-12.4.c

use a design process engage in a cyclical engage in a design Students develop,
to develop ideas or design process to process to develop, test and refine
creations, and they develop prototypes test and revise prototypes as part of
test their design and and reflect on the prototypes, a cyclical design
redesign if role that trial and embracing the process.
necessary. error plays. cyclical process of
trial and error and
problems or
setbacks as potential
opportunities for

ICT.K-2.4.d Students ICT.3-5.4.d Students ICT.6-8.4.d Students ICT.9-12.4.d

demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate an Students exhibit a
perseverance when perseverance when ability to persevere tolerance for
working to complete working with open- and handle greater ambiguity,
a challenging task. ended problems. ambiguity as they perseverance and
work to solve open- the capacity to work
ended problems. with open-ended

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Goal 5:
Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that
leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.

K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.5.a With ICT.3-5.5.a Students ICT.6-8.5.a Students ICT.9-12.5.a

guidance from an explore or solve practice defining Students formulate
educator, students problems by problems to solve by problem definitions
identify a problem selecting technology computing for data suited for
and select for data analysis, analysis, modeling technology-assisted
appropriate modeling and or algorithmic methods such as
technology tools to algorithmic thinking, thinking. data analysis,
explore and find with guidance from abstract models and
solutions. an educator. algorithmic thinking
in exploring and
finding solutions.

ICT.K-2.5.b With ICT.3-5.5.b Students ICT.6-8.5.b Students ICT.9-12.5.b

guidance from an select effective find or organize data Students collect data
educator, students technology to and use technology or identify relevant
analyze age- represent data. to analyze and data sets, use digital
appropriate data represent it to solve tools to analyze
and look for problems and make them, and represent
similarities in order decisions and trade- data in various ways
to identify patterns offs and to weigh to facilitate
and categories. risks. problem-solving and

ICT.K-2.5.c With ICT.3-5.5.c Students ICT.6-8.5.c Students ICT.9-12.5.c

guidance from an break down break problems into Students break
educator, students problems into component parts, problems into
break a problem into smaller parts, identify key pieces component parts,
parts and identify identify key and use that extract key
ways to solve the information, and information to information, and
problem. propose solutions. problem solve. develop descriptive
models to
understand complex
systems or facilitate

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K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.5.d Students ICT.3-5.5.d Students ICT.6-8.5.d Students ICT.9-12.5.d

understand how understand and demonstrate an Students understand
technology is used explore basic understanding of how automation
to make a task concepts related to how automation works and use
easier or repeatable automation, works and use algorithmic thinking
and can identify patterns and algorithmic thinking to develop a
real-world examples. algorithmic thinking. to design and sequence of steps to
automate solutions. create and test


Goal 6:
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using
the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.6.a With ICT.3-5.6.a Students ICT.6-8.6.a Students ICT.9-12.6.a

guidance from an recognize and utilize select appropriate Students choose the
educator, students the features and platforms and tools appropriate
choose different functions of a to create, share and platforms and tools
tools for creating variety of creation communicate their for meeting the
something new or or communication work effectively. desired objectives of
for communicating tools. their creation or
with others communication.

ICT.K-2.6.b Students ICT.3-5.6.b Student ICT.6-8.6.b Students ICT.9-12.6.b

use digital tools to create original works create original works Students create
create original and learn strategies or responsibly original works or
works. for remixing or repurpose or remix responsibly
repurposing to other digital repurpose or remix
create new artifacts. resources into new digital resources into
creative works. new creations.

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K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.6.c With ICT.3-5.6.c Students ICT.6-8.6.c Students ICT.9-12.6.c

guidance from an create digital communicate Students
educator, students artifacts to complex ideas communicate
share ideas in communicate ideas clearly using various complex ideas
multiple ways— visually and digital tools to clearly and
visual, audio, etc. graphically. convey the concepts effectively by
textually, visually, creating or using a
graphically, etc. variety of digital
objects such as
models or

ICT.K-2.6.d With ICT.3-5.6.d Students ICT.6-8.6.d Students ICT.9-12.6.d

guidance from an learn about publish or present Students publish or
educator, students audience and content designed for present content that
select technology to consider their specific audiences customizes the
share their ideas expected audience and select platforms message and
with different when creating digital that will effectively medium for their
people. artifacts and convey their ideas to intended audiences.
presentations. those audiences.

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Goal 7:
Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by
collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.7.a With ICT.3-5.7.a Students ICT.6-8.7.a Students ICT.9-12.7.a

guidance from an use digital tools to use digital tools to Students use digital
educator, students work with friends interact with others tools to connect
use technology tools and people from to develop a richer with learners from a
to work with friends different understanding of variety of
and with people backgrounds or different backgrounds and
outside their cultures. perspectives and cultures, engaging
neighborhood, city cultures. with them in ways
and beyond. that broaden mutual
understanding and

ICT.K-2.7.b With ICT.3-5.7.b Students ICT.6-8.7.b Students ICT.9-12.7.b

guidance from an use collaborative use collaborative Students use
educator, students technologies to technologies to collaborative
use technology to connect with others, connect with others, technologies to work
communicate with including peers, including peers, with others,
others and to look at experts and experts and including peers,
problems from community community experts or
different members, to explore members, to learn community
perspectives different points of about issues and members, to
view on various problems or to gain examine issues and
topics. broader perspective. problems from
multiple viewpoints.

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K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

ICT.K-2.7.c With ICT.3-5.7.c Students ICT.6-8.7.c Students ICT.9-12.7.c

guidance from an perform a variety of determine their role Students contribute
educator, students roles within a team on a team to meet constructively to
take on different using age- goals, based on their project teams,
team roles and use appropriate knowledge of assuming various
age-appropriate technology to technology and roles and
technologies to complete a project content, as well as responsibilities to
complete projects. or solve a problem personal preference. work effectively
toward a common

ICT.K-2.7.d With ICT.3-5.7.d Students ICT.6-8.7.d Students ICT.9-12.7.d

guidance from an work with others select collaborative Students explore
educator, students using collaborative technologies and local and global
use age-appropriate technologies to use them to work issues and use
technologies to explore local and with others to collaborative
work together to global issues. investigate and technologies to work
understand develop solutions with others to
problems and related to local and investigate, develop
suggest solutions. global issues. new understandings,
make decisions,
and/or solve

CREATED 08/10/2017 Information and Communication Technology Standards / Academics / SDE / 13

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