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NAME : Aldiasrizky Prastyo

NIM : 20101505109

CLASS : B2 English



First of all, we can say that Indonesia and Australia are both multicultural countri
es, although multiculturalism has different meanings in each country. In Indonesia,
multiculturalism means different ethnicities, cultures and religions, but still have
similarities because of one family and one Asian race. Meanwhile in Australia, mul
ticulturalism leads to wider cultural differences between races and countries of o

The difference in eating culture in Australia uses 2 hands in Indonesia, 1 hand

eat bread, in Indonesia don't eat rice = haven't eaten

when miss dimalang tried to eat rice to understand the culture

after miss eat spicy drink yougut, milk, it's spicy from mrica

I have a dog, most of them keep except for Muslims in Australia. I have a little kn
owledge of Islam. I have a cat. Miss Meri doesn't like cats because her fur is dirty.
Animals are placed outside in Indonesia. They are put inside.

Shows the closeness of harmonious relations in Australia, you can kiss hand in ha
nd, if you ask for age, married / not polite, don't ask when you just met, in Australi
a you don't have to fill out religious documents, you can fill in or not, many religio
ns are Christian. in indo 1 person 1 religion

in Australia 20 years ago interfaith marriage was difficult , now it is easier . Miss
Meri is a Christian when she worships at home because she doesn't like the situat

When he was in high school, his friend was white, he saw Jogja Borobudur, the te
mple after graduating from high school, then worked at a supermarket. he touche
d borobudur he cried because it was very beautiful .

In Australia lockdown, he is sad because many of his friends died, there are India
n friends who are sad because they can't go there, have to wear masks, if they ar
e opened only on the beach.

Miss Meri's habit every Saturday she drinks alcohol

drinking tea coffee, toast with (fried egg, avocado cheese)

I want to go to New Zealand, in indo flores and ambon because it's beautiful.

If you learn a language, it's better directly, if it's covid zoom wa, it's still running. l
earn by listening listening reading subtitles, from drama

Indonesian children are very brave to ask Miss Meri when in Bromo.

the impression when someone asks most foreigners it's not good if asked in Engli
sh, if they don't answer maybe it's their first time in Indonesia / they don't use Eng
lish first / it's thought to be asking for something. The first English when traveling
abroad. If you want the approach to be praised first, don't ask questions so they c
an relax.

International and Indonesian college level and Miss Meri have studied at Maulana
Malik Ibrahim University. in Australia they are casual, casual clothes. in Indonesia
in neat clothes.

The meaning is different, thanks to Indo, in Australia it has to be taken in Indonesi

a or not.

there lets see : see later in indo God willing.

If you want to speak English but you can't speak English, use vocabulary first, do
n't think about thesis, present, etc., they will understand.

when miss meri at school used to write letters to friends to express her feelings

learning language must learn culture, don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Don't compare yourself with other people because the path is different, the import
ant thing is to keep learning.

learning culture learn their language in relation to one another.

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