Biochem Module 1 and 2

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The objective of this module is for you

to be acquainted with how biochemistry
becomes so vital in our daily living, and
for you to define the subject itself. In
addition, this module also aims for you
to be familiar with how biochemistry
undergone development over time.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the topic students will be able to define Biochemistry and familiarize the timeline of events in the
development of Biochemistry.
LESSON 1: Definition of Biochemistry

Welcome to your new sets of lesson, welcome to module 1!

This lesson aims to help you define biochemistry, know its scopes and functions and to be
acquainted to the different roles of biochemistry in all living creatures. This lesson will also give
us a record of the different timeline of event in biochemistry, from the time of its discovery up to
the different challenges and milestones Biochemistry had went through.


What are the things that come up into your

mind whenever you heard of Biochemistry?
Recall some of your basic knowledge about the
different branches of chemistry.


Biochemistry is the field of science that studies the complexity of chemical substances
and their processes that occur in all living things from microbes, plants, animals and
human being and the changes they undergo during development of life. From the name
itself biochemistry deals with the chemistry of life. It combines biology and chemistry


All vital processes in life, all chemical changes within the organism, either
the degradation of substances, generally to gain necessary energy, or the buildup of
complex molecules necessary for life processes are collectively termed metabolism in
which biochemistry take charge. Because life depends on biochemical reactions,
biochemistry has become the language of all biologic sciences.

It was on the earliest years of 20th century when the science of Biochemistry was
discovered, through the knowledge that yeast can convert sugars to ethyl alcohol. A
French great microbiologist maintained that the process of fermentation only occurs in
intact cells. Not until 1899 through Brothers Buchner who had proven that fermentation
can indeed occur in cell free extracts. This was discovered through the storage of yeast
extract in crock of concentrated sugar solution as preservative. Overnight the crock
fermented and spilled over the laboratory bench. This revealed the role of ADP, ATP,
and NADPH’s vital role in glycolysis. During the 1930s to 1940s the essential role of
coenzymes was identified. In 1950s, the complex process of how carbohydrates are
synthesized from, and the broken down to simple sugars, and delineated the pathways
for biosynthesis of pentoses and the breakdown of amino acids and lipids. All these
advances in biochemistry were made possible by the development of analytical
techniques in the late 1930s and early 1940s, such as ultracentrifugation, paper and
other forms of chromatography, and the post-World War II availability of radioisotopes,
principally 14C, 3H and 32P, as tracers to identify the intermediates in complex


1. Illustrate or draw your impression about biochemistry as a whole.

2. Create a diagram for the records of the timeline of events in the development of

“You will never be always motivated, so you must learn to be desciplined!.”


Thank you! for spending time reading this module. I hope you
have enjoyed your activities while gaining numbers of
realization. God bless, ‘till next time.

Lesson 2: Scopes of Biochemistry and Its Importance


Welcome to your new sets of lesson, welcome to module 1!

This lesson aims to help you define biochemistry, know its scopes and functions and to be
acquainted to the different roles of biochemistry in all living creatures. This lesson will also give
us a record of the different timeline of event in biochemistry, from the time of its discovery up to
the different challenges and milestones Biochemistry had went through.


Based on your learning from the previous topic, how do you

understand biochemistry now? Do you have any idea how could
this field will be related to other medical sciences?


Disciplines under Biochemistry:

• Enzymology-study of enzymes

• Endocrinology- Study of hormones

• Clinical Biochemistry- study of diseases

• Molecular Biochemistry- study of biomolecules and their functions

Other specialties: Agricultural Biochemistry, Pharmacological biochemistry etc.



Biochemistry is classified into two branches, descriptive Biochemistry and

dynamic Biochemistry. Descriptive Biochemistry deals with the qualitative an
quantitative characterization of the various components of cell, while dynamic
Biochemistry deals with the elucidation of the nature and the mechanism of the
reactions involving cell components.

Biochemistry had made significant contribution in the field of cell biology, physiology,
microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, and toxicology, as well as in the field of
inflammation, cell injury and cancers. Medicine and all these other health care
disciplines are intimately related to biochemistry. Health in all species depends on a
harmonious balance of the biochemical reactions occurring in the body, while disease
reflects abnormalities in biomolecules, biochemical reactions, and or biochemical
processes. Biochemical approaches are often fundamental in evaluating the causes of
disease and in deciding for what is the appropriate management and therapies, various
laboratory tests are integral in the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment.


Nucleic acid Proteins Lipids carbohydrates

Genetic Disease Sickle cell anemia Atherosclerosis diabetes




Through a drawing/illustration Identify the importance of Biochemistry and its

significance in other fields.

Rodwell, V., et al. (2015). Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry. 30th Ed.

Mcgraw-Hill Education. New York.

Campbell, M., et al. (2020). Biochemistry. 9th Ed. Cengage Learning Asia
“Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.”
Pte Ltd. Taguig City, Philippine
~Julie Andrews

Thank you! for spending time reading this module. I hope you have
enjoyed your activities while gaining numbers of realization. God bless,
‘till next time.



Hello, happy module

browsing day! Welcome, we
have new set of lessons that
you will surely enjoy.
Welcome to module 2!

This module aims to discuss the morphology of cells, comparing plant and animal cells,
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It also considers the different methods of transferring
materials in and out of cells.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the discussion, you’ll be able to discuss and explain the morphology of
cells, understand and appreciate the function of each part of the cell, understand the
significance of cell morphologies, discuss and explain the morphology of prokaryotic
cells and eukaryotic cells, understand and appreciate the difference between eukaryotic
and prokaryotic, discuss and explain the mechanism of action in cell transfer and to
learn and appreciate the different methods of cell transfer.

LESSON 1: The Morphology of Cell


Welcome to our new sets of lessons. Welcome to module 2!

This lesson will help you be able to discuss and explain the morphology of cells,
understand and appreciate the function of each part of the cell and understand the
significance of cell morphologies.




Illustrate and explain. What is the basic unit of life?


Humans are made up of trillions of cells — the basic unit of life on earth. Cells can be
thought of as tiny packages that contain minute factories, warehouses, transport
systems, and power plants. They function on their own, creating their own energy and
self-replicating — the cell is the smallest unit of life that can replicate. However, cells
also communicate with each other and connect to create a solid, well stuck-together
animal. Cells build tissues, which form organs; and organs work together to keep the
organism alive.


Robert Hook first discovered cells in 1665. He gave them their name because they
resembled the cella (Latin for “small rooms”) where monks lived in monasteries.

All cells are surrounded by a cell

membrane about 7 nm thick
(1nm=109). Some cells are further
encapsulated by a cell wall, a cell
coat or some other protective
barrier. Based on their structural
and functional properties, cells
maybe describe as prokaryotic
and eukaryotic.

Different cell types can look wildly different, and carry out very different roles within the

For instance, a sperm cell resembles a tadpole, a female egg cell is spherical, and
nerve cells are essentially thin tubes.
Despite their differences, they often share certain structures; these are referred to as
organelles (mini-organs).

Organelle Major Functions in Eukaryotic Cells

Nucleus Stores DNA; is involved in the

expression of genetic information and
ribosome assembly; contains the
nucleolus which is involved in the
assembly of ribosomes. The double
membranes together. The content of
the cell outside the nucleus is called
the cytoplasm.

Mitochondrion Oxidation of fuel; energy production;

powerhouse of the cell; also has
double membrane, separated by the
intermembrane space. The
innermembrane folds into itself to form
cristae, the volume enclosed by the
innermembrane is called matrix

Golgi Apparatus Contains stacks of flattened

membrane -enclosed bodies called
cisternae; modification and transport
of proteins and lipids from the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER);
production of lysosomes.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) An intricate winding membrane, rough

ER contains ribosomes, and produces
some of the cell’s lipids. The ER
participates in the processing,
synthesis, packaging, and transport of
its products (proteins and lipids).

Lysosome A membrane-enclosed bag of

hydrolytic, digestive enzymes
responsible for the intercellular
digestion of materials brought into
cells, breakdown and recycling of
cellular components of damaged parts
of the cell

Draw and illustrate the cell and its structure and indicate each functions for every part.

Nucum, Zenaida T, Ed.D. Biochemistry for Nursing Students. Ch.2 pp 4-8. 2005, C & E Publishing Inc.,

1672 Quezon Avenue South Triangle, Quezon City.

Newman, Tim. Medical News Today ” What is cell?”. (2018) Retrieved from

“You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.”


Thank you! for spending time reading this module. I hope you have
enjoyed your activities while gaining numbers of realization. God
bless, ‘till next time.

LESSON 2: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


Welcome to our new sets of lessons, welcome to module 2!

This lesson will help you learn the following things:

1. Discuss and explain the morphology of prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

2. Understand and appreciate the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic.




Answer the following question/provide what is asked.

What is the difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?


Prokaryotes are single-celled organism while prokaryotes are multi-celled organism.


Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms, ranging in size from 1-10 um. (1 um= 104).
Biologist classify them under Monera and Archaea, a new domain of organisms that are
morphologically prokaryotic nut whose molecular characteristic are more eukaryotic
than prokaryotic. Most prokaryotes lack any detectable internal compartments, and
many are surrounded by a rigid cell wall. The plasma membrane may fold into a
multilayered structure called mesosome. The contents of the cell, the cytoplasm,
contains multiple type of particles including a package form DNA (called nucleoid) and
ribosomes (factories for the assembly of proteins. Pili are small protrusions on the
outside of plasma membrane which aid prokaryotes in attaching the surfaces. Long thin
filaments called flagella provide propulsion because of their whipping action.

Eukaryotes most eukaryotic cells are 10-100 um long with infinitely more genetic
information than prokaryotes. Over 250 varieties of human cell vary greatly in size
depending on their role and function.

Difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes

Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
No Skeleton Presence of cytoskeleton, an internal
network of proteins constructed from a
variety of specific proteins, including
actin, tubulin, and keratin, thus
providing structural stability. It also
participates in the movement of cells
and repositioning of organelles. In
some instances, changes in the
cytoskeleton play a central role in the
transformation of normal cells into
cancer cells. It is not considered an
organelle because it lacks a

Less DNA content Hundreds to thousand times more


Do not contain membrane-bound Presence of organelles


Smaller About 5 to 10 times longer.

Instruction: Answer the following question/ provide what is asked.

For each classification of cell give at least 5 examples each.

Nucum, Zenaida T, Ed.D. Biochemistry for Nursing Students. Ch.2 pp 4-8. 2005, C & E Publishing Inc.,

1672 Quezon Avenue South Triangle, Quezon City.

Newman, Tim. Medical News Today” What is cell?”. (2018) Retrieved from
“The way we spend our time defines who we are.”

~Jonathan Estrin

Thank you! for spending time reading this module. I hope you have
enjoyed your activities while gaining numbers of realization. God
bless, ‘till next time.

LESSON 3: Methods of Cell Transfer


Welcome to our new sets of lessons, welcome to module 2!

This is lesson 3, will discuss about methods of cell transfer. This lesson will help you
learn the following things:

1. Discuss and explain the mechanism of action in cell transfer.

2. Learn and appreciate the different methods of cell transfer.




Answer the following question/ provide what

is asked.

What did you observe when you add a

colored solution into the water? Does the
water inhibit the same color of the solution


Cells and Diffusion

Water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are among the few simple molecules that can cross
the cell membrane by diffusion. Water moves through membranes by a type of diffusion
known as osmosis. Diffusion is one principal method of movement of substances within
cells, as well as the method for essential small molecules to cross the cell membrane.

• Gas exchange in gills and lungs operates by this process. Carbon dioxide is
produced by all cells as a result of cellular metabolic processes. Since the source is
inside the cell, the concentration gradient is constantly being replenished/re-elevated,
thus the net flow of CO2 is out of the cell.

• Metabolic processes in animals and plants usually require oxygen, which is in

greater concentration inside the cell, thus the net flow of oxygen is into the cell.

Diffusion is the net movement of a substance (liquid or gas) from an area of high
concentration of the substance to one of lower concentration of that substance. Imagine
that you are in a very small room. A beautiful young lady walks in wearing very strong
perfume. At first you just get a whiff as she passes near to you, but the fragrance gets
stronger and stronger as the minutes go by. After a couple of minutes, you start
sneezing uncontrollably because, as luck would have it, you are allergic to that perfume.
This is an example of diffusion in action. The concentration of perfume on the lady is
very high. But since the molecules of all substances, solid, liquid or gas, are always
moving rapidly, some of the perfume molecules bounce into each other and then out
into the surrounding air.

You have probably experienced this in class when someone arrives freshly doused in
perfume or cologne. The molecules of every substance (solid, liquid, or gas) are in
motion, so energy is available to move molecules, just as in the case of the water
discussed above. The majority of the molecules move from higher to lower
concentration, although there will be some that move from low to high. The overall (or
net) movement is thus from high to low concentration. Eventually, if no energy is put into
the system, the molecules will reach a state of equilibrium where they will be distributed
equally throughout the system.

Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a semi-permeable (or differentially permeable

or selectively permeable) membrane. The plasma membrane surrounding cells is such
a membrane. (Other examples are dialysis tubing and cellulose acetate sausage

The presence of a solute decreases the water potential of a substance. Thus there is
more water per unit of volume in a glass of fresh-water than there is in an equivalent
volume of sea-water. In a cell that is submerged in fresh water, the water flow is
generally into the cell since the cytoplasm contains dissolved substances as well as
many organelles.

Hypertonic solutions are those in which more solute (and hence lower water potential) is

Hypotonic solutions are those with less solute (again read as higher water potential).

Isotonic solutions have equal (iso-) concentrations of substances. Water potentials are
thus equal; although there will still be equal amounts of water movement in and out of
the cell, the net flow is zero. Active and Passive Transport

Two additional methods by which substances may move through cell membranes
Passive transport requires no energy from the cell. Examples include the diffusion of
oxygen and carbon Active transport requires the cell to spend energy, usually in the
form of ATP. Examples include transport of large molecules (non-lipid soluble) and the
sodium-potassium pump. dioxide, osmosis of water, and facilitated diffusion.



Answer the following question/provide what is asked.

Through an illustration show the difference between active and passive transport.

Nucum, Zenaida T, Ed.D. Biochemistry for Nursing Students. Ch.2 pp 4-8. 2005, C & E Publishing Inc.,

1672 Quezon Avenue South Triangle, Quezon City.


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