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The Possessed

A Gothic Warlock Build

Poltergeist Lineage​ - ​You are a creature possessed by a spirit. You play two
characters, the vessel and the animating spirit, locked together, for better or for worse. As you
level up the relationship can become more cooperative or more antagonistic. Ultimately the
spirit subsumes the flesh, willingly or otherwise.

Two in one:
*The player can choose to occupy the same vessel throughout character development
representing perhaps a legendary knight possessing a young squire, a malevolent long
banished wizard possessing a milkmaid, or an ancient and primordial dragon possessing a
Kobold. This relationship might be one of mutual respect and cooperation, a la the squire and
knight, where a talented youth is coached to greatness by a spirit-mentor, or it could be one of
manipulation and domination, a la the milkmaid and wizard, where an evil presence
extinguishes entirely its host as it reenters the physical world.
*The player can choose to occupy a series of vessels. Perhaps even skipping bodies at every
new level etc etc etc. In a single kingdom the spirit might possess a pig at 1st level, the
swine-herder at 3rd, the village constable at 5th, the captain of the guard at 8th, the king’s
champion at 12th, the king himself at 15th, etc etc etc. This would obviously be an ideal
situation for a player interested in multiclassing.
Spirit and Vessel - ​As mentioned above the player is role-playing 2x separate, but attached,
entities. The possessing Spirit and the possessed Vessel.
The possessing Spirit is largely incapable of influencing the physical world at lower levels,
forced to watch but not to interact. This ability increases as the character’s level increases. New
abilities, spells, etc, are generally indicative of the Spirit gaining a greater influence to
manipulate, physically and mentally, the physical world.
At lower levels the Spirit might largely communicate in barely heard creepy whispers, dreams,
automatic writing, knocking small items over, etc etc etc. At lower levels the Spirit’s ability to
control the Vessel’s body and actions will be likewise extremely limited, and its direct influence
on the outside world even more so.
At higher levels the Spirit’s physical outreach and direct control of the Vessel increase, until at
the highest levels - 15th through 20th - the Spirit has so completely possessed its Vessel that
there is little, if anything, left separating the two.

The Spirit - ​Many mortal creature’s lives

end while they’ve still unfinished business
to complete. Occasionally a creature is
powerful enough that it can cling to unlife
instead of passing on to its ultimate
reward or punishment. Such a creature
remains amongst the living but is not
alive. Such a creature might spend
centuries trying to find a proper vessel
that allows it to manifest again in the
physical world and assert its will amongst
the living. Looking to complete its
unfinished business at long last.

The Vessel - ​The haunted vessel,

sometimes known as The Fetch
(particularly in an antagonistic
possession), is representative of its race,
but generally appears frailer and perhaps
even sickly. Oftentimes they have a white
or blue tint to their lips and extremities,
representing the undead nature that
haunts them. Likewise their eyes are often
deep and dark and shadowed. To others
they appear haunting themselves,
whether hauntingly beautiful or ghastly.

Haunting - ​The haunting can be antagonistic or beneficial, or more likely some mix of the two
extremes. The Spirit has been dead long enough, lost in the timeless fog of the ether and unlife
that it but barely remembers its own humanity. Needless to say nuance and human niceties are
lost upon it. The Vessel will of course have its own priorities and desires separate from the
possessing Spirit. The player ought have fun playing the push and pull between what are
essentially two personalities forced together, whether either one likes it or not.

Progression - ​At 1st Level the Vessel is probably only dimly aware that it is even haunted.
Strange things happen. Spookiness abounds. The Vessel is most likely unnerved by the
situation. The Spirit has finally, after years, centuries, maybe even millennia of searching, finally
found a Vessel through which it can begin to feel alive again and even influence the outside
world. The Spirit sticks close to the Vessel and attempts to make itself known whilst also
protecting the Vessel as that also protects its own interests. As Levels increase the Vessel
becomes aware of the Spirit and even the Spirit’s goals. The Spirits influence increases and the
Vessels independence decreases. Eventually, at the highest Levels the Spirit and the Vessel
have become, for all intents and purposes, one and the same. Whether this was done through
mutual agreement or brute force depends on the type of Possession.

Death’s Doorstep - ​When the Vessel is knocked unconscious the Spirit is disembodied and
floats helplessly above it. Desperate to revive the Vessel but perhaps unable to do so.

Creating Your Character - ​The Poltergeist Lineage follows the same rules as other Gothic
Lineages regarding creature - languages - and ability score increases. Use the Standard Array.
Add +1 to 1x Ability Score and +2 to another. Pick out 2x languages that are suitable to the
Vessel. Your creature type is that of the Vessel + Undead, e.g., Human/Undead -
Kobold/Undead - Beast/Undead - Elven/Undead etc etc etc

1d12 - Poltergeist Quirks

1. You are always muttering to the Spirit that is trying to communicate with you
2. Your skin is pale and you are concerningly skinny
3. Your eyes constantly dart back and forth at the hints of spirits you see around you
4. The area around you is discernibly cold and your skin is yet colder
5. Your eyes and hair are completely white
6. You have trouble telling who is a ghost and who is alive
7. Your hands continuously tremble uncontrollably
8. Your poltergeist is excited to live vicariously through you. You’re highly excitable.
Each new experience is equally exciting. Good experiences and bad.
9. Your poltergeist is solemn and single minded. Under its influence you come across
as remote and disinterested up to an including even danger, death and bodily harm.
10. Your body often moves in a jerky, unnatural manner as if a mannequin puppeteered
11. Your hair and clothing constantly shift about as if in a slight breeze despite a lack of
12. Holy symbols and religious artifacts make you uncomfortable and you avoid them
whenever possible
Poltergeist Traits:
Type - ​Literally anything your DM agrees upon + Undead (see Spectral Nature below)
Size - ​Dependent upon Vessel
Speed - ​Dependent upon Vessel

Spectral Nature - ​Alongside whatever Vessel type you currently inhabit you also have the type
Undead. You are affected by any game mechanic that influences either type.

Unnerving Aura - ​Mundane animals will not willingly stay in your presence unless you succeed
on an Animal Handling check against a DC = the animal’s Intelligence +5

Occupied - ​You are already possessed so all spells that would attempt to possess you fail. You
are immune to charm spells and effects

Ghostly Bond - ​You are vulnerable to psychic damage as it tears at the very bond holding the
Vessel and Spirit together.

Physical Disturbances - ​When you are emotionally disturbed you manifest that disturbance in
the physical world. Some of the effects are minor, i.e., a toppled vase, while some of the effects
are major, i.e., shattering every fragile object in a 100’ radius! Regardless of how powerful the
Spirit’s current presence might be (represented by the character’s current level), the Spirit itself
is a wellspring of tremendous latent power! When the character suffers one of the effects below
they must make a Willpower/Charisma save DC12. If the save is unsuccessful they must role on
the ​d100 Poltergeist Hainting Table.​ (Also roll on this table as roleplay situations require at the
Player and DM’s discretion)
*Critical Failure on any d20 roll
*Critical Success on any d20 roll
*Reaches Death’s Door
*Takes Damage in a single blow equal to 3/4 Total Hit Points
*Suffers Psychic Damage equal to ½ Total Hit Points
*Examples of Roleplay Situations requiring a save = witnessing the loss of a loved one -
suffering severe stress - experiencing extreme happiness - extremely embarrassing failure -
extremely rewarding success - strong emotions of any sort

Whispers From the Tomb - ​Once per Long Rest you can confer with the Spirit that haunts you.
As a Bonus Action you can gain insight into a single Arcana - History - Insight - Investigation -
Medicine - Nature - or Religion check, adding 1d4 + your Charisma Ability Modifier

St. Elmo’s Fire - 3rd level ability - ​The Spirit can manifest as eerie lights, ball lightning and
unearthly fire. Effect as if the Wizard Spell ‘Faerie Fire’ once per Long Rest. The Spell Save DC
for this effect is based upon the character’s Charisma Ability Score.

Poltergeist’s Rage - 5th level ability - ​As an Action the Spirit lashes out with powerful
telekinetic force in anger and rage! All objects within a 30’ radius from the Vessel shake and
clatter as if caught in a great tremor or gust of wind. All light sources in the radius dull to dim
light. Hair stands on end! Goosebumps rise! Dogs howl and babies cry!
*Additionally the Spirit can target a creature within the 30’ range which must be Medium or
smaller or an object that can weigh up to 200 pounds.
*If the target is a creature make a Charisma check contested by the target's Strength check. If
you win the contest the target is hurled up to 30’ in any direction, including upward. If the target
then comes into contact with a hard surface or heavy object, the target takes 1d6 damage per
every 5’ so moved. A successful dexterity save DC10 for ½ damage.
*If the target is an object, that isn't being worn or carried, you can hurl it up to 30’ in any
direction. You can use the object as a ranged weapon, attacking one creature along the object's
path (+ your current proficiency bonus To Hit) and dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the
object and target for every 5’ traveled before impact.
The Possessed - Warlock Spirit Patron ​You are a creature
possessed by the powerful spirit of a deceased mortal and you gain power from its influence
over you, and constant proximity to you. At lower levels you are merely haunted by it. At higher
levels the spirit’s soul fuses with your own until eventually you become the spirit itself, granting it
life and substance once more.

At 1st level, upon choosing this Patron, you gain the following features alongside those common
to all Warlocks. You gain additional features at 6th - 10th and 14th level:
*The Possessed Patron Expanded Spell List:
1st Level - ​Dissonant Whispers - Catapult
2nd Level - ​Healing Spirit - Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level - ​Spirit Guardians - Phantom Steed
4th Level - ​Guardian of Faith - Ghost Call (See Below)
5th Level - ​Antilife Shell - Telekinesis

4th Level Spell - Ghost Call - Action - V,S - Conjuration - 1 Minute Duration: ​You touch the
ground with your index and ring finger. 2 ghosts rise from the ground as Mephitic smoke and
coalesce, moaning and howling. They are friendly to you and follow your commands. You can
command them as a Bonus Action. If you do not command them they will defend themselves
but take no other actions. If they reach 0 Hit Points, or the spell duration expires they disappear
as quickly as the apparated. They can be dismissed by the Conjurer as a Bonus Action
AC: 13 HP: 29

The ghost has Resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.

Chill of the grave: reach 5 feet, +5 to hit, 1d8+7 cold damag​e.​  

*1st Level Possessed Patron Feature - Psychokinesis - ​The Spirit can reach out to
manipulate objects outside of itself. Effect as if the Wizard Cantrip ‘Mage Hand’. Additionally,
when you use Mage Hand it is invisible. Usable an amount of times equal to current Proficiency
per Long Rest

*1st Level Possessed Patron Feature - Transmogrification - ​Once every other level,
beginning at 2nd level, the character can choose to switch 1 ability point for another ability, i.e.,
1 point of Dexterity for 1 point of Strength. Ability scores cannot be increased above 20 without
the DM’s approval. This represents the Vessel’s transmogrification into the Spirit over time.
Until, eventually, the Vessel is actually the Spirit in all of its former grandeur.
(Note - This is different from and does not preclude the character from taking ability score
increases as per their chosen character class. They can of course choose to take Feats instead,
which Feats would represent the Spirits knowledge being passed unto the Vessel.

*3rd Level Possesed Patron Feature - ​Séance​ ​- 10 Minutes of Concentration - 10’ Range ​-
You hold a séance within 10’ of a creature’s undead remains. Summoning forth your Spirit forth
from the mouth of your Vessel as a psychic ectoplasm that coalesces in the air. A similar
ectoplasm rises from the corpse holding forth a vague resemblance of the dead creature in life.
Once summoned you can ask the corpse a number of questions equal to your Spellcasting
Modifier. The corpse knows only what it knew in life, including the languages it knew. Answers
are oftentimes brief, cryptic, or repetitive, but the corpse is under a compulsion to try and offer a
truthful answer. This spell doesn't return the creature's soul to its body, only its animating spirit.
Thus, the corpse can't learn new information, doesn't comprehend anything that has happened
since it died, and can't speculate about future events. This Ritual takes 10 minutes, but can be
shortened by 1 minute for each ally who takes part in it, to a minimum of 1 minute. This ability
can be used once per Short Rest.
*3rd Level Possessed Patron Feature - ​Item Lore​ - 1 Hour of Concentration ​- The Vessel
carefully studies an item. You enter a deep contemplation communing with the Possessing
Spirit. If you are able to maintain Concentration within 5’ of the item for this abilities full hour
required, without undue interruption and in relative stillness, then you gain the benefits of an
identify spell cast on that item. You can use this ability once per Short Rest.
You also might learn some associated lore about the examined item. Make a History Check as if
you were Proficient (Specialized if you are already Proficient) and consult the table below:
DC10​ - General information about the item - ‘This signet ring belonged to a powerful member of
the Court of Neverwinter’
DC14​ - Specific information regarding the item - ‘This signet ring belonged to Duke Alimno of
the Court of Neverwinter’
DC18​ - Important details regarding the item - ‘Any document with a wax seal impressed by this
signet ring would carry the full weight and authority that Alimno wielded in life though he is dead’
DC22​ - The items full history - ‘The signet ring was given to Alimno by Archduke Halick the
Empyrean of Waterdeep who was Alimno’s lover and would do anything for his memory!’
Note​ - you can use this ability while gaining the benefits of a Short Rest

*6th Level Possessed Patron Feature -​ Ancient Mind​ - 10 Minutes of Concentration - 1

Hour Duration ​- The vessel enters a deep contemplation to commune with the Spirit. If you are
able to maintain Concentration for the full 10 minutes, without undue interruption and in relative
stillness, then you then gain Proficiency with any Tool Kit, Gaming Set, Musical Instrument,
Vehicle or in one of the following Skills: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Investigation,
Medicine, Nature, Performance, Religion, Sleight of Hand, or Survival. If you are already
Proficient in the Skill then you gain Specialization. The benefit lasts for 1x hour Duration with no
further concentration required. This ability can be used once per Long Rest.

*10th Level Possessed Patron Feature -

Possession​ - Action - 60’ Range - Up to 1
Minute - ​As an Action the Vessel and the
Spirit separate so that the Spirit can
momentarily possess and occupy a new host.
The Spirit comes rushing out the mouth of the
Vessel in a burst of bright ectoplasmic energy,
leaping in an instant across the distance, and
then disappearing into its new host. The
Vessel goes catatonic in shock, suddenly
bereft of the Spirit.
The host can be a living creature or an
inanimate object. Rules for both are outlined
*While separated the Vessel lapses into a
catatonic stupor. Eyes roll into the back of its
head. It remains completely unmoving, though
still standing if it was standing when the
process started. The vessel is dead, dumb
and blind. It can neither sense the outside
world nor act upon it until reunited with the
Spirit. Effectively stunned and rigid where it
began the process, barely breathing.
*The Spirit can be forced out involuntarily by the use of a Dispel Good and Evil Spell or similar
effect targeting the possessed creature. If forced out involuntarily the Spirit snaps instantly back
into the Vessel as a Reaction and the character suffers 1x level of Exhaustion.
*This ability can be used once per Long Rest

Possess a Creature:
You possess a single creature completely who is under your control until the ability ends or it is
reduced to 0 Hit Points.
*A creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs your Spell Save DC. If you or creatures
friendly to yourself are Fighting the creature then it has advantage on the saving throw.
*Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new Wisdom saving throw against the spell. If
the saving throw succeeds, the ability ends involuntarily (see above)
*If the creature is asked to harm itself the ability ends involuntarily (see above).
*You take total and precise control of the target for the duration. Until the end of the possession,
the creature takes only the Actions you choose, and doesn't do anything that you don't allow it to
*You use the creature’s physical statistics while retaining your mental statistics. Your attacks are
replaced by those of the creature. Your skills remain your own.
*You cannot use the creatures spells or spell-like abilities, though you can use physical abilities,
i.e., breath weapons or gazes etc etc etc
*You cannot cast your own spells or use your own spell-like abilities while occupying the host.
*You maintain telepathic communication with the host at your discretion. A shared language is
necessary for anything more than a simple emotional exchange. If you want to probe it for
details make a contested Willpower Check. In play, if successful, this results in 3x yes or no
questions answered truthful by the DM. If probing for very detailed, or personal information you
might roll at a penalty or at Disadvantage (DM’s Discretion). If unsuccessful the possession
ends involuntarily (see above)
*The creature knows it is being possessed and is fully aware though helpless to act.
*You gain Advantage on any attempts to impersonate the creature.

Possess an Object:
Your Spirit animates mundane objects. Choose up to eight
non-magical Objects within range that are not being worn or
carried. Tiny targets (lamps - books - tea kettles - cooking
pots - etc). Small targets (chairs - chests - cauldrons - toilets
- etc) count as 2x Objects. Medium Targets (tables - suits of
armor - statues - bookcases - doors - bear-skin rugs -
weapon racks - etc) count as 4x Objects, Large Targets
(wagons - carriages - outhouses - castle gates - etc) count
as 8x Objects.
*Each target animates and becomes a creature under your
control until the spell ends or until reduced to 0 Hit Points.
*Animated Object Statistics
Tiny ​- HP: 5 AC: 18, Attack: +4 to hit, 1d4 +2 damage,
Str:4, Dex: 16 Con: 8
Small​ - HP: 10, AC: 16, Attack: +5 to hit, 1d8 +3 damage,
Str:8, Dex: 14 Con: 10
Medium​ - HP: 40, AC: 13, Attack: +6 to hit, 2d10 +5
damage, Str: 14, Dex: 10 Con: 14
Large​ - HP: 80, AC: 10, Attack: +8 to hit, 4d10 +8 damage,
Str: 18, Dex: 8 Con: 16
*An animated object is a Construct with AC, Hit Points, attacks, Strength, and Dexterity
determined by its size. Its speed is 30 feet, if the Objects lack legs or other appendages it can
use for locomotion, it instead has a flying speed of 30 feet and can hover. It has Blindsight with
a radius of 30 feet and is blind beyond that distance. When the animated object drops to 0 Hit
Points, it reverts to its original object form, perhaps much worse for the wear.
*If you Command an object to Attack, it can make a single melee Attack against a creature
within 5 feet of it. It makes a slam Attack with an Attack bonus and bludgeoning damage
determine by its size. The DM might rule that a specific object inflicts slashing or piercing
damage based on its form.

*14th Level Patron Feature - ​Eidolon

- Bonus Action - Concentration up to
1 Minute​ - As a Bonus Action you
transform into a cloud of pure luminous
Spirit. You become the Eidolon, the
idealized form of the possessive Spirit.
While in this form your only method of
movement is a flying speed of 40’
*you can hover
*You can enter and occupy and pass
through the space of another creature
without penalty
*You gain Resistance to all non-magical
Slashing - Piercing and Bludgeoning
*You are under the effect of the
Vampiric Touch spell as if it had been
cast at 6th level (= 6d6 Necrotic
*You are Immune to the Prone
*You gain Advantage on Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution saving
*You can pass through small holes,
narrow openings, and even mere
*You can't fall and remain hovering in
the air even when stunned or otherwise
*While in this form you cannot talk or
manipulate objects, nor can you attack
or cast spells
* It requires another Bonus Action to
resume physical form
*While, even briefly, in spirit form you
shed light like a bright lantern - radiating
bright light for 30’ and dim light for an
additional 30’
*This ability can be used once per Short
Pact of the Reliquary ​- ​Though
previously haunted by the lingering presence of the
Spirit, whichalwaus remained close by, it is only upon
reaching 3rd level, and choosing the Pact of the
Reliquary, that the Vessel becomes truly possessed of
the Spirit. The reliquary begins to truly unite the two as
one, for better or for worse.
The DM can simply give the character the Reliquary
upon achieving 3rd level and choosing this pact, or
finding the reliquary, oftentimes guided by hints and
suggestions from the Spirit, can be an adventure in its
own right.
The reliquary was once precious to the Patron Spirit
when it was alive. This item could be a locket with some
special remembrance inside - an urn of ashes - a
pressed flower - a knuckle bone - a military pin - a
dragon’s tooth - etc etc etc. While holding/wearing this
reliquary the Spirit and the Vessel are tied inextricably
to one another. The connection can only be broken by
the Vessel in order to pass the Spirit onto another
Vessel, and even then only at the DM’s discretion.
If the Reliquary is lost, the character loses all Patron
Features above 2nd level until such time as a new
Reliquary is acquired. The DM can have this be a single
day, or could opt to require another adventure to find
another suitable Reliquary.
*The reliquary allows the Spirit to safely leave the Vessel for short distances and for short
periods of time. The distance and time increase with level. Starting at 3rd level the distance is
10’ and the time 1 minute. This increases by +5’ and +1 minute for every Warlock level after 3rd.
*It takes an Action to affect the change and an Action to reverse it. The ability can be used once
per Short Rest.
*While separated the Vessel lapses into a catatonic stupor. Eyes roll into the back of its head. It
remains completely unmoving, though still standing if it was standing when the process started.
The vessel is dead, dumb and blind. It can neither sense the outside world nor act upon it until
reunited with the Spirit. Effectively stunned and rigid where it began the process, barely
*While separated the Spirit is Invisible. Makes no sound. Moves at a 30’ fly speed. Is
invulnerable to all but Magic Damage. Can see and hear, but cannot communicate verbally. Has
Darkvision. Can see into the ethereal plane. Can move through solid objects as difficult terrain.
Can enter and move through the space occupied by another creature without penalty. The Spirit
cannot cast spells requiring Verbal or Material components. By successfully concentrating
(DC10 Concentration check or DM’s discretion) the Spirit can manage to manipulate small
physical objects as per the Mage Hand spell. This check would need to be made every round in
an instance of prolonged manipulation. The manipulated object remains physical, solid, visible
*If either the Vessel or the Spirit are wounded (or otherwise harshly molested) then they
immediately snap back together as a Reaction upon receiving damage. This also occurs if time
runs out before an Action is taken to unite the Vessel and the Spirit. If such a non-voluntary
reunification occurs the character suffers a level of Exhaustion.
Invocations of the Possessed:
*​Flying Objects​ - Action - ​Your Spirit likes to reach out and touch the outside world! You can
cast the Catapult spell a number of times equal to your Charisma Ability Modifier per Long Rest

*​Insubstantial Weapon​ - Bonus Action ​- You cause a melee weapon in your hand to pass in
and out of materiality, emitting a ghostly aura or even ghostly flames, so that it passes through
armor or hide as easily as butter. Add + your Charisma Modifier to your To Hit and Damage
rolls. If you hit, you can choose to leave your weapon lodged deeply where it struck, and the
target incurs an automatic weapon Damage roll each turn thereafter unless he spends an Action
pulling the weapon out. If you leave a weapon behind it is, of course, unavailable to you (unless
you spend an Action pulling it out). You must declare before the attack
*This attack negates all weapon damage resistances from insubstantial creatures, i.e., Ghosts -
Specters - etc.

*Martial Spirit - ​You are literally possessed by a martial spirit. A warrior of legendary prowess
and renown. Pick 1x Martial Weapon with which you are proficient. Pick 1x Fighting Style as
available to a 1st level Fighter as your own

*5th Level - Spirit Wind - Action - ​1x per Short or Long Rest you can cast the ‘Haste’ spell.
You move as a blur of ghostly energy flickering in and out of sight. Seemingly appearing and
disappearing from one spot to another in the blink of an eye, inflicting damage and havoc as you
go. Once the possessing spirit lets go of you however, you stand there exhausted. A
momentarily empty shell.

*5th Level - ​Haunt​ - Bonus Action - ​As a Bonus Action can

target 1x creature within 90’ to Haunt by unleashing the Spirit’s
undead wrath upon it. Ghostly forms and terrifying spirits fly from
out your body to harass the target, swirling around it, screaming
and snapping, and though they do no harm they are very
distracting indeed! The target creature must make a Wisdom
saving throw vs your Warlock Spell Save DC or all of your attacks
gain Advantage and +1d4 Psychic damage on it until the ability
ends. The ability lasts 1x minute and requires Concentration. You
can move the haunting from one target or another as a Bonus
Action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
Charisma Bonus per Long Rest

*5th Level - ​Ectoplasmic Lash​ - Bonus Action - ​The Spirit has

gained purchase and power through its Vessel and can lash out at
the physical world. As a Bonus Action after a melee attack Action
you can produce an ectoplasmic tendril that emerges from your
torso. The tendril attacks using your Charisma bonus as its
modifier in lieu of Strength or Dexterity. It does 1d8 + your
Charisma bonus Bludgeoning damage on a successful hit. The
damage cannot be increased via other spells or abilities, i.e., Hex
- etc. If you wish to grapple with it, or use it on a Strength check,
the tendril’s Strength is equal to your Charisma Ability score.
*At 5th level you can produce 2x tendrils, both of which can attack. At 11th level 3x tendrils. At
17th level 4x tendrils

*​Spectral Defense​ - ​You have grown ever more insubstantial. Your features are oftentimes
vague and blurry, your physical form ephemeral. You reduce all non-magical Slashing - Piercing
and Bludgeoning damage by your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1)

*​Intangible Body​ - Reaction ​- As a Reaction you can quickly fade, flickering in and out of
existence, even as your opponent’s weapon strikes, giving yourself a momentary AC bonus = to
one roll of 1d6. You must declare before damage is rolled

*5th Level - ​Boo!​ - Reaction - ​When a creature

makes a melee attack against you, you can use
your Reaction to have the Spirit leap out of
yourself in an attempt to frighten them. The
creature must make a Wisdom Save vs your
Warlock Spell Save DC. If unsuccessful, instead of
attacking it moves away from you as far as it can.
If the creature has already used all of its
movement this turn, it uses its reaction to move ½
its movement speed. You can use this ability a
number of times equal to your Charisma Ability
Modifier per Long Rest

*7th Level - ​Phasing Form​ - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 1 Minute ​- As a Bonus

Action your body shifts in and out of the Prime Material Plane becoming blurred, shifting and
wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has Disadvantage on attack
rolls against you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight,
or can see through illusions, as with truesight. This ability requires Concentration. You can use
this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma Bonus per Long Rest

*9th Level - ​Fade​ - Reaction - ​You are able to fade away deep into the Ethereal Plane to
protect yourself. As a Reaction when you take damage you can vanish into the Ethereal Plane
until the beginning of your next turn. You reappear in an unoccupied space of your choosing
within 30’ of where you disappeared. Upon reappearing you gain Advantage on your next attack
roll. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma Bonus per Long Rest

*​Floating Corpse​ - Action - Concentration - ​You can cast the Levitation spell on yourself at
will without expending a spell slot. Requires Concentration. When you hover this way your hair
blows around you, your eyes go black and your skin turns a sunken and sallow grey

*​Dark Descent​ - Reaction - ​You can cast the Feather Fall spell on yourself at will without
expending a spell slot. When you float down this way your hair blows around you, your eyes go
black and your skin turns a sunken and sallow grey
*​Scuttling Horror​ - Action - Concentration - ​You can cast the Spider Climb spell on yourself
at will without expending a spell slot. When you crawl and scuttle about this way your hair blows
around you, your eyes go black and your skin turns a sunken and sallow grey

*7th Level - ​Spectral Step ​- Bonus Action - ​As a Bonus Action you become momentarily
luminous and intangible and move rapidly forward 15’ in a straight line from where you started.
*You can’t be grappled or restrained and you escape any existing restraints
*You do not elicit Opportunity Attacks
*You can pass through other creatures space without penalty
*You can pass through solid objects as Difficult Terrain (meaning you can pass safely through
material objects no thicker than 5’)
*If your movement ends while you are inside a creature or solid object you are shunted to the
nearest available open space (DM’s discretion) and take 1d10 Force damage

*9th Level - ​Apportation​ - Bonus Action - ​As a Bonus Action, with the stench of the open
grave, banshee screams and an explosion of meffit smoke, you disappear and reappear in an
open space of your choosing and within sight in a 60’ range. You can take 1x willing creature
with you or 1x unwilling creature that is successfully grappled by you and then fails a
Wilpower/Charisma saving throw vs your Warlock Spell Save DC. You can use this ability a
number of times equal to your Charisma Bonus per Long Rest

*15th Level -​ Astral Projection​ - As per Spell - ​You can ascend, along with a group of up to 8x
willing companions, as your luminous ‘Eidolon’ Spirit form, to travel the Astral Plane, leaving
your Vessel behind, comatose and unconscious. You can cast the ​Astral Projection​ spell as a
1x hour Ritual 1x per Long Rest

*9th Level - ​Borrowed Eyes​ - Action - Concentration up to 1 hour ​- As an Action you can
attempt to see and hear through the eyes and ears of another. First you must select a target
within 120’ Range and then that target must make a Charisma Save to contest your will. If the
creature fails it is unaware of your attempt and you can look and hear through it until
Concentration is broken. If it succeeds it becomes aware of the attempt at psychic intrusion.
Once the connection is established range doesn’t matter so long as the target remains on the
same plane of existence. You cannot see through your own eyes or ears while observing
through the target’s. You can switch back and forth between your own senses and that of the
target as a Bonus Action. Any creature with Truesight sees a luminous, intangible orb about the
size of a fist on the target's forehead while the ability is in action
*10th Level - ​Veil of Memory​ - ​While in possession of a creature you can alter its memories.
You must be in possession of a creature and you must succeed on a contested
Willpower/Charisma check. If successful you can affect the target’s memory of an event that it
experienced within the last 24 hours (including obviously the current possession) and that lasted
no more than 10 minutes. You can permanently eliminate all memory of the event, change its
memory of the details of the event, or create a memory of some other event. You must speak to
the target to describe how its memories are affected, and it must be able to understand your
language for the modified memories to take root. Its mind fills in any gaps in the details of your

*10th Level - ​Protective Possession -​ Reaction - ​When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points as a
Reaction you immediately try and possess the creature who struck the killing blow.
*The creature has to be in range
*All other rules for the possession ability apply (see above)
*This functions even if you have already used your possession ability for the day. If you have
not used it however, using this invocation exhausts it
*If the possession is unsuccessful then the Vessel is unconscious and the Spirit helpless as per
a usual Possessed Patron Death’s Doorstep situation

*5th Level - ​Ghostly Wail​ - Action - ​As an Action your mouth distends terribly monstrously and
you unleash a deafening, ghostly wail that can bring even strong men to their knees. All targets
caught in a 30’ cone emanating from you must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw against
your Spell Save DC or be Deafened for 1x minute and knocked Prone. Deafened targets can
repeat their Saving Throw at the end each of their Turns to try and end the condition. You can
use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma Bonus per Long Rest
*5th Level - ​Horrifying Visage​ - Action - ​As an Action you can allow the Spirit’s face to show
through your own. Whether the visage is that of a once mighty and imperious king gone to rot or
that of a hideous, necrotic sorcerer, all who view it tremble in fear. Each hostile within 60’ of the
direction you face must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC or receive
Disadvantage on their next d20 roll. If the target fails its save by 5 or more then it is aged 1d4
x10 years. Targets that successfully save cannot be affected again for a 24 hour period. You
can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma Bonus per Long Rest

*15th Level - ​Cryokinesis​ - Bonus Action - ​You are

constantly surrounded by unlife. The cold edges of the
Ethereal Plane and the creatures that haunt it are
constantly nearby. As a Bonus Action you can choose
to draw the ether into the physical world. The
temperature in a 30’ radius of you drops precipitously,
an eerie blue glowing mist surrounds you, the wind
whips and howls, screams and howls echo. Anything
that can freeze does freeze. Unsecured small objects
are tossed and swirl about. The effect lasts until you
choose to end it as a separate Bonus Action. The area
of effect is centered upon you and moves with you.
Any creatures other than yourself who enter the radius
on their turn or who start their turn inside the radius
must make a Constitution Saving Throw vs your
Warlock Spell Save DC or take 1d10 Cold damage
and suffer Disadvantage on their next attack.
Creatures who successfully save take ½ damage and
suffer no effect. Creatures resistant or immune to cold
are unaffected. You can use this ability 1x per Short or
Long Rest

*​Phantasmic Healing Factor​ - ​The Spirit has a stake
in the Vessel’s survival. You heal miraculously fast,
your wounds sealing as quickly as they are received.
You receive a number of d4 Healing Dice equal to your
current Proficiency bonus. You can use your Reaction to roll any amount of Healing Dice you
have remaining and add the total + your Constitution Bonus to your Hit Points. The Healing Dice
refresh after a Long Rest

*7th Level - ​Unwilling to Die​ - ​Having died once the Spirit is not interested in dying again. If
you are reduced to 0 Hit Points make a Constitution Saving Throw with a DC of 5+ the damage
taken. If you succeed you are jerked woodenly back to your feet by the Spirit and are instead
left with 1 Hit Point. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma Bonus
per Long Rest

*9th Level - ​Vitality of the Grave​ - ​The lines have so blurred between Vessel and Spirit that it
is unclear where one begins and the other ends. You now have an unnatural vitality. A gift from
the grave. You have Advantage on Death Saving Throws and no longer need to eat - sleep - or

*5th Level - ​Automatic Writing​ - ​You can spend a Short Rest communing with the possessing
Spirit via stream of conscious writing. Though the majority of what you write will be gibberish,
clues about your present and even future situations might well be hidden within. If you are able
to maintain Concentration for the abilities full hour required, without undue interruption and in
relative stillness, then you gain the benefits of an Augury spell. You need to have a writing
implement and a surface to write upon. Though a pen and paper are easiest, chalk and a cave
wall, or even blood and your own skin, can suffice. You can use this ability once per Short Rest
The Possession of a Kingdom
(A Poltergeist Lineage/Possessed Patron Warlock that moves through
various Vessels on its way to 20th Level)

It was meant to be a golden age. A shining kingdom on a hill. A beacon of light and hope
to all in these dark lands and in these dark times.

And the kingdom was meant to be guided by the strong right hand of young Prince
Ambrose. The Sunflower Prince. He who turns towards the sun. The golden boy of the
decadent and decrepit House Cruikshank. Ambrose the Brave. Ambrose the Good.
Sweet Prince Ambrose, beloved by his people.

RIP young Prince Ambrose.

Prince Ambrose who was laid low by the devious machinations of his own brother, his
own evil father, his own cruel mother, before his time. Who, much to his surprise, and
the disheartening surprise of the people, was slain by rank treachery from within his own
family before his true promise was fulfilled.

All of the seer’s best prophecies, and the mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems lost.
But, Prince Ambrose, has refused his own passing. He has clung to life with a
supernatural willpower, determined to make good on his own promise and the
prophecies of redemption wove ‘round him. He is determined to protect his people, to
raise that shining city on the hill, and to take revenge on his own scheming family.

He has gained purchase back in the world, thin though it may be, and he is working
mightily to increase his presence until he has returned completely. The Good Prince will
have his moment yet. Perhaps this is the prophecy after all. Old magiks work in strange
ways. Who’s to say.

Level 1 - Gallant the Rooster:

Tiny Beast/Undead Speed - 25’ - Fly 15’

HP - 9 AC - 13 Peck - ​1d4+1 Dmg

Str-13+1 Dex-17+3 Con-12+1

Int-10+0 Wis-8-1 Cha-15+2

Spell Save DC- 12 Spell Attack Bonus- +4

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly

Bond - Occupied - Physical Disturbances -
Whispers from the Tomb

Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact


Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis

- Transmogrification

Warlock Spells (1x 1st Lvl Spell Slot):​ Prestidigitation - Toll the Dead - Catapult -
Hellish Rebuke

It's not much, a rooster, but it was a start, and surely it beat drifting aimless and helpless
amongst the other hungry and restless undead spirits.

Gallant the Rooster was the pride and joy of the hen house on the Ploughman farm and
certainly the king of the roost. When a band of adventurers, prodded on by the vague
omens of a local seer, come visiting in search of promised treasure, Gallant managed to
steer them towards, not treasure, but rather danger and adventure. They discovered
evidence of a murder most ‘fowl’ (get it), though the assassin himself was long since
gone and only lesser flunkies remained, clueless as to who they helped murder. They
had in their hideout, however, record of the plot and directions to the location where the
terrible murder occurred.
Gallant assisted the brave adventurers as best he could. They soon became aware that
strange things occurred around the bird. Weird and unexplainable and spooky things for
the better and for the worse.

Gallant couldn’t speak but he was surprisingly astute in a birdlike fashion (​Whispers
from the Tomb​). He assisted the party greatly using his ​Psychokinesis​ to poke
opponents and jimmy doors. He distracted and even amused by way of tricks worked
through ​Prestidigitation​. When attacked, objects would seemingly launch themselves
aiding the adventurers, whilst smashing their enemies (​Catapult​). Near the end of
battles Gallant would crow a mighty cock-a-doodle-doo and then damaged enemies
would fall flat dead where they stood (​Toll the Dead​). The one time an enemy managed
to lay a sword on Gallant, nearly skewering him, all were surprised when that same
enemy caught on fire and collapsed in a smoldering heap (​Hellish Rebuke​).

The adventuring party’s spirit was crushed when they returned to the farm victorious,
only to have Old Farmer Ploughman grab the unsuspecting Rooster in anger, spitting
curses at it for having run off, and then he unceremoniously wrung the poor bird’s neck
with a single practiced, swift motion. Gallant was later served for dinner to a lackluster

They were somewhat consoled, if not confused, when a giant, fat sow by the name of
Bessie cozied up with them that same evening, where they’d made camp in the
Ploughman barn, and exhibited some of the same strange powers as had Gallant.

They were less confused, but rather reassured, when Bessie followed them down the
road in the morning as they departed, map of the murder site in hand, to hopefully solve
the mystery and collect their promised treasure and reward.

Mechanics: Max Dmg​ 3-24 ​Catapult​ ​- ​Per Turn​ 1-12 ​Toll the Dead​ ​- ​Reaction​ 2-20
Hellish Rebuke

Level 2 - Big Bessie the Sow:

Medium Beast/Undead Speed - 40’

HP - 15 AC - 13 Charge - ​1d6+2 Dmg

Str-​14​+2 (​Transmog​) Dex-​16​+3 (​Transmog​)

Con-12+1 Int-10+0 Wis-8-1 Cha-15+2

Spell Save DC- 12 Spell Attack Bonus- +4

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly

Bond - Occupied - Physical Disturbances -
Whispers from the Tomb

Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact

Magic - ​Eldritch Invocations
Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis - Transmogrification

Warlock Spells (2x 1st Lvl Spell Slots):​ Prestidigitation - Toll the Dead - Catapult -
Hellish Rebuke - ​Hex

Invocations ​-​ ​Phantasmic Healing Factor ​-​ Flying Objects

Bessie proved a better and even more capable traveling companion than had Gallant
(RIP). She was just as clever and resourceful as the erstwhile adventurous rooster. She
had a real knack for foraging. She made for a fair improvised pillow for the remainder of
the party. She proved even more able in a fight.

She trotted alongside the adventurers for 2x days till they discovered a narrow and
hidden valley as marked on the assassins’ map. Moving into the valley the light faded
and so did the cheer and normalcy of the outside world. The place was strewn with webs
and infested by spiders, both of regular size, and larger. Much, much larger. Realizing
that this place was unnatural and evil and of the foulest Fae magiks the party tried to
escape only to find themselves trapped. They had wandered deep into an ambush of
Ettercaps that set upon them from all directions alongside their giant spider familiars.

Such a battle ensued! Big Bessie proved herself

heroic. She charged selflessly into battle inflicting
horrible wounds on her enemies (​Hex​). She tossed
spiders into spiders into spiders (​Catapult​). Once
again when wounded she retaliated with a hellish fire
that set webs aflame freeing her trapped companions
(​Hellish Rebuke​). Once, when mortally wounded,
her flesh seemed to knit itself back together as if
sewn clumsily by invisible hands (​Phantasmic
Healing Factor​).

But, not even that miraculous healing was able to

save her, when in the last seconds of the battle she
was pierced by the necrotic fangs of a Giant Wolf
Spider. And though she crushed the spider in that
same moment, its poison would be her undoing.
Before she collapsed, rigid in a paralysis
approximating rigor Mortis, she managed to wander
to the center of the room and root feebly in the dirt,
as only a good sow can, exposing human bones
buried in a shallow grave.

The bones weren’t the sort of treasure promised the adventurers by the local seer, not
by a long shot, but they did discover a signet ring bearing the heraldry of the Cruikshank
family, the lords and ladies of the very Kingdom itself. Perhaps there was value in the
ring. Perhaps the ring itself was the great treasure promised.
Regardless, most of the party was worse for the wear after their encounter with such foul
and magical creatures, poor paralyzed Bessie worst of all. Constructing simple litters for
the wounded they made haste back to the safety and shelter of the Ploughman farm.

They did not, however, arrive in time to save Big Bessie the sow, who breathed her last
breath only as Old Farmer Ploughman and his son, Jarl, ran out to greet them. Tears
were shed by all. She was a good pig. ‘Almost family’, said the elder Ploughman, hat in

Over dinner it was decided that the adventurers would leave in the morning for the
Kingdom’s capital, The Ebonspire Keep. Things went quickly south, however, when the
party confessed to having none of the riches promised in payment to Old Farmer
Ploughman for his hospitality and shelter, and could only beg his forgiveness and swear
to return once they received their just rewards. He cursed their names for having brought
only misery and bad luck on his household and bid them goodbye and good riddance as
soon as possible.

But then, much to everyone’s surprise, Jarl, who’d hardly

spoken a word to anyone, ever, interrupted and informed all
of his intentions to ride with the adventurers upon the
‘morrow. Everyone was yet more surprised when the
fireplace, sitting unlit in the temperate weather, burst into
flame while Jarl and his father argued. The weird fireworks
put an end to the argument and with a baleful stare Old Man
Ploughman invited the adventurers, and his own son, to
leave his home tonight and never to return.

Mechanics - Max Dmg​ 3-24 ​Catapult​ ​- ​Per Turn​ 2-12+2

Hex-Charge​ ​- ​Reaction ​2-20 ​Hellish Rebuke​ ​- ​Defense
Phantasmic Healing Factor

Levels 3 & 4 - Jarl the Farmer’s Son:

Medium Human/Undead Speed - 30’

HP- ​27 ​Leather AC-​13​ Pitchfork- ​1d6+2 Dmg

Str-​15​+2 (​Transmog​) ​Dex-​15​+2 (​Transmog​)

Con-12+1 Int-10+0 Wis-8-1 Cha-​17​+3 (​Ability Imp​)

Spell Save DC- ​13​ Spell Attack Bonus- ​+5

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly Bond -

Occupied - Physical Disturbances - Whispers from the Tomb
- ​St. Elmo’s Fire

Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact Magic - ​Eldritch

Invocations - ​Pact Boon
Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis - Transmogrification - ​Pact of the
Reliquary​ - ​Seance ​- ​Item Lore

Warlock Spells (2x 2nd Lvl Spell Slots):​ Prestidigitation - Toll the Dead - ​Green Flame
Blade ​- Catapult - Hellish Rebuke - ​Hex ​- ​Healing Spirit ​-​ Spiritual Weapon

Invocations - ​Phantasmic Healing Factor - Flying Objects

The adventurers accepted Jarl’s decision to join them, they’d become used to adopting
strange and unexpected companions by now, and they accepted his father’s invitation to
leave immediately. They set out that same night for the long journey to The Ebonspire
Keep. They hoped that there they might make sense of the Royal Signet Ring the seer
seemed to have sent them to find. Certainly the Cruikshank family was eager for its
return and would reward them all handsomely when they did so.

It was a month’s hard ride to the coast, and the Kingdom’s capital. A journey fraught with
danger in these dark times. One that few attempted without the service of mercenary
guards, armies or similar. The adventurers, however, felt certain of their own destiny,
foretold as it was by the wise seer, and so set out steadfast and unafraid.

Along the way they encountered all the usual heroics and adventures and encounters
that are common fare for such as they. Bandits - Beasts - Fair Maidens in need of rescue
- Bewitching Faeries - Fearsome Monsters! They made quite a name for themselves. As
they traveled their exploits were taken up by local bards in song and their heroics
preceded them and were toasted at most every tavern. Life was good.

Throughout the journey Jarl, the farmer's son, proved to be both less taciturn and more
useful than the adventurers had imagined. Little by little he opened up and became more
bold and talkative. Little by little he revealed himself as more powerful than anyone
expected, including himself.

Jarl revealed himself as something special, far

more than a mere farm boy, when the first night
by the fire he asked to hold the Signet Ring.
After handling it for awhile his eyes rolled into
the back of his head until only the whites
remained and in a monotone he recited the rank
and lineage of its previous owner - Ambrose
Cruikshank, ‘The Sunflower Prince’ heir to the
Cruikshank throne and hope of the realm (​Item
Lore​). The adventurers found this exciting, if not
slightly depressing news, as everyone knew the
story of Ambrose’s strange disappearance
decades ago and of the Kingdom’s hope that
was lost alongside him. Jarl asked to hold onto
the ring until they arrived at The Ebonspire
Keep, and though it was hotly debated, the party
eventually relented and allowed him to keep it
(​Whispers from the Tomb​)
Over time Jarl proved himself a respected and able, if not a bit creepy and disturbing,
adventuring companion. A full fledged member of the party in his own right. He was
knowledgeable about things that one so young ought know nothing about (​Whispers
from the Tomb​). He once somehow managed, with the eye roll and stupor again, to
look through a solid oak door to discover beforehand the trap that waited for them within
(​Pact of the Reliquary​). He once listened in to a whispered conversation three tables
over in a very crowded bar (the eye thing again ((​Pact of the Reliquary​)). He had them
all join hands over the corpse of a slain bandit only to have its spirit leap forth so that he
could interrogate it, by way of his own spirit leaping forth, in a manner most shocking

In battle objects flew through the air all around

him (​Catapult​). His simple pitchfork would dance
with an eerie green flame that jumped from
enemy to enemy (​Hex/Green Flame Blade​). In
desperate situations he would even be joined by
a spectral sword that hovered nearby and fought
with a puissance that belied the boy's age
(​Spiritual Weapon​). He even managed to heal
one of his adventuring companions as he lay
bleeding out by calling forth ghostly surgeons
from the grave, that, though they saved the man,
terrified him enough that he begged to be
allowed simply to die next time (​Healing Spirit​).

Eventually, after all of the trials and tribulations,

the heroics and pitched battles, the party arrived
on the coast and at The Ebonspire Keep. It took
weeks of work and threats and bribes, but they
did eventually get in front of Guy ‘The Beast’
Cruikshank himself. Guy Cruikshank, who in
Ambrose’s passing was now heir apparent to the
throne. Guy Cruikshank whose own brother had
gone missing decades ago and whose brother’s
ring they had returned with having traveled
weeks and endured countless hardships to do

They met with Guy at a place of his choosing. An abandoned mill near the edge of the
capital. Guy arrived with a small retinue of guardsman from The Long Night’s Watch. Jarl
handed Guy the ring as he and the rest of the adventuring party bowed low and deep.
Guy took one look at the ring, paused and frowned deeply, spun abruptly on his heels
and ordered his guards to cut their throats there and then.

They died pleading for their lives. Begging for their just reward.

Mechanics: Max Dmg​ 4-32 ​Catapult ​(​Flying Objects​)​ ​- ​Per Turn​ 2-12+2 (+3 2nd
target) ​Hex-Pitchfork-Green Flame Blade​ ​- ​Long Comb​o 2-12+2 & 2-14+3 (9-31 total)
Hex-Pitchfork-Spiritual Weapon ​- ​Reaction​ 3-30 ​Hellish Rebuke​ ​- ​Defense​ ​Healing
Levels 5 through 8 - Kor of the ‘Long Night’s Watch’:
Medium Human/Undead Speed - 30’

HP- ​51 ​Breastplate & Shield AC- ​17

Longsword - ​1d8+6 Dmg ​(​Dueling +2​)

Str-​18​+4 (​Transmog​) ​Dex-​13​+1 (​Transmog​)

Con-12+1 Int-10+0 Wis-8-1 Cha-​17​+3

Spell Save DC- ​14​ Spell Attack Bonus-​ +6

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly Bond -

Occupied - Physical Disturbances - Whispers from the
Tomb - ​St. Elmo’s Fire - ​Poltergeist’s Rage

Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact Magic -

Eldritch Invocations - Pact Boon

Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis -

Transmogrification -​ Pact of the Reliquary - Seance -
Item Lore - ​Ancient Mind

Warlock Spells (2x ​4th ​Lvl Spell Slots):

Prestidigitation - Toll the Dead - Green Flame Blade ​-
Hellish Rebuke - Hex - Healing Spirit -​ ​Spirit Guardians
-​ Phantom Steed​ ​- ​Thunder Step​ - ​Counterspell -​
Guardian of Faith ​-​ Ghost Call

Invocations - ​Martial Spirit​ (​Longsword ​-​ Dueling​)​ ​-

Spirit Wind ​- ​Boo! ​- ​Ectoplasmic Lash

Feats​ - ​Moderately Armored ​(​Added +1 to Strength​)

One of those guards was Kor of The Long Night’s Watch. He wasn’t a particularly good
man. There weren’t many good men in all of Ebonspire Keep. Even less so in
employment of the Cruikshanks, where loyalty was admired far above decency, and few
good men lasted long, broken as they were by the endless grind of corruption and graft.

If anything, Kor was known amongst the guard to be even a bit more lackluster than
most. Sure, he drank and caroused, but never caused enough trouble to make a name
for himself. He’d pillage and plunder if given the chance, but his heart just never seemed
in it. He could be cruel, but not so much that others feared him. He was a guard of little
note who committed bland atrocities in the Cruikshank name to earn a month’s gold
stipend and but seemed to care about little else.
But now, seemingly out of nowhere, he cared deeply for a thing. He cared for the return
of that signet ring which he’d seen Guy Cruikshank take off the finger of the farmer’s boy
Kor himself had executed. He knew not why, but he wanted it badly. He dreamt of it. It
tormented his every waking thought. He came to realize that he needed it even.

Kor began to work in earnest to get near enough Guy Cruikshank that he might steal the
ring. That meant a promotion to castle guard, and that meant getting noticed. The
easiest way to get noticed in The Long Night’s Watch was notoriety, whether earned
through heroics or heinous acts. Kor jumped at the first opportunity to volunteer for the
sort or mission that would normally have found him skulking in a corner trying to look
unpromising. He joined a group of guardsmen tasked to clear out some local sewers,
where workmen had recently gone missing, only to be found later floating in pieces
where the sewer met the ocean. It was the sort of work that paid double-time but had a
steep attrition rate indeed.

It was worse than expected, and one expects the

worst from the dank and dark sewers under
Ebonspire Keep. The sewers were infested with
Ghouls and Ghasts, Zombies and Wights. The
guards found themselves picked off in the dark
corners and dragged under the stagnant waters
when no one was looking. The deeper they went
the more plentiful were the undead until they found
themselves hopelessly outnumbered and
surrounded on all sides!

As the last guard with a torch was drowned in the

sewers by a pack of Ghouls, and his light was
snuffed, darkness enveloped the remaining
guardsmen and all hope seemed lost. Kor’s eyes
suddenly blazed with a ghostly, blue light and ball
lightning leaped from his hands to illuminate the
undead in a pale fire (​St. Elmo’s Fire​). His hair
began to whip wildly though they were
underground. A gale force wind sprang into being,
pushing the bloated Zombies back and even
tossing the more emaciated Ghasts into the air
(​Poltergeist’s Rage​). Kor then moved in a
spectral blur, more rapidly than a human should,
and his longsword glowed an eerie green as he
decimated his enemies (​Spirit Wind/Green Flame
Blade​). As the last remaining Zombie made to
choke to death the last standing guardsman, Kor
ran to his aid. ​Ectoplasmic Tentacles​ unfurled
from Kor’s torso, grappling the Zombie and tearing
it to pieces, bit by bit, to the amazement of Kor and
the hapless guardsmen whom he had just saved.
The guardsmen managed to thank him before he
passed out in exhausted horror.
By the time the other Guardman had recovered Kor had opportunity to explore the
nearby area. He discovered a hidden laboratory of sorts. Ages old. Not used in perhaps
centuries. But, he found evidence there (​Ancient Whispers/Whispers from the Tomb​),
in the ragged remnants of books and scrolls, that the Cruikshank’s had built this lab and
that the undead herein were products of it. Kor was not as of yet certain how, but he’d
become convinced that he himself was connected to the Cruikshanks, and that his
strange new powers were likewise entwined. Perhaps he was a bastard son? Perhaps
lowly Kor the guardsman was in fact Royalty and a rightful tyrant instead of a mere tool
of tyrants. One could hope.

Solving a cryptic puzzle (​Ancient Mind​) Kor gained entrance to a small room that
contained a single sarcophagus. He unsealed it to unveil a plume of dust and a
mummified body within, obviously that of a powerful mage or necromancer. Kor felt a
strange affinity to the horrific remains. If only he could ask it the questions that tugged at
the back of his mind. Kor hurried back to the scene of the undead battle and revived the
surviving guardsmen with smelling salts and a rough shake. Despite the man’s every last
reservation, Kor managed to enlist his help at the Necromancer’s tomb via a mix of
threats and promises and reminders that he’d rescued the guard from near certain
death. At the tomb Kor held the reluctant man’s hand as Kor’s eyes rolled into the back
of his head and he muttered in a strange language unknown to anyone currently alive in
all the Kingdom (​Seance​)

Kor sweated and trembled and moaned with a voice not his
own, but rather strange voices from beyond the grave, until
his mouth stretched wide and a grey-green ectoplasm
extended from it to hover in the air before his transfixed body.
The other guardsman tried to run but was held fast by Kor’s
frozen grip. The ectoplasm coalesced into the vague shape of
an armored knight, a paladin even, and with an imperious
voice ordered, ‘Out dread necromancer and confess thyself!’

And out came a similar lump of ether and ectoplasm from the
heap of dried bones and leathery flesh in the sarcophagus. It
too coalesced in the air as a semblance of humanity, an evil
face if ever there was one. The two spirits’ conversation
sounded like the rustling of leaves, the tolling of distant bells,
like fingernails clawing at a closed coffin lid. The poor
guardsman blanched white and hung to Kor’s hand, the only
thing keeping him standing. The necromancer’s spirit seemed
reluctant to answer but also appeared to have little choice in
the matter. It revealed itself as a Cruikshank. In fact, Omerus
Cruikshank, Great Great Grandfather to the current ruler of
the Kingdom, Geoffrey ‘The Dragon’ Cruikshank. It claimed
dominion and ownership over the undead monsters and
admitted that such power is of the Cruikshank blood. The
necromancer darkly hinted that the Cruikshanks are meant to bring death and ruin and
unlife to the Kingdom. That one day an heir to the Cruikshank name is destined to bring
death itself, the very embodiment of death, to reign over a cold lifeless world for
evermore. After that the spirits broke apart, unable to hold shape any longer, and
dissipated back into their vessels.
‘What in the nine h*lls just happened Kor? What monstrous truths did we just hear?
What does it all mean?’ Asked the trembling guardsman. ‘I’ve honestly no idea,’ replied
Kor smiling a wicked grin, ‘but I think I like it.’

‘And I’m sorry to say my friend, but I think you’ve heard too much.’ Kor continued as the
ectoplasmic tentacles appeared once again from his torso and grappled the guardsman,
slowly choking the life out of him. ‘If it is any consolation though, you were a piss poor
fighter and a terrible drunk and your wife had already done hopped in my bed. Probably
for the best this.’

Kor burned what remained of the Necromancer’s lab down to ashes and made certain
the hidden sarcophagus would never be found again. Then he returned topside to relay
the terrible losses in the sewers and his eventual victory over the undead there. He was
careful to omit any mention of strange powers and ghostly happenings and chalked up
his success to luck and desperation. Regardless, the Captain of the Guard, Almeric ‘The
Scar’, praised his tenacity and bravery. He offered Kor his condolences on the loss of so
many fellow guardsmen. He offered Kor a position of his choice within the Long Night’s
Watch as his reward. Unsurprisingly, Kor chose the Castle Guard, and was elevated to a
Lieutenant within that corps.


Guard duty at the castle was exactly the sort of work that Kor had spent his entire life
avoiding. Serious work for dutiful soldiers who respected their betters and were willing to
die. And yet, despite his own inclinations, Kor set out to prove himself with an eye on
gaining access to the Royal Residence as quickly as possible. That seemed the most
likely location of the signet ring that called to him daily and even bothered his dreams.

The Royal Residence was home to King Cruikshank and his Queen, as well as their two
sons, Guy ‘The Beast’ Cruikshank, heir apparent since his brother Ambrose’s
disappearance some two decades earlier, and his much younger brother, Godfrey ‘The
Wisp’ Cruikshank, born the same year that Ambrose disappeared. It’s guard was staffed
by the strongest, most fierce and loyal of the Long Night’s Watch, and though Kor had
never been counted any of those things he aimed for just that position.

Kor found the life of a Castle Guard tedious but not uneventful. Hurry up and wait at its
core. Across a half year’s service there were peasant uprisings to quell. A family of
Wyverns took roost in the Ebony Spire itself and had to be exterminated. There was an
assassination attempt against the King, almost certainly an inside job, that led to a
month’s long purge of the Castle Guard in search of traitors and Dopplegangers, Mimics
and worse. Kor served admirably, denying his own instincts for cowardice, laziness and
self preservation, and his efforts were noticed.
More and more often when a coterie of guardsmen were gathered from the castle for
special duty, whether by Almeric, Guy, Godfrey, the Queen or Geoffrey himself, Kor was
included in their number. He took part in raids against Thieves’ Guilds grown too
confident and acting outside of the Cruikshank’s influence. He escorted Godfrey to the
home of a local merchant whose son had called him fat, though he was indeed fat and
pasty and weird, and burned the home to the ground with the entire family inside it. He
accompanied Almeric to sign an armistice with a neighboring Kingdom once they knew
they were well and truly beaten by the Cruikshanks. On the Queen’s word he and a
group of guardsmen tossed and destroyed a whorehouse too often frequented by her
lover. He was the King’s long arm and eyes and enforcer. He did terrible things for
terrible people and he thought little of it except to get nearer his personal goals.

Kor’s outstanding competence in all of these tasks was due in large part to the power
that had continued to grow inside him. Which power grew stronger and weirder by the
week and by the month. He used his strange new abilities selectively and carefully lest
others observe him. He worried they would fear such talents that not even he himself
could explain. The few who did catch a glimpse of what Kor was capable of oftentimes
ended up mission casualties or simply went AWOL soon thereafter.

Kor’s day finally arrived when the endlessly angry Prince to the Realm, Guy ‘The Beast’
Cruikshank, came careening, drunk and slur-tongued, into the barracks late one evening
shouting, ‘To me my guardsmen! To me! Your lord needs you! Avenge me this terrible
night!’ It unfolded that Guy had lost badly, very badly indeed, at cards that night, having
bet riches that not even the son of a King could easily part with, and so in true
Cruikshank fashion he’d decided himself swindled and was determined to return with an
army and make pay scoundrels who cheated him. Kor roused a dozen other guardsmen
from sleep and led them, armed to the teeth, alongside Guy into the worst slums of
Ebonspire Keep, which slums simply have to be seen to be believed. A militant knock in
the door unsurprisingly received no response. The bartering ram produced better results.
What they charged into was not, however, a card game at all, but rather a deadly trap lay
waiting for them.

​Mechanics: Max Dmg​ 22-50 ​Long Combo​ (​See Below​)​ ​-​ Per Turn​ 3-22+6 (+1-8 +3
2nd target) (13-39 total) ​Hex-Long Sword-Green Flame Blade​ ​- ​Long Combo​ 1-8+6 &
1-8+6 & 1-8+3 & 1-8+3 (22-50 total) ​Spirit Wind-Long Sword-Ectoplasmic Lash ​-
Reaction​ 5-50 ​Hellish Rebuke​ ​- ​Defense​ 20 Radiant Dmg ​Guardian of Faith

Levels 9 through 13 - Almeric ‘the Scar’ Captain of the

‘Long Night’s Watch’:
Medium Human/Undead Speed - 30’

HP- ​81 ​Platemail & Shield AC-​ 20​ Longsword - ​1d8+7 Dmg

​ ex-​11​+0 (​Transmog​)
Str-​20​+5 (​Transmog​) D Con-12+1 Int-10+0 Wis-8-1
Cha-​18​+4 (​Transmog​)
Spell Save DC- ​17​ Spell Attack Bonus-​+9

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly Bond -

Occupied - Physical Disturbances - Whispers from
the Tomb - ​St. Elmo’s Fire - Poltergeist’s Rage

Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact Magic -

Eldritch Invocations - Pact Boon

Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis -

Transmogrification -​ Pact of the Reliquary - Seance -
Item Lore - Ancient Mind - ​Possession

Warlock Spells (3x 5th Lvl Spell Slots):

Prestidigitation - Toll the Dead - Green Flame Blade
- ​Eldritch Blast ​- Hellish Rebuke - Hex - Healing
Spirit -​ Spirit Guardians - Phantom Steed - ​Thunder
Step - Counterspell - ​Guardian of Faith - Ghost Call -
Banishment ​- ​Antilife Shell - Telekinesis

Mystic Arcanum 6th Level ​- ​Eyebite

Mystic Arcanum 7th Level ​- ​Power Word ‘Pain’

Invocations - ​Martial Spirit (Longsword - Dueling) -

Spirit Wind - Boo! - Ectoplasmic Lash - ​Fade ​-
Protective Possession

Feats - ​Moderately Armored - ​Heavily Armored

(​Added +1 to Strength​)

All of the seers best prophecies, and the mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems

All of the seers best prophecies, and the mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems
Mechanics: Max Dmg​ AOE 8-80’ish ​Telekinesis​ (​Varies​)​ ​-​ Per Turn​ 4-30+7 (+2-16 +4
2nd target) (17-57 total) ​Hex-Long Sword-Green Flame Blade​ ​- ​Long Combo​ 1-8+7 &
1-8+7 & 1-8+4 & 1-8+4 &1-8+4 (31-66 total) ​Spirit Wind-Long Sword-Ectoplasmic
Lash ​- ​Reaction​ 6-60 ​Hellish Rebuke​ ​- ​Defense​ Gain Advantage/Teleport ​Fade

Levels 14 through 16 - Guy ‘The Beast’ Cruikshank

Knight of the Realm (Brother):
Medium Human/Undead Speed - 30’

HP- ​116 ​(​Tough​) Plate & Shield +1 AC-​ 21

Longsword +1 - ​1d8+8 Dmg

Str-20​+5 ​ ex-11​+0 Con-​10​+0 (​Transmog​)

Int-10+0 Wis-8-1 Cha-​20​+5 (​Transmog​)

Spell Save DC- ​18​ Spell Attack Bonus-​ +10

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly

Bond - Occupied - Physical Disturbances -
Whispers from the Tomb - ​St. Elmo’s Fire -
Poltergeist’s Rage

Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact

Magic - ​Eldritch Invocations - Pact Boon

Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis -

Transmogrification -​ Pact of the Reliquary -
Seance - Item Lore - Ancient Mind - Possession -

Warlock Spells (3x 5th Lvl Spell Slots):

Prestidigitation - Toll the Dead - Green Flame
Blade - Eldritch Blast - Hellish Rebuke - Hex -
Healing Spirit -​ Spirit Guardians - Phantom Steed
- ​Thunder Step - Counterspell - ​Guardian of Faith
- Ghost Call - Banishment​ ​- Antilife Shell -
Telekinesis - ​Teleportation Circle

Mystic Arcanum 6th Level - ​ ​Mass Suggestion

Mystic Arcanum 7th Level - ​Power Word ‘Pain’

Mystic Arcanum 8th Level​ - ​Glibness

Invocations - ​Martial Spirit (Longsword - Dueling) - Spirit Wind - Boo! - Ectoplasmic

Lash - Fade - Protective Possession - ​Cryokinesis
Feats - ​Moderately Armored - Heavily Armored - ​Tough

​All of the seers best prophecies, and the mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems

All of the seers best prophecies, and the mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems


All of the seers best prophecies, and the mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems

Mechanics: Max Dmg​ AOE 8-80’ish ​Telekinesis​ (​Varies​)​ ​-​ Per Turn​ 4-30+8 (+2-16 +5
2nd target) (19-59 total) ​Hex-Long Sword-Green Flame Blade​ ​- ​Long Combo​ 1-8+8 &
1-8+8 & 1-8+5 & 1-8+5 &1-8+5 & 1-10 (37-81 total) ​Spirit Wind-Long
Sword-Ectoplasmic Lash-Cryokinesis ​- ​Reaction​ 6-60 ​Hellish Rebuke​ ​- ​Defense
Heal 3-18/Damage Resistance ​Eidolon

Levels 17 through 19 - Geoffrey ‘The Grand Dragon’

Cruikshank King of the Realm (Father):
Medium Human/Undead Speed - 30’

HP- ​137 ​Plate & Shield +2 AC-​ 22​ Longsword +2 - ​1d8+9 Dmg

Str-20​+5 ​Dex-11​+0 ​Con-10+0 Int-10+0 Wis-8-1 Cha-20+5

Spell Save DC- ​19​ Spell Attack Bonus-​ +11

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly Bond - Occupied - Physical Disturbances -

Whispers from the Tomb - ​St. Elmo’s Fire - Poltergeist’s Rage
Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact
Magic - ​Eldritch Invocations - Pact Boon

Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis -

Transmogrification - Pact of the Reliquary -
Seance - Item Lore - Ancient Mind - Possession
- Eidolon

Warlock Spells (4x 5th Lvl Spell Slots):

Prestidigitation - Toll the Dead - Green Flame
Blade - Eldritch Blast - Hellish Rebuke - Hex -
Healing Spirit -​ Spirit Guardians - Phantom
Steed - ​Thunder Step - Counterspell - ​Guardian
of Faith - Ghost Call - ​Dimension Door ​-
Banishment​ ​- Antilife Shell - Telekinesis -
Teleportation Circle - ​Hold Monster

Mystic Arcanum 6th Level - ​Mass Suggestion

Mystic Arcanum 7th Level - ​Power Word ‘Pain’

Mystic Arcanum 8th Level - ​Glibness

Mystic Arcanum 9th Level - ​Power Word ‘Kill’

Invocations - ​Martial Spirit (Longsword -

Dueling) - Spirit Wind - Boo! - Ectoplasmic Lash
- Fade - Protective Possession - Cryokinesis​ ​ -
Astral Projection

Feats - ​Moderately Armored - Heavily Armored -

Tough - ​Inspiring Leader

All of the seers best prophecies, and the

mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems

Mechanics: Max Dmg​ -100 HP = Dead ​Power Word Kill ​-​ Per Turn​ 5-38+9 (+3-24 +5
2nd target) (22-76 total) ​Hex-Long Sword-Green Flame Blade​ ​- ​Long Combo​ 1-8+9 &
1-8+9 & 1-8+5 & 1-8+5 &1-8+5 &1-8+5 & 1-10 (45-96 total) ​Spirit Wind-Long
Sword-Ectoplasmic Lash-Cryokinesis ​- ​Reaction​ 6-60 ​Hellish Rebuke​ ​- ​Defense
Heal 3-18/Damage Resistance ​Eidolon
Levels 20 - Ambrose ‘The Sunflower Prince’ Cruikshank
King of the Renewed Realm:
Medium Human/Undead Speed - 30’

HP- ​144 ​Platemail & Shield +3 AC-​ 23

lLongsword +3 - ​1d8+10 Dmg

Str-20​+5 ​Dex-11​+0 ​Con-10+0

Int-10+0 Wis-8-1 Cha-20+5

Spell Save DC- ​19​ Spell Attack Bonu​s- +11

Poltergeist Traits: ​Unnerving Aura - Ghostly Bond -

Occupied - Physical Disturbances - Whispers from the
Tomb - St. Elmo’s Fire - Poltergeist’s Rage

Warlock Traits: ​Otherworldly Patron - Pact Magic -

Eldritch Invocations - Pact Boon - ​Eldritch Master

Possessed Patron Features: ​Psychokinesis -

Transmogrification - Pact of the Reliquary - Seance -
Item Lore - Ancient Mind - Possession - Eidolon

Warlock Spells (4x 5th Lvl Spell Slots):​ Prestidigitation

- Toll the Dead - Green Flame Blade - Eldritch Blast -
Hellish Rebuke - Hex - Healing Spirit -​ Spirit Guardians -
Phantom Steed - ​Thunder Step - Counterspell - ​Guardian
of Faith - Ghost Call - Dimension Door - Banishment -
Antilife Shell - Telekinesis - Teleportation Circle - Hold

Mystic Arcanum 6th Level - ​Mass Suggestion

Mystic Arcanum 7th Level - ​Power Word ‘Pain’

Mystic Arcanum 8th Level - ​Glibness

Mystic Arcanum 9th Level - ​Power Word ‘Kill’

Invocations - ​Martial Spirit (Longsword - Dueling) - Spirit Wind - Boo! - Ectoplasmic

Lash - Fade - Protective Possession - Cryokinesis​ ​ - Astral Projection

Feats - ​Moderately Armored - Heavily Armored - Tough - Inspiring Leader

All of the seers best prophecies, and the mutterings of oracles, and the songs of bards,
were cut short and made hollow by his untimely death. The people weeped and the land
turned fallow with his passing. Now, House Cruikshank rules with a mailed fist even
more fierce than before, and evil reigns, and the days grow darker with each passing
hour and truly all hope seems lost.

Mechanics: Max Dmg​ -100 HP = Dead ​Power Word Kill ​-​ Per Turn​ 5-38+10 (+3-24 +5
2nd target) (23-77 total) ​Hex-Long Sword-Green Flame Blade​ ​- ​Long Combo​ 1-8+10
& 1-8+10 & 1-8+5 & 1-8+5 &1-8+5 &1-8+5 & 1-10 (47-98 total) ​Spirit Wind-Long
Sword-Ectoplasmic Lash-Cryokinesis ​- ​Reaction​ 6-60 ​Hellish Rebuke​ ​- ​Defense
Heal 3-18/Damage Resistance ​Eidolon
1d100 - Poltergeist Haunting Table
1. The ghosts and spirits that normally only you can see become visible to all in a 100’
radius for 1x Round. All aware need to make a DC10 Charisma Save or spend their next
Turn cowering
2. An appropriate bloody cut appears painfully (1d4 Slashing Damage) on your forehead
marking you as possessed by the Spirit and leaves a scar (Design at player and DM’s
discretion) The effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's
3. A swarm of moths explodes into the air from the ground in a 100’ diameter around you.
They are harmless, but obscure sight to a maximum of 10’. Unless dissipated they
remain for 1x minute and then fly away
4. You float an inch off the ground for 1x hour. You make no noise and leave no footprints.
Advantage on Stealth checks
5. Lingering Spirits begin to communicate horrible things to you about everyone you meet.
Whispering awful truths - slander - innuendos- into your ear. The Spirits are unseen by
yourself and others but are whispering constantly, maddeningly! Any Insight and
Perception Checks made to ascertain the character of others is at Disadvantage. You
mistrust and suspect everyone. Roleplaying Gold! Have fun with this. The effect is
permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion
6. Your eyes become a deep black and glow with a terrible energy for 1x hour.
Disadvantage on all Charisma checks (except intimidation)

7. Blood pours from your ears, eyes and mouth. Take 1d4 Bleeding damage each round
until you spend an Action to make a successful DC10 Willpower/Charisma save to
regain composure and staunch the flow
8. You are wracked with coughing fits. You spit and hack a decidedly unhealthy thick green
phlegm. Your phlegmatic condition can be cured via magic or proper medical care, but
until then you suffer a semi-permanent -2 to your Constitution Ability Score
9. Your hair becomes utterly and completely white. The effect is permanent and nothing
can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
10. Animals attack you on sight for the remainder of the day
11. Ghostly mephitic smoke begins to pour out of you and continues to trail you for 1x hour.
You obscure the air around yourself giving Disadvantage to any attacks made in 5’
radius. Stealth is impossible etc etc etc
12. Your voice becomes a cacophony of undead voices reaching out through you for 1x
hour. Communication is almost impossible and spell casting with verbal components is
completely impossible
13. Your hair becomes permanently wet and stringy. Like someone dumped a bucket of
seawater on you, like you are a drowned corpse. You are constantly damp and
uncomfortable and unseemly and smell of dank ocean water and worse. Suffer a -2 to
your Charisma Ability Score. The effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside
of the DM's discretion
14. You are afflicted by the
Spirit’s rage now that it is back
amongst the living. You’ve been
denied life and now your hatred for
the living boils barely contained.
When you land a killing blow, take
an enemy to 0 HP, you must make
a successful Willpower/Charisma
Save DC12 or use your Reaction to
attack the nearest available
creature. If the nearest creature is
within ½ your movement, even if
you’ve used your movement this
turn, you move and attack. The
effect is permanent and nothing can
change it outside of the DM's
15. The air around you becomes so cold that your breath can be seen and your skin turns
blue. The effect lasts for 1x hour and though you yourself receive no damage anything
that can freeze on your person does freeze, and you do an additional 1d4 cold damage
on a melee strike
16. You suffer a major heart attack! Your heart quits working completely. Drop to 0 HPs but
there is no need to make Death Saves. You are stable unless attacked and will revive if
tended to. You are truly Undead now. You gain Advantage on Death Saving Throws.
You gain the Undead Fortitude ability. You don’t breathe - blink - or sleep. You do not
heal normally anymore however. You can only heal via Short and Long Rests or Necrotic
Magic (DM’s discretion). Your wounds are permanent as you no longer regrow damaged
flesh, but you can be stitched/patched back together. This will obviously negatively affect
your Charisma in the long run (DM’s discretion). The effect is permanent and nothing
can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
17. Your shadow detaches from you and turns to attack you as per the monster. If
unconscious they attack those around you
18. You are aware of Death’s inevitable approach and can feel its presence tangibly.
Lurking. Waiting. You shake and shiver frequently. Your eyes dart about wildly. Suffer a
-2 to all Constitution/Concentration Checks due to your preoccupation. The effect is
permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion
19. You suddenly launch 20’ into the air and remain there, spinning slowly, unable to control
the spin, for 1x minute at which point you drop just as suddenly suffering 1d6
Bludgeoning damage for each 10’ fallen. If you struck a ceiling on the way up you suffer
1d6 for each 10’ traveled before impact and remain stuck to the ceiling, spinning slowly
across it for 1x minute at which point you fall
20. Flies follow you everywhere. Not a plague of flies, but an unusual, annoying, and frankly
disgusting amount of flies. They love you. They love to land on you and be near you.
Suffer Disadvantage to Persuasion and other Charisma interactions when appropriate
(DM’s discretion). The effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's
21. White lilies sprout from the ground around you in a 60’ radius filling the air with a
haunting, narcotizing aroma. Everyone in the AOE (including yourself) must make a
Constitution Save DC10 or fall asleep. The effect lasts for 1x minute
22. You begin channeling the dead in rapid fashion. For 1x day roll 1d12 every hour. The
resulting roll is the only language you can speak for the next hour. You speak it fluently
and with a perfect accent: 1-Dwarvish 2-Kobold 3-Abyssal 4-Primordial 5-Elvish
6-Undercommon 7-Fiendish 8-Goblin 9-Sylvan 10-Orcish 11-Draconic 12-Celestial
23. You are afflicted by the Spirit’s gluttony now that it is back amongst the living. You want
to devour and devour and devour. Gain 2d10 pounds each week. At the DM’s discretion
gain appropriate negative modifiers to your Constitution and Dexterity as you gain such
rapid and unhealthy weight. You are out to slake an uncontrollable hunger and make up
for lost time. Eat and drink all the things! The effect is permanent and nothing can
change it outside of the DM's discretion
24. A pestilence of flies erupts from your open mouth and remains plaguing a 100’ radius
centered on you for 1x minute. Everyone who begins their Turn in the area of effect
(including yourself) must make a Wisdom saving throw DC12 or suffer Disadvantage on
all d20 rolls on their turn
25. All glass in a 100’ radius shatters. This includes bottled and glass containers of any sort
as well as mirrors etc etc etc
26. Your teeth become black and rotten inside your head. You receive a -1 to your Charisma
Ability Score and your teeth are as weak and brittle as glass. Every time you take a
Critical Hit you lose more teeth as they fly out your mouth and you receive an additional
-1 to your Charisma score
27. All doors and windows in a 100’ radius slam open and batter and slam about for 1x
28. You feel fine, but you no longer cast a shadow. The effect is permanent and nothing can
change it outside of the DM's discretion.
29. A rain of frogs for 100’. Everyone who begins their Turn in the area of effect (including
yourself) must make a Dexterity saving throw DC12 or suffer 1d6 Bludgeoning/Frog
30. Non-magical iron and steel in a 60’ radius crumbles to dust in a matter of seconds
31. You lose ¼ to ½ of your weight in a matter of seconds. Becoming thin if you were fat and
emaciated if you were already thin. You look unwell indeed. This weight can be regained
with time and diet, but until then you suffer a semi-permanent -2 to your Constitution -
Charisma and Strength Ability Scores
32. Your face pops with carbuncles and warts in a matter of seconds. Your face is decidedly
less attractive. Perhaps even alarming. Your skin condition can be cured via magic or
proper medical care, but until then you suffer a semi-permanent -2 to your Charisma
Ability Score
33. You burst into flame for the next 5x rounds (30 seconds) the flame doesn’t harm you or
any of your personal possessions, but will ignite anything you touch or are even near as
the heat rolls off you. You inflict an additional 1d4 fire damage for the remainder and
would make for an unfortunate grapple
34. You are afflicted by the Spirit’s Despair now that it is back amongst the living. You live
again but the misery of unlife weighs on your every hopeless moment. Suffer
Disadvantage to all Wisdom Saving Throws - checks and skills. You are a poster child of
ennui. The effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion.

35. You begin projectile vomiting. Vomiting in hideous green and yellow gouts of just
unbelievable volume and pressure. This continues despite any effort to stop for 5x
rounds (30 seconds). Anyone hit by the torrent of vomit needs to make a Strength save
DC10 to remain standing. All you can do is vomit. It takes your everything. At the end of
5x rounds you receive 1x level of Exhaustion
36. Food and drink taste like ashes to you. Eating is a chore at best and a punishment at
worst. Nothing can change this game effect outside of the DM's discretion.
37. You disappear in a mephitic cloud of vapor smelling of brimstone and reappear in a
random location 50’ away. Roll a d4 - 1 = North - 2 = East - 3 =South - 4 = West
38. 4x Skeletons claw their way up from the ground around you. They are very angry to have
been disturbed and set about attacking you and others around you. If unconscious they
attack those around you first
39. The ground in a 30’ radius around you becomes a fetid bubbling swampy mire and
remains that way for 1x minute. This counts as difficult terrain. Anyone (including
yourself) who begins their turn in the area of effect must make a Strength save DC10 or
have their movement reduced to 0
40. When in direct moonlight you appear as a skeleton of yourself. Your flesh disappears to
the viewer and only the underlying bone is visible. This effect is permanent and nothing
can change it outside of DM’s discretion.
41. Cobwebs spin suddenly out of you. Exploding out your orifices and your open, terrified
mouth. The cobwebs cover everything in a 20’ radius. Everyone caught inside of -
starting their turn inside of - or moving into the AOE must make a DC12 Strength Save
or be Restrained. A new Saving Throw can be made at the end of an affected creature’s
Turn. The effect lasts 1x minute
42. When in the dark your eyes begin to glow with a haunting glow (color of your choice).
The effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside of DM’s discretion.
43. The earth in a 100’ radius from yourself begins to tremble and then violently buck and
lurch as per an earthquake for 1x round. All creatures in AOE need make a Dexterity
Save DC15 or be knocked Prone. Any permanent structures in the AOE take damage as
per a battering ram strike.
44. You are immobilized as per the Paralyzed Condition. Arms outstretched in agony and
mouth open in a terrible scream. Every round a pulse of Necrotic energy explodes from
you in a 60’ radius. Any creature caught in the AOE on their turn must make a DC12
Constitution Save. On a fail the creature takes 1d10 Necrotic Damage and 1d10 Force
Damage and is pushed back 10’. On a successful Save the creature takes ½ Damage
and suffers no ill effect. The effect lasts 1x minute
45. You explode in a flurry of spectral bats. Flying away 60’ in a random direction = 1-North
2-South 3-East 4-West and reforming where they land. The spectral cloud of bats
passes through creatures and even solid structures with no penalty. If the range would
find you inside the space of another creature or inside a solid structure then move to the
nearest open available space
46. You begin babbling till the end of your Turn in a language not of this world. A language
terrible to hear. You mutter profanities and prophecies and truths that can rip the sane
mind apart. All creatures within 100’ must make a DC10 Willpower/Charisma Saving
Throw or be subject to the effects of Temporary Insanity

47. Your pupils expand in size taking over the iris entirely. Your eyes are black as onyx. This
effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion
48. Your skin begins to writhe and crawl for 1x hour. Creepy subcutaneous movement is
visible and very uncomfortable. You need make a DC10 Constitution save every minute
or suffer 1 HP of internal damage as you are eaten from the inside out by maggots.
Anytime you are cut the maggots spill forth instead of blood. You can spare yourself the
damage via self mutilation . . . But the scars might well be permanent
49. Your blood turns ice cold and yet, somehow, you remain alive and your functions are not
impaired. Your skin tone goes blue/grey and even a little black at your extremities. Your
blood steams like dry ice when exposed to non-freezing air. The effect is permanent and
nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
50. You are afflicted by the Spirit’s pride now that it is back amongst the living. You are out
for glory and unconcerned with death as you’ve died at least once before. You spend
your first turn of combat moving unhesitatingly towards the nearest enemy to attack. If
you cannot reach an enemy in the first round then you spend that time dashing towards
them as your Action. You cannot retreat from melee once engaged. You are out to prove
yourself a hero in death if not in life and make up for lost time. The effect is permanent
and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion
51. Your mouth yawns wide and a stream of tiny bats pours forth swarming the object of
your attention (for better or worse). They are affected as per the ‘Infestation’ spell for 5x
Rounds at which point the bats fly away. They cannot be otherwise dismissed or
damaged except perhaps by massive Fire Damage or Dispel Magic etc etc etc (DM’s
52. Ectoplasmic squid-like pseudopods lash out from you in every direction in a 10’ radius.
They attempt to grapple every creature in the AOE. Their Strength Bonus is +4. Once
restrained they will squeeze the creatures or bash them into objects for 1d6 Bludgeoning
Damage per round. The effect lasts 5x Rounds
53. Your right hand burns red and glows with
strange ethereal flame. You yourself suffer no
damage. For 1x minute the hand can do 2d10 Fire
Damage or any melee weapon you are holding
does an extra 1d10 Fire Damage on a successful
54. Your right hand burns blue and glows with
strange ethereal flame. You yourself suffer no
damage. For 1x minute the hand can do 2d10 Cold
Damage or any melee weapon you are holding
does an extra 1d10 Cold Damage on a successful
55. You fall Prone to your knees (or rise to your
knees if already supine) and unleash the wail of a
100x undead souls! Every creature in a 100’ radius
must make a DC12 Constitution Save. On a fail
creatures in the AOE take 3d8 Thunder Damage
and are Stunned. On a successful save they take ½
Damage and suffer no ill effects
56. For 1x hour you glow with a cold, malevolent radiance (color is player’s choice) giving
creatures Advantage to hit you and giving you Disadvantage on Stealth Checks etc etc
57. You are inflicted with the hunger of a
ravenous ghost. You constantly experience
terrible thirst and hunger pains. You must
consume 4x the amount of food and drink a
normal creature such as yourself does, but no
amount of food actually sates your hunger.
Despite however much you eat you do not gain
weight. You incur 1x level of Exhaustion each day
that you do not actively maintain this regimen
58. Everything flammable in a 20’ radius of
yourself (you are not affected) catches on fire.
Creatures caught on fire take 1d4 Fire Damage at
the start of their Turn unless they spend an
Action to extinguish themselves
59. Your hands and feet exude tar for 1x
hour. It coats everything you touch, leaves
footprints and even drips off of you. You are
sticky. Removing yourself from anything or
anything from yourself takes a DC8 Strength
60. Terrible whispers fill your mind for 1x hour
making monstrous requests and asking terrible
favors if you. Concentration is impossible for the
duration as is rest. All you want to do is rock in
fetal position
61. You shed ash constantly. You sully
whatever you touch and your bare feet leave
ashen prints. The effect is permanent and nothing
can change it outside of DM’s discretion.
62. You see visions of your own death
everywhere for 1x hour. Paranoia grasps you and
you struggle to act at all. Bold actions require a
DC10 Willpower Check. Combat Actions a DC12
63. Your hair begins to fall out in greying
clumps across the next 1x hour. Once bald the
effect is permanent and nothing can change it
outside of DM’s discretion.
64. You are afflicted by the Spirit’s greed now
that it is back amongst the living. You want all of
the material things! You give nothing away and
take all that you can. If presented with a situation
where an object of high value or high regard is
shown to you but unavailable to you, then you
must make a successful DC10
Willpower/Charisma Save not to simply try and
take it. You are out to accrue all of the things of
this world that you could not touch in the next and
make up for lost time. The effect is permanent
and nothing can change it outside of the DM's
65. Your left hand turns black and withers until
palsied. Anything touched by it begins to decay -
plants wilt - metal rusts a bit - wood cracks. The
effect is minor but if applied for long enough could
do actual damage.The effect is permanent and
nothing can change it outside of DM’s discretion.
66. ‘Leave Now!’ You shout in a voice that is
not your own. A voice as loud as a trumpet and
deep as a well. A haunting but imperious voice. All
creatures in a 100’ radius who can hear and
understand your command must make a DC12
Wisdom Save or obey the command, moving away
in the most direct manner possible for a max of 5x
rounds. Affected creatures can make a new Saving
Throw at the end of each new Turn. Regardless
the effect ends in 5x Rounds
67. The ground in a 60’ radius around you
rapidly becomes coated with frost and ice. Any
creature starting their Turn inside of or entering the
AOE must make a DC10 Dexterity Save to remain
standing. Once Prone it takes a DC10 Dexterity
Save to stand again. The effect lasts 1x minute
68. Instantly the space in a 30’ radius around
you is enveloped in an impenetrable magical
darkness. You are affected by the dark as well.
The darkness moves centered on you. The effect
lasts for 5x Rounds
69. If it is nighttime all light sources in a 1x mile
radius from yourself are snuffed out! All fires go
out. All ovens go out. If it is daytime the opposite
occurs and all such sources ignite (not in a
dangerous but rather a spooky way)
70. Yourself and all other intelligent creatures (Intelligence 5+) in a 30’ radius are subject to
the irresistible pull of the ‘Danse Macabre’. Wisdom Save DC12 or affected as if for the
‘Otto’s Irresistible Dance’ spell for a maximum duration of 1x minute
71. The Vessel and the Spirit find themselves at odds for 1x hour. You move in a jerky,
marionette-like fashion as your two parts fight for control. Receive -2 to your physical
ability scores and Disadvantage on physical ability based checks and saving throws for
the duration. Roleplaying Gold! Have fun with it!
72. The flesh on your left hand melts off in a bubbling awful mess. Take 1d10 Necrotic
Damage and receive 1x level of Exhaustion in shock. The skeletal hand remains and is
perfectly functional, if not hideous. Any creature touched by it receives an effect as if
subject to ‘Chill Touch’ cantrip. A thick leather glove, at a minimum, is necessary to not
accidentally affect those you touch. This can be a Bonus Action Attack as if it were an
unarmed attack with the user’s off-hand. The effect is permanent and nothing can
change it outside of the DM's discretion.
73. You are suddenly engulfed by the earth beneath you and buried alive. One hand
remains exposed, outstretched and pathetically clawing the air. You suffocate for 1d8
Force Damage every round you are buried. The good news - once you reach 0 HP you
do not need to make Death Saving Throws, but rather are in a form of suspended
animation. Conscious, but unable to act. If/when revived from this state suffer 4x levels
of Exhaustion
74. A murder/flock of crows comes to your aid whether you need it or not. They attack and
harry everyone in the area except yourself for 10x minutes or until dissipated. If indoors
they beat on the building until gaining entrance like an awful scene from ‘The Birds’
75. An awful and powerful smell of the grave centers on you for 1x minute. It follows you and
covers an AOE of 30’ radius centered on yourself. It can be momentarily effected as
would a ‘Cloudkill’ spell etc. Anyone other than yourself who begins their Turn in the
AOE or enters therein must make a Constitution Save DC15 or begin wrenching and
vomiting uncontrollably suffering the Incapacitated effect
76. Though you don’t feel any different your reflection, whether caught in a mirror - shiny
armor - glass - a still pond - is that of the possessing undead Spirit in all of its lifeless
horror! The effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
77. All creatures in a 60’ radius are reminded overwhelmingly of a departed loved one and
are wracked with regret - guilt - sorrow - sadness. The effect lasts for 5x Rounds. Any
creature that begins their Turn in the AOE or enters therein must make a
Willpower/Charisma DC12 Save or be crippled with sobs and tears. Effect as per the
‘Tasha’s Hideous Laughter’ spell (but sad)
78. Any enemies, or non-critical NPC’s (DM’s discretion
((might even be fun to turn a major NPC into a zombie that needs
curing) in a 30’ radius of CR3 or less turn to Zombies and begin
attacking you mindlessly. Stats as usual but with zombie mental
abilities - no spell abilities - the zombie ‘Undead Fortitude’ ability
etc etc etc
79. You swell in an instant doubling your weight. You are
swollen from within as if by some noxious substance, turgid and
discolored and bruised. You look unwell indeed. This weight can
be regained with time and diet, but until then you suffer a
semi-permanent -2 to your Constitution - Charisma and Dexterity
Ability Scores
80. 1d8 of your teeth root in an instant and fall out. Suffer a
negative to your Charisma Ability Score equal to ½ that amount
rounded down (minimum of 1).The effect is permanent and
nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
81. You are affected by a grievous wasting disease. Lose 1x
digit or extremity immediately and 1x every week thereafter until
the illness is healed by magical or ordinary means. The illness
manifests in appearance as a particularly nasty form of leprosy.
Roll 1d12 = 1-Nose 2-6-Fingers 7-11-Toes 11-12-Ears. If already
missing the extremities roll again. Suffer a commensurate
permanent Ability Score loss at the DM’s discretion
82. Your breath reeks of the grave and rotting carrion. Receive Disadvantage on Persuasion
and other interaction checks where appropriate (DM’s Discretion). The effect is
permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
83. You begin pelting the object of your attention (for better or worse) as your Bonus Action
with small objects around the room as per the ‘Catapult’ spell for 5x Rounds, but only for
1d8 Damage per successful hit.
84. One of your eyes pops out with a loud plop! Just, completely out. Nerve severed.
Straight to the ground. You can still see out of the eye however. You can turn it as if it
were still in your head. You can pop it back in if you care to or take it out as a Bonus
Action. You can still control it up to a range of 20’. To control it while out of your skull
requires Concentration and while it is out of your skull and viewing (i.e., not bagged in
darkness etc) you suffer Disadvantage on all ability checks and attacks and Saving
Throws due to discombobulation. If you take a Critical Hit the eye pops out again and
flies for 1d6x 5’ in a random direction. Roll 1d4: 1-North 2-South 3-East 4-West
85. Your head spins backwards on your neck with a terrible cracking grinding noise a la ‘The
Exorcist’. The effect lasts 5x Rounds and then it spins round again and back into its
proper position. You take no damage, but, it is alarming to say the least. You suffer
Disadvantage on all applicable d20 rolls for the duration (DM’s discretion) due to
discombobulation and sheer terror!
86. With a banshee’s wail your head tilts back and your mouth involuntarily opens and you
suck some of the souls and literal life out of those in a 20’ radius of you. All creatures in
the AOE lose 1d6 HP which you gain as HPs or temporary HPs. Their souls can be seen
bleeding out of them and streaming into your hungry distended mouth
87. You become aware of the possessing Spirit in its full power. It’s full glory and/or horror.
You are terrified! You attempt to cut and run for 5x Rounds as if affected by the
‘Expeditious Retreat’ spell. Howling in fear all the way
88. Light becomes painful to you. You are a creature of dark and shadow and unlife now.
Suffer as per Sunlight Sensitivity: While in direct sunlight you have Disadvantage on
attack rolls as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. But, you gain
Superior Darkvision: Your darkvision has a range of 120’ The effect is permanent and
nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion
89. Gale force winds erupt from you, your hair wildly waving your eyes burning! For 5x
rounds whatever direction you face is affected as per the ‘Gust of Wind’ spell
90. You are haunted by each and every sentient being you kill from this moment forward.
You are understandably reluctant to do so now. You must make a Willpower/Charisma
DC12 check to deliver what you think will be the killing blow to another creature. If you
succeed you can proceed but you must apologize profusely while doing so. The effect is
permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
91. Snow and sleet, foul smelling and full of dirt and debris, falls around you as per the
‘Sleet Storm’ spell for 5x Rounds
92. ‘Submit to me mortals’ You shout in a voice that is not your own. A voice as loud as a
trumpet and deep as a well. A haunting but imperious voice. All creatures in a 100’
radius who can hear and understand your command must make a DC10 Wisdom Save
or obey the command. falling Prone and as if Restrained in worshipful/groveling
obeisance. Affected creatures can make a new Saving Throw at the end of each new
Turn. Regardless the effect ends in 5x Rounds
93. You age suddenly and spectacularly. Roll 1d6 and age that many years x10 (for long
lived races x50/100 ((DM’s discretion)) Lose -1 points to your Constitution - Strength and
Dexterity Score for every 20 decades (etc) rounded down (minimum of -1). The effect is
permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion.
94. Your right hand falls off. Just pops completely off.
Falls to the ground with a thud. You can still control the
hand however. You can manipulate it as if it were still on
your arm. You can pop it back on your wrist if you care to
or remove it as a Bonus Action. You can still control it up to
a range of 60’. To control it while out of your skull requires
Concentration and while so controlling it you suffer
Disadvantage on all ability checks and attacks and Saving
Throws due to discombobulation. If you take a Critical Hit
the hand pops off again and flies for 1d6x 5’ in a random
direction. Roll 1d4: 1-North 2-South 3-East 4-West
95. You are frozen in a scream! You tilt your head to
the sky and unleash a blood curdling scream, turn an
alarming blue color and remain frozen like that, as if
affected by the Paralyzed condition, for 1d4 Rounds. All
creatures within a 100’ radius must make a DC15
Constitution Save or suffer the Deafened condition for 1x
96. You are afflicted by the Spirit’s lust now that it is
back amongst the living. You make inappropriate advances
and suffer Disadvantage to all Persuasion and Charisma
based checks to influence others (except perhaps
Intimidation). You are not subtle. You are out to slake the
urges of the flesh and make up for lost time. The effect is
permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's
97. You are suddenly wrapped in heavy, although ghostly, spectral chains weighted with
cast iron balls appropriate to limit your size and strength. For 1x hour you suffer -10
movement speed, -2 to Initiative, and Disadvantage to all Stealth check etc as you clank
98. You are an unnatural burden and tread heavy upon this earth. You sink at least 1” as
you walk upon any surface but the hardest stone or masonry (DM’s discretion). This
causes a minimum of -5 movement speed, but might be worse, for instance in loose
sand or Swampy terrain (-10 movement speed or DM’s discretion). This is above and
beyond any existing penalties incurred by difficult terrain etc etc etc. you suffer
Disadvantage when attempting to climb or swim as the grave attempts to pull you back
down! The effect is permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion
99. It begins raining in a 10’ cube around you. A constant, steady, cold and miserable rain
that persists for 1x hour
100. You sleep the sleep of the dead. When you lay down to rest you are most
comfortable in a coffin with a lid or in an open pit if no coffin is available. You will go out
of your way to find or makes some such shelter if possible. Regardless, once you lay
down to sleep, your hands cross over your chest and you are instantly and completely
comatose. Your skin goes ashen, you appear to quit breathing and to all but the closest
inspection you are in fact dead (DC15 Perception Check and active effort to discern
otherwise). You simply cannot be woken until 8x hours have passed. The effect is
permanent and nothing can change it outside of the DM's discretion

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