Emotional Intelligence and Its Implication For The Moral Decline of Digitalization

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Author: Fritz Gregory Gracia Hondo1 , Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin2

E-mail1: fritz.gregory.gracia-2021@fh.unair.ac.id
E-mail2: moses.glorino@fib.unair.ac.id

Corresponding Author: Fritz Gregory Gracia Hondo1

E-mail: fritz.gregory.gracia-2021@fh.unair.ac.id

The development of information technology is currently growing
rapidly. Seeing these developments, it cannot be denied that there are
many impacts. Moral degradation is increasingly prevalent today and
occurs in all circles. Many factors influence the moral degradation in
the surrounding environment, making this thing continue to happen and
it is feared that it can become something that is usually done by people
of today, the Indonesian state is facing an era of disruption related to
digitalization. This study aims to determine whether there is an
influence between emotional intelligence and digital moral
degradation. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with
literature review procedures. The impact that occurs due to digital
moral degradation is not only for victims but also affects emotional
intelligence. Millennials who live in the era of rapid development of
information technology need to equip themselves with emotional
intelligence to form a strong personality and then become professional
so that they can reduce the moral degradation rate of digitalization
Keywords: emotional intelligence, moral decline, digitalization

1. Background

Goleman explains emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize our feelings

and the feelings of others, the ability to motivate ourselves themselves, and the
ability to manage emotions well in oneself and relationships with other people.
While in Emotional Intelligence Goleman (in Uno) describes emotional intelligence
as an ability such as the ability to motivate oneself and endure frustration, control
impulses and not exaggerate pleasure, set the mood, and keep stress from crippling
the ability to think, empathize and pray.

The millennial generation is the generation born in 1982 until 2000. According
to Howe and Strauss’s opinion (in Son, 2016). Generation Millennials are a
generation that is of working age. Along with global development, of course,
morale continues to decline due to easy access to something good in a good way or
not. With the development of technology fast information and communication then
have an impact especially for the millennial generation moral decline called moral

This moral degradation many factors affect, in addition to the influence of

information and communication technology very strong is also influenced by lack
of filter for openness information to make a can access information both adults,
youth, and children. Other factors like promiscuity that is increasingly not focused
on television shows that are not oriented to educate again support moral degradation
(Cahyo,2017). Seeing this, the writer will explore emotional intelligence and its
implications for the degradation of the moral of digitization on the millennial
generation in Indonesia.

2. Research question of the study

a. what is the effect of emotional intelligence on decreasing digital moral
b. Is there a relationship between increasing emotional intelligence and
decreasing digital moral degradation?
3. research purposes
a. to know the effect of emotional intelligence on decreasing digital moral
b. to know the relationship between increasing emotional intelligence and
decreasing digital moral degradation
4. Method

The research method used in making this article is a qualitative method

descriptive, namely a literature review procedure that produces information in the
form of notes and descriptive data contained in the text under study. In this article,
the author discusses the relationship between emotional intelligence and the moral
decline of digitalization. The author collects data from articles, journals, and
sources other writing related to the problem under study. After the data is collected,
the writer then concludes.

Results and Discussion

Emotional intelligence or what is commonly known as EQ means A series

of skills that allow to pave the way in the world complex-personal, social, and
defense aspects of all intelligence, reason mysterious health, communication skills,
and important sensitivity to function effectively every day of life. In everyday
language, emotional intelligence is usually called "Street Smart". It is related to the
ability to read the political and social environment, and organize it return, the ability
to spontaneously understand what is desired and needed by others, their strengths
and weaknesses, the ability not to be affected by pressure, and the ability to be a
person who pleasant, whose presence is coveted by others, ability controlling
emotions and expressing emotions, the ability to communicate and convey
something to other people. The following is a graph according to Reuven Bar-On,
which serves to summarize emotional intelligence by dividing EQ into five areas or
a comprehensive realm

Degradation can be defined as demotion, rank, and position. Degradation

can also be interpreted as a change that leads to damage in advanced Earth.
According to Daryanto (in Maisari, 2013), degradation is a decline in quality or
deterioration position. As for the degradation that meant a decrease in quality and
moral decay. According to Widjaja (in Jahroh & Nana, 2016) states that morals are
good and bad teachings about actions and behavior (morals).

Based on the above opinion, then it is concluded that what is meant with
moral degradation is decreased awareness of behavior by applicable regulations as
a result of lack of awareness of obeying the law, while the law is written in the
human heart is in the form of value (value). The morale of the millennial generation
from the year continues to decline from year to year quality or degradation. in
everything moral aspects, ranging from speech, manner dress, and so on.

Degradation of this moral seems to have gone unnoticed and allowed to

continue to develop. According to Lickona (in Maisari, 2013), there are ten signs
of moral degradation which are: a sign of the destruction of a nation including
increased violence in adolescents, the use of words worsening, peer group influence
or strong group mates in violence, increase drug, alcohol and sex use freedom, the
blurring of good moral boundaries and bad, decreased work ethic, low respect for
teachers and parents, low sense of responsible individual and citizen responsibility,
the culture of dishonesty, the existence of mutual suspicion, and hatred between the

Emotional intelligence has an important role in dealing with moral degradation.

as discussed earlier, that emotional intelligence is the intelligence to recognize one's
feelings and the feelings of others, self-control, enthusiasm, the ability to motivate
oneself and endure frustration, the ability to control impulses and emotions,
empathize and lead oneself. and the environment. Emotional intelligence affects a
person's attitudes and behavior. In the digitalization process, emotional intelligence
is also influenced, if you can control yourself, you will not be disturbed by the
negative impacts of digitization. When someone already has good morals nice and
strong then the moral degradation of digitalization can be minimized, good for
people who affected

Conclusions and Suggestions

based on the conclusions above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

a. emotional intelligence and the reduction of digital moral degradation are
interrelated. someone who has emotional intelligence is better able to control
himself in the face of digitalization than those who do not have emotional

b. Millennials who live in the era of rapid ICT development need to equip
themselves with spiritual values and morals so that a strong personality is formed
and then becomes a professional so that it can reduce the number of digital moral

c. is a very important aspect because it determines the realm that determines the
sustainability of a nation on any continent including Indonesia, but in practice
implementing character education is not as easy as turning the palm. So there must
be synergy between parents, teachers, and the community for the sake of creating a
character society.

Based on the results of research, discussion, and conclusions that have been

described previously, it can be put forward some suggestions, as follows:


a. for related subjects. to develop emotional intelligence to reduce the moral

degradation due to digital

b. for the environment and parents, to pay more attention to their children in digital

c. As a reference and study in further research for conduct research more

comprehensively to have a construct good theory and research

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