E by M of Electron

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To determine the e/m of an electron


Submission Date (Nov 3, 2020)




PHYS-308(Electronics Lab)

BS-Physics (A)

Submitted To

Dr.Tahir Iqbal

Department of Physics

1. Title of Experiment:
To determine the e/m of an electron
2. Abstract:
The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate how the charge to mass
ratio of an electron can be determined by allowing a current through an apparatus known
as the Helmholtz Coil. It is known that a current running through a solenoid creates a
magnetic field. The Helmholtz Coil set up is roughly based on this principle. A magnetic
field produced by Helmholtz coils is used to deflect electrons into circular paths whose
radii are known. By knowing the energy of the electrons and the magnetic field strength,
the ratio of the charge to mass (e/m) of the electron is determined.
3. Motivation:
It is not so much the purpose to calculate it; historically, it was this ratio
that was measured experimentally by Thomson in 1897 before the charge was measured.
Then in 1909, Millikan measured the charge of the electron, and from the ratio, the mass
of the electron was finally determined. Many particle detectors (both historic and current)
work on similar principle, using magnetic field to deflect incoming particles or those
generated within the chamber, so that only their e/m ratio can be directly measured-more
complete characterization requires information inferred from other considerations.
It has great historical significance, too. Using e/m experiment J.J Thomson was able to
conclude that cathode rays consist of much lighter particles than atoms, paving the way to
classical atomic theory.
4. Introduction and theory:
This experiment measures e/m, charge to mass ratio of the
electron. This ratio was measured by J.J. Thomson in 1897. He won a noble prize for his
study of electrons. In the present experiment a beam of electrons is accelerated through a
known potential, so the velocity of the electrons is known. A pair of Helmholtz coils
produces a uniform and measureable magnetic field at right angles to the electron beam.
This magnetic field deflects the electron beam in a circular path. By measuring the
accelerating potential, the current to the Helmholtz coils, and the radius of the circular
path of the electron beam, the ratio e/m is calculated.
Measuring separately the electric charge (e) and the rest mass (m) of an electron is a
difficult task because both quantities are extremely small (e = 1.602×10-19 coulombs, m =
9.1093897×10-31kilogram. Fortunately, the ratio of these two fundamental constants can
be determined easily and precisely from the radius of curvature of an electron beam
traveling in a known magnetic field. An electron beam of a specified energy, and
therefore a specified speed, may be produced conveniently in an e/me/m apparatus. The
central piece of this apparatus is an evacuated electron-beam bulb with a special anode. A
known current flows through a pair of Helmholtz coils and produces a magnetic field.
The trajectory of the speeding electrons moving through the magnetic field is made
visible by a small amount of mercury vapor.
An electron moving in a uniform magnetic field travels in a helical path around the field
lines. The electron's equation of motion is given by the Lorentz relation. If there is no electric
field, then this relation can be written as

FB = −e( v × B) ………………….. (1)

Where  FB is the magnetic force on the electron, −e = -1.6×10-19 coulombs is the electric charge
of the electron, v is the velocity of the electron, and B is the magnetic field. In the special case
where the electron moves in an orbit perpendicular to the magnetic field, the helical path
becomes a circular path, and the magnitude of the magnetic force is
FB = evB …………………………….(2)
Recall from Physics 6A that an object traveling around a circle experiences a centripetal force.
For an electron of mass m moving at speed v in a circle of radius R, the magnitude of the
centripetal force FC is

FC= mv2/R …………………………..(3)


evB= mv2/R …………………………(4)


eB= mv/R …………………………….(5)

The initial potential energy of the electrons in this experiment is eV, where V is the accelerating
voltage used in the electron-beam tube. After the electrons are accelerated through a voltage V,
this initial potential energy is converted into kinetic energ (1/2)mv2. Since energy is conserved, it
follows that
eV= (1/2)mv2
Combining Eqs. 4 and 5 yields

e/m= 2V/B2R2 …………………………(7)

The e/m apparatus is shown in the figure:
The electron-beam bulb used in this experiment has a cathode that is heated indirectly, a
collimating grid with a hole, and an anode with a hole. Electrons leave the heated cathode and
are attracted by the anode, which has a positive potential with respect to the cathode. Most
electrons are stopped by the collimating grid and the anode. Those that are able to pass through
the hole in the anode emerge from the back of the anode as a thin, monochromatic beam. The
kinetic energy of the electrons in this beam is equal to the potential energy difference between
the anode and the cathode.

5. Apparatus & components:

 e/m apparatus
 high voltage power supply
 voltmeter
 ammeter
 power supply
 connecting wires

6. Experimentation & Procedure:

 Set the apparatus on a level table. The room light should not be too bright,
because the electron beam will be hard to see.
 In order to minimize the influence of the earth’s magnetic field, use a compass to
locate magnetic north and align the Helmholtz coils so they are parallel to the needle.
 With the power switch off, connect the line cord to the line voltage.
 Turn on the power switch. The unit will perform a 30-second self-test, indicated by
the digital display changing values rapidly. During the test, the controls are locked out
allowing the cathode to heat to the proper operating temperature. When the self-
test is complete, the display will
stabilize and show "000". Although the unit is now ready for operation, a 5 to 10-
minute warm-up time is recommended before taking measurements.
 Turn the Voltage Adjust control up to 200 volts and observe the bottom of the
electron gun. The bluish beam will be traveling straight down toward the bottom of
the tube.
 Turn the Current Adjust control up and observe the circular deflection of the beam.
When the current is high enough, the beam will form a complete circle within the
tube. The diameter of the beam can be measured using the internal centimeter scale
within the tube. The scale numbers fluoresce when struck by the electron beam. Find
the smallest value of the current that causes the scale numbers to fluoresce.
 For three different voltages (200V, 250V, 300V) record the current readings for 5
different beam diameters and complete the table below. When all the data is
collected, turn down the voltage and current and turn off the apparatus.
 By knowing the values of m, r and v the charge to mass ratio i.e e/m of an electron
can be calculated.

7. Result and Discussion:

Observations & Calculations

Sr.no U(V) I B r e/m

1. 386 1.36 8.9532×10- 0.047 4.38×10-
4 11

2. 382 1.88 8.9532×10-4 0.04 5.96×10-11

3. 377 2.39 8.9532×10-4 0.0345 7.94×10-11
4. 372 3.03 8.9532×10-4 0.0225 1.83×10-11
5. 379 2.93 8.9532×10-4 0.023 1.79×10-11
8. Conclusion:
The basic purpose of this experiment is to calculate the charge to mass
ratio of an electron. This ratio was first measured by J.J.Thomson in 1897. By measuring
the accelerating potential, the current to the Helmholtz coils, and the radius of the circular
path of the electron beam, the ratio e/m can be easily determined.
9. Precautions:
Before turning on any power supplies or plugging in any equipment, read all of the
following instruction.
 Turn the 0-300V adjustment knob on the gun supply fully CCW before
turning on power supply.
 Do not adjust the filament current knob for the 6.3VAC supply. Let the
filament of the e/m tube warm up about a minute before applying the
accelerating voltage.
 Reduce the accelerating voltage to zero before switching off the power
 Limit the accelerating voltage to 250 volts, although the supply will go
 Be very careful around the glass e/m tube. Hard knocks can cause the tube
to implode, causing an expensive replacement as well as possible eye
 http://www.smc.edu/AcademicPrograms/PhysicalSciences/Pages/Calculating-the-em-
 http://advancedlab.physics.gatech.edu/labs/waveparticle/wave-particle-3.html
 http://demoweb.physics.ucla.edu/content/experiment-6-charge-mass-ratio-electron

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