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The Supdt.of Gardens /Tree Officer
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sub.: Commitment for proposed plantation of trees in lieu of cutting as per

norms, transplanting of trees coming in the proposed development
on plot bearing CTS No. of Village at

I, Shri of M/s. Pvt.Ltd. C.A. to owner/Owner of
the property, having office at Mumbai- 400
0 do hereby solemnly state as under:

1. The above referred plot is admeasuring Sq. Mts.

2. There are total nos. of trees existing on the plot.
3. The total R.G. area proposed is sqmts, The total nos. of trees to be
transplanted are Nos.
4. The total nos. of trees to be cut are Nos.
5. Trees to be planted in lieu of cutting are Nos.
6. Nos. of trees are required to be planted as per norms
7. sq. mts. is available for the plantation of new trees on the
plot under reference / As there is no sufficient space I have obtained

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special permission from Superintendent of gardens (S.G.) and Tree
Officer (T.O.) for compensatory plantation at
8. I hereby undertake to abide by the orders issued under Section 8/9/10
of the Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees
9. I will plant new trees having height more than 5 (five ) feet & circumference
more than 6” of proposed Indian varieties of plants recommended for
plantation by Tree Authority as per the Tree Act section 8(5).
10. The requisite no. of trees will be planted as per the norms of Tree
Authority as prescribed in Schedule I herein under I further undertake
to plant trees properly and preserve existing trees as well as newly
planted trees in proper manner . Care will be taken for proper growth of
the trees and
11. I also undertake to furnish 6 monthly report for the first 3 years from the
date of plantation / transplantation .
12. I/We will not cut / transplant the trees for which the permissions is
granted by the Tree Authority until 15 days after permission is given to
fell a tree and will plant two (2) new trees in lieu of one tree permitted to
fell within 30 days from the date of tree/trees is /are felled and will
immediately report the same.
13. I hereby agree to pay requisite process fee for processing the proposal
and necessary deposit
14. I undertake to comply with all such requirement, existing and future
with regard to and in connection with the Bye-laws, Rules and
Regulations framed by Tree Authority (T.A.) from time to time.
15. I undertake to shall maintain and preserve such information, plans and
inventory pertaining to the above said plot for such period as may be
specified by Tree Authority (T.A.) / Superintendent of Gardens (S.G.)
from time to time.

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16. I shall permit Tree Authority or any other authority appointed by it for
inspection, access to all side as well as approved plans & other
documents as may be required therefore.
17. I shall abide by the Bye-laws introduced / modified from time to time
with / without prior notice.
18. As per the direction of Tree Authority, I hereby agree to submit the
photographs taken while transplanting of trees And the C.D. of the
transplantation of the trees so as to ensure proper transplantation of the
trees for obtaining NOC for OC.
19. I am aware that the failure to comply with the Section A /9/10 of
Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees Act of
1975 will attract the legal actions as per the provisions of the said Act .

The above said undertaking will be binding upon me, my legal heirs, executors,
administrators and assignees.

Signature of Owner /Developer

P1ace : Mumbai
Date :

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Schedule –I

Section 7(h)

Norms for number of trees to be planted along road side and under various
users etc.

Location Minimum Number of Trees

Along road
Width of road 24 mt and above One tree at 10 mtr interval and
suitable hedge on both sides of the
median if possible
Width of Road 12 meters to 24 meters One tree at 10 mtr interval on both
Width of Road 6 meters to 12 meters One tree at 20 mtr interval
Parks , Sea shores Hill Slopes , One tree every 10 sq.m. area
Flowing Greens, Green Belts ,
Riverside, Banks of Water body
Gardens One tree every 20 sq.m. area
Layout Open spaces One tree every 50 sq.m. area
Stadium , Mini Stadium , Playgrounds One tree every 100 sq.m. area of such
, Tot Lots , Development Plan Open amenity
Central / State Govt. / Semi-Govt. One tree every 100 sq.m. of plot area
/Corporate office / Institutions

1) While planting the adequate number of trees as per the above norms ,
care shall be taken to select the species available to the local soil strata ,
the climate and the space available .
2) Water if can be made available by taking bores in public spaces like
garden etc., the same shall be done on priority . Recharging of such

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bores or existing bores by appropriate Rain Water Harvesting system
shall be provided for in the interest of proper maintenance and up-
keep of such spaces .
3) As regards road side tree plantation , plants having deep roots shall
be preferred to sustain the natural calamity.
4) Though flexibility in the design of landscape is anticipated,
required number of trees as per the norms shall be strictly
adhered to .

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