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Nim : 20100010

Mata kuliah : English for Hotel 2


*exercise 1,2,3 digabung jadi 1 percakapan

Kim : Candi Travel. Good Morning

Jennifer : Good Morning. I’m Jennifer. I’ve got the ticket for my trip to Bandung. Thank you.

Kim : You’re welcome. Is there anything else we can do for you, Ma’am?

Jennifer : Yes. I’d like some information about hotels in Bandung.

Kim : I see, could you tell me what kind of hotel you want?

Jennifer : Well, could you tell me what kind of hotel there is ?

Kim : Certainly. There are various hotela in Bandung. Where do you want to be ?

Jennifer : I’d like to be in the city center.

Kim : Well, The Pullman, The Luxton, The Grand Pacific are all

Jennifer : Which of these is a good place?

Kim : The Pullman is a big luxurious hotel. It’s a five-star hotel, so it has got everything you
need. It also has a large parking area. The Luxton is a four-star hotel, it’s not as big as
The Pullman, but is as luxurious. It has a nice landscape and has a large swimming pool.

Jennifer : What about The Grand Pacific ?

Kim : It’s an medium-sized hotel, an has a large rooftop, It’s quite comfortable.

Jennifer : Could you tell me how much a single room in The Luxton ?

Kim : Let me see,Ma’am The charge for a single room is Rp.350.000-per night.

Jennifer : What about The Pullman ?

Kim : In The Pullman a single room cost Rp.300.000-per night.

Jennifer : I think I’d like a single room in The Pullman. Could you please make a reservation for

Kim : With pleasure


Exercise 1

1. Percakapan Pertama

Receptionist : Good Afternoon, Hills Hotel can I help you ?

Caller : My name Mr.James I’d like to make a reservation

Receptionist : Yes Mr.James when for ?

Caller : For aweek from September 10th

Receptionist :Whould you like a single rom or double room sir?

Caller : I’d likea double room

Receptionist : Alraight, a double room for a week from September 10 th, Thank you sir.

2. Percakapan Kedua

Receptionist : Good Afternoon Plaza Hotel, can I help you ?

Caller : My name Mrs.Susan, I’d like to make reservation

Receptionist : Yes Mrs.Susan when would you like to make the reservation for ?

Caller : For two night from December 15th

Receptionist : What kind of room whould you like a single room or a double room ?

Caller : I’d like a single room

Receptionist : Alraight, a single room for two night from December 15 th, is that right ?

Caller : Yes, that’s right

Receptionist : Thank you, have a nice day Mrs.Susan

Exercise 2

Receptionist : Good Morning, Bougenville Hotel, can I help you ?

Caller : I’m calling to make a reservation for Mr.Santoso

Receptionist : I see. When would you like to make the reservation for ?

Caller : February 7th to February 10th

Receptionist : Could you give me Mr.Santoso full name please ?

Caller : It’s Joko Santoso

Receptionist : Is the reservation only for him self?

Caller : There will be one of my business partners, so I’d like to book two single room.

Receptionist : Fine. Two single room from February 7th to February 10th

Caller : That’s right.

Receptionist : May I have your name and telephone number, please?

Caller : My name’s Putri Karina, and the number is 08579742904.

Receptionist : 08579742904. Thank you Miss Karina. Could you confirm the reservation?

Caller : Certainly.

Exercise 3

1. Percakapan Pertama

Receptionist : Good Afternoon Bintang Hotel, can I help you?

Caller : My name is David Foster, I’d like to book a single room for June 3 th

Receptionist : I’m very sorry Sir, we have no single rooms available for that date. Whould you
like to the waiting list and ring you if somebody cancels his reservation ?

Caller : ok, Thank you

2. Percakapan Kedua

Receptionist : Good Morning Fresh Hotel can I help you ?

Caller : My name Marry jane, I’d like to book a double room for Ocktober 25 th
Receptionist : I’m very sorry Sir, we have no double rooms available for that date. I can put
in the waiting list and ring you if somebody cancels his reservation ?

Caller : ok, Thank you


Exercise :

1. Saya ingin memesan makan pagi ke kamar saya.

(I’d like a order breakfast to the room)

2. Tidak tuan. Air dari keran tidak dapat di minum.

(No sir, the water from the tap is not drinkable)

3. Kalau Anda ingin menyewa sebuah mobil, Anda sebaiknya menghubungi Resepsionis atau
Pelayanan Taxi.

(If you want to rent a car, you should contact the reception or service taxi)

4. Cucian akan dikembalikan ke kamar Anda sebelum pukul enam sore.

(The laundry will be returned to your room before 6 pm )

5. Tidak, tuan. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas barang-barang berharga yang ditinggal dalam
kamar tidur.

(No sir we are not responsible for the valuables left in the room)

6. Seandainya Anda memerlukan minuman ringan, Anda dapat memperoleh di bar.

(If you need soft drinks, you can get them at the bar)

7. Dapatkah Anda memberikan saya panggilan bangun pagi? Pukul lima, ya?

(Can you give me a wake up call? Five o’clock huh?)

8. Dapatkah Anda memberitahu saya bagaimana saya bisa di bandara besok?

(Can you tell me how I get to the airport tomorrow?)

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