Nobility Program: Dr. Pedro T. Orata

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Dr. Pedro T. Orata

The UCU Core Values

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

a. Enumerate values that you manifest and those that you need to develop;
b. Explain UCU’s core values in the context of our times;
c. Identify situations in which the UCU Core Values are manifested.

Topic Outline
The UCU Core Values:
a. Integrity
b. Competence
c. Teamwork
d. Transcendence

Hello, students! Welcome to the third module of the Dr. Pedro T. Orata
Nobility Program. Through this program, we hope to instill the spirit of
nobility among you with values that enable you to develop it.

In this module, we will look into UCU’s Core Values to better understand
the qualities that the University expects its students to uphold and honor
at all times, in all ways.

2 Dr. Pedro T. Orata Nobility Program

Activating Prior
Growing up,
conversations, and even
lessons about values are
always present. In our
households, we are taught
to develop good morals
by our family members,
particularly our elders. In
school, values education
is a constant part of our

With this, let us have

a short self-assessment and
reflection of what we have
learned about values over
the years by answering the
following activity.

Urdaneta City University 3

Activity 3.1

Creating a Graphic Organizer

1. Enumerate at least five (5) values that you think you uphold and embody today. Provide
each value with one scenario that shows how you embody it.

2. Enumerate three (3) values that you still ought to develop or strengthen.

For those enrolled in Online Learning, post your answers in our discussion forum. Be sure
to comment on at least one response from your classmates.
Meanwhile, those enrolled in the Offline Learning modality, please write your answers on a
sheet of paper and submit it to me.

Your answers to this activity are not graded, but they are part of your requirement to
pass this course.

4 Dr. Pedro T. Orata Nobility Program

UCU Core Values

True UCUians imbued with the spirit of nobility
live their lives guided by the ideals of honesty and
authenticity. Their words and actions consistently
reveal their commitment to decency and honor. They
pursue the path of truth even if this were the less
popular choice.

Passion for excellence drives noble persons to
shine in their chosen craft. They do not settle
for mediocrity and capacitate themselves with the
requisite know-how and skills to establish their
expertise and credibility in their discipline.
They continue the pioneering character of Dr. Pedro
Orata by spearheading innovations while building on
traditions of excellence.

Urdaneta City University 5

The spirit of nobility moves UCUians to cooperate
with other members of the University in realizing a
common goal. With humility, they accept that each
member of the UCU community will work together, each
one bringing his or her own capabilities to actualize
the University’s vision. Noble UCUians seek and
pursue to achieve unity in any area or situation,
understanding that “two is better than one” and that
the best outcomes almost always happen in the spirit
of cooperation.


Noble UCUians are selfless stewards of goodness

and compassion to their fellow human beings, to the
school, to the community, and to those in need—
prioritizing the cause of others before theirs,
willing to accept, do, and get the job done
without expecting recompense. Going beyond self-
actualization, they aim to reach their full potential
to best serve noble causes beyond the self.

To give us a recap and show how these core values are manifested in our
day-to-day life in the University, let us watch the UCU Core Values video
presentation. You can access the video on our course site. Meanwhile, a video
transcript had been prepared for those who cannot access the video.

Did you like the video on the core values? To help us process the material,
proceed to Activity 3.2.

6 Dr. Pedro T. Orata Nobility Program

Activity 3.2

Module Quiz
Choose a partner from your classmates to accomplish this activity. From the video
presentation, answer the following questions:

1. What is the message of the video?


2. How was this message presented in the video? Is this relevant to your context as
students? In what way?

3. Do you think the message could be presented in a better way? If yes, how do you propose
to present it? If no, why do you think the presentation is effective?

Post your answers to the discussion forum (Online Learning) or write on a sheet of paper
and submit it to me (Offline Learning). This will not be graded but will form part of your
requirements for the course.

Rubric for Peer Assessment

(Adapted from iRubric)

Criteria Needs improvement Acceptable Excellent

(1 point) (3 points) (5 points)

Involvement Minimally involved Involved in the work Extremely involved

in the work. and contributed to in the work; took
Submitted own work the output through a leadership role
but otherwise not comments and and made significant
actively involved. suggestions. contributions to the
Respect Ignored or Respected other Actively sought
disrespected other member’s opinions, the other member’s
member’s opinions. accepted them and opinions and ensured
made modifications. that input was
incorporated into the
output. Gave positive
feedback and/or
Attitude Displayed a negative Displayed a compliant Displayed a positive
attitude about the attitude about the attitude about the
assignment and assignment and assignment and
working with a working with a working with a
partner. partner. partner. Fostered
communication and
staying on task.

Total Points: ________________

This peer assessment shall be part of your

grade in class participation (15 points).

Urdaneta City University 7

Activity 3.3

Module Quiz
Let us now review what you have learned from our lesson on the four Core Values.

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Take the online quiz or write the letters
on another sheet of paper and submit it to me.

1. Students aspire to learn as much as they 4. A student communicates his ideas and
can to gain the knowledge and skills in opinions among his group and designates
their future profession. What core value do specific tasks to the people who specialize
they want to exhibit? in that area. What core value does this
student manifest?
a. Competence
b. Integrity a. Competence
c. Teamwork b. Integrity
d. Transcendence c. Teamwork
d. Transcendence
2. The core value that motivates a person,
to tell the truth even if this is not the 5. Students do not just settle for average
popular path. skills, especially in their chosen fields.
They continue to make an effort and work hard
a. Competence to hone their skill and develop their craft
b. Integrity at its best. What core value do they show?
c. Teamwork
d. Transcendence a. Competence
b. Integrity
3. This is the core value that instills c. Teamwork
empathy among students, care beyond d. Transcendence
themselves, and work hard to reach their
full potential for their communities’

a. Competence
b. Integrity
c. Teamwork
d. Transcendence

8 Dr. Pedro T. Orata Nobility Program

Let us see if you can remember the main
points raised from the lesson provided.
Below is a summary of the topic given:

The four Core Values of Urdaneta City

University are:

• Integrity – the value for truth,

honesty, and authenticity.

• Competence – the value for the

continuous quest for knowledge and

• Teamwork – the value for cooperation

among the members of the UCU

• Transcendence – the value for empathy

and compassion for fellow individuals.

Barrozo, H. (ca. 2015). Dr. Pedro T. Orata’s
bust at UCU. [Photograph]. Urdaneta
City University archives, Urdaneta

__________. (ca. 2015). Various photos

of UCU students in action
[Photographs]. Urdaneta City
University archives, Urdaneta City.

Cover photo of module of Dr. Pedro T. Orata.

(n.d.) Urdaneta City University
archives, Pangasinan.

Dr. Pedro T. Orata seated on a chair.

(n.d.). [Photograph]. Courtesy of Dr.
Teofidez Calvero (personal collection).

Urdaneta City University 9

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