INDUSTRIAL - TRAINING - REPORT - For - USIM - 2020 - Nurul - Asyiqin - 05 - Ogos - 2020 (Pages Settle)

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NO. MATRIC: 1162497








This industrial training report is submitted to Faculty of Economics and Muamalat in partial
fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor of Muamalat Administration with


(28.01.2020 – 30.07.2020)

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Praise to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, peace and prayers are upon the Righteous
Imam our Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, peace and prayers are also upon His
relatives and companions.

Firstly, I would like to express the most gratitude feelings to our Creator, Allah the
Almighty, which without His assistance and will, this academic project would not accomplish.
This task is required to fulfill in order to obtain Degree in Bachelor of Muamalat
Administration with Honors.

My outmost appreciations to my Industry supervisor, Haji Norki Bin Rasna, Branch

Manager of Tabung Haji Tawau, Hajah Norhidayah Binti Kupun as Financial Executive of
Tabung Haji Tawau. Haji Azni Bin Ibrahim, Administration clerk of Tabung Haji Tawau.
Encik Sazid Bin Jamil as Marketing Officer, Encik Zayn Zharfan Bin Ibrahim as Hajj clerk
Lans Koperal Faizal as auxiliary police, Hajah Nuraisah Mapaita, Ustaz Darmis Bin Tolleng,
Haji Linda Bin Salamudin also all the staffs that helps me during my internships in Tabung
Haji Tawau (TH Tawau).

My outmost gratitude is extended to my supervisor, Prof Madya Dr Nursilah Ahmad

for the dedication of her time and effort, despite her other obligations as an educator of the
nation. A special thanks also to Head of Program Muamalat Administration, Dr Norhaziah Bt
Nawai and all USIM management for all the kindness and attention given.

This journey would not have been possible without the support of my beloved family.
The greatest gratitude also goes to my beloved parents and siblings who inspire, encourage
and support me emotionally and financially. I knew that learning is a never-ending process
as long as we are alive, we should be someone that could benefit the ummah and a great
leader in the future ahead.

Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues, friends, course mates, intern mates, who
have directly or indirectly support, teach and contribute in completing this industrial training
report. This friendship makes my life wonderful and fruitful ever since our first time meeting
each other in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). I cannot list all the names here but do
know that you are always in my prayers.

I wish thanks to all who made this industrial training report achievable and I hope
that all efforts contributed will be counted as reward from our creator, Allah SWT, The
Glorious and He is exalted (SWT) through the strength that given to us physically and























USIM Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

TH Tabung Haji

PLMJI Pusat Libatsama Masyarakat dan Jaringan Industri

FEM Fakulti Ekonomi dan Muamalat

PKP Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan

WFH Work from Home

PKPB Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan

PWSBH Penubuhan Perbadanan Wang Simpanan Bakal-bakal Haji

LUTH Lembaga Urusan Tabung Haji

LTH Lembaga Tabung Haji

IFiC Islamic Financial Service Centre

ATM Automated Teller Machine

CDM Cash Deposit Machine



The Centre for Community Engagement and Industrial Networking (PLMJI) is
responsible in managing the placement of final year students of Universiti Sains
Islam Malaysia (USIM) for industrial training. The placement of the students is based
on applications and specialization of each students and taking into consideration on
the requirement in the department applied. This is due to the various courses that
available in one faculty for each batch of students. Hence, to confirm the application
of this internship placement it must be possibly related with the courses that are
enroll inside the university.
During industrial training, students are exposed to the real situation of working
experience and ambience. It will increase the job opportunities and may lead to job
recruitment because they are likely to be offered jobs in the same place or different
department which could trigger their interest in digging into more and more new
experience inside the working environment. Within this internship period, it will
strengthen the learning activities and processes inside the campus and student are
provided with a relevant working experience. Furthermore, this industrial training
intends to reduce the gap between the academics and industrial sector. The
feedback receives from the company can be used to improve and enhance existing
curriculum cycles.
Inside the industrial training report, the reflections given through the working
experience will be benefited. It is significant to all parties that involves such as
student, supervisors, the working sectors, the university and etcetera. Different
cohort of higher management will give you different situation of a real-life working
experience. This report is categorized mainly into four chapters, which are
Introduction to the industrial training, Organizational Profiles, Case Study, Critical
Analysis on Rising Issues, Solution and Recommendation and Conclusion. In
addition, the daily logbook report will be attached together inside the appendices

An industrial training provides a variety of benefits for fresh graduate who want to
broaden the chances for landing a job and to jump-start their careers as it is
designed to provide students with the biggest opportunities to implement and practice
the knowledge and skill learned. Hence, the objectives of industrial training are:

1. To expose the final year student to a job or profession inside the industries.
2. To help student build the resume and meet people who can help you in your
future career.
3. To develop wider business contacts through networking engagements.
4. To develop soft skills and interpersonal skills inside final year students.
5. To improve communication skills in order to ensure this final year students can be
a good leader and communicate wisely and effectively in the future.


Bachelor of Muamalat Administration with Honors is a program that covers all

aspects of Islamic studies along with the areas related to Islamic economics and Muamalat
Administration. The components of this program are designed to meet the demands of the
industries, the public and private sectors. Each program offered is based on Islamic
teachings which it can be accepted inside the industries and in line with the needs of modern
and progressive Islamic societies.

The scope of industrial training for Muamalat students are Islamic studies,
administration, accounting and banking management. Students must undergo the industrial
training as a compulsory program because it is required before graduating. As for the
industrial scope, students need to learn a proper procedure in working by gaining knowledge
and experience in the entire Islamic economic and management field which are related to
the course.

With this approach, it is hoped that this industrial training can achieve its objectives
and contribute to the development of economic and administrative systems that are based
on Islamic Principles. Thus, Tabung Haji (TH) Tawau has been chosen as internship
placement to ensure that the industrial training and experience offered is aligned with the

theory learned. During internship the trainee has been placed into different department such

Administration, Financial, Marketing and Hajj department. All the task given by different
department help to increase the job knowledge and experience obtained by the trainee.


According to the faculty, Faculty of Economics and Muamalat (FEM) students must
complete the industrial training for at least five months in the last semester of degree. The
industrial training commenced on 28th January 2020 and ended in 12th June 2020. The
trainee must complete the industrial training in 20 weeks as the course prerequisite.

Unfortunately, since COVID-19 spread aggressively, the industrial training period

faced a little bit of changes whereby, it is extended into a certain period differently according
to two categories. Category 1 stands for trainee whom continue working during Perintah
Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) either by shift or doing office job from home, namely work from
home (WFH) meanwhile Category 2 stand for trainee whom, during their industrial traning
period, they have been terminated, stop or given a break.

Hence, those who are included in Category 1 will finish their industrial training on 12
June 2020. Meanwhile, those who are included in Category 2 will end on 17 July 2020. In
this case, my industrial training period has been extended until 30 July 2020 as requested by
my industry supervisor to help the back-office staff especially after Perintah Kawalan
Pergerakan Berkawal (PKPB) starts. Thus, the total duration of my internship period equal to
27 weeks overall as informed to my University supervisor after receiving an email of
approval from the headquarters (HQ).


The industrial training is part of the syllabus for all final year USIM students as it is
one of the compulsory subjects for all students as a condition for graduation. The industrial
training is very significant in order to expose the students to the working environment in the
industry. Hence, it will enable students to understand the theories studied with more detailed
and hands on practice with real job situation. Through this industrial training, all students will
be given thorough exposure within the real job environment. In addition, it can help students

to gain their self-confidence and discover their own ability. It can also consider as a
preparation or preview before a real working environment later in the future.

The participation of trainees in a teamwork especially from different ages of the staff
in which trainees need to adapt with the situation very well, be more matured and open

while handling the given task. Trainees are also advice to comply and follow with all the
directions given as long it is not forbidden is Islam. Trainees learn that having ethics and
good manners make the trainees able to perform the job successfully as it was help by all
the staff directly and indirectly. By that, it teaches the trainees on how to be a responsible
and dedicated employee. Trainees will be able to foster the spirit as a new experience in
their respective fields before facing the real working environment.

At the same time, industrial training can also nurture a student’s leadership ability
and responsibility to perform or execute the given task. Besides, the student will be more
disciplined to follow rules and regulations when conducting industrial training. They would be
trained for a proper schedule planning and time management. Through this industrial
training, trainees can take this as perseverance challenge and thinking abilities in order to be
a critical thinker and wise problem solver.


Industrial training report is significant to any trainees as its role as an evidence in

completing industrial training which contains all the activities that learned throughout the
industrial training. Therefore, writing reports requires special attention of every student to be
able being evaluated as it is significant to meet the requirements of an institution.

The objectives of Industrial Training Report are:

1. As an evidence of USIM students that have undergone industrial training at the

selected industrial place.
2. As a documentation record as it is carried out during the industrial training period.
3. As a preparation for USIM students in doing writing and research on case study as
references material after graduating.
4. As a training for USIM students in preparing paperwork and improve student’s
creativity skills and ideas.


As a conclusion of one semester training period, it is aim for student to get a lot of
new knowledge that can be learned and understood well on how this firm plays an important
role in industrial field, especially in the scope of Muamalat Administration course. The
exposure that has been given to the trainees about the working technical aspect is a very
meaningful knowledge in order for this trainee to prepare before stepping into the real
working environment in the future.

Hopefully, with the impact of the industrial training, students will feel energetic to
explore more when the students started working after graduating later, as during internship,
they learnt about working time management, office environment, industry meeting
atmosphere. Last but not least, student’s involvement in industrial training can prove
student’s strength in undergoing training in technical field, at the same time making USIM
students as practical platform of education. The format report that need to be completed by
students after industrial training, train students in preparing technical report completely,
compact and in right order. The report as well can be made as guidance in generating some
crucial information in producing a valuable and critical human capital in the working sector.



Before Lembaga Haji was established in 1963, there was no Islamic financial
institution to mobilize the Muslims community’s savings for the hajj pilgrimage. Several
banks were already operating but Muslims were reluctant to make use of conventional
banking to save up for the hajj. Prospective hajj pilgrims did not want their savings for the
hajj to be tainted with ‘riba’ (usury) and the practices in modern banking in their endeavor to
attain ‘mabrur’ hajj which is hajj accepted by Allah.

Nevertheless, as Muslims, they were still determined to fulfill their fifth pillar of Islam,
especially when they were getting older. In the golden age, people are not used to the
practice of saving from a young age, the elderly had adopted a quickest way to save money
for the hajj. The quickest and easiest way was to sell of their property, such as their farms or
paddy fields. Some of them even leased or mortgaged their land for several years. This was
done to ensure the money was free of usury so they can perform the hajj with peace of mind
and were convinced they would attain the hajj accepted by Allah SWT. This practice was
common among Malaysian Hajj Pilgrims during that period, which resulted in them facing
with socio-economic problems. As they were coming back from Makkah, the Holy Land, they
have difficulties to continue with their lives as they had sold off their paddy and rubber
smallholdings. Some of them had to depend on their children and relatives for survival.
Worse come to worst, they had sold off their land in the village, together with their houses.

Some Muslims went for the hajj by saving money in the traditional way by keeping
their money inside a moneybox, rice jar, cupboard or bamboo safe. However, not many of
them were able to save enough money as this practice demanded tremendous discipline
and there was no way of ensuring that the money was safe. These savings were often used
for daily expenses or got stolen. This case was common among those in the low-income
group and those who are in weak financial situation. Muslims from Malaysia went through all
kinds of difficulties in terms of transportation, accommodation and welfare while they were in
the Holy Land, then. Since the journey to the Holy Land was a long trip, their considered it as

their final journey. As such, the departure of the pilgrim to the Holy Land was a sad occasion
for them and their family members but still they were determined to fulfill the fifth pillar of

Back to the old days, Malaysian Muslims had to engage the services of the hajj
sheiks on their own. These hajj sheiks were usually the ulama’ (Muslim scholars), brokers or
agents of local companies. The services provided by those hajj sheikhs were not uniform
and provided

at their own discretion. It was due to the absence authorized regulatory control over the
welfare of the hajj pilgrims at that time. With TH existence, the Malaysians’ hajj pilgrimage
became much easier and well-organized. In fact, for those making their maiden trip to the
Holy Land have nothing to worry about because TH will look into all their needs. This
includes matters related to passport, hajj visa, transportation, accommodation in Makkah,
Madinah and Arafah as well as healthcare and hajj guidance.



The idea to set up the Penubuhan Perbadanan Wang Simpanan Bakal-bakal Haji
(PWSBH) was born out of a proposal made by renowned Malay economist Royal Professor
Ungku Abdul Aziz bin Ungku Abdul Hamid in December 1959 to the Federal Government of
Malaya. Following that, Muslim intellectuals and the government in early 60’s was gathered
to do something for Malaysian Muslims’ interest in the world and the hereafter. So, the first
step taken was the establishment of PSWBH under Law No. 34, 1962, in 1963 and it was
placed under the Ministry of Rural Development. The first history created was on 30
September 1963. Whereby they started opening counters to collect deposits from
prospective hajj pilgrims in the country. Malaysian Muslims were taught on the importance of
savings at an early age inside a shariah compliant organization to prepare for their hajj. They
can save their money gradually without having to sell of their property in order to perform
their hajj. The establishment of PWSBH was a blessing for ummah, especially for the Muslim
community inside the country. To fulfill the roles entrusted to PWSBH, various
improvements made to ensure that its existence fully benefited Muslims, especially in
managing the hajj pilgrimage in the Holy Land.

When it started its operation in 1963, a total of 1281 prospective pilgrims opened
their accounts with a total savings of RM46,610. Their main objective was to ensure that
their savings were secure and free of usury so that it will enable them to fulfill the fifth pillar
of Islam and to attain the hajj accepted by Allah. The confidence displayed by the
prospective pilgrims encourage PWSBH to continue upgrading its services to ensure that it
can fulfilled one of the ‘Fardu Kifayah’ (religious duty of collective obligation). Since then, it
continued to intensify efforts to attract more Muslims to use the savings facility provided by
the government to ensure that their savings halal and safe. To strengthen the roles and to
coordinate expanding savings and hajj management, PWSBH was merged in 1969 with the
Pejabat Urusan Hal Ehwal Haji

(Hajj Affairs Management Office) which had been in operation earlier, since 1951 in Penang.
This new set up was named Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji (LUTH) and was later
renamed as Lembaga Tabung Haji in 1995, formerly known as Tabung Haji or by its
acronym TH.


Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) is an Islamic institution that continuously strives to

provide various facilities which are comprehensive and systematic for the welfare of
Malaysian Hajj Pilgrims. Besides, halal savings and efficient hajj operations management
investment transaction to add more value to the depositors. TH is a statutory body
established by the Government of Malaysia in 1963. TH is governed by Tabung Haji Act
1995 (Act 535) in providing facilities for Malaysian’s Muslims to save for hajj. With an
experience more than 50 years’ experience in savings, hajj services and investments and
the only institution that manage the hajj of prospective hajj pilgrimage inside the country, TH
encourages to strengthen the Malaysian Muslims’ economy by fully utilizing the available
resources and funds to expand the organization gracefully. TH strives to provide excellent
and satisfactory hajj services to Malaysian pilgrims and its consistent achievements have
gained world recognition as a role model for innovative hajj management. TH has more than
9 milion depositors and 125 branches with 10,000 touchpoint nationwide. TH also operates
an office in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the purview of the Malaysian Consulate.


This corporate logo displayed is the foundation of Tabung Haji’s brand identity. This
distinctive symbol is designed to be easily recognized and remembered worldwide. It
consists of two elements which are the word Tabung Haji and TaHa (‫ )تح‬which symbolizes
Tabung Haji’s commitment towards success of the Ummah’s Economy. This logo on the
name of Tabung Haji with an Arabic tagline, when translated it meaning “Come to Success’.


Typography is an important addition to the brand identity. A consistent usage of

certain typefaces adds another element which defines corporate identity of Tabung Haji.
Using font type Bold Century Gothic and Jawi typeface in the Naskh Tas is to maintain the
uniformity of the logo. The typeface in the monogram has been carefully selected for a
modern style look that is refined and enhanced by using Jawi text. Jawi typeface, ‫ تح‬is built
on graphics to maintain the consistency of the logo.

On the logo they have contrasting colours and process colours both. The green, as
seen on the logo, is TH’s official corporate colour. This custom green is used as the main

logo option. When the word Tabung Haji is green, the contrasting colour should be used
according to Pantone 376C. To make the logo, the use of monogram should be reflected in
Pantone 370C. The name of the organization, ‘Tabung Haji’ (green) is produced by a mixture
of 50% cyan(C) and 100% yellow (Y). The typeface of a monogram, TaHa (green) is placed
on 27% black (K). The black colour for Jawi typeface and monogram is taken from a
combination of 100% cyan (C), magenta 100% (M) and 100% black (K).



The Pillar of The Ummah’s Economic Success; Excellence in Hajj Management.


In achieving TH ‘s vision, WE pledge:

1. To strengthen the economy of the ummah

2. To remain active in seeking strategic investments locally and globally to ensure
sustainable growth
3. To consolidate and enrich depositors’ funds
4. To continuously provide excellent services
5. To facilitate and assist pilgrims towards achieving a Mabrur Hajj
6. To provide competitive, halal and toyyiban return


 Committed
 Professional
 Teamwork
 Embracing Change
 Loving and Caring


By the Grace of Allah SWT, we promise to:

1. Help you obtain a Mabrur Hajj with reasonable expenses;

2. Coordinate a timely, safe and reliable hajj flight;

3. Provide clean and comfortable accommodation in the Holy Land;
4. Maintain your account professionally and manage it privately and confidentially;
5. Invest in halal investments, prudently and safely in order to provide returns which are
comparable to the market, while ensuring continuous growth;
6. Provide courteous, fast and efficient services;
7. Provide accurate, clear and up-to-date information
























TH divided into 5 department which are independent unit, support unit, operations,
fund administration and hajj management. As an institution that sensitive to the needs of the
depositors and Muslims in general, TH will always look for a way to enhance its services to
meet the depositors expectation. For example, TH opened its branches in various states and
districts to make it easier for muslims to open savings accounts and enable them to increase
their deposits. This move, which was well-received by the community had witnessed a
phenomenal growth in TH’s accumulated funds. The funds were than invested in various
shariah-compliant economic activities to generate income and gaining return for the
depositors through the bonus payment.

TH also actively engaged in shariah-compliant investments, when it is entrusted with
the role of being the Secretariat to the National Steering Committee in 1982 to study and
recommend the establishment of an Islamic bank in Malaysia. Following to this, Islamic
Financial Services realised about it when Bank Islam was incorporated in 1983, Takaful
Malaysia in 1984, and Securities in 1994. With the government aspirations of making
Malaysia a high-income developed nation by 2020, TH continues enhancing the economic
growth of

the Ummah by making them more dynamic, creative and innovative to ensure that the hajj
pilgrims and depositors will continue to reap benefits from TH itself.

TH then continues to explore and widen its investment portfolio to diversify the
sources of its sustainable, continuos and moderate-risk revenue. To widen its service
channels, TH established collaboration with Pos Malaysia and selected banks as its
collecting agents. In line with the ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ and to provide Islamic Financial
Services under one roof, TH took initiative to consolidate agencies such as Takaful
Malaysia, Bank Islam and TH travel under the Islamic Financial Services Centre (IFiC) and
the first IFiC was launched in Johor Bahru in 2012. With the development of technology and
the growing needs of depositors, savings and withdrawals services as well as hajj
registration, at Bank Islam and Bank Rakyat’s ATM/CDM network and counters were
introduced in 2008. This service was further expanded in 2011 through Maybank Islamic
ATM/CDM network. TH introduces an open and customer-friendly counter concept using a
digital call device with trained officers to serve the customers’ need.

As the pioneer in hajj management, TH has gone through various trials and
tribulations to establish the best mechanism and it has always been enhanced from time to
time. Gratefully, today Malaysians are able to perform hajj comfortably, safe and cost
effectively. This hajj management is led by the Head of the Hajj Mission, who is assisted by
two deputies (Welfare and Medical). Under them are several Operations Directors who are
responsible for providing various services for the pilgrims’ comfort and solving issues that
may arise during the pilgrimage. Each Operations Director plays a vital role in ensuring the
effectiveness of the service, so the pilgrims can fully focus on their hajj rituals. To achieve
this objectives, every operational measure undertaken by the directors is guided by the
Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008.

TH hajj management consist of (20) key processes which are:

1.Hajj Registration

A depositor with a minimum savings of RM1300 with TH entitled to register for the
hajj at any TH offices, or Bank Islam or Bank Rakyat and Maybank Islamic branches. Upon
the registration, the individual will be assigned the year that he or she will perform hajj.

2.Selection of Eligibility

The assigned year for hajj is based on open registration and on the principle of ‘first-
come, first-served’.


Those selected will be invited to attend the Basic, Intensive and Prime Hajj Courses
organized by TH at selected mosques nationwide. The Basic Hajj Course is also open to
Muslim public who are interested to learn about the hajj. These courses are conducted by
Hajj course Facilitators (PEKTA) who are guided by a special hajj guidance module prepared
by TH. This hajj course module encompasses matters associated with the hajj philosophy
and management as well as health.

4.Health Check

It is mandatory for prospective hajj pilgrims to undergo a medical examination. After

the medical check-up, their health status is recorded in the Pilgrim Health Record Book
which the pilgrims keep with them to the holy land.

5.Passport Handling

Prospective pilgrims must apply for their passports at the Immigration office and send
them to the nearest TH branch for the hajj visa arrangements.

6.Hajj Flight Schedule

Prospective pilgrims who have accepted the offer to perform the hajj will be given a
flight schedule Letter with the registration date and flight time, as well as departure station.
Those who have named their “mahram” (family members or group) will be placed on the
same flight. Hajj pilgrims can also choose to depart from any of the seven (7) departure
stations available.

7.Visa Handling

TH collects the passports of prospective hajj pilgrims for visa application with the
Saudi Arabian Embassy.

8.Flight Departure Operations

Prospective pilgrims will register at and depart from the designated departure
stations. During registration, each pilgrim will be given a sticker which has personal details,
flight number and accommodation in the Holy land. The flight baggage check-in will take
place at the departure stations.


Upon arrival in Madinah and Jeddah airports, the prospective pilgrims will be
received by TH staff who will facilitate their baggage, immigration and customs clearance as
well as transportation to take them to the hotels in Madinah and Makkah.

10.Movement Coordination

The prospective pilgrims’ movement will be monitored, and coordinates based on the
bus numbers provided. The baggage will be placed in the buses which will bring them to
their hotels accordingly.


The pilgrims are placed at several hotels in Makkah and Madinah, between four and
five pilgrims will share a room depending on its size. TH ensures that the facilities provided
are in good condition, clean and comfortable.


Meals for the pilgrims are prepared by TH Global Services Sdn Bhd, a TH subsidiary.
Health officers from Malaysia and Saudi Arabia would conduct regular checks to ensure
cleanliness of the kitchen as well as row materials condition while the menu is prepared by
Malaysian nutritionists.

13.Ibadah Advisory Services

Ibadah advisory service is offered at every maktab in Makkah and Madinah for the
hajj pilgrims. This service is provided by qualified male and female Hajj facilitators in the
Holy Land (PIHTAS) to enable the pilgrims to overcome problems pertaining to the hajj.
Religious expert service and Pusat Panggilan Talian Ibadat (TAIB) are also available at the
TH headquarters, Makkah. PIHTAS are also stationed at the Malaysia Hospital, Makkah. In
Madinah, PIHTAS assist the pilgrims during their visits to the Nabawi Mosque and other
historic sites.

14.Financial Service

Financial counters are provided at every TH ‘maktab’ for deposits, withdrawals, and
payment for ‘dam’ (expiation) and ‘korban’ (sacrificial ritual). Mobile counters are also
provided in budget hotels in Makkah and Madinah.

15.Health Service

TH has set up clinics at every maktab in Makkah and zone in Madinah for hajj
pilgrims in need of medical treatment and consultation. They are open from 7 am to noon
and from 4.30 pm to 10pm daily, while emergency services are available round-the-clock.

16.Information and Feedback

Operations and information centers in Makkah and Madinah disseminate all kinds of
information to Malaysian Hajj Pilgrims during their stay in the Holy Land, including the travel
itinerary, hajj ritual guide, information on services as well as reminders.


The counselling unit serves hajj pilgrims in need of assistance while they are in the
Holy Land. Qualified male and female counsellors are always available at the maktab to help
the pilgrims.

18.Management of Deaths

TH reports every death of Malaysian pilgrims to the Operations Information Centres

in Makkah and Madinah which will relay the news to their respective next-of-kin back home.
TH will handle the death from registration to bathing the body, prayers up to the burial.
Malaysian Hajj Pilgrims who die in Madinah will be buried at the Baqi’ cemetery near the
Nabawi Mosque while those who die in Makkah will be laid to rest at the Al-Syarai’ek

19.Various third-party Services

TH coordinates various services with third parties such as bus transportation for hajj
pilgrims in Jeddah, Madinah, Makkah, Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafah, and dispatching of
goods or baggage to Malaysia. It also liaises with third parties in the area of prepaid phone
cards, cafeteria services as well as payment for ‘dam’ and ‘korban’. TH constantly monitors
them to ensure that the pilgrims receive the best services.

20.Return Flight Operations

TH personnel welcome hajj pilgrims on their return to Malaysia and assist them in
matters regarding immigration, customs, baggage claims and ‘zam zam’ water as well as
health services. Although the 20 processes/components are successful in facilitating and

providing comfort to the Malaysian Hajj Pilgrim, TH will strive to improve its services in
tandem with the advancement of technology.

Other than that, TH also invest in four main classes of assets, namely equity, fixed
income, property investments and money market. This is to ensure that its investment
portfolio is managed effectively and in order.

Equity investment contributes largely to TH’s revenue as it is considered as core

activities. TH investment can be classified as investment in listed and non-listed share, with
the main sectors of participation being trade and services, plantation, banking, construction,
industrial and consumer products, infrastructure, property, real estate investment trust
(REITS) and technology. TH also conduct an investment analysis which is on micro and
macro research on the pertinent company’s share through company visits, financial
company statements, media reports and any latest development on the company. At the
investment management level, discussions will be held before any investment decision is

After investing, TH will monitor the company’s performance to ensure that its
investment will brings competitive returns. TH has also ventured into alternative investment
in listed and private equities to generate returns which are shariah-compliant and
competitive through its appointed foreign fund managers.

Next, TH investment in fixed income securities include bonds/sukuk, shariah-

compliant commercial papers and financing to subsidiaries. Its investment in bonds/sukuk is
based on the concepts of musyarakah, murabahah, al-istisna’, al-ijarah and al-bai bithaman
ajil. TH’s investment in bonds/sukuk generates stable and competitive return. Today, fixed
income securities are the second biggest contributor to TH revenue following a review of the
strategic asset in allocation in 2011.

TH also ventured into long-term investment in property locally and abroad. Its
strategic participation in the property sector is through the acquisition of office buildings,
among them Menara TH Selborn, Menara TH Perdana, Menara TH uptown 5, Mydin USJ,
Lot N in KL Sentral and Menara D’Glomac Damansara. TH also involved in long-term
investment overseas. In Saudi arabia, TH has accommodation facilities for Malaysian Hajj
Pilgrims during the hajj season, such as the Olayan Hotel and Hajar Tower in Makkah and
the Al-Anwar Movenpick Hotel in Madinah.

Afterall, money market is the short-term investment whereby TH invests in shariah-

based savings (mudharabah), tradeable instruments, and short-term and medium-term
money markets. TH also aims to widen its investment portfolio overseas, especially in
property and equity. Towards this end, TH has made investments into the property markets
in Saudi Arabia,

London and Australia as well as investing in regional stock markets through appointed
foreign fund managers. TH also has the potential to venture into education, health and food

Other than that, TH has been actively involved in long-term investment activities
through the property market locally and abroad to diversify its investment portfolio within the
Strategic Asset Allocation framework. TH involve in property investment because in the long
run it can provide capital appreciation and steady returns to TH itself. Inside Malaysia TH
owns several commercial buildings around the Klang Valley other than the headquarters
building in Jalan Tun Razak. TH will continue to explore opportunities outside Klang Valley if
it fits the investment criteria and generate competitive returns.

Based on the global property market studies, London is the most popular property
investment destination in the world. Transactions in the city of London Alone were valued at
USD105.7 Billion in 2012 passing other cities in the world. United Kingdom is the focus due
to its transparent property market, high-quality buildings, high liquidity due to international
investors as well as gaining stable income from long-term tenancies.

TH currently has three (3) office buildings in United Kingdom, located at 10 Queen
Street, 151 Buckingham Palace Road and in Leatherhead, Surrey. In Australia, TH has
implemented joint acquisition with Malaysian partner to purchase the building in Collins
Street, Melbourne. The acquisition was carried out in the third quarter of 2013. TH also

leases hotels on a long-term basis in the Holy Land of Makkah and Madinah for the usage of


Inside this chapter, trainee will combine all the task and jobs given and executed by
the trainee during industrial training period. It is included with all the task given by
different department. Since TH Tawau was a Depository Services and Operations, it will
all depends on the number of people coming to the office for any transactions. Based on
the trainee observation, the lesser the number of depositors coming to the office, the
lesser the number of transactions per day. It became very obvious during PKP starts, the
numbers of transaction in the Depository Services and Operations office drop down, it
will give a big impact through the office since different office district got different numbers
of goals targeted by the headquarters. The task executed depends on the transaction of
depositors at the office.


According to the guidelines of industrial training, weekly jobs summary done by the
trainee during industrial training period, it is summarized weekly in a tabulate way. Due to
Covid-19 the weekly jobs summary may have been blank for certain weeks because the
trainee was given a holiday starting from the first day of PKP on 13 March 2020 referring to
Circulation of Human Resources number 2/2020 emailed from the Headquarters Kuala

Week Task

 Jot down input from morning briefing every morning

 Introduce to different types of forms before processing
 Settling JP003 form
 Answering phone calls
 Arranging farewell party
 Counting form stock remained inside the cupboard

 Jot down input from morning briefing every day

 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Answering phone calls
 Learning about coin machines
3.  Jot down input from morning briefing every day
 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters

 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Answering phone calls
 Jot down input from morning briefing every day
 New filling
 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Answering phone calls

 Jot down input from morning briefing every day

 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters
 Answering phone calls
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Meetings
 Jot down input from morning briefing every day
 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters
 Answering phone calls
 Managing Hibah Amanah
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Jot down input from morning briefing every day
 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters
 Answering phone calls
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Managing Hibah Amanah
 Counting coins

 Jot down input from morning briefing every day

 Managing JP003
8.  Drafting letters
 Answering phone calls
 Handling postage for urgent documents

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical

9. student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical

10. student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical

student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical
12. student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical

13. student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical

14. student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical

15. student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.

 Referring to’’Pekeliling Sumber Manusia Bil 02/2020", a practical

student is given leave due to the covid19 outbreak by the
headquarters until the specified date informs.
 Fillings
 Managing JP003
 Distributing hand sanitizers, facemask, latex hand gloves

 Managing JP003
17.  New fillings
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Managing JP003
 Counting coins
 Drafting letters
 Handling postage for urgent document
 Managing JP003
19.  Managing Hibah Amanah
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Managing JP003
20.  Managing Hibah Amanah
 Handling postage for urgent document
 Filling week
21.  Drafting letters
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Jot down input from morning briefing every day
 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters
22.  Managing Hibah Amanah
 Counting coins
 Answering phone calls
 Handling postage for urgent documents

 Jot down input from morning briefing every day
 Managing JP003
 Drafting letters
 Answering phone calls
 Managing Hibah Amanah
 Counting coins
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 New filling
 New Fillings
24.  Answering phone calls
 Drafting letters
 Managing Files
 Answering phone calls
 Drafting letters
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Jot down input from morning briefing every day
 Managing JP003
26.  Drafting letters
 Answering phone calls
 Handling postage for urgent documents

 Settling report and slides

 Presentation
 Handling postage for urgent documents
 Drafting letters
 Managing JP003
 Jot down input from morning briefing everyday
 Settling clearance form
 Marks my last day of internship, Alhamdulillah.

There was lot of task done by the trainee depending on the transaction of depositors
inside the premises. So, it may repeat regularly but for different depositors. At first, for first 3
weeks, the branch manager asked the trainee to be in the administration department as it
was the core department at any company. So, the trainee was asked to start with managing

JP003 was a form that depositors used when they want to register as new members
or updating current data inside the ‘Green Screen’. ‘Green Screen’ was a system used inside
TH to store depositor’s data. Trainee used to fill in all the data inside the JP003 using
JP003A. JP003 was a form that consist of name, phone number, identity card number,
current address, email address, races, types of jobs, spouse and others. After filling the
form, trainee had to make sure that the date behind the form was wrote down based on the
date of the transaction happens. JP003 form must be write in black pen and capital letter.
Then, trainee must also check the fingerprint grooves does not collided with the signature as

it was forbidden. After that, trainee need to differentiate the JP003 form based on different
types of transaction which are “ahli baru”,” kemaskini kali pertama”,” kemaskini
maklumat”,”tukar akaun kanak-kanak ke dewasa” and “borang penama”. After the form
being differentiate according to the types of transaction, it will be sort by date and the code
of counter teller. The form then will be compiled back in one-week transaction and sort
together before sending it to the headquarters. Only the JP003 will be sent to the
headquarters while JP003A will be kept in the office. After finish sorting all out, trainee need
to weigh all the form and using the franking machine to process the postage. A franking
machine is a metering device used to streamline the process of postage. Instead of having
to travel to a post office, queue and weigh the form, trainee can affix postage using
a franking machine and drop the form at the local post office

Next, Managing Hibah Amanah. First, trainee have to arrange the form accordingly
and check whether all the form has been signed by the nominee. Then use the rubber name
stamp to stamp the form before being sign by the counter teller and the financial executive
itself. Afterwards, it needs to be differentiated between the original and copy. Total copies of
one transaction for hibah amanah was three. But when the nominee was up until five person
it will double up the numbers of the page for each form. One copies and the original Hibah
Amanah will be send to the headquarters while one copies kept at the office. After being sign
by the parties involved it will then be tagged out for postage after the letters of ‘Permohonan
Hibah Amanah settled.’

For drafting letters, drafting letters usually for “surat tuntutan bayaran”, “surat
permohonan pengeluaran pusaka”, “surat permohonan Hibah Amanah” and others. Usually
the reference number are running and can be refer into the exact files before printing it into
two pages, one with the letter head and another one was the copy. As usual, the original will
be sent to the headquarters and the copy will be kept at the office.

First time learning to answer a phone called was at the office. Trainee must answer
accordingly with a correct format. The trainee was afraid at first but later it was quite an
excitement. It became the busiest one during the pandemic Covid-19 starts because the
public was concerned about the hajj pilgrimage for the year being. Incase things need more
precise explanations trainee just have to transfer the phone call to the branch manager,
financial executive, admin clerk or hajj clerk regarding to the query with the right phone code

For counting coins trainee are using machines coins, the demand for coins in TH
Tawau was high because there are no extra charges for notes exchanging to coins. The
machine will automatically differentiate the coins according to the size of the coins and

rejecting the foreign coins or laundry token that mixed together with the coins. The coins will
be segregated by RM100 in each bag. After balancing all the coins financial executives and
trainee will be able to trace the short after comparing it to the money transaction in the office.
If the coins were pack in RM100 it can be easily sold to the supermarket nearby TH Tawau
without charging for any extra charges.

TH Tawau have 10 staff excluded the cleaners. incase if someone is taking a break,
they will need someone to relief them during rest hours for lunch and zohor prayers. This
task namely greeters. When the depositors come by to the premises, greeters will assist
them with the transaction they want to do. Greeters will ask their need before selecting the
correct queue number which differentiate by different transactions and teach them the
correct way to fill in the form and answer all the question related.

Next, filling. Before opening new file, trainee need to make sure the file was close
properly by checking the date of the documents is running, the numbering, the circle stamp
on the right top of the paper, the minutes of every documents inside the file on the minute
are properly listed with correct color pen either red or black and blue to avoid audit
reprimand repeated. The trainee also learns how to do billing for petty cash reimbursement,
recuperation for each petty cash balance especially if it has reached the minimum amount of
balance inside the safe which are RM500.

Basically, when the branch manager asked to be with the department of

administration for three weeks, it was good as a kick-start. But somehow, imagined that the
trainee had only little amount of period to learn new thing and managing JP003 was not
encouraging so the trainee go and ask the financial executive or other team staff if there is
any task the trainee can do. The trainee independently looking for the task while doing other
thing along with the assisted task just to make sure that the back-office was smooth and
doing well. Simply said, the trainee independently asking for jobs then she get to learn new
thing. Doing internship in a big company, it was really good chance to grab, but won’t they
have a file of task or list of tasks listed so that the trainee was able to explore and get real
exposure of doing new things? In a positive way trainee really think if she could suggest
them to prepare one file for the internship student task since at the headquarters KL they do
have a department that manage practical student affairs to ensure that those who are
undergoing industrial training under TH will comes out to become a quality practical student
for TH own future.

3.2.1 DATA

Below are accumulated data since the first day trainee undergone industrial training
at the premises, TH TAWAU. It is updated till 30 July 2020 as it was emailed daily to the
administration clerk.

AHLI BARU 562 832 383 0 61 402 368 2608
238 272 179 10 43 135 108 985
KALI 299 431 247 0 18 129 242 1366
LINK-KAD 882 557 287 115 157 473 261 2732
23 35 10 0 2 4 0 74
0 562 204 113 114 213 51 1257

Diagram 1 show the annually goals targeted for TH Tawau.


AHLI BARU 2608 5791 3183
DAFTAR HAJI TUNAI 985 4238 3253
1366 4983 3617
LINK-KAD 2732 5825 3093
THIJARI ONLINE 1257 5569 4312

Diagram 2 show the balance of the target and annually target for TH Tawau.

The numbers show us that only Hibah Amanah was 100% completed compare to other
transactions whereby others transaction needs the staff to work overtime usually on
weekend especially for Ahli Baru, Daftar Haji Tunai, Link Kad and Thijari Online. This is
because if we are only hoping for people come to the premise the growing numbers would
quite slow. But due to Covid-19, any marketing activities cannot be held outside the
premises until the HQ said so. So, for the time being, the marketing staff can only work on
Link Kad and Thijari Online to ensure the numbers grow bigger as the time pass by.



In this chapter, trainee will share any critical issue identified and propose a
solution to overcome any issue arise.
During Covid-19 the demand of hand sanitizer and face mask increase very
high. It leads to the issue of pricing where one unit of hand sanitizer and face
mask turns out to be a little bit pricey than the usual one. Trainee was asked to
look for hand sanitizer stocks that can be posted to current location during that
time as a preparation for the office before its starts operating since hand
sanitizers was out of stock in Tawau. When HQ ask all the premise to open and
operate usually, all the premises are open and implementing precautionary
measures like checking up the depositor’s temperature, taking their details such
as name and phone numbers inside the logbook and seat distancing. This is to
reduce the risk from getting infected of Covid-19. So, everyday the auxiliary
police will personally pump the required amount of hand sanitizers to the
depositors which the distancing of the auxiliary police, staff and depositors was
less than one meter or even if they pump the hand sanitizer on to their hand the
top of the bottle was already been touched by the depositors before them.
In order to resolve this issue, we suggested a hand sanitizer dispenser behind
the auxiliary police desk. Every time the depositors come inside the premises,
they will need to step on the hand sanitizer dispenser and the hand sanitizer will
be pump equally. No more pumping hand sanitizer for auxiliary police to the
public. Indirectly it can reduce the risk of infectious and susceptible diseases.

Trainee will move to the next issue which is filling. Filling system was one
core things that must be well organized and systematic in the office.
Unfortunately, things were not going very well for filling system in this office. The
list was not compatible with the numbering on the file. Somehow it takes around 5
minutes just looking for one file which means it was very ineffective. How come
only one file cannot be found in just a second, and how come people consume to
much time not knowing the whereabouts of that certain file. In the end, trainee
decided to rearrange the file back to make sure things are in order, neat, and
pleasant to see. It starts by buying new small shelf to proportion the files, then list
back all the files details including files name and reference number and organize
it alphabetically and in ascending order so it will be easier to look for in the future.
At least trainee is able to settle this issue since no one are willing to do it before
and hopefully it will be fully utilized and well-manage by the staff so the same
thing would not happen again.

Every office has been set a target for annual achievement to ensure that the
office is always excellent and eager to achieve that target. In order to make
dreams come true, they must work together as team. Usually during weekend, on
Saturday the staff will go for marketing. If there are two places teams must be
separated into two groups with different supervisor on duty. On Sunday, the staff
will go for intensive hajj course lead by the entitled facilitators. Based on the
trainee observation, working in TH was quite challenging and tiring especially
with a small amount of staff. During weekdays normal working hours starts from
8am to 5pm, if there are to many transactions in one day, the balancing will take
about one hour indirectly it will drag the time to 6.00-6.30 pm. But things are
slowing down since Covid-19. Apart from pursuing the target staff also need to
work overtime to achieve the target of each branch office on the instructions of
superiors. If the headquarters could allocate certain amount of budget so that a
big event could be held outside, it may help the office target easily achieved. The
concept could be the same as handling ICEPS15 where arranging a big event
was quite challenging but the profit gain from the event was satisfying. So maybe
for TH own good in the future they should plan TH Carnival likely Jom Heboh so
they could achieve the branch office annual target easily.


Here are some recommendations on the industrial training program for future
improvements. The management should prepare the basic facilities for industrial trainees
such as table, chair and computer with an internet connection since it was basic necessities

in a dynamic working environment. So that trainee would not have to wait for turn in order to
use the facilities especially a computer. Furthermore, a list of job scope must be prepared
and informed the trainee, so the trainee is informed with their tasks rather than doing the
same things repetitively in a period amount of time. This can be considered as an
encouragement to the trainee during the industrial training period.

Furthermore, the allowance management should be proper since somehow due to

the problematic bio system the allowance was not paid accordingly. It is not that this
allowance was the main thing to be discuss but if the company said all the trainee will get
RM15 per day during industrial training period then it should be paid since they said.
Company should manage the system properly otherwise other student will persecuted and it
is not good for the company image in the future. Even the staff own salary was paid on time,
so considering this industrial trainee allowance properly as it was part of the company itself
was thoughtful.


In conclusion, trainee got lot of benefit in the industry attachment in a way that
trainee managed to apply the theoretical knowledge from the university and practice it
through task that executed by the trainee. After almost five months of industrial training,
trainee learn more new things while developing communication and interpersonal skills, time
management, presentation skills, conflict resolution and more. The trainee also learns how
to do filling in order and organize since the documents in a good arrangement considered as
a basic thing to do in administration department.

Last but not least, this industrial training is very important to help trainee knows and
adapting themselves into a real situation of working environment before start working in the
future. Through this industrial training also trainee can measure their perseverance and
thinking skills abilities in deciding new things. Finally, it was a great, exciting and invaluable
experience for trainee even though it was only for one semester.



1. Citra Kejayaan Malaysia, 2013.


1. Carta organisasi Tabung Haji at:

2. Laman web Tabung Haji at:
3. Logo Tabung Haji at:
4. Pelaburan Tabung Haji at:
5. Pengurusan Haji at:
6. Transaksi Tabung Haji at:

1) Editing poster for office display.

2) During file arrangement.

3) Surveying shelf for files.

4) Counting book stocks for hajj pilgrimage.

5) Minuting files.

6) Closing files.

7) With some of the staff

8) During Built in hand sanitizer dispenser.

9) Hand sanitizer dispenser.

10) Latex gloves allocation for staff.

11) Trainee farewell party.

12) Trainee at the office.

13) Self – removal and warm wishes and prayer from my financial executive.


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