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The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012044

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Implementation of Statistics Textbook Support with ICT and

Portfolio Assessment Approach to Improve Students Teacher
Mathematical Connection Skills

P Hendikawati and N R Dewi

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Universitas Negeri Semarang

Corresponding author:;

Abstract. Statistics needed for use in the data analysis process and had a comprehensive
implementation in daily life so that students must master the well statistical material. The use
of Statistics textbook support with ICT and portfolio assessment approach was expected to help
the students to improve mathematical connection skills. The subject of this research was 30
student teachers who take Statistics courses. The results of this research are the use of
Statistics textbook support with ICT and portfolio assessment approach can improve students
mathematical connection skills.

1. Introduction
Data analysis is an important part of the research process that is often regarded as a difficult thing.
Data analysis is very important in research process because after processing and analysing data, the
researchers can draw conclusions and make generalisations framework uses concepts or theory.
Statistics subjects discussed various statistical methods that to obtain a conclusion that will be useful
for decision making. Statistics help the process of data analysis in real life and has a broad
implementation. By understanding the concept of Statistics, students are expected to implement the
knowledge into various real-life cases related to the application of statistics and can solve complex
problems related to the analysis of statistical data.
During this time many students are still experiencing problems and made mistakes in analysing
cases related to statistical data. Difficulties and mistakes that occur include inaccuracy in calculating
the data analysis and the precision and accuracy of the resulting solutions [1]. Information technology
is growing today, especially the development of the computer, software, and various applications that
can be used to help speed up and simplify the process of understanding and analysis of statistical data,
which is expected to improve the competence of students in Statistics lectures. The process of data
analysis for decision-making has a fairly broad implementation in real life, so this research is
important to carry out.
Nowadays, many criticisms of the low quality of education in the various educational unit. One of
the highlights is an instrument or tool of evaluation used considered not valid and reliable, as well as
the aspects that are less complete. It will eventually come to a conclusion, that the assessment
approach now needs to be updated with other approaches. Portfolio-based assessment is an assessment
model which is expected to reveal and assess students with more accurate and more complete based on
the evidence possessed by students.
In this study, the Statistics textbook design that already developed will provide wider opportunities
for students to go directly into the field to learn the source of the data and issues surrounding, then

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The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012044

analysed to obtain solutions using various materials have been studied in the lecture. In this case,
students are trained to be able to connect the knowledge obtained with real cases encountered in life
and then provide a solution that is accurate and communicate appropriately and effectively.
Mathematical connection capability is the ability of high-level mathematical thinking that either
directly or indirectly have contributed greatly to the success of a student's study. The design of this
course collaborated with a team of lecturers/computing laboratories so that the data can be simulated
and analysed more systematically. The work of the students subsequently compiled into a set of tasks
that form a portfolio.
Mathematical connection ability is an ability relating mathematical concepts either among
mathematical concepts themselves (in mathematics) or relating mathematical concepts with other
scopes beyond mathematics [2]. Because the material of mathematics is an interconnected unity, the
mathematical connection ability is required in the learning process. Connection questions are
important to be studied by the students because the concept in mathematics related to each other not
only in mathematics theory but also among mathematics branch [3]. According to [4] the indicators of
mathematical connection ability are (1) searching for the relationship of any concept and procedure
representation; (2) understanding the relationship among mathematics topics; (3) applying
mathematics in other fields or in daily life; (4) understanding the equivalent representation of a
concept; (5) searching for the relationship between one procedure to another procedure in an
equivalent representation; (6) applying the relationship among mathematics topics and between
mathematics topics and topics beyond mathematics. There are three kinds of connections i.e. the
connection between new information and current knowledge, the connection between mathematical
concepts, and connection with everyday experience [5].
Nowadays, ICTs that used digital technologies such as computers and the internet are potential and
powerful tools for education change and reform [6]. The use of ICTs in education help raise
educational quality, helping teaching in learning process into an engaging and active that connected to
real life.
The abstract object of mathematics can study easier with ICT so that the occurrence of students’
misinterpretations can be avoided. [7] State that abstract mathematics is easier to understand and more
interesting to learn by using ICT. Lack of lecturers’ creativity that makes monotonous learning usually
makes students bored and not interested in the mathematical subject. ICTs potential to innovate,
accelerate, enrich, and deepen skills, to motivate and engage the student, to help related school
experience to work practices, and strengthening teaching [8].
Learning mathematics in college is not just memorise or only apply a simple mathematical formula,
but requires a High-Level Thinking Skills Mathematically that would be beneficial to the students
themselves [9] [10]. This research will develop mathematical connection abilities that are part of the
high-level mathematical thinking skills that important regarding data analysis in the course of
Statistics. Statistics Textbook development of ICT-supported approaches designed a portfolio that is
expected to improve the ability of students’ mathematical connections in addition to improving
learning outcomes.

2. Method
This research uses a quasi-experimental design with pre-test post-test control group design. This study
used time series design which does not use a control group and only one group using all subjects in the
group for treatment. Research conducted at the Department of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang. The population were all students of Mathematics
Education in the second semester of 2015/2016 at the Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri
Semarang in Statistics course. The samples in this research were selected using simple random
sampling technique, and select one group of students learning group were given treatment learning
using Statistics textbook supported with ICT and portfolio assessment approach. The variables
observed in this study is students’ mathematical connection ability and Statistics learning outcomes.
These variables were measured before and after implementation of using Statistics textbook supported
with ICT and portfolio assessment approach in the learning process.

2.1. The Steps of Research

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012044

The first steps in this research were determined to sample and trial class from a population of the
study. Develop research instruments include syllabi, lesson plans, pre-test and post-test. After that,
perform the test questions in trial class that have received Statistics material and then analyse the
results of trials test to determine validity, reliability, the level of difficulty, and index of differentiated
power. Next, set items that will be used in the pre-test and post-test in the experimental class. Items
that do not meet the criteria are not used in the test. Before treatment, a pre-test was given to measure
students’ mathematical connection ability. Then, conduct learning in experiments class using Statistics
textbook supported with ICT and portfolio assessment approach and give post-test to measure
students’ mathematical connection ability after treatment. After all, data was collected then analyse the
data from the pre-test and post-test to verify the hypothesis.

2.2. Data Collection Technique and Research Instrument

The data collected in this research consisted of quantitative data. The students GPA in odd semester
2015/2016 was the data that collected with documentation method. Tests method conducted to test
student mathematical connection ability. Tests carried out before the students acquire treatment (pre-
test) and after the students treated using Statistics textbook supported with ICT and portfolio
assessment approach (post-test). Data were then used to test for normality, homogeneity, and the
average similarity.
Instruments in this research were tested item to measure students’ mathematical connections
ability, and lesson plan. Mathematical connections ability test consist of pre-test and post-test. The
pre-test was used to determine students’ ability before the treatment is given. Post-test was used to
noticing an increase in students’ mathematical connection ability after getting treatment. The material
contained in the test question is all of the material in the Statistics course for one semester. The lesson
plan was made for one semester in 11 meetings. Lesson plan made accordance with the curriculum
used in Statistics.

3. Result

3.1. Preliminary Data Analysis Result

The initial analysis conducted before students were given treatment. The sample consisted of 30
students. The analysis carried out in the early stages of grade point average (GPA) data in the odd
semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. Initial data taken from the odd semester GPA is used to
determine the category of students’ initial ability. The division of students initial categories and
distribution of the sample based on students initial ability are summarised in Table 1.

Table 1. Criteria of Students Initial Ability

Interval Category Quantity
≥ . High 27
. ≤ < . Medium 3
< . Low 0
Modified from [11]

From 30 students subject of the research, based on early data analysis from GPA score, obtained
students grouping according to student initially ability. There were 27 (90%) of students who fit high
capability, 3 (10%) of students in moderate ability category, and there was no student in low ability

3.2. Data Analysis Mathematical Connections Test

After doing the research and the data obtained from the results of tests that measure the ability of
mathematical connections, then tested the hypothesis that has been proposed. Analysis of test data is
performed to determine whether the results of the pre-test and post-test mathematical connection
satisfy the hypothesis formulated or not. Before the test, the hypothesis of differences average of pre-
test and post-test first tested the prerequisites normality test.

3.2.1. Test Difference Average Pre-Test and Post-Test Students Mathematical Connection Ability

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012044

Normality Test of pre-test and post-test mathematical connection ability scores aims was to determine
whether the results of the pre-test and post-test mathematical connection ability have a normal
distribution. Table 2 shows the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with sig 0.004 worth less than
0.05 so that H0 is rejected. While the value of sig to post-test mathematical connection ability was
0.096 greater than 0.05, then H0 is accepted. It shows the value of data pre-test of students
mathematical connections were not normally distributed, while the post-test scores mathematical
connection ability were normally distributed.

Table 2. Normality Test of Pre-test and Post-test Student Mathematical Connections Ability
Mathematical Connections
Pre-test Post-test
N 30 30
Kolmogorov- Smirnov Z 1.770 1.232
Sig. 0.004 0.096
H0 Reject Accept

The hypothesis of students’ mathematical connection difference testing students’ mathematical

connection ability before and after treatment using Statistics textbook supported with ICT and
portfolio assessment. This test was performed to determine the average difference in the improvement
of student mathematical connection abilities before given treatment using Statistics textbook supported
with ICT and portfolio assessment (μ1) and after treatment (μ2). Based on normality test, the
hypothesis of difference used nonparametric Mann-Whitney.
Table 3 shows that Mann-Whitney U (Z) value -6.720 with sig 0.000, so accept H1. It means that
there are differences in student mathematical connection ability average using Statistics textbook
supported with ICT and portfolio assessment approach. It shows that the implementation of Statistics
textbook supported with ICT and portfolio assessment approach significantly proven make a
difference and increase the student's mathematical connections ability. Improved connection ability,
the increase in the average value of the pre-test and post-test which initially 0.67 in the pre-test score
increased to 8.93 on a post-test. The use of ICT in learning has also been widely perceived benefits on
several previous studies which have been carried out [12], [13], [14], [15] and [16].
Moreover, regarding the category of post-test connection capabilities mathematically students,
there were 21 students (70%) belongs to a high category, 6 students (20%) included in medium
category and 3 students (10%) belongs to a low category.

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012044

Table 3. Mann-Whitney Test of Mathematical Connections

Mathematical Connections
Pre-test Post-test
N 30 30
Mean 0.67 8.93
Mann-Whitney U -6.720
Sig. 0.000
H0 Reject

3.2.2. Test of Mathematical Connection Ability Achievement Based on Initial Ability

Normality test of post-test mathematical connection ability based on students’ initial ability aims to
determine whether the results of the post-test scores have a normal distribution.

Table 4. Normality Test of Post-test Student Mathematical Connections by Initial Abilities

Mathematical Connections
High Medium
N 27 3
Kolmogorov- Smirnov Z 1.368 0.583
Sig. 0.047 0.886
H0 Reject Accept

Based on the result in Table 4, Kolmogorov-Smirnov value for mathematical connection ability with
higher ability category was 1.368 with sig value 0.047 so that H0 rejected. Moreover, Kolmogorov-
Smirnov value for mathematical connection ability with medium ability category was 0.583 with sig
value 0,886 so that H0 accepted. It shows that post-test of students’ mathematical connection abilities
with high ability category were not normally distributed, while post-test for medium ability category
students were normally distributed.
Hypothesis testing of students mathematical connection ability differences based on initial ability
GPA scores performed to determine the difference in student mathematical connection ability
achievement of high ability category (μ1) and medium ability category (μ2). The achievement of
students’ mathematical connection ability was indicated by the value of post-test mathematical
connections ability. A different test average of students’ mathematical connection ability calculated
using Mann-Whitney test because post-test scores were not normally distributed. Based on the result
of the difference in mathematical connection ability achievement in Tabel 5, it obtained Mann-
Whitney U (Z) -1.816 and sig value 0.086, so can conclude to accept H0. It means that there was no
difference in the average of students mathematical connection ability achievement using Statistics
textbook supported with ICT and portfolio assessment approach in students with high and medium
ability categories.
It shows that the implementation of Statistics textbook supported with ICT and portfolio
assessment approach significantly proven increase the ability of students’ mathematical connection
ability. These results correspond to the results of the research [17] that computer-based can increase
students scores in low and average achievers. Achievement of the mathematical connection ability on
high and medium ability category have post-test mean score consecutive 9.22 and 6.33. It shows that
with Statistics textbook supported with ICT and portfolio assessment approach, students’
mathematical connection ability achievement give high ability.

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012044

Table 5. Mann-Whitney Test of Achievement Mathematical Connection

Initial Ability
High Medium
Mean 9.22 6.33
Mann-Whitney U -1.816
Sig. 0.086
H0 Accept

4. Result
Based on the results of this research can be concluded that the Statistics textbook supported with ICT
and portfolio assessment approach can improve students mathematical connections ability in Statistics
lectures of Mathematics Education students that seen with the increased scores of the mathematical
connection abilities.

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