Unit 2 General Revision Choose The Correct Word(s) in Brackets

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Unit 2 General Revision

Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1. Where did your father (go - went – going - was going) yesterday?

2. He didn't (sending - sent - send - sends) me any presents on my last birthday.

3. What (did you do - you did - were you doing - are you doing) when I (saw - was
seeing - see – am seeing) you in the bank?

4. I am writing - was writing - wrote - writing) a letter to my uncle a month ago.

5. We (played - play - were playing - playing) when it (start – starting -were starting -
started) to rain last week.

6. Dad (cut - was cutting - cutting - is cutting) himself while he (shaving- shaved - is
shaving - was shaving).

7. Just as I (crossing - crossed - cross - was crossing) the street, a car (hits - was hitting
- hit - is hitting) me.

8. She (doing - was doing - did - is doing) her homework when the lights (went - go -
going - was going) off.

9. The teacher (was explaining - explained – explains - explaining) the lesson as we

(listened – listening - listen - were listening) carefully.

10. While (was - were - being - been) ill, he stayed at home for a week.

11. Yesterday, afternoon I (play - have played - was playing - will play) football in the
12. Rami (was studying - is studying - studies - is going to study) English yesterday at 9

13.They (are watching - may watch - were watching - have been watching) TV at

14. When she (can see – sees - will see – saw) a scorpion on the floor, she was
cleaning her room.

15. While John was cooking, his sister (sleeps - is asleep - was sleeping -will sleep).

16.While I was walking in the street, I (met - can meet - was meeting -may meet) my

17. As they (were playing - are playing - play - can play) rained heavily

18. While he was (be - was – been - being) polite, his friends were being rude.

19.When I saw him, he (watches - will watch - was watching -watch) TV.

20.Just as she was looking, her mother (enters - entered - will enter-may enter) the

Rewrite the following using the words in brackets:

1. She went into the room to see her son dancing to music. (When)

2. While she was having lunch, the phone rang. (When)

3. While they were in the park, it rained heavily. (being)

4. When he came back, his brother was studying English. (While)

5. While my uncle was driving, a policeman stopped his (When)

1- Last year I spend my holiday in Ireland

2-While I (do) the washing up the I break a plate.

3-He drink some juice and then he eat some chips

4-I have dinner when I suddenly hear a loud voice

5- Once, A king (go) into the jungle and (live ) with the animals

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