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4.1 SWOT Matrix

Strengths Weaknesses

S1- Have strong financial strength W1- High production cost

S2- Have high market share W2- Broadcast repetitive
S3- Have good production capabilities W3- Media content deliverables are still

conducted traditionally
S4- Have robust advertising competencies W4- High maintenance cost
S5- High reputation, owns popular brand W5- Broadcast many non-beneficial

image in media industry advertisements

S6- Have good management structure W6- Lack of international media contents
S7-Have good and wide business relationship W7- Have limited radio and TV stations with

with other media companies only English, Malay and Chinese based

S8- Offer comprehensive outdoor media W8- Limited content offering in NST

S9- Provide holistic and end to-end W9- Lack of online presence due to only few

diversified digital consultancy application launch

S10- Develop talents arising from MP reality W10-


Opportunities Threats

O1- growth in internet accessibility and T1- Wireless communication shift consumer

literacy focused toward online based activities

O2- Malaysia’s transformation to Digital T2- Shift of advertisement mode to online

Nation social media and free channels

O3- Emergence of new technological-based T3- High competition in entertainment

innovation in business deliverables (IPTV, industry

O4-Increase in consumers' willingness to pay T4- Fluctuation of foreign currencies

for paid-media contents

O5-Increase of job opportunities and talent T5- Government control toward Malaysian

development in media and entertainment field media through regulations

O6-Rapid advancement of mobile technology T6- Increase in counterfeit media products
that changes landscape of media industry
(smartphones, tablet, smart-TV)
O7- Good cooperation between Malaysian T7- Increase in customer fragmentation

integrated media with foreign production .

O8- Growth of media and entertainment T8- Covid-19 pandemic

industry at emerging markets

O9- High number of mobile-devices T9- Foreign companies

ownership in all customer segmentation.

O10- Development of MRT and retailer T10- Possible negative publicity
infrastructures in Malaysia


S1- Have strong financial W1- High production cost

strength W2- Broadcast repetitive
Internal Forces
S2- Have high market share W3- Media content
S3- Have good production deliverables are still
capabilities conducted traditionally
S4- Have robust advertising W4- High maintenance cost
competencies W5- Broadcast many non-
S5- High reputation, owns beneficial advertisements
popular brand image in media W6- Lack of international
industry media contents
S6- Have good management W7- Have limited radio and
structure TV stations with only
S7-Have good and wide English, Malay and Chinese
business relationship with based channels
External Forces other media companies W8- Limited content offering
S8- Offer comprehensive in NST
outdoor media solutions W9- Lack of online presence
S9- Provide holistic and end due to only few application
to-end diversified digital launch
S10- Develop talents arising
from MP reality shows


O1- growth in internet

SO1 ( S1+S10+O5) : WO1 (W3+ O3) : Innovate
accessibility and literacy
increasing employment traditional deliverables
O2- Malaysia’s
opportunities for talented methods to digital platforms.
transformation to Digital
WO2 (W9 + O1+O6) :
O3- Emergence of new
SO2 (S5+ O7) : Enter Develop a one-stop mobile
international markets based application
innovation in business
deliverables (IPTV, Apps)
SO3 (S2+O7) : Partnership WO3 (W7+O4+O9) :
O4-Increase in consumers'
with online music player: to Launch new radio stations
willingness to pay for paid-
go global, gain online with new language
media contents
O5-Increase of job
opportunities and talent
development in media and
entertainment field
O6-Rapid advancement of
mobile technology that
changes landscape of media
industry (smartphones, tablet,
O7- Good cooperation
between Malaysian integrated
media with foreign
production companies
O8- Growth of media and
entertainment industry at
emerging markets
O9- High number of mobile-
devices ownership in all
customer segmentation.
O10- Development of MRT
and retailer infrastructures in
WT1 (W1 + T4) :Utilization
ST1 (T3 + S5+ S3) Create of fixed asset
T1- Wireless communication
customer loyalty through
shift consumer focused
quality content. WT2 (W2 + W5 + T3) Create
toward online based activities
uniqueness in the media
T2- Shift of advertisement
ST2 (S3 + T7) Improvise the content and service
mode to online social media
contents: more informative
and free channels
that suit all aged groups WT3 (W3+ T2) Move from
T3- High competition in
traditional to digitalised
entertainment industry
T4- Fluctuation of foreign ST3 ( S9 + T1) Launch e- deliverables to suit customer
currencies megazine and more digital consumption pattern
T5- Government control bulletin publications
toward Malaysian media
through regulations
T6- Increase in counterfeit
media products
T7- Increase in customer

4.1.1 SO Strategy

(i) SO1 ( S1+S10+O5) : increasing employment opportunities for talented individuals.

(ii) SO2 (S7+ O1 +O7) : Enter international markets

(iii) SO3 (S2+O7) : Partnership with online music player: to go global, gain online


(i) SO1 ( S1+S10+O5) : increasing employment opportunities for talented


Media Prima should use existing opportunities such as job enhancement

because Media Prima companies have strong financial strength and are able to
develop talent that arises from reality shows. Therefore, the company can take the
opportunity by increasing employment opportunities and talent development in
the field of media and entertainment.

(ii) SO2 (S7+ O1 +O7) : Enter international markets

Media Prima must explore new markets such as entering the international
market. this will increase Media Prima’s market share, get more viewers. Media
Prima is very well known in Malaysia and has a high reputation and has a popular
brand image in the national media industry. therefore, Media Prima needs to
utilize the opportunity to work well between Malaysian integrated media and
foreign production companies

(iii) SO3 (S2+O7) : Partnership with online music player: to go global, gain online

In order to obtain good cooperation between Malaysian integrated media and

foreign production companies. Media Prima, which has an advantage in market share,
needs to take steps to have a two -way relationship with online music players such as
Spotify to go further globally, and to gain online presence and more listeners.

4.1.2 WO Strategy

(i) WO1 (W3+ O3) : Innovate traditional deliverables methods to digital platforms.

(ii) WO2 (W9 + O1+O6) : Develop a one-stop mobile based application

(iii) WO3 (W7+O9) : Launch new radio stations with new language.

(i) WO1 (W3+ O3) : Innovate traditional deliverables methods to digital


The world has developed towards more digital in an era of technology,

including the worlds of entertainment and media. With the introduction of new
technology-based breakthroughs in business outcomes (IPTV, Apps), Media
Prima has a potential to remain relevant. Unfortunately, one of media prima's
flaws is that media content is still delivered in a traditional manner. Media Prima
should adapt old delivery methods to digital platforms as a result.

(ii) WO2 (W9 + O1+O6) : Develop a one-stop mobile based application.

Next, to address Media Prima's vulnerability, which is a lack of online
presence as a result of only a few app launches. Media Prima must capitalise on
the rise in internet knowledge and accessibility, as well as the potential presented
by the rapid expansion of mobile technology, which is reshaping the media scene
(smartphones, tablets, smart TVs). As a result, Media Prima will need to create a
one-stop mobile-based application. to establish a solid internet media presence.

(iii) WO3 (W7+O9) : Launch new radio stations with new language.

Greater mobile device ownership across all customer categories and increased
consumer readiness to pay for paid media content are two of Media Prima's
potential. As a result, a growing number of clients of various races will use the
Media Prima channel. Unfortunately, Media Prima has limitations such as a
limited number of radio and television stations that exclusively broadcast in
English, Malay, and Chinese. As a result, we advise Media Prima to create a new
radio station in a new language. Tamil, for example.

4.1.3 ST Strategy

(I ) ST1 (T3 + S5+ S3) Create customer loyalty through quality content.

(ii) ST2 (S3 + T7) Improvise the contents: more informative that suit all aged groups

(iv) ST3 ( S9 + T1) Launch e-megazine and more digital bulletin publications.

(I ) ST1 (T3 + S5+ S3) Create customer loyalty through quality content.

Next, strategy to avoid threats, for example the threat of Media Prima is high
competition in the entertainment industry. Therefore, Prima Media should use its existing
strengths such as having good production capability and high reputation, owning a
popular brand image in the media industry to create customer loyalty through quality
(ii) ST2 (S3 + T7) Improvise the contents: more informative that suit all aged

Media Prima has has good production capability therefore it can improvise
content so that it is more informative suitable for all age groups in order to reduce the
increase in customer breakdown.

(v) ST3 ( S9 + T1) Launch e-megazine and more digital bulletin publications.

In the era of modernization, Wireless Communications has shifted the focus of

TV and Radio broadcast users to online -based activities. therefore, Media Prima should
not be outdated and need to do something. Among Media Prima's strengths is that the
company is able to provide holistic and end -to -end diversified digital consulting.
Therefore, we recommend this company to launch e-magazines and more digital
newsletter publications.

4.1.4 WT Strategy

(I) WT1 (W1 + T4) :Utilization of fixed asset

(II) WT2 (W2 + W5 + T3) Create uniqueness in the media content and service

(III) WT3 (W3+ T2) Move from traditional to digitalised deliverables to suit customer
consumption pattern

(i) WT1 (W1 + T4) :Utilization of fixed asset

Media Prima is one of the largest entertainment production companies in

Malaysia. So, among the things that Media Prima has to face is the high cost of
production and this matter will get worse if the foreign currency increases causing the
cost of production to increase many times over. therefore, the solution is with the use of
fixed assets. This strategy will be effective because Media Prima will use the resources
and capital already available and will not have to spend large capital to buy new assets.
(II) WT2 (W2 + W5 + T3) Create uniqueness in the media content and service.

Media Prima is a very well known broadcasting company in Malaysia. However,

the competition for Media Prima is increasing from year to year. Therefore, Media Prima
cannot make mistakes or give shortcomings to customers such as posting repetitive
broadcasts and posting unprofitable advertisements. To avoid the collapse of the
company, Media Prima needs to create uniqueness in media content and services.

(III) WT3 (W3+ T2) Move from traditional to digitalised deliverables to suit
customer consumption pattern.

Nowadays, we can see how the trend has changed and expected the shift of
advertisement mode to online social media and free channels. Therefore, Media Prima
needs to take swift action by move from traditional to digitalised deliverables to suit
customer consumption pattern.

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