Pizzaiolo Bistro Market Strategy: Executive Summary

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Pizzaiolo Bistro at Askari 11 Lahore will become first, quick and free conveyed pizza café.
Pizzaiolo Bistro is strategically placed for local people and families, this pizza joint field-tested
strategy traces the market and system to make a productive pizza café business. Pizzaiolo Bistro
offers fast and free delivered pizza. The pizza, is made with extraordinary, Italian bread-based
dough and a mystery ingredient, incorporating a huge range of enhanced and saucy pizza layers.
The café additionally will offer versatile distributing vans in the Market spots for the general public
for a fast and simple eating choice. Askari Phase 5 Lahore has approximately 20,000 full time
residents. Hence, Pizzaiolo Bistro targets the richly flavored pizzas with enclosed society trend.
Moreover, the sound and seasoned menu gives an elective feasting choice to numerous visitors.


It has been assessed that essentially 25% of families will place orders for pizza delivery one time
each month. Pizzaiolo Bistro will carry out a successful showcasing and promoting effort,
comprising of direct mailings, local area and occasion sponsorships, and coupons. Deals are relied
upon to twofold on each changing season, when a total staff comprising of cooks, drivers, and
stand by staff will be employed/downsized. Pizzaiolo Bistro has a solid supervisory group
comprising of its three proprietors. Every proprietor acquires instruction business the board.
Furthermore, every proprietor has experience working in either the retreat business or the food
business. Pizzaiolo Bistro has a solid monetary arrangement with first 3 months income surpassing
Rs. 100,000 and income positive by month 5. It is normal that the organization will have
misfortunes during the five months that is due to low sales because of Covid-19 and dine in was
closed and employs were downsized which slowed down the work. Pizzaiolo Bistro requires Rs.
200,000 in cash-flow to restart activities. The three proprietors have contributed Rs. 450,000 into
the café. The leftover Rs. 650,000 will come from a bank advance that has effectively been gotten.
Assets will be utilized for building redesigns, promoting and publicizing, and everyday tasks for
the initial five months until the café becomes income positive.

Drive-through, eateries, good ambience are turning out to be progressively well known in Pakistan,
just like the case around the world. Comfort of dining in or takeaways while reaching at a specific
destination is becoming a trend, the development of eateries in Pakistan, particularly cafés
addressing the notable worldwide chains like Papa Johns, Pizzario, Pizza Hut, Sarpinos, Manhattan
Bites Pizza and Domino’s Pizza etc. have made it feasible for the consumer to enjoy themselves
but in their own space. However, here at Pizzaiolo Bistro we are engaging consumers with an
experience with luscious menu and comfort of homely environment closer to their homes and
easily accessible.


The Table below shows how the Pizzaiolo Bistro addresses the needs of targeted consumer and
business segments.
Targeted Segment Costumer Need Corresponding Features/ benefits

Families Create a homely and warm To create home on a walking distance

environment with good from home and serve warm food and
quality food cold sips as a compliment.
Kids On site play area and To make children comfortable in an
Television that comprises enclosed restaurant, so they can enjoy
of their favorite characters and eat healthy.
displayed and fun meals
Youth The social media drill and As most youth is highly indulged in
accessibility to fast food. social media it creates an aura and grabs
more audience.
Middle income group Feasible approach in Due to high inflation the world has
pricing with a good quality turned down and has decided to stay
and quantity check minimal Pizzaiolo has been very
empathic towards it’s costumers and
made sure to keep prices reasonable.
Fast food lovers Mouthwatering social Enjoy Brand loyalty and bring and
media advertisements, and remarkable services to it’s costumers.
coupons on collaborations.

The incredible pizza showcasing thought is to carry out in costumer’s eatery new colorful
garnishes. Pizzaiolo helps you try different things with new fixings and flavors to bring a totally
extraordinary feasting experience to our customers. In spite of the fact that pizza is known for a
long time, new garnish choices is an intriguing expansion to menu.

Eatery places regularly oblige food like burgers, pizzas, singed chicken, sandwiches, rolls and
pieces. The best term to portray the menu of these eateries is 'Meat-Sweet Diet' which is for the
most part not exceptionally sound but rather scrumptious none the less. There are huge number of
eateries presently functional in Pakistan, which are dispersed in every one of the significant urban
communities. The more famous names like Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Pizzario, Sarpinos, Manhattan
Bites Pizza and Domino’s Pizza have branches in practically every urban community in Pakistan
and their branches is extending every year.
Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut is one of most popular fast-food restaurants in the country with existence in
almost all the major cities. It is well known for its great taste, Pizza Hut's mission statement is
“to take pride in making the perfect pizza while providing courteous, helpful service at all
times, striving to have every customer say that they plan to be back.” With excellent quality
of service and economical prices. It is also the biggest fast-food chain in the world.
Papa John: Among the leading fast-food restaurants in Pakistan, Papa Johns is symbol of quality
and taste. It has country-wide existence and great menu.
Sarpinos: It is another popular fast-food restaurant in Pakistan with good taste and great menu.
Sarpino’s origins are from the heart of Calabria, Italy. It’s existence is present in different countries
Domino’s: Dominos is a leading pizza place in Pakistan with growing popularity. It has existence
in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Competitor Product/Service Best features Prices

Pizza Hut My Box Half Panoramas Pizza + 1 Side + Rs. 549

1 Dip + 345ml Drink

Papa Johns PAPADIAS One PAPADIAS of your choice Rs. 749

+ One Dip of your choice and
one 345ml drink

Sarpino’s Take Away Deal 3 1 medium specialty pizza (10") Rs. 899
and 2 soft drinks (250ml)
Domino’s The hunger Box Small Hand Tossed Pizza Rs. 649
4 Pieces chicken Kickers
100 grams potatoes wedges
Dip Sauce
Despite this strong competition, Pizzaiolo Bistro still believes that it can shape out a positive image
and gain credit among the targeted segments. Table above shows a selection of competitive Pizza
Companies, their products and prices.

Pizzaiolo Bistro products will be distributed through a network and concept of Distributary vans
and accessible small-scale grocery stores.

 Food Panda and Cheetahy: will both carry Pizzaiolo products and deliver at doorstep.

 They will give Pizzaiolo a prominent placement on its home page when

searched. Although distribution will initially be restricted to Lahore.

 Grocery stores Nearby: Grocery stores will carry Pizzaiolo products.

 Pizzaiolo (take home; bake home): The café itself will have provide its customers with

frozen items to enjoy at home.

 Pizzaiolo Vans. Pizzaiolo will carry products around the society every morning and every

night for society people.

The SWOT analysis for Pizzaiolo Bistro is as follows:

Strengths: quick, free Delivery; one of a kind plans and mystery ingredient; first mover advantage;
solid menu choices; low overhead and fixed costs; ideal spot; supervisory crew.

Weaknesses: higher variable expenses for fixings because of better quality; contending pizza shop
previously working; three man supervisory crew

Opportunities: sightseers permit higher edges; versatile trucks for extra conveyance technique;
catch neighborhood conveyance market with quicker and less expensive conveyance

Threats: new pizzeria entering market; existing competition offering fast, free delivery.
Objectives and Issues We have set strict but achievable objectives for the first and second years of
market entry.

First-year Objectives
During the Pizzaiolo Bistro initial year on the market, we are aiming for a 2 percent share of the
Pizza Market market through unit sales volume.

Second-year Objectives
Our second-year objectives are to achieve a 5 percent share based on sales profitability and to
achieve potential costumers

One major issue is our ability to establish a well-regarded brand name linked to a meaningful
standing. We will have to invest profoundly in marketing to create a notable brand image
projecting modernization, quality, and value.
We want to give our visitors something that none of the other pizza shops can offer them, an
experience to live nearby. Launch for our very own website for the café is one of the best pizza
promotion beliefs. It will work as internet-based business card to provide an overview of new deals
and trends.
Pizza places are great for dispatching internet requesting for eateries since they normally have
huge food conveyance deals. We will be launching online ordering system an internet-based
request include, opening admittance to much more possible clients. Making developments and
commitment programs through discount coupons and QR code scan gift offers will help to increase

Positioning Strategy
Using product diversity, we are positioning Pizzaiolo’s products as the most versatile, convenient,
and enhances the value addition. Pizzaiolo will focus on mysterious sauces and high-end toppings
and take home; bake home around the society everyday as the main feature differentiating the
Product Strategy
Pizzaiolo Bistro, includes all the features described in the earlier Product Review section, will be
sold with a one-year expiry on take-away products. We will introduce a simple yet exclusive
website during the following year, which will include QR scanning of menu and also help to stay
updated to new products and trends.
Pricing strategy
Assets will be utilized fundamentally for regeneration of menu and distributary expenses. (Rs.
550,000) new pizza lounge area stylistic theme and collaboration will be a major part of pricing
strategy. Moreover, publicizing costs and promoting security, just as starting stock, protection,
lease, and utilities, all will be bought in the chief month of tasks. Remaining assets will be utilized
as working capital, incorporating assignments referenced prior in this pizza marketable strategy.
Distribution Strategy
Our channel strategy is to use selective distribution to have Pizzaiolo be sold through well-known
stores and online retailers. During the first year, we will make collaborations until we have
coverage in all major markets and the product is included in the major eatery websites. In order to
support of our collaborations Pizzaiolo will provide demonstration products, detailed specification
featuring the product on website. We will also arrange special trade terms for retailers that place
volume orders.
In order to strengthen the company’s name, especially our exclusive media consumption patterns
we are launching an official website with product introductions. Social media, customer feedback
will also coordinate public association’s efforts to build and support. In order to attract market
attention and encourage purchasing, we will offer as a limited-time coupons and QR scan to attract,
retain, and motivate our customers.
We are recognizing the special features and benefits that our target market. We are also measuring
and analyzing customers’ attitudes toward competing cafes and it’s products.
Marketing Organization
Overall marketing strategy and direction is shown in the structure below of this marketing organization
of Pizziaolo Bistro which will now include

The Pizzaiolo Bistro will be reintroduced in January. Following are summaries of the action
programs we will use during the six months of to achieve our stated objectives and profitability.

Given the target market, we will charge a premium for its menu items. As dining is often an
impulse purchase, it is difficult to estimate sales forecasts, however it is expected that during this
season, sales will increase significantly. We have estimated that of the 20,000 full time households,
25% will make at least one order per month, which equals 25 pizzas per day. With advancement
in our café during the weekends we expect at least 100 orders per day.

We will start an integrated print/radio/Internet campaign targeting professionals and consumers.
The campaign will show how quickly Pizzaiolo Bistro is the tastiest and fastest Pizza places in
Lahore. This multimedia campaign will be supported by point-of-sale signage as well as online-
only specials.

As the multimedia advertising campaign continues, we will add consumer sales promotion tactics
buy 1 Pizza and get 3 free. We will also distribute new point-of-purchase displays in our café.

We will hold a trade sales contest offering prizes for the salesperson who will visit the consumer
and offices to promote the pizza and provide them with new offers and membership cards to
premium discounts.

We plan to roll out a new national advertising campaign in upcoming month. The
Facebook/YouTube ads will continue to play and now we will be adding some locals of the area
with their consent to promote the pizza café. The print ads will show these people giving honest
feedback eating the pizza.

We will start new competitions, which will be advertised in our flyers, in our shop, on our social
media campaigns. The competition will consist of eating 3 large pizzas in 10 mins. If you eat it
you will get a prize money and if you lose you will pay Rs.3000 for the pizza.
Pizzaiolo Bistro has gotten a subsidizing as a bank credit for the measure of Rs. 650,000. This is
ensured by every one of the proprietors. Furthermore, the proprietors have contributed an
aggregate of Rs. 1,350,000 into the organization. Speculation commitments were made similarly
by every one of the three accomplices.
It is projected that first-year income will surpass Rs. 400,000, with the offer of almost 15,000
pizzas. Month to month incomes is relied upon to fluctuate between Rs. 1,50000-Rs. 300,000,
contingent on traveler seasons. Fixed costs are projected to associate with Rs. 150,000 months to
month, which incorporates wages, showcasing and publicizing, protection, lease, and utilities.
Variable expenses are assessed to be Rs. 600 for each pizza (small). Benefits are relied upon to
surpass Rs. 100,000. First year profit is assessed to be Rs. 370,000, with second-and third-year
profit projections of Rs. 450,000 and Rs. 520,000.
The breakeven analysis works out to an annualized average of 900 pizzas per month or Rs. 200,000
in sales.
The organization is relied upon to be income positive by the fifth month of activities. The
underlying proprietors' venture of Rs. 10,00,000, alongside the bank financing of Rs. 650,000
guarantees that free money never dips under Rs. 20,000, with most months surpassing Rs. 50,000.
Before the finish of Year 1, the financial balance is relied upon to surpass Rs. 350,0000, which
will permit extension of the organization tasks.
Pizzaiolo Bistro's accounting report will show Rs. 850,000 in resources, credited for the most part
to hardware, leasehold upgrades and money. Liabilities will be just Rs. 250,000 upon dispatch and
zero inside two years. Value will keep on expanding as held income stay positive and obligation
is settled.

We are planning a tight control over the inventory of the pizza ingredients. The quality of the
ingredients should be up to the highest level to provide a great customer experience. The other
control will be over the ambiance of the restaurant. The maintenance of the café should be good
so that the customers will have a great dining experience.

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