Persuasive Letter: Should Grade 8 Students Be Allowed To Leave Campus During Lunch?

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Persuasive Letter

Should Grade 8 Students be Allowed to Leave Campus During Lunch?

Imagine you're a parent - You have a child and it is your job to teach, protect, and
guide them through the first crucial years of their life - and now you have to let them go
free, uncage your baby bird and let it feel the wind under its wings and experience life for
themselves. Teachers are like our parents, they teach, guide, and nudge us in certain
directions in hopes that we will make the right decisions. Students should be allowed to get
their off campus passes because it will show us that teachers trust in what they've taught us,
help us get experience in responsibilities, and will motivate students.

Trust is something not many have but everyone wants.

Adolescents are very impressionable and want to do well in the eyes of our superiors,
we want them to trust us. Giving us the off campus passes gives us the opportunity to prove
ourselves to all of you that we CAN be trusted, that we will come back and not just leave, and
that we can finally take care of ourselves. At least if presented with the opportunity you've
given us a chance.

We are not children anymore, we are aspiring teens, we can not learn the weight of
responsibilities if we are shielded from the world. Put a plant in the basement and if will
scrape by with the slivers of light it can capture, but set it in fresh air and sunlight - it will
flourish. Give us the responsibilities that come with the passes, let us show you how we can
grow into real, functioning parts of society.

When you give a dog a treat it will try to keep doing what it did to get the treat. We
are almost the same. We work hard to get our work done, and these passes will be like our
treat. You all have dangled this treat just out of our reach since grade six, and now finally we
can almost taste it, and once we get it we will want to keep that feeling of doing something
right. Thus, we will keep getting our work done and doing our best in class so we can keep
getting that treat, and not be scolded.
Moreover, I think that this year’s grade 8 students should get their off campus passes
because it will show us that teachers trust in what they've taught us, help us get experience
in responsibilities, and will motivate students. They are beneficial, to how we feel we are seen
by our superiors and by how we are going to choose to act as young adults

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