IOT Unit-2

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| | Business Models for Bustness Processer in the ToT, act (mam systems LAYERS AND clesignd btandarcli - Bakion’, Modified OST stack fay the Tet/ Mem Sys- bemb, ETS! Mam domains and tgh level capabilihes | Corman cation Technolog te Dala Ensinchrent and Conhe— Lidakon anc Device Management Gals way Ease of clasigning and affodablly - Objectien +- 4 Upy Buainchs Proca ah sp ToT] MEM Syhtemr layers @ Daign Abardadiiakon, Modibied Osi Stack for bot [mum + erst Ma domains * Gonmun'icaken “Technolog? k Data Envichment & Gonnoliacsk oy ge DAE Manager or Goke wor . @ \oT /Mam SYSTEM, LAYERS e STAN DA- “eM SYS S7ES & DESIGN STAN ROI SATION j- A no. ef ‘nternabonal ovgani Aakonal have taken ackon fox oT clesign bkan dardixahon Tthede ane the Follouitng example, te Trter net Engi neening Tak Fevee Ga ETE) | an inter. nakonat body inikated ackons fv addressing 2 WEKing om AECommenclahond® fy Engineering Aree. cakions fer oT: Anternakenal -TelkGarmunicakon Onion Ly Tele Commu Caken (1To-T) Suggested a oeLe nance model fo DoT: domain + Eurotean Tele Communication Bhandard: Inshhete (e181) fwiticllid He development of a het of Akandands fy He nekwok » gy device a gabe coay domains fox the Communication bebe eens mMacking, Chun), Open Geegpecial Gen sorters (Orc) , an Internationt Vadusby Conpovtium has alo pugguitee open Bkandands hy Aewssu * iscovey ,Capabiliker , Gately Rother Pppeck-coith pu rrat bn Teodhadhirel “ aot ce Bake MopIFIED 0S) Move fox lor | ™ pes mee RS O51 Psotcals means a Family of inf exchange Akon dend clavelopment Jointly by 1 Se and [.TU-T the Seven ~ layer OSI model is a Atandand model. Tr giva he baie outline for daigning 4 Com ener ni Co k on, nck WK Vasiouk modds fox dala interchanges Conider —Hne loyers speabed — by 05) model and modify +t fox Aimpticeby acordi ng bo nequirement and Rewice ~ _ . co tiea ons {Layer 3 - Appl cako Micah = 108 APPt cakon RegeaAmbeain| [avetication [ 4 Manage | + Aequine | | + osganine ana Layer = Presetak, — Applicalion — Spratt | | pmalg ae v A sowed |} StYdaw | | es sown] ¥v ny inch (ua pata-tint | Data Adarken _) ne ne | - ee ne y e | { f\ ‘Layer - Physi Phisical Cum Data ti { v) Lage sical | ca) Cum Data tink Layer 4b Gather vy) . . | Fig: seven lays genealircd OS\ wodel 2 TCTF x layen ed ) | | the Above diagram Dhows a Clarsical 7 Lager ost wodel & the mockkicakenA ta the model Proposed by TETE. Data Gommunicakon fron clevice end bp arr lica ken end. Each loyev PYOCEASQ ~H Sectived dole ang Cee- ate aves chia ptack Which LWonsfen 4+ +p the next layer. the POCBing -takes Place ‘wm between leyeu. Device end aldo Receives ata From as applicaken af tey PEecebbing at the ty- between lagen. Gather + Eneinch 4 stveam + (Manage + Acq uty ¢ + Oxga- wike + Analyse) = lot Applications and Sewites 7 MED APT cakeng | SEWiceh Present ap APPL Colon Layer 6+ A modi Renken sty thin ta Hak the a pelica- Kon - Sup pak lagen 5 Ube Probocols | Auch as CoAP. > Tet Applic. and Bere cos Commen |y used them Fre NeHWk Communicakon » Moditicakond ome also at “the data -link layene, & Phy ni caf layer 2 (LA) othe nee Layers oe dake odaPlion (new La) and physical cam data - link (new La) + the adatkon lagen fwelude a Groce way. (TO-T Re Fenence Model »- = eee —e eae ane ok Collaboration wal | | nonce Sonics and Agel) (4), netlicaton Ny crccusses | eT 2} ariticakon pata Abatiacken) foata Aceumalats {er Ele Awalysi cand “Hann Foemaiy on \o spranntat | \ | sapret \ — aay iE Senvicas ‘and Arelicakion - Suprar) * Avett cakon Loyen (Genre & specsbic | | error) | (L3) | \p Network Jonny poe | device ‘Lag (pete a Gateway) | | [essen Tagutea | | \ wy Paypicel on| Devices, | L neon 1b data-ent J ' Layev ITU-T quberenee model RUE, WF Cowra ponents with six Loyod of mmoditid 05} gy Gmpaatsion wth %- LavelB huggated jn CISCO LOT Refevence mod RMT: slowest lyn , U4 ta the Chuie loger and has device and gate Woy catabs WRB: o Nex Layer pur he deans PO net Ook Copabiiiher + lent Layer, b3594 the peices and artlicakon -gurrPar leqen Spaptar Loyes ha 2 res of Capabili bes Jenere and — Specibic Sewvices . + Top Laye, , La tA fox arrl cakons and Aervices CommMuNI CATION TEct HNOLO GIES j- - = = =e Physical cam dala ~link layer tw Hhe model Cooniay of a local Onea net coork | Personal areca neteork. A local nekcoork of Tot . er OX MAM devigg detloys one OF one of 2 hyper of technolo gi os 1. Wincless Commun cakon Technologias 2, Wihed Communi cakon Technolo gigs, a HOH CLES Eee sT), ag eit Ginette “reel sig) vevie a K ~ “tor ox MEM | pmea Locat Net [Doier Nos of BY | sak and. Gate \ ae ie foe “ptenof ie “ Blutteeth peo | | nagpee LP, Dig Ber | NAW) Glo WPAN | [aga je toa reton of Byte RE, NEC, LPWAN | 1 loh of med [mek OK Pletocels | FPhypical / bata Link Layey | _— ae 1g: Gomected ein abt to ith Comecttd tolocal Mio a 90% a \ : > she below fig Bhows Connected — clevicar (4¥t be Wh) Gone- chvity using diberat tech for Gum of chili fiom and to devics bo local nekas Comeckvily by/ty a gatewoy. Wine Leas Technologies :- > Phyrical Cum Dala bor lay wa Wived © wre lew Comm . beeh: Example of wineles Comm. tHeehnolog ies aXe ay, NEC (Neor- Field Gonrnunicaken ) 2), REID ( Radio Frequency Communica hon) 3) BT — (Dltooth CRIED and Bluetooth Leo enengy) A) LigBee \P [24 Bee SE LO 5). Wi CF 6) RE Transceivers and RF Modules 9), Windows USB- \ained Comes caliony Techrolegy i Lined — Comroun Can be Aerial aby nchvonaus Coron - unicaken (or) Synchronous Sevial Communi Examrle ined Cowmunicakon Technologies Ore. 1), uart (Oniveral Aryacktoncu Tvankmitter) [USART Corvenuns Cakion . a). Senal phertheral wnter face a), Tre bt a), Whed USB 5). Ethonet - « , & Wineless Technology : Gy Wireless Communi. Tech »_ NEC CNear field Gromunication Gt 45 an Enhancement of \sofee™ 1444 Atandand fox Contact -lebS proximihy ~ Cond, NEC ib an AhBE stance (re Cm) Widely Communica - Boo technology I+ enables dala exchange bebween Cardy To Proximity and other clevics Examble of Qraltcakans OF NEC ane Paoximity - Card geaden [REID MOT [MoM mo- vile davicer | mobile Rayment wallet Receive dole at the fame in- NEC davica bvanhwit and Oa A the devi ov ily pkancee the perup hme ih reads Can genvole RF fields fox He neanby passive de- Vics puck as Pasrive RFID. NF devin Cav Cheek RE field and detec Collision of brandmitled Ai gnaly. Ramge of fume Kening TA wrth Sn lo bw gg Cro. The device can abo Communicals with Bluetooth and wif devices In Ddev & extend “He distane fiom to cm by 30cm, three moody Of — Communi cation ode : 1). Peav -b!- pen: = = = Bothy cavices ure ackve devia in whiet, RE elds hen Communion bao altomalily denenale 2). Cand - emulakow Mode *- Commuricalien with oul Aoteruthon fox the mead and anike Od aquired fn a Ament Cand and Amant cand weadan - FeliCa and Mifome standards are P®- to ol fer Ducding % woriling dale” 3). Reacen mode v- Usiog NFC the evict Swods Parvive REID Devico athe RE Field 1h generalea &Y 9% ack NEC clevice. FREID (Radio Fauquenc Ideskeeokion) ++ Rrip th OM autymake idenkbcakes method. REIOS une The Totemck- Reip wage is thaw Fore, im emote provage & Subrieval of cala 4 done of the REID TOGA An RFID device fanckons a a bag, Which Pro be Placed om ao objec h ger artlicalions of RFYD DR th puntnehh prea, uch od Parcals tracking ond waventry Cont), poly log mh and portly - Chain management Bluctocth BR/ EDR onc Bhekooth Low Energy + Bluetooth devicw follow IEEE Bor lS Abamdond protocol Sex Ua BT cavice fovm a WAAN cevice network. 2 Tyre of wrde for tthe clevices ane Blu - tooth lors Energy ( BT LE 4 mbna). A laut Vouin Ws bluthoth Var oT LE Th abo Called Bluetooth AmanF- glue froth Var Pwvider The bE cla Packer Length errennion , link layer Privacy & See- usw Corackes = BT LE xange VA 10 mE Lom) verey cubtut jc fensbe vali 1A AMbPR. g Aekut beets lowtran 64 - Blucoth V5, dwleaed Tune 2616 , has Tocxesed bwvad cost Capacily by 800% , quadsuthd the xonge & doubk Arad. A Device may have Singk BT LE oF duol wmode BT wR{COR + Us Feahunes : « Auty Ayochvenmu — bektoeen mobil 3 Other devices When both Use BT’ | = Radio norge depending om Claw of oudio, Claw t @o Clay 2 ov Sadids + loom, tom, ov 4m e sapta to NEE pairing fox low Latiney iw paling Ahe BI davis. eTulo modus ~ duel ov gingk mode daviter ane used Gos lot [Mim clavices . Conncckion fica -for BT mark with ese » Leve gteane peotocat Aurrok probk ) Smaller tackle in LE rode» « OEsakiv Ww Aecuned os WE OO Unsecured mody « AGS- CCM 18 outhenlicalid — encrytkon aby fev Gene Liclenkabty & Prcthenti calion ¢ \er Joan] mobile devits Using BE OR = Connick © wi -K Foun divice Tnlemeh rth 24 mb? & adatkon layer. ighe pe [2g SE BO t- Alan aoe eee Bor I5+4 Akandand protvcal LA Corgsica wm at ley) Dig bee devices form a WPAN cavices Nek EK erd- Pont achotxs 5 eich Gowech by He talianet for lot avek qr follovs the dala ~ clevicar form a WPAN Of embtcldeat Dig bu pon BBE aptbonts » Controllers Gy) medical dala ayheens Aeowies akons, budinen PO Ces. Dighe Neighbourhood Area Netwak (NAN) Va a & Vennion fos arcs gvid, Big be Amerl energ’ version oo has enesgy woanagement and energy effectency capabik ka Using IP NekwRe + cthe Feahines of Zigber 1? are; + LA loyer Pov =ha Bb e UAed for low Power, AhBFsvange WPAN: athe cevice can Funckon im pin moda ~ end pant, pigbea -2iqne devin outer » Dighee nekeoorke Co ovina Lig bee =\p Coordinator, Ligbee -W wou tn & ip host QvowiBiomA He Veve Geonec kvily enhancement saigbe ie A vighe (P device iA a Recluce Fuvchow Device(Reo) eth. 2igbU xortn Ug aeachve and pyoackve Pxo- tecals fox ¥ouling Mode , Which enable attlicakions is btq - Acale autmakion 2 emote Gontsol- Selb Conbiguvahon 4 pelbe healing dynam Pain. ing Mesh neowk , Autrats both mulh Cost Q unicast oPhon s- © Mulk cast forwarding be Aurrek MUlk cost Domain, Name Syatem ComDN5) Gacd Aewies PMACvery, 2 2 suprak fo development — of dincovery mechanism. with fall aptlicaken Conbivmation 1 Saye bo Paling of Coordinaky ily end- Pomt cavices & voutes IW Akan be tology + Provide bigger neboork using mathe Aster te polegY @ inter — PAN Communication. suprak bsenhd nodu & AEhDA nekwork Integra- on. 2 lee Laliney CK 10 ma) Ent Loyey Connection, = Range vA Wo- DOO, clk WKanates vale 8 250 kbed, low Power: + Trnclude RED ™ Dig bee SE 2-0. aighee NAW 54 foe davis which are used -fox Amant . retenind , ciate: bolion autpmaton clevices a Amank grid Coram CoH on profile. NAY enabls a uhlily's bst- vib ab tow (Home Amant woeken bh WAN galeways- AREA NETWORE) | Octdeow Acces neko - “yathe below hagtaws — Alow > LigBeu End Perm, Co-Ovdé. pator, Packer , Tighe It xocléy modes fv wing Aber Lig bee Aen dBA, end devies @ nih and Vf ebeOk of na Bee Yel dewice phic inter Grae he Gatevace TPV4 TeV s LPv4 lave Aaya d1_ POO sre ogy BArwndy pau mabre “rymae ‘RGwurpmoD ‘dues poo vAZ : by | VSM AM omy WY ID! WAT Apwnayar/ awry VY ppyr7eeD SPM Bre rahney wqQbrt Pwo MineP Pro ‘ vawre WALT 42 Menu hey woyprry- oye taFay 40 - epa/ gre hua | mybaq 19 S0001/Po01 gram FSi Fos 2335 minag BSD fay ars Temps. yampon WAL pass [osrss | AQryDN 4 nas fy 49 ssa 4 ous Aes Oo nfo om <—s v7 494 weae4ga Weym}7> The Figure Ahows + wothne end devices, fue Aovtes » one AenhAR Node connected to Coeidinaley 2ig Gee davica Foxming 4 Ato WE WOK sone end Aavicc, 2 xoutew B one Coord: nates Foxssing a Mebh nerwak Maenh vourer Cmnects ' 0% Ao gateway. Which in urn Ganneckh boo cellular ner wo Cooidinates of — med) nek Connect Lig Bee LP kerdex yourex, WL enables local 2gbee nebo Connec Avily be faternth A You ber So Akon nek Wak Connects to GLoWPAN, \ECE ZoRls.4 device nebo ak to yahich Gunachh oo yey » tooos byte Communi Cafe verweer the nek war loge’ & Jor wey obitet> qb Commuanicak on bert at adapk on lager IEEE BORIS. ein aks anh fer a des ak pingle no CNerghbous pincovery ), ROLL (Robin g over . eve Ree xoukes , \pve / tev 4 Low power Lost Net war), neko vep/unt [Tome ranppat, SLATES Secuavity Layer Papa@ls fer Com pete oc obicctd & Dighe devi Ceh- ® wieFi ds an tnkecFace Fechnology that umes IEEE ser 4) prolecal and enablss weans ( wiaeles Local AveaNe W&k) . TE Gnneck enter Pras , cawivensibes & OF Rees sthvough home apf public hot arots- WIT! Connects dta~ Wibeted WLAN neboaKs Using mterner Automobile , indkrummbs, heme nck waking » AMADA ? / J > acluabe rh, industyial devica neces, Cor pubert, ba blebs , mobil , Poked —g many davics have MFI interface . WiFi AB VO Popular - WR InkerFace Cmneck within HrembelvS os be an AP ov Witelass soaker Ming Wie; PEMCIA ox PCL Cand through Fhe frllewing - « Gare Bkalion ov AP + A WLAN Wrannceiven of BS Cen Connect one ov mie raincles devices bo she internal . + peas be - Pen watith our acesys Point Client devigg lath tn Fadependenk Babe Sewer Set (pe ss) neswn Can Communicate ciscctly with each other. Th enables fost & Gasy sekhvng oF Tory wekwar. F peer be woulkvent nods WiEh Basic Service set(ss5) wing one sae brown AP Pant ox dtatyi baked BSS Connect the eegh roulbgk ARS + Cemcclvily ange OF exch B35 dhteads on Yange of renebe beidag ldenkbier © SED). Seavics Set a ‘eB Bss Each phows > WLAN HEFOBK (esss) for Digvam below athe Lablers, Lapkors, Gompatou nenk® Cevice odes mobile, reg with HEE WAKA WLAN of 4 Conneckvi ake nek and XW VSM Vash rw wae vied Jo RNY?7 2 PURELY Cg aMQOH/?]:99e! MPO PNP QIUAT Af MIN AV ~aemaen, PAST == == => tg yon wvT™ < 1] wy : [erro | ’ poo POTD , seg 1844 || . WOo8 ue i ens Vash Wa se _ aad es om gt | daa | aah [Be assed a zpev were7s| Wop ‘i neve [ suhss | ise awe ees new yee) orp 7m = PpUGHEPS . voyoaua | alee psswers| z Po a § wapatee P nwaM Jako aerporwayspsad \ Ps suena FMT pa :) ! + Su0dB nods Connected fo BT with wi-F! adapk. V- Fi adapkon gor interfaces in a WLAN. net Mans » Tablet& Wi-Fi, Computers aio Goneck im WLANT through AP saps CGooneck& ty a broadband xoutert & f the Teva network 2 | WLANL & WLAND funckon as BSS- GS RLAN 2 albo Connect/ Consists of APL, Wi-Fi Youter a oth Wi-Fi enabled okerPace eo Wie Youker Connects bo maulkple Wi-Fi modes. « Broadband xourta | WD Connect Using Wine , b Tpvq VeWAKA QA Web obyeck 5 + TrterFacs une 2-4 Gir ov 5 Gir antenna + offer mobiLky and soaming - » Have easy gnatallakon gimplicly a Flexibiltly + Coverage ¥Org® VA fom be 1S ™, y uned 9 a OM having Limited - Cevewage MENA which coexthts with b, CoexistA with bb Bd asa the Bor b in Wider (Gverage xange- e Usa vous gq Fes high dala rates up be S4 mbre a BTA Sox very igh 600 MbPA Od woul Kel, antennas ° 2 Provide dys amc Gavixonmenk fox nek aovk @xPan - dabilty & Scalability Ce Lali ovatesbed Acces’ (HPA) Bier Security Sublawer RE Tyonaceivens and RF Modules t- RE bxank mitkenk , Rechven we lranhecvey ane Aim plest A Leona caver bwandmits cova We RF Seon other end , bak inkevoally which pppevalé he pignale Fxern beth eg Crest He RE fron one end & Fe addifonal Creu ends - RE Technolog Connists of fiiouing elements tm ge PF toteFace [physical Layer RE signals bvansmit perween the nocla ov end PANES wolwork Avchitechive Includes the Overall backhaul, Aerwvey and bidivec. we RE Syne onchi techiwe , Renal end -davicer with Yadio duty cycling in managing Fhe ackve imte- “the atplicaken - GE Means vale, beonkmi ting m receving AChedule & Heacioley- vols of acken gras / OS™ colluley Netwoks - Mobile ioteroek meRS / > Len es ee tot / Mam Commuricakien gah a ETL NE@osK Acca "AY Uke oy Con acees a Witelens An ide Aveo NUWork Guwars) RES Aer eork + phone Provibi ons Sox a USB ined Pat OT Wwigules Connechys Gsm, GPRS , LTE agile Service ° A medi. y ter Tn evn Wi-Fi Connect ly dala Gomectviy OF and Lier- actos USB , © Fk in an enkenkion of USB LO a ot Otevalis at ulera-uide band (OB) St Gwe bo 10 Gee requ enca. ab tA Lyx BhBE ange pensonal crea Ne boosie (pag) Bagh AtEd Ato MPA > gy WO mA tow chawne VU. Wired Gorman calton Tech neleg > Ree SS Re Gr Con be Sertal adynchyencus Communication (fox example UART etter Face) oF — synchronous Sental Comm uni calion (Ex: SPL imberFace) » Cernmunicalion Can he over a bus phen a No: of Ayntew & Connect — Hhyengh a Comram ack & yakex Gonnec hon - Wroed Goamunication Can be clone using Ethenet [EEE gore bub AtECReakon A - A MAC fublayer Cala frame qoay bE aeeddin g bo Ethecncr Probocol. titad Carnmunt - calm Can alko Usa USB Pak, A MIX OSB. vaer / Us Akt Seal Gomenuinicakion te A usSerral Argnchronew “Ts anamitter Coart) enabler fental Cornnuni Ca bien of g-bits fevally With a Akak bik at The pkak oF a byre om Aeuak reas mite Dale CT xp) oak pak bac A aynche neh gekou fo all bya wa Grane yan - perik » Which Cao qa pulk “en Yori kon tn Hee inter- ayn CA be caune Clock. tn Formakon of val AraOg along with the def: The Lean’ en ite doa nok bvankt Re iver clock alte doa n't Aynchsen' with clita furthur , pe ceamive ber of byte way BAT abjley Lvannminnion BWC on acknowledge MEF SA neces ved From necevin 9 end Aon Univeral a gy neh¥ond OF Anynchion us “Ty onB— pot Fe CUsart) enable p peviol Communi cal oo chy on oud ox wall rol ony renin md ° To Aye Syn chon ous “nen a byte imo Srame hansen b twikh equal koe = BAPE. Sesial phat phevdl Inter Face 1 ga onc of Fhe widely Obed pouch yn chronas ar Comm racthod 5 hour ce ok Bex al Aynch- guk puk @Y qrpar called qnosker = A Receiver OF peu al ByReh- ourpar Called 9% pleve, When aleng sean imrur AE abe receives Phe synchaork ding mast 4 Aah & riguol 5 when SS in ackve yaikth Sek al Ala choc. in ty Fon eso, OS) 2 SSaye ted Viz, SEL, WG WMD: alow Hae devin fucken ob oO Maakev laput Slave Oubpar — (M1S0) aod Master Out fur Slave \npar (mos) ane pedal grcmwonou Glo bits at master g slave @ los ane Per Aynchvoni Aing clock _ Jr Baw A novel device tntegrated exes fer hon as, achatash, Flash memory am touch Severs need Procasse . ZCr mu be cla exchange & in a no.of Ayorhs OW Aerial fually pekLdk Fhreugh o Com on pus Called Ynter- integrated civcurt Circ) - was Originally eveloped at Phi ipa Semi the The 3 1c bus AEanclands | Conducto¥&~ there me 4) Induatrial too Mbps 12C , 4). 100 xben SM TLC a). 400 kbrs T2C- qic bu ha rhe thal cerry Rignaly x One i For the Clock x one Sh “for Fhe bidive ckend dalla Wined OSB %- vewerd Sevek Bo ta fev fast Sectal rans - entgsion & BUepken berwun Hu hoskp , the embedded syaten og isbribubed Seuial devas EX: Keyboard , pember , Scanmen . ose we bur bekwcen Khe hoAt dykes and number of gater Gonne ced pheviphenal evi ces Maximum Il aAwicts can connech with a host usp Paida o Fok (vr be i Merry) & low Stead (ar bo V5 whe) Sax iak Laan be BBiOn Se caren — bekreoeen honk, %& Seviak ovis use We pkawdards are USB 44 Cus & In mbPA), B:O0(micvo 3B) SGbePH ond 3.) ,2'° (mini pige Ceonectox) 40 mb Feahanes of a USB Om: S06 dala Format and Lvanaher Seniad Signals %& non Rehr fe ZeAC CNR) | CleK ts enCocled PY gn sealing Bynchxonow — Code Csine Kes befor each Packd - Dala re Leann fer VA of A byres: Ly Gon brolled dala bvana Fev b Belk chia van For Ly Terenuth dla bans Fen Ly iho ayo chronous vans foy Usp is ao Polled bus - Polling te de fenekonk ar A hose Con beoller ouqulorly volta Hac Prcen sé oF a devia ab Be Pack . Geld Wyte, diveckon ,0S8 Clevice Acheduled by folk wane. TE Benda a token vyoken Gmatsth of addyasr & Clavie end -b -end Pant Number. The device dee hand Ahacking — thyengh a hand Ahake packk y indicating puecesshal . A usm aarrak slyrer ef CPG ~ ge Blreams, Debaulk Clo) , measage- 1 Esthonet *- Gr pkandand $4 TEEE 802.2 Pxolocel fox LAN, Wak Bkoken& & clavice CANA” Each Frame ak a LAN Cmbuaka of headen . Ether nek Enabler Hye Sevice ot Loca davies soda , Compote - Feahtae i suse Pavive broad cast wediaw B Wined Coon eckon parsed Eamatting of Fame is accecding f LEEE Bore - 2 Use & AB BIE MAC addres . assigned diskackh bo cach Gmatuter + ARP (Addxom Retolu Kon pxolecal) Tekelves So bit Tp caddies - Revene Ackdeaw Resoluken Peoaal CRARP) oly 48-br desknaken boat madia addyat wh 32° be. + Oner Wited bar bopology , and byanamif sion Rrecdn ame Jo mbPH, 100 abPh (unthie\ded nhielded ) Bhi primer) yf GbeaChigh- quality cable), a Gb Cow Yeiated POE made) Q lo GbPA- «une wined bus korclogy. 2 USS mAC bared om csma] cD .whe csma/ CD 4 rode) beh means ag halb-durler Caine modt cave (Rx) AE iqnal Can be Rent Leannreit Cx) & Re on Rowe WINE bans wibhio dala AEack toh Seamne of MAC gnclades header 2 OAD Toy 1 C8 Seacme Commun cabon Teahnplogie ore NEC , Bre , zigbe, WLAN Proto cols - Differences between NEC, BT LE, 2igBee | WLAN pretreat? ‘a 7 = a Property | NEC | Br LE Ligbee WP WLAN Bors {y EEE. Protea 0 ‘i | a-4 Gu Ao Physical 343,414, a4 Gite, RSM 9-4 GHrTWo Lave fajajiog |) 24 GH2(LE-pss5) and UO MHD Ds PHY layers — de - _ 15-1 Bor is+4 Bowing { ‘eps mac Layer C5mA/|mAC Layer Csma/ cA co Dara ~ tvanager [te Kbps] 4 MbPA 250 ker aCuGun, are WokbPs ae mag! NH MPPA/S 4 = ao kbps Bama] MH bPA Foxm Fado 10-10 em ut | —— ee, —— - Smal [ond Range mn Small tom bo Bigger i Power Or eo eakion WEY lou | Lower Hhan 2iq8ee J DiasBipation ” Much High mach lowes than |o.\ mit for end — +h 4 ~ WLAN Bort Kdavicg much lowe} THO Digbee set uel Sa than WLAN Sor lt Connectian/ |g, wm ——| seen O14 | conneckon Time | 2° \ ‘ Connection Kime ate (4B ms fee = im | flo mh Secuait - |AES-com-] Aes cen ce jSecunet [ef oes AGS-com -118 Wee Aptlicakion| Payment [WPAN tor Zn) ee WLA AM and BOAN wall, ShbHavi cos, Withe by hence iw Kensds, iakance | pxdkcak in mobi nerwaK +ableF A ‘ AChiat044 Conbeoliel / Communic ble FA an ) : | and lable fA and, Ys, aulowerile akto es, mobile, need addition Ge} cies elechenie] Gv! ca with xcuik tw enna, and let davies | PEM CIA tnterCacs) ac heotoss , Conbelle why oes Chase ki Sew lotcavicn | Comeclsily using} Pome mehsoviing, Live, lo WPAN), |Eary Mv4 Connec - Roll, RPL ATES] hyity- ens | Unicast unicast uni cast /mulhast | — ini caste [varcaste | an Fedar to | Sten tepelody tee | tow power, mah | aw aha iss) “point ber-| ko-Peew Riconnect lor teer-by -Peee | pes and dikh! - ewok CHAK extended by inker| Akar MeLSBKA WHY Lead BSSH ox ond fo! Pheonetbdala | end davies, Gerd! Viacam walel devices | bramaackonn and | water rocker Liber] Used fob HH Herneck | ( Sgnchventhakion. tf powder eet: { Cenneckyi ty of ene -} ilar tablets clos et Data Enrichment , Dara CGmaolidalion and Device nas ~~ . manaqe™ ent AT Gate WO oo _—— Re noe KR getewoy ab dala - adarken lye’ har Sevenal Sunckons » These one Aka privacy, lola pecurity, ala Enatchment dala Condoliclakion, byans formation and device Management * 1 the below Figure Bhow'h lor ov MUM gateway Gonsiking of dalla enxichment , Condolidakion 2 Device Mamogement colton frame KEK. & Canmnun [pxtex } ——I 1 OT Fran ge | | conne cen) Leach alte os of Byte 4. Data. Marcy ond uae mot putorevithory bran fex Weo so —. renal Cet Rl & i Wek a Ts tos of =n dices rent & Gondeli weer beet dokion 3-Teanaceding los pe} os wren A. Paiwacy [ook a seus 5. 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Following ere Gon ponerk& oF privacY oclel> + Device and aprli coker A — idenhhy- Management. 1 Authenk calion 1 Duthos i fakon + Txas + Repetakon . ® A sectable encvyrkon of adentibicalven of cata x la Rource enfoxc Privacy Secuse Dota Aceesh i- Access te cata needs lb be secure othe design endures the aucthenkeabon oF a request fox clala & Author!- aalion —For accessing A Raton . End -b - End Secuyily VA another Aprect» while implios using a Aecately Protocol oak each loys Data Gathering and Envichroenp tH tor /MeM gevelv8achenk Buch ab dala - gathering (acquisition), valicoken , Biovagé , PYOCEABINT me mint acene (retention) and analy Ath + nikioo frem Qaka garhening notes te dala acy he clevices / devices nek WAK- Eous moda of Gathering Dale ke polling rebers dela Acught From clevics by addxerhing Fhe device - q. Eveok bacd gathering sebow te lala fought Seem the clevice on ao event 3. Sched ued gaterval rebes ko Pye cleta Acught Gren a device at select inteyvals. A. Conkinoes moni-bxing sebers to the dale Rough Feo a device Cons nucusly « pala Envichment nebes b adding Valse, recurihy a, usabibly of alata Data Disremi nakon be Connidex Fhe 3 Ake PO fov clata enrvinchment before the cela Aiaserration to net cork A aggregation, Compackien a fusion. Agategaton neFens bo proces of ining together Pre- peak gy P¥eviowsly gecaved dela frames after Fe- moving ded undont cola» Compackon meand archering/ wm aking Safer malian Bhat wavrh ouk Changing the meaning - Euxion means fovmat hing the fnformalien Meco: ved gankh theaigh Vea ow data frame and peveral tyres 9 sudundan ey in Recetved cade io of delay Su Ov" Eneagy Diaripaken tp deka Di AA eminakien 8- Energy Cooruntken for data AtAhemivakey TA a9 Tanke — xkant Gon Bicenation Wy meey device in WPAN and inclays Aend > odes (WSN) ThE A dee & Limited battery 1:fo . Enesqy * +. Emesgy Ih Conbamned when Performing Gmeukaken g Arana for makeos” Hight cats nate y the greater will ® fe the energy Conhured. Higher iA RE Used , Gxealer will be energy Used Energy effecient Compakakon » con cath of lala aggregakon , Comrackon & Fusion. Lesser can be dene by using the dala byte Communicakion , greater the acquit ni bon gotervals , and lower cola rafe pala Source & Data Desinalten 1p» Each ceviee & each Cevice wore LA aspiqned on ID fox Seecihy mg the dala of Reever. & Ser- aali 10 for datnaken. ada Fhe clasknalion Address - Addvens ? Header fea pala Chonacteniakes , Famats & Struc here be Palla charackesib cs Can be temporal lala , Treal lime ale , spatial dala , real wad ala | prortitany dala and big chia - Data seceva from divica format be fore Lani khion con be Ikerne Shu chara Amn pia the ooyr fox avvanging the clafa byte Aa pequanter WH Rie timet Device Management Gate Way :- pevice Managemenk — meank provisioning “fox device TO ox add res WHICH TA the diakwek from Other Sort cs, devi ackvakug 5 Configuring, eqisbering, de negisterng, attaching & deattaching - Device management means accerling pub AcxiPh on fs thy ounces ° pevia fautk management mean’ Couevne case of fault develops ot ackons to be followed in tn Fhe device open - Mobile Alliance (oma) =D and Aeveral Atanclods ene Usd for davice management . Ona -Dm suggests use of DM AEWA quick inkerache uth — cevicer thragh lor Jaan Syste Dm Server anigning devia qakwoy fn Tp , ackvalind 1» Configuring be device Senvicen pm Seavet Commusicalzép ty gak way ‘in Core OF low Por ess envied tot + DM ome: Gobi way Fanckions fox 2 pees Prodding fan when 0% Sewa & davice Can gnctenack with ouk nefoemathing » Does prctocall Con yersiony When the device and 0M heowen use Oiblince — PEC Call 6 EASE OF DESIGNING AND AFFORADABILIT Y 5 - pee Tee perign for Connected cevices foe VOT Applicat ona, Rewica and Basinas procomes Conhidenk Fhe ease i centgn'ng Hhe devia phy sical , data - Lak adarken & Gebwoy loyer qr mean availabilty of SOKA (soptwore Develorinen ibs), Pxotohy re evelopment board with Amant jenna, ochratosh » Conve lend and — lot which embedA and ord wore include 4 devices Which ary bow in preferably Oreo Cost and hard Wore pour ce Bol FWA Components & soko Col’ ox Com Pon ents local devices He device Bhould embéd Mimi um Humber polubons fos ease in daigning and uae ready Desegring albo Cebideys ease as well 03 affoxdan cos fox example, REIO OK Cand. the cand bas embedded micso- Conteolen ; memory, OS, Nec Wwtefaws, ace Rank - bated device ackvabon- A wireless fenad use, for example a mobil benminal which Vha low Cobk device With open hove OS-& oft Wate - home and CiRGS Use Tig Bee IP ox Devicta of Amat abForadability ease #6 clatigning wo Le 4-2 due bh thes | A design 4 Jenign may add ty the Gonplexily | Connected devices may add Complexity in Hho form enaring dale tions by brushed dabinakons using enevy eK on trols + High-Level Capabili hes :- Ree ETS! Mam Domains ond pee nan oe A domain prectbis the fancleral onean: WHgh - level anchitechae meanh archi bec bine fox Funckonal and Ahuc- uval vie the diagram bhows ETS!t MIM domains & aachitechene a Wigh level Capabikke of each dem oi, gy alse Ahows that avchi CovvarandenCe with SiX- Lay os modibked OST model » woe lagen of TIV-T gUberence model. ETS\ nek aosk domain has pit Capabsi BO & Funckend ~ ye mem aprli cakon 2. MIM hewice capabilikes 3. MOM management Ffunckos ed ak mManagersént Fanck oms CoRE nek cork a 6. Aecay HEF Bow IC * : @ the ETSI 4 | device 2 gare Woy doma f\fow wg fun: * Gakiwoy beboen MrM anca nek WOYK., ond CoRE and access ntkwork =, P¥OceAHIN =MIM Senvice. e Mam Sevice CapabiLke QA aprlicakoos + MOM area ndbwork « Mi M devices. ApPlicaken Application (sé vices and appli Cakons) ApPlicakon and Net ooxk ApPlicakon Pom ain saredh CAPR colon Manage- mek , SAViG Gta Sewices and arli- Caton akrPak lay (Generic and pteccbe art ak corabil ka) biLKG, and Cove FaOht Ok land Acco Netawddd, | ero lay o Lo |. ( reanard @ —} vy Netwiak [uetuon Covatilibiy vevict and Gafewoy pala Adarlion puier lay Domain [ Gakrsay Phynicad cam | peviee a (Mim Sewie cara. Data -Lnte Galiway Cora- bikes , Ate cab end) | Ox ' 7 | leyn bila) MLM fince Hebaort | & mem Devices) | | Figs ETS) MoM pomoin axchifechne and ih high bvel copabilikes, | and 1h Comatendenas with Six by eu of modibied 05) g 4 irU-T ONIT -TL BRR PR SHORT ANSWER GDLESTIONS &- 4) 2). 3. 4). 35). 6). 3) 8) a). \o). W, Give a Akt notes om ETSE 12) "9. 14) 15) whet is Data Enxichment ? what %& Dala Conrclidakon ? lahak Th Clvice Management ? what ib Affordabibly 7 Debne ypu of wired Gone uni cation Technology. pebine tyra OF Wireless Communi cation Technology . Define “Ligbee LP What is REID. what 16) NEC Give ony 3 Aibbevenca beboeen Wined & Wireless Commani Cation Technology - MrM Demaiwd - waite a phak notes on ITO-T geference model wate a Ahdt notes on Wi-Fi , RE Transceiver varr Secal Gmmuni cahon . Deine GPRS! GSM Cellular meteors - wake any Sq. dikbe rence bebwesn BTLE & WAN protocols Essay Questions i aoe KE tay deketled abouk Zot [vam Loyem & A) Explain peasiqn ptandandidakion. wi th neal Sketch. a), oxesly auscons Fhe Concert ob erst MLM Domeins and hgh level capabibke 3), Expl te Gekatled abort Conmunicahion Techao- Logi (asined a wineless) A), Exelan i9 etalk about the Goncerta of pals Earicheest , dala Gpelidakon & pavice mavege- ab gatimoy with peat AketCh. ment 5). princes 9 dlotalad about Eose of cesigntog and DFfosdability -

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