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Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.

Release Notes

2019.1.3 Release Notes.................................................................................................. 2

Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.3 Release Notes.............................................................. 3

Altair HyperMesh 2019.1.3 Release Notes.................................................................... 3
Altair HyperView 2019.1.3 Release Notes..................................................................... 4
Altair HyperGraph 2019.1.3 Release Notes................................................................... 4
Altair HyperForm 2019.1.3 Release Notes.................................................................... 4

2019.1.2 Release Notes.................................................................................................. 6

Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.2 Release Notes.............................................................. 7

Altair HyperMesh 2019.1.2 Release Notes.................................................................... 7
Altair HyperView 2019.1.2 Release Notes................................................................... 10
Altair HyperGraph 2019.1.2 Release Notes................................................................. 10
Aerospace Engineering Solutions 2019.1.2 Release Notes............................................. 10

2019.1.1 Release Notes................................................................................................ 12

Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.1 Release Notes............................................................. 13

Altair HyperMesh 2019.1.1 Release Notes...................................................................13
Altair HyperGraph 2019.1.1 Release Notes................................................................. 21
Altair HyperView 2019.1.1 Release Notes................................................................... 22
Altair MediaView 2019.1.1 Release Notes................................................................... 24
Altair MotionView 2019.1.1 Release Notes.................................................................. 24
Altair HyperWorks Collaboration Tools 2019.1.1 Release Notes...................................... 24
Aerospace 2019.1.1 Release Notes............................................................................ 24
NVH Director 2019.1.1 Release Notes........................................................................ 25
Altair HyperWorks X 2019.1.1 Release Notes...................................................................... 26

2019.1.3 Release Notes 1
2019.1.3 Release Notes

This chapter covers the following:

• Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.3 Release Notes (p. 3)

Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.3 Release Notes p.3

Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.3 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh 2019.1.3 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• The Assembly Hierarchy can now be shown or hidden in the Model view of the Model Browser, from
the Browser Configuration dialog.


Resolved Issues
• FE Absorb of Quad Seam connectors if Vertical and Angled quad welds are in separate components.
• FE Absorb of Quad Seam connectors if two quad clusters share the same nodes.
• FE Absorb of ACM connectors if hexa element positions are intersecting a link.
• Importing solver decks with connector groups was organizing them into the wrong part.
• For seam connectors, default option for Snapping to edge for Edge L, Edge T and Edge B is set to

Model Build

• More custom PLMXML attributes can be mapped to HyperMesh attributes out of the box.

Resolved Issues
• PLMXML instance handling is optimized to cover different PLMXML schemas.
• In a few cases, the shared Library revision increment was inconsistent.
• Part Assemblies are now available in Library viewer.
• Inconsistent results while exporting Parts with connector groups.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.3 Release Notes p.4

CAD and Solver Interfaces

CAD Interface

NX 1872
Support is added for NX 1872 for the third-party reader. Support for NX 1872 for the native
reader was previously released in 2019.1.2.

NX 1899
Support is added for NX 1872 for the native reader. Support is not available for the third-party

Altair HyperView 2019.1.3 Release Notes

Solver Interfaces

PAM-CRASH Interface

Resolved Issues
• Display issue with tetrahedral element TETR10 in ERFH5 file.
• DSY reader recognizes the DSY result file format and fixed reader crash.

Altair HyperGraph 2019.1.3 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• Application hangs when you click on the x/y vectors after plotting a couple of curves from any h3d
file containing more than 10k requests.

Altair HyperForm 2019.1.3 Release Notes

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.3 Release Notes p.5

Results Initializer

Resolved Issues
• Results Initializer updated to support node, element, component ID’s up to 10 digits.
• Log files getting overwritten during simultaneous launch of multiple batch RIT runs.

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering

2019.1.2 Release Notes 2
2019.1.2 Release Notes

This chapter covers the following:

• Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.2 Release Notes (p. 7)

Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.2 Release Notes p.7

Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.2 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh 2019.1.2 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• Resolved an issue with loading .hm files because of an improperly created connector entity.
• Resolved projection issues with the seam connector of the type hexa (adhesive - shell gap).

2D Meshing

Resolved Issues
• Fixed an issue with the Parameter Editor where the holes 2D table with the “Elem Mode” column set
to “Exact” was not writing to the parameter file correctly. This caused the Elem Mode to be set as
Minimal instead.
• Resolved issues with the "Add Washer" and "Trim Hole" tools, where the collector widget did not
have focus upon launching the dialog.

Collaboration Tools

New Features
• Updated TeamCenter SOA to TeamCenter11.4 libraries.
• Additional customization support for Windchill Connector.

Crash and Safety

New Features
Mechanism Tool
The new COUPLER joint is now available. This joint is defined as a constraint between two joints,
letting you emulate any coupling of selected joints' degrees of freedom. For example, coupling
a slider joint with a revolute joint to create a Rack and Pinion, or coupling two revolute joints to
create a gear joint or pulley joint.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.2 Release Notes p.8

Mechanism Tool
The automatic mechanism builder GUI is now part of the Entity Editor. This gives you access to
other browsers and any entity graphical interactions such as Show and Hide.

Pre-simulation Tools
You can now read the LS-Dyna dynain file generated by input decks in either Long or i10 format.

Resolved Issues
• Seatbelt entities defined in the Seatbelt System Tool are now maintained in the respective include
files where they are defined.
• In the LS-Dyna profile, the seat deformer pre-simulation model now exports correctly when dummy
components have a material ID parameterized with PARAMETER_LOCAL.
• In some cases, mechanism manipulation was not possible in the mechanism tool when Bodies were
constrained. This behavior is now corrected.


Resolved Issues
• *setvalue now correctly writes *createmark to the command file when using mark=.
• Resolved a crash using the deprecated refflag_# argument with *isolateentitybymark.

Conversion Between Solver Formats

Dyna to Pamcrash conversion
Element set converted to *SET_SHELL_LIST
Nodes set converted to *SET_NODE_LIST
Component sets converted to *SET_PART_LIST

Dyna to Nastran conversion

*SET_SHELL_LIST converted to SET
*SET_NODE_LIST converted to SET

Nastran to Dyna conversion

SET converted to *SET_SHELL_LIST
SET converted to *SET_NODE_LIST

Nastran to Pamcrash conversion

SET converted to Element/Node set

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.2 Release Notes p.9

Pamcrash to Dyna conversion

Elements set converted to *SET_SHELL_LIST
Nodes set converted to *SET_NODE_LIST
Components set converted to *SET_PART_LIST

Pamcrash to Nastran conversion

Element set converted to SET
Node set converted to SET

CAD and Solver Interfaces

CAD Interface

NX 1847
Support is added for NX 1847 for the native reader on Linux. Support for NX 1847 for the native
reader on Windows, as well as for the third-party reader on Windows and Linux, was previously
released in 2019.1.1.

NX 1872
Support is added for NX 1872 for the native reader on Windows and Linux. Support is not
available for the third-party reader.

Support is added to read JT PMI data for points. New free points will be created and the PMI
attributes are attached as metadata. This is controlled by the “Read PMI” checkbox in the Import
GUI, and by the @ReadPMI option in the jt_reader.ini file, and is unrelated and unaffected by
the @ImportFreePoints option.

Resolved Issues
• Resolved an issue with the NX “Use native reader” checkbox in the HyperMesh and HyperWorks
Desktop Import GUI, where it was incorrectly always disabled by default even when the
UGII_BASE_DIR environment variable was defined.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.2 Release Notes p.10

Altair HyperView 2019.1.2 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• Delete, swap and copy/paste pages with HV windows and active result browser could cause
HyperWorks Desktop to crash in 2019.1. These issues have been resolved.
• Notes are now restored when opening a session file or report template with only Model loaded.
• Grid Point Forces/Moments values incorrect when nodes have output system referring to another
coordinating system
• Eroded elements no longer display during animation of certain femzip result files.

Altair HyperGraph 2019.1.2 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• Clear session with HV/HG window layout and change client from HyperView to HyperGraph could
cause HWD to crash in 2019.1. This issue has been resolved.
• Fit Range option in advanced options of build plots panel causing unwanted behavior of auto fitting
of curves. This option has been removed to fix this issue.
• BINOUT file generated from LsDyna R11.1 version has issues in reading the 2019.1 version of
HyperGraph. This issue has been addressed in this release.
• Report templates generated from advanced build plots dialog are different from the build plots
panel in 2019.1. This issue has been resolved.

Aerospace Engineering Solutions 2019.1.2 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• Issues related to window pressure due to Z axis reversal / beam orientations have been fixed.
• Failures occurred when the temperature file contains scientific notation TEMP 1 7 10.2+4. This
issue has been fixed.
• Joint Load Method: DLS Ratio no longer fails.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.2 Release Notes p.11

• Start Element and Node ID specified is no longer ignored when Respect Mesh Manifold option is ON
for Stiffened panel mesh.
• Resolved an issue with Spring Configuration, where a regression introduced in 2019.1.1 broke
results for spring cbush in both *.op2 and *.xdb files
• Resolved an issue with results, when Model files used Includes. In some cases, the JointLoad
method would not run.
• Resolved an issue with the JointLoad method for the DLS Ratio calculation. The projection system
was incorrect when 1D elements were not perpendicular to pierced shells. This led to incorrect DLS
ratio values.

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering

2019.1.1 Release Notes 3
2019.1.1 Release Notes

This chapter covers the following:

• Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.1 Release Notes (p. 13)

• Altair HyperWorks X 2019.1.1 Release Notes (p. 26)
Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.13

Altair HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.1 Release Notes

General - New Features

Query HyperWorks session data and write out a Word, PowerPoint or PDF report
A new tool called Report has been added to Hyperworks Desktop (File > Publish > Report).
Report, previously known as Automated Reporting Director (ARD), enables you to query
information contained in the HyperWorks session and write out a Word, PowerPoint or PDF
document. A report can be generated either manually by adding chapters for Word, respectively
slides for PPT, and defining what should be presented on each section or automatically by
executing a template. Report is available in batch mode enabling you to run a template right after
the model and result file are available. A comprehensive API layer allows for adding customized
scripts extracting additional information from model and result files in a user defined output

Altair HyperMesh 2019.1.1 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• The functionality to review and update sets inside the Entity Sets panel is now restored to the
original functionality experienced in the 2017.4 release.
• Contact surface creation selected underlying element faces when selection was based on element
selection with face nodes.
• Pressures created using equations did not align with local system axes.
• Performance issue associated with merging multiple model files that contain a large number of
• Sets which have a name that contained ^ were being exported. This issues was resolved for the
OptiStruct and Nastran user profiles in the 2017.2.3 release, and has now been resolved for the
other solver interfaces.
• The *createlistbypathpanel command set "Nodes" as opposed to "Nodes Path" as the selector.
• Issue associated with *setvalue to component.


New Features
• A new API was added for generating midlines on solid tube geometries.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.14

Resolved Issues
• Masked surfaces were selected when using the "by attached" selection option.
• Crashes experienced when using the *find_holes_in_3d_body API.

2D Meshing

Resolved Issues
• A larger number of elements, including trias, were being generated with bad local quality and flow
for some surfaces when using BatchMesher. A fix has been implemented to decrease the number of
elements and trias for those surfaces, and improve their overall quality and mesh flow.
• Resolved an issues experienced in the 2019.1 release with the Parameter Editor's "Use file for hole
recognition" option for Holes 2D. When the "Treatment" option was modified for any row in the hole
recognition table to either "Washer" or "Washer and mark", the saved parameter file would change
the value to "Seed and mark" or "Ignore", respectively.
• When performing mesh imprint with remeshing, deselected elements within the proximity area
were being incorrectly affected at times.
• Crashes experienced with the EM Lattice Mesh tool have been resolved.

3D Meshing

Resolved Issues
• The 3D minimum length check reported 100% failure.


Resolved Issues
• Improvements have been made to hexa element quality when realizing seam hexa (adhesive)
connectors with the “Hexa Around Connector” option.
• Segmentation error was experienced when absorbing “radioss type2 (spring)”.


Resolved Issues
The Orientation Review tool has been updated to correct issues experienced when displaying material
orientations defined by rectangular systems in the Abaqus user profile. Updates now account for:
• Local direction selection and additional rotation parameters on *ORIENTATION
• Projections onto 3D elements with properties that include layers
• Distributions on 3D elements

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.15

• Stack direction parameter on *SHELL SECTION and *SOLID SECTION

Conversion between Solver Formats

Abaqus to OptiStruct conversion
Connector behavior STOP/LOCK with Elastic/Nonlinear/RIGID converted to PJOINTG with STOP/LOCK
TABLED cards converted to TABLEG
CONNECTOR MOTION,Fixed converted to MOTIONJG,Fixed
Performance enhancements in conversion
HTML report updated for unsupported joints in conversion

LS-DYNA to Radioss conversion

Performance enhancement in conversion

LS-DYNA to OptiStruct conversion

MAT_123, *MAT_124, *MAT_224 to OS MATS1

Ansys to OptiStruct conversion

MASS21 converted to CMASS2

Model Verification

• A warning message will be displayed if no issues are found on the input data for all checks.
• A time-based restart has been added if PowerPoint creation stops due to system error for all
report generation.
• Part Name and Material Name columns are now turned off by default.
• A warning message will be displayed if no valid parts are imported to the session.
• Nodes and elements will be renumbered to avoid 9 digit conflicts across the solver.
• HyperView Player registration and batch cleanup is now included when performing a run as
part of a Model Verification check.
• A model verification temp folder will now be created for every model verification session to
avoid version conflicts. A temp folder will be created for the first run, and subsequent runs
will use the same temp folder. stdout and mvd configuration files will be copied from your
HyperMesh working folder to this new temp folder. Once the report creation is completed, the
stdout file will be copied back to the HyperMesh working folder.
• If HyperWorks is not installed on your machine while reviewing the PowerPoint report
generated by Model Verification, you can install HyperView Player from the Altair home page

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.16

using AddIns using the resources AltairHVPPPT_V_1.ppam and loadAddIn.vbs located in /

• Offset:
◦ Thicknesses less than 0.01mm are considered as 0mm and offset will be ignored.
◦ Config/Offset continuous/disjoint is removed
• Part Classify has been added to group parts with similar cad topology using the Model
Verification Shape Comparison function. The groups/part sets can be seen in the Part
Browser, Part Sets view. You can access this functionality via Verification > Part.
• Summary PowerPoint report is turned off by default for all of the verification functions.

• Nodal thickness is supported for Solid CAD vs FE comparisons.
• The config/fe-attach, fe-detach options are now turned on by default for plastic part
comparison treatments.
• Orphan surfaces/solids are deleted while performing a CAD vs FE comparison.
• The comparison result HyperMesh file is now saved in the report directory for the
• Thumbnail images now display part names instead of PIDs using the Config/Compareunified/
report setting.
• The Minimum area and Minimum Bounding Box values have been added to filter small parts.

Resolved Issues
• Symmetry check worked fine when the origin of the parts is at 0,0,0 location.

Spotweld check
• A number of Connection checks are now working for BIW models and take less than two
hours to perform.
• The closest Spot check will now display Component Links in HyperView Player.

Connection Check
• Holes-mismatch and holes-pair-mistmach checks have been improved to reduce false reports.

Resolved Issues
• Memory failure was encountered while checking more than 8000 parts. This issue has been
improved by adding a restart function and facets discretization values in the configuration
file. This functionality is applicable for both Connection and Intersection checks.

Spot Comparison
• CAD x mark lines are now compared with FE 1D elements.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.17

• You can now choose 1D Configuration types from the configuration user interface for FE vs FE
comparisons in the LS-DYNA and Nastran user profiles.
• The "Multi Assembly" option is now supported.
Resolved Issues
• False reports for layer mismatch and location mismatch have been improved.

• The “Fe file” selection option has been added to select a FE or CAD file directly.
• The “Mixed Import” option has been added to select CAD + FE simultaneously (tested on the
Import Function).
• Radioss files that have the file extension of .d00, .d01, and .rad are now automatically
recognized without changing them in the configuration file.
• UDMXL files can now be read from the network drive.
• The auto rename and renumber option is supported for multiple assembly input.
• An error message will now be displayed in the Log file if a Catia reader license does not exist.
• CAD import has been enhanced to judge Monolithic files or an Assembly's children files by
counting the number of files that exist in the selected folder. Single files that exist in the
selected folder will be considered as A Monolithic file if the “readMultipleParts” option is
turned on.

Crash and Safety

New Features
Creation of a complete restrain system
A new Seatbelt Tool has been added, and allows you to create a complete restrain system by
enabling the automatic creation of the related solver entities. This tool is available in the LS-
DYNA, Radioss, and PAM-CRASH user profiles and can be accessed from the Tools menu.

Note: The legacy Seatbelt tool, accessed from the panels area, has been completely

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.18

CAD and Solver Interfaces

CAD Interface

Updated version support
CATIA V5-6R2019
CATIA V6 2018x
Creo 6
NX 1847
• Native reader (Windows only)
• Third-party reader

Rhino 5 (Windows only)

Layer names
When splitting components by layer, the component name is taken from the layer name if it
exists, and the layer ID if it does not. This applies to ACIS, CATIA, CATIA V6, Creo, Inventor, NX
third-party, Rhino, STEP and SolidWorks.

Feko Interface

Resolved Issues
• Elements were not being imported from large FHM files.

LS-DYNA Interface

New Features
New LS-DYNA R11.0 solver interface
The LS-DYNA R11.0 solver interface is introduced along with related major keyword updates.

New entity type Comment

The *COMMENT keyword is now supported as a Comment entity.

Support of I10 format

LS-DYNA I10 format is now supported, and is activated on import when *KEYWORD i10=y is
defined in the input deck. A new option in the Export panel allows you to write out input decks in
I10 format.

Support of Long format

LS-DYNA Long format is now supported, and is activated on import when *KEYWORD long=y is
defined in the input deck. A new option in the Export panel allows you to write out input decks in
Long format.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.19

*SET ID Parameterization
*PARAMETER support has been extended to the parameterization of SET Entity IDs. The
parametrization of the IDs for those entities is also possible in any keywords where they are
Parameter type String or character “C” is now supported.
*PARAMETER_DUPLICATION is now supported.

New keywords
26 new keywords have been added and are part of the following LS-DYNA keyword groups:

Updated keywords
29 keywords have been updated and are part of the following LS-DYNA keywords groups:

Cross-Section Assistant tool enhancements

Improvements have been made to allow the automatic creation of a cross-section type Set.

Resolved Issues
• A correction was made for unresolved parameters when a parameter is referenced with a negative
• A correction was made when a Curve ID field is parameterized with a negative parameter value.
• ID offset in *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM caused export issues with *LOAD_NODE.
• The *DYNA_POSITION keyword was preserved during import and export.
• Issues have been resolved in *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL by handling field types correctly for
DPART, DBOX, DBOX_SHELL and DBOX_SOLID, and SET ID field length has been extended from 8
to 10 digits.
*SET_PART_GENERATE_Option keywords were being read when the LIST option was missing.
• Show, hide, isolate and review on master *SET type COLLECT.
• Show, hide, isolate and review for *CONTACT with SBOXID defined.
• *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION has been improved to retain expression data upon import and export.

Nastran NX Interface

New Features
Axisymmetry Material and Elements
The axisymmetry elements CQUADX4, CQUADX8, CTRAX3, CTRAX6 and axisymmetry material MAT3
has been added.

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2019.1.1 Release Notes p.20

OptiStruct Interface

New Features
OptiStruct solver features
The 2019.1.1 release includes critical enhancements that were made to the OptiStruct solver
released in 2019 and 2019.1.

Temperature dependent MAT9ORT is now supported via the MATT9OR entry.

Blank continuation on ACCEL/ACCEL2 for acceleration with no variation of magnitude

If the acceleration loading has a constant magnitude (no variation required), the continuation line
on ACCEL/ACCEL2 can be blank.

New user material

The user material MATUSR has been added.

Pattern group types in DSIZE

The missing pattern group types in the DSIZE card has been added.
Optimization response (DRESP1)
A SET of elements can be used to define the optimization response., and has been extended for
PSD/RMS stress/strain responses.

Rotor Dynamics
Rotor effect (RGYRO) can be included in static analysis. Rotor energy from complex eigenvalue
analysis is available in a .rengy file through the RENERGY output request.

Failure criteria for solid elements

MATF includes additional failure criteria for solid elements.

Elements of type CQUAD8 and CTRIA6 are now supported.

TABLED1 is created with two default sizes.

Model Checker
A new error check called “Contact card with missing both MSID and SSID or SSID” has been
added to the Model Checker.

Solver conversions
The materials MAT_123, MAT_124, MAT_224, MAT_24 are now converted from LS-DYNA to
Connector sections are now converted to Joints from Abaqus to OptiStruct.

Resolved Issues
• PCOMP was imported with long format.
• CBUSH was exported in long format.
• Import failed when reading long comments in the input deck.

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2019.1.1 Release Notes p.21

• The Subcase option was missing for the RESFORCE response in DCONSTR.

Radioss Interface

New Features
Support of Humanetics Radioss dummy models from Altair APA
With the support of the new /ENCRYPT keyword in the Radioss 2019 profile, the Humanetics
Radioss dummies purchased via Altair APA program are now supported in HyperMesh.

New keywords
13 new Radioss keywords added in the 2019 and 2019.1 releases are now supported, and are
part of the following Radioss keywords groups: /ADYREL, /ANIM, /DT, /ENCRYPT, /EOS, /MAT,
and /MONVOL.

Updated keywords
9 keywords have been updated with respect to the Radioss 2019 and 2019.1 release, and are part
of the following Radioss keywords groups: /ACTIV, /DEF_SOLID, /INTER, /MAT, /MONVOL, /PROP,
and /VISC.

Resolved Issues
• A correction was made in the deletion of /TH lines when a referenced entity was deleted.
• ALE_PHASE in the /INIVOL card is now correctly supported as a simple integer field, and is not a
material ID reference.
• By creating a new OutputBlock (/TH card), NUM_VARIABLES was automatically set to 1 and output
variable was automatically set to DEF.

Altair HyperGraph 2019.1.1 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• Curve references in expressions containing the saefilt95 math function were not being updated
when overlaying report templates.
• The CaptureActiveWindow API produced black images from HyperGraph in the 2019 release.

Solver Interfaces

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2019.1.1 Release Notes p.22

LS-DYNA Interface

Resolved Issues
• JNTFORCE entities in LS-Dyna R9.2 binout files are now supported.
• binout files from LS-Dyna R11 version are now supported. In the 2019.1 release, the application
crashed when R11 version of binout files were imported.

Nastran Interface

Resolved Issues
• Element stresses from Nastran punch files are now supported. Element strains of type 33 were
supported in previous releases. Element stresses of type 33 are now supported in this release.

Altair HyperView 2019.1.1 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
• Masked elements were being excluded from a Set's contents when Sets were imported in a Patran
session file (.ses) format
• Increased memory usage when animating a large transient (crash) simulation with a section cut.
• Application crashed when importing certain Acusolve (.log) result files generated by recent solver
• PamCrash ERFH5 files could not be loaded in the HVTrans application on a Linux platform.
• The application would freeze when certain Abaqus ODB result files were imported with the "Group
contacts reader" option set to false.
• Strange graphical artifacts were observed on very large session files when Linux machines were
used with NVIDIA graphics cards.
• A drop in animation speed was observed on certain pages in a very large session file that contained
hundreds of HyperView windows. This was reported as a known issue in 2019.1 release notes.

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2019.1.1 Release Notes p.23

Crash and Safety

New Features
Automatic post-processing of Moving Progressive Deformable Barrier and automatic calculation of
Standard Deviation and Occupant Load Criterion values
The new Moving Progressive Deformable Barrier (MPDB) can be used to automatically post-
process the Moving Progressive Deformable Barrier and automatically calculate the Standard
Deviation and Occupant Load Criterion (OLC) values, requested for the Euro-NCAP Compatibility
Assessment load case.

Automatic plotting of door ring deformation and automatic calculation of maximal door intrusion
The new Door Intrusion tool can be used to automatically plot door ring deformation and
automatically calculate maximal door intrusion, under vehicle frontal crash load case.

Solver Interfaces

ADVC Interface

• HyperView reader now reads ADVC result files on Linux.

LS-DYNA Interface

• HyperView reader supports FEMZIP d3plot for second order elements.
• HyperView reader can now read d3plot that have *SET_PART_TREE from R11.0.
• Component names from d3plot result files with version R10.0 and onward are now shown correctly.

Nastran Interface

• HyperView reader supports Nastran FEMZIP result files up to version 1.7.2.

Radioss Interface

Known Issues
The following known issues will be addressed in a future release as we continuously improve
performance of the software:

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.24

• The import of FemZip result files that contain SPH elements defined in the model will display
eroded elements in graphics when using versions of HyperView starting from 2019.
To circumvent this issue, use a previous version of HyperView (2017.4) or unzip the results file.

Altair MediaView 2019.1.1 Release Notes

Resolved Issues
• Dynamic measurement plots now show the values in Y at the proper scale that can directly relate to
the value of dY on MediaView window.

Altair MotionView 2019.1.1 Release Notes

Resolved Issues
• Flexible body H3d translated in version 2019 or later via mirror and mnf to h3d conversion was not
recognized by MotionSolve.
• In the 2019.1 release, MotionView supported adding CNAMES and CUNITS to output of type
expressions. There was a mismatch in the name assignment with the output components.

Altair HyperWorks Collaboration Tools 2019.1.1 Release


Resolved Issues
• Files added via the “Add Files & Folder” (AFF) mechanism to repository were shown as “General
• Application errors were experienced when using the “Saving/Check in” and “Select from list”

Aerospace 2019.1.1 Release Notes

New Features
Visualize normal loads and tangential (running) loads on group of shell elements
Use the new FreeBody tools: Panel Plot to visualize normal loads and tangential (running) loads
on group of shell elements which are identified as panel (an automatic identification is as well
available at creation time). Available in Nastran (*.xdb, *.op2) and Optistruct (*.op2) formats
from the Aerospace > Results > FBD menu.
Evaluate loads from either Element Forces or Grid Point Forces (GPF), and graphically observe the
envelope of the results for selected load cases.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.25

Create a summary or minmax table entity with all relevant outputs for each selected panel and for
each selected load cases using the "Reporting" option.

Visualize nodal forces and force/moment diagram on bar elements

Use the new FreeBody Tools: Bar Plot tool to visualize either nodal forces or force/moment
diagram on bar elements based on retrieved Grid Point Forces. Available in Nastran (*.xdb,
*.op2) and Optistruct (*.op2) formats from the Aerospace > Results > FBD menu.
Generate a graphic envelope with either absolute or algebraic minimum/maximum.
Create a summary or minmax table entity with all relevant outputs for each selected panel and for
each selected load cases using the "Reporting" option.
Query results
A results post-processing workflow is now available in HyperMesh, and can be used to seamlessly
process native results (*.xdb, *.op2) in HyperMesh using the various tools available from the
Aerospace > Results menu.
Create derived load cases based either on Linear Super Position (LSP) or Envelope. Envelopes
(min or max) are generated based on datatype/datacompent metric, keeping in the derived load
case all data relevant for the metric. For example, a load case created based on Envelope of
Stress:Von Mises will host [only] full stress tensor information for the generation of that envelope.
Perform queries on each result type stored in the result files, such as multiple load cases,
components, different layers and systems. You can also perform additional operations on data and
get dedicated reporting using the Min/Max, Ranking, and Envelope result query methods.
For more information on how to query results using this new workflow, refer to the Aerospace
- Results Worflow.pdf accessed from either your HyperWorks installation directory (<HW
installation>/updates/) or Altair Connect - 2019 Documentation Download.

NVH Director 2019.1.1 Release Notes

The calculation of the velocity dependent gyroscopic effects due to rotation, yielding a possible
small shift in mode frequencies above 100Hz with an additional improvement on the damping

Loads MSA
Implementation of the normal distribution for imbalance distribution in loads randomization for
Wheel and Tire Imbalance.

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Altair HyperWorks Desktop Release Notes
2019.1.1 Release Notes p.26

Altair HyperWorks X 2019.1.1 Release Notes

Resolved Issues
• A HyperWorks X session no longer shows the right-click context menu if v2019.1 is installed on top
of v2019 having same install location and shortcuts.

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering

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